history of computer 13

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Post on 12-Jan-2016




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    - !!!

    Computer Compute Compute Computer -

    , ? ? , (Difference Engine). , ,

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    (IBM). . IBM Mark-1, , , ENIAC. (John Von Neuman) (Maurice Wikes) EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer) EDSAC ENIAC . ENIAC EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) . UNIVAC-1 (Universal Automatic Computer) , UNIVAC-1 Bureau of Census , , IBM701 , J. G. Kemeny Tomas Kurtz IC (Integrated Circuit). , (Microprocessor) , Personal Computer.

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    ( , , ) , , / , , (Abacus) / /

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    (John Napier) / (John Napier)

    (Blaise Pascal)

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    (Gottfried Von Leibniz) (Rechoning Mechine)

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    bjgtut(Tomas De Colmar)

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    (Charles Babbage) (Difference Engine)

    (computer) (compute) compute computer

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    :- . , . , . , . /

    , * -,,,, , * ,, * ,,,

    * : * : ,

    , , , , (Humanware)

    (Raw Fact) - () (Numeric) ,, ()- (Non-Numeric) , ,, ,

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    ,, / ,,, , , PC DOS,MS WINDOWS 95/98/2000,UNIX,UBUNTU,LinuxMint,MANDRIVA,DEBIAN,Fedora, MAC OSX,WINDOWS XP,WINDOWS Vista,WINDOWS 7. | , | | |

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    , , cyber 170,ibm-4300.

    - pdp-11,ibms/36,ncrs/9290.

    , cpu ram, rom

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    CRAY 1, supers xll

    [ ]

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    ? ? ! ?

    ! !! (Difference Engine). (Analytical Engine). , , , -

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    (Laptop) , Dynabook (1968) - (IDEO)- - -

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    , , , (HP). WebCrawler.

    Dont be evil. ,

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    - . , IBM Mark-1, , , - - , , , (Table Reference) - . .

    Mark-1 Computer

    ABC Computer ! ABC Computer Atanasoft Berry Computer. (John Atanasoft) (Cliff Berry) ABC Computer. ABC Computer .

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    (Internal Logic)

    The ABC Computer

    ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. , ENIAC.

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    The ENIAC

    EDVAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer. , (Dr. John Von Neuman) ENIAC , ; ; (Stored Program). US Army- Electronic

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    Discrete Variable Automatic Computer EDVAC

    The EDVAC Computer

    UNIVAC Universal Automatic computer UNIVAC. ENIAC. , ,- ; ENIAC , UNIVAC UNIVAC-1 IBM-650

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    The UNIVAC Computer - , , ; ????

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