history - 工学院大学...history ~ learn, the past, build the future ~...

History ~Learn, the past, build the future~

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Page 1: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


History ~Learn, the past, build the future~

Page 2: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Content Time table ………………………………………………………..…………………….1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………….………...2

Concept …………………………………………………………………..……………2

Greetings ………………………………………………………………………….……3

Judges of this speech contest ………………………………………………………..6

Rule …………………...………………………………………………………………...6

Judging sheet ………………………………………………………………………….7

Speaking Order …………………………………………………………………………8

Staff ……………………………………………………………………………………12

Map …………………………………………………………………………….………14

Time Table 11:00 Door Open

12:00 Opening Ceremony

12:50 Improvised Speech 1

13:55 Intermission

14:10 Improvised Speech 2

15:15 Intermission & Judging Time

16:00 Closing Ceremony

16:35 Photographing & Feedback

17:45 Reception

18:45 All Over

Page 3: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Introduction 本日は第 50 回工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会に足を運びいただき、誠にありがとうございます。皆様の

ご協力により、本大会は 50 回目を迎えることができました。


の育成に力を入れています。そして、我々KESS はこの理念のもと日々活動しております。






~ Learn, the past, build the future ~

歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が 50 回目の開催とな

ること、さらに我が工学院大学が創立 130 周年の年に突入するということを記念し、このようなコンセプトを



過去の偉人や文化など、“歴史”という言葉から 1番初めに連想されるであろうというもの。




つての未来であり、すべての未来はいずれ過去となり歴史となります。だからこそ、今日 1 日を通して何か1




Page 4: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Greeting A Message from the President

It is a pleasure to welcome you all to the 50th Kogakuin Intercollegiate English Impromptu Speech Contest

competing for the President’s Cup. This year’s theme “History: Learn the Past, Build the Future,” is quite

suitable to celebrate the 50th anniversary of this annual contest. I would like to express my sincere

congratulations to all the members of KESS, the participants from the various universities, and to all others


Kogakuin University has a long history as it was initially founded in 1887 as Koshu Gakko by Koki

Watanabe. It was the first private engineering school established in Japan to train engineers who would be

prepared to work on the front lines of the industries that were needed for promoting Japan's modernization.

In 1949, Kogakuin University was approved under the new education system by the Ministry of Education,

Science and Culture of Japan. It is our great honor that many alumni play important roles in the world of


This contest was initiated in 1966 under the direction of Professor Hisakazu Noguchi, the first President of

Kogakuin University. It is apparent that it has continuously provided a good opportunity to improve the

language and communication abilities of many students. I greatly respect his foresight regarding the

ongoing globalization of the world, and the establishment of this contest, which exists even after a half

century. In a world with great diversity, which is undergoing many changes, the importance of learning

English, the lingua franca, is vital.

I love a short sentence “Imagination is more important than knowledge” by Albert Einstein, Nobel Laureate

in Physics of 1921. When we communicate with someone having a different cultural-background, mutual

understandings may depend on knowledge of the past. However, imagination in collaborative relationships

might help us to pursue bold innovation and sustainable developments for the future, I believe so. It is

anyway certain that our language ability is important under any circumstance.

I hope you enjoy communication and cultural exchange with many people through English, which you

hopefully develop through various opportunities like this contest. I am looking forward to attending this

important contest for the first time and to seeing you all!

Dr. Mitsunobu Sato


Kogakuin University

Page 5: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Greeting Welcome to the 50th Kogakuin Intercollegiate English Impromptu Speech Contest for the President’s Cup.

The theme, “History: Learn the Past, Build the Future,” chosen for the speech contest by the Kogakuin

English Speaking Society is a most appropriate and urgent issue that needs to be discussed. Last year saw

violent acts by ISIS and their sympathizers, refugees from Syria and other places, and Shinzo Abe

reinterpreting the constitution and challenging the pacifism policy - all these things that happened seem to

be pointing in the direction that learning from the past to build a humane future seems to be slipping away.

After World War II, the determination was there among people not to repeat the experience: war had

overwhelming negative effects on the world, too many deaths, and too much hatred. Postwar trials

conducted on the war stressed the idea of “crimes against humanity.” Thus, after World War II, Germany

and Japan, held pacifist views.

However, last year the fear that Germany may be shifting to a post-post-nationalist phase, that it might

want to be Europe’s leader (Führer) was expressed when Germany exercised strong leadership in the EU

regarding Greek’s finance situation (“Post-post-nationalist Germany: Strict order,” The Economist, August

8, 2015). This fear was dissipated by Angela Merkel’s, Chancellor of Germany, humane policy of welcoming

refugees into Germany. In contrast, Japan gave money but did not open its doors to refugees (Japan

admitted 11 refugees in the year 2014); furthermore, Abe’s leadership (Japan is supposed to be a democracy;

therefore, we should not have leaders: democracies have representatives) and his defining of the meaning

of Article 9, which explicitly states that Japan will not engage in aggressive war, has brought an uneasiness,

reminding some people of Japan’s past ultra-nationalism and racism.

A humanism-first approach, which is what we should be working for now and in the future, is diminishing.

Recognizing the cultural basis of anti-humanism and keeping in mind that economic profit should not be

placed over humanity are important points that we need to keep in the forefront of our thoughts if we are

to move the world toward peace and prosperity.

I wish the best to the participants.

Setsuko Adachi

KESS Advisor

Page 6: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Greeting Thank you very much for coming today to the 50th Kogakuin Intercollegiate English Impromptu

Speech Contest competing for the President’s Cup. We are really pleased and proud that we can hold

commemorated 50th speech contest this year. Thanks to your cooperation, we are proud to add one more

year to this speech contest. Kogakuin University, has been established for 128 years, one of the policy it

holds is to cultivate within students that can work around the world. The members of Kogakuin English

Speaking Society (KESS) are studying English actively everyday pursuing the policy. For us this contest is

the biggest event and it is great pleasure for us to take part in this activity with you because our activities

stay mostly in the university.

This year’s concept is “History: Learn the Past, Build the Future.” We chose this concept because the

fact that this is the 50th speech contest and made us aware of how much we do not know about ‘history’.

We are experiencing the memorable 50th year but the reality is we know only of our generation and do not

know the full picture of its past history even in this little ESS unit. However, even though we do not know

the history the number 50th makes us and encourages us to continue on the contest inspiring us to make

KESS better. I think this feeling can be shared with you that they can be applied to many things no

matter how big or small the matter is. It is from this line of thought that we decided to put this feeling

into subtitle as “learn the past, build the future.”

Each theme for today’s speech derives from this concept. We look forward to what speakers have to

say about it, and let you and I think about the importance of understanding ‘history’ again.

Finally, I would like to express my greatest appreciation to President Sato, Professor Adachi, the

KESS adviser, the judges and all of those who supported this contest sincerely. And I wish this contest

provides good chances for the speakers to demonstrate their English skills and thoughts and for audience

to engage in English.

President of KESS

Haruka Sugimoto

Page 7: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Judges of this Speech Contest

Professor Shawn Beasom

Professor Thomas Dax

Professor Michael Kearney


The style of this contest is impromptu speech. The following are rules

concerning the presentations:

Groups that have three themes were allocated a number beforehand.

The draw for deciding the group number will be made during the opening


Speakers will be given 5 minutes as thinking time. During that time,

each speaker chooses one theme out of three.

Speeches must be finished within 3 minutes. All speeches will be

stopped after 3 minutes.

Time is shown on the display.

Ranking system will be used to decide the winner.

Page 8: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Judging sheet

Page 9: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Speaking Order

And Enthusiasm to this Contest

Miyatake Moeka : TOHOKU GAKUIN UNIVERSITY ESS 今回初めて即興スピーチに参加するため、たった5分間という短い時間の中で伝えたい思い



Rippei Yoshinaga : Keio English Speaking Society 四大学英語会連盟が主催するアジア最大級の英語劇大会である四大学英語劇大会に Cast と

して参加し、感情表現力を磨きました。また ESSでは、Policy Determining Discussionに


この大会では独特の即興スピーチを通じて、テーマである Historyについて観客の共感を生


Haruka Shindoh :

Kwansei Gakuin University English Speaking Society 年末の引退試合の即興スピーチにおいて最善を尽くすことができず、悔いが残っています。



Makoto Masutani : Sophia E.S.S Speech Section 私は学部 3 年から E.S.S に所属し、スピーチセクションで活動しています。入部して間も




Wataru Tsujiguchi : Aoyama University ESS


Page 10: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Risa Ito : Sophia English Speaking Society



Reina Nobori : Aoyama Gakuin University E.S.S. 今回、大会に応募させていただくのが初めてで、即興スピーチもどのようにやっていけばよ





Yoshioka Chihiro : Kansai University 初めてのオープン大会のため不安でいっぱいですが、高校時代の英語即興ディベートや学内



Haon Futamata : The University of Tokyo ESS 即興スピーチが大好きです。とても手に負えないようなテーマに苦戦することもたくさんあ



Murakami Junka :

Doshisha University English Speaking Society インプロンプトの大会に憧れと興味を抱いているので応募させていただきました。これまで





Page 11: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Hinano Yasukawa : Kansai University 学内のスピーチのプラクティスとして、インプロンプトスピーチは数回練習したことがあり、



Kei Sato : Yokohama City University 即興スピーチをする機会がなく、来学期のモチベーションアップと熱い仲間に出会えること



Hiroki Sakamoto : University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba E.S.S. 英語、プログラミング言語、ねこ、音ゲーが好きで、将来はエンジニア兼翻訳者になりたい


Kazumi Shinohara : Yokohama City University 初めてのオープン大会出場となりますが、精一杯がんばって今後のスピーチ活動の糧にした



Marika Mukai :

Sophia University English Speaking Society 第 21回上智大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会出場

第 5回チェスター杯争奪全日本学生英語弁論大会優勝

第 50回天野杯全日本大学生英語弁論大会出場

第 30回 K.E.S.S.A.杯争奪全日本学生英語弁論大会出場

第 11回法政大学総長杯争奪全日本学生英語弁論大会第3位

第 49回聖心女子大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会出場

Page 12: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Mirai Ohara : Tokyo University of Science E.S.S Kagura いわゆるオープン大会には初めての挑戦です!!

テーマの History と聞くとなんだか文系チックな感じがしますが、科学の世界でも歴史は欠


Haruna Ota : Yokohama City University 初めてのオープン大会でとても緊張しますが、ベストを尽くして頑張ります。この大会をき



Kota Doi : Keio University



Ayako Suzuki : Yokohama City University


Kana Hatori : Kogakuin University


Takuya Sugimura : Kogakuin University 好きな言葉は「Follow Your Heart」



Page 13: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50




部 長:杉本晴香

司 会:城市章宏、関口実希

ス ピ ー カ ー:杉村卓哉、羽鳥佳奈

ジ ャ ッ ジ ケ ア:小野沢智也

ス ピ ー カ ー ケ ア:甲斐秀一、高橋遼

機 械:小野沢智也、近藤恭平、横山拓海

タ イ ム キ ー パ ー:榎本寛崇、大木翔太

受 付:宮川雄磨



ビ デ オ 作 成:甲斐秀一

購 買:羽鳥佳奈

Page 14: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50


Page 15: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50



Thank you for coming today!

Page 16: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50

February 12, 2015

Presented by Kogakuin University English speaking Society

Page 17: History - 工学院大学...History ~ Learn, the past, build the future ~ 歴史~過去を学び、未来を築く~、今年でこの「工学院大学学長杯争奪英語弁論大会」が50