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History 3 Rizal Course Adapted from the Ateneo de Manila and UP-CHED syllabi Second Semester, AY 2017-2018 (MTh, 1:00-2:30 PM) https://www.facebook.com/rizalclass.yenc

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History 3Rizal CourseAdapted from the Ateneo de Manila and UP-CHED syllabi

Second Semester, AY 2017-2018 (MTh, 1:00-2:30 PM)


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Rizal, Philippine nationalist and martyr

Austin Coates

Fil 923 R627co

Jose Rizal: Life, works and writings

Gregorio ZaideFil 923 R528

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Blog site: http://teacheryen.wordpress.com

Instructor: Ophelynn (Yen) Cano

Email Address: [email protected]

Mobile phone #: 0932-219-0160


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Course DescriptionREPUBLIC ACT 1425Based on RA 1425, the Rizal course covers the life andworks of Jose Rizal, the Philippines’ national hero.

Among the topics covered are Rizal’s biography and hiswritings, particularly the novels Noli Me Tangere and ElFilibusterismo, his essays and poetry and some of hiscorrespondence.



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Important note: Non-submissionof requirements means receivingan INC grade or NG (No Grade).It will no longer be computed aszero.

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Final requirements are NOTsubject to negotiation. For non-submission and non-complianceof requirements, refer to theprevious slide on INC.

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If the group finds the projecthard, the members must arrangefor a meeting with the teacherTWO MONTHS before thescheduled deadline.

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Everyone is required to be PRESENTduring major class activities and termtests. You will only be excused when youhave been admitted to the hospital or inthe event of an emergency. If your reasondoes not fall in either category, pleasecome see me.

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The responsibilities of post-secondary educators are:

1. To present all relevant course information in a clear manner.

2. To ensure that the relevant material is covered within the time allotted for

the class.

3. To make all reading material available or to indicate where it is available,

such as the library or book store, and to ensure there is enough for every

student to have reasonable and fair access.

4. To have office hours during which students can ask for help, clarification,


5. To ensure that either their office hours fit the academic schedule of all

students or to make time available by appointment otherwise.

- It is not an instructor's duty to schedule around non-academic

schedules such as sports, work, parties, etc.

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The responsibilities of post-secondary educators are:

6. To show up in class

7. To be able to effectively communicate in the language(s) of the

university, both orally and in writing

8. To be respectful to students asking questions and not insult, put-

down, mock, or otherwise belittle a student for not understanding.

9. To grade all tests and assignments fairly

10.To set up tests and assignments to demonstrate learning

11.To be flexible and helpful to students with special needs, such as

disabilities or terrible emergencies (ie family death).

12.To give students all of the information necessary to succeed.From kimberlychapman.com (used with permission from the author)

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It is not the instructor's job to give you a passing grade when you don't deserve

one. It is not their job to grant you exceptions that would be unfair to everyone

else. It is not their job to chase after you to come to class, nor to give you

special attention if you skip classes and are completely lost later.

Instructors who give special leniency to those who do not deserve it are being

unfair to students who fulfill their obligations. For example, if a teacher declares

a make-up test to only those students who failed the first test, or extends a

deadline only for those students who didn't make the original deadline, those

students who did pass or did hand the assignment in on time are being


Students have to fulfill their obligations before expecting instructors to give them

consideration.From kimberlychapman.com (used with permission from the author)

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The responsibilities of post-secondary students are:

1. To be polite in all dealings with the instructor and the other students in class.

2. To show up in class on time and ready to participate in the learning process. This


• Bringing all the paper, pens, notebooks, books, etc. you will need.

• Reading the required readings before class.

• Putting all cellphones in silent mode. If there's something more important to you

than giving your full attention in class, don't bother to show up, because you're only

going to distract those who are here to learn.

• Not leaving in the middle of class and interrupting everyone in it unless it's crucial.

• If you know you may have to leave part way through class, have the courtesy to sit

near an exit. Ask permission before the class starts through e-mail or personal

conversation or through SMS.

From kimberlychapman.com (used with permission from the author)

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The responsibilities of post-secondary students are:

3. To ask questions, participate in discussions, and otherwise speak up when appropriate.

4. If you don't understand something, ask. Chances are, others in the class don't

understand either. If the teacher is unable to assist you, they should be able to do so

after class or during office hours. If you don't ask and, as a result, you do not

understand, that's YOUR fault, not the instructor’s.

5. If you think the professor has made an error, politely point it out during class. Teachers

are human. It is easier for them to correct a mistake and set the learning back on track

at the same time rather than having to wait until next class. If you are wrong about the

mistake, the teacher should indicate why the item is correct. If the instructor is rude

when you have been polite, that's their fault, but you should make sure your education

comes first.

6. This also means that you should certainly NOT be talking when inappropriate, such as

during a lecture. Don't interrupt other students just because you're bored.

From kimberlychapman.com (used with permission from the author)

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The responsibilities of post-secondary students are:

7. If you become ill, it is your responsibility to catch up on instruction you

have missed. If you are ill enough to not go to class, you are ill

enough to see a doctor and obtain a note proving that you were that

ill, or to have proof of an ongoing condition.

The prof should be helpful if you need to catch up, but it is your responsibility

to go and see them and get that help. It is your responsibility to provide proof

that you were ill. It is not their duty to take your word for it.

From kimberlychapman.com (used with permission from the author)

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The responsibilities of post-secondary students are:

9. To do all readings, research, and assignments on an appropriate schedule.

10. If you leave an essay to the last night and fall ill, it is not the teacher’s duty to

give you an extension unless you can prove that you had done most of the work

already. You should also have the doctor's note for this. If you suffer from an

ongoing condition, it is entirely your responsibility to build in enough buffer time

around that.

11. If you leave research so late that all the good materials are unavailable from the

library, this is not the instructor's fault. You do not deserve an extension on a

deadline for this. If, however, you can demonstrate that you were on a waiting

list for the library item for the duration of the semester and still did not get it,

alert the instructor to the problem before the deadline.

12. If you take a holiday and fall behind, you do not deserve extensions.

From kimberlychapman.com (used with permission from the author)

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The responsibilities of post-secondary students are:

13. To plan non-academic events around the academic schedule.

14. If you know when the exam is scheduled or during what week it is

likely to be scheduled and you book plane tickets home in such a

way that conflicts with the exam, that's your problem. The prof should

not give you a means around it, regardless of how much money you


15. To ensure that you comply with assignment specifics, and ask for

help if you are not sure.

16. To inform the professor if you have a special need or emergency as

soon as possible.

From kimberlychapman.com (used with permission from the author)

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The responsibilities of post-secondary students are:

17.To inform the professor if you have a special need

or emergency as soon as possible.

18.To ensure that you do not plagiarize in any


19.Most universities can expel a student if plagiarism

can be proven. Don't even try it.

20.To take ahold of your education and make it work.

From kimberlychapman.com (used with permission from the author)

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The responsibilities of post-secondary students are:

College education is not easy. It is a challenge. It is not handed to you on a silver platter.

You must work for it and work hard to earn good grades. If a professor is failing his or

her duties, inform them about it politely. If you are met with a negative response, elevate

the complaint to the dean of the department. But make sure that you are fulfilling your

obligations first!

Remember, the point of a post-secondary education is to learn, not to get good grades.

Grades merely reflect whether or not you have learned the material that the university

has decided is relevant to your field of study. Just because you don't agree that the

material is relevant is not an excuse to be impolite or not bother. Not all areas of study

are exciting and fascinating all the time. Sometimes learning the basics is dull. That's the

price you pay for being an educated person. It is not the teacher’s job to entertain or

babysit you.

From kimberlychapman.com (used with permission from the author)

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The responsibilities of post-secondary students are:

If you give a second-rate effort, you deserve second-rate grades and all that

comes with that. Don't blame the instructor if you didn't learn the material

because you failed to show up in class or to do the reading and assignments.

Don't blame the instructor if you didn't get your assignment done on time

because you left it all to the last minute and disaster hit. Don't expect her to

make exceptions for you that wouldn't be made for other students.

If you feel that these responsibilities are too tough, don't go to school. You don't

belong there. It's for people who want to learn, not people looking to get a

meaningless piece of paper that says "I killed time for four years at an

educational institution."

From kimberlychapman.com (used with permission from the author)

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requirements1. 3 Thought papers – format will be given2. Group report/class presentation3. Quizzes and term tests4. Film review5. Museum reflection paper6. Variety show – Rizal’s essays7. Debate – RA 1425 & Rizal as a hero8. Talk show – Rizal’s biography9. Digital assignments10. In-class activities – individual & group11. Final project w/ concept paper & final

essay12. Attendance

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▪Thought paper on the Rizal Bill (RA 1425)Guide questions: 1. Sponsors of the Rizal Bill2. Debates about the Rizal bill3. Historical context of the Rizal bill4. Do you think Rizal should be the national hero?

Why or why not?5. Support your answer by citing 2-3 reliable

sources.6. From what you know about Rizal, what is one

applicable lesson you can learn from his works? 22

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GROUP REPORT▪Specific topics and references will be posted▪ TOPICS WILL BE DRAWN BY LOTS▪Output: Report/creative presentation▪Written report with references▪Group assessment▪Groups must prepare a 10-item quiz for the class


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Groups must work together.Members may not leave their groupfor whatever reason. A student willonly be permitted to do so after ameeting with the instructor and theother members.

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TOPICS FOR REPORT1. Rizal and the theory of nationalism2. Rizal’s social origins and historical

context- ascendance of Chinese mestizos- agrarian relations and the friar lands

issue- intra-clergy conflicts and the Cavite

mutiny3. Indolence and Spanish colonial rule 4. Rizal’s view of Philippine history


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Grades for group reports/activities willbe from the instructor and the groupmates’ ranking/scoring.

Members must not have the samescores/grades or else everyone getsonly the passing score.

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Students who are not reporting are required to do the following:- Submit 1-2-3 WRITES1 question you have in your mind2 things/lessons/insights from the report which may be related or connected to a present social issue3 things you have learned from the report and discussion


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Museums to be visited

▪Casa Gorordo▪Jesuit House Museum


Film showing

▪Bayaning Third World▪M. Abaya’s Rizal

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CLASSROOM POLICIESATTENDANCE1.Attendance is equivalent to 5 points per

meeting.2. NO makeup activity will be given for

absences without any excuse letter from your parent/guardian/teacher.

3.Only emergencies and serious illnesses will be excused and be given a makeup activity.


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4.Tardiness of 15 minutes after the class has started is considered an absence.

5.Leaving the class 20 minutes before its official end is also considered an absence unless it is excused.

*Please note that absence from the class, for whatever

reason, results in a corresponding score of zero in the

activity that the participant shall miss. 30

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▪ Mobile phones and digital

devices must be kept in

silent mode during class.


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ASK-HOLLERCLASS POLICY• Always ask if something is

UNCLEAR.• Ask if you are unsure about a

requirement.• Holler for help if you need

assistance.• Do not be embarrassed to ASK.

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“Again, ASK FOR HELP if something is…




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Class beadle▪ LEADS THE OPENING PRAYER▪ A class beadle will be assigned alphabetically

to check the attendance every meeting.▪ Class beadles are automatically given 10

points for attendance on that day.▪ Beadles are to make sure that all their

classmates sign the attendance, note tardystudents & record the # of absent and tardystudents.

▪ He/she must work with the assigned groupfor that day.


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GROUP OF THE DAYResponsibilities of the group▪ Gets the AV equipment* from the Media

Center (LCD, speakers, remote, extension cord)

▪ Assists the instructor in setting up

After the class:1. Turns off fans, lights, LCD2. Returns AV equipment3. Ensures cleanliness of the classroom & that

the writings on the board are erased35

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Based on the CHED syllabus

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1-2 meetingsDebate

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II. 19TH Century Philippines


2-3 meetingsPlus museum visit

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1st REPORT Ascendance of Chinese Mestizos1 meeting= Report + discussion

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2nd REPORT Agrarian issue and friar lands1 meeting= Report + discussion

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3rd REPORT Intra-clergy conflict & the Cavite Mutiny1 meeting= Report + discussion

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III. Rizal’s LifeFamily, childhood

and early education


1-3 meetingsFilm showing, discussion, lecture

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IV. Rizal’s LifeHigher education and

life abroad


1 – 2 meetingsLecture, in-class activities & discussion

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V. Rizal’s LifeExile, trial and death


1 – 2 meetingsLecture, in-class activities & discussion

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4th REPORT Rizal and the theory of nationalism1 meeting= Report + discussion

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VI. Rizal and Philippine Nationalism


1 meetingLecture & discussion after the report

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5th REPORT Rizal’s view of Philippine history1 meeting= Report + discussion

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VII. Antonio de Morga’s workSucesos de las Islas Filipinas


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VIII. Noli Me Tangere


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IX. El Filibusterismo


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6th REPORT Indolence and Spanish colonial rule1 meeting= Report + discussion

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X. Other writings1. The Philippines A Century Hence;

2. Letter to the Young Women of Malolos;

3. The Indolence of the Filipinos