history lesson standard 4

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History Lesson Standard 4


Childrens Literature AssignmentEDUC 228Frankie Faidley

1. Faithful Elephants: Tsuchiya, Y. (1951). Faithful Elephants. Japan: Kin-no-Hoshi-Sha Co., Ltd.

2. Summary: According to the title page Faithful Elephants is a true story. Faithful Elephants takes place in the Uneo Zoo during World War II. During this story Japan is constantly getting bombed. Since there is a constant threat of being bombed the zoo keepers and officials have to decide what to do with the animals. Everyone is worried about what will happen if the zoo gets bombed and dangerous animals get loose and attack people. After discussing what to do they decide they must put down all the big animals. This story follows the lives of three elephants, John, Tonky and Wanly. The author Tsuchiya wanted to create a story for children where they could learn about war. Tsuchiya especially wanted kids to learn that war affects more than just people. War affects innocent animals as well. In the authors note Tsuchiya states that he wants children to work towards the prevention of war and the establishment of peace. This is a heart wrenching story regarding the loss of the innocent animals at the zoo due to war. Students are sure to be moved and left with questions.

3. Questions:Pre reading: 1. What is war?2. How does war affect us?3. What happens to pets during the war? During reading: 4. What is a monument? 5. Do you think if big animals got loose from the zoo they should be put down? 6. How do you feel that the zoo keepers are going to put down the animals? 7. Do you think there is a difference between the danger levels of lions getting out versus elephants getting out? 8. Why were the elephants during tricks even though they werent getting food?Post reading: 9. After listening to that story, does anyone think war affects us in ways that we didnt mention before we read the story? 10. Does anyone know why the elephants were called the faithful elephants?11. Did anybody make a connection with the story?

Activity Onea) Content Discipline: Creative Writing

b) NCSS stand(s) fit this activity? The NCSS standard that fits this activity is, IV Individual Development and Identity. I think this standard fits this activity because students have to pick a side individually and think about the context deeply in relation to their views.

c) Goal or objective: After completing an activity called 4 Corners all 4th grade students will do a Quickwrite where they will reflect on the main points from the activity/story following a set criteria provided in the rubric below with 100% accuracy.

Along with the Quickwrite 4th grade students will get points for following directions, participating, and most importantly taking the game serious.

d) Describe the activity:

We just finished reading Faithful Elephants. After reading we know that even though it is a picture book it contains elements that young children may not understand. Some of those elements include looking at someones life through a different perspective. We also learned about war and how more than people are affected by it. I know this book was a lot to take in and some of you may feel overwhelmed. To help everyone reflect on the book and perhaps feel less overwhelmed I have an engaging activity that we are going to do called 4 Corners. While doing this activity you will be graded on participation, following directions and lastly taking the game seriously. I will now explain the game. Each corner has a poster on it. These posters say, Agree, Strongly Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. How this activity works is I will read a statement and then each of you will think about the statement and then move to the corner that you feel suits you. After everyone has picked a corner everyone will talk in their groups and explain why they chose that corner. One person from the group will speak and share what their group came up with to the whole class. To make sure the same person isnt always speaking people will take turns to so everyone has an opportunity to share with the whole class. Lastly I dont want everyone to follow their friends. Remember it is okay to be different from your friends. Lets do a practice statement, Eating fast food is healthy. Now I want everyone to think about this statement now that youve had some time to think move to the corner that you feel best suits you. Wait for students to move to the corners. Okay great now talk in groups about why you chose your corner and then one group member will speak for each corner. Students will quickly share. Okay great now that we have practiced the activity we can begin! First statement is, Innocent victims of war are not remembered. Students would move to a corner and discuss with their groups and then each corner would share. Same process would repeat for the following six statements. We should always obey the rules. Animals should be in cages. Animals should die for the protection of people. There is more than one way to look at a war. The authors perspective is important. Only Jewish people suffered during the war.Okay class everyone did a great job with 4 Corners! I know some of those questions were really tough to think about. To wrap up this activity we are going to do a Quickwrite over it. For this quick write you will answer the following questions: What are your thoughts on 4 Corners? How did you feel thinking about these statements? What does it feel like to have to choose a corner and defend your thoughts? You will be graded on your ability to reflect on 4 Corners and how it relates to the book. If you have any questions please raise your hand. I will walk around the classroom looking at peoples Quickwrites.

e) Assessment: INCLUDE rubric or checklistsQuickwrite rubric for 4 Corners game.Student name:

Excellent (2)Good (1)Fair (0)

Students related the questions to the book.Questions related to the book with specific details. Related to book.No relation.

Length of response. Greater than 3 sentences per questions.2-3 sentences per question. Incomplete sentences.

Students thoughtfulness on answers given.Students went into depth with their questions. Students answered all questions. Students didnt answer the questions.

Total points: /6

Checklist for student behavior during 4 Corners gameStudent name:

Student was participating fully Circle Y/N (1 pt)

Student followed directions Y/N (1 pt)

Student took game seriously Y/N (2 pt)

Total points: /4

Both assessments equal a total of 10 points. f) Accommodations for Gifted and Struggling learners:Gifted learners can do a separate quickwrite where they come up with their own questions and answer them. Students can also come up with a question to use if they decided to play 4 Corners again during this unit. Struggling learners can have more time on their quickwrites. Also if I know a small group of students are struggling I can pull a small group and discuss the main ideas from the book with them and break them down for the group.

g) Resources consulted:Corners activity and game questions taken from, digitalcommons.trinity.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1135&context=educ_understandingsActivity Two a) Content Discipline: Geography & History

b) NCSS stand(s) fit this activity?III People, Places, and Environments. I think standard three fits because students will learn how to find out where Uneo zoo is located in Japan and where that is in relation to the US.

c) Goal or objective: After listening to the story and watching how to find Japan on a map the 4th grade students will be able to locate Uneo Zoo on a map along with two other war memorials with 100% accuracy. In addition to locating the three memorials on a map after hearing the story 4th grade students will be able to research 2 war memorials and write three facts about all three war memorials with 100% accuracy.

d) Describe the activity:

Okay class yesterday we did an activity about the main ideas of Faithful Elephants. Today we are going to focus on geography with a twist of history! I will demonstrate by using this map on how to locate Japan. Demonstrates how to locate Japan. Okay class so that was easy but lets see just how far away Japan is from us. Using this website online I can find that out. Demonstrates how to use the website. Okay class now we are going to look at this second map of just Japan and locate Kobe, Japan. Can anybody help me do this? Very good class! Now if you remember the Uneo zoo has the memorial for animals. What kind of memorial is it? If students dont say war memorial I will guide them to that. Yes it is a war memorial now for todays assignment I will pass out a map of Japan and a world map, using these two maps you will all demonstrate that you know how to locate the Uneo Zoo as well as two other war memorials. Along with locating the three memorials everyone will write three facts about each memorial. An example of a war memorial that I found was called the Ghetto Heroes Monument Three facts: This memorial is located in Poland. This memorial is commemorating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943. This memorial is from World War II. Now that I shared some facts I will locate Poland on the map for you. Okay class now that I have demonstrated how to do the project it is your turn. If there are any questions please raise your hand. Today we will work on finding information over the memorials. Tomorrow I will collect everyones memorial facts and we will take the map test to demonstrate that you all know how to use a map! Specifically showing me that you can locate three memorials on your map. You may begin!

e) Assessment: INCLUDE checklistsGeography (history) Assessment over Faithful Elephants

Student Name:

Located Uneo on map Circle Y/N3 Written facts about Uneos memorial Y/N

Located second memorial on map Y/N 3 Written facts about second memorial Y/N

Located third memorial on map Y/N3 Written facts about third memorial Y/N

Locations two points each /6 3 Facts over each memorial /6

TOTAL: /12

f) Accommodations for Gifted and Struggling learners: For struggling learners I would pull a small group and go over how to locate various places on a map. I would ask each student to name a place that they wanted to go to. Then I would briefly demonstrate how I would find that city on a map. After two demonstrations I would have my students try to find it with my assistance. They would find the last city on their own. Also instead of three memorials I would have students choose 1 memorial with three facts. I need to know that they can find the information. Students will also be allowed more time. For gifted learners I would ask them to pick one memorial and have them write a brief journal entry from the eyes of a 4th grade student who was alive in that city during the war and describe how the memorial came to be. Students will still have to show that they know how to use a map to locate places such as the Uneo zoo and their chosen memorial.

g) Resources consulted: Faithful Elephants. Website http://www.freemaptools.com/how-far-is-it-between-tokyo_-japan-and-san-francisco_-usa.htm (Shows how far apart two locations are from one another in miles. Example is the second picture below.

Activity Three a) Content Discipline: History & Creative Writing

b) NCSS stand(s) fit this activity? The NCSS standard that fits this activity is number II Time, Continuity, and Change because students will be writing a RAFT from the role of the Uneo zoo keeper or another child their age while going through WWII.

c) Goal or objective: After completing all activities on Faithful Elephants throughout the week, 4th grade students will be able to write a RAFT from the perspective (role) of an Uneo zoo keeper during World War II or from the perspective of a student their age living in Japan or a neighboring country during World War II, students will be responsible for choosing the audience and topic, topic must include emotions, war details, and how each person was personally effected by the war with 100% accuracy.

d) Describe the activity:All week we have been learning about various topics that relate to Faithful Elephants, such as war memorials, location of Uneo zoo in relation to us, as well as the main ideas from the textbook that we discussed in 4 Corners. These ideas include looking at war from different perspectives, learning that war affects more than just humans and so on. To wrap up this unit we will be doing an activity called an RAFT. A RAFT will be a reflection activity that will show me that you learned the important take away points. RAFTs can be used to demonstrate how you connect or tie everything together. RAFT stands for Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. You guys will be assigned the role of a Uneo zoo keeper or a student your age living in Japan or a neighboring country during the war. Now remember since you are assigned a person you have to write from their perspective. So you will think back to the story and remember what those zoo keepers had to go through. You all will get to get to choose your audience which is who you will be writing to. Also you could think of the war memorials you found and perhaps you want to share a story that relates to that. Whatever you decide just remember that it needs to relate to Faithful Elephants and some of the main take away points we have discussed. Format will be a letter, if someone has another idea just ask me and as long as you meet the criteria that will be fine. Lastly topic will include the persons emotions, war details, and how each person was personally affected by the war. Lastly I will show you an example RAFT.

R: Japan Teacher A: My mom F: Letter. T:WarDear Mom,I am glad you and dad are no longer living here. Even though I miss you and dad things are hard in Japan right now. I hear bombs every night and wonder if anyone I know will be hurt by them, or if I will be hurt by them. I guess you could say Im often anxious and sad. I still dont understand everything with Pearl Harbor. I know you are worried about me but dont be. In my classroom we have bomb procedures and an air raid location. Well your granddaughter misses you and we are off to the zoo! Strangest thing last time we went to the zoo one of the main elephants was missing? Love ya,Sue Okay now that Ive shared my example I will let you all begin!

e) Assessment: INCLUDE rubric RAFT RubricStudents Name:

Excellent (all requirements are included)3 ptsGood (most requirements are included)2 ptsFair (some requirements are included)1 ptsPoor (Zero requirements are present) 0pts


War Details

How person was personally affected


Followed the format of RAFT

Total Points: /15

f) Accommodations for Gifted and Struggling learners: Struggling learners can be given set audience and role. Time may be extended and I will walk around and see if students need additional help.Gifted learns will be given the option to think more critically about the questions or would be given the option to independently write a different RAFT that ties in the unit with no guidelines. (Creativity will play a huge role here)

g) Resources consulted:RAFT idea taken from Dr. Mary Smalls.