_high skul info letter08

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June 2014




Dear :

Peace in Christ! May we offer your High School Department an information drive about Hepatitis B Virus! To promote good health and prevent infection, in preparation as the students enter into college a new chapter in their life.

As you very well know, a study conducted by the WORLD HEALTH ORG. that an alarming 10 to 12 million FILIPINOS are infected with HEPATITIS-B! Without knowing it that, they are carriers of the dangerous virus! Hepatitis B is one of the countys deadly viral infections. 98% of LIVER CANCER had a history of Hepa-B It can infect through direct exposure to contaminated fluids like blood, saliva, tears, sweat, urine and semen. Sharing of glasses, soft drinks straw, toothbrush, body/ear piercing,& tattooing. The disease has no cure.

May we ask for your approval to give information, and seminar to the students regarding Hepatitis B infection & Importance of vaccination. To screen all the students FREE of charge, for Hepatitis B( Antigen) and Immunize, those who are interested at an affordable price .This way the school will identify those who are Reactive, and advise them what to do Non-reactive results will be immunized. Thus, the school will be assured that the students will be protected from hepatitis B virus infection all throughout their life.

Hoping for your approval for the information campaign.

Very Truly Yours,

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B a y a n I R o a d , F o r t B o n I f a c i o, G l o b a l C I t y , M a k a t I C I t y, M e t r o M a n I l a , E m a I l : HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]"[email protected] ( Tel: (02) 8 8 8 2 5 9 8 ;