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How America died in School By Timothy Sheridan 2016 In 1963 the U.S. Supreme court Established Atheistic practice of Education. In the Abington case, the court removed the bible from school. The Biblical Event: Immediately following the Abington decision, Three things happened: The president died, crime (which was flat before 1963) tripled in 18 years and SAT scores plummeted from their HIGH in 1963 to their all-time LOW in 18 years later, down 11.5% (combined score). Spooky? I’d say so. The children born that Day graduated 18 years later with the lowest SATs -Ever. And they would not graduate before Crime had Tripled. The odds are 64^2 (high and low coincidence) times 20 to 1 (that a President would die in office) That’s 81,920 to 1 assuming a random year for the decision. 1

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How America died in School

By Timothy Sheridan 2016

In 1963 the U.S. Supreme court Established Atheistic practice of Education.

In the Abington case, the court removed the bible from school.

The Biblical Event:

Immediately following the Abington decision, Three things happened:

The president died, crime (which was flat before 1963) tripled in 18 years and SAT scores plummeted from their HIGH in 1963 to their all-time LOW in 18 years later, down 11.5% (combined score). Spooky? Id say so.

The children born that Day graduated 18 years later with the lowest SATs -Ever.

And they would not graduate before Crime had Tripled.

The odds are 64^2 (high and low coincidence) times 20 to 1 (that a President would die in office)

Thats 81,920 to 1 assuming a random year for the decision.

U.S. Crime statistics from 1960 to present.

The Godless generation completes high school at crime peak.

(The massive digital crime wave is not shown.)

Before prayer was removed from schools crime was flat. But the lack of complex social thoughts (and God) meant increased anti-social behavior and self-oriented thinking.

The European Example of Secularisim is laciete. America was fortunate to have their Creator in its Declaration of Independence. But this is not so in Europe. In France the 1905 Law of the Separation of Church and State was not 10 years old when WWI swept across Europe followed By WWII. Bad luck you might say. Even today The European Union does not have God in its founding documents and it is racked by tiny trade imbalances which become massive overtime and are not paid off with the common currency. This suffocates the non-central regions which have massive depression era 23% unemployment. France still reports 9.3% Joblessness. They just cant balance trade. And they are drowning whole nations with impossible Debts. They could easily do it. But it does not happen. Bad luck you might say.

To educate people with the deep principles of right and wrong is to give them pause in later life when issues arise. It slows down the bad choices and, puts more thought into choices. Those tools help in critical processing and in moral decision making. We must educate children in History of Theology and teach (demonstrate) group respect for these time honored values.

This essay discusses why and how. Its a start.

To avoid teaching our best understanding of god and the wisdom of ancient knowledge would be like refusing to teach reading and writing, because it offended some people. To do so would mutilate the human consciousness. To resolve the conundrum we must teach History.


The Bible is the oldest and most complete record of our common history and traditions relating to the science of fate and of God. Many of the stories are now known to be precisely factual by archeological and mathematical inquiry.(see Chronology of patriarchs, Death of Crist and Shroud of Turin) The ancients wrote down history because it was needed to save them from the hardships of life.

The History of Philosophy

In order to have a peaceful and stable society, children must be exposed to the philosophy of mankind. Children need more than skills. They need ethical reasoning to be lawful and orderly. Its not enough to be smart like Hannibal Lector. They need to be moral.

When children are exposed to complex ethical, ontological and social training, they are able to exhibit the language of ethical and lawful behavior. But this does not work if left up to parents alone. Public respect for values is needed. We must lead children toward ethics as a society. Ethical training makes society function.

Government and business cant work without ethical reasoning. There arent enough police and lawyers to make America function and what if they cheat! The system stops working. What if they dont like you? Philosophy is more than data and science. Its also ontology, theology and ethics. Philosophy prepares children for the possibility of being wise and useful.

The history of philosophy is overwhelmingly theological.From ancient times men wrote the most important events for the future. Its simply history.

Theology is not religion (ritual) its science. It studies events, just as science does. And it proposes theories just as science does. Theology is the study of historical events with questions of fate, right and wrong and moral introspection. You cant teach that without examples.

Theology prepares children for thinking. It doesnt convince them. It prepares them to think about those issues when they are older.

Superior Children:

Children who are taught theology are like children who are taught music. They have more skills, better skills. And a lot of them; In Theology, Children connect: totality of existence, omniscience, social contracts, pain and pleasure, self and other, empathy, critical thinking, historic introspection, cultural understanding and group respect for man and God. ALL IN ONE CLASS. Thats big-think. And it improves the culture.

Its Competency, Not just filling in answer c. Theres emotional reasoning.

The history and philosophy of theology is secular because its history.

And it serves a vital state interest.

Additional thoughts

Were not talking about creation-isim here. We all accept the universe was created and we have a pretty good idea what that looked like 14.6 billlion years ago. (Although as the compact universe became really dense time moved slower and slower. So the big bang took an infinite eternity.

Theology is not Religion

Theology is NOT Religion. Religion is social ritual. Theology is the known thought, the best estimates, of the Ontology of things. The history of human thought is history not religion. Religion is superficial and theology is intrinsic. Even if you think there is no God, Atheism is just an unproven religion.

Theology is simply facts about human understanding.

I am told many school districts describe religions in Social Studies. But thats just politics. Theology is not political. What people believe is a fact. Teaching Theology is more than listing Team Names but rather, explaining The Beliefs and the Reasons for them.

The greatest minds have given us answers. It is our job to be familiar with the known ideas so we can make good choices. Children need to learn respect. We must not lightly discard the greatest minds in history or children will do the same.

We must deliver Theological Understanding not Religious Politics.


Science studies events. Theology is a science which studies events --just like corporal science. Contrary to popular misconception, events cannot be repeated, They can only be similar. Theology also studies events which appear different but are morally or behaviorally similar. Thus Theology is science. And the History of Theology is the root of Science and Human thought.

Theology is the most important of the sciences because it deals with why not just how.

Students have a right to be prepared for ontological rigor. Classical science is a good start.

Students have a right to be free from an exclusively atheist practice and viewpoint.

Study of religion is basically a prayer for knowledge. And worship is often a prayer for health and happiness. So its a two for one sale.

Moral Literacy

In Theology people are taught to be of use to others, to be kind to others, to help them --to be of value. This is the glue of society. But children exposed to only the teacher's size and authority know only --to do for themselves. To be obsequious.Fake it if you can. To get ahead by - not - helping others. This fosters a breakdown in goodwill needed to maintain our social systems. When children are not exposed to theological instruction they have fewer models for good thought and moral behavior.

Theological Literacy

To be illiterate in theology handicaps the whole person both intellectually and morally. The complex reasoning of social values is absent. And the behaviors become toxic. We have seen the in the collapse of the internet. Everywhere is unfair trade. And the Theo-illiterate government is almost powerless to even want to stop the monopolistic cartels.

The Chilling Effect

U.S. Courts have created a cultural chilling effect on religion. We must stop the atheistic hegemony in schools. The effect has been a toxic faith vacuum. Its hostile to everyone and to God (order and happiness) because it harms mankind. It crushes faith and deprives students of rigor. This has happened. The recent Pew Religion in America study showed accelerating collapse of institutions during the crime expansion.

While most people are not destined for moral-intellectual rigor, they can learn the basics. We need to teach the tenants of religion and the comparative differences throughout history otherwise people will not have the broad skill and insight to make difficult choices. We cannot simply allow children to be so poorly informed that they reject all faith simply because they were told its wrong to talk about it. This is happening. When children mention faith in schools the dominant faith is 80 times more likely to be hushed than less common faiths. This creates unfair social pressure. The established atheism.

We should not reject important wisdom simply because its become a political football. Disagreement and silence is not knowledge.

Psychological Programming

We have been psychologically programmed that theology is taboo!We are conditioned to pretend that all philosophies are equal. They are not. Some philosophies are de