~hjocnui~or:~slul#rinuo~rs~ hodir


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Page 1: ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ hodir
Page 2: ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ hodir

~nui~oqfu ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ ~ i lo~ i in~ iud i r 7 $god hodir

"The majority of voters mupported candidate X!'

Page 3: ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ hodir


$, .Dang0s house is smaller than Darn's,

'Fxemh is more beautiful than Spanish'.

Page 4: ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ hodir

................ 1. Magma is a solution of elements, but does not crystallize the way

ordinary solutions do.

................ 2, A good work-study schedule insures effective learning.

................ 3. Agriculture alters the ecosystem.

................ 4. Honesty and success are basically incompatible.

, \ ................ 5. A person of good reputation is always a person of good character.

................ 6. Earning a college degree is quite difficult.

................ 7. Scientists should keep their minds open and consider all1 potential


8. The REM pattern of both subjects shows a predominance of ................ I vertical eye movement.

9. Subsitution words are used to replace words, groups of words, or ................ I


.............. 10. Powdered gelatin mix hot water provides a means of creating

2 - such three-dimensional makeup effects as moles, warts, wounds, ' t.f

, $ X scars, and welts. /

' $1

Page 5: ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ hodir

naiul~airnun4olu' (HOW good m the fand)) 9 d

2.1.1 uolnaoitiu 7 i ina iu~ i~~o~f iun~t i~ i 9 d Iuni~JiinuouolnasiJla q iiaiu {~%uuozXor~i~rnod~d~dunaiuo~~~~nt

lfluilop5uiq~ln'i+~:4i~# naiuokuitodi~oirnqod~#~ao~nia i~dnaiuq?~ui~

or i i~oiaar i i rn~ld~uu~~da~¶# f i lbu~iul~uui~duafini~~iauin~'~uo~~nto~ d A d 4 4 w n o a b a o ~ ~uoc~ih?nuini~lulnu~u#ia'~1k;~uni~~u~u1ia:a~a360~uinil 7


in-fi&ogl+ou q imrtascta gq~'u#oyariir 7 $~naJunaiu~k~do 3 ~ o u oiorr

naicufluboyahnriuld11#an'iiol# Y d


2.1.2 uoma~kCu q ( l~owdiuioinl l~r i~d~bflo~#~fo~i

niT~iuciul~uud~zlnnln'uqunaiu~ln'ui~uEu &iu~i~duAo~tl~~onouk

nnddoynriir q #~aiiiinaiul&lio~~r1#uindoul~u4191 tbu oirraqii @iuu J Y * tdu~n~ nin~~~uulSuUnnnnyoiu~dn3iu14oBo r i i i l u o i o X o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m o u i ~ w ~ ~ ~ ' u w '

dd s 9

~ j l o n n i ~ n n ~ u W ) j i ~ ~ i l u ~ ~ u d ~ ~ n o u ~ a u mn~noiu$riuLucl~.1'~1u'fl'ou Y

aha% nim.r~meuri.lcr.nrRrto cioi~diIXbo~nwiodo~R003~u'u q nniR 9

initouIX 1 1 ~ 7 i q i i ~ q ~ ~ ~ u ~ u ~ u ~ ~ ~ u L R u ~ P ~ ~ ~ ~ ' u o ~ Q o ~ ~ # u ~ ~ ~ ~ H J ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ i n d

Page 6: ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ hodir

d d d l ihmurio~du1Ci~ulnt~9d3rl~un~1uii~l~unolu < l ~ t l ? 1 ~ l ~ l J i t t f ~ l f ~ ~ ~ d

(How good an the opinions?)

nor~unv~BXocuioonn~iuii~i~u~1oiori i4~~ tuiiuo~nciuriu f i i j o 1 h i i 1 w ~ u l v

lh1)/7d19 q do~a:10uudo~~1~~fol~afi9fi~1uii~li;u1i:~3~~~~~1ii~i#odi~1~~~: d a d aa~~m:u'ilaooonl# m ~ i ~ n ~ i r r l f l u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ l u r n u ~ t l o u i i l ~ ' ~ u ~ n ~ i u i i ~ ~ n n u ^ ~ ~

n%??ma~m3u~n~~um~la~~n~n~~1#1duor i i~A

Page 7: ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ hodir

a i l * um6cl~ ul d~enauil~1to4~~qn1nfi sa 4 4- ldrr novtljnmmvttr ulu'e~~u~u3nn'u " d don nto~iu~iuuo~uiu1~nGd1~nd~~n"~~d~uil '~i011t~w'ni~ 8u~do,uinnuuu

uolvtoCld Iaallil#c?llnuaniludofi


In general, the people in America are getting older. Of course, everyone

grows older, but the number of people over age 65 made up 11.4% of the I population of the United States. In the year 2000, this group is expected to

grow to 13.1%. And in 2050, it will be as high as 21.7%. One reason for this

is that people can now expect to live longer than they used to. Although

only 1% of the population lived to age 85 in 1981, by the year 2050 this

number will probably increase five times, to over 6.2% of the population.

As a result, the balance of different age groups is going to change greatly.

Page 8: ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ hodir

Answer the questions below

1'. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

..................... The main idea of the paragraph is

.............. a. Society is not going to change much in the near future.

.............. b. Society is going to grow younger in the near future.

.............. c. Society is going to change because people are .living longer.

2. Do you think the writer's facts are believable?

3. Do you agree with the writer saying that by the year 2050, the number of

people will probably increase five times to 5.2%? Why or why not?


Thomas Robert Malthus was an English economist. His most important I - @

S',iy work, which he wrote in 1798, was called "Essay on the Principle of

P, ,':;i

Population." He believed that the world's population grows faster than its food 7 ' e

Page 9: ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ hodir

supply; that is, there is not enough food to feed everyone. He believed that if \

people continued to have large families, hunger, disease, and war would kill

off the extra population.

1. What did Malthus believe?

............. a. There will not be hunger, disease, and war.

............. b. There will not be enough food for all the people in the world.

............. c. There will always be enough food for 'all the people in the


2. Do you think his belief is still true now?

Discuss your idea.

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I 1.18~lii?dolhr (Topic) wfocnarhfiq wain idea) U O . ~ I I ~ : ~ ~ B U

II%!U' 1 l ~ ~ ~ R ~ l ~ l ~ ~ 1 : H ~ f i ~ ~ ~ y ' 4 n ~ 1 ~ ~ 6 4 ~ l ~ ~ ~ n i ! 0 ~ ~

A. (1) Older chilhthrceand-four-year-olds--seem to do fine in quality

day care. (2) But m n t studies are far 'b encouraging for new parcntts

retunling to work. (3)"There is rather robust evidence that cbilckn who've been

in more than 20 hours af nonpaxental cam a week in the fitst year of lie are at

greater risk of being insecure in their r e l a t i d p a with mothers," says Dr. Jay

Belslcy, a PennState authority on child cam. (4)'Zater in childhood, these kids

are also l i l y to have more temper tantnuns, be more disobedient anddo less

well in school." *

* Hal Straus, "The Day Care Dilemma," -, Sopteniber 1983;

quoted in W. H. Mitler and S. 9 de ' o ~ w , R&hg

(Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foreman, 1990)i. 213,

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1. In your own words, main idea of this paragraph?

(Write a complete sentence.)


2. What is the author's main puupose? %

3. What is Dr. Jay els skis main parpose?

4. Is the paragraph mostly fact or mostly opinion?

5. How well do thk facts and opini& fit the author's purpose?


(1) Child-support payments should be as easy to make as car

payments. (2) Employers help their workers repay credit-union

loans with voluntary payroll deductions. (3) Now the city of

Los Angeles is encouraging companies to follow suit in order

to improve the compli- with child-support orders. (4) It

doesn't cost much to do. (5) It can actually save time and

money by avoiding the hassle that m u r s when an employee's

wages are garnished. (6) And, most important, it males sure

that children's needs for food, shelter and clothing can be

met. ('7) Many d i v d parents do pay to support their

children, but others have problems disciplining themselves to

do so. (8) Studies show that fewer than half the pants who

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are awarded child support rdceive the fill amount hit math

children sc owed; me-fob get no support rt all'

1. In your own words, what is dx main idcr of this paragraph?

2. What is the author's main purpose"? *

3. Where is an example of f d Sentence r m m k . I '

Where is an example of opinion? Sentence number: . Is this paragraph moetly fect or mostly opinion? L

4. Am the autha's f s l s and opinim =liable?

why? a

5. How well do the facts and opinions fit the author's purpose?

Tmm "Support for child sup$&))( -u 3 August 1988;

&oted in W. H. Mitler and S. S. c&'&m,

(Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Fanernah, &Wu 212213.

Page 13: ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ hodir

C. (1) Sweden, unlike America, bas a comprchcnsive early child-care program,

available as a right to all parents. (2) High fractions of mothers now w h in

both nations (84% in Sweden, 64% in America). (3) But in Sweden parents have

assurance that someone dependable is caring for the kids during work how.

(4) More fundamentally, Sweden has decided that even single mothem (and their

chilbn) are entitled to a decent standard of living. (5) Zn the United States the

typical public- assistance grant provides, an income well below the poverty

line. (6) It locks welfare mothers &to a cycle of dependency. (7) It offers

nothing to struggling single parents whose earnings plme them slightly above

welfare limits. (8) By contrast, in Sweden, as in most of 'Western h o p e ,

payments to single mothers ate rmff~cient to provide a modestly decent standard

of living, and society offers 0 t h family supports as well.'

1. In your own words, what is the main idea of this paragraph?


2. What is the author's main purpose? ,.

3. Where is an example of fact? Sentence number: %

Where is an example of opinion? Sentence number: %

Is this paragraph mostly fact or mostly opinion? 8.

%obert Kuttaer, "Single-P-t Family Nscdo't M a n Disaster,'' quoted in

W.H. Mitl& and S. S. de Orom, ReadixlgFasterdUra_-

(Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Fmman, l w ) , 213.

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*a~dod pap p &&q ayt4vn%uel rfap rq sprow a q au,m sasn

Page 15: ~HJocnui~or:~Slul#rinuo~rS~ hodir

tell when she feels happy or sad. She can talk abodt the past or the future. She

can insult people. She can even tell lies1

between 85 and 99-a little below the IQ of an average human child. Testing

Koko's IQ is not easy. Some test questions are unfair to gorillas. For example,

Koko was asked to choose between a housc or a tree far shelter from the rain.

Koko naturally chose the bee. The answer was marked wrong.

Dr. Patterson also uses spoken language with Koko. Because of this, Koko

can un-d hundreds of spoken words. Koko herself cannot use spolclen

language, but she loves to listen to people's conversations. Rtscarchers at the

Gorilla Foundation have to spcll out words like c-a-n-d-y and g-u-m when Koko

is nearby.

People used to think that only humans could use language. It is true that

gorillas carmot use their lips ad tongues to speali, but they cau communicate

with people in othcr ways. Koko has taught us that gorillas are smart-at least as

smart as chimpanzees. And we M e a lot mare to learn from her.

rr d A) d~w~de~~uemoai~

1. How many signs did Washoe learn?

2 When did Dr. Patterson begin to teach Koko?

a) in 1972 b) ia the 1960's c) in 1927 8t

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3) How old was Koko when she began to stu4 sign language? I

a) 36 months b) one Year c) four years '\

4) How' high is Koko's IQ? L

5) How many spoken words does Koko u n h ? '

a) under 100 b) between 100 and 200 c) morr: than 500

a a B) ' diuao?mn:H'mr:rhliql

Chowe the best answer.

1. The main idea of paragraph 1 is

a) Koko l iks in Caliiomia.

b) Koko the gorilla can use sign language.

c) sign language is used by deaf people.

2. The main idea of paragraph 4 is

a) Koko uses language the same way that people do.

b) Koko likes to tell lies.

c) Koko is a good language learner. I

3. Thc mian,i&a of paragraph 5 is

a) Koko is pretty smart.

b) human IQ tests aren't made for gorillas. I , I

c) it's difficult to test Koko's IQ.

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4. Tk main idea of the last &agraph'is _. a) gorillas can't use their lips andL tongues to speak.

b) we can learn more from research with gorillas.

C ) gorillas are as mart as c h i m P k s .

True or false? Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Write the

sentence from the story that suppOrts your answer. If the article doesn't

give the anmver, write It doesn't my.

Example: Koko lives in Afiica. F

She lives at the G o r i n a O

1. Koko isn't a person. ,


2. Koko has a large voeabulq.

3. Scientists taught sign language to chirnpanzeee before 1970.

4. Koko learned 36 signs in t h e years.

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5. Dr. Pa#emon's nickname is 'Penny."


6. Koko is usually polite and hcmest. a

7. Dr. Patkmm is a medical doctor.


8. Koko can understand only a few words of spoken Engliah. . I


9. Candy is good for gorillas. ,

10. We knaw everything about Koko. .