high speed usb2 test

USBTestReport OverallResults:0 of 18 Tests Failed TestConfigurationDetails DeviceDescription TestPoint Device UsePulseGenerator No TestConnection Differential TestMethod Matlab TestSessionDetails InfiniiumSWVersion 04.20.0001 InfiniiumModelNumber DSO90804A InfiniiumSerialNumber MY50524048 ApplicationSWVersion 3.73 DebugModeUsed No LastTestDate 9/18/2013 11:32:16 AM Page 1 of 11 20/9/2013 file:///C:/Users/WD.Wang/Desktop/USB%20Device%2016.09.13/report.html

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High speed USB2 test except device receiver sensitivity


Page 1: High Speed USB2 Test

USB Test Report

Overall Results:0 of 18 Tests Failed

Test Configuration Details

Device Description

Test Point Device

Use Pulse Generator No

Test Connection Differential

Test Method Matlab

Test Session Details

Infiniium SW Version 04.20.0001

Infiniium Model Number DSO90804A

Infiniium Serial Number MY50524048

Application SW Version 3.73

Debug Mode Used No

Last Test Date 9/18/2013 11:32:16 AM

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Page 2: High Speed USB2 Test

Summary of Results

Margin Thresholds

Warning < 2 %

Critical < 0 %

Pass# Failed

# Trials

Test NameActual Value

Margin Spec Range

0 1 EL_2 EL_4 EL_5 Data Eye and Mask Test Pass100.0 %


0 1 EL_6 Device Rise Time Pass100.0 %


0 1 EL_6 Device Fall Time Pass100.0 %


0 1 EL_7 Device Non-Monotonic Edge Test Pass100.0 %


0 1 EL_21 Device Sync Field Length Test 64.624ns 49.4 % 63.610ns <= VALUE <= 65.610ns

0 1 EL_25 Device EOP Length Test 17.122ns 27.5 % 15.600ns <= VALUE <= 17.700ns

0 1EL_22 Measure Interpacket Gap Between Second and Third Packets

319.851ns 20.8 % 16.640ns <= VALUE <= 399.400ns

0 1EL_22 Measure Interpacket Gap Between First and Second Packets

309.680ns 23.4 % 16.640ns <= VALUE <= 399.400ns

0 1 EL_28 Measure Device CHIRP-K Latency 1.503746ms 25.0 % 2.500µs <= VALUE <= 6.000000ms

0 1 EL_29 Measure Device CHIRP-K Duration 2.000ms 16.7 % 1.000ms <= VALUE <= 7.000ms

0 1 EL_40 Device Resume Timing Response Pass100.0 %


0 1EL_27 Device CHIRP Response to Reset from Hi-Speed Operation

3.503ms 13.9 % 3.100ms <= VALUE <= 6.000ms

0 1 EL_28 Device CHIRP Response to Reset from Suspend 1.503726ms 25.0 % 2.500µs <= VALUE <= 6.000000ms

0 1 EL_8 Device J Test (Informative) Pass100.0 %


0 1 EL_8 Device K Test (Informative) Pass100.0 %


0 1 EL_9 Device SE0_NAK Test (Informative) Pass100.0 %


0 1EL_31 Device Hi-Speed Terminations Enable and D+ Disconnect Time

3.723µs 0.7 % 10ns <= VALUE <= 500.000µs

0 1 EL_38 EL_39 Device Suspend Timing Response 3.002ms 1.6 % 3.000ms <= VALUE <= 3.125ms

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Report Detail

EL_2 EL_4 EL_5 Data Eye and Mask Test

Result Details

Trial 1

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section 7.1.11., Section

Test Description: EL_2: A USB 2.0 hi-Speed transmitter data rate must be 480Mb/s +/- 0.05%. EL_4: A USB 2.0 upstream

facing port on a device without a captive cable must meet Template 1 transform waveform requirements measured at TP3. EL_5: A USB 2.0 upstream

facing port on a device with a captive cable must meet Template 2 transform waveform requirements measured at TP2.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: Pass/Fail Device Data Eye Test Pass

Test Packet (See image) Eye Diagram (See image) Signal Eye eye passes Signal Eye Failure N/A

EOP Width Test Pass EOP Width 8.11 Receivers N/A Signal Rate 479.9999 MHz Signal Rate Test Pass

Signal Rate Failure N/A Consecutive Jitter Range -25.252 ps to 55.999 ps Consecutive RMS Jitter 17.996 ps

Paired JK Jitter Range -52.393 ps to 41.326 ps Paired JK RMS Jitter 10.856 ps

Paired KJ Jitter Range -24.239 ps to 32.117 ps Paired KJ RMS Jitter 9.359 ps RisngEdge 940.76

FallingEdge 916.62 EL_5:Port Under Test Port1

Trial 1: Test Packet

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EL_6 Device Rise Time

Result Details

EL_6 Device Fall Time

Result Details

EL_7 Device Non-Monotonic Edge Test

Result DetailsTrial 1

Trial 1: Eye Diagram

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_6: A USB 2.0 HS driver must a differential rise and fall times of greater than 500ps. However, slew

rate measurement will be made and expressed in terms of (V/us) to ensure waveform with slow corners will not result in a measured rise/fall time that is

slower than the actual edge rate. The conversion from rise time to edge rate uses the specified rise time over 80% of the nominal peak to peak signal


Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: Pass/Fail Device Packet Rise Time Pass

Test Condition Pass Rise Time 680.300ps

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_6: A USB 2.0 HS driver must a differential rise and fall times of greater than 500ps. However, slew

rate measurement will be made and expressed in terms of (V/us) to ensure waveform with slow corners will not result in a measured rise/fall time that is

slower than the actual edge rate. The conversion from rise time to edge rate uses the specified rise time over 80% of the nominal peak to peak signal


Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: Pass/Fail Device Packet Fall Time Pass

Test Condition Pass Fall Time 698.220ps

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_7: A USB 2.0 HS driver must have monotonic data transitions over the vertical openings specified in

the appropriate eye pattern template.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: Pass/Fail Non-Monotonic Edge Pass

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EL_21 Device Sync Field Length Test

Result Details

Trial 1

EL_25 Device EOP Length Test

Trial 1: Non-Monotonic Edge

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section 8.2.

Test Description: EL_21: The SYNC field for all transmitted packets (not repeated packets) must begin with a 32 bits

SYNC field. However since the first K bit is allowed to be distorted, the test will measure the SYNC field from the first J bit onwards (31 bits).

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: [63.610ns to 65.610ns] Device Sync Field Length 64.624ns

First K Bit length 2.005ns Test Message Correct waveform measured EL_21:Port Under Test Port1

Trial 1: Device Sync Field Length

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_25: The EOP for all transmitted packets (except SOFs) must be an 8-bit NRZ byte of 01111111

without bit stuffing.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: [15.600ns to 17.700ns] Device EOP Length 17.122ns

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Result Details

Trial 1

EL_22 Measure Interpacket Gap Between Second and Third Packets

Result Details

EL_22 Measure Interpacket Gap Between First and Second Packets

Result Details

Trial 1

Test Msg None. EOP bits 8.000000e+000 EL_25:Port Under Test Port1

Trial 1: Device EOP Length

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_22: When transmitting after receiving a packet, hosts and devices must provide an inter-packet gap

of at least 8 bits times and not more than 192 bit times.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: [16.640ns to 399.400ns] Inter-packet gap_23 319.851ns

EL_22:Port Under Test Port1

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_22: When transmitting after receiving a packet, hosts and devices must provide an inter-packet gap

of at least 8 bits times and not more than 192 bit times.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: [16.640ns to 399.400ns] Inter-packet gap_12 309.680ns

Interpacket Gap ScreenShot (See image) EL_22:Port Under Test Port1

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EL_28 Measure Device CHIRP-K Latency

Result Details

Trial 1

EL_29 Measure Device CHIRP-K Duration

Trial 1: Interpacket Gap ScreenShot

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_28: Devices must transmit a chirp handshake no sooner than 2.5us and no later than 6ms when

being reset from a suspend state. Devices must transmit a chirp handshake no sooner than 2.5us and no later than 3ms when being reset from a full-

speed state.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: [2.500µs to 6.000000ms] Device CHIRP-K Latency 1.503746ms

EL_28:Port Under Test Port1

Trial 1: Device CHIRP-K Latency

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

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Result Details

EL_40 Device Resume Timing Response

Result Details

Trial 1

EL_27 Device CHIRP Response to Reset from Hi-Speed Operation

Result Details

Trial 1

Test Description: EL_29: The CHIRP handshake generated by a device must be at least 1ms and not more than 7ms in


Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: [1.000ms to 7.000ms] Device CHIRP K Duration 2.000ms

EL_29:Port Under Test Port1

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_40: If a device is in the suspend state, and was operating in hi-speed before being suspended, then

device must transition back to hi-speed operation within 2 bit times from the end of resume signaling. Note: It is not feasible to measure the device

transition back to hi-speed operation within 2 bit times from the end of the resume signaling. The presence of SOF at nominal 400mV amplitude

following the resume signaling is sufficient for this test.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: Pass/Fail Device Resume Test Pass

Resume SOF screenshot (See image) Time first SOF detected 126.169µs Amplitude of detected SOF 427.420mV

EL_40:Port Under Test Port1

Trial 1: Resume SOF screenshot

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_27: Devices must transmit a CHIRP handshake no sooner than 3.1ms and no later than 6ms when

being reset from a non-suspended hi-speed mode. The timing is measured from the beginning of the last SOF transmitted before the reset begins.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: [3.100ms to 6.000ms] Device Reset from High-speed 3.503ms

EL_27:Port Under Test Port1

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EL_28 Device CHIRP Response to Reset from Suspend

Result Details

Trial 1

EL_8 Device J Test (Informative)

Trial 1: Device Reset from High-speed

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_28: Devices must transmit a chirp handshake no sooner than 2.5us and no later than 6ms when

being reset from a suspend state. Devices must transmit a chirp handshake no sooner than 2.5us and no later than 3ms when being reset from a full-

speed state.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: [2.500µs to 6.000000ms] Device Reset from Suspend 1.503726ms

D+ Voltage 2.937050e+000 D- Voltage -2.366770e-002 EL_28:Port Under Test Port1

Trial 1: Device Reset from Suspend

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

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Result Details

EL_8 Device K Test (Informative)

Result Details

EL_9 Device SE0_NAK Test (Informative)

Result Details

EL_31 Device Hi-Speed Terminations Enable and D+ Disconnect Time

Result Details

Trial 1

Test Description: EL_8: When either D+ or D- are driven high, the output voltage must be 400mV +/- 10% when

terminated with precision 45 ohm resistors to ground. This test is informative only and is no longer required for certification.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: Pass/Fail J Test Pass

JTest - DC Voltage on D+ line 455mV JTest - DC Voltage on D- line 8mV EL_8:Port Under Test Port1

Test Condition Waiver

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_8: When either D+ or D- are driven high, the output voltage must be 400mV +/- 10% when

terminated with precision 45 ohm resistors to ground. This test is informative only and is no longer required for certification.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: Pass/Fail K Test Pass

KTest - DC Voltage on D- line 455mV KTest - DC Voltage on D+ line 8mV EL_8:Port Under Test Port1

Test Condition Waiver

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_9: When either D+ or D- are not being driven, the output voltage must be 0V +/- 10mV when

terminated with precision 45 ohm resistors to ground. This test is informative only and is no longer required for certification.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: Pass/Fail SE0NAK Test Pass

SE0NAKTest - DC Voltage on D+ line 8mV SE0NAKTest - DC Voltage on D- line 8mV EL_9:Port Under Test Port1

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_31: During device speed detection, when a device detects a valid CHIRP K-J-K-J-K-J sequence, the

device must disconnect its 1.5K pull-up resistor and enable its hi-speed terminations within 500us.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: [10ns to 500.000µs] Device Enable HS termination time 3.723µs

EL_31:Port Under Test Port1

Trial 1: Device Enable HS termination time

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EL_38 EL_39 Device Suspend Timing Response

Result Details

Trial 1

Reference: USB 2.0 Specification, Section

Test Description: EL_38: A device must revert to full-speed termination no later than 125us after there is a 3ms idle period

on the bus. EL_39: A device must support the Suspend state.

Test Summary: Pass

Test Limits: [3.000ms to 3.125ms] Device Suspend Timing Response 3.002ms

Suspend Timing Response Screenshot (See image) D + voltage 2.923 D - voltage 7m

EL_39:Device Support Suspend State Pass EL_38:Port Under Test Port1

Trial 1: Suspend Timing Response Screenshot

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