history of raf squadron 145

Royal Air Force Operational History of Squadron 145 Author: Eric Young, 145 Squadron Association Copyright. First published May 1998 Revised Edition February 2002 & November 2005 Revised Edition November 2007.

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History of RAF Squadron 145


Page 1: History of RAF Squadron 145

Royal Air Force

Operational History of Squadron 145

Author: Eric Young, 145 Squadron Association


First published May 1998

Revised Edition February 2002 & November 2005

Revised Edition November 2007.

Page 2: History of RAF Squadron 145


The motto of 145 Squadron, Noctuque Pugnamus, translated describes the history of this famous Royal Air Force fighter squadron-----


The Squadron served with distinction during two World Wars, and during the `Cold War` of the 50`s in Germany.

One of the top scoring squadrons, the aircrew and ground crew became more than an effective and efficient team, but a `family whose common bond and affinity` still exists to the present day.

It is with this sense of service and comradeship, by those many members of 145 squadron in all theatres of operation, many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice both in the air and on the ground that this brief condensed account of its history is given. E young.


Middle East 1918/1919. First formation of 145 Squadron

Whilst the carnage of the battles of the First World War continued to rage on the fields of France, another theatre of operation was taking place in the Middle East.

Here the enemy was the Turkish Army and Air Force.

It was against this background that 145 was first formed as a fighter squadron at ABOUKIR, Eqypt on the May 1918

Its first commanding officer was a Major R.M. Drummond DSO. who previously had served as a pilot with 111 Squadron.

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145`s first aircraft was the Royal Aircraft Factory`s S.E. 5A, a single seat fighter, with a Hispano Suiza engine, polished wooden interplane struts, propellor and undercarriage legs.

The squadron remained at Aboukir for only two weeks, moving to Abu Sueir,

quickly working up to operational strength. Late August, the squadron moved to Qantara, then in September to Ramleh, Palestine, joining with 111 Squadron for General Allenby`s great offensive.

It was successful in its mission, continuous standing patrols over the main enemy airfield at Jenin on the Lebanese border, keeping the enemy`s aircraft grounded and preventing them from spying on or attacking the advancing British Army.

When Jenin fell, at least 8 Pfalz aircraft were found destroyed.

The Armistice with Turkey in October 1918, saw 145 returning to Qantara, then quickly to Suez, the squadron finally been disbanded in February 1919.

An interesting feature of this era was the Squadron Badge.

The Knights Templar Cross with a Scimitar, with two notches on the blade.

This alluding to the battles with the Turkish Army and Air Force, and its connection with 14 Squadron.

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SECOND WORLD WAR 1939 to 1945

United Kingdom, Middle East, Malta, Sicily, Italy

Second Formation of 145 Squadron

As the storm clouds gathered over Europe, the glimpse of things to come were seen by the `Blitzkrieg` during the Spanish Civil War on the populace in the cities by the German Luftwaffe.

The defence of British cities thus became paramount, London in particular, the Air Ministry creating many more Royal Air Force fighter squadrons.

10th October 1939,145 Squadron was reformed on the second occasion, and

based at Royal Air Force CROYDON for the defence of London.

The first commanding officer was Squadron Leader J.D.(Dusty) Miller.

Throughout that October, November and December the squadron acquired Bristol Blenheim 1F fighter bombers from Kemble, Aston Down, Gloucestershire and Tern Hill, Shropshire.

The identification code for 145 was `SO ؤ` (Sierra Oscar.NATO)

Working up to operational strength, was not without a number of accidents and deaths, the training continuing on the Blenheim until March 1940, when the squadron was re-equipped with the Hawker Hurricane Mk 1.

Quickly the squadron found itself working up to strength once more, whilst German forces were preparing for the all out attack on the Low Countries and France.

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Early May 1940 the squadron moved to Filton, near Bristol, however this move was indeed very short lived, as the sudden escalation of the war in the Low Countries and France, caused 145 to move the very next day to TANGMERE.

It was here that the Squadron Badge was changed.

The Knights Templar Cross remained, but the Scimitar was removed, a Sword

replacing it. The reason was, Turkey was now our ally, and the Air Ministry was conscious not to cause offence. Indeed one of the ground crew from that period recalls sitting down, painting, and removing the Scimitar from his steel helmet.

145 commenced ferrying replacement Hurricanes to hard pressed units in France, aircraft of two flights of 145 flying from MANSTON to assist in the actions.

The month saw many successful actions over Belgium and France, but with a high cost in pilots and aircraft.

The Wehrmacht pushed ever onwards, eventually leading to the British Expeditionary Force fighting a rearguard action at Dunkirk,the squadron with other units providing as much air cover as possible to the evacuation of troops on the beaches.

This period saw the loss of 5 pilots killed in action, 4 of whom were lost during the Dunkirk evacuation, and 3 pilots returning to base after ditching in the Channel. An interesting fact of the Dunkirk period is, the Royal Air Force lost 99 aircraft, whilst the Luftwaffe lost 131 aircraft.

June 1940 saw new pilots joining 145, Polish, Belgian as well as British, and a new commanding officer, Squadron Leader J.R.A. Peel DFC.

Squadron activity continued over the Channel, escorting shipping convoys between Beachy Head and Portland Bill, with some success.

July commenced with the loss of a pilot, shot down near Hastings by return fire from a Heinkel 126. This pilot was one of two R.N. Sub.Lieutenants who had been seconded to 145. He was

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the only casualty between Dunkirk and the July 1940, the official first day of the Battle of Britain. The period 10 July 1940 to 31 October1940, was subsequently decreed by the then Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill as the Battle of Britain.

The month saw the Luftwaffe`s first major attack on the Channel convoys,

As a prelude to the intensive aerial conflicts of the Battle of Britain

The actions named by the Germans as Kanalkampf.

It was during this period that that 145 moved to WESTHAMPNETT, a satellite airfield of Tangmere, and also saw Polish pilots joining the squadron.

August 1940 commenced in a similar vein, until on the night of 7/8 August, 25 Coasters on Convoy CW9.with 9 RN Escorts fitted with RAF barrage balloons were attacked by the German 1stMTB Flotilla.

The next morning, 8 August, the convoy plodded slowly onwards past Beachy Head where it was attacked by a large formation of Me 109`s, Me 110`s and Junkers 87 Stuka dive bombers. (RAF Operation Peewit).

145 scrambled, gaining high sun, the C.O. Squadron Leader JRA Peel using for the first time as the enemy aircraft were sighted, the words,

Tally Ho.

One pilot who had flown in France, stated on seeing the enemy aircraft,

...................that he had never seen so many in the skies at any one time.....

Three sorties were flown by 145 that day, sadly 5 pilots were killed in action.

The squadron claimed 17 enemy aircraft destroyed (confirmed), out of a total of 42.

At the conclusion of this operation, the Air Officer Commanding 11 Group,

AVM Keith Park (later Sir Keith Park)visited 145 squadron to congratulate them on their magnificent efforts. Sir Archibald Sinclair, the then Air Minister, also sent a telegram of congratulations to the Commanding Officer of 145.

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The days that followed saw more actions over Portsmouth and Portland Bill, and more casualties, the loss of 3 pilots, 2 others injured, including the Commanding Officer.

One pilot recalled that since joining the squadron in May, only 6 of the original number had survived Dunkirk and the period up to the 12 August 1940. The loss of aircraft left 145 with only 8 serviceable and 601 squadron also based at Tangmere, being in a similar plight caused the squadrons to fly as a composite unit in some sweeps down the French coast.

14 August 1940 saw 145 relieved and moving to DREM, Scotland. Such had been the losses, that one surviving pilot remarked,

" Our feelings at being withdrawn, were one of obvious relief and some regret and sadness for those who had not survived, although we expected to be back to the south as soon as we had re-equipped and received replacement pilots.....the ground crew were due a rest, they had been working night and day to carry out rearming, refuelling and repairs under considerable pressure "

At Drem they gained new pilots and several new Canadian built Hurricanes.

The scale of action having decreased, they flew with detached flights at Dyce and Montrose until the 9th October 1940 they returned south again, back to TANGMERE.

Though the Battle of Britain was now past its peak, there were many successful actions, but at a further cost, with pilots killed or injured and the loss of numerous aircraft.

November saw further actions, on one occasion, a force of Bf 109`s were attacked several claimed, but again with the loss of pilots and aircraft.


Saw 145 being reequipped with the Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1.,and in February; Mk 11

The squadron also received a new commanding officer, an ex Battle of Britain pilot, Squadron Leader W.J. Leather DFC.

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The year saw the introduction of the `Leaning into France` offensive, often referred to as the Fortress Europe campaign.

Initially there were flights over France and attacks on ground targets by fighters using low cloud base. These operations being named, `RHUBARBS`.

March commenced with CIRCUSES and a new Wing Leader for the Squadrons

at Tangmere, Wing Commander Douglas Bader DSO, DFC (later Group Captain Sir Douglas Bader).

April ; 145 received a new commanding officer, a Canadian who had served and flown with Bader on 242 Squadron during the Battle of Britain, Squadron Leader P.S. (Stan) Turner DFC.ؤ

May, 145 moved to MERSTON, a satellite of Tangmere and received some

Supermarine Spitfire Mk 11B.

Throughout this period and the following months, actions initially over France,then Belgium and Holland, saw the squadrons accompanying bombers on the `CIRCUSES`. Though successful, there was a heavy loss of pilots and aircraft.

Indeed, this was to the ratio of 2:1 {This was a greater ratio than BofB-Ed)

145 during this period accounted for the destruction of 19 enemy aircraft, but, lost killed in action, 9 pilots, with many others wounded or shot down, together with aircraft lost or severely damaged.

At the end of July 1941 , 145 Squadron moved to CATTERICK, North Yorkshire.

The period at Catterick, was one of retraining pilots from O.C.U`s on Spitfires and carrying out East Coast Patrols.

Although much quieter than the preceding months, there were some fatal flying accidents.

October, a new commanding officer arrived at Catterick, an ex Battle of Britain pilot, Squadron Leader D.J.C. Lovell DFC.

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During the period September to November 1941, the squadron received some

Supermarine Spitfires 11B & VB.

MIDDLE EAST North African/Western Desert Campaign

Early February 1942 found 145 enroute for the Middle East, eventually arriving at HELWAN, Eqypt in that April.

The Squadron having the distinction of being the FIRST fighter squadron to fly Spitfires in the desert. The squadron was allocated a new identification code, ZX (Zulu Xray NATO), this appended to the Spitfires as their numbers increased.

The squadron was equipped with tropicalised Supermarine Spitfires VB.

Rommel and the Afrika Corps were making advances from Libya across the desert at this time , and 145 was required to quickly become operational, moving in May to GAMBUT Main, on the Libyan Border.

The month also saw a further change of commanding officer, an ex Battle of Britain pilot, Squadron Leader C.N. Overton DFC.

This was the period that the Squadron became part of the D.A.F.©Desert Air Force, a term and name which many even today, still hold in extremely high esteem.

June saw heavy fighting at GAZALA, and 145`s first operations, whilst Tobruk was encircled by the Afrika Corps. There were many operations and moves to L.G.`s (Landing Grounds) in the desert, as the Afrika Corps continued to push the Allied Forces towards Eqypt.

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Eventually after a tremendous tempo of actions, the squadron returned to L.G.154, with detachments at L.G. 39 and 172.

This was the Alamein Line.

July saw 145 at the Bir Hacheim, where the fighting was particularly heavy, and many operations against the Afrika Corps, who were still pushing the Allies towards Eqypt.

Early August, 1942, Idku, a rest period for the squadron, this was short lived, with continued actions, and on one period an attempt to intercept the high flying Ju 86ps, a Spitfire was stripped down, intercepted one at 40.000ft, but unfortunately the guns froze.

August saw a new Allied Ground Forces Commanding Officer, the famous,

General Bernard(Monty) Montgomery(later Field Marshal).

At the end of August, a new commanding officer for 145 arrived, an ex Battle of Britain pilot, Squadron Leader G.P.H. Matthews DFC.

September 1942 continued in a similar vein, however, Rommel and the Afrika Corps had now been brought to a halt.

October they moved to L.G.. 173, again non stop flying and successful actions, until the battle commenced which would ultimately lead to the defeat of Rommel .

At 9.40pm on 23 October 1942, 1000 heavy guns opened up for the, El Alamein offensive. November, the squadron moved to L.G.21, with the RAF(DAF) having gained air superiority, there were numerous successful sorties, indeed during the 10 days of the Battle of El Alamein,

145 destroyed 9 enemy aircraft, with 2 losses.

There then followed a `race` across the desert, harrying and attacking Rommel and the retreating Afrika Corps, 145 and other units of 244 Wing, 92, 601,No 1 SAAF Squadrons having many successful actions.

The end of November saw a further change of commanding officer for 145,

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an ex Battle of Britain pilot, Squadron Leader R Marples.

JANUARY 1943 found 145 now at HAMRAIET deep inside Libya, again the tempo of flying and actions were tremendous, indeed within a few days 6 enemy aircraft were destroyed, sadly a few pilots were lost.

Early February 145 moved to CASTEL BENITO, continuing with actions and moves forward, and late in the month, a new commanding officer,

Squadron Leader L.C.(Lance) Wade DFC, an already high scoring American, a pilot who had been with an Eagle Squadron.

March saw the Afrika Corps trapped in Tunisia, and around the heavily fortified Mareth Line, from which they launched a counter attack on the Allied troops.

One member of the ground crew remembers this period, dust in the distance which were Panzers, then shelling the L.G., resulting 145 aircraft taking off at all angles to escape the shelling. Sadly some failed to make the air, one crashed, the pilot been taken prisoner.

145 then moved to Bu Grara, and were joined by a crack POLISH fighting team of experienced pilots led by Squadron Leader Skalski. This team was often referred to as Skalski`s Flying Circus.

However, they provided top cover to the USSAF P.40`s,and on one occasion , destroyed 4 enemy aircraft, and with 145 within a short period destroyed a total of 8 enemy aircraft.

More moves and actions in April, then in May the squadron escorted Kittyhawk Squadrons strafing and bombing the shipping and ground forces around Tunis.

On the 12th May following the surrender of the Afrika Corps, 145 went again to BEN GARDANE.

Following this the squadron gave fighter protection to bombers on missions to two islands which had been the main German supply areas for the mainland.

The period of 1942 & 1943 was indeed an extremely hard and punishing one for 145, though extremely successful, and developing some really experienced pilots, it sadly also saw many brave men making the ultimate sacrifice.

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The Squadron now had a mixture of Supermarine Spitfires, V111, and Vc`s and 1X`s


JUNE1943 the squadron moved to LUQA, Malta, here they were involved in sweeps over Sicily, escorts to fighter bombers and high level bombing as a a prelude to the invasion.

July 9 the invasion of Sicily commenced, the squadron giving air cover over Syracuse, Augusta and Cantania.

On 13 July; 145 was the FIRST squadron to land at PACHINO in Southern Sicily, they were at constant readiness and scrambled two or three times a day to give cover to the invasion forces.

Then a move to CASSIBILE giving cover to Kittyhawk fighter bombers, then to LENTINI WEST.

Whilst at Lentini West, the German forces were pinned down in a pocket to the north, and 145 and the Wing suffered heavily during a Luftwaffe raid, over 100 aircraft destroyed or damaged and many ground crew killed and injured. August further patrols Syracuse to the Messina Straits, escorts to Kittyhawks, then the Americans entered Messina and Sicily was totally occupied by Allied forces.

The rest of August operations continued in a similar vein, and at the end of the month

the Polish Fighting Team left the squadron.


There then followed operations over Southern Italy, 145 moving to the mainland

in September 24 to GIOIA DEL COLLE, Italy. The squadron was re equipped with Supermarine Spitfires V111`s with Merlin 66 engines .

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October saw further escorts and support to the front lines, usually flying two or three sorties a day, three bomber escorts, a successful month, with only one casualty.

That October, whilst the Squadron was still under the command of Squadron Leader L.C.(Lance) Wade DFC*,

145 Squadron received a very rare honour, Air Vice Marshal Harry Broadhurst (later Air Vice Marshal Sir Harry Broadhurst) presenting

the Squadron Crest/Colours in the field ( a battle zone) for its exceptional contribution to the campaigns.

November continued with patrols over the battle zone and bomber escorts, and at later in the month a move to CANNE. Then the Sangro River battle, and another successful month, also a change of commanding officer, a Canadian,Squadron Leader O.C. Kallio DFC.

It is fitting to note that the previous Commanding Officer,

Squadron Leader L.C.(Lance) Wade DFC*,personal score had risen to 25 enemy aircraft destroyed, sadly, later, on January 12 1944, he was killed in a flying accident in Foggia, Italy.

JANUARY 1944 saw 145 strafing road and rail links, and a move to Naples and a new base at MARCIANISE. Here the squadron covered the ANZIO bridgehead, and also escorted Marauder bombers west of Rome and Bostons bombing Cori.

Again success, but with losses.

February continued in a similar vein, again with success in the air, however, late in the month, the commanding officer returning from a sortie crashed on landing, breaking a leg, and had to leave the squadron.

Flight Lieutenant H.S. Woods DFC, acted as Commanding Officer until the

Squadron Leader Neville Duke DSO. DFC* took over command of 145 Squadron.

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At this time the squadron was credited with 196 enemy aircraft destroyed.

A few days later, there was a large combat mission over Anzio involving 20 enemy aircraft,145 destroyed 2 but lost 1 to flak.

The Allied ground forces were still pushing northwards, but were accounting for the malestrom at Monte Cassino.

April passed with more success in the air, and the squadron moved to VENAFRO.

In May during a sweep over Perugia, 5 enemy aircraft were destroyed and a

further 3 damaged.

145 was then attached to 324 Wing at LAGO, and whilst escorting Baltimores of the USAAF on a bombing mission on 21 May, a further 8 FW 190`s were destroyed and 2 damaged.

Successful operations continued in June, though the C.O. was shot down,

fortunately he later returning to base.

The Wing and 145 moved to other bases, more success arriving early July at PERUGIA. The Spitfires of 145 were now fitted with bomb racks and carrying 250 and 500lb bombs for close support actions against Panzer parks and the like, the consequence of flying this type of sortie, saw an increase in losses due to flak.

August again a move to LORETTO, more success, when the C.O. shot down two Bf 109`s north of Rimini. September a move to FANO, the squadron continuing solely now with bombing and strafing actions, referred to as, `ROVER DAVIDS`

Late September 1944,the C.O. Squadron Leader Neville Duke DSO. DFC** left, his personal tally now being, 28 destroyed, 3 probables and 5 damaged.

It was during his period commanding 145 that he was awarded a further BAR to his existing DFC and Bar.

Thus a new commanding officer arrived, Squadron Leader Ginger Daniels.

The squadron continued pounding enemy defensive positions in and around the Gothic Line ,then in December they moved to BELLARIA, continuing with similar operations.

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The early months of 1945, saw a continuation of close support operations, and because of this role, a progressive loss of aircraft. For example January- 3 lost, February ,3 lost, April, 6 ,lost.

May 145 received some Supermarine Spitfire Mk1X , and moved to TREVISO.

Then following the fall of Rome on 4th June , reduced hostilities, and ultimately the end of the war in Europe, for the second occasion, on 19 August 1945, the Squadron was disbanded.

The final tally during these war years, 1939 to 1945, displayed 145 with an outstanding record as one of the Royal Air Force`s top scoring fighter squadrons.

My figures reveal 215 enemy aircraft destroyed and countless others damaged, Though I may add , this figure is really very conservative.

Though a great achievement, sadly the cost in lives and injury to pilots and ground crew together with the loss of aircraft were exceptionally heavy.

This then is but a brief outline of 145 and the dedicated brave men who served their country with distinction, during 1939 to 1945. Often said to be one of the most evil wars.

`COLD WAR 1952 TO 1957


Third formation of 145 Squadron.ؤ

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At the cessation of hostilities in 1945, there followed a period of high tension by Russia and their satellites. This period of attrition often been referred to as the `COLD WAR`. The Berlin Airlift in the late 40`s, the Korean War in the early 50`s, East Germany building massive ground forces, this background causing the Air Ministry to increase the number of fighter squadrons.

March 1952 found 145 reformed on the third occasion at Royal Air Force, CELLE, the first commanding officer being, Squadron Leader C.A. Rennie DFM.

The squadron was part of 139 Wing, the other squadrons been, 16 and 94 and equipped with it`s first jet fighter,De Havilland Vampire FB 5.

An interesting feature of this third reformation was, that once again as in the two World Wars, 145 found itself as a virtual front line unit.

RAF Celle in Northern Saxony was a former Luftwaffe airfield, built originally in 1935 and expanded during the Berlin Airlift. It was however situated only a comparative short distance from the East German border and the MIG bases. The border was so close that aircraft coming into the circuit could stray into enemy territory.

This proximity factor caused the squadrons to be fully mobile units, the aircraft armed on Battle Flight in dispersal pans with the pilot in situ.

This also saw, the Squadrons regularly tested in NATO exercises

the aircraft and personnel working in an off site scenario, often under canvas at airfields and basic landing strips.

The constant threat by East German ground forces and armour, requiring 145 to have continual air to ground firing practice at the nearby Fassberg ranges, to maintain the operational effectiveness and efficiency.

February 1953 saw a change of commanding officer,a Canadian,

Squadron Leader F.A. Johnson DFC.

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July during `Exercise Coronet`, 145 lost two pilots and aircraft.

The squadron continued with further exercises increasing their efficiency as a unit, and visits to Air Practice Station SYLT, an island of the North Friesian Group near Flensburg, for air to air gunnery practice.

April 1954 the squadron was re equipped with the De Havilland Venom FB 1, a more powerful and versatile aircraft, it was during this initial period that there was a number of accidents and a pilot killed.

October 1954 saw a change of commanding officer for 145, Squadron Leader L.C. Bazalgette


Commenced with a continuing state of tension and during one particular period there was massive movement of East German armour at the border, causing a further heightening of operational requirements, fortunately this period pasted without any military engagement.

During one period at A.P.S. Sylt the aircraft developed a serious technical fault,resulting in two Venoms whilst airborne going on fire, the pilots utilising the ejection seat to safety, resulting only in minor injuries.

More NATO exercises followed, the squadron being based during one period at Florrenes, Belgium near the French Border.


The year continued in a similar vein, more NATO exercises, efficiency testing of the unit,

145 based at Norvenich, near Aachen on one period and on returning to base at Celle a continuation of further air to ground firing at the Fassberg ranges, and visits to the Air Practice Station at Sylt.

September 1956 saw a further change of commanding officer for 145,

Squadron Leader H.Miller.

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1957 was a very eventful year for 145, the commanding officer leaving in the April, and a Flight Lieutenant B.F. Hills, assuming the role of C.O.

Squadron aircraft were restricted to 750 flying hours, there were savage defence cuts, and suddenly 145 now `became surplus to requirements`.

So the squadron continued until 15th October 1957, when after a fly past at RAF Celle, the squadron led by Flight Lieutenant Hills, saw the Venoms flown to Butzweilhof for final disposal, and 145 was once again disbanded.

One could be forgiven for thinking that once again this was the end of 145, but, it has often been said, a Squadron never ceases to exist, and it is much more than an inanimate object.

Thus like the Phoenix, it again arose from the ashes of disbandment to become a `shadow` squadron with 226 and 229 (Operational Conversion Units).

Throughout the 60`s to early 70`s they flying Hawker Hunters in 145 decals and English Electric Lightnings in handsome red/white spines and 145 decals at various U.K. airfields, Chivenor, Middleton St. George and Coltishall.

May 1971 however saw the final removal of the Knights Templar Cross and

Sword from Royal Air Force aircraft.

Today, 2002 & 2007

The number 145 still exists, and it`s decals can been seen at air shows in the U.K and USA on two airworthy Supermarine Spitfires, which are tremendous ambassadors for the Squadron and an a tribute to all of the men of 145.

October 2007, a De Havilland Venom was installed at the entrance to the

Grove Technology Park, Oxfordshire.

Grove having been No 3 MU in the 50`s and the major supplier of spares for the Venom.

The Venom of course being the aircraft flown by 145 at RAF Celle in 2TAF.

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The Venom is painted in silver with the St. Georges cross painted on the booms, and is an another tremendous reminder of and an ambassador for 145 Squadron


At Manchester, there is 145 Altrincham and Hale Squadron Air Training Corps,who also continue to uphold the proud motto of 145, Diu Noctuque Pugnamus.

The Air Training Squadron supported by 145 Squadron Association,Royal Air Force with a annual bursary and presentation to a cadet.

This then concludes, but a brief condensed history of the men and flying machines of 145.

Many years had passed, however due to the diligence of one person, in 1994 the present Association was formed. and has continued in strength to strength, despite the aging members.

Thus the comradeship and affinity of all those who served during those many years,is still retained to the present day, it being an integral part of 145 Squadron Association thus ensuring 145s record of service for posterity.


The Author wishes to acknowledge the kind and invaluable assistance by all members of 145 Squadron Association, research, use of photographs of authors in books, articles and other sources e.g RAF Museum, Military Aircraft Photographs;

Neville Duke DSO. OBE, DFC**, AFC Test Pilot and Live & Times with 145".

Peter L. Parrott DFC*, AFC Life and times with 145.

Eric Marsden Nuts and Bolts of 1940",

Page 20: History of RAF Squadron 145

Dilip Sarkar MBE `Bader`s Tangmere Spitfires The Untold

Story of 1941,

Andrew Thomas Camouflage and Markings,

H. S. (Steve) Woods DFC Operational Tour with 145.

Robert Lamplough Owner of a Spitfire & De Havilland Venom

Author------- Eric Young 145 Squadron Association


First published May 1998

Revised Edition February 2002 & November 2005

Revised Edition November 2007.
