hind r eufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/aa/00/06/29/47/00037/00005.pdf · tion at various custom houses....

1t] 1AI[LY N19 VS-HEFiR .LD, WEDNE3I LY MORN1 ,,NOVEMBERC23, 1887. 5 OTOn IT (1lillTT Governmentis annually defrauded of a ABOUT ENGLISH SERVANTS. FURNITURE. large amount of revenue by under-valua tion at various custom houses. Tne report Each One has His or Her Special De- of the committee. when made, may affect part -ent of Work. Lariff legislation by the Fiftieth Congress. From a London Letter. H I LANDNS' HATUE AEPCHECKON. In England the position of each servant,and FORGER AND H S ASSISTANT. HAWKINS' HOME REPUTATION, the duties that belong to each exclusively, are ___,WEIGy. The Alleged London Dynamiter De- clearly marked out and established. There is ROYaL A Check Made Payable to Charles R. scribed as a Quiet, Peaceable Man, a seperate servant for every known and con- .. UITELy P Baby Carriages, Hat Racks, Mirrors, Matting, Carpets e d Special to the NEwS-H11ERALD. ceivable division of domestic labor. Each does .ts PresentedattheStateyBank oflrida PHILADELPHIA, PA., November 22.- (and will do no morethan) whatislaiddownin Michael Hawkins, the alleged dynamiter the prescribed and well settled rules of ser by Thomas Wilson* . vice. And it is not conlined, this exclusive arrested in London yesterday, lives at 1939 ness in the matter of work, to those whose North Second street, in this city, nominal divisions of labor are in their char- (a -, t B d o -:- S ie Yesterday morning a, man, who is a His wife says be went to London three actor diametrically dissimilar, it is stranger in the city, presented a checit for mioths agoon private, bhsf-ness. Hie isof not that a groom or coachman would not frpyetath SttBakof a Ieapebedis position and al "-ays o poeonccas',,n or even emergency he prevailed, CLOCKS,,LAMPS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, 475 for payment at the Stite Bank ofmtosouvope.H xcedp e on eto Ishte roshe ueern dh obes o y7 eaeepoe no ows h ihso aetebd:o methods of violence. He expected- to *be th te kitchenmnaid or housemaid could be Florida, which was drawn in favor of gone four or fve months. Mrs. Hawkins expected to go out and bed down the horses Oharles H. Stover. Mr. Hedry A. L'Engle, cannot account for his arrest, as hts bisi- for the night, or clean the harness. No one of the batnk,, happened to be ness abroad had nothing to do with Irish could feel surprised at the refusal of either the manager revolutionary matters. -But it is -that no footman could be induced, AT ~ ~ / present when the'clerk as presented andr -a-in's neighbor* also describe him much less ordered, to Light a ore, or fetch up!-:- V recognized the name to which the check on industrious, peaceable man. cajoled into carrying in a tray of entries, or was made payable, as being that of a man carrying, out '.a basket ed. dirty plates.,i theT funs Hoe, Boardin whom he knew was at that time in the The Fisheries Commission at Work. one inst ce the work is the lei!t i Oate and slfuri HOtels, ng Houses, Private Special to the NEWS-1HERALD. duty of te housemaid, in the other that of the Residences, Ships, Steamers, Offices, from -county jail. Stover was.ai'rested on Sun- WASHINGTONDCNvme 2-h footman. I pa flagolail ag ,ay last, charged with the theft of a boat Fishi Com in t am Dpart- es tb hmen n sl ar e, orfa re O F TO B O TTON M from Jones' boat yard. meut of State at 2p. m. to-day or four servants, the cook may help to make Mr. L'Engl surmised that something of their room wer then closed and It is aides d"d as the hd and The house- Cam be bought at the Original Pioneer Installment House o was wrong and refused to cash the check, iunderstood that formal proceedings were of astricd division of labor are not so strictly A and informed the party presenting it that begun. enforced and observed in small establishments b olutely Pu re.A he would retain possession of it until he as in large, but there is, nevertheless, a fairly' <coldenuie tio hematter. The Man Igi adherence to the exclusively legitimate This powder never varies.Af who prened the chek was'the sam o o the customs Laws duties of the particular ace In all households purity,strength, and wholesomeness. More party who was with Stover when he was Special to the NEWs-HERALD. r anto known as general economical than the ordinary kinds, and can- 6 W EST B STR EET. arrested on Sunday, but lie claimed that WASINGTON, ). C., November 22.-Sen- workan Amen who d 'mener al otb acid competitin withemultitude of arthceckd be gvnt i.b a work" in America, are called "maids Of all' lo* test, short weight -alum or phosphate the check had been given to him by a man ators Beck and Allison held a long confer- work" in England. They ai'd almost without newders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKto named Terry, who had reqnested him exceptionemploybdinthbhousesoftradesmen. Nw>ERna o.. 10 n alnstreet, N..las el se g ean and ge it hodcials to da, as to the desira- - LONGELLOW's CHOWDER. --- - - lS on Balance Mr. L'Engle, being foreman of the grand, blo modification of the 'customs adminis- - OG;LO18CODR ury, now in session, led Stover brougE tration laws. A French Derivation for a R? al OldYash-' POLITEIATTENTION, PROMPT DELIVERY. be fore that body in order to learn whether KNOX KNOCKED OUT ioned New England Dish.R Terry had become possessed of the check O From tBn Neer in a legitimate manner. Frmthe Bostona Advertiser. nStaer acknoedge havingg had it, but An Old Hat and Four Aces Do Him Up ',A lady who writes charming letters to the -- Call and see our New and Elegant Stock whether you wish could not explain how Terry got hold of it, Completely. American Register of Paris says: "I am fre- Special Engagement to buy or not. - CLARK & LOFTUS, 66 W. Bay St. and he also asserted that he did not en- From the New York Tribune. quently asked, 'What is clam chowder?' and Of the Monarchs of the World, dorse it although Stover's neame appeared It is not often that a tradesman has a joke I have replied that more than thirty years ago n i ' *' W On the back of it when presented for pay- perpetrated on him in his own line of such I heard the poet Longfellow urge a Freich laveir's Original M1astodon Msels D T 0 11 S, ment. The natural inference followed that proportions as that which was played on lady to eat some cli. chowder because it was ,l Terry stole the check and had forged Edward Knox, the hatter. He is a Democrat, French. The lady looked up in astonishment Making the Greatest Minstrel Oraniza-'1I Stover's name to endorse it. and uttered a most signified comment donc! tion ever Presented to the Pu lio. ** Steris Holland forced of th bu', as he puts it, in a moment of innocence Unto which Longfellow replied that the eea : a fair, and with several of his deputies spet permitted a Republican i entice him French rigiall settled on the borders e RinBgeBs, m sg Dancers, Cig0, Ttobicleso ,rad 3±xoke-rl .Lk Jeiz. th aysacha frTrrbu l terto step into the Republican, Club rooms in Ne ngland, and mother -necessity, soon etEdMn a oei~s therday searching for Terry, but all their West Twenty-eighth street. -hen he entered taughtthem how su stew cams and fish in All Combined in One Show. We doageneral RealEstate business. Rents Collected and remittances promptly made. efforts failed until near midnight, when he wore a fauiltless silk hat of his own make layers wit bacon, se biscuit (crackers) and the Sheriff found his game at the West of the latest London style, and the oth are neak u r Nod Friday ad Saturda Matinead Evni, No. 25 Pine St., (Look Box 579) Jacksonville, Fla. Eend saloon. As soon as Terry caught glossiest finish, which set off his fromth French th- Indians learned the Ro fight of the officer he made an effort to es- tall and Apollo-like figure to great man Catholic religion and a little of the NI)VEMBER 25 and 26. cape, but was soon in the Sheriff's custody, advantage. When be departed he wore a dull Frehhlanguage and a great deal of the dish MFSeats on sale at Dell's drug store. He silk hat of the $3 order, made by some chea Indians were not apt in the pronunciation or TA [b T ) TT 9cty s P2 in the sgiiacofFeh, adwhen they D promising faithfully to leave the city. house down town, for which his own aa significance of French and wetD.1 iU, }} 1a Terry made several coitraditory state- been exchang-d. If he didn't use swear heard the Gaul speac of the chaudlere the In ments to the Sheriff as to how he had be- words it was not because the spirit was un- dians supposed it referred to the food, and his -c- ' come in possession of the checkwhich con- ute climax came later. As lie nearest approach to the pronunciation was vined ollnd hathe as rooed.Upo enere his oe ad ptnte htudwn ntcawdr-tt nmewhih erlyEngishfis .)LUJhIi Vname)?JwhichJNJ .earlyL..'English...LLfish-'C being questioned by Mr. George F Acosta the counter to attend upon a couple of lae ermen and settlers learned from the Indians, 'Tery tcitl aditte tohavig idor who were friends of his, four aces dropped ,,ndwihich the Anglo-Saxon in the new world, r yrset from the hat lining face up. The ladies .e u er corrupted into chowder. n o CONSIDER] THE FOLLOWING Stover's name, hut said that he did not re- them.. ft CONSIDER] THE___ FOtLFLOsWgINdG as asTuks alssEc ceive any money on it as the bank had re- "When adu get me in a Republican club How to Kill Prairie Dogs. . 5West Bay Street, - - - - Jacksonville, Fla. fused to cash it without idantification. agan, sai Mr nox laer,'yo wi ' know itC J> 1TS He gave his full name as 0. S. Terr and an si Iever genot a.t r, yos Republican From the Dallas Herald. 'OOH FOR THE ELEGAWT BRASS 1FHOW CAME. said that he had been in this State about Club fellows here I can rub it in on them Some three years ago, when making a trip I'll ring in a whole cold deck on them. The across the continental divid, I stopped for Handsome grove and house, nura- GrEO E C. W IL ON ten months, ciaving come here from Bos, loss of muy hat was bad enough, but those ac1000,UU. ery, etc., at veido, Orange county. GE R*P", .W L O ton, Mass, where all of hs family now re- cards I will never forgive." dinner at a roadside tavern, situated k Abargai. SUCCESSOR TO - - - GEO. C. WILSON & CO side. ~~~~~~~~~~~valley; close at hand was a prairie dog townAbagi.S C E ORT E _0.WL N&C , He vas locked up in the city jail. Philadelphia's Curled Darling. numbering over 500 inhabitants. Not long 5,000. Fity acs-ten-a grove, very WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN From a New York Letter. since I had occasion to stop at the same house, . . near Sanford. High...b. ....... LOCAL BRIEFS. Senator Robert Adams, of Pensyand saw that, the same level prairie once building lots. A splendid property Cr T-ceries an ro-vision LOCL RIFS Seatr obrt das.ofPensylvania, Occupied by prairie dogs, had been enclosed. for suburban homes. operty~r1e~ a LL.'J JJi±± There will be an important meeting of known in his role of curled darlingas "Bertie,' plowed, and was then covered with aluxuriant IOs)I000Fifty-four acres -fifteen-acre bear- N 4 yggy 'pg t g 4 ' gy Ei the Board of Trade this afternoon. as one of the handsomest men on Fifth ave- crop of grass. Seeing no signs - f the little I Ing grove, house, nursery, etc., near _ __s__. _ _____ ____. ____c ____ony______ aa. Juidge A. R. Meek has moved his office nue to-day. He would have been an object of beasts, upon asking wi at had become of them county, n wasec of l they had been exte mina ed in the Picolata, Fla., St. Johns cut from fifteen West Bay street to the Post even greater nk'rest to te charming proces- follwi aey Balls f ottonmits. Thisplaorg wCeTat.hapa1, office building. sion of women one meets near TPwenty-thrd ratedowith hiv ls bd of caronansu w s -ithi the atow limits0. 0Z~ ec rg L . I> 1c Cio h~ 1 street on zaft!ne afternoon had they known in Srp inwill doand is cheap-psh fartka WTet-ort uildin ltinmes t W. J. Gilmore's Devis Auction Com separation sh fr Wor t ie e W.J.Gimos' Dvi'sAutin oma-him the sponsor of the cal brated. wife- beater- own the hole an thet-fu holesin fioml packed ny closed a successful engagement at the bill, which has set the Keystone State Leg- with earth. Bi-sulphde of r e price offered for. Opera Houseslast night. nature byithe sears fo several sh extremely volatile fluid, quickly evaporates . Five lots in Fort Meade, Polk The steamer Cheroltee a-rived about 2 a"ertie" is a big man, with and forms a heavy' gas, which occupies every county. o'clock yesterday,crowded with passengers ae fine, open fswae, nt anoee forn female chamber and gallery of the animal's dwelling ace HInD R E -dbingir a heavy freight. besThis gas is as promptly fatal to then acres In Apopka, Orange and bringing ei it years old, and an aristocrat when be is life as the fumes of burning sulphur or car- 60.J lThesoe r PCarli stCa Lum New York to see if the Union Club chief was New two-story building (store and N e ber laden,having onboard a cargo of a15,0 as good as Mr. Adams' friends vaunt him to Fall Work for Pubiishers. dwelling) at Grove Park, Alachua bar ade~haingon oar a arg of215000 be, and like most men from out of town, haermtecut.Go uins tn. A id . et feet. brought his umbrella as well as his cane with From the Illuminator. county. Good business stand. 40 and 42 West Bay Street, Jacksonvle, Florida About a week ago, Captain Murphy, of him and had to lug it about in the, sunshine.' The chestnuts are just beginning to fall 1,0.City, Pl ony odbsns the Waycross force, found two boxes at He wants New York to join hands with Penn- from the trees and alannac makers are very sP out G bn Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves and Tinware, House Furnishing the depot and up to this time has discover- sylvania and restore the effete whipping post busy. stand. lots in Lakeland, Polk Goods, Granite and Agate Ware. Sash, Doors, Blinds, as a punishment, for wife-beaters. This legis- 600. Tw Agate aelnd "l cd no owner. lative thunderbolt, which he borrows from the 6 ounty.Pans ndOl.A rcutalI ie e s'ro ad There will be a dance at the Florida bt hen's chickens, is periodically extinguish Simply a Change of Style. ot. Paints nd Oils. Agricultural Implements, 'Iron and Yacht Club house on Thursday evening, ed by the married men at Harrisburg. Senator From the Hotel Mail. alu6hJacksonville, teel, Rope Belting, Hose and Packing, Pumps, November 24. Dancing will begin promptly daim wi never marry, it is said, until this A cowboy who Iuts up at a hotel for the T Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings, Four-Point -at 9 o'clock. blisase.first time never blows out the gas. He simply 1,00 Tw oty. ddeln tMyo ret i pricedd by the Size of His Fe, shoots off the tip of the Jet with his revolver. Duval county. Steel Galvanized Fence Wire, Mantels, being improved by the addition tothe Fromthelndianapolis Sentinel. N. B.-But he gets there just the same. 1 ThreelotsiOakland(NorthJack- Grates, Etc., Etc., Etc. front of a corrugated iron awning support- "I had a new experience yesterday," re- sonville), Duval county. -AGENT FOR: ed by iron posts. marked Justice Feilbleman. "About noon a DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Ten acres at Bloomlngdale, Hills: D g Oil Stoves, Or AGe Lightning Powder, Farmers' Friend an The steamship City of San Antonio will shabbily dressed man came tome and ask d WAR DEPARTMENiT, 50 borocounty. Splendid orange dis- mmangmer sail from Fernandina for New York to- meto go tothesouthpart of the city and per- SIGNAL SERVICE, U. S. AhRY trict. Boss Plows, Perry & Co's Cele rated Stoves and Ranges, Fairbanks' Sthn morrow. The 2:45p.m. train from Jack- form aarriage ceremony. Icosentedto do JACKSONVILLE, FA., November 22,'1887 2,250.wo hundred acres near PlantCity, dare S0ales, S0Rthem , St. LOUis, White Lead, Masry's Pure Colors in Oil sonvile onnetconnectsi soapeaanbut m from myheistyappearancean ime.fin-1ide0. uplsmynounSeventy-fifthale, Smeridian Loutime.teLe-dilasryborur Ccounty.oi During Auctioneer Slager's sale of latd ond I ot would be a 'thank you ; i Wind. Twenty acres IPlant ity, grove, SU ' i a a Liqid Paits ware last night, a sneak thief ma e off sign of poverty. There werg no carpets on R an Liui' Paints. with a fine gold-lined goblet, valued at the floors and the furniture was old and r- 2,500 One hundreds svr arano Tin Hoonug, Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin work to Order seven dollars. The thief has not been rickety, and the bride and groom were dressed STAION ' WEATHER land near Brooksle, Hernando W ,caught, in their working clothes. But 10 my great -~ surprise, as soon as I bad united them he 0 ony The thermometer at George Hughes' handed me a brand new $10bill. Voncan'ta1 P - 500. Forty 'acres northwest of Green State Agent for Chattanooga Stove Co.'s "look pharmacy, corner Bay and Ocean streets, ways tell how far a Ioad can hop by his looks:" -n .- .. F -~ I i- o Spring, Clay county. aSo e C .s L ok p watered 65 degrees as thec highest and wb Aug asta-n 0.34 40S - C..I.r. , Forty acres, twenty miles south of Out" Stoves. Prices in Jacksonville same degrees as the lowest temperature during Frank Siddall's Ambition. Savannah S. 30.36 E * .... Clear. * St. Augustine. Hammock land on . the 24hours ending at 2 p.m. yesterday. From the St- Louis Post-Dispatch. JAKSONV'LE.anna..h...-.....- the coast 4 near theanal. - as in Chattanooga. James Breen, a white sailor, was arrested Frank Siddall, whose ambition it has been Kay West....30.16 68 NE 18 ... lear. 20 Ten acresnear ,a auo. Atlanta-....8u.34 60S 8 ... Clear. 2'U. acnt Aacu yesterday by United States Marshal Bird to own the faster road horses in the country, Pensacola .... 30.24 60 NE 8 . 1 Cloudy. . county' HOTELS & BOARDING HOUSES. for deserting the English schooner Alice. is considered sort of a mascot by some of his Mobile........ 30.24 15 SE Cloudy. ian Twenty acres near Ocala, Marion ... ,= Breen is now in the county jail where he New York friends. He has- bought a whole Montgomery..- 30.28 SE 6 . Olear. UU. county, 0 EX/Ote TOg i. will be detained until the vessel. is ready island midway between Cape May and Atlan- a ve leans.. 20 5 E .. Thirty building lotson LakeCharm Formerly the St. Marks. Caveats and Trade Marks obtained and aR for sea. ' tic City, and has set to building ;houses all 1 3 lS 61 e r 3, Clear y othe busnes inrte U.rk S.Paednde at The motion to quash the notice and i This will be Siddall City. Ia's going NOTE-All barometer readings reduced to (fong Lake),near Oveido, Orange e tBay, Jacksonville, Fla. teded to for moderatefee nt )fice at iute rrogatories served by defendants upon to build a railroad uip the 'coast to connect ea level and standard gravity. c~f w ouses. andna lotet ataj Bayard St.snv 0-EenIGTESME. Orofc i poieteU .Ptn fi withrohr estsorvedbid enda os upnetPeaseylai- iotnsoreodinnnoofMteinedaaure are bel 0 Tohount and lot at Bayard, St. OPEN DURIMNiuTHE SURER. Our office is tpposiue the r. 8bPatlnteo the plaintiff in the case of E. M. L'Engle nia lines. He's goingE tobil oren zero.0 O. Johns county. The motcnrlhuei h iy er and we can obtain Patents in les tiMa and W. A. Dell, against Solomon Cohen marb pa on itfor himed a gothe eloo of wind S miles par hou* Ot those remote from Washington. was granted in the Circuit Court stone he cuts out of his gi'eat quarries in Geor- -Raiall too small to mention. 250. ume (mall sore) and lot at e, tre erries. patentabil r 'drarge adve mae no yesterday. -gia. -. lJU lnmt aro outad eleat. $f,5toi', per hells carenltysfre oftaihae Pandent.e At a meeting of the Jacksonville Gun An Enterprising Etli' or. LOCAL WEATHER OBSERVATIONS. 350. Twenty ace al CLorktHo'abnnoro ahec 62,50to w per Proy . chaWe uefer wee tai ah Ptastet,thSut Club.Ver-coldoanelands- _bt___M B. OG B p Moe Orefrerv, d the Pomas the Sup Clb d ast night,Messrs. Marvin,Barrs From the Dubuque Times, WAR DEPARTMENT, 60. our building lots in Seville, Volu- HOtel San Diego, (New.) ofMoe rde r Dv.,ce.dFor cironial aovce terms tofix up toe b'sdeq a monund'A There is an enterprising newspaper man in SIGNAL SEnvICE,0U. S. ARMY, eiacoiunty. Burnside 13each, - - Near the Jetties. and references to atual clients in your own frteaccommodation of base bal and Southern~aliforniawhoshould he transferred JAcen iu ima Notivember 22, 1887. omEightyacres extra fine orange land, One Hourw fromn Jacksonville. orCuny . A. SNOW & CO, fourth balgms to a larger influence. His latest utterances Saaty-i meida ime Hernando county,near Pemnberton Bathing, Fishing and Huntink. Accommo- Opposite Patent Office. Washington, DO iThe editors of the Sub-Tropical Expo intion is cerd o t6 th factthasinthe " a nigSpin- tlts rsyely$ sition heda nmceting at Colonel Forbes' news columns of tbis morning's Howler there fi ~c ~ S ~ . eld and ShellRa ,cDung Sprintg. week Util J.opletrio ad teJo Pabl Beaih - iPlr office yesterday afternoon, but adjourned appears the first and onl account of the e ' ~oor steamboat to Mayport, advising as to whion T Ai .11 1)1A11 over until next Frday, without Iransact- elopement of our wife with 'Tlhumbless Billy,' o 0 P. ,q -. u' 17 A~ of the above property will prove a route. _.B. RAT lug any business, beyond a general discus- the monte shark, which occurred yesterday. : . h ,valabe urhaseas edbon ht when i a ."B-oB.c MUaNot, sion of the affairs of the Exposition Thus we core another on our contemporary : : . mbagin o am sae i he comsoaen___________ , ~ jjI. OR GootefoallsiaarofM sd elseets boub some 7p y . m.. -03 37 N 7 0 8 0 -- ar charged by agents.A BE T 1I-Il .l I E Sl-( -AND Cad Nr uoh m mbrrM.gof Mis inside deJopets toe ublshed ex3u rhe an. 30.3 63, N w dt 7 ii earsaon21 , ,, 11Shing H OUS8,JIJ Trit LoE.uieBlssrofM. Joh. Teyi hipilape Jtotcofrew boring." 8s teperatue 80 82, Noest 11 Clmear 5 *~u 9OTE BNE M NU EJCKONILE FA Ther llbo Mr. aetn Mf Bt.cyl Thajutmdarerkbevag.Self hepmoun 30.3 ranfl is given byce preent la buikeso poranileo Tuesdomewar voyeVolunteer. NE0ade in t NcolsFa cermuo cosieat on5 as heg Higstanceepering1,137 miles.temIn the II~ GNTORICE. Wm. BArKEmR'Smn evnig ovember 28,c a ocok, in Fro th l e JoraloCmere en p rt1 n Fr uada for the pAu-hor.Saedte18 Yhf FghbooeoaeboUmi- d o pics.Ralradpinin i alt Srty vs. T, husJmes, who wani Ted hor ip Wilamn . Nth fNw ef 7etteprtr 2 loet teomrpfeheatnealren Oficude aTther las e of courtin fo rape owicycl hato tmd earal oae h lef The ont or al is gve by ices ,' datStembr,18,ti ofNE ficE JbeenILE FA Clth isbs en ingof the osectrx she Gerei PhldepifoYrs onthean aoutdeeve 1887d hudeth 0. lci h origo thtntrcedtorstr DEOM oSE ",th Pbi oAH. dFTO ID For E rm h hiaoNes a sternil apl oisHnor Slighliamoleaceopen vilo ertn freand enord nd thekGen- lli al ~ld prnt aus usieses o ntnue wl ntehmwr oae whiciladel babe en , JugeoteCotyCorfrthcuhoesladReiDaerinalLndLwso thPUiedSats allad tme.. All Bomembr r rceve tinormto hnlode and asaen a in thu e odstat lfug a tto~oiastigzirbt 9 Q . QQhrtofoothelwithdrawl______forindemnity_____ purposes_______ coeerday fromnhisrtonhr. 1fB 0u comeay trdsaneleinh21,1ntryies Dni ath hioNcmhct fJcsrvle nh nU10I11k . iUik9frhbnftoT PCe.scladAlni g Sa e A tore cMeroe eser r ound trpse sied lota a ast ice i NrJ ETobacco andF g~an 110 -IL UNITED SESLN rr5iET AYSRET CompanyI snowwitteGthlettebrafromrohecheekorakeeeFlorninisp SendlaforepcibcesaRailload: printinesionallgrant ask eo f tned o thai selis otaroun th a wolrod ten motsantenr0 Apliation frhen Guardian for he Au- lofJi dc 1 Y theEytrLherneA. ove cr, 188t AeTCOM OUNDT OXYE. Sgtl s hmsJms h a idce iedywihiuesthe tima sftlyingn t heorirgitofSehl Reloa-tae bedn t s ha asay Jos iNew [or Briomain and thepen t eleen Oaie nd ery_________________ ago others teraus of cor formaech, wast Fift Ya Ban theRa. P1,atama Mills ck chin the morins nofrthofa intutrutde tosoe toli Land pLas omhe ntd * th aseceofth prosbyStes utrey shenll bing Fro the Chiag Nrews dayon ill taempdly tof sai onr.oWillimAi thMtaeanh pUbliotfed tates, allnds ter the Kansas. Ther caseray, ontine h bn eaue sotean, cofne ounty Cotely the coopesIaIe and ST.eae n openar to s emn asnenirond t e Geon-o Mr. F.he le. Bogu rtaeeveifraonh Pheladelpiana poieman cpusin teles ur of J.u.vSan, te Forttin 6hins poate 89Pe alon hnerunapretdaweins or inetyi compoany ago A W Cckrllrereentd hedeof ar wrkevry ayfo te aergewaes fJutdg he s laweks aoio viee inntVethPreG Ry hiky 188 ,60 willhbeneeived by t PnolaandER, laegicster1IN - - N I U fesnedayt frmhsbohr H ou ommecal otravele aditn ths otr nDutielsa i offidler 1d1 hiad7 inns MhetVecontyreRyeWhikey 1888. ai500 Oadndrtegato MayG.17,AWFOR, Rci e whoe is uardian SuFloriLdavrs'in thSon l;ut.eLussy htC .Lnly sadcut ifDvl foautIity o llCE' ER EOtM TH D heWa scored thNonmber for.-Theshinf iy dsre h hnr r Lnlyra ette thie-- ner seorth to-wsi A DoeT'obco nd ga.. s,.c. .. suc0 1le tands n. ma be eedb aoks - -LSO jur an cmmisio hve eciedtha Frm h ate hrn Tlmae alk undvided in tbai interth alhkto naenRetaindu . Se tofr JoshOai chmaveyee proved frso-m IIO ET BA TRE ENT Johne Tels son e on'sh faery w is Thel singulars factis beemnstrumer o thacteeswe aonarcemleofaditte, ainsn ( ON f " wTgy.187 10 raineal notrafet toh acquethinal Trtversmntllyincpalefakigthieoae 18st rais canno sy s arely, hand b1in aio the ount of Duvinning Stntane l ofNo Bonay Brn......... .~ the.prima00 baengfbuils byshae oth F1,000i00 Rsaielefay ti a~ veloi ad oy of6here eodeks ee red xn pn@ Ol Jaac Ru...... . or600Btwe grand ione* Weuealthhpplrenrucesultet gurinwleapitdee ca0,000 metres good stesnha anloy of Boort of theas partoert of ecti 11uphae oth Godn sherry Wndine boavrtie I.0 coince with aboeirucions, we*CMOUDOYE heas ofth Sttwgis uisRg hc boses andhas aradync toavee ovmerature0twmnipag 346 soth ofq range 6ounty eicot Gode Whskiesi worteh I can sel.t C. DAWKINS, Manager. lndrstretteub Lgle wh was initer o rnerthaatin yea fmi in00t 1887. degrees Cetat ake ie m aofthe a eadingprot ivet chepasy, hpoue. in Ne Yokorle00i ndoe tON o 'NettleIen 0.nsdwmentry. pag fo the abuseaLD feal e11a Not a Basd Ida Panamker, o chin and Mar link nOr ofa Kentuck.Sherrer.150eMaublictue Land easoferitxmiiedugen She INGTON, Cour yetea,N ee 2hThe From the Nwl streatns. ayne. sou thecrer la1nenbsetd laeyth rpet I <o.' Ceeraeaatwn15 uar 18 18 appicaion t0 o fil upo or ViTT a or wit omprssd su-ommioy tte's of trSnae FinanceCo. raTxs hsrcnldddapc edn in the saiddl Jeffesaid roadt, makingtcky Domesti Gin LIS.T... States... 0 1 kinds the pucoifed han and tred~l~ae ago. aeedw sesionWinthi c uty, of leaondsnto fling, plighin force aer tandof BhmIa urin e o.WrRvdadSwdCpesSig e RG O E H D __" __exa__ _ o oo t hub iso lie to c y a g lt e adr which he to tew s lieo a lto ned, uo r n . rdGW a lrs o ro ,18 ........ .. 4 .c

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Page 1: HInD R Eufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/06/29/47/00037/00005.pdf · tion at various custom houses. Tne report Each One has His or Her Special De- of the committee. when made, may affect

1t] 1AI[LY N19 VS-HEFiR .LD, WEDNE3I LY MORN1 ,,NOVEMBERC23, 1887. 5

OTOn IT (1lillTT Governmentis annually defrauded of a ABOUT ENGLISH SERVANTS. FURNITURE. large amount of revenue by under-valuation at various custom houses. Tne report Each One has His or Her Special De- of the committee. when made, may affect part -ent of Work. Lariff legislation by the Fiftieth Congress. From a London Letter.

H I LANDNS' HATUE AEPCHECKON. In England the position of each servant,and FORGER AND H S ASSISTANT. HAWKINS' HOME REPUTATION, the duties that belong to each exclusively, are ___,WEIGy.

The Alleged London Dynamiter De- clearly marked out and established. There is ROYaL

A Check Made Payable to Charles R. scribed as a Quiet, Peaceable Man, a seperate servant for every known and con- ..UITELy P Baby Carriages, Hat Racks, Mirrors, Matting, Carpets e d Special to the NEwS-H11ERALD. ceivable division of domestic labor. Each does .ts

PresentedattheStateyBank oflrida PHILADELPHIA, PA., November 22.- (and will do no morethan) whatislaiddownin Michael Hawkins, the alleged dynamiter the prescribed and well settled rules of ser

by Thomas Wilson* . vice. And it is not conlined, this exclusivearrested in London yesterday, lives at 1939 ness in the matter of work, to those whose North Second street, in this city, nominal divisions of labor are in their char- (a -, t B d o -:- S ie

Yesterday morning a, man, who is a His wife says be went to London three actor diametrically dissimilar, it is stranger in the city, presented a checit for mioths agoon private, bhsf-ness. Hie isof not that a groom or coachman would not frpyetath SttBakof a Ieapebedis position and al "-ays o poeonccas',,n or even emergency he prevailed, CLOCKS,,LAMPS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, 475 for payment at the Stite Bank ofmtosouvope.H xcedp e on eto Ishte roshe ueern dh obes o y7 eaeepoe no ows h ihso aetebd:o methods of violence. He expected- to *be th te kitchenmnaid or housemaid could be Florida, which was drawn in favor of gone four or fve months. Mrs. Hawkins expected to go out and bed down the horses Oharles H. Stover. Mr. Hedry A. L'Engle, cannot account for his arrest, as hts bisi- for the night, or clean the harness. No one

of the batnk,, happened to be ness abroad had nothing to do with Irish could feel surprised at the refusal of either the manager revolutionary matters. -But it is -that no footman could be induced, AT ~ ~ /

present when the'clerk as presented andr -a-in's neighbor* also describe him much less ordered, to Light a ore, or fetch up!-:- V recognized the name to which the check on industrious, peaceable man. cajoled into carrying in a tray of entries, or was made payable, as being that of a man carrying, out '.a basket ed. dirty plates.,i theT funs Hoe, Boardin whom he knew was at that time in the The Fisheries Commission at Work. one inst ce the work is the lei!t i Oate and slfuri HOtels, ng Houses, Private

Special to the NEWS-1HERALD. duty of te housemaid, in the other that of the Residences, Ships, Steamers, Offices, from -county jail. Stover was.ai'rested on Sun- WASHINGTONDCNvme 2-h footman. I pa flagolail ag

,ay last, charged with the theft of a boat Fishi Com in t am Dpart- es tb hmen n sl ar e, orfa re O F TO B O TTON M from Jones' boat yard. meut of State at 2p. m. to-day or four servants, the cook may help to make

Mr. L'Engl surmised that something of their room wer then closed and It is aides d"d as the hd and The house- Cam be bought at the Original Pioneer Installment House o was wrong and refused to cash the check, iunderstood that formal proceedings were of astricd division of labor are not so strictly A and informed the party presenting it that begun. enforced and observed in small establishments b olutely Pu re.A he would retain possession of it until he as in large, but there is, nevertheless, a fairly'

<coldenuie tio hematter. The Man Igi adherence to the exclusively legitimate This powder never varies.Af who prened the chek was'the sam o o the customs Laws duties of the particular ace In all households purity,strength, and wholesomeness. More party who was with Stover when he was Special to the NEWs-HERALD. r anto known as general economical than the ordinary kinds, and can- 6 W EST B STR EET. arrested on Sunday, but lie claimed that WASINGTON, ). C., November 22.-Sen- workan Amen who d 'mener al otb acid competitin withemultitude of arthceckd be gvnt i.b a work" in America, are called "maids Of all' lo* test, short weight -alum or phosphate the check had been given to him by a man ators Beck and Allison held a long confer- work" in England. They ai'd almost without newders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKto named Terry, who had reqnested him exceptionemploybdinthbhousesoftradesmen. Nw>ERna o.. 10 n alnstreet, N..las el

se g ean and ge it hodcials to da, as to the desira- - LONGELLOW's CHOWDER. --- - - lS on Balance Mr. L'Engle, being foreman of the grand, blo modification of the 'customs adminis- - OG;LO18CODR

ury, now in session, led Stover brougE tration laws. A French Derivation for a R? al OldYash-' POLITEIATTENTION, PROMPT DELIVERY. be fore that body in order to learn whether KNOX KNOCKED OUT ioned New England Dish.R Terry had become possessed of the check O From tBn Neer in a legitimate manner. Frmthe Bostona Advertiser.

nStaer acknoedge havingg had it, but An Old Hat and Four Aces Do Him Up ',A lady who writes charming letters to the -- Call and see our New and Elegant Stock whether you wish could not explain how Terry got hold of it, Completely. American Register of Paris says: "I am fre- Special Engagement to buy or not. - CLARK & LOFTUS, 66 W. Bay St. and he also asserted that he did not en- From the New York Tribune. quently asked, 'What is clam chowder?' and Of the Monarchs of the World, dorse it although Stover's neame appeared It is not often that a tradesman has a joke I have replied that more than thirty years ago n i ' *' W On the back of it when presented for pay- perpetrated on him in his own line of such I heard the poet Longfellow urge a Freich laveir's Original M1astodon Msels D T 0 11 S, ment. The natural inference followed that proportions as that which was played on lady to eat some cli. chowder because it was ,l Terry stole the check and had forged Edward Knox, the hatter. He is a Democrat, French. The lady looked up in astonishment Making the Greatest Minstrel Oraniza-'1I Stover's name to endorse it. and uttered a most signified comment donc! tion ever Presented to the Pu lio. **

Steris Holland forced of th bu', as he puts it, in a moment of innocence Unto which Longfellow replied that the eea : a fair, and with several of his deputies spet permitted a Republican i entice him French rigiall settled on the borders e RinBgeBs, m sg Dancers, Cig0, Ttobicleso ,rad 3±xoke-rl .Lk Jeiz.

th aysacha frTrrbu l terto step into the Republican, Club rooms in Ne ngland, and mother -necessity, soon etEdMn a oei~s therday searching for Terry, but all their West Twenty-eighth street. -hen he entered taughtthem how su stew cams and fish in All Combined in One Show. We doageneral RealEstate business. Rents Collected and remittances promptly made. efforts failed until near midnight, when he wore a fauiltless silk hat of his own make layers wit bacon, se biscuit (crackers) and the Sheriff found his game at the West of the latest London style, and the oth are neak u r Nod Friday ad Saturda Matinead Evni, No. 25 Pine St., (Look Box 579) Jacksonville, Fla. Eend saloon. As soon as Terry caught glossiest finish, which set off his fromth French th- Indians learned the Rofight of the officer he made an effort to es- tall and Apollo-like figure to great man Catholic religion and a little of the NI)VEMBER 25 and 26. cape, but was soon in the Sheriff's custody, advantage. When be departed he wore a dull Frehhlanguage and a great deal of the dish MFSeats on sale at Dell's drug store.

He silk hat of the $3 order, made by some chea Indians were not apt in the pronunciation or TA [b T ) TT 9cty s P2 in the sgiiacofFeh, adwhen they D promising faithfully to leave the city. house down town, for which his own aa significance of French and wetD.1 iU, }} 1a Terry made several coitraditory state- been exchang-d. If he didn't use swear heard the Gaul speac of the chaudlere the In ments to the Sheriff as to how he had be- words it was not because the spirit was un- dians supposed it referred to the food, and his -c- ' come in possession of the checkwhich con- ute climax came later. As lie nearest approach to the pronunciation was

vined ollnd hathe as rooed.Upo enere his oe ad ptnte htudwn ntcawdr-tt nmewhih erlyEngishfis .)LUJhIi Vname)?JwhichJNJ .earlyL..'English...LLfish-'C being questioned by Mr. George F Acosta the counter to attend upon a couple of lae ermen and settlers learned from the Indians,

'Tery tcitl aditte tohavig idor who were friends of his, four aces dropped ,,ndwihich the Anglo-Saxon in the new world, r yrset from the hat lining face up. The ladies .e u er corrupted into chowder. n o CONSIDER] THE FOLLOWING Stover's name, hut said that he did not re- them.. ft CONSIDER] THE___ FOtLFLOsWgINdG as asTuks alssEc

ceive any money on it as the bank had re- "When adu get me in a Republican club How to Kill Prairie Dogs. .5West Bay Street, - - - - Jacksonville, Fla. fused to cash it without idantification. agan, sai Mr nox laer,'yo wi ' know itC J> 1TS

He gave his full name as 0. S. Terr and an si Iever genot a.t r, yos Republican From the Dallas Herald. 'OOH FOR THE ELEGAWT BRASS 1FHOW CAME. said that he had been in this State about Club fellows here I can rub it in on them Some three years ago, when making a trip

I'll ring in a whole cold deck on them. The across the continental divid, I stopped for Handsome grove and house, nura- GrEO E C. W IL ON ten months, ciaving come here from Bos, loss of muy hat was bad enough, but those ac1000,UU. ery, etc., at veido, Orange county. GE R*P", .W L O ton, Mass, where all of hs family now re- cards I will never forgive." dinner at a roadside tavern, situated k Abargai. SUCCESSOR TO - - - GEO. C. WILSON & CO

side. ~~~~~~~~~~~valley; close at hand was a prairie dog townAbagi.S C E ORT E _0.WL N&C , He vas locked up in the city jail. Philadelphia's Curled Darling. numbering over 500 inhabitants. Not long 5,000. Fity acs-ten-a grove, very WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN

From a New York Letter. since I had occasion to stop at the same house, . . near Sanford. High...b. ....... LOCAL BRIEFS. Senator Robert Adams, of Pensyand saw that, the same level prairie once building lots. A splendid property Cr T-ceries an ro-vision LOCL RIFS Seatr obrt das.ofPensylvania, Occupied by prairie dogs, had been enclosed. for suburban homes. operty~r1e~ a LL.'J JJi±±

There will be an important meeting of known in his role of curled darlingas "Bertie,' plowed, and was then covered with aluxuriant IOs)I000Fifty-four acres -fifteen-acre bear- N 4 yggy 'pg t g 4 ' gy Ei the Board of Trade this afternoon. as one of the handsomest men on Fifth ave- crop of grass. Seeing no signs - f the little I Ing grove, house, nursery, etc., near _ __s__. _ _____ ____. ____c ____ony______ aa.

Juidge A. R. Meek has moved his office nue to-day. He would have been an object of beasts, upon asking wi at had become of them county, n wasec of l they had been exte mina ed in the Picolata, Fla., St. Johns cut

from fifteen West Bay street to the Post even greater nk'rest to te charming proces- follwi aey Balls f ottonmits. Thisplaorg wCeTat.hapa1, office building. sion of women one meets near TPwenty-thrd ratedowith hiv ls bd of caronansu w s -ithi the atow limits0. 0Z~ ec rg L . I> 1c Cio h~ 1 street on zaft!ne afternoon had they known in Srp inwill doand is cheap-psh fartka WTet-ort uildin ltinmes t

W. J. Gilmore's Devis Auction Com separation sh fr Wor t ie e W.J.Gimos' Dvi'sAutin oma-him the sponsor of the cal brated. wife- beater- own the hole an thet-fu holesin fioml packed ny closed a successful engagement at the bill, which has set the Keystone State Leg- with earth. Bi-sulphde of r e price offered for. Opera Houseslast night. nature byithe sears fo several sh extremely volatile fluid, quickly evaporates . Five lots in Fort Meade, Polk

The steamer Cheroltee a-rived about 2 a"ertie" is a big man, with and forms a heavy' gas, which occupies every county. o'clock yesterday,crowded with passengers ae fine, open fswae, nt anoee forn female chamber and gallery of the animal's dwelling ace HInD R E

-dbingir a heavy freight. besThis gas is as promptly fatal to then acres In Apopka, Orange and bringing ei it years old, and an aristocrat when be is life as the fumes of burning sulphur or car- 60.J

lThesoe r PCarli stCa Lum New York to see if the Union Club chief was New two-story building (store and N e ber laden,having onboard a cargo of a15,0 as good as Mr. Adams' friends vaunt him to Fall Work for Pubiishers. dwelling) at Grove Park, Alachua

bar ade~haingon oar a arg of215000 be, and like most men from out of town, haermtecut.Go uins tn. A id . et feet. brought his umbrella as well as his cane with From the Illuminator. county. Good business stand. 40 and 42 West Bay Street, Jacksonvle, Florida

About a week ago, Captain Murphy, of him and had to lug it about in the, sunshine.' The chestnuts are just beginning to fall 1,0.City, Pl ony odbsns the Waycross force, found two boxes at He wants New York to join hands with Penn- from the trees and alannac makers are very sP out G bn Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves and Tinware, House Furnishing the depot and up to this time has discover- sylvania and restore the effete whipping post busy. stand. lots in Lakeland, Polk Goods, Granite and Agate Ware. Sash, Doors, Blinds, as a punishment, for wife-beaters. This legis- 600. Tw Agate aelnd "l cd no owner. lative thunderbolt, which he borrows from the 6 ounty.Pans ndOl.A rcutalI ie e s'ro ad

There will be a dance at the Florida bt hen's chickens, is periodically extinguish Simply a Change of Style. ot. Paints nd Oils. Agricultural Implements, 'Iron and Yacht Club house on Thursday evening, ed by the married men at Harrisburg. Senator From the Hotel Mail. alu6hJacksonville, teel, Rope Belting, Hose and Packing, Pumps, November 24. Dancing will begin promptly daim wi never marry, it is said, until this A cowboy who Iuts up at a hotel for the T Steam and Water Pipe and Fittings, Four-Point -at 9 o'clock. blisase.first time never blows out the gas. He simply 1,00 Tw oty. ddeln tMyo

ret i pricedd by the Size of His Fe, shoots off the tip of the Jet with his revolver. Duval county. Steel Galvanized Fence Wire, Mantels, being improved by the addition tothe Fromthelndianapolis Sentinel. N. B.-But he gets there just the same. 1 ThreelotsiOakland(NorthJack- Grates, Etc., Etc., Etc. front of a corrugated iron awning support- "I had a new experience yesterday," re- sonville), Duval county. -AGENT FOR:ed by iron posts. marked Justice Feilbleman. "About noon a DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Ten acres at Bloomlngdale, Hills: D g Oil Stoves, Or AGe Lightning Powder, Farmers' Friend an

The steamship City of San Antonio will shabbily dressed man came tome and ask d WAR DEPARTMENiT, 50 borocounty. Splendid orange dis- mmangmer sail from Fernandina for New York to- meto go tothesouthpart of the city and per- SIGNAL SERVICE, U. S. AhRY trict. Boss Plows, Perry & Co's Cele rated Stoves and Ranges, Fairbanks' Sthn morrow. The 2:45p.m. train from Jack- form aarriage ceremony. Icosentedto do JACKSONVILLE, FA., November 22,'1887 2,250.wo hundred acres near PlantCity, dare S0ales, S0Rthem , St. LOUis, White Lead, Masry's Pure Colors in Oil sonvile onnetconnectsi soapeaanbut m from myheistyappearancean ime.fin-1ide0. uplsmynounSeventy-fifthale, Smeridian Loutime.teLe-dilasryborur Ccounty.oi

During Auctioneer Slager's sale of latd ond I ot would be a 'thank you ; i Wind. Twenty acres IPlant ity, grove, SU ' i a a Liqid Paits ware last night, a sneak thief ma e off sign of poverty. There werg no carpets on R an Liui' Paints. with a fine gold-lined goblet, valued at the floors and the furniture was old and r- 2,500 One hundreds svr arano Tin Hoonug, Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin work to Order seven dollars. The thief has not been rickety, and the bride and groom were dressed STAION ' WEATHER land near Brooksle, Hernando W ,caught, in their working clothes. But 10 my great -~

surprise, as soon as I bad united them he 0 ony The thermometer at George Hughes' handed me a brand new $10bill. Voncan'ta1 P - 500. Forty 'acres northwest of Green State Agent for Chattanooga Stove Co.'s "look

pharmacy, corner Bay and Ocean streets, ways tell how far a Ioad can hop by his looks:" -n .- .. F -~ I i- o Spring, Clay county. aSo e C .s L ok

p watered 65 degrees as thec highest and wb Aug asta-n 0.34 40S - C..I.r. , Forty acres, twenty miles south of Out" Stoves. Prices in Jacksonville same degrees as the lowest temperature during Frank Siddall's Ambition. Savannah S. 30.36 E * .... Clear. * St. Augustine. Hammock land on . the 24hours ending at 2 p.m. yesterday. From the St- Louis Post-Dispatch. JAKSONV'LE.anna..h...-.....- the coast4 near theanal. - as in Chattanooga.

James Breen, a white sailor, was arrested Frank Siddall, whose ambition it has been Kay West....30.16 68 NE 18 ... lear. 20 Ten acresnear ,a auo. Atlanta-....8u.34 60S 8 ... Clear. 2'U. acnt Aacu yesterday by United States Marshal Bird to own the faster road horses in the country, Pensacola .... 30.24 60 NE 8 . 1 Cloudy. . county' HOTELS & BOARDING HOUSES. for deserting the English schooner Alice. is considered sort of a mascot by some of his Mobile........ 30.24 15 SE Cloudy. ian Twenty acres near Ocala, Marion ... ,=

Breen is now in the county jail where he New York friends. He has- bought a whole Montgomery..- 30.28 SE 6 . Olear. UU. county, 0 EX/Ote TOg i. will be detained until the vessel. is ready island midway between Cape May and Atlan- a ve leans.. 20 5 E .. Thirty building lotson LakeCharm Formerly the St. Marks. Caveats and Trade Marks obtained and aR for sea. ' tic City, and has set to building ;houses all 1 3 lS 61 e r 3, Clear y othe busnes inrte U.rk S.Paednde at

The motion to quash the notice and i This will be Siddall City. Ia's going NOTE-All barometer readings reduced to (fong Lake),near Oveido, Orange e tBay, Jacksonville, Fla. teded to for moderatefee nt )fice at

iute rrogatories served by defendants upon to build a railroad uip the 'coast to connect ea level and standard gravity. c~f w ouses. andna lotet ataj Bayard St.snv 0-EenIGTESME. Orofc i poieteU .Ptn fi withrohr estsorvedbid enda os upnetPeaseylai- iotnsoreodinnnoofMteinedaaure are bel 0 Tohount and lot at Bayard, St. OPEN DURIMNiuTHE SURER. Our office is tpposiue the r. 8bPatlnteo

the plaintiff in the case of E. M. L'Engle nia lines. He's goingE tobil oren zero.0 O. Johns county. The motcnrlhuei h iy er and we can obtain Patents in les tiMa and W. A. Dell, against Solomon Cohen marb pa on itfor himed a gothe eloo of wind S miles par hou* Ot those remote from Washington. was granted in the Circuit Court stone he cuts out of his gi'eat quarries in Geor- -Raiall too small to mention. 250. ume (mall sore) and lot at e, tre erries. patentabil r 'drarge adve mae no yesterday. -gia. -. lJU lnmt aro outad eleat. $f,5toi', per hells carenltysfre oftaihae Pandent.e

At a meeting of the Jacksonville Gun An Enterprising Etli' or. LOCAL WEATHER OBSERVATIONS. 350. Twenty ace al CLorktHo'abnnoro ahec 62,50to w per Proy . chaWe uefer wee tai ah Ptastet,thSut Club.Ver-coldoanelands- _bt___M B. OG B p Moe Orefrerv, d the Pomas the Sup

Clb d ast night,Messrs. Marvin,Barrs From the Dubuque Times, WAR DEPARTMENT, 60. our building lots in Seville, Volu- HOtel San Diego, (New.) ofMoe rde r Dv.,ce.dFor cironial aovce terms tofix up toe b'sdeq a monund'A There is an enterprising newspaper man in SIGNAL SEnvICE,0U. S. ARMY, eiacoiunty. Burnside 13each, - - Near the Jetties. and references to atual clients in your own

frteaccommodation of base bal and Southern~aliforniawhoshould he transferred JAcen iu ima Notivember 22, 1887. omEightyacres extra fine orange land, One Hourw fromn Jacksonville. orCuny . A. SNOW & CO, fourth balgms to a larger influence. His latest utterances Saaty-i meida ime Hernando county,near Pemnberton Bathing, Fishing and Huntink. Accommo- Opposite Patent Office. Washington, DO

iThe editors of the Sub-Tropical Expo intion is cerd o t6 th factthasinthe " a nigSpin- tlts rsyely$ sition heda nmceting at Colonel Forbes' news columns of tbis morning's Howler there fi ~c ~ S ~ . eld and ShellRa ,cDung Sprintg. week Util J.opletrio ad teJo Pabl Beaih - iPlr office yesterday afternoon, but adjourned appears the first and onl account of the e ' ~oor steamboat to Mayport, advising as to whion T Ai .11 1)1A11 over until next Frday, without Iransact- elopement of our wife with 'Tlhumbless Billy,' o 0 P. ,q -. u' 17 A~ of the above property will prove a route. _.B. RAT lug any business, beyond a general discus- the monte shark, which occurred yesterday. : . h ,valabe urhaseas edbon ht when i a ."B-oB.c MUaNot, sion of the affairs of the Exposition Thus we core another on our contemporary : : . mbagin o am sae i he comsoaen___________ , ~ jjI. OR GootefoallsiaarofM sd elseets boub some 7p y . m.. -03 37 N 7 0 8 0 -- ar charged by agents.A BE T 1I-Il .l I E Sl-( -AND

Cad Nr uoh m mbrrM.gof Mis inside deJopets toe ublshed ex3u rhe an. 30.3 63, N w dt 7 ii earsaon21 , ,, 11Shing H OUS8,JIJ Trit LoE.uieBlssrofM. Joh. Teyi hipilape Jtotcofrew boring." 8s teperatue 80 82, Noest 11 Clmear 5 *~u 9OTE BNE M NU EJCKONILE FA Ther llbo Mr. aetn Mf Bt.cyl Thajutmdarerkbevag.Self hepmoun 30.3 ranfl is given byce

preent la buikeso poranileo Tuesdomewar voyeVolunteer. NE0ade in t NcolsFa cermuo cosieat on5 as heg Higstanceepering1,137 miles.temIn the II~ GNTORICE. Wm. BArKEmR'Smn evnig ovember 28,c a ocok, in Fro th l e JoraloCmere en p rt1 n Fr uada for the pAu-hor.Saedte18 Yhf FghbooeoaeboUmi- d o pics.Ralradpinin i alt Srty vs. T, husJmes, who wani Ted hor ip Wilamn . Nth fNw ef 7etteprtr 2 loet teomrpfeheatnealren Oficude aTther las e of courtin fo rape owicycl hato tmd earal oae h lef The ont or al is gve by ices ,' datStembr,18,ti ofNE ficE JbeenILE FA

Clth isbs en ingof the osectrx she Gerei PhldepifoYrs onthean aoutdeeve 1887d hudeth 0. lci h origo thtntrcedtorstr DEOM oSE ",th Pbi oAH. dFTO ID For E rm h hiaoNes a sternil apl oisHnor Slighliamoleaceopen vilo ertn freand enord nd thekGen- lli al ~ld

prnt aus usieses o ntnue wl ntehmwr oae whiciladel babe en , JugeoteCotyCorfrthcuhoesladReiDaerinalLndLwso thPUiedSats allad tme.. All Bomembr r rceve tinormto hnlode and asaen a in thu e odstat lfug a tto~oiastigzirbt 9 Q . QQhrtofoothelwithdrawl______forindemnity_____ purposes_______ coeerday fromnhisrtonhr. 1fB 0u comeay trdsaneleinh21,1ntryies Dni ath hioNcmhct fJcsrvle nh nU10I11k . iUik9frhbnftoT PCe.scladAlni g

Sa e A tore cMeroe eser r ound trpse sied lota a ast ice i NrJ ETobacco andF g~an 110 -IL UNITED SESLN rr5iET AYSRET CompanyI snowwitteGthlettebrafromrohecheekorakeeeFlorninisp SendlaforepcibcesaRailload: printinesionallgrant

ask eo f tned o thai selis otaroun th a wolrod ten motsantenr0 Apliation frhen Guardian for he Au- lofJi dc 1 Y theEytrLherneA. ove cr, 188t AeTCOM OUNDT OXYE. Sgtl s hmsJms h a idce iedywihiuesthe tima sftlyingn t heorirgitofSehl Reloa-tae bedn t s ha asay Jos iNew [or Briomain and thepen t eleen Oaie nd ery_________________ ago others teraus of cor formaech, wast Fift Ya Ban theRa. P1,atama Mills ck chin the morins nofrthofa intutrutde tosoe toli Land pLas omhe ntd * th aseceofth prosbyStes utrey shenll bing Fro the Chiag Nrews dayon ill taempdly tof sai onr.oWillimAi thMtaeanh pUbliotfed tates, allnds ter the Kansas. Ther caseray, ontine h bn eaue sotean, cofne ounty Cotely the coopesIaIe and ST.eae n openar to s emn asnenirond t e Geon-o

Mr. F.he le. Bogu rtaeeveifraonh Pheladelpiana poieman cpusin teles ur of J.u.vSan, te Forttin 6hins poate 89Pe alon hnerunapretdaweins or inetyi compoany ago A W Cckrllrereentd hedeof ar wrkevry ayfo te aergewaes fJutdg he s laweks aoio viee inntVethPreG Ry hiky 188 ,60 willhbeneeived by t PnolaandER, laegicster1IN - - N I U

fesnedayt frmhsbohr H ou ommecal otravele aditn ths otr nDutielsa i offidler 1d1 hiad7 inns MhetVecontyreRyeWhikey 1888. ai500 Oadndrtegato MayG.17,AWFOR, Rci e

whoe is uardian SuFloriLdavrs'in thSon l;ut.eLussy htC .Lnly sadcut ifDvl foautIity o llCE' ER EOtM TH D heWa scored thNonmber for.-Theshinf iy dsre h hnr r Lnlyra ette thie-- ner seorth to-wsi A DoeT'obco nd ga.. s,.c. .. suc0 1le tands n. ma be eedb aoks - -LSO

jur an cmmisio hve eciedtha Frm h ate hrn Tlmae alk undvided in tbai interth alhkto naenRetaindu . Se tofr JoshOai chmaveyee proved frso-m IIO ET BA TRE ENT Johne Tels son e on'sh faery w is Thel singulars factis beemnstrumer o thacteeswe aonarcemleofaditte, ainsn ( ON f " wTgy.187 10 raineal notrafet toh acquethinal Trtversmntllyincpalefakigthieoae 18st rais canno sy s arely, hand b1in aio the ount of Duvinning Stntane l ofNo Bonay Brn......... .~ the.prima00 baengfbuils byshae oth F1,000i00 Rsaielefay ti a~ veloi ad oy of6here eodeks ee red xn pn@ Ol Jaac Ru...... . or600Btwe grand ione* Weuealthhpplrenrucesultet

gurinwleapitdee ca0,000 metres good stesnha anloy of Boort of theas partoert of ecti 11uphae oth Godn sherry Wndine boavrtie I.0 coince with aboeirucions, we*CMOUDOYE heas ofth Sttwgis uisRg hc boses andhas aradync toavee ovmerature0twmnipag 346 soth ofq range 6ounty eicot Gode Whskiesi worteh I can sel.t C. DAWKINS, Manager. lndrstretteub

Lgle wh was initer o rnerthaatin yea fmi in00t 1887. degrees Cetat ake ie m aofthe a eadingprot ivet chepasy, hpoue. in Ne Yokorle00i ndoe tON o 'NettleIen 0.nsdwmentry. pag fo the abuseaLD feal e11a Not a Basd Ida Panamker, o chin and Mar link nOr ofa Kentuck.Sherrer.150eMaublictue Land easoferitxmiiedugen

She INGTON, Cour yetea,N ee 2hThe From the Nwl streatns. ayne. sou thecrer la1nenbsetd laeyth rpet I <o.' Ceeraeaatwn15 uar 18 18 appicaion t0 o fil upo or ViTT a or wit omprssd su-ommioy tte's of trSnae FinanceCo. raTxs hsrcnldddapc edn in the saiddl Jeffesaid roadt, makingtcky Domesti Gin LIS.T... States... 0 1 kinds the pucoifed han and tred~l~ae

ago. aeedw sesionWinthi c uty, of leaondsnto fling, plighin force aer tandof BhmIa urin e o.WrRvdadSwdCpesSig e RG O E H D __" __exa__ _ o oo t hub iso lie to c y a g lt e adr which he to tew s lieo a lto ned, uo r n . rdGW a lrs o ro ,18 ........ .. 4 .c