history: handball was said to be invented in germany, back in the late 19 th century as an outdoor...

TEAM HANDBALL History: Handball was said to be invented in Germany, back in the late 19 th century as an outdoor sport to keep soccer players fit during the summer time. Hand ball started out with 11 players on each side and was played on a soccer field with soccer rules, except you had to use your hands and could not kick the ball. The first match was recorded on October 29, 1917.

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Page 1: History: Handball was said to be invented in Germany, back in the late 19 th century as an outdoor sport to keep soccer players fit during the summer time


Handball was said to be invented in Germany, back in the late 19th century as an outdoor sport to keep soccer players fit during the summer time. Hand ball started out with 11 players on each side and was played on a soccer field with soccer rules,

except you had to use your hands and could not kick the ball. The first match was

recorded on October 29, 1917.

Page 2: History: Handball was said to be invented in Germany, back in the late 19 th century as an outdoor sport to keep soccer players fit during the summer time

Team Hand ball

Team Hand ball was invented by Konrad Koch and evolved into a sport that was played as an indoor sport. It came about in the 1940s in Denmark. Unlike the original game, there are 7 players on each side of the court, the court is slightly larger than a basketball court, it is 20 meters by 40 meters. There were also basketball rules that were introduced to the sport such as being able to dribble the ball in order to advance. Team Handball became a winter sport which made it suitable to spectators because it kept them away from the cold because they were now seated in the comfort of a heated building. Indoor team handball is the more popular of the two types because there is more action and excitement and higher scores than soccer. Team Handball had its first Olympic debut in 1972 at the Munich Games, and is said to be mainly dominated by the European nations.

Page 3: History: Handball was said to be invented in Germany, back in the late 19 th century as an outdoor sport to keep soccer players fit during the summer time

Team Handball The equipment that is needed for team handball is simple all that is need to

be able to play the sport is a 32 panel leather ball and a 2meter by 3 meter goal, and the game can be played.

Rules of the game: all player have to wear the same color jersey except for the goalie and the numbers on the jerseys have to be 1-20, only 12 players may dress and play in a game.

The game duration is 2 30 minute halves with a 10 min halftime. There are 2 referees, one line judge and one court judge. When a team has possession of the ball that team has to always be making

an attempt to attack the goal, cannot stall or there will be a free throw-in awarded. When attacking the goal players may take 3 steps before dribbiling.

A throw off is used to start the game and is used after each goal score. When attempting to score a goal, there is a goal area line that is 6 meters, no

one is allowed in the goal area except for the goalie. A player can jump into the goal aree to score as long as the ball has left hands before landing in the goal area.

Players are also issued violation cards the way that soccer players are issued cards. A yellow card is a warning and a red card signifies that a player has been ejected from the game

Page 4: History: Handball was said to be invented in Germany, back in the late 19 th century as an outdoor sport to keep soccer players fit during the summer time


Salford Handball Club http://


Wikipedia the free encylepedia www.youtube.com Wikianswers .com