history of psychology. psychology definition: the scientific study of behavior and mental processes....

History of History of Psychology Psychology

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History of History of PsychologyPsychology

PsychologyPsychologyDefinition: The Definition: The scientific study of scientific study of behavior and mental behavior and mental processes.processes.


““Know Thyself” We can learn Know Thyself” We can learn much about ourselves by carefully much about ourselves by carefully examining our thoughts and examining our thoughts and feelings.feelings.

Introspection-means looking Introspection-means looking within ourselveswithin ourselves


Student of SocratesStudent of SocratesTook his teachers advice Took his teachers advice

“Know Thyself”“Know Thyself”


Wrote Wrote Peri Psyches. (About the Peri Psyches. (About the Mind)Mind)

11stst book on psychology book on psychologyHe believed people are motivated He believed people are motivated

to seek pleasure and avoid pain.to seek pleasure and avoid pain.


Believed that bizarre behaviors Believed that bizarre behaviors were the result of malfunctions or were the result of malfunctions or abnormalities of the brain.abnormalities of the brain.

4 humors of the body-phlegm with 4 humors of the body-phlegm with earth, air with blood, fire with earth, air with blood, fire with yellow bile and water with black yellow bile and water with black bile. bile.

Middle AgesMiddle Ages

People believed bizarre behavior was a People believed bizarre behavior was a result of demonic /supernatural result of demonic /supernatural possession.possession.

A punishment for sinsA punishment for sinsThe Water Float TestThe Water Float Test

Birth of Modern ScienceBirth of Modern Science

Movement away from demonic Movement away from demonic possessions!possessions!

John Locke-Knowledge is not inborn but John Locke-Knowledge is not inborn but learned through experience.learned through experience.

Late 1800’s, psychological laboratories Late 1800’s, psychological laboratories were established in Europe and in U.S. were established in Europe and in U.S. and thus wee able to support the and thus wee able to support the psychological theories with evidence. psychological theories with evidence.

Wilhelm WundtWilhelm Wundt

18791879 GermanGerman Structuralism-used Structuralism-used

introspection to find introspection to find basic elements basic elements (structures) of (structures) of conscious conscious experience. experience. Objective vs. Objective vs. Subjective feelings.Subjective feelings.

ExampleExampleObjective: Everyone sees an apple. Smooth, shiny, round and red.

Subjective: Some may like the taste of an apple. Others may not.

William JamesWilliam James

18901890AmericanAmericanFunctionalism: mental processes help Functionalism: mental processes help

organisms adapt to their environment.organisms adapt to their environment.Experience is fluid and continuous Experience is fluid and continuous

which forms a relationship between which forms a relationship between behavior and experience.behavior and experience.

ExampleExampleStudents continue to Students continue to

study because they study because they know that studying know that studying leads to good grades.leads to good grades.

If you ask someone If you ask someone for a date and are for a date and are refused each time, refused each time, you will eventually you will eventually stop asking. stop asking.

James WatsonJames Watson

19001900AmericanAmericanBehaviorism: Learning is mechanical. Behaviorism: Learning is mechanical.

The study of behavior must be limited The study of behavior must be limited to observable, measurable events.to observable, measurable events.

Environment is the key to shaping Environment is the key to shaping behavior.behavior.


Rats in a maze Rats in a maze will find the way will find the way out. But what out. But what are they are they thinking? thinking?

B.F. SkinnerB.F. Skinner

19201920AmericanAmericanConcept of Reinforcement: Concept of Reinforcement:

emphasized negative and positive emphasized negative and positive reinforcement in shaping reinforcement in shaping behavior.behavior.


Remember the Remember the Rat? Skinner Rat? Skinner said that if the rat said that if the rat was reinforced he was reinforced he would find the would find the way out. Humans way out. Humans learn the same learn the same way as rats!way as rats!

Kohler, Koffka, & WertheimerKohler, Koffka, & Wertheimer

19201920GermanGermanAll founded Gestalt (means shape or All founded Gestalt (means shape or

form)form)Idea that perceptions are more than Idea that perceptions are more than

the sums of their parts.the sums of their parts.Learning is active and purposefulLearning is active and purposeful


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Sigmund FreudSigmund Freud

1900’s1900’sAustrianAustrianPsychoanalysis-Behavior is Psychoanalysis-Behavior is

driven by unconscious, hidden driven by unconscious, hidden impulses or desires, especially impulses or desires, especially sexual and aggressive.sexual and aggressive.


Talking Cure: Freud did not directly gain his insight from observations but rather consultations with his patients.