hindustan media ventl.1res limitedventl.1res limited ref: hmvl/cs/08/2019 to, bse limited p.j....

Hindustan Media Ventl1res Limited Ref: HMVL/CS/08/2019 To, BSE Limited P.J. Tower, Dalal Street MUMBAI - 400 001 Scrip Code: 533217 Trading Symbol: HMVL Dear Sirs, Office: C-164, Sector -63, Noida Dist. Gautam Budh Nagar UP - 201301 Ph.: 0120 - 4765650 E-mail: corporatedept@hindustantimes.com CTN: L21090BR1918PLC0000l3 August 28, 2019 The National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, 5 th Floor Plot No. C/1, G Block Bandra - Kurla Complex Bandra (East) Mumbai - 400 051 Sub: Copies of Newspaper advertisement of Notice of Annual General Meeting In continuation of our letter dated 22 nd August, 2019, with regard to the Notice of Aual General Meeting to be held on 19 th September, 2019 and Aual Report of the Company; we are enclosing herewith copies of newspaper advertisement published in "Hindustan Times", "Hindustan" and "Mint" on 28 th August, 2019. This is r your reference and records. Thanking you, Yours itlly, l &fl Registered Office Budh Marg, Patna - 80000 I Ph.:0612-2223434,2223772,2223413,2223314.2222538 Fax: 0612-2226120 ijl

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Page 1: Hindustan Media Ventl.1res LimitedVentl.1res Limited Ref: HMVL/CS/08/2019 To, BSE Limited P.J. Tower, Dalal Street MUMBAI - 400 001 Scrip Code: 533217 Trading Symbol: HMVL Dear Sirs,

Hindustan Media

Ventl.1res Limited

Ref: HMVL/CS/08/2019


BSE Limited P.J. Tower, Dalal Street

MUMBAI - 400 001

Scrip Code: 533217

Trading Symbol: HMVL

Dear Sirs,


C-164, Sector-63, NoidaDist. Gautam Budh Nagar UP - 201301Ph.: 0120 - 4765650E-mail : [email protected]: L21090BR1918PLC0000l3

August 28, 2019

The National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, 5

th Floor

Plot No. C/1, G Block Bandra - Kurla Complex Bandra (East)

Mumbai - 400 051

Sub: Copies of Newspaper advertisement of Notice of Annual General Meeting

In continuation of our letter dated 22nd August, 2019, with regard to the Notice of Annual

General Meeting to be held on 19th September, 2019 and Annual Report of the Company; we are

enclosing herewith copies of newspaper advertisement published in "Hindustan Times",

"Hindustan" and "Mint" on 28th

August, 2019.

This is for your reference and records.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

ctil &fkrnfl

Registered Office Budh Marg, Patna - 80000 I

Ph.:0612-2223434,2223772,2223413,2223314.2222538 Fax: 0612-2226120

ija=qettlGI •

Page 2: Hindustan Media Ventl.1res LimitedVentl.1res Limited Ref: HMVL/CS/08/2019 To, BSE Limited P.J. Tower, Dalal Street MUMBAI - 400 001 Scrip Code: 533217 Trading Symbol: HMVL Dear Sirs,



Campaign to teachvalues to students�.T .. 9.!!.!'!8S1>ondent • hlreP0<1�1an1omcs_�; ........... .

NEW DELHI: : The three-month­lo�g "Con titution at 70 cam­paign·• in Delhi government schools kick-started on Tuesday 1':'1thstudents leaming constitu­tlonal values to commemorate 70 Years of India's Constitution. Under the campaign, a one­hour long session would be held for students of classes 6 to 9 and of class 11 per week for three we�ks. Students appearing for their board exam this year are being exempt from the cam­paign.

While the focus till Septem­ber would be on the theme of "Llberty". October and Novem­ber would focus on "Equality" and "Fraternity" respectively. Students will be taught about these constitutional values through workshops and activi­ties. Podcasts on the values of Liberty, Equality, and Frater­nity will also be made available

on the department' which teacher can us understanding and sh parents and students

"The campaign aligned with the we activities. The period for Students Council Social Science for Cla and political science class 11 may be used for pose," the Directorate lion said in a circular.

Between August 2 dents will be introduc campaign and taught a constitutional value of They will also undert exploration activities" duct surveys in their C community.

Students will be pr with different situatio effort to make them in about their values and processes. They will asked to describe how when they are not all exercise their choi



Tel. No. (01792) 273188 & 273105 FAX No. (01792)-2233TT & 272018 Website: www crikasauU.nic In E�mail: director:[email protected]

'li1§IIT No.: 2-15/2018-Admn ��� CENTRAL RESEARCH INS dl'fiKASAULI � Dated the 06.08.2019

ABRIDGED NOTICE Applications are invited for one post of Veterinary Officer,

Central Service, Group 'A' Gazetted (Non-Ministerial) in the Pay 10 (Rs. 56100-177500) (Pay Band-3, Rs. 15600-39100 + Gra Rs. 5400/- (Pre-revised)) in Central Research Institute, Kasauli Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The post is required to be fi deputation (including short term contract) from Officers of the or State Government or Union territory Administration or Public Undertakings or Univers�ies or Recognized Research lnsrnuti Semi Government or Autonomous Bodies or Statutory Organiza

For delailed advertisement and proforma of application, inte candidates may visit the official Website of the lnstitu www crikasauli.nlc in

Duly complete applications through proper channel should to the undersigned within 45 days of publication of this No Employment News. CENTRAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, KASAULI (H.P.)-173204 davp 17132/11/0014/1920

(DR. Ajay Kumar Ta DIRE


Walk-in-Interview will be held on 16th Septem J2019 at 11.30 AM in the Institute of P.estic Formulation Technology (IPFT), Gurugra select candidates for the position/s of Resea Aasoclate (RA) - 4 No. and Senior Resea Fellow (SRF) - 2 No. on purely temporary contract basis in Monitoring of Pesticide Resi in Different Agriculture Produce of Rajasth (Rajasthan MPR).

For details, interested candidates may visit lnstitute's Website www.ipft.gov.in (What's Ne


davp 02103/11/0004/1920 DIRECT


metro 09 --


CIN: L21090BR1918PLC000013 Registered Office: Budh Marg, Palna • 000 001 Ph.: +91 612 222 3434 Fax: +91 612 222 1545

Corporate Office: Hinduslan Times House, (2nd Floor) 18-20, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Deihl· 110 001

Ph.: +91 11 6656 1608 Fax: +91 11 6656 1445

hmvl in E-mail: [email protected] Website: WWW,


EM T E-VOTING INFORMATI N NOTICE is hereby given that: of the 1} The Annual General Meeting (' AGM') of the Mem��;!day the

Company (9th post - IPO) is scheduled to be held o� T th Ga�dhi September 19, 2019 at 2.00 P.M. at Hotel Maurya, ou

d Special Malden, Patna . 800 001, to transact the Ordinary

� 2019_ Business set out in lhe Notice of AGM dated AuguSI 2 ' der

'lh the Stalement un Notice convening the AGM, together w, , d the Annual Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013 ('lhe Ac1 )

•�·spatched to Report of the Company for FY 2018-19 have been

d�ress by the the Members of the Company at their registered 8 permitt�d mode.

h e been sent via T he said notice of AGM and Annual Report av

ose e-mail \D ise-mail on Augusl 23, 2019 10 the members_ wh

nts(s). However, registered with the Company/Depository Participa

I copy of the any member who wishes to have a physica

's RTA at Notice/Annual Report may write to the Company

[email protected]. rt has been The dispatch of Notice of AGM and _Annt�C:J:d the Annual completed on August 26, 2019. The Notice O

the company's Report for FY 2018-19 are also available on

d Transfer Agentwebsite viz. www.hmvl.ln, website of Registrar a

bn .1 s of the Stock

(RTA) viz. https://evoting.karvy.com and on we_ s�.: com).

Exchanges (www.bseindia.com and www.nsein 1 · 10 of the . h A t read w�h Rule 2) Pursuant to Section 91 of t e c . . . \es 2014 ('the

Companies Act (Management and Administration) ��Ii ;,ions and

Rules'), and Regulation 42 of SEBI (Listln? Bl �e ulations') Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015


Tranifer Books the Register of Members of the Company and are

Se tember of the Company shall remain closed from Thur


nc1tsive) 10 12, 2019 to Thursday September 19, 2019 (bolh . ays I

declared at determine the entitlement of Members to the dividend

2019 the AGM if any for \he financial year ended March 31,

' · . . . 1 s t' n 1 OB of the Act read 3) In compliance with the prov1s1ons o ec ,o. f 1h SEBI

with Rule 20 of the Rules and _Regulation_ .44 0 e ers 10

Regulations, the Company is prov1d1ng: the facility to me;


exercise their right to vote by electrornc means on the r inary

and Special Business set out in the Notice of AGM through remote

e-voting facility (i.e. facility of casting vote by using an electronic

voting system from a place other than the venue of AGM}. Karvy

Fintech Private Limited ('Karvy') has been engaged by the Company lo provide remole _e-voting facility. The procedure for remote a-voting-has been outlined ,n the Notice of AGM.

(a) Members of the Company holding shares in physical or dematerialized form, as the case may be, as on the _cut-off date i.e. Thursday, Seplember 12, 2019, only are entitled to avail the facility to cast their vote by remote e-voting as well as voting in the AGM.

(b) The remote e-voting facility shall commence from Sunday, September 15, 2019 (9.00 a.m. Server time) up to Wednesday, September 18, 2019 (5.00 p.m. Server time). Thereafter, the

remote e-voting module shall be disabled by Karvy. Once the vote on a resolution is cast by the member, the member shall not be allowed to change it subsequently.

(c) Further, the members who have exercised their right to vote through remote e-voting may participate in the AGM, but shall not be allowed to vote again thereat. If a member casts votes by both modes, then voting done through remote e-voting shall prevail and vote at the AGM shall be treated as invalid.

The company is also providing facility for voting through polling paper at the venue of AGM, to the members who have not cast their vote by remote a-voting. Any person who acquires shares and becomes a member/beneficial owner of shares of the Company after dispatch of the Notice of the meeting and is a member/beneficial owner as on the cut-off date i.e. Thursday, September 12, 2019 may obtain the User ID and Password by sending a request at [email protected]. The detailed procedure for obtaining User Id and Password is also provided in the Notice of AGM which 1s available on both, the Company's and Karvy's website. However, tt a member is already registered with Karvy a-voting platform, he can use his existing User Id and Password for casting the vote through remo1e e-votmg. In case of any query/grievance regarding remote e-voting, Members may refer to Help & FAQ's section/E-voting user manual available under the "Downloads" section of Karvy's website: https://evotlng.karvy.com or contacl Mr. G. Ramesh Desai, Manager at Karvy Fintech Private Limited, Karvy Selenium, Tower B, Plot No. 31-32, Financial District Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Mandal, Hyderabad - 500 032 or 0� email [email protected] or phone no. 040-6716 2222 or Karvy's toll free no. 1800-345-4001 (from 8.00 A.M. to 8.00 P.M.). In terms of the SEBI (Lisling Obligations and Disclosure Requirements} (Fourth Amendmenl) Regulations, 2018, with effect from April 1, 2019 securities of listed companies can be transferred only in dematerialised form (_except for transmission or transposition of securities). Accordingly, the Company will not accept any fresh lodgement of tran_ster of shares in physical form. In view of the same, Members are advised, 1n their own interest, to dematerialise the shares held by them 1n physical form.

Date: August 27, 2019 Place: New Delhi

For Hindustan Media Ventures Limited

Sd/­(Trldlb Baral}

Company Secretary


Page 3: Hindustan Media Ventl.1res LimitedVentl.1res Limited Ref: HMVL/CS/08/2019 To, BSE Limited P.J. Tower, Dalal Street MUMBAI - 400 001 Scrip Code: 533217 Trading Symbol: HMVL Dear Sirs,

+ ol$'W1 tldldlltldUI � �ifftr.milmm<"!l!mffls! ,m-r-�,m-;;ftir'flt� �<f>1:ffit1��-q "OO<!o131mR.t'qJijq;)� �';;!n�t1

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liir.!: ,91 612 222 3434 �: +91 612 222 1545


18-20, �11Ti"1\-.:irf, �� - 110 001

liir.[: +91 11 6656 1608, �: +91 11 6656 1445

/,�, hmv/[email protected] �: www.hmvl.in

?llfhs 3lliff � AGM ilSI � Jitl

ftcmc --ama. Jiiaiclii�

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'1i1 mm, 2.00 � � ,wrr, .iml '11fdt �. llr-lT-800 001 ll 1<.aft.'l'!. ii.� 1t,rri. 20 -. 2019 "f.!mfti! �. - am � � 'lil � ,rn ii; ft.w: MI

'(.afi.'l'!. '1i1 an,nf.;@" ,rn q;J �- m>i it .;,,rn 3lfuf.r,rq, 2013 q;\ '11U 102 < · 3lfuf.r,rq' l ii. 3l'ir-! flliwiT am � 'l'f 201 s-19 q;1 .;,,rn q;1 qjfif., mla, .;,,rn ii;� 'li1 � � ,m 'R 3lJlll'I fllfil � ffi ,g

i\'THI 1<.afi.'l'!. 'n1 ..1i«1 � am .ffet.!; ft'llt o-1 M 'li'r 23 3PRil, 2019 "'1 t-iwf mi i'r.i\ '1'fi t_ f.;ITT; {-iwf aiiti) ;p,r,ft� � ij s-f t I �.�>fiw,!zyl"fl�f'lliil,i;ft'llt.,'\�1m1m.;rn<11rn t [email protected] 'R;p,r,ftil< 3!R.il.1(. 'lilm�t1

'(.afi.'l'!. 'n1 � am .ffet.!; fl,ltiil. Wl"f.,, 26 3l'ffil, 2019 'li'r � ,g IFf<IPl'IT!l'(.,;\,l(q, 'nl'lful aillfl«il,J'l'f 2018-19il<R'111.�ft'llt, 1""Rl 'h'l � 'IR1 www.hmvl.in, � am.7,im,{ � ( 3!R.il.1<.) � https://evoting.karvy.com am m.. � .,, �cwww.bseindia.com amwww.nseindia.com) 'R >fi�f1

(2) �q;\ "1U 91, Wlif'lfan ;p,r,ft � (lliN-!1<"lmRR) f-1,pn, 2014 ii. f.l'l1! 10 ('f.{,rqj') am 1i<tl <�- � am � �:iii) f<lf.rl,lf, 2015 il;f<lwll!42 ('1i<tl�') 'nl�<lilW ""- "'1"Rlil<�.il-rjf.;m am-il>Rmi<R"!.n. 31 'll'l. 2019 ii. -fl«il,Js,!q, 1(afi1('! it'llfirnfil;'('11(ffi'lm, 'lfi;�mt il<R'111. M<lil��.rn%g, �.12 �. 2019��. 19 rnil"«, 2019il'I> (ilr.li'��),.r,;wi\1

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('1) � 31\'11<1T, � 'leyl-.lr � t-� m 31'Rl 'Ile� am � 'nlm,g�t 1<.afi.1('!. il�ini�t �'3'll'l'ffl"� 'Ile � ii; IB1< � � � ffl I 'lfi: � 'leyl ilr.l( fllfil,rr � 'Ile � t m ft,lg i-� t = � fil;'!l 'l'!l 'llc 'ti llP! � am � it f.!;<ll'l'!l'llc�11Rl"l11!,'lll

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�' 27 3l'ffil, 2019 �,s{�

• ••

Page 4: Hindustan Media Ventl.1res LimitedVentl.1res Limited Ref: HMVL/CS/08/2019 To, BSE Limited P.J. Tower, Dalal Street MUMBAI - 400 001 Scrip Code: 533217 Trading Symbol: HMVL Dear Sirs,

l ' . I

IDint =hip by expre.s.�fngct . hcly. This is very dilTercnt from a decade ago when legislators held the party and government to ran­som lo get what they wanted. There is a lot of discontent about the decision to name C.N. AshwatJmarnyan and Laxman Sav­�� a� Mo ofU1e tl1ree deputy chief

+ fi 11�11stcrs. Ashwathnarayan is a ll'Sl-tnne minister. Savadi lost

SC lets portal withdraw plea in case filed by Amit Shah's son


[email protected] NEW DELHI

T he Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed The

. Wire, a news portal, andits scribes, to withdraw their appeal challenging a Gujarat high court order in the defa­mation case filed by Union home minister Amit Shah's son Jay Shall for publishing a news report on his business activities.

The apex court also said that the trial against the news portal will be expeditiously completed by the competent court.

Though the bench headed by Justice Arun Mishra allowed the withdrawal of appeals pending in the apex court for around one-and-a­ha If years, it expressed anguish over the way journal­ism was being practised in the country.

Responding to senior counsel Kapil Sibal, appeaiing for The Wire, the bench also comprising justices M.R. Shall and B.R. Gavai said it has become a fashion to serve a notice and then even before it can be answered, articles are published within five to six hours.

The Wire issued a press statement: "Circumstances have arisen as per which we believe it is best if we make use of the opportunity to jus­tify everything we have stated in our article at the trial. We are therefore withdrawing. We believe the fight for media freedom will have to be advanced at all levels. Our article was factual, based not only on records, but on facts admitted by Jay Amit Shah. Though it is still very much our belief that neither a crimi­nal case nor an injunction is legally justifiable, we intend to face trial in Gujarat, secure in the knowledge that consti­tutionally mandated rights of the media will eventually pre­vail."






Registered Office: Budh Marg, Patna - 800 001 Ph.: +91 612 222 3434 Fax: +91 612 222 1545

Corporate Office: Hlndusian Times House, (2nd Floor) 16-20, Kaslurba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001

Ph.: +91 11 66561608 Fax: +91 11 66561445 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.hmvl.in


NOTICE Is hereby given that: 1) The Annual General Meeting ('AGM') of the Members of the

Company (9th post - IPO) Is scheduled to be held on Thursday, the September 19, 2019 at 2.00 P.M. al Hotel Maurya, South Gendhf

Malden, Patna - 800 001, to transact the Ordinary and Special Business set out in the Notice of AGM dated August 20, 2019. Notice convening the AGM, togelher with the Statement under Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013 ('the Act') and the Annual Report of the Company for FY 2018-19 have been dispatched to the Members of the Company at their registered address by the permitted mode. The said notice of AGM and Annual Report· have been sent via e-mail on August 23, 2019 to the members whose e-mail ID is registered with the Company/Depository Participanls(s). However, any member who wishes to have a physical copy of the Notice/Annual Report may write to the Company's RTA at [email protected].

The dispatch of Notice of AGM and Annual Report has been completed on August 26, 2019. The Notice of AGM and the Annual Report for FY 2018-19 are also available on the company's website viz. www.hmvl.ln, website of Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) viz. https://evoting.karvy.com and on websites of the Stock Exchanges (www.bselndla.com and www.nseindia.com).

2) Pursuant to Section 91 of the Act read with Rule 10 of the Companies Act (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 (1he Rules'), and Regulation 42 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ('SEBI Regulations') the Register of Members of the Company and Share Transfer Books of the Company shall remain closed from Thursday, September 12, 2019 to Thursday September 19, 2019 (both days inclusive), to determine the entitlement of Members to the dividend declared at the AGM, if any, for the financial year ended March 31, 2019.

3) In compliance with the provisions of Section 108 of the Act read with Rule 20 of the Rules and Regulation 44 of the SEBI Regulations, the Company is providing, the facility to members to exercise their right lo vote by electronic means on the Ordinary and Special Business set out in the Notice of AGM through remote e-voting facility (i.e. facility of casting vote by using an electronic voling system from a place other than the venue of AGM). Karvy Finlech Private Limited ('Karvy') has been engaged by the Company to provide remote a-voling facility. The procedure for remote e-voting-has been outlined in the Notice of AGM. (a) Members of the Company holding shares in physical or

dematerialized form, as the case may be, as on the cut-off date i.e. Thursday, September 12, 2019, only are entitled to avail the facility lo cast their vote by remote e-voting as well as voting in the AGM.

(b) The remote e-voting facility shall commence from Sunday, September 15, 2019 (9.00 a.m. Server time) up to Wednesday, September 18, 2019 (5.00 p.m. Server time). Thereafter, the remote a-voting module shall be disabled by Karvy. Once the vote on a resolution is cast by the member, the member shall not be allowed to change it subsequently.

(c) Further, the members who have exercised their right to vote through remote e-voting may participate in the AGM, but shall not be allowed to vote again thereat. II a member casts votes by both modes, then voling done lhrough remote a-voting shall prevail and vote at the AGM shall be treated as invalid.

The Company is also providing facility for voting through polling paper at the venue of AGM, to the members who have not cast their vote by remote e-voling. Any person who acquires shares and becomes a member/beneficial owner of shares of the Company after dispatch of the Notice of the meeting and is a member/beneficial owner as on the cut-off date i.e. Thursday, September 12, 2019 may obtain the User ID and Password by sending a request at [email protected]. The detailed procedure for obtaining User Id and Password is also provided in the Notice of AGM which is available on both, the Company's and Karvy's website. However, if a member is already registered with Karvy a-voting platform, he can use his existing User Id and Password for casting the vote through remote a-voling. In case of any query/grievance regarding remote a-voting, Members may refer to Help & FAQ's section/E-voting user manual available under the "Downloads" section of Karvy's website: https://evotlng.karvy.com or contact Mr. G. Ramesh Desai, Manager at Karvy Fintech Private Limited, Karvy Selenium, Tower B, Plot No. 31-32, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Manda!, Hyderabad - 500 032 or on email [email protected] or phone no. 040-6716 2222 or Karvy's toll free no. 1800-345-4001 (from 8.00 A.M. to 8.00 P.M.). In terms of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2018, with effect from April 1, 2019 securities of listed companies can be transferred only in demalerialised form (except for transmission or transposition of securities). Acc9rdingly, the Company will not accept any fresh lodgement of transfer of shares In physical form. In view of the same, Members are advised, in their own interest, to dematerialise the shares held by them in physical form.

Date: August 27, 2019 Place: New Delhi


For Hindustan Media Ventures Limited

Sd/­(Trldlb Baral)

Company Secretary

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