hlf east ayrshire briefing 29.04.13

Download HLF East Ayrshire Briefing 29.04.13

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  • Outline of seminar

    Background: Who is HLF? What is heritage?HLFs grant programmesMaking a good applicationHow can we help?

  • Who we areOne of four lottery funders in ScotlandSupport heritage projects all sizes and typesFunding projects that make a lasting difference to heritage and peopleFund a variety of heritage through 16 different programmes

    4 lottery funders BIG, sportscotland, Creative Scotland & HLF. Wholly lottery fundedEdinburgh office for Scotland 17 members of staff & development team of 3, who advise anyone interested in applying to HLF and work with organisations from all over scotland to get in strong applications.Thanks to strong lottery sales and the funding for the olympics going back into the pot the UK budget is at an all-time high, with 400million to distribute this year. grants from 3k - 20million (and counting largest so far has been to the Riverside museum in Glasgow) for all types of heritage projects16 programmes will outline later in presentation, but hopefully means there will be one for the project you have in mind!

  • Priority Areas

    3 Priority Areas in Scotland for 2013 20182 further Secondary AreasAdditional support to bring forward good applications

    WL, WD, D & GAlso Fife and East Ayrshire.All very different areasWhy EA?

  • A lasting difference for heritage and people

    Strategic Framework 2013 2018

    *Launched new Strategic Framework in summer of 2012, can download from our website.Framework rather than plan flexibility to respond as neededApproach: not just what a project will do, what difference it will make - to heritage, people (as individuals), and communities > outcomesHave launched most of new programme. Keeping all existing programmes (updated and improved e.g. shorter decision times, and higher grants available)some new programmesnew opportunities for funding responding to changing funding environment, significant national events, and developments in the sectormore straightforward application process for smaller grants

  • Funding

    Good news HLF will award 400m this year to projects across the UK - more than twice as much as we expectedin 2008

    Butchallenging economic conditions andcontinued pressure on public sector finances

    *400m budget for UKScotland budget (grants up to 2m for open programmes) approx. 15m for 2013/14

    Government has restored the 20% share to HLF from lottery money that is spent on good causes, the impact of the Olympics reaching completion, and the outstanding performance of the lottery ticket sales to date.

    Clearly, this is very welcome at a time when there is so much pressure on public finances. Lottery funding cannot take the place of public funding nor should it but it can make an important contribution to improve the condition and access to our heritage.

  • New opportunities

    Digital SkillsSustainability

    Heritage at riskEnvironment

    *1) HLF wants to make sure that the sector makes the most of harnessing important digital opportunities. So, we will now fund projects whose main or sole focus is using digital technology that will give access to our heritage, to enable people to learn about heritage, and to develop interactive experiences of heritage that engage people. We are asking organisations to make their digital content widely available and free to use and re-use. This change means that HLF will be engaged and able to support digital outputs in heritage projects in a way that we havent in the past. For larger projects, it will be an expectation as part of engaging and getting people involved in the heritageDigital guidance is available on our website2) Supporting people to develop skills that will help to preserve and maintain our heritage: traditional skills in construction, nature conservation to protect habitats and species, heritage management skills3) Financial sustainability: develop capacity and skills in fundraising from non-public sources, helping heritage organisations to re-assess how they work through strategic and business planning this support is for organisations whose main focus is looking after and/or engaging people with heritage4) Why now question5) Environmental impact of the projects: Carbon emissions increasing or decreasing, more energy efficient footprint tool to help assess this

  • What do we fund?Is there a heritage focus?Is it a project? cannot fund core costsWe give priority to not-for-profit organisations*Ownership requirements for land, objects or buildingsFunding from 3,000 upwards!

    Our new strategic framework (more on that later) is less prescriptive about what we dont fund. We will look for there to be a heritage focus and generally replicas or recreations arent very competitive as they dont have as much of a heritage focus. Similarly overseas travel (to and/or from the UK) isnt going to be able to deliver very good value for money and so is less likely to be funded. And we wont fund projects that promote the cause or beliefs of political and faith organisations.

    *but can fund private organisations and individuals in some of our smaller programmes, if they demonstrate a step-change in their access to the public.

  • What is heritage?

    One of the first things the application form will ask you is what is the heritage that your project focuses on?

    Write down what some of these projects are

  • What is heritage?Historic buildings and sitesNatural heritage (e.g. historic parks, biodiversity etc)Museums, archives and collectionsIndustrial, transport & maritime heritageIntangible heritage (e.g. oral history, language and dialect, place names, cultural traditions etc)Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today and what we pass on to future generations. UNESCO

    UNESCO world heritage definitionAnything from the past that you want to share and sustain for the future.HLF doesnt define heritage its up to you to show us.

  • Built heritage

    Historic buildingsArchaeological sitesHistoric cemeteriesBridgesMonumentsChurchesHarbours Townscapes etc

    Start with what most people will think about first when they think about heritage buildings.We can help listed buildings improve their access to the publiclocal communities engage with their archaeology Encourage research and conservation of scheduled ancient monuments

    Also: THI programme (500k - 2m) for grants to help communities regenerate conservation areasGrants for Places of Worship (in partnership with Historic Scotland) max grant is 250k to make churches etc wind and watertight

    Examples of our support for built heritage:

    Restoration and interpretation of the Historic Building, Alloway Auld Kirk made famous in Burns Tam oShanter South Ayrshire Council (136,000)Bronze Age settlement on Unst, the Northern tip of Shetland - archaeology at risk from coastal erosion, excavation of three longhouse sites - SCAPE trust, St Andrews Uni (483,500)The restoration of the Scott Monument in Edinburgh - City of Edinburgh Council (1.6m)


  • Natural HeritageWoodland and forestsMountains Coasts and rivers Bogs and wetlandsSpecies and habitatsHistoric parks and gardens

    HLF can also help support projects that focus on Scotlands natural heritageIncludingBiodiversity projects: Restoring habitats so they can better support species that have been identified as at risk (identified in Local and UK Biodiversity Action Plans)Creating footpathsLearning conservation and monitoring skillsEtcMany of these we would expect to see come through our general programmes, but also:Parks for People programme (grants between 100,000 and 5m) supporting conservation and maintenance of well designed public parks repairing and restoring designed landscapes, repairing and restoring of built features, repairing boundaries, improving access

    Landscape Partnership large complex schemes based on dominant landscape feature such as Solway Firth or Tweed Rivers delivery of range of projects that will help to conserve the landscape

    Examples of the sorts of natural heritage projects that we fund:

    Stac Pollaidh: Mountain Access project which improved access, conservation and interpretation of the area - Footpath Trust Support for species and habitats: Perthshire Big Trees project, a tree management and conservation project by Perth & Kinross Countryside Trust Parks for People programme Tollcross Park in the east end of Glasgow which was restored through this scheme assists with regeneration (Glasgow City Council, Parks and Recreation Department)

  • Cultural heritage

    For example:

    Oral/ spoken history (peoples memories)History of language and dialectsPlace namesCultural traditions (festivals, stories, crafts)Heritage skillsHistory of traditional music and danceHistories of people, communities, places and events

    Heritage not just about objects or habitats, we also value the UKs varied and interesting cultural heritage as well. *

  • Museums, archives and collections

    Museums Archives and recordsLibraries (special collections)Old photographs

    Refurbishment of museums improved conditions for the collection and better interpretation, improved facilities to make the collection more accessible Cataloguing, digitisation, conservation more accessible historical material in library collections conserving them, digitisation make accessible


  • Industrial heritage

    Industries (e.g. mining, fishing,

    agriculture)MaritimeTransport railways etc

  • Grant Programmes

  • A lasting difference Heritage



    Better managed In better condition Better interpreted and explained Identified and/or recorded

    Developed skills Learnt about heritage Changed their attitudes or behaviour Had an enjoyable experience Volunteered time

    Environmental impacts will be reduced More people will have engaged with heritage Organisations will be more resilient Local economies will be boosted Local communities will be a better place to live In assessing projects we will look at the benefits it will bring to the heritage, people and communities. We call these outcomes.

    Have different requirements and weighted outcomes for different programmes so make sure you read the guidance. Key is quality not quantity!

  • Grant ProgrammesSharing Heritage

    Celebrating community heritageGrants from 3,000 - 10,000Not-for-profit groups8 week assessmentNo application deadlineProjects have to meet minimum of one outcome for people

    New small grants programme- developed after success of AOSAimed at community groups and small community heritage projectsShort simple formPEOPLE will have learnt about heritage

  • Grant ProgrammesOther programmes up to 10,000

    Start-up grantsCatalyst Small grantsFirst World War: now and thenCelebrate

    Start-up- new community groups taking responsibility for heritage assets for the first time. Funding to create business plan and legal documents, to allow groups to create a strategy for managing their heritage. (Could then apply for funding for heritage focussed project)Catalyst small- this programme has come out of HLFs desire to help the sector become more sustainable. This programme is for organisations who want to build their capacity for raising funds from the private sector; through things like the creation of friends schemes or legacy donations and by developing skills around this within the sector.First World War Centenary- focussing on helping young people to understand the impact of WW1 in their local area- Running through until 2019Celebrate- this programme is being run with all 4 lottery distributers. Want to help communities celebrate the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, and help people learn about the games and the commonwealth countries. Grants start from 500

  • Grant ProgrammesOur Heritage

    Replaces Your Heritage programmeAll types of heritage project Grants from 10,000 - 100,0008 week assessmentNo application deadlinesPrioritise not-for profit groups but can also fund private individuals and organisations*Projects have to meet minimum of one outcome for heritage and one outcome for people

    Also transition funding

  • Grant ProgrammesYoung Roots

    For projects led by Young People aged 11 25Relaunched Feb 13Grants from 10,000 - 50,0008 week assessmentNo application deadlinesEncourages partnerships between Youth and Heritage OrganisationsEmphasis on developing young peoples skills and engaging with heritage

    Only programme of its kind in the UK, encouraging young people to engage with heritage. 10,000 - 50,000 (slight change)Often the most creative projects, and all projects have to be led by young people (with young people rather than to)Not just heritage can help them to develop key skills and change their attitudes or behaviour, particularly around heritage. Also encourage them to work with the local community to share their heritageKey aspect is a partnership between a youth organisation and a heritage organisation, building on strengths of both to make a strong project with lasting benefits.One of the key focuses in the office so always happy to help, or chat about it.As per OH 8 week assessment, 100%.

  • Our Grant Programmes

    Grants for Places of Worship

    Grants from 10,000 - 250,0002 round processRun with Historic ScotlandHigh-level, urgent repairsScope extended to provide facilities to make buildings sustainable (up to 15% of total cost)Projects will need to meet minimum of one outcome for heritage and one outcome for communities

    Place of worship/ listed/ urgent repairs2 round process- as with HG- will discuss later15% for new costs- could be improvements to access/ kitchen/ toiletsOutcomes- HERITAGE in better condition and more PEOPLE and a wider range of people will have learnt about the heritage

  • Our Grant ProgrammesHeritage Grants

    Grants from 100,000 +Two round processScotland committee makes decision for requests up to 2millionRegular deadlinesCan apply for development fundingFor not-for-profit organisations and partnerships lead by not-for-profit organisationsProjects have to meet minimum of one outcome for heritage, one outcome for people and one outcome for communities (up to 2million)

    95% & 90%Quarterly deadlines

  • Our Grant ProgrammesOther programmes 100,000 +Parks for PeopleTownscape HeritageLandscape PartnershipsHeritage Enterprise

    PfP: grants up to 5m for historic parks and cemeteries easily accessed and well used green spaces in our communities often neglected/ fall into decline restore key features such as bandstands, railings, pavilions, original planting and design

    LP: grants up to 3m to conserve areas of distinctive landscape character examples in Scotland are Tweed River, Isle of Bute, Argyll (Dalriada), more recently Scapa Flow in Orkney, Clyde and Avon valley. Projects improving various heritage assets in area that are important to the landscape character e.g. natural heritage assets, built structures/ archaeology, cultural heritage, involving people, developing skills. Led by wide ranging partnership

    TH: grants up to 2m to improve built historic environment of conservation areas in need of investment in villages, towns or cities. Regenerate economically disadvantaged historic areas for the benefit of local residents, workers and visitors. This can include repair and re-use of vacant buildings, reinstate original architectural features on buildings e.g. shopfronts, improve public realm (footpaths, street furniture)

    HE: grants up to 5m to support the conservation and adaptation of an individual historic building or coherent group of buildings for an end use which actively contributes to sustainable development in areas experiencing economic disadvantage. Help to create more resilient model for the heritage with less dependency on public sector support. The key and common factor in all projects will be plans for a sustainable end use, most likely involving the generation of a commercial income. Focus of investment will be in areas of economic disadvantage, building/s should be of heritage value to the local community, private sector organisations will only be eligible as minority partners in a partnership led by not-for-profit org.

  • Project enquiry

    First round application

    Development phase

    Second round application

    Delivery phaseApplication process

    *Project enquiry not part of formal application process not assessed as such just getting advice response in approximately 10 days

    First round application with request for development funding see handout for information required

    Development phase develop project proposal in more detail and prepare second round application

    Second round application see handout for information required

    Delivery phase/ development phase*

  • Making a good applicationWhat we will assessCompleting an application

  • What we will assess Value for money - overall benefits of the project in relation to the grant request

    And how your application shows that the project:Has a clear heritage focusMeets our outcomes for heritage, people and communities Is an appropriate response to a need or opportunityIs financially realistic and has a clear need for lottery fundingIs well planned and managedWill be delivered by an organisation capable of completing the project

  • Decision-makingCommittee/ Board considerations: Value for moneyCase for public funding and risks of not doing projectNeed for HLF funding in particularProjects of exceptional value and lasting importanceHow much funding an area has already received and if it is a priority area

  • What we are unlikely to fundProjects outside the UKSalaries of existing staff (we can contribute to full cost recovery for voluntary sector)Core business or responsibilities (e.g. routine repairs)Projects that promote the cause or beliefs of political or faith organisations

    While under our new framework we aim to be more open and flexible, as per your feedback in the consultation, there are still some things that will not be likely to be competitive when they are assessed.

  • Common pitfalls in projectsThe project has no heritage focusProject has already startedProject delivers what could be considered everyday work of an organisationProject is too ambitious for the organisationHigh costs of maintaining the heritage/benefits after project completionNot enough partnership fundingNo activities to engage people/communities

    Handy hints!

  • The application journeyIdea!Read the relevant guidanceFill in a project enquiry form onlineAct on advice given by Development Officer

    Application Describe what you want to do clearly and succinctlyAssume we have no prior knowledgeMake sure the project costs add upAsk someone who does not know the project to read a draft application formAttach any supporting documents and submit onlineLeave enough time for assessment

    ProjectIf youre successful you must apply to HLF for permission to start (dont begin without us!)Keep in touch regular updates and photos are a must

    10 working days loads of guidance on website

  • How can we help?Project Enquiry advice online formMonthly advice surgeries in EdinburghFind us at Funding Fairs and Events (info on website)Ebulletin

    Website www.hlf.org.uk :Application materials Guidance documents Case studies examples of projects weve fundedResources (model of good practice etc)Mentor support

  • Contact us

    Anna Moore, Development OfficerHeritage Lottery Fund38 Thistle StreetEdinburghEH2 1EN0131 240 [email protected]


    4 lottery funders BIG, sportscotland, Creative Scotland & HLF. Wholly lottery fundedEdinburgh office for Scotland 17 members of staff & development team of 3, who advise anyone interested in applying to HLF and work with organisations from all over scotland to get in strong applications.Thanks to strong lottery sales and the funding for the olympics going back into the pot the UK budget is at an all-time high, with 400million to distribute this year. grants from 3k - 20million (and counting largest so far has been to the Riverside museum in Glasgow) for all types of heritage projects16 programmes will outline later in presentation, but hopefully means there will be one for the project you have in mind!

    WL, WD, D & GAlso Fife and East Ayrshire.All very different areasWhy EA?*Launched new Strategic Framework in summer of 2012, can download from our website.Framework rather than plan flexibility to respond as neededApproach: not just what a project will do, what difference it will make - to heritage, people (as individuals), and communities > outcomesHave launched most of new programme. Keeping all existing programmes (updated and improved e.g. shorter decision times, and higher grants available)some new programmesnew opportunities for funding responding to changing funding environment, significant national events, and developments in the sectormore straightforward application process for smaller grants

    *400m budget for UKScotland budget (grants up to 2m for open programmes) approx. 15m for 2013/14

    Government has restored the 20% share to HLF from lottery money that is spent on good causes, the impact of the Olympics reaching completion, and the outstanding performance of the lottery ticket sales to date.

    Clearly, this is very welcome at a time when there is so much pressure on public finances. Lottery funding cannot take the place of public funding nor should it but it can make an important contribution to improve the condition and access to our heritage.

    *1) HLF wants to make sure that the sector makes the most of harnessing important digital opportunities. So, we will now fund projects whose main or sole focus is using digital technology that will give access to our heritage, to enable people to learn about heritage, and to develop interactive experiences of heritage that engage people. We are asking organisations to make their digital content widely available and free to use and re-use. This change means that HLF will be engaged and able to support digital outputs in heritage projects in a way that we havent in the past. For larger projects, it will be an expectation as part of engaging and getting people involved in the heritageDigital guidance is available on our website2) Supporting people to develop skills that will help to preserve and maintain our heritage: traditional skills in construction, nature conservation to protect habitats and species, heritage management skills3) Financial sustainability: develop capacity and skills in fundraising from non-public sources, helping heritage organisations to re-assess how they work through strategic and business planning this support is for organisations whose main focus is looking after and/or engaging people with heritage4) Why now question5) Environmental impact of the projects: Carbon emissions increasing or decreasing, more energy efficient footprint tool to help assess thisOur new strategic framework (more on that later) is less prescriptive about what we dont fund. We will look for there to be a heritage focus and generally replicas or recreations arent very competitive as they dont have as much of a heritage focus. Similarly overseas travel (to and/or from the UK) isnt going to be able to deliver very good value for money and so is less likely to be funded. And we wont fund projects that promote the cause or beliefs of political and faith organisations.

    *but can fund private organisations and individuals in some of our smaller programmes, if they demonstrate a step-change in their access to the public.One of the first things the application form will ask you is what is the heritage that your project focuses on?

    Write down what some of these projects areUNESCO world heritage definitionAnything from the past that you want to share and sustain for the future.HLF doesnt define heritage its up to you to show us.Start with what most people will think about first when they think about heritage buildings.We can help listed buildings improve their access to the publiclocal communities engage with their archaeology Encourage research and conservation of scheduled ancient monuments

    Also: THI programme (500k - 2m) for grants to help communities regenerate conservation areasGrants for Places of Worship (in partnership with Historic Scotland) max grant is 250k to make churches etc wind and watertight

    Examples of our support for built heritage:

    Restoration and interpretation of the Historic Building, Alloway Auld Kirk made famous in Burns Tam oShanter South Ayrshire Council (136,000)Bronze Age settlement on Unst, the Northern tip of Shetland - archaeology at risk from coastal erosion, excavation of three longhouse sites - SCAPE trust, St Andrews Uni (483,500)The restoration of the Scott Monument in Edinburgh - City of Edinburgh Council (1.6m)

    *HLF can also help support projects that focus on Scotlands natural heritageIncludingBiodiversity projects: Restoring habitats so they can better support species that have been identified as at risk (identified in Local and UK Biodiversity Action Plans)Creating footpathsLearning conservation and monitoring skillsEtcMany of these we would expect to see come through our general programmes, but also:Parks for People programme (grants between 100,000 and 5m) supporting conservation and maintenance of well designed public parks repairing and restoring designed landscapes, repairing and restoring of built features, repairing boundaries, improving access

    Landscape Partnership large complex schemes based on dominant landscape feature such as Solway Firth or Tweed Rivers delivery of range of projects that will help to conserve the landscape

    Examples of the sorts of natural heritage projects that we fund:

    Stac Pollaidh: Mountain Access project which improved access, conservation and interpretation of the area - Footpath Trust Support for species and habitats: Perthshire Big Trees project, a tree management and conservation project by Perth & Kinross Countryside Trust Parks for People programme Tollcross Park in the east end of Glasgow which was restored through this scheme assists with regeneration (Glasgow City Council, Parks and Recreation Department)

    Heritage not just about objects or habitats, we also value the UKs varied and interesting cultural heritage as well. * Refurbishment of museums improved conditions for the collection and better interpretation, improved facilities to make the collection more accessible Cataloguing, digitisation, conservation more accessible historical material in library collections conserving them, digitisation make accessible


    Have different requirements and weighted outcomes for different programmes so make sure you read the guidance. Key is quality not quantity!

    New small grants programme- developed after success of AOSAimed at community groups and small community heritage projectsShort simple formPEOPLE will have learnt about heritage

    Start-up- new community groups taking responsibility for heritage assets for the first time. Funding to create business plan and legal documents, to allow groups to create a strategy for managing their heritage. (Could then apply for funding for heritage focussed project)Catalyst small- this programme has come out of HLFs desire to help the sector become more sustainable. This programme is for organisations who want to build their capacity for raising funds from the private sector; through things like the creation of friends schemes or legacy donations and by developing skills around this within the sector.First World War Centenary- focussing on helping young people to understand the impact of WW1 in their local area- Running through until 2019Celebrate- this programme is being run with all 4 lottery distributers. Want to help communities celebrate the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, and help people learn about the games and the commonwealth countries. Grants start from 500

    Also transition fundingOnly programme of its kind in the UK, encouraging young people to engage with heritage. 10,000 - 50,000 (slight change)Often the most creative projects, and all projects have to be led by young people (with young people rather than to)Not just heritage can help them to develop key skills and change their attitudes or behaviour, particularly around heritage. Also encourage them to work with the local community to share their heritageKey aspect is a partnership between a youth organisation and a heritage organisation, building on strengths of both to make a strong project with lasting benefits.One of the key focuses in the office so always happy to help, or chat about it.As per OH 8 week assessment, 100%.

    Place of worship/ listed/ urgent repairs2 round process- as with HG- will discuss later15% for new costs- could be improvements to access/ kitchen/ toiletsOutcomes- HERITAGE in better condition and more PEOPLE and a wider range of people will have learnt about the heritage

    95% & 90%Quarterly deadlinesPfP: grants up to 5m for historic parks and cemeteries easily accessed and well used green spaces in our communities often neglected/ fall into decline restore key features such as bandstands, railings, pavilions, original planting and design

    LP: grants up to 3m to conserve areas of distinctive landscape character examples in Scotland are Tweed River, Isle of Bute, Argyll (Dalriada), more recently Scapa Flow in Orkney, Clyde and Avon valley. Projects improving various heritage assets in area that are important to the landscape character e.g. natural heritage assets, built structures/ archaeology, cultural heritage, involving people, developing skills. Led by wide ranging partnership

    TH: grants up to 2m to improve built historic environment of conservation areas in need of investment in villages, towns or cities. Regenerate economically disadvantaged historic areas for the benefit of local residents, workers and visitors. This can include repair and re-use of vacant buildings, reinstate original architectural features on buildings e.g. shopfronts, improve public realm (footpaths, street furniture)

    HE: grants up to 5m to support the conservation and adaptation of an individual historic building or coherent group of buildings for an end use which actively contributes to sustainable development in areas experiencing economic disadvantage. Help to create more resilient model for the heritage with less dependency on public sector support. The key and common factor in all projects will be plans for a sustainable end use, most likely involving the generation of a commercial income. Focus of investment will be in areas of economic disadvantage, building/s should be of heritage value to the local community, private sector organisations will only be eligible as minority partners in a partnership led by not-for-profit org.*Project enquiry not part of formal application process not assessed as such just getting advice response in approximately 10 days

    First round application with request for development funding see handout for information required

    Development phase develop project proposal in more detail and prepare second round application

    Second round application see handout for information required

    Delivery phase/ development phase*

    While under our new framework we aim to be more open and flexible, as per your feedback in the consultation, there are still some things that will not be likely to be competitive when they are assessed. Handy hints!10 working days loads of guidance on website