history of facebook

HISTORY OF FACEBOOK Facebook, first known as Facemash was opened on October 28, 2003 by a Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg, and three of his classmates – Eduardo Saverin, Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz. Zuckerberg wrote the software for the Facemash website when he was in his second year of college. The website was set up as a type of “hot or not” game for Harvard students. Zuckerberg expanded by uploading 500 images to a website, with one image per page along with a comment section. He opened the site up to his classmates and people started sharing their notes. "The professor said it had the best grades of any final he’d ever given. This was my first social hack. With Facebook, I wanted to make something that would make Harvard more open," Zuckerberg said in a TechCrunch interview. THE PUBLICATION OF FACEBOOK In January 2004, Mark Zuckerberg began writing the code for a new website, known as 'thefacebook'. Zuckerberg also stated his intention to create a universal website that can contact people around the university. Membership was initially restricted to students of Harvard University. Within the first month, more than half the undergraduate population at Harvard was registered on the service. It gradually reached most universities in Canada and the United States. In June 2004, Facebook moved its base of operations to Palo Alto, California . The company dropped ‘The’ from its name after purchasing the domain name facebook.com in 2005 for $200,000. ADVANTAGES OF FACEBOOK

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Facebook, first known as Facemash was opened on October 28, 2003 by a Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg, and three of his classmates – Eduardo Saverin, Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz. Zuckerberg wrote the software for the Facemash website when he was in his second year of college. The website was set up as a type of “hot or not” game for Harvard students.

Zuckerberg expanded by uploading 500 images to a website, with one image per page along with a comment section. He opened the site up to his classmates and people started sharing their notes. "The professor said it had the best grades of any final he’d ever given. This was my first social hack. With Facebook, I wanted to make something that would make Harvard more open," Zuckerberg said in a TechCrunch interview.


In January 2004, Mark Zuckerberg began writing the code for a new website, known as 'thefacebook'. Zuckerberg also stated his intention to create a universal website that can contact people around the university.

Membership was initially restricted to students of Harvard University. Within the first month, more than half the undergraduate population at Harvard was registered on the service. It gradually reached most universities in Canada and the United States. In June 2004, Facebook moved its base of operations to Palo Alto, California. The company dropped ‘The’ from its name after purchasing the domain name facebook.com in 2005 for $200,000.


1.Facebook lets you connect with you family, friends and relativesBecause of the popularity of the Facebook website, a lot of people are registering and becoming users of the application. This makes it easier for you to interact with old friends, relatives and family members and coordinate with them.

2.Facebook lets you post anything on your wallThe wall of a particular user is a common ground for all your friends and yourself. This is a page in your profile which gives you the latest news and posts from your other friends including yourself. Sometimes is used to announce a reunion, and outing, event and the like. Finally, not only can you post written content, but you can also put some videos, pictures and music on your wall. At the same time, all changes in your profile will be displayed on your wall as well.

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3.Facebook is a great opportunity for businesses to make their products knownFacebook is home to more than 400 million users around the world, and is growing everyday. This number of users will be the market of any advertisement posted in the website which is why businesses are taking advantage of this opportunity. Facebook could greatly benefit these businesses by increasing their income through advertising.


1) Account Intrusion

It is no surprise that Facebook is vulnerable to attacks, and several hackers actively alter people’s profile information,

on daily basis. There are hundreds of examples of this. Many Facebook and ex-Facebook users can tell you that

they noticed change in their profile information while they were not logged in.

Also, lots of pictures are uploaded on Facebook every day. Yes, Facebook does check every upload for viruses but

remember Facebook or any other website can’t check for all kind of viruses, particularly those which are recently

released. On opening those virus-attached pics, you create danger to your data and your computer.

2) Scams

Many hackers have similar websites to Facebook. They continuously send emails to people asking to log in to their

account to check new photos of their friends, or similar message. When the user opens the website, it looks 100%

facebook, then he enters his user id and password, not knowing that his account details is being stolen by a hacker.

3) Waste Of Life!

Facebook is addictive or can become addictive easily.  Once you get connected with your facebook friends you will

realize how frequently you open Facebook and also spend so much time in commenting, viewing other’s pictures,

playing games or doing other stuff. Many people know drawbacks of using Facebook but can’t stop using it day and

night, and that they could have done more important work during that time

4) Ruining the Professional Life

If you are applying for a new job, you know your chances of getting that job may be so much reduced because of

your social networking website profile page? Often employs search for applicants’s social networking website’s

profile page to know more about you.  Maybe you have put some humorous pics in your profile or maybe you have

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entered wrong information (maybe just for fun) in your profile.  Your employer will be shocked to see all that and you

will not be given the job offer.

5) Can’t Keep Things Personal

You obviously not want your personal information exposed to every friend of yours. On Facebook your personal life

updates come to the notice of all your friends, and so your privacy is compromised.

These were the disadvantages of using Facebook. So what are you thinking now, will you still use Facebook?



