hirili kings 1tiuui ivlnuritain ilerald .jsbeej state and...

Kings .: .jSBEEj . *v " i i , t n Brief Form ) National News^ .J TH* Hirili A*4 ny At Hmm VOL. 24 NO. 34 i Condensed I n - A 1 * State And I .State New». William st on, N. C., Aug. 30.HL Coast guard patrol boats piled thi tbe flood-swollen Ronpoke . <t \ tew* day, rescuing Isolated farm farmtlii from onrushtng waters which a F ' - ready have claimed five lives an caused thousands to become hom less In northwostern North Carotlm Three families were rescued froi the roofs of houses about three in es up the river from here, and dozen boats were searching In tfc vicinity of Oriin Island, seven miles down the river for other fan ilies. As the Roanoke rose rapidly I a new record high there, emergent1 crews were forced to abandon sandbag barricade designed to Bat a highway and a four-mile road fl from the death-dealing waters. Oklahoma City, Aug. 20..An oflf< of |640 per trip to all takers to fe ry planes across the turbulent No th Atlantic to England hud the Q lahoma flying fraternity buzzing t day. Relics Wanted The Relic Committee of 'he Cei tenntal Cerebration has requeste The Herald to make a last mtnul appeal for any old souvenir or ol tlmey articles for uBe during tli Exposition. All articles will be r turned to the owners, and excellei care will be taken of them. One member of the commit tc had heard that an old Confederal uniform was someplace in /ini Mountain; it this is true and an one knows the whereabouts of they are asked to contact Mrs. J. 1 Herndon, or call The Herald Ottlc Please, please try to find any o! articles that will be of interest an call Mrs. Herndon or The Herali Please. Please. Auction Land Sale Postponed t The auntion sale of the properl at the corner of King Street an Clevelani Avenue dhtch was ache uled for Saturday Aug. 24th, hi been postponed until Saturday, Sc tember 21st. The delay In the schi uled sale is due to a legal technics Ity which requires all land ownc by a town to be advertised once week for four consecutive weel prior to the date of sale. The pro crty has already been subdivided to attractive residential lots. ar 4li» s. * - * vuuiuiuicQ in cnarRe oi ill© 88 extend a cordial Invitation to pre pectlve buyers to drive by and 1 apect the lota. B. L>. Qarpbell has surveyed tt property and had a blue print hat of all the lota and any Interest* citizen may Inspect same by co: tactlng Mr. Campbell or Charh Thomaason at the Elmer Lumbi -Company. Laughing Arc With Jv \ 1 Absolutely Nc By IllV TT IS related that a young la1 which waa in the lower Bias his signature to an order in a cai The judge not being at home, the r :sr the Information that her employ* address to which she directed the The place proved to be a "beer to found in the locality. Sore enough, there present wi with some companions; he was best, for which he sought relief 1 of beer; and he was engaged in After some hesitation the > pectful distance of the table, a shuffle of the cards was in pro; notice." He had not proceeded v< pulsed.. Awaiting another opporti explanation of the nature of th situation. His Honor, enraged at his list on the table, upsetting 1 his chair peremptorily command* of a Una. That was too much for the his mission and to be threatene ' indignation. With an air of m unclaimed: "What! Punishment for coot place.this saloon." "Dot's enough," interrupted 1 deratand, no matter where it iss, 1 (AWriea N /j.y *,.'£ I "'t' ' 'J£ yf J-' * .JXaiuuiuij INetf*. . Utbbsiowu, N. J., Aug ISO.. Four 1 u men were killed today tri an exploit- " v A- ' " I'M^'ur-a *. uutlaiug at mi! Dui'out Company's £ 1- ..cpauuu dynamite plant. shook id , uiIoiuks over a wide urea and shut tr- .ered windows live miles distant. a. fThe builling was used for filling " url ridges Willi powuer. - v 111 The structui v, about 25x50 feet c occupied an isolated plot at the ' i>jant and was surrounded by an ' j jarthen dike, above five feet high v After the blast, only a deep crater Ln* marked where It had stood. 11 The shock of the explosion rocked ° o ulldlngs for miles around. Sinoke " y columns could be seen across the il a Delaware "River in rhoctor 11 re . .. \ ' Dallas, Aug. 20..She didn't com' k plain much because her husband f< Jr made her pay $5 a week for room » and board In their home, a 30 ydar t old Dallas woman testified in DIs- 6 £ j trlct Court. ii 0 But she did protest . vehemently s .after he charged her for gas. and c _ oil consumed by the fumlly autonio- p blje when she used |t to run er- p rands. "Divorce granted," Judge Dick ft ^ Dlxdn ordered. ' d le " a id Mother Of Local S* Lady Dies v v Funeral services for Mrs. Laura Howard, 78. mother of Mrs. Earle c Thomusson, who died at the home I e of her daughter. Mrs. A. O. Finley, v iB In Charlotte eurly' Wednesday morn- *> j" ing will be held this afternoon at 1 four o'clock In Oastonla, Rev. P. D. ' ' Patrick, pastor of the First "PreSby- P terian Church, will be in charge of 1 the service which will be conducted '> . Carothers Funeral Home in Oastonla c * Mr. Patrick will be assisted by Rev < Freeman of Charlotte, friend and * neighbor of the family. Interment * will follow in Hollywood cemetery in .Qaatpnla. a Active pallbearers will be grand- a sons of the deceased. ' Mrs. Howard bad for the past see t( . oral years made her home with her f| T_ daughter. Mrs. Flnley, In Charlbtte. v lg She had been «tn bad health for sev ^ eral years and was critically ill for . the past six weeks. -a j .- naiB. nunaru was formerly M18B (fl Laura Nixon of Lincoln County. She It a married James E- Howard. April 81 p C8 1881. Her husband died 12 years ago. u Mrs. Howard was a member of tl ln the Main Street Methodist Chnrch u, ln Oastonia. . Ie Surviving are the following chll* 8 dren: Mesdames Flnley, Thomasson | and C. C. Goodson, the latter of Mount Holly; and M. C. Howard of . Kiver Bend, E. G. Howard of Un- fa te c -<?tton and D. L Howard of Hie*-/ n le ory. Also surviving Is one slsterJ t id Mrs. Anna Kelley of Cornelius, and n- 18 grandchildren. 58 Mrs. Thomasson has the syotpa- l »r thy of the entire community In her t] hour of bereavement. p . k Kind the World [ 5 /US S. CUBB | * > Doubt About It IN S. COBB ei syer sou rht the judge at his home, 0 it Side, f<>r the purpose of obtaining * le where prompt action was essential. ti maid who answered the door confided \ »r would likely be found at a nearby | caller. TMthrr went the young man. , nnel;" tyj.^ai of a number then to be t ls His Honor. He was seated at a table coatless, and visibly affected by the n copious draughts from a huge stein a game of pinochle. n oung lawyer approached within res- d nd at the end of the play, while a o rress, endeavored to engage "judicial 0 ;ry far before he was impatiently reinlty, he again broke in with a swift e document and the exigency of the " the young man's persistence, pounded tl lis beer, and rising menacingly from p M) affrnmaw rlawaaf tr*m «uv »»"*»« aiv ^ W u«|r»iv UUUCI |mtU ^ young lawyer. To be unsuccessful In 6 d with punishment also, aroused Ms fogled astonishment and derision he e empt of court for my conduet id this the judge with a roar; "I haf you un- n am always a subject of gondemptt" d iws rwtuit. lac.) t itain I URSDAY, AUGUST 1ft, 1940 il Celebrat CENTENNIAL BOX 8EAT8 ON SALE FRIDAY A limited number of box seat tickets f-rr the b»q Cleveland Cc.unts UlMlhrtlil1 Pageant will be on Mle et the King* Mountain Drug Co. and Griffin's Drug Co. FrMay morning from 9 to 12.- A committee of ladiee from Kinge Mountain ia in charge of the sale, and everyone who de. aires a ticket may secure same with out having to wait for the rush the , night of the performance. Only box i seats will be offered and' the first come will be served. The price of the tickets will be $1.00. Dorothy Hoke Is Miss Kings Mountain / J Miss Dorothy Hoke, attractive duit r shier of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. llokh, ^ was declared "'Mlsa Kiuss Moun- tain" to represent The Heat Town In The btate at the Mammoth blei ^ I'nllinii f'Olltltv fnlllunninl ...ix-t ....... V % wuai>y VU»^VIIIIIUI U' Al l|\.Ujy] J Miss Hoke was named -winner th the lively contest conducted here, hist night by judges of the Queen. 1 Contest. Miss Kings Mountain will " be crowned Monday night in .front ' of the grandstand in the Cleveland County .Fairgrounds. Miss Hoke is c a student at the Woman's College of U. N. C. In (Iruensboro. j Miss Ottie White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. "White was the run ' uer-up-and to her goes the honor of ! being "Miss 18^." She will assist .. Miss Kings Mountain during the . coronation ceremonies at the Cele> h -'i i.ri. Site will share honors with . "Miss 1940" the runner-up In the r Shelby contest. i. Messrs litll Fulton and Snooks Mc | Daniel who had charge of I he contest in Kings Mountain expressed their appreciation for (he co-opera tlon and interest shown here. and I congratulate the winners. The complete list of contentjnts| and. the votes received follow: Dot Hoke 138.408; Ottle White 71.061; Elizabeth Nelll 16.604; Phyllis Patterson 18,690; Edna Hoffman | 10.755; Helen 8tewart 7,744; Mary ' E. Goforth 6;330; Rachel MoClaln 4.050; Patsy White 3,870; Rachel Smith 2.609; Jadttic Rnwles 1.421; Hazel Falls 1.100. i Home Coming At Long ; Creek Presbyterian Church 1 _________ Home Coming at l^oug Creek Prea f tytcrian Church. August 26. The 11:00 o'clock service will be conducted by the pastor. Rev. FVel C. Debele. Jr. Picnic lunch will bo spread at the noon hour. 1 tp the afternoon. Miss Amy Robinson. a member of this Church who ' Is a missionary to Japan and is home on furlough will make a talk. ' In addition to this there will be r j_. . . -a ppceini music auu gooa congregatlonal singing. J We extend to former members of, this Church and other friends a special invitation to be present for this day of worship and vfellowshlp. .Reported. / Win Rogers9 Humorous Story t i i 1111 By WILL SOGERS THE politicians at Leavenworth and Atlanta, where the government haa a couple of eoloniea of them, sometimes ret to telling each other their troubles, and they say it's iust awful the way these boys haa nad it put over on them. Two of these politicians was talk1 ing, and on# of them says, "Well, how did you happen to get here, anyhow ?" Why, a Jealous, envious, lowdown skunk in my own party done it to me. Be was so sore at my good lock that he told in the papers that I had stole a million dolI lars from the treasury.1* i "Well, well, thereVno sad to the wickedness of eotne of these ungrateful dogs! But why didn't you come haek at him and make him prove it?" That's Just what I did. And I reckon I was a fool. When ha proved it, why here I came, end here 111 have to stay until after , next election anyhow." a.rt.s Mm mtsiM. tea. - taU. Aitiifcst.j.mw* Ivlnur 1TIUUI KINO* MOUNTAIN, N. C. TH Centennia fonth Crusade UTeek At Central Methodist Church u«f>. t*. W. Fox, ut Slntcsviile, fo: u i iwiitor of c'eulral Mcthodial uui'iu, will be the principal apeak' i ... «ue Youth Crusuue iluu»|ual >oiiug people at Ceuiral Church t t>.00 F. M. Friday evening. Thil aiuiuet and the cclebrailou of the .ova a Supper at 7 A. jd. Saturday milling will conclude tho program f \ ouch Crusade Week which hue eeti conducted by ihe Youth DivlS' )ll of tlio I'hlll't'h fliiwo Mnmluu . X. ..ut VM U t k^V V < UIIU UJ toriilng. Services today are as follows: lornlng Watch, 7 A. M. led by Geo, Lautiinore, Jr., and followed by a illowshlp breakfast; noon-day praj r for peace, led by Miss Cartfyn arpentet at 12 o'clock noon. Al : 15 P. M. the ouug people will leet. at the church to take picnic upper to oak Grove Methodist lliurcb, near Lawudale, and to at and the Cleveland County Young 'eople's Union meeting there. On Friday morning at 7 o'clock ftss Mary Julia. Follock will con uct the Morning Watch service; t noon Miss Dot Harmon will lea«' he prayer for peace; and at 6:1! M. Carradine Moss will lead the esper Service. Those who have led in the servl es previously include Miss Maudt 'lonk. Wilson Griffin and Miss VI ian Prince at the . early morning ervlce;' Miss Dot Hoke, Jatnet 'hroneburg. and Smyer Williams r. at noon; and Meek Carpenter resident of the Youth 'Division llss Mary Kvelyn Ooforth, and BU le Throncburg at the evening serv es. Rev. H. C. Sprinkle, Jr., and B Moss were speakers at evening ervlces Monday. Tlesday, and Wed esday. Young people under 24 years ol ge in the eommnnlfy are Invited U (tend the services, and tickets art n sale at 25 cents for the banquet atnorrow evening and may be had rom any member .of the Youth tDt Ision of Central Church, or from Irs. W. M. Gantt, adllt coqnseloi ir the group. The theme of the week's program i "For Christ- Today," and the put ose is the deepening of the spirit al life and Christian purpose ol be Young people of the community Jons Hear Of lavana Convention /Kings Mountain Lions were given first hand report of the trip fout lumbers utude to the International (invention in Havana, Cuba. ,Following*" i#e supper in the Wo tans Club building Tuesday evening ilon Mike Milam told ot the trip to lie Cuban Capitol; Tom Fulton re' orted on the "day-life" while on the iland;, George Mauuey gave a de tiled account of the - "night life" urlug 'their stay in Cuba,' and Jimiy Burns, told of the return trip to 'he Best Town In The State. 1 Club members thoroughly dnjoyd the reports by the foair delegates rhtch hit the htghspets of the eel?a trip. Following the talks Harold Hunt)! utt showed colored moving plctur s that Mike Milam bad taken while n the trip. Mr. Hunnlcutt also bowed a reel of films of scenes iken near Kings Mountain. Lake lontonia and blastlug at the rock uarry. Lions Charlie Thotnasaon, Mike mam, and W. J. Kulkerson reportd on details of the baseball game ) bo played Friday night with Gas>nla Lions. « tiwanis Club To Meet it Crowder's Creek. Members of the Klwanis Club, heir wives and sweethearts, will teet this evening at 6:30 at Crow er's Creek A. R. P. Church for anther outdoor supper. The location f the Church is rather hard to find d Dr. i. E. Anthony has agreed tc teet those not knowing the way at lie Woman# Club Building about t ». M. and escort them to the place there country ham .and fried chick n will be piled a foot high. Rev. L. B. Hiram, who has resign d as Pastor of St Matthews Luth ran Church, to accept the call tc he Burlington Lutheran Church iade a farewell address last Thurs ay evening following the supper In he Womans Club building. lerald m ion Begii Lions To Play Friday Night « ,i. I..' Members of the Kines Mounta; Uon» -Club wilt uieel the (am ste pinj: buseball team of the Gaston 1..0 under the Hood IlKhts. in Ga tonia Cridav nieht at 8 T> \t track Kings Mountain ' School Ban will inarch and pla.v for the ovei and It is hoped the local Imll plu m'k will be able to make as favor I'.l'le Impression as the band Is sui to make. The ball gdme. a comic affair. wi be fun aplenty for everyone wl attends. t'ouch W. .1. Culberson lining* up some real talent, such i Holland Dixon. Hob Miller. Jlmn | Hunts, Mike Milam. Hoyle McDanl 'Haywood b)mil ttttd several other A real treat Is. In store for it Itllai ous night of fun Prir.cs are to 1 given away.. The Kings Monntuln Club recel es all the money from tickets 'so iti Kugs Mountain Kings Mounta citizen's who go to the game at; have no) received ticket, are askt to please buy them front the Kin| Mountain booth at the grounds, the money will go tri the local cltt Tickets sell for 25o wb.ich 1 I bides transportation to and fro Oastonia from Kings Mountain A rangements have been made to hat .cars in front of Central School lake am person who has bought ticket and does not have a wax go. Inst think of It baseball fan here's s chance to nee a hail gan see and hear the School Band, at: get round trip transportation to Ot tmvtn ult for onlv 3f»c Tickets mav be secured from an mrmhoi of the Club. so let's so the ball gumo. » . PARADE ROUTE ANNOUNCED 'IJUe Kings Mountain Cent en ni Parade Committee, anaouuced las nlgbt the route of the big parade-1 follows: Parade to form ou We Gold Street th#n march up Go] Street to Railroad Avenue; thi Railroad Avenue to King S«re< cross overhead bridge on King Piedmont Avenue; then on Pie mont Avenue (by Town Hall whU will be judges stand) to Mounta' street:; ' down Mountain Street Battleground Road; down Haiti ground Road to Gold Street, whei parade will disband. The parade will begin promptly 11 A. M. and all those taking pa are asked by the committee to I on hand at the beginning not lati than 10 A- M. Two cups are to I awarded, one for the best play It band, and one for the best marchtt band, also two cups for the mo beautiful floats. Tom Fulton, Kings Mountain P rade Chairman along with others c tho committee ask that everyoi park tbelr cars along the route ea ly so that the parade can pro£e< without delay and Interference fro private cars. , The following is the marching o der of the parade: State Highwa Patrolmen. Marshalls, mounted c horses. Flags and color guard American Legion marching bod Shelby Band, Dlgfiitaries,1 Mounts Riders, Historical Vehicles, Fore City Hand, Old Model Cars. Shell Queen Float, Kings Mountain Que« Float. Cherryvllle Band, Civic Floa' Fire T>epiirtment Equipment, Cor merrlal Floats, Kings Mountal Schuoi Band. Boy Scouts and Panto The following floats have alrend been, entered- In the big parade an others are expected: Town of Kinj Mountain. Merchants Assoclatloi Lions Club, Womanp Organizations and the Kiwanis Club. Wooden nickels will be on sal during the,parade,-and everyone wh desires to have one of these souv< nlrs may buy it Tuesday morning ALL DAY SINQING The Kings Mountain Singing A go citation will meet at Jtetblehdi Sunday, Xuguat 25. with all-day sin log and dinner on the grounds. Among those to be there are Fil 'Slaters trio with Oeorgo llamm t the piano of Forest City; Tho Rani ers Quartett of Charlotte, and th Firestone Chorus of Qastonla. B erybody Invited to come aind brln well-filled baskets. « L V « '/ * t * '' -35 Watch UM On Voor Ptpw An* Oonl Let Your Subscription spiral rive CCNT8 PER COPY ... »'.. * * is Sunday - i'ARADE HERE i ctouAi A1:UU A. M. ^^/T^TflnfirT-riTTr^-nrr^. Tin- mammoth crit-blutiou cotuiiK'iuoiuUiii, .lie luuth anniversary of the umuJain of Cleveland County in opens Suiniay ilia lit at the CU'veluuu p. Couuty Fair tirouiulb \v it h i lie couula ty-ivl^le ri tvious oervleiv at 7:30 s- iy. M. (jeuer.il Chairmen. Odus Mult le ot 8hult>> uttd J. II. Tliomuitboii of i-l Kinyts Mouiituiu are very much elm- 111 hi win iiiu i merest tna; na* been y- shown in the big event, Committees a and co-winkers have been busy tor re the past several weeks tnukin'c at- , raugciueuts for the biggest culebta111 (ion evet pruinoteil in Cleveland ro County. < is Citizen from Kings Mountain liavn is joined hands with those from blieU ly by to make the couiity-W'ide celobra. ei iton a suteess from every stand's. point. Plain, have been made to .take ri' rare of the largest crowd ever gath>» ei erf in "Cleveland Couiily. A meeting was held Mbnday night v- in the Town Hall to formulate plana Id for the big parade to be held hero in Tuesday morning at 11 a. in. Mayor id .1. H. Tliomasson uppoiuted the folid lowing a* the parade committee for ss Kings Mountain: Claude llambright so (irmly King. John McCill and Tour b. Kultoit. The Towu of Kings Moun n- tain and the MercliuutH Association tn will liave floats In the purade. For .«' the .convenience of the throng that 'e will-be in Kings Mountain for tho to parade, stores will be open until 2 a p M. instead of closing at noon, to The business section lias already taken on a holiday air. as the streets >e weiv decoiatpd Tuesdaj afternoon, id Large American flags and pennants n drape the whlteway. " ; The tour glorious days of the ex>Y citing celebration begins Sunday night and ends .Wednesday. "Citizens of Cleveland have a great deal to celebrate for. and every man. woinau and child is cordially invited to attend as many days of the celebration as possible and rejoice together that they are citizens of this ( great county. State and nation. The complete program follows: " 8UNOAY AUGUST 25 Ht ''Religions Observance Day" I j Morning M Special Services In all Churches. . Evening * t0' Fair Grounds. 7:30 Sacred Band d Concert Kings Mountain and Shelby Bands. Massed choirs of all ChurchIk es in Cleveland Couuty, Congregiv ^ tlonal Sing of Old Time Hymns, Negro Spirituals. re (T i) ion Religious Service .- All Churches in Cleveland County participating. at Sermon.Dr. R. C. Campbell. . rt MONDAY, AUGUST 26 ie "Homecoming Day" er Morning >e 11:00 . Registration of Former tg Residents at City Hall. Band ConiK cert at the Court House. ,ArriVRl st visiting DlgnltarieB. Mayors ' and Prominent Citizens of Towns in tho County. Procession to City Hall. m Official Opening of tho celebration conducted by Mayor Harry Woodson. and Odus M. Mull and J. B. ^ Thomasson, Co-Chalrmen ot "tho Cleveland County Centennial, incj. Review of Historical Window Dis» nlirs ir Evening ly (Cont'd on Rdltorlal page) >n ' .. In H lOpinions Expressed an Thta Column Ara Not Necessarily the Viewa of ly Thia Newapaper.) id A word to the wise Is usually suits fidelity but that is not always true 11. in Washington. i.. Perhaps, as some legislators put It, the reason in the present case 1* [a that those officials directly involved ate not living examples of the quia itssence of wisdom. Those may be harsh words, but they are beingsald Just the same. The facts are these: Peace m Industry. absence If production disrupting strikes and labor disputes. Is essential so thel' natlnn' fn Mnr I a u man (>,»n Aiit "> UUtlWII k««V»WI >CD Win/ IUI WU". 1111» IVm rial needed lo make the country In* vulnerable against aggression. Weeks ago, long before national e defense became a burning Issue, the it House of Representatives concluded g. that for the sake of recovery peace ie should be restored In Industry* by y. trimming the powers of the I^abor ig Board. By a two-thirds majority, (Cont'd on back page) / *- a'

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Page 1: Hirili Kings 1TIUUI Ivlnuritain Ilerald .jSBEEj State And ...newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn98058845/1940-08-22/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Kings.:.jSBEEj *v " i i t, n Brief Form) National

Kings.: .jSBEEj.

*v " ii



n Brief Form )National News^

.JTH* HiriliA*4

ny At Hmm

VOL. 24 NO. 34

i Condensed In - A 1

* State And I.State New».

Williamston, N. C., Aug. 30.HLCoast guard patrol boats piled thitbe flood-swollen Ronpoke . <t \

tew* day, rescuing Isolated farm farmtliifrom onrushtng waters which a


- ready have claimed five lives ancaused thousands to become homless In northwostern North Carotlm

Three families were rescued froithe roofs of houses about three ines up the river from here, anddozen boats were searching In tfcvicinity of Oriin Island, sevenmiles down the river for other fanilies.

As the Roanoke rose rapidly Ia new record high there, emergent1crews were forced to abandonsandbag barricade designed to Bata highway and a four-mile road flfrom the death-dealing waters.

Oklahoma City, Aug. 20..An oflf<of |640 per trip to all takers to fery planes across the turbulent Noth Atlantic to England hud the Qlahoma flying fraternity buzzing tday.

Relics WantedThe Relic Committee of 'he Cei

tenntal Cerebration has requesteThe Herald to make a last mtnulappeal for any old souvenir or oltlmey articles for uBe during tliExposition. All articles will be rturned to the owners, and excelleicare will be taken of them.One member of the commit tc

had heard that an old Confederaluniform was someplace in /iniMountain; it this is true and anone knows the whereabouts ofthey are asked to contact Mrs. J. 1Herndon, or call The Herald Ottlc

Please, please try to find any o!articles that will be of interest ancall Mrs. Herndon or The HeraliPlease. Please.

Auction Land SalePostponed


The auntion sale of the properlat the corner of King Street anClevelani Avenue dhtch was acheuled for Saturday Aug. 24th, hibeen postponed until Saturday, Sctember 21st. The delay In the schiuled sale is due to a legal technicsIty which requires all land owncby a town to be advertised onceweek for four consecutive weelprior to the date of sale. The procrty has already been subdividedto attractive residential lots. ar4li» s. * - *

vuuiuiuicQ in cnarRe oi ill© 88extend a cordial Invitation to prepectlve buyers to drive by and 1apect the lota.

B. L>. Qarpbell has surveyed ttproperty and had a blue print hatof all the lota and any Interest*citizen may Inspect same by co:tactlng Mr. Campbell or CharhThomaason at the Elmer Lumbi-Company.

Laughing ArcWithJv

\ 1

Absolutely NcBy IllV

TT IS related that a young la1which waa in the lower Biashis signature to an order in a caiThe judge not being at home, the

r :srthe Information that her employ*address to which she directed theThe place proved to be a "beer tofound in the locality.

Sore enough, there present wiwith some companions; he wasbest, for which he sought relief 1of beer; and he was engaged in

After some hesitation the >pectful distance of the table, ashuffle of the cards was in pro;notice." He had not proceeded v<pulsed.. Awaiting another opportiexplanation of the nature of thsituation. His Honor, enraged athis list on the table, upsetting 1his chair peremptorily command*of a Una.

That was too much for thehis mission and to be threatene' indignation. With an air of munclaimed:

"What! Punishment for cootplace.this saloon."

"Dot's enough," interrupted 1deratand, no matter where it iss, 1

(AWriea N

/j.y *,.'£ I "'t' ' 'J£ yf J-'*

.JXaiuuiuij INetf*.. Utbbsiowu, N. J., Aug ISO.. Four 1u men were killed today tri an exploit-


vA- '" I'M^'ur-a

*. uutlaiug at mi! Dui'out Company's £1- ..cpauuu dynamite plant. shookid , uiIoiuks over a wide urea and shuttr- .ered windows live miles distant.a. fThe builling was used for filling "

url ridges Willi powuer. - v111 The structui v, about 25x50 feet c

occupied an isolated plot at the '

i>jant and was surrounded by an '

j jarthen dike, above five feet high v

After the blast, only a deep crater Ln*marked where It had stood. 11

The shock of the explosion rocked °

o ulldlngs for miles around. Sinoke "

y columns could be seen across the ila Delaware "River in rhoctor p® 11


.. \'Dallas, Aug. 20..She didn't com' k

plain much because her husband f<Jr made her pay $5 a week for room »

and board In their home, a 30 ydar told Dallas woman testified in DIs- 6£ j trlct Court. ii

0 But she did protest . vehemently s.after he charged her for gas. and c

_oil consumed by the fumlly autonio- pblje when she used |t to run er- prands."Divorce granted," Judge Dick ft

^ Dlxdn ordered. '




id Mother Of LocalS* Lady Dies v v

Funeral services for Mrs. LauraHoward, 78. mother of Mrs. Earle c

Thomusson, who died at the home Ie of her daughter. Mrs. A. O. Finley, viB In Charlotte eurly' Wednesday morn- *>

j" ing will be held this afternoon at 1four o'clock In Oastonla, Rev. P. D. '

' Patrick, pastor of the First "PreSby- Pterian Church, will be in charge of 1the service which will be conducted '>

. Carothers Funeral Home in Oastonla c* Mr. Patrick will be assisted by Rev <Freeman of Charlotte, friend and *neighbor of the family. Interment *will follow in Hollywood cemeteryin .Qaatpnla. aActive pallbearers will be grand- asons of the deceased. '

Mrs. Howard bad for the past see t(. oral years made her home with her f|

T_ daughter. Mrs. Flnley, In Charlbtte.v

lg She had been «tn bad health for sev ^eral years and was critically ill for. the past six weeks.-a

j .-

naiB. nunaru was formerly M18B

(fl Laura Nixon of Lincoln County. She Ita married James E- Howard. April 81 pC8 1881. Her husband died 12 years ago. u

Mrs. Howard was a member of tlln the Main Street Methodist Chnrchu, ln Oastonia. .

Ie Surviving are the following chll*8

dren: Mesdames Flnley, Thomasson |and C. C. Goodson, the latter ofMount Holly; and M. C. Howard of .

Kiver Bend, E. G. Howard of Un- fate c -<?tton and D. L Howard of Hie*-/ nle ory. Also surviving Is one slsterJ tid Mrs. Anna Kelley of Cornelius, andn- 18 grandchildren.58 Mrs. Thomasson has the syotpa- l»r thy of the entire community In her t]

hour of bereavement. p.


Kind the World [ 5/US S. CUBB |


> Doubt About ItIN S. COBB ei

syer sourht the judge at his home, 0it Side, f<>r the purpose of obtaining *le where prompt action was essential. timaid who answered the door confided \

»r would likely be found at a nearby |caller. TMthrr went the young man. ,

nnel;" tyj.^ai of a number then to be t

ls His Honor. He was seated at a tablecoatless, and visibly affected by then copious draughts from a huge steina game of pinochle. n

oung lawyer approached within res- dnd at the end of the play, while a orress, endeavored to engage "judicial 0;ry far before he was impatiently reinlty,he again broke in with a swifte document and the exigency of the "the young man's persistence, pounded tllis beer, and rising menacingly from pM) affrnmaw rlawaaftr*m «uv »»"*»« aiv ^ W u«|r»iv UUUCI |mtU ^

young lawyer. To be unsuccessful In 6d with punishment also, aroused Msfogled astonishment and derision he e

empt of court for my conduet id this

the judge with a roar; "I haf you un- nam always a subject of gondemptt" d

iws rwtuit. lac.) t

itain IURSDAY, AUGUST 1ft, 1940


A limited number of box seat ticketsf-rr the b»q Cleveland Cc.untsUlMlhrtlil1 Pageant will be on Mleet the King* Mountain Drug Co. andGriffin's Drug Co. FrMay morningfrom 9 to 12.- A committee of ladieefrom Kinge Mountain ia in chargeof the sale, and everyone who de.aires a ticket may secure same without having to wait for the rush the

, night of the performance. Only boxi seats will be offered and' the firstcome will be served. The price ofthe tickets will be $1.00.

Dorothy Hoke IsMiss Kings Mountain/ J

Miss Dorothy Hoke, attractive duitr shier of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. llokh,^ was declared "'Mlsa Kiuss Moun-

tain" to represent The Heat TownIn The btate at the Mammoth blei

^ I'nllinii f'Olltltv fnlllunninl ...ix-t .......V% wuai>y VU»^VIIIIIUI U' Al l|\.Ujy]

J Miss Hoke was named -winner ththe lively contest conducted here,hist night by judges of the Queen.1 Contest. Miss Kings Mountain will


be crowned Monday night in .front' of the grandstand in the ClevelandCounty .Fairgrounds. Miss Hoke is

ca student at the Woman's College ofU. N. C. In (Iruensboro.

j Miss Ottie White, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. C. 0. "White was the run

' uer-up-and to her goes the honor of! being "Miss 18^." She will assist.. Miss Kings Mountain during the. coronation ceremonies at the Cele>h -'i i.ri. Site will share honors with. "Miss 1940" the runner-up In ther Shelby contest.i. Messrs litll Fulton and Snooks Mc

| Daniel who had charge of I he contestin Kings Mountain expressedtheir appreciation for (he co-operatlon and interest shown here. and

I congratulate the winners.

The complete list of contentjnts|and. the votes received follow:

Dot Hoke 138.408; Ottle White71.061; Elizabeth Nelll 16.604; PhyllisPatterson 18,690; Edna Hoffman

| 10.755; Helen 8tewart 7,744; Mary' E. Goforth 6;330; Rachel MoClaln4.050; Patsy White 3,870; RachelSmith 2.609; Jadttic Rnwles 1.421;Hazel Falls 1.100.


Home Coming At Long; Creek Presbyterian Church

1 _________

Home Coming at l^oug Creek Preaf tytcrian Church. August 26. The

11:00 o'clock service will be conductedby the pastor. Rev. FVel C.Debele. Jr.

Picnic lunch will bo spread at thenoon hour.

1 tp the afternoon. Miss Amy Robinson.a member of this Church who' Is a missionary to Japan and ishome on furlough will make a talk.

' In addition to this there will ber j_. . . -a

ppceini music auu gooa congregatlonalsinging. JWe extend to former members of,

this Church and other friends aspecial invitation to be present forthis day of worship and vfellowshlp..Reported.


Win Rogers9Humorous Storyt i i 1111

By WILL SOGERSTHE politicians at Leavenworth

and Atlanta, where the governmenthaa a couple of eoloniea ofthem, sometimes ret to telling eachother their troubles, and they sayit's iust awful the way these boyshaa nad it put over on them.Two of these politicians was talk1

ing, and on# of them says, "Well,how did you happen to get here,anyhow ?"

Why, a Jealous, envious, lowdownskunk in my own party doneit to me. Be was so sore at mygood lock that he told in the papersthat I had stole a million dolIlars from the treasury.1*

i "Well, well, thereVno sad to thewickedness of eotne of these ungratefuldogs! But why didn't youcome haek at him and make himprove it?"That's Just what I did. And I

reckon I was a fool. When haproved it, why here I came, endhere 111 have to stay until after

, next election anyhow."a.rt.s Mm mtsiM. tea.

- taU. Aitiifcst.j.mw*


Centenniafonth CrusadeUTeek At CentralMethodist Churchu«f>. t*. W. Fox, ut Slntcsviile, fo:u i iwiitor of c'eulral Mcthodialuui'iu, will be the principal apeak'i ... «ue Youth Crusuue iluu»|ual

>oiiug people at Ceuiral Churcht t>.00 F. M. Friday evening. Thilaiuiuet and the cclebrailou of the.ova a Supper at 7 A. jd. Saturdaymilling will conclude tho programf \ ouch Crusade Week which hueeeti conducted by ihe Youth DivlS')ll of tlio I'hlll't'h fliiwo Mnmluu. X. ..ut VM U t k^V V < UIIUUJ

toriilng.Services today are as follows:lornlng Watch, 7 A. M. led by Geo,

Lautiinore, Jr., and followed by a

illowshlp breakfast; noon-day prajr for peace, led by Miss Cartfynarpentet at 12 o'clock noon. Al: 15 P. M. the ouug people willleet. at the church to take picnicupper to oak Grove Methodistlliurcb, near Lawudale, and to atand the Cleveland County Young'eople's Union meeting there.On Friday morning at 7 o'clock

ftss Mary Julia. Follock will conuct the Morning Watch service;t noon Miss Dot Harmon will lea«'he prayer for peace; and at 6:1!

M. Carradine Moss will lead theesper Service.

Those who have led in the servles previously include Miss Maudt'lonk. Wilson Griffin and Miss VIian Prince at the . early morningervlce;' Miss Dot Hoke, Jatnet'hroneburg. and Smyer Williamsr. at noon; and Meek Carpenterresident of the Youth 'Divisionllss Mary Kvelyn Ooforth, and BUle Throncburg at the evening serves. Rev. H. C. Sprinkle, Jr., and B

Moss were speakers at eveningervlces Monday. Tlesday, and Wedesday.Young people under 24 years olge in the eommnnlfy are Invited U(tend the services, and tickets artn sale at 25 cents for the banquetatnorrow evening and may be hadrom any member .of the Youth tDtIsion of Central Church, or fromIrs. W. M. Gantt, adllt coqnseloiir the group.The theme of the week's program

i "For Christ- Today," and the putose is the deepening of the spirital life and Christian purpose olbe Young people of the community

Jons Hear Oflavana Convention/Kings Mountain Lions were givenfirst hand report of the trip fout

lumbers utude to the International(invention in Havana, Cuba.,Following*"i#e supper in the Wotans Club building Tuesday eveningilon Mike Milam told ot the trip tolie Cuban Capitol; Tom Fulton re'

orted on the "day-life" while on theiland;, George Mauuey gave a detiled account of the - "night life"urlug 'their stay in Cuba,' and JimiyBurns, told of the return trip to'he Best Town In The State. 1Club members thoroughly dnjoydthe reports by the foair delegatesrhtch hit the htghspets of theeel?a trip.Following the talks Harold Hunt)!

utt showed colored moving plcturs that Mike Milam bad taken whilen the trip. Mr. Hunnlcutt alsobowed a reel of films of scenesiken near Kings Mountain. Lakelontonia and blastlug at the rockuarry.Lions Charlie Thotnasaon, Mikemam, and W. J. Kulkerson reportdon details of the baseball game) bo played Friday night with Gas>nlaLions.


tiwanis Club To Meetit Crowder's Creek.Members of the Klwanis Club,

heir wives and sweethearts, willteet this evening at 6:30 at Crower's Creek A. R. P. Church for antheroutdoor supper. The locationf the Church is rather hard to findd Dr. i. E. Anthony has agreed tcteet those not knowing the way atlie Woman# Club Building about t». M. and escort them to the placethere country ham .and fried chickn will be piled a foot high.Rev. L. B. Hiram, who has resign

d as Pastor of St Matthews Luthran Church, to accept the call tche Burlington Lutheran Churchiade a farewell address last Thursay evening following the supper Inhe Womans Club building.


ion BegiiLions To Play

Friday Night« ,i. I..'

Members of the Kines Mounta;Uon» -Club wilt uieel the (am stepinj: buseball team of the Gaston1..0 under the Hood IlKhts. in Ga

tonia Cridav nieht at 8 T> \t T»track Kings Mountain ' School Banwill inarch and pla.v for the oveiand It is hoped the local Imll plum'k will be able to make as favorI'.l'le Impression as the band Is suito make.The ball gdme. a comic affair. wi

be fun aplenty for everyone wlattends. t'ouch W. .1. Culbersonlining* up some real talent, such iHolland Dixon. Hob Miller. Jlmn

| Hunts, Mike Milam. Hoyle McDanl'Haywood b)mil ttttd several otherA real treat Is. In store for it Itllaious night of fun Prir.cs are to 1given away..The Kings Monntuln Club recel

es all the money from tickets 'soiti Kugs Mountain Kings Mountacitizen's who go to the game at;have no) received ticket, are asktto please buy them front the Kin|Mountain booth at the grounds,the money will go tri the local clttTickets sell for 25o wb.ich 1

I bides transportation to and froOastonia from Kings Mountain Arangements have been made to hat.cars in front of Central Schoollake am person who has boughtticket and does not have a waxgo. Inst think of It baseball fanhere's s chance to nee a hail gansee and hear the School Band, at:get round trip transportation to Ottmvtn ult for onlv 3f»cTickets mav be secured from an

mrmhoi of the Club. so let's sothe ball gumo. » .


'IJUe Kings Mountain Centen niParade Committee, anaouuced lasnlgbt the route of the big parade-1follows: Parade to form ou WeGold Street th#n march up Go]Street to Railroad Avenue; thiRailroad Avenue to King S«re<cross overhead bridge on KingPiedmont Avenue; then on Piemont Avenue (by Town Hall whUwill be judges stand) to Mounta'street:;


down Mountain StreetBattleground Road; down Haitiground Road to Gold Street, wheiparade will disband.

The parade will begin promptly11 A. M. and all those taking paare asked by the committee to Ion hand at the beginning not latithan 10 A- M. Two cups are to Iawarded, one for the best play Itband, and one for the best marchttband, also two cups for the mo

beautiful floats.

Tom Fulton, Kings Mountain Prade Chairman along with others c

tho committee ask that everyoipark tbelr cars along the route ea

ly so that the parade can pro£e<without delay and Interference froprivate cars.

,The following is the marching o

der of the parade: State HighwaPatrolmen. Marshalls, mounted c

horses. Flags and color guardAmerican Legion marching bodShelby Band, Dlgfiitaries,1 MountsRiders, Historical Vehicles, ForeCity Hand, Old Model Cars. ShellQueen Float, Kings Mountain Que«Float. Cherryvllle Band, Civic Floa'Fire T>epiirtment Equipment, Cormerrlal Floats, Kings MountalSchuoi Band. Boy Scouts and PantoThe following floats have alrend

been, entered- In the big parade anothers are expected: Town of KinjMountain. Merchants AssoclatloiLions Club, Womanp Organizationsand the Kiwanis Club.

Wooden nickels will be on salduring the,parade,-and everyone whdesires to have one of these souv<nlrs may buy it Tuesday morning


The Kings Mountain Singing Agocitation will meet at JtetblehdiSunday, Xuguat 25. with all-day sinlog and dinner on the grounds.Among those to be there are Fil

'Slaters trio with Oeorgo llamm tthe piano of Forest City; Tho Raniers Quartett of Charlotte, and thFirestone Chorus of Qastonla. Berybody Invited to come aind brlnwell-filled baskets.


L V « '/ * t * '' -35

Watch UM On Voor Ptpw An*Oonl Let Your Subscription


rive CCNT8 PER COPY... »'.. * *

is Sunday-

i'ARADE HEREi ctouAi A1:UU A. M.

^^/T^TflnfirT-riTTr^-nrr^.Tin- mammoth crit-blutiou cotuiiK'iuoiuUiii,.lie luuth anniversary

of the umuJain of Cleveland Countyin opens Suiniay ilia lit at the CU'veluuup. Couuty Fair tirouiulb \v it h i lie couulaty-ivl^le ri tvious oervleiv at 7:30s- iy. M. (jeuer.il Chairmen. Odus Multle ot 8hult>> uttd J. II. Tliomuitboii ofi-l Kinyts Mouiituiu are very much elm-111 hi win iiiu imerest tna; na* beeny- shown in the big event, Committeesa and co-winkers have been busy torre the past several weeks tnukin'c at- ,

raugciueuts for the biggest culebta111(ion evet pruinoteil in Clevelandro County. <

is Citizen from Kings Mountain liavnis joined hands with those from blieUly by to make the couiity-W'ide celobra.ei iton a suteess from every stand's.point. Plain, have been made to .takeri' rare of the largest crowd ever gath>»ei erf in "Cleveland Couiily.

A meeting was held Mbnday nightv- in the Town Hall to formulate planaId for the big parade to be held heroin Tuesday morning at 11 a. in. Mayorid .1. H. Tliomasson uppoiuted the folidlowing a* the parade committee forss Kings Mountain: Claude llambrightso (irmly King. John McCill and Tourb. Kultoit. The Towu of Kings Mounn- tain and the MercliuutH Associationtn will liave floats In the purade. For.«' the .convenience of the throng that'e will-be in Kings Mountain for thoto parade, stores will be open until 2a p M. instead of closing at noon,to The business section lias already

taken on a holiday air. as the streets>e weiv decoiatpd Tuesdaj afternoon,id Large American flags and pennantsn drape the whlteway. "

; The tour glorious days of the ex>Yciting celebration begins Sundayt° night and ends .Wednesday. "Citizens

of Cleveland have a great deal to

celebrate for. and every man. woinauand child is cordially invitedto attend as many days of the celebrationas possible and rejoice togetherthat they are citizens of this

( great county. State and nation.The complete program follows:


Ht ''Religions Observance Day"I j Morning

M Special Services In all Churches.. Evening *

t0' Fair Grounds. 7:30 Sacred Band

d Concert Kings Mountain and ShelbyBands. Massed choirs of all ChurchIkes in Cleveland Couuty, Congregiv

^ tlonal Sing of Old Time Hymns,Negro Spirituals.

re (T i) ion Religious Service .- AllChurches in Cleveland County participating.

at Sermon.Dr. R. C. Campbell. .

rt MONDAY, AUGUST 26ie "Homecoming Day"

er Morning>e 11:00 . Registration of Formertg Residents at City Hall. Band ConiKcert at the Court House. ,ArriVRlst visiting DlgnltarieB. Mayors ' and

Prominent Citizens of Towns in thoCounty. Procession to City Hall.

mOfficial Opening of tho celebrationconducted by Mayor Harry Woodson.and Odus M. Mull and J. B.

^ Thomasson, Co-Chalrmen ot "thoCleveland County Centennial, incj.Review of Historical Window Dis»nlirs

ir Eveningly (Cont'd on Rdltorlal page)>n


InH lOpinions Expressed an Thta Column

Ara Not Necessarily the Viewa ofly Thia Newapaper.)

id A word to the wise Is usually suitsfidelity but that is not always true11. in Washington.i.. Perhaps, as some legislators put

It, the reason in the present case 1*

[a that those officials directly involvedate not living examples of the quiaitssence of wisdom. Those may beharsh words, but they are beingsaldJust the same.The facts are these:Peace m Industry. absence If

production disrupting strikes andlabor disputes. Is essential so thel'natlnn' fnMnr Iau man (>,»n Aiit ">UUtlWII k««V»WI >CD Win/ IUI WU". 1111» IVmrial needed lo make the country In*vulnerable against aggression.

Weeks ago, long before nationale defense became a burning Issue, theit House of Representatives concludedg. that for the sake of recovery peaceie should be restored In Industry* byy. trimming the powers of the I^aborig Board. By a two-thirds majority, e«

(Cont'd on back page)

/ *-a'