highly secure images steganography techniques based on lsb, x-box mapping and huffman encoding

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  • 8/10/2019 Highly Secure Images Steganography Techniques Based on LSB, X-Box Mapping and Huffman Encoding


    www.tjprc.org [email protected]






    1,3Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, C. U. Shah College of Engineering & Technology,

    Wadhwan City, India

    2Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, C. U. Shah College of Engneering & Technology,

    Wadhwan City, India


    In advanced correspondence, everyone needs high insurance from unapproved client. For information security,

    numerous information concealing strategies are accessible that fundamental part is to secure our private/important data

    from unapproved client. Steganography is an information concealing procedure that conceals data in such a route, to the

    point that nobody can without much of a stretch discover that presence of the data stowed away. LSB is a spatial Domain

    method. This paper presents a novel image Steganography method using X-Box Mapping and Huffman Encoding. Here

    two 8 bit gray scale images used of different sizes are utilized as cover image and secret image separately. Basically secret

    image is not directly inserted into cover image; first to applied Huffman Encoding on the secret image to increase security.

    Here we have utilized a few remarkable X-boxes with sixteen separate values. In this calculation, we have utilized four

    exceptional X-boxes with sixteen separate values and each one worth is mapped to the four bits of Huffman code stream of

    secret image. At that point utilizing LSB replacement, mapped bits are reinstated with Cover Image. The trial consequence

    indicates that the calculation has a high installing limit and great imperceptibility. These techniques to provide improve

    PSNR of stego image compare to other existing Steganography approaches. Additionally, these methods provide high

    Security so, no one can easily extract secret message from stego image without knowing this method and Huffman Table.

    KEYWORDS:Steganography, LSB, X Box, Huffman Encoding


    In computerized communication, everybody can undoubtedly exchange advanced information starting with one

    side then onto the next. In any case numerous unapproved clients who are viewing you and them generally attempt to get to

    your private information to abuse [1] [2] [3]. So at whatever point you exchange your private information (messages) to

    your nearby companions, or business mysteries with your accomplices, you must take care about your secret data. Be that

    as it may we live in a frail world where unwanted gathering can get to your individual data (like messages or particular

    reports) and regularly utilize it. [1][2] So we oblige high security of private information. Today such a large number of dat a

    security procedures accessible like cryptography, Steganography and so on.

    The word Steganography is a Greek Word and consists of two words such as stego means covered (hidden) and

    graphy means writing or drawing. Consequently, Importance of Steganography is concealed (cover) written work. Secret

    data is implanted in such a path, to the point that the presence of the Secret data is hidden. Steganography technique hasrecently become significant in number of applications such as, Digital audio, video, and images [3][4][5][6].

    International Journal of Computer Science Engineering

    and Information Technology Research (IJCSEITR)

    ISSN(P): 2249-6831; ISSN(E): 2249-7943Vol. 4, Issue 6, Dec 2014, 23-34

    TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.

  • 8/10/2019 Highly Secure Images Steganography Techniques Based on LSB, X-Box Mapping and Huffman Encoding


    24 Kanzariya Nitin K, Nimavat Ashish V & Jadeja Vijaysinh K

    Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8785 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

    Cryptography and Steganography both are information security methods that ensure Secret data from unapproved

    access. The fundamental reason for cryptography and Steganography is to give secret and covert communication [1][2][9].

    Anyhow, there is distinction between them. Cryptography gives Secret communication yet it is noticeable to other.

    Cryptography changes over the substance of a Secret message starting with one structure then onto the next structure whichis not effortlessly seen by any unapproved access. Steganography gives hidden communication that means it hides the

    presence of secret information from unapproved access. In cryptography, attacker can see the Secret data. While

    Steganography it requires attacker to locate that Steganography has been utilized and inserted message could be extracted.


    To increase the security of information, we can utilize mixture system that is combination of cryptography with

    Steganography. To begin with message might be encrypted and after that could be made hidden utilizing Steganography.

    Hybrid method increases the security of secret message. Even if an enemy extract the hidden message from the stego-

    object, he would still require the cryptographic decipher (key) to get original secret message [7] [13].

    Steganography have numerous diverse sorts that could be arranged relying on the cover medium utilized [1][2][4].

    Many advanced media could be utilized as a cover medium, for example such as text, image or sound or video. So

    Steganography may be defining three different areas:

    Text Steganography

    Image Steganography

    Audio/video Steganography

    Out of all image Steganography is most well known strategy on the grounds that images are the most famouscover items utilized as a part of advanced communication. Second important point is that numerous type of image format

    exist, for example, jpg, png, bmp, gif.

    In image processing, Image Steganography might be ordered into principle two area strategies. To start with is

    spatial domain Steganography and second is Transform domain Steganography.

    Spatial domain Steganography is an exceptionally prevalent and simple procedure. In this strategy we can

    straightforwardly insert the Secret data into cover image. LSB is spatial domain and is a straightforward technique to

    implanting data in cover image [1][2][6][10][14]. In LSB technique, the bits of the data straightforwardly reinstated with

    least significant bit plane of the cover image. In any case straightforward LSB technique measurement not gives muchsecurity compare to frequency domain.

    Second name of Transform methods is known as frequency domain. Transform domain can have numerous sorts,

    for example, the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), or Wavelet Transform

    [1][2][6][10][12]. Transform domain is superior to spatial domain strategy. In this procedure, first image is transformed

    that is known as transformed image and afterward the Secret data are implanted in the converted image. In this methods

    Secret data in more critical ranges of the cover image that is it more robust [4][15][17].

    This paper present a novel image Steganography method based LSB, X box mapping and Huffman Encoding. For

    testing of algorithm, here main two 8 bit gray scale images are used. First image used as cover image and second image issecret image. Firstly Huffman Encoding is performed over the secret image before embedding. Then generated compressed

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    Highly Secure Images Steganography Techniques Based on LSB, X-Box Mapping and Huffman Encoding 25

    www.tjprc.org [email protected]

    secret information embedded into cover image using X box mapping concept.


    One of the earliest discussions on digital image Steganography by Charles Kurak and John McHugh explains

    image downgrading through contamination. They have replaced the low order bits of one image with high order bits of

    another image. Further they have shown that contaminant (hidden image) can be extracted from the contaminated (carrier)

    image [19].It has provided the base for image Steganography and such method is known as least significant bits


    The simplest form of LSB replacement method uses least significant bit of all pixels in carrier image to embed the

    secret information. It provides high embedding capacity but knowledge of such algorithms possible utilization let the

    person to extract hidden content using a simple image processing program [1][2][19]. To avoid this unusual behavior

    random and selective pixels, called potential locations, should be used for data embedding. The random distribution of

    secret information in LSB plane of carrier image can avoid blind steganalysis of stego image and thus increases security.

    Transform domain is also known as frequency domain, here image is first transformed using transformation such

    as the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) [1], [2],[10],[12] Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) [1],[2],[10] or Discrete

    Wavelet Transform (DWT) [4],[7],[8],[15] and then the message is embedded in transformed image. These techniques hide

    secret message in more significant regions of the cover image, making it more robust but provides less embedding


    Image Steganography based on LSB using X-box mapping in which many several Xboxes used with unique

    data[4]. In embedding, Steganography algorithm used four unique X-boxes with sixteen different values (represented by 4-

    bits) and each value is mapped to the four LSBs of the cover image. This mapping provides sufficient security to the

    payload because without knowing the mapping rules no one can extract the secret data (payload).


    In this section, the definitions of performance analysis and proposed model are discussed.

    Definitions Related to Performance Analysis

    Capacity:The capacity is represented as size of secret information proportional to the size of stego image. It is

    defined as bits per pixel (bpp) and in terms of percentage using Equation 1.

    Mean Square Error (MSE): It is defined as the square of error between cover image and the stego image. The

    distortion in the image can be measured using equation 1.


    Where CI (i, j) is the cover image pixel

    SI (i, j) is the stego image pixels

    N N is the image size.

    Peak Signal to Noise Ratio: PSNR is the measurementof the quality between the cover image and stego-image

  • 8/10/2019 Highly Secure Images Steganography Techniques Based on LSB, X-Box Mapping and Huffman Encoding


    26 Kanzariya Nitin K, Nimavat Ashish V & Jadeja Vijaysinh K

    Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8785 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

    and can be measured in db in using equation 2.


    Proposed Model

    In this proposed strategy, the secret image is implanted into cover image utilizing LSB substitution method, X-

    Box mapping and Huffman Encoding to produce stego image that gives more security, high embedding capacity and high


    Least Significant Bit Replacement

    LSB is spatial domain system and it is a straightforward strategy to installing data in cover image. In LSB

    methods, Msbs of the Secret data specifically displaced with Lsbs of pixel of the cover image [1][2][4].

    8-bit gray scale image that means every pixel speak to with 8bits stream. For instance 9 pixels of gray scale image

    demonstrate below:

    (11010010 10101101 01100011)

    (00101101 00011100 11011100)

    (10100110 11000100 00001100)

    Assume our Secret data is decimal number 201 so its binary representation is 11001001. This Secret data is

    embedded into the LSBs of pixel of an image; the resulting bit pattern should be as follows:

    (1101001110101101 01100010)

    (0010110000011101 11011100)

    (10100110 11000101 00001100)

    As over, the 8 bits were embedded in initial 8 pixels from trace of an image; just the 3 highlighted (underlined)

    bits need to be adjusted. On a normal, only half of the pixel values in a cover image need to be adjusted while inserting the

    Secret data. Such minor progressions can't be noticeable by the human eye, so the message is effectively hidden into the

    cover image.

    Huffman Encoding

    Huffman code is a prefix and least-length code as in no other encoding has a shorter normal length. Huffman

    encoding reduces the amount of bits for every pixel. Table 1 show that if secret image of size 60 x 60 is inserted inside

    cover image without compression, 28800 bits must be installed, while utilizing Huffman encoding just 13195 bits must be

    installed. Therefore Huffman encoding increases the embedding capacity [1]. Secret image is encoded utilizing Huffman

    coding and afterward Resultant Huffman codes are inserted into cover image [1], [17]. Huffman codes are optimal codes

    that guide one symbol of cover image to one code word [1]. Figure 1 show the block diagram of Huffman encoding in

    which secret image is converted to a 1-D bits stream. Huffman table (HT) represents binary codes of each symbol of cover

    image [17].

  • 8/10/2019 Highly Secure Images Steganography Techniques Based on LSB, X-Box Mapping and Huffman Encoding


    Highly Secure Images Steganography Techniques Based on LSB, X-Box Mapping and Huffman Encoding 27

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    The Huffman table utilized at encoder and decoder side must be same. In this way the Huffman table is needed for

    deciphering process alongside stego image [1]. Huffman encoding is mostly utilized for the accompanying three attributes:

    Lossless Compression

    It ensures the preservation of actual data while compressing it [1].

    Increase the Security

    Huffman encoded bit stream does not discloses anything because to extract the exact meaning, the Huffman table

    is required [1].


    It provides authentication, as if any single bit changes in the Huffman coded bit stream, Huffman table will not be

    able to decode the data [1].

    Figure 1: The Block Diagram of Huffman Encoding

    Table 1: Number of Bits With and Without Huffman Encoding


    Image Size

    Without Huffman


    With Huffman


    No. of


    Bits /


    No. of


    Bits /


    60 X 60 28800 8 13195 3.665

    100 X 100 80000 8 35429 3.542

    140 X 140 156800 8 65924 3.363

    Generation of Four Different X(X-OR)-Boxes

    Here 4 X-Boxes are produced whose measurement is a 2x2 lattice; in which 16 different (0 to 15) values are set as

    given below [4].

    Figure 2: X-Mapping Boxes

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    28 Kanzariya Nitin K, Nimavat Ashish V & Jadeja Vijaysinh K

    Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8785 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

    Each Xbox hold 4 separate values and we utilized X-OR property to place values in X-boxes. Sample of X-OR

    property given below [4].

    0 XOR 0 = 0,

    1 XOR 1 = 0,

    0 XOR 1 = 1,

    1 XOR 0 = 1

    For example 15 is stored in one of the 4 X-Boxes as follow:

    15= 1011, 10 XOR 11=01

    Thus the position of 15 is 0strow and 1

    stcolumn [4].

    Bit Division

    Huffman coding allots a binary code to each intensity value of the image and a secret image is changed to a 1-D

    bits stream like11001010011010010001111

    So we first gap the above bit stream into 8bit little stream, such as







    Then again, we have to separation this 8bit stream values into 4parts that each one part hold 2bits. Case in point

    this 8 bits stream 11001001 is separated into little 4 parts given below.

    B1=11, B2=00, B3=10, B4=01

    X-Box Mapping

    Now the next step is X-box mapping in which we map the values of B1, B2, B3, and B4 with respective X-1, X-2,

    X-3 and X-4 map box. For example first we map B1 with X-1 box and whose value is 11. First digits represent the row of

    X-1 box and second digit represent column of same X box. So we map the value of 1strow and 1

    thcolumn of the X-I box;

    after mapping we get the resultant value 9 that is 1101. Same this process is repeated for the b2, b3, b4 and we get 15,14,1


    Embedding of Secret Bits into the Cover Image

    Above we get the new mapping values that are embedded into the cover image. In hiding procedure, 4LSB

    replacement technique is used in which new mapping values can be replaced with the 4 LSBs of cover image. For

    embedding, we select the pixels one by one in zig zag form from the cover image. 4 LSBs of cover image are replaced by

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    mapped values like as 9, 15,14,1 sequentially.

    For example, figure 3: considered as a cover image whose size is 128 *128 pixels. First mapped value is 9 that is

    embedded into first pixel of cover image whose value is 51 using 4LSBs replacement technique and generate new stego

    pixel value which is 56. Same this process can be repeated for all remaining values and generate new stego image as shown

    in below figure 4.

    Figure 3: (128x128) Cover Image

    Figure 4: (128x128) Stego Image


    Retrieve the 4LSB Bits from Stego Image

    We retrieve the 4 LSB bits from each pixels of the stego image that is 1dimensional string such as

    110110111110000; then we divide 1-D bit stream into 4bits pattern like 1101, 1011, 1110, 000 [1][4]. Then we perform

    the XOR operation on the 4 bits stream. First we take the 2 bits, and we do the XOR operation with the other 2 bits.

    Lsb1= 1101= 11XOR 01= 10

    Lsb2= 1011 =10XOR 11 = 01

    Lsb3= 1110 =11XOR 10 = 01

    Lsb4= 0001 =00 XOR 01= 01

    Concatenation of the Result of the XOR Operation

    Now we combine the 2bits results of the XOR operation and generate new 1-D new bits string [1][4].

    Decoded a 1-D Bit Stream is Using Huffman Table

    Here we get coded secret information so to get original information; we need to decode this coded information

    using Huffman table 1-D bit stream is decoded using Huffman table and get original secret bits [1][17]. Once the Decoded

    bits are obtained, they need to be arranged in a sequence so that the secret image can be generated. The Decoded bits are

    arranged based on the size of the secret image. Perfect arrangement of extracted bits generates an estimate of the secret

  • 8/10/2019 Highly Secure Images Steganography Techniques Based on LSB, X-Box Mapping and Huffman Encoding


    30 Kanzariya Nitin K, Nimavat Ashish V & Jadeja Vijaysinh K

    Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8785 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0



    Problem Definition

    The information is communicated securely using Steganography. The spatial domain, X-box mapping and

    Huffman encoding techniques are used to generate stego image from cover image.

    The Objectives Are

    Improve PSNR

    Increase capacity

    Improve security


    An ideal channel is used to transfer the stego image.

    Huffman Table is also transmitted over an ideal channel.

    Embedding Algorithm

    Input:A Cover image and secret Image.

    Output:A stego-image.

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    Highly Secure Images Steganography Techniques Based on LSB, X-Box Mapping and Huffman Encoding 31

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    Extraction Algorithm

    Input:A M x N stego-image.

    Output: A P x Q secret image.


    For performance analysis, several cover images such as Barbara, peppers, jet, Lena and boats shown in Figure 5

    are used. Secret images of different file formats are selected for performance analysis. The secret image is embedded in the

    cover image Lena using proposed algorithm to generate stego image Lena as shown in Figure 6. It is observed that

    perceptibility of stego image and cover image are same. Figure 7 shows the recovery process in which secret image is

    successfully recovered from stego image without any loss. By appearance the quality of stego image and secret image is

    same as cover image and original secret image. Also statistical characteristic of stego image is almost same as cover image.

    (a) Peppers.jpg (b) Jet.jpg

  • 8/10/2019 Highly Secure Images Steganography Techniques Based on LSB, X-Box Mapping and Huffman Encoding


    32 Kanzariya Nitin K, Nimavat Ashish V & Jadeja Vijaysinh K

    Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8785 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

    (c) Barbara.jpg (d) Leena.jpg

    Figure 5: Cover Images

    Figure 6: Cover Images and Secret Image

    Figure 7: Stego Image and Recover Secret Image

    Table 2: PSNR Values for Different Secret Image Formats

    Cover Image

    (128 X 128)


    (64 X 64)


    (CI & SI)

    Baboon.jpg Cameraman.gif +36.125

    Lena.jpg Hamilton.bmp +37.953

    Cameraman.jpg India.gif +38.954

    Plane.jpg Cameraman.png +39.005

    The PSNR values between cover image & stego image for different cover images with constant capacity are given

    in Table 2. It shows that different cover image has less effect on the quality of stego image as PSNR values are almost


    Table 3 demonstrates the compression between existing method [4] and the proposed strategy. The estimations of

    PSNR of proposed technique are higher than exiting method [4]. It is watched that the estimation of PSNR is better on

    account of proposed algorithm contrasted with existing method [4]. So the security to the payload in the proposed

    algorithm is superior to existing method.

    Table 3: Comparison of PSNR for Existing and Proposed Technique

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    Highly Secure Images Steganography Techniques Based on LSB, X-Box Mapping and Huffman Encoding 33

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    The Steganography is covert communication to protect confidential information. In this paper, a novel image

    Steganography method based LSB, X-box mapping and Huffman Encoding. LSB replacement is simple technique. X-box

    mapping increase the security of secret information. Huffman encoding is lossless compression technique that increases

    embedding capacity. The algorithm enhances the security and the quality of the stego image and is better in comparison

    with other existing algorithm. According to the results, the stego images of our proposed algorithm are almost identical to

    the cover images and it is very difficult to differentiate between them. Here we used Huffman encoding technique that

    provides lossless compression to increase the embedding capacity. Due to lossless compression, we achieved 100%

    recovery of the secret image from stego image that means original and extracted secret images are identical. Security is

    very high due to randomization and Huffman encoding technique. Decoding the secret image from stego image requires

    Huffman table and x-box mapping rules. Without these elements, no one can decode the secret image from stego image.

    It is also observed that the due to Huffman Encoding value of PSNR is better in the case of proposed algorithm as

    compared with existing algorithm [4].


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    Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8785 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

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