high rise building movement monitoring using rtk-gps


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Page 5: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS




A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Master of Science (Geomatic Engineering)

Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Page 6: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


“I declare that this thesis “High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-

GPS (Case Study: Menara Sarawak Enterprise)” is the result of my own research

except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and

is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree.”

Signature : .........................................


Date : .........................................

Page 7: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


To my beloved mother and father

Page 8: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS



In particular, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Abdul Aziz Wan Mohd Akib for his encouragement, guidance,

and friendship. Without his continue support and interest, this thesis would not have

been the same as presented here.

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Mr Zulkarnaini Mat Amin for

his guidance and contribution in this thesis. Besides that, i would like to express my

gratitude to Geodesy Section Department Survey and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM)

for providing the GPS data. I also wish to extend my heartiest gratitude to Assoc.

Prof. Dr. Md. Nor Kamarudin for his kindness to lend his anemometer instrument for

this research.

A special thanks to Jayalah Cemerlang Reality Sdn. Bhd. for the permission

and technical assistance to carry out this research at the Menara Sarawak Enterprise

Building, Johor Bharu.

I also wish to express my thankful to the following persons whose have

assisted me by factual help in the implementation of this research:

The technicians at the Engineering Survey Laboratory, FKSG, UTM.

Mr. Voon Min Hi

Mr. Kee Tuan Chew

Mr Wong Chee Siang Tony

Mr Tan Wee Keng

Last, but not last, I am also grateful to my family members for giving me all

the support that I needed.

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The need for deformation surveys of large engineering structures such as long

span bridges, dams and tall structures often arises from concerns associated with

environmental protection, property damage and public safety. There are many high

buildings nowadays, therefore it is very important to monitor the buildings to ensure

they are still under stable condition. Recently, the Global Positioning System (GPS)

especially Real Time Kinematics (RTK-GPS) has emerged as a survey tool for many

deformation applications. The RTK-GPS is carrier phase observation processed in

real time, giving results such as position coordinates. This study highlights the

concept and methodology of the continuous RTK-GPS and its potential application

for high rise building monitoring surveys. The main objectives of this study are to

study the ability and efficiency of the continuous RTK-GPS method in high rise

building’ deformation detection and also to develop KFilter program for movement

monitoring using Matlab v6.1 with Kalman Filter method. The GPS instruments’

calibrations had been carried out to ensure accuracy and reliability of the continuous

RTK-GPS observation for high rise building movement monitoring. The surveys had

been carried out on Menara Sarawak Enterprise, Johore Malaysia in two different

epochs. Thus, the developed KFilter program is able to perform the movement

monitoring analysis on the observed data to classify the stability of the building. The

results of this study shows that the continuous RTK-GPS can provide 1cm and 2cm

accuracy for horizontal and vertical respectively. The effectiveness of this technique

depends on radio link communication whereby obstructions will cause the

communication signal to fail. From the KFilter program analysis, the results shows

that the Menara Sarawak Enterprise building is stable. The continuous RTK-GPS

epoch 1 and epoch 2 analyses had shown the building is stable although displacement

distance around 0.5cm and 1cm respectively are detected.

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Keperluan bagi melaksanakan ukur deformasi terhadap struktur kejuruteraan

besar seperti jambatan, empangan dan bangunan tinggi adalah semakin penting untuk

perjagaan alam sekitar dan melindungi keselamatan awam. Terdapat semakin banyak

bangunan tinggi pada masa kini, maka amat penting untuk memastikan bangunan

tinggi berkenaan dalam keadaan yang stabil. Untuk masa kini, Global Positioning

System (GPS) telah digunakan sebagai alat pengukuran bagi kebanyakan kerja-kerja

deformasi. RTK-GPS adalah cerapan fasa pembawa yang dijalankan dalam masa

hakiki menghasilkan koordinat kedudukan. Kajian ini membincangkan konsep dan

potensi aplikasi RTK untuk ukur pemantauan bangunan tinggi. Objektif utama kajian

ini adalah untuk mengkaji kebolehan dan keberkesanan bagi teknik continuous RTK-

GPS di pengesanan deformasi bangunan tinggi dan membina program KFilter untuk

pemantauan pergerakan dengan menggunakan Matlab v6.1 bersama dengan teknik

Kalman Filter. Kalibrasi peralatan GPS telah dijalankan untuk memastikan kejituan

dan keupayaan cerapan continuous RTK-GPS bagi pemantauan pergerakan

bangunan tinggi. Percerapan teknik ini telah dilaksanakan di Menara Sarawak

Enterprise dalam 2 epok yang berlainan. Lepas itu, program KFilter digunakan untuk

analisis pemantauan pergerakan ke atas cerapan data demi menentukan kestabilan

bangunan berkenaan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa continuous RTK-GPS

dapat memberi kejituan mendatar 1cm dan menegak 2cm. Keberkesanan teknik ini

amat bergantung kepada perhubungan komunikasi radio dimana halangan akan

menyebabkan isyarat komunikasi radio terputus. Daripada hasil analisis program

KFilter menunjukkan bahawa Menara Sarawak Enterprise dalam keadaan stabil.

Analisis epok 1 dan 2 bagi cerapan continuous RTK-GPS mengesahkan bangunan

tersebut stabil walaupun jarak pergerakan lebih kurang 0.5cm dan 1cm telah dikesan

dalam kedua-dua epok.

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1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Problem Statement 4

1.3 Research Objectives 5

1.4 Research Scopes 5

1.5 Significance of Study 5

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1.6 Research Methodology 6

1.6.1 Literature Review 7

1.6.2 Field Data Acquisition 7

1.6.3 Development of KFilter Program 7

1.6.4 Observation Data Processing 8

1.6.5 Analyses and Results 8

1.6.6 Conclusions and Recommendations 8

1.7 Thesis Overview 8


2.1 Literature Review 10

2.2 High Rise Buildings Structure Material 16

2.3 Deformation in Structure 17

2.3.1 Deflection of Beams 18

2.3.2 Settlement of Foundations 19

2.3.3 Wind Loading Problem 20

2.4 Review of GPS 21

2.5 GPS Positioning Techniques 22

2.5.1 Real Time Kinematics (RTK-GPS) 23

2.6 Error Sources in GPS Measurement 24



3.1 Introduction 28

3.1.1 The Discrete Kalman Filter Algorithm 31

3.1.2 The Extended Kalman Filter 32

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3.2 Advantages, Problems and Disadvantages of Kalman Filter 34

3.3 Application of Kalman Filter In Deformation Monitoring 36


4.1 Introduction 38

4.2 The Menara Sarawak Enterprise Monitoring Network 39

4.3 Instruments Used for GPS Observation 42

4.4 GPS Instruments Calibration 43

4.4.1 Test on RTK – GPS Performance 43

4.4.2 Test on Accuracy of RTK-GPS Baseline 45

4.5 GPS Observation 47

4.5.1 GPS Network of Coordinates Transfer 48

4.5.2 GPS Monitoring Network 49

4.6 Data Processing and Adjustment 50

4.6.1 Trimble Geomatics Office Data Downloading 51

4.6.2 Leica Ski Pro Data Downloading 52

4.7 KFilter Program 52

4.8 Simulation Test 57

4.8.1 ‘Movement’ Simulation Test 57

4.8.2 ‘Timing’ Simulation Test 58

4.9 Static GPS Deformation Analysis 59

4.10 Movement Monitoring Analysis 62

4.11 Study of Wind Effect (Vibration) Using RTK-GPS Data 62

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5.1 Introduction 64

5.2 Results Analysis for Study on RTK-GPS Baseline 64

5.3 Results Analysis for Test on Accuracy of RTK-GPS

Baseline 65

5.4 Results Analysis on ‘Movement’ Simulation Test 67

5.5 Results Analysis on ‘Timing’ Simulation Test 69

5.6 Case Study: Menara Sarawak Enterprise 70

5.7 Results Analysis For Study of Wind Effect (Vibration)

Using RTK-GPS Data 73

5.8 Summary 79


6.1 Conclusions 81

6.2 Recommendations 82


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TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 4.1 Adjusted Grid Coordinates from Static Processing 44 4.2 Adjusted Geodetic Coordinates from Static Processing 44 4.3 Adjusted Grid Coordinates from Static Processing 46 4.4 Adjusted Geodetic Coordinates from Static Processing 46 4.5 GPS Observation Schedule of Menara Sarawak Enterprise

Building 49

4.6 Data processing Options 51 4.7 Schedule of ‘Timing’ Simulation Test Observation 59 5.1 Analysis on One and half hour Continuous RTK-GPS Data

For Station UTMR 64

5.2 RMS Analysis on Continuous RTK-GPS Data for T200,

T300 and TR2300 65

5.3 Explanation Analysis 65 5.4 Simulation Test for Vertical Axis 67 5.5 Simulation Test for Horizontal (Northing & Easting) 68 5.6 Results Processing From GPS DEFORMATION ANALYSIS

PROGRAM, GPSAD2000 and KFilter 72

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1.1 General Definition of High-rise Building 2 1.2 Menara Sarawak Enterprise 3 1.3 Flow of Research Methodology 6 2.1 Comparison of the Bulbs of Pressure under a Single

Footing on Test Load and Under a Large Building 19

2.2 GPS Segments 21 2.3 RTK-GPS Observation Configuration 24 4.1 DSMM Geodetic Control (GPS) Station, J416 39 4.2 Location of Control and Monitoring Stations 40

4.3 Base 1 (B1) 40 4.4 Base 2 (B2) 40 4.5 Rover 1 (R1) 41 4.6 Rover 2 (R2) 41 4.7 Design of Rover Monument 41 4.8 Leica GPS System 500 Receiver 42 4.9 Trimble 4800 Series GPS Receiver 43 4.10 Coordinates of UTMB and UTMR Derived from

RTKNet Stations 44

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4.11 Coordinates of T200, T300 and TR2300 Derived from TRS

Station and JHJY RTKNet Stations 46 4.12: Information of Satellite Visibility on 21/12/2004 47 4.13 Information of DOP Horizontal on 21/12/2004 48 4.14 Information of DOP Vertical on 21/12/2004 48 4.15 GPS Network of Coordinates Transfer 49 4.16 GPS Monitoring Network 50 4.17 KFilter user interface 52 4.18 Flow Chart of Stage Analysis KFilter 53 4.19 Format of Input Data for Developed Program KFilter 54 4.20 The Deformation Visualization Graph 54 4.21 Flow Chart of KFilter Program 55 4.22 Example of Deformation Report 56 4.23 Preparation of ‘Movement’ Simulation Test 57 4.24 Static (Left of Figure) and ‘Vibrated’ (Right of Figure) 58 4.25 Process Methodology of Static GPS Deformation Analysis 60 4.26 Anemometer 63 5.1 No Deformation Detected 69 5.2 Deformation Detected 70 5.3 Northing and Easting Displacements Graph 73 5.4 Northing Movements Value Resulted From Winds Effects 75 5.5 Easting Movements Value Resulted From Winds Effects 76

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5.6 WGS84 Ellipsoid Height Movements Value Resulted From Winds

Effects 77

5.7 The Deformation Report (KFilter) for Without Wind

Effect and With Wind Effect 78

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GPS Global Positioning System

Hz Hertz

RTK Real Time Kinematics

cm centimeter

mm millimeter

m meter

hr hour

PRN Pseudo Random Noise

ppm Part per million

DSMM Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia

TGO Trimble Geomatics Office

DOP Dilution of Positioning

RMS Roof Mean Squares

OTF On-the-fly

B1 Base 1

B2 Base 2

R1 Rover 1

R2 Rover 2

WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984

cont. continuous

LSE Least Square Estimation

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1.1 Introduction

Deformation refers to the changes which a deformable body undergoes in its

shapes, dimension and position. Deformation survey can be used for obtaining

information about the stability of some objects like natural or man-made objects. The

man-made objects such as large engineering structures are subject to deformation due

to various factors: changes of ground water level, tidal phenomena, tectonic

phenomena, land movements, or any other natural disasters. The large engineering

structures include dams, long span bridges, high rise buildings, reservoirs, sport

domes, planetariums, Olympic stadium etc. Therefore it is important to measure this

movement for the purpose of safety assessment as well as to prevent any disaster in

the future.

A high-rise building is defined as a building 35 meters or greater in height,

which is divided at regular intervals into occupiable levels (Emporis, 2004). To be

considered a high-rise building an edifice must be based on solid ground, and

fabricated along its full height through deliberate processes (as opposed to naturally-

occurring formations). A high-rise building is distinguished from other tall man-

made structures by the following guidelines

i. It must be divided into multiple levels of at least 2 meters in height;

ii. If it has fewer than 12 such internal levels – see Figure 1.1, then the

highest undivided portion must not exceed 50% of the total height.

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Figure 1.1: General Definition of High-rise Building (Emporis, 2004)

Nowadays, there are much more large and tall engineering structures (high

rise buildings) than the past. These structures are designed to be much more flexible

and to resist extensive damage from changes in temperature, severe wind gusts and

earthquakes. Structural engineers require precise, reliable instruments to resolve their

concerns about angular movements, displacements and structural vibrations. Hence,

some actions can be taken before the disasters strike. It can save lives, avert large

financial liabilities and avoid severe environmental damage.

In general, there are two types of technique in deformation survey, i.e.

geodetic surveys and non-geodetic survey (geotechnical and structural). Geodetic

survey using total stations, precise levels, Global Positioning System (GPS), etc can

be based on absolute and relative networks. Deformation detection via geodetic

method mainly consists of two step analysis independent least square estimation

(LSE) of each epochs followed by deformation detection between two epochs. On

the other hand, geotechnical and structural methods use special equipments to

measure changes in length (extensometer), inclination (inclinometer), strain

(strainmeter) etc.

In contrast, the GPS technology can measure directly the position coordinates

and nowadays relative displacements can be measured at the rate of 10Hz or higher.

This provides a great opportunity to monitor, in real time, the displacement or

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deflection, behavior of engineering structures under different loading conditions,

through automated change detection’ and alarm notification procedures (Ogaja et. al.,


One of the most recent real time GPS techniques to date is RTK-GPS. Such

real-time application had been widely used in various survey applications and

navigational purposes, regardless on land, at sea or in the air (Rizos, 1999). RTK-

GPS can achieve the accuracy of ± 2 cm + 2 ppm. In RTK-GPS configuration, a

receiver is placed on the reference point with known coordinates as reference station.

This reference station will continuously transmit correction message to rover

receiver. For example, a fully automated monitoring system using RTK-GPS

technique had been implemented successfully in Dam Diamond Valley Lake,

California. This system will provide the information on the displacement of the

monitoring points weekly (Michael et.al., 2001).

High rise building research was carried out at Menara Sarawak Enterprise

which is located at Stulang Laut, Johor Bahru (see Figure 1.2). The height of the

building is almost 120m above ground. The building’s structure is consisted of 30

storey tower and 3 basements as car park level. Each storey is about 3.5 meters in


Figure 1.2: Menara Sarawak Enterprise

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1.2 Problem Statement

Since our national high rise buildings inventory are aging and they are

carrying more and more loads, the need to monitor high rise buildings’ performance

has increased significantly over the past few years. High rise buildings require

careful provisions of life-safety systems because of their height and their large

density of occupant. Therefore, both for maintenance and repair planning, high-rise

building monitoring is becoming increasingly important. What's more, structural

deformation and deterioration problems faced by the high-rise building authorities

are very similar to those faced by dam, large span bridge, and highway and railroad


In satellite surveying, static GPS positioning technique is perhaps the most

common method used by surveyors because of the high accuracies it can obtain. In

general, one to two hours is a good observation period for Static GPS baseline up to

30 kilometers. Static GPS method can be used for deformation detection. However,

this method is not suitable for continuous deformation monitoring because Static

GPS methods cannot provide data continuously compared to Real Time Kinematics

(RTK) GPS positioning technique. A high precision, carrier phase based, RTK-GPS

has been considered to play an important role as an alternative technique to the

geotechnical methods or in addition to such a sensor (Ogaja, 2000). The notable

advantage of using RTK-GPS is that this technique can detect deformation if the

structure has drifted (a few cm) relative to some reference or baseline while

accelerometers can not detect, directly, the absolute or relative displacements of the

structure (Ogaja, 2000). Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the potential

application of RTK-GPS method in deformation monitoring purpose of high rise


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1.3 Research Objectives

The objectives of this study have to fulfill the following requirements:-

i. To study the ability and efficiency of the continuous RTK-GPS

method in high rise building’s deformation detection.

ii. To develop program for monitoring movement using Kalman Filter


1.4 Research Scopes

The research scopes of this study involve:-

i To carry out the GPS data observation in continuous RTK-GPS


ii. To process and analyze the data in order to get the pattern and

magnitude of the deformation.

iii. To study the ability of RTK-GPS to be applied in high density

construction area.

1.5 Significance of Study

The significance of this study includes:-

i Develop a RTK-GPS movement monitoring system with the aid of

Kalman Filter on high rise building.

ii Determine the type of the errors caused by RTK-GPS observation in

movement monitoring.

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1.6 Research Methodology

Research methodology is divided into a few stages in order to achieve the

objectives of this study (see Figure 1.3).

Literature Review.

Calibration of GPS Instruments

Design the Control and Monitoring Stations’ Network.

Field Data Observation.

Analysis and Results

Conclusion and


Data Processing

Develop KFilter Program Using Matlab Version 6.1 and

Kalman Filter Method for Movement Monitoring.

Simulation Tests.

Figure 1.3: Flow of Research Methodology

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1.6.1 Literature Review

Literature reviews were carried out on the concepts of GPS, deformation

surveying, structural monitoring, and the understanding of the GPS instrumentation.

Calibration of GPS instruments (Trimble 4800 series and Leica System 500) had

been carried out to ensure the instruments in good condition to perform the GPS

observations. At this stage, the GPS instruments were studied to ensure the

instruments can carry out continuous Real Time Kinematics technique with one

second sampling rate. Both of them are dual-frequency (L1 and L2) and able provide

high precision results.

1.6.2 Field Data Acquisition

Before field data acquisition has been carry out, the control network and

monitoring stations should be designed and placed in suitable locations. In this study,

Trimble 4800 series and Leica System 500 observations had been used to carry out

for two epochs. First epoch had been carried out on 21 December to 23 December

2004 whereas the second epoch had carried out on 28 April 2005 to 29 April 2005.

1.6.3 Development of KFilter Program KFilter program had been developed using Matlab version 6.1 and based on

the Kalman Filter algorithm for the object movements monitoring purpose. The

program will read continuous RTK input data from GPS receiver and performs

movement monitoring analyses with the help of Kalman Filter algorithm. The

program will give some warning alarms if it detected displacements from the

observed data. Beside that, the simulation tests had been carried out to ensure the

reliability of the developed KFilter program in movement monitoring.

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1.6.4 Observation Data Processing The observed data had been processed using certain commercial software or

self-developed program. The continuous RTK data had been downloaded to Leica

SKI-Pro and Trimble Geomatics Office. The output files with its suitable format for

the developed program will be created. The program which is developed using

Matlab v6.1 will perform its analysis based on the observation data.

1.6.5 Analyses and Results

Analyses in this study include the reliability of the observed data and the

effectiveness of the program in determining the stability of the high rise building. In

this study, the program will perform structural monitoring analyze on the GPS

observation data.

1.6.6 Conclusions and Recommendations Summarizes findings, make conclusions and recommends topics for further

investigations. The prospects and limitations of continuous RTK-GPS technique

were also presented.

1.7 Thesis Overview

Chapter 1 described the important of the deformation monitoring for high rise

building using Global Positioning System (GPS). The problem statement, research

scopes and the significant of the study had been described.

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Literature review is an important stage of this study to ensure that the

research can be carried out successfully. It was discussed in Chapter 2. The types of

material of high buildings were stated out in this chapter. The factors that affect

concrete strength of the buildings were explained. The RTK-GPS was used in this

study for movement monitoring. Thus the introduction and literature review on the

RTK-GPS were stated out. There were included the errors of RTK-GPS observation

and its configuration.

The program for movement monitoring with the help of Kalman Filter

method had been developed. Therefore, the introduction and definition of the

Kalman Filter method including its algorithms were elaborated in Chapter 3.

The calibration of GPS instruments and field data acquisition is the most

important stage in the study and discussed in details in chapter 4. 2 epochs of

observation were carried out in the study. Setting up a deformation network which

consists of selected reference stations and the monitoring points is necessary. The

GPS observations were carried out using GPS instruments, Leica GPS System 500

and Trimble GPS 4800 System. Meanwhile, the software used for data downloading

and data processing were Trimble Geomatics Office and Leica Ski-Pro. The

simulation test was carried out to ensure that the developed program can detect the

displacement or vibration successfully.

Chapter 5 discussed the calibration and simulation tests analysis results.

Besides that, the stability analysis of Menara Sarawak Enterprise using developed

program had been carried out. The analysis was verified by other program, such as

GPS Deformation Analysis Program-Bayrak (Turkey) and GPSAD2000-Boon

(Malaysia). This increased the reliability of the analysis for Menara Sarawak

Enterprise movement monitoring.

Lastly, chapter 6 presented the conclusions of this study. Some

recommendations had been proposed and considered to improve this study.

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LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Literature Review

The Global Positioning System (GPS), also known as NAVSTAR

(NAVigation System using Time and Ranging) is a space-based navigation system

created and developed by the US Department of Defense (DoD) for real time

navigation since the end of the 70’s. For the past ten years, the GPS has made a

strong impact on the geodetic world. The main goal of the GPS is to provide

worldwide, all weather, continuous radio navigation support to users to determine

position, velocity and time throughout the world (Hofmann-Wellenhof et. al., 1994).

With recent full constellation of GPS satellites, available satellite signals processing

software, the differential measurement of the satellite signals using geodetic type of

GPS receivers will provide any baseline vector with high precision at millimeter

level (Leick, 2004).

In the basic approaches of geometrical analysis, the displacements at discrete

points are directly compared with specified tolerances. In more advanced analyses,

the point displacements are assessed for spatial trend, and a displacement field is

determined by the fitting of a suitable spatial function. The displacement field may

then be transformed into a strain field, which provides a unique description of the

overall change in geometric status, by the selection of a suitable deformation model

(Chrzanowski et al., 1986).

At present, instead of static deformation monitoring approaches, continuous

dynamic deformation monitoring methods have been increasingly used to understand

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natural events such as landslides and to monitor the stability of manmade structures

such as building, bridges and dam (Bock and Bevis, 1999; Leick, 2004).

An RTK-GPS (Real Time Kinematic – Global Positioning System) has a

nominal accuracy of ±1cm +1ppm for horizontal displacements with a sampling rate

of 10Hz. It was found to be suitable for measuring building responses when the

vibration frequency is lower than 2Hz and the vibration amplitude is larger than 2cm.

According to Tamura et. al., (2004), the RTK-GPS can measure not only dynamic

components but also static components and quasistatic components. The member

stresses obtained by hybrid use of FEM analysis and RTK-GPS were close to the

member stresses measured by strain gauges. Meanwhile, accelerometers have been

used for field measurements of wind-induced responses of buildings. However,

wind-induced responses consists of a static component, i.e a mean value and a

dynamic fluctuating component. The static component is difficult to measure with

accelerometers. The uses of RTK-GPS for measurements of building responses have

been proposed. (Tamura et. al., 2004)

Ge et.al., (2000) had tested the feasibility of a “fully closed-loop design” for

large structures, two Leica CRS1000 and two Trimble MS750 GPS receivers have

been tested in the Real Time Kinematics (RTK) mode, with fast sampling rates 10

Hz and 20 Hz to determine how well they measure relative displacements, from very

low (DC) to high (10Hz) frequency. In the test involving two Leica GPS receivers

through there was much noise in the low frequency band due to the effects of

atmosphere, multipath, receiver noise, etc, FFT analysis of the fast RTK outputs

indicate that vibrations of 2.3 Hz and 4.3Hz with an amplitude of 12.7mm, applied to

the rover antenna to simulate vibration of structures, can be recognized in both the

time and frequency domain (though they are more clearly resolved in the frequency

domain), not only in the latitude and longitude components, but also in the height

component. The fast RTK results at DC, 2.3Hz and 4.3Hz were found to exhibit

similar noise patterns. The choke ring antenna is shown to yield results with higher

SNR than the standard antenna. In addition to the signals, harmonics and aliasing

were also detected. Data from a reference accelerometer confirmed that the harmonic

was generated by the shaker and is not an artifact of the GPS experiment. The fact

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that all the supplied signals and their by-products, namely the harmonics and

aliasing, are successfully resolved, from 0.8Hz, 1.4Hz, 2.3Hz, 3.1Hz, 4.3Hz to

4.6Hz, has proved the strength of high rate GPS RTK as the technology to support

the "fully closed-loop design" for large structures. In the Trimble GPS receiver test,

RTK measurements at 20Hz for over three hours, over the same period on five

successive days, were recorded to determine whether measurements on consecutive

days can be used for noise reduction (Ge et. al., 2000).

According to Ogaja et. al. (2001), a high precision dynamic RTK-GPS

system had been installed at the Republic Plaza Building, Singapore. The purpose of

the system is to provide, to sub-centimeter accuracy, and at rate of up to 10 samples

per second, position vectors with respect to a fixed base station, of two antennas

installed on the building parapet. The system was operated in parallel with, linked to

an existing logging system that records signals from accelerometers and

anemometers. The observations data analyzes by ‘Time-Frequency’ wavelets method

to automatically detect ‘low’ and ‘high’ frequency components embedded in the

noisy time series, frequency changes and their onset times. The algorithm is

formulated through the estimation of ‘instantaneous’ using the wavelet transform and

‘change detection’ using the cumulative sum (CUSUM) scheme (Mertikas & Rizos,

1997). The wavelet transforms method gives the time locations of each frequency.

This allows the visualization of transient frequencies and the determination of the

occurrence of discontinuities in the signal. However, there was no achievable

accuracy had been mentioned in this experiment.

In time series analysis, frequency-domain signature is obtained by converting

time-domain data into its unique frequency components using a Fast Fourier

Transform (FFT). Through the study of frequency-domain vibration signatures, the

natural frequencies of structures can be detected and isolated to form the basic data

for seismic and wind response analyses. Such data are valuable as more and more

important high rise building are analyzed through structural performance and seismic

loading for improved structural design (Brownjohn et. al., 2000). Ideally, in the time-

frequency analysis, it is preferable to represent the structural signature for each of the

three directional components Northing, Easting and Height in such a way that it: (a)

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indicates which frequencies existed for a duration, (b) shows how the frequencies

change with time and (c) shows the time-based waveform.

The feasibility of GPS for detecting and discriminating tall building

displacement and frequency signatures was investigated through the use of a joint

time frequency domain analysis. According to Ogaja et. al., (2000), the analysis of

the data collected from the UNSW-GPS-Seismometer experiment indicate that GPS

is capable of resolving high frequency vibrational signature, provided the Nyquist

sampling theorem is obeyed: that is, for a band limited signal, the signal can be

recovered from discrete sampled values if the sampling is done at a sampling rate fs

≥ 2fmax where fmax is the highest frequency in the signal. This condition was met in the

experiment for which fs was 10Hz and the highest frequency recovered in the time

series was 4.3Hz. However, results from the analysis of the Republic Plaza building

experiment data seem to suggest that low frequency vibrational signature of tall

buildings cannot be easily recognized in the time and frequency domain of the data

sampled at 1Hz under normal loading conditions. It was however interesting to note

that on 'zooming in' on the section of the data sampled during the windy period, some

suspect variations could be detected on the time frequency plane. This may be an

indicator that the effectiveness of the recovery of the low frequency vibrational

signature of high-rise buildings can be enhanced through the application of special

analysis procedures such as the time-frequency domain analysis or through the use of

a simple spectrogram (Ogaja et. al., 2000).

Ince and Sahin (2000), had developed a real time GPS monitoring system

with the aid of a Kalman Filter for use in as active tectonic region near Istanbul and

its surrounding region has been developed. In order to set up a powerful control

system, a surveying and estimation method was designed and the necessary software,

called RT-MODS2 (Real Time Monitoring of Dynamic System 2) was developed.

The observation interval was one second. However, two estimation intervals are

taken into consideration, which are 5 and 3 seconds. This means that each filtering

step takes five or three observations into account. The software reads real time input

data from GPS receivers and perform deformation analyses with help of Kalman

Filter. The deformation analyses are performed in three dimensions: north, east and

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height. The obtained magnitudes for the deformation detection are ±3.5 and ±3.0 cm

for 3 and 5 second intervals respectively. The software reads real time input data

from GPS receivers and perform deformation analyses with help of Kalman Filter

(Ince and Sahin, 2000).

Fortan program called KINDEF for 3D deformation detection via geodetic

methods have been developed. KINDEF is a kinematic deformation analysis program

and performs 3D statistical analysis to inspect the significance of geodetic network

point displacements, velocities and acceleration of displacement coming from three

repeated surveys of the same network. For deformation detection, KINDEF uses

Kinematical Single Point Model solved by Kalman Filter. In this program, movement

parameters (displacements, velocities and acceleration) are statistically tested and

moved points, velocities and accelerations of moving points are determined. The

program was written by Microsoft Fotran Visual Workbench v1.0 editor being a

window based and using maximum memory. It has only one screen facility for

representing the results of deformation detection, numerical representation. KINDEF

has been used successfully to analyze repeated GPS surveys belonging to a geodetic

network in Trabzon province, Turkey established for landslide monitoring and

control (Bayrak and Mualla, 2004)

Real-time GPS technology is an important development to aid continuous

deformation monitoring, where the timely detection of any deformation is critical.

The kinematic/dynamic parameters of deformation are computed in order to the

predict failure events. Hence the use of the Kalman Filter for the estimation of the

state vector of a deformation object is very convenient (Grewal and Andrews, 1993).

Kalman Filter is an important tool for deformation analysis combining

information on object behaviour and measurement quantities. It is applicable to the

four well-known deformation models. Kalman filtering usually requires white

measurement and process noise. Due to electronic measurement devices with high

sampling rate used nowadays, time dependent systematic deviations arise in

neighbouring epochs in a similar way, resulting in autocorrelation. Especially in case

of GPS measurements deviations due to multipath and signal propagation are

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changing slowly, and thus the assumption of white noise is not justified. To eliminate

this deficiency within a shaping filter the state vector in Kalman filter is augmented

and thus formulating an adequate noise process (Kuhlmann, 2003).

Kalman Filter is simply and optimal recursive data processing algorithm. The

Process Noise (Q) matrix, the Dynamics (Phi) matrix, the Partials (H) matrix, the

Measurement (Z) vector, the initial Covariance (P) matrix, and the initial State (X)

vector are the parameters will be taken into account in the calculation of Kalman

Filter. Initially, the state vector and covariance matrix adds with the process noise to

calculate the gain, and then updates the covariance matrix and state vector. The stage

by stage calculation is shown (Newcastle Scientific, 2004):

State Propagation – Propagates the state vector to the time of the current


Covariance Propagation – Propagates the covariance matrix to the time of the current

measurement and adds process noise.

Kalman Filter Gain – Derives the Gain “weighting”matrix.

Covariance Update – Update the covariance matrix.

State Vector Update – Updates the state vector with the current measurements,

weighted by the gain matrix.

The Kalman Filter provides a method for combining in an optimum fashion

all the information available up to and including the time of the latest measurement

to provide an estimate at that time. In addition to the measurements, information

about the dynamic of the process, statistics of the disturbances involved, and a priori

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knowledge of the quantities of interest are included in the problem formulation. If the

dynamics can be described by linear differential or difference equations and if the

disturbances have Gaussian distributions, the resulting estimate is both a maximum

likelihood and minimum variance estimate (Jansson, 1998).

There are three estimation problems can be solved using Kalman Filter

algorithms (Cross, 1983):

i. Filtering – the estimate of the state vector at time tk using the

measurements at all epochs up to and including time tk.

ii. Prediction – the estimation of the state vector at time tj after the last set

of measurements at epoch tk (tj > tk).

iii. Smoothing – the estimate of the state vector at time ti using all the

available sets of measurements from the first to last epochs at times t1

and tn respectively ( t1 ≤ ti ≤ tn).

2.2 High Rise Buildings Structure Material

Buildings utilize an extensive number of building materials but their

structural systems usually have one material (either concrete or steel) as the

predominate material to carry the structural loads. Since the 1960’s there have been

an increasing use of "composite systems" in which both steel and concrete are

utilized together in ways that neither material predominates over the other (Emporis,


Some buildings were built with a skeletal framework consisting of steel

beams. The early high buildings (built after 1920) utilized cast and wrought iron in

their framing systems. Its ability to carry heavy live loads at the expense of only a

relatively small increase in dead load is used in the structural steel frame. This light

construction of beams and columns carries the whole weight of the building.

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The other type of famous material is concrete (as building framework

material). Concrete: a hard aggregate substance made from cement, lime, crushed

rock or sand, water, and other ingredients. Concrete performs exceptionally well

under compression, but not well under tension so in most construction, including

skyscrapers, concrete is reinforced with steel bars (rebars). Most residential

skyscrapers are built with concrete frames.

Aluminium is one of the most widespread elements. Aluminium itself is soft

and quite unsuitable for use in carrying load. When alloyed with copper, silicon or

magnesium, its properties improve and fulfill the conditions required of a structural

material. There are nearly forty aluminium alloys used commercially and they

contain in all about a dozen alloying elements in varying amounts. These alloys are

about 35 percent of the weight of steel.

The Menara Sarawak Enterprise building in this case study is mainly

comprised of the concrete material, which is a common construction material for

high buildings in Malaysia. The strength of the material is good enough to support

live loads compressions. Therefore, it is more cost-effective compared to aluminium

alloy (Davis Langdon & Everest, 2004).

2.3 Deformation in Structure

It must not be assumed that once a building is constructed it is static and

immovable. Throughout its life it is in constant movement, and some understanding

of these possible movements must be gained if unsightly cracks and disfigurements

are not to render the architectural design less effective. The movements which the

whole building, or part of it, is likely to suffer can be classified as:

i. Deflections.

ii. Settlements.

iii. Deformations due to temperature and moisture changes.

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Of these, the third applies to building materials used in cladding the structure,

and the behaviour of these materials under changing conditions of temperature and

humidity is dealt with in a companion volume of this series. It remains, then, the

deflections and displacements of one portion of a building relative to another and the

settlements either of the whole building, or part of it, relative to foundation level

needs to study. These movements may take place from various causes, but the most

important are (W. Fisher Cassie et. al., 1966):

i. Variation of live load causing beams to deflect and recover as the live load is

applied and released.

ii. Consolidation of clay or other soft soil under the foundation, with resultant


2.3.1 Deflection of Beams

Beams are normally designed for strength; their sizes are made adequate to

withstand the stresses imposed by the loading. In withstanding these stresses, beams

of elastic material, such as steel, deflect and recover their position as the load is

applied and released. It is quite possible for the beam to be perfectly capable of

carrying its design load and at the same time to suffer a considerable deflection. If

this deflection is too large, the repeated application of live load will result in

unsightly and unwanted cracks in ceiling and wall finishes.

Before using a beam whose size has been determined from considerations of

strength alone, should be convinced that its central deflection under dead and live

load is not excessive; something less than one-three-hundredth of the span is

acceptable. In order to deal effectively with this problem it is necessary to become

familiar with the effects of variations in the factors controlling the deflection.

There are four quantities which have an influence on deflection; modulus of

elasticity (the kind of material), second moment of area (the shape and size of the

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beam cross section), the load carried, and the length of the span. By keeping three of

these constant and varying the fourth, the effect of such variation is unobscured by

the results of other changes.

2.3.2 Settlement of Foundations

A foundation fails to fulfill its function is by showing excessive differential

settlement. The soil whose behavior determines the amount and nature of the

settlement may be considered as the mass contained within the effective bulb of

pressure. In fig 2.1, a comparison is made between the bulbs of pressure of a small

isolated footing and that of a large raft foundation. The stiff boulder clay probably

suffers little settlement, and a relatively high bearing pressure may be allowed for the

isolated footing. This high pressure cannot, however, be used for the wider

foundation, for a highly compressible layer of soft clay is cut by the bulb of pressure,

and it is this deep-seated layer whose consolidation would result in the settlement of

the building. For a rectangular or circular foundation, as has been mentioned above,

the significant portion of the bulb of pressure extends to a depth of approximately

one-and-a-half times the breadth of the foundation. For wide raft foundations the

consequent cost of deep borings may appear to be uneconomic, but there have been

instances of damaging settlement of large buildings due to the consolidation of soft

clay strata as much as 100 ft below the surface.

Figure 2.1: Comparison of the Bulbs of Pressure under a Single Footing on Test

Load and Under a Large Building (W. Fisher Cassie, 1966)

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There is an established belief that all danger of settlement of this kind is

avoided if the load is sufficiently widely spread. That this is a fallacy can be seen if

the bulb of pressure for a concentrated load is compared with that for the same load

applied over a larger area. If the bulbs of pressure of both are drawn to scale, it is

clear that the spread footing induces less intense stresses near the surface. At the

considerable depth at which a compressible layer may lie, however, the concentrated

and the spread loads exert a similar intensity of pressure. The settlement which

occurs because of the consolidation of a deep-seated layer is not always effectively

reduced by spreading the load.

2.3.3 Wind Loading Problem

Any structure which is built upon the earth's surface must be capable of

withstanding the loads imposed on it by the weather. The wind, in particular,

constitutes one of the major forms of structural loading and even moderate winds are

capable of imposing high forces on structures. As a result, most building codes of

practice incorporate fairly lengthy sections devoted specifically to those aspects of

the design and construction of buildings which are concerned with the resistance of

wind load.

The loads imposed on structures by the wind usually act horizontally and they

cannot normally be resisted by the main structural system, which is designed to carry

the vertically downwards acting gravitational loads. Two distinct structural systems

are therefore required in a building to ensure stability, one to resist vertical loads and

one to resist horizontal loads due to wind. They may both be present in one

component, as is, for instance, the case with a masonry pier which is stable both

horizontally and vertically, or they may be separate as in a lattice tower in which the

columns resist primarily the gravitational loads while the diagonal members provide

stability against lateral loads

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2.4 Review of GPS

Nowadays, the Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging Global Positioning

System (NAVSTAR GPS, or commonly know as GPS) has become one of the most

successful extraterrestrial positioning technique. A definition given by Wooden

(1985) reads: “The Navstar Global Positioning System (GPS) is an all-weather, space

based navigation system under development by the U.S. Department of Defense

(DoD) to satisfy the requirements for the military force to accurate determine their

position, velocity and time in a common reference system, anywhere on or near the

earth on a continuous basis.”

Since the DoD is the initiator of GPS, the system primary goals were military

usage only. However the U.S. Congress, with the guidance from the U.S. President,

directed DoD to promote the system to civil usage. This has given a great impact of

technology on geodetic surveying.

The GPS system component consists of three segments, space segment,

control segment and user segment (see Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2: GPS Segments (21CEP, 2000)

The Space Segment consists of the constellation of spacecraft and the signals

broadcast that allow users to determine position, velocity and time. The fully

deployed GPS space segment consists of 24 satellites with three actives spares in six

orbital planes, four satellites in each plane. The satellite orbits repeat almost the same

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ground track once each day. The orbit altitude is such that the satellites repeat the

same track and configuration over any point approximately each 24 hours (4 minutes

earlier each day).

The Control Segment consists of facilities necessary for satellite health

monitoring, telemetry, tracking, command and control, satellite orbit and clock data

computations and data up linking. There are five ground Monitor Stations (Hawaii,

Colorado Springs, Ascension Island, Diego Garcia and Kwajalein) - three Ground

Antennas, (Ascension Island, Diego Garcia, Kwajalein), and a Master Control

Station (MCS) located at Schriever AFB in Colorado.

The User segment consists of the GPS receivers and the user community.

GPS receivers convert satellites signals into position, velocity, and precise timing to

the user. A minimum of four satellites are required to compute the four dimensions

of X, Y, Z (position) and Time. The user community is divided into two main

categories, which are the military user and the civilian user. However the diversity of

the uses is matched by the different type of receivers available. In brief, the receiver

differences are based on the type of observables (i.e. code pseudo ranges or carrier

phases) and on the availability of codes (i.e. C/A-code or P-code).

2.5 GPS Positioning Techniques In general, GPS positioning techniques can be divided into two basic

categories, which are static and kinematics. Static denotes a stationary observation

while kinematics implies motion.

Static GPS positioning technique is perhaps the most common method used

by surveyors because of the high accuracies it can achieve. The principle is based on

the vector solution between two stationary receivers. This vector is often called the

“baseline” because of its similarity to triangulation baselines. The station coordinate

differences are calculated in terms of 3D, earth centered coordinate system that

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utilizes X-, Y-, and Z-values based on the WGS 84 geocentric ellipsoid model.

Generally, one of the GPS receivers is positioned over a point which coordinates are

known, and the second is positioned over another point which coordinates are

desired. It can be single or multiple baseline observation, where multiple solution

concerns more than two observation points. Station occupation time is dependent on

baseline length, number of satellites observed, and the GPS equipment used. In

general, 30 min to 2 hr is a good approximation for baseline occupation time for

shorter baselines of 1-30 kilometers.

On the other hand, kinematics method involves one stationary and one

moving receiver. The two receivers perform the observation simultaneously. The

accuracies of this method are lower compared to static surveying method that can

reach up to millimeter accuracies.

Today new GPS surveying methods have been developed with the two

liberating characteristics of: (i) static antenna setups no longer having to be insisted

upon, and (ii) long observation sessions no longer essential in order to achieve

survey level accuracies. These modern GPS surveying techniques includes: (i) Rapid

static positioning technique, (ii) Reoccupation technique, (iii) Stop and Go technique,

and (iv) Kinematics positioning technique. All of these modern GPS surveying

method require the use of specialized hardware and software, as well as new field


2.5.1 Real Time Kinematics (RTK-GPS) RTK-GPS is one of the important or new kinematics techniques in GPS

positioning technique. It helps a lot in deformation monitoring. This real time

application has been widely used in various survey applications and navigational

purposes, regardless on land, at sea or in the air (Rizos, 1999). RTK-GPS started in

the early nineties (Zhang and Robert, 2003). RTK-GPS deformation survey is more

to single epoch observation technique.

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This deformation survey using GPS technology has higher automation

degree. RTK-GPS could achieve accuracy level of ± 2 cm + 2 ppm. In RTK-GPS

configuration, a receiver is placed on the reference point with known coordinates as

reference station. This reference station will continuously transmit correction

message to rover receiver (see Figure 2.3). Its observation can be done continuously

(24 hours) or in a short observation period with its sampling rate as small as 0.1s


Figure 2.3: RTK-GPS Observation Configuration

RTK-GPS process carrier phase observation in real time to produce

coordinates. RTK-GPS differential positioning can be done as long as rover can

receive signals from 4 satellites and differential signal from reference station via

radio-link (Talbot, 1993). The precise position of rover is obtained after ambiguity is

solved. There are many ambiguity solving methods and they are applied depending

on the type of receivers, for example: Least-Square AMBiguity Decorrelation

Adjustment (LAMBDA), Fast Ambiguity Resolution Approach (FARA), Fast

Ambiguity Search Filter (FASF), On-The-Fly Ambiguity Resolution (OTFAR) and

so on. The method applied in this study is OTFAR (Talbot, 1993) in which the true

ambiguity is obtained during the observation. Therefore, topographical data

collection (3D coordinates for deformation monitoring) were carried out


2.6 Error Sources in GPS Measurement

Field observations are not prefect, and neither are the recordings and

management of observations. The measurement process suffers from several error

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sources. Repeated measurement does not yield identical numerical values because of

random measurement error. Therefore, there are many type of error in GPS

measurement which will be affect accuracy and precision of the GPS observation.

i. Orbit Determination

The positions of the satellites can be determined by one of the two different

ways. First,, by using the orbital information contained in the broadcast ephemeris

which is transmitted from the satellite in the navigation message (commonly termed

as broadcast orbits). The Keplerian and perturbation parameters (also referred as

correction terms) contained in the orbital information are used to compute the

positions of the satellites in ECEF reference frame. The other way of determining

satellite positions is using precise ephemeris. On the contrary, precise orbits are

based from nearly 200 globally-distributed International GPS Service (IGS) stations

and computed by different analysis centres around the world.

ii. Clock Error Satellite

The satellite clock error is due to the instabilities in the GPS satellite

oscillators. The GPS satellite clock can be determined from the satellite clock

information contained in the navigation message. The clock parameters from the

broadcast ephemeris are used to compute the correction to GPS time for each satellite

(Leick, 2004). Meanwhile, the clock correction from the broadcast ephemeris is not

accurate since the parameters are essentially predicted. Precise clocks are used in

order to achieve a better estimation of clock error which is obtainable from the same

agencies as the precise orbits and also available in three forms as with the precise


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iii. Clock Error of Receiver The third largest error is the receiver clock error. A user equivalent range

error (UERE) from 100 meters to 10 meters may be attributed to receiver clock error,

depending on the oscillator type. Both a receiver’s measurement of phase differences

and its generation of replica codes depend on the reliability of its internal frequency

standard, its oscillator.

iv. Ionosphere Delay

Ionosphere is a region of the atmosphere that stretches roughly from 50 km to

1000 km above the earth surface. Ionosphere is a dispersive medium characterized by

ionized gas and free electrons. The delay on the GPS signals induced by the

ionosphere is dependent upon the total electron content (TEC) along the line of sight

vector between the receiver and the satellite. Due to the dispersive nature of the

ionosphere, GPS signals delay can be estimated by forming a linear combination of

L1 and L2 measurements, commonly termed as L3 or ionosphere free combination, if

the measurements on both frequencies are available, as (Leick, 2004). In general, the

ionosphere error is eliminated through differencing and the remaining residuals are

neglected for short baselines, typically 1 to 30 km

v. Troposphere Delay

Troposphere is the non-ionized portion of the atmosphere extending from the

earth’s surface up to about 50 km. The troposphere is generally modeled in two

components, the hydrostatic and wet components. The magnitude of the troposphere

delay is a function of atmospheric pressure, temperature, relative humidity, satellite

elevation and altitude which are usually handled through modeling or differencing

for short baselines. Over the past decades, various troposphere models have been

proposed and amongst the most common ones are Hopfield, modified Hopfield and

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Saastamoinen. These models differ principally based upon the assumptions made on

the vertical refractivity profiles and the vertical delay mapping with respect to the

elevation angle (Leick, 2004).

vi. Multipath

Multipath occurs when the same GPS signal is acquired by the receiver from

reflected path apart from the direct-single path. The reflection of the signals may

caused by a variety of surrounding objects such as buildings, vehicles, ground and

water surfaces. The phase delay of the reflected signal relative to the direct signal

results in a wrong estimate of the time of travel of the GPS signals. Multipath is

difficult to model for the general case since it naturally depends on the environment

surrounding the GPS antenna. Furthermore, even differencing cannot eliminate

multipath errors since they are not spatially correlated. Therefore, GPS antenna

design can play a role in minimizing the effect of multipath. Ground planes, usually a

metal sheet of about a square meter or so, are used with many antennas to reduce

multipath interference by eliminating signals from low elevation angles.

vii. Receiver Noise

Due to the physical limitations of the receiver, noise is generated during the

measurement process, both on carrier phase and code. The noise is essentially caused

by tracking loop jitter and therefore the code and the carrier phase noise is not

correlated since both employ a different tracking loop. The receiver noise is

considered random in nature and typically smaller in magnitude compared to other

error sources. The most common way to effectively estimate receiver noise is

through a zero-baseline test.

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3.1 Introduction The Kalman Filter is consider a vector of parameters (the state vector)

changing with time and sets of measurements observed at different epochs, ti, that are

related to the parameters by a linear model (the primary model). If the parameters are

changing with time can model both for deterministic and stochastic effects (the

secondary model), then the Kalman Filter provides a set of algorithms for the

estimation of the state vector at any point in essence. This process shows that

estimates of the state vector are unbiased and have minimum variance.

The Kalman Filter provides a method for combining in an optimum fashion

all the information available including the time of the latest measurement to provide

an estimate at that time. In addition to the measurements, information about the

dynamics of the process, statistics of the disturbances involved, and a priori

knowledge of the quantities of interest are included in the problem formulation. If the

dynamics can be described by linear differential or difference equations and if the

disturbances have Gaussian distributions, the resulting estimate is both a maximum

likelihood and minimum variance estimate. As the name suggest, a maximum

likelihood estimate has a higher probability of being correct than any other.

In order that the future state of the system is determinable from its current

state and future inputs, the dynamical behaviors of each state variable of the system

must be a known function of the instantaneous values of other state variables and the

system inputs. The state space model for a dynamic system represents the functional

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dependencies in terms of difference equations (in discrete time), which are called its

state equations.

A simple way to think of the Kalman Filter may be the following: over a

series of time epochs, certain time-dependent parameters are changing. Without any

additional information (i.e. observations) about these parameters, they are expected

to follow a path that is dictated by specific differential equations. The Kalman Filter

is a way to take these differential equations into account and combine them with

time-dependent observations of, or related to, the parameters and estimates the values

of the parameters at specific time epochs.

The dynamic model is used to describe the motion and the dynamic noise

whose instantaneous position and velocity are sought, which is the key difference

from static application. A general form of the dynamic model for a system can be

represented by the state space model, in which a set of first order linear differential

equations express deviations from a reference trajectory, i.e. (Gelb et. al., 1974):

x’(t) = F x(t) + G w(t) (3.1)


x - state vector of the process (n x 1)

x’ - time derivative of the state vector (n x l)

F - is the system dynamic matrix (n x n)

G - is the coefficient matrix of the random forcing function (n x n)

w - is the system noise vector (n x l) which is usually assumed to be white


t – is time

The solution of the first order homogeneous differential equation, x’(t) =Fx(t), can be write as:

x(t) = Φ(t, to) x(to) (3.2) where Φ is called transition matrix and satisfies the equations:

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Φ (to, to) = I (3.3)

(3.4) Φ (t, to) = F Φ (t, to) The particular solution of Eq. (3.1) with random forcing function w(t) can be written as:

hich is often called the matrix superposition integral (Gelb et. al., 1974). The

here it is assumed that x(to) and w(t) are uncorrelated, and Cx(to) is the variance

here Q is called the spectral density matrix. For a time invariant system (i.e F is a

here ∆t = t - to. The above equation can be expanded into a Taylor series:



corresponding variance covariance matrix of the state is given by:


covariance matrix of the initial state x(to). When w(t) is a white noise random forcing

function, Eq (3.6) further reduces to:


constant matrix), the transition matrix Φ (t, to) in only a function of the time difference (t-

to). In this case, the transition matrix can thus be expressed as the matrix exponential (Gelb

et. al., 1974):






Page 52: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


where I is the identity matrix. For a small time interval ∆t, it may be


ra s, we have:


.1.1 The Discrete Kalman Filter Algorithm

The discrete Kalman Filter is an optimal estimator for a linear dynamic


ensional state vector at time k, Φk is the known (n x n)


ntly approximated by:

nsforming Eq. (3.5) and (3.7) into discrete form







where ∆t = tk – tk-1



which can be described in state space by the following equations (Gelb et. al.,




Where xk is the n-dim

on matrix describing the state transition from time (k-1) to k, zk is the

measurement vector, and Hk is the (m x n) design matrix. It is also assumed that wk

and vk are white noise processes which have the following properties:

Page 53: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS



Q is the process noise matrix and accounts for the uncertainty in the state

model, and is usually included in the terms that drive the state model. Note that a

white noise sequence is a sequence of zero mean random variables that are

uncorrelated timewise. However, the variables of the sequence may have a mutual

nontrivial correlation at any point in time tk (Brown and Hwang, 1992).

The optimality of the Kalman Filter is achieved by meeting the criteria of

linearity, unbiasedness and minimum variance. Firstly, the filtered estimate of xk at

epoch k based on all the measurements up to and including epoch k is a linear

combination of the a priori estimate of xk and the measurement at epoch km zk

(linearity). Secondly, the estimated vector x’k has a mathematical expectation which

is equal to the true value xk (unbiasedness). Thirdly, the filtered vector x’k should

have a minimum variance (minimum variance).

Under the assumptions of the initial state xo and its covariance matrix Co

being previously given, wk and vk being white noise processes, uncorrelated with xk

and with each other, the Kalman Filter estimates for model Eq(3.15) and Eq(3.16)

are given by the time update equations (Brown and Hwang, 1992):



and the measurements update equations:


Page 54: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS






where xk- is the updated estimate and Kk is the blending factor. The symbols – and +

denote the best estimate priori to and after the measurement update at time tk

respectively and ^ denotes an estimate. For Ck-, another version can be used which is

valid for any gain, suboptimal or otherwise:


The innovation sequence is the primary source of information about the

performance of a Kalman Filter and is defined as


where vk- is actually the predicted residual vector of observations. The reason it is

called the innovation sequence is that it represents the new information brought in by

the latest observation vector zk.

3.1.2 The Extended Kalman Filter

In practical applications of estimation theory one often encounters models in

which nonlinearities are present. The theory of nonlinear estimation has been

developed for special cases, but its practical application usually requires that the

underlying probability density functions explicitly be included in the estimation

algorithm (Gelb et. al., 1974). This latter constraint constitutes a requirement that

often is impossible to satisfy or is computationally expensive to implement. The

difficulties in the nonlinear case lead one to look for linear models which provide a

suitable approximation to the nonlinear equations. It is an accepted practice to

approximate the nonlinear models by suitable chosen linear ones. The linearization is

Page 55: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


performed with respect to a computed state vector estimate. The Kalman equations

for propagating and updating the state vector and its covariance matrix, although

derived under assumptions of linearity are typically applied as an approximation to

the nonlinear case (Gelb et. al., 1974). The resulting filter equations are usually

referred to as an extended Kalman Filter (EKF).

The idea of the extended Kalman Filter is to use the ideas of Kalman Filtering

for a nonlinear problem. The filter gain is computed by linearization of the nonlinear

model. The extended Kalman Filter, in contrast to the Kalman Filter for linear

systems, is not an optimal filter, since its derivation is based on approximations.

The extended Kalman Filter is the most widely used approximate filter. It is

based on the linearization of the system dynamics and the measurement model

around the estimated state. That is the partial derivates in the design matrix

(Eq(3.11)-(3.16)) are evaluated along the trajectory that has been updated with the

filter’s estimates. These, in turn, depend on the measurements, so the filter gain

sequence will depend on the sample measurement sequence realized on a particular

run of the experiment. Hence, the gain sequence is not predetermined by the process

model assumptions as in the usual Kalman Filter.

3.2 Advantages, Problems and Disadvantages of Kalman Filter

Real time GPS technology is an important development to aid continuous

deformation monitoring, where the timely detection of any deformation is critical.

The kinematic parameters of deformation are computed in order to the predict failure

events. Hence, the use of the Kalman Filter for the estimation of the state vector of a

deformation object is very convenient (Grewal and Andrews, 1993). The elements of

the state vectors in the Kalman Filter are the unknown but normally these are

position of the object and are important for studying the behavior of deformations.

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Least square treats each epochs independently which means that it does not

use the knowledge of the motion of the system. Thus, Kalman Filter has some

advantages over least squares. Often it is possible to make a very accurate prediction

of where the point will be at any epoch using just the previous position and the

estimated motion. Least square is a safe option but it does not have the potential

accuracy of Kalman Filtering (Jansson, 1998).

Kalman Filter is a more powerful tool than least squares to predict the

unknown’s parameters for quality control, especially in real time applications

(Jansson, 1998). Much smaller outliers and error can be detected by Kalman Filtering

if compared with least squares. However, it is recommended that least squares also

be carried out at every epoch in order to identify large outliers. This is because

Kalman Filtering can be rather time consuming from computational point of view

and any initial cleaning that can be done by other methods will increase its

efficiency. Kalman Filter can accept data as and when it is measured. With simple

least squares, data has to be reduced to a specific epoch. Subsequently, a Kalman

Filter can cope well with data arriving as a more or less continuous stream.

Kalman Filter is based on some fundamental assumptions. If all the

assumptions are met it can offer optimal estimation and prediction. These

assumptions are that unmodelled measurement errors are white (i.e uncorrelated)

noise and that unmodelled error dynamic white (i.e uncorrelated) too. A successful

application of the Kalman Filter is strongly dependent on whether the system

dynamic is perfectly modeled in the mean sense. In practice, disturbances such as

wind and current may have random variations superimposed on changing mean

values (trend). This suggests that it is very difficult, if not impossible to model the

system dynamics of a kinematics positioning system perfectly because the

environment always changes. As far as measurement noise is concerned the system

will require knowledge of the random errors, which will be assumed Gaussian.

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3.3 Application of Kalman Filter in Deformation Monitoring

The problem of deformation monitoring is essentially that of detecting the

movement (or lack of movement) of a set of object points compared with a number

of fixed points. Observations, which connect the fixed and object points in a strong

network, are made at separate epochs, usually at regular intervals of time if possible.

In classical deformation analysis, the network is adjusted for individual epochs. From

the results of two such adjustments at consecutive epochs, the displacement vector

for each object point is computed and if appropriate, significance testing applied.

Pelzer (1986) proposes an advanced deformation analysis using Kalman

filtering. The basic idea is to model the trajectory of each object point with a special

kinematics model:

Yi = Yo + Y’(to)∆t + Y’’(to) ∆t2/2 (3.25)

The state vector is given by

Y(t) position

X(t) = Y’(t) = velocity (3.26)

Y’’(t) acceleration

This is similar to the simple model of a constant velocity vessel except that

acceleration is now included as a parameter in the state vector and the model is

applied to each and every point in the network. The fixed points are easily catered for

by setting

Y’i = 0 and Y’’i = 0

The Kalman Filter can be used to analyze for changes in the steady state

conditions (eg changes in velocity) in addition to changes in position. The analysis is

carried out in the following steps:

i. Prediction of the state vector to an actual epoch (of observation).

ii. Comparison with actual observations (“innovation”).

iii. Updating of the state vector from the observations.

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iv. Testing the change in state vector resulting from the update for any

significant change in state.

This analysis is repeated for all epochs, using the increased system noise

determined in step(ii) if the innovation was significant at the previous epoch. If there

are only two epochs to analyze, this analysis is identical to the classical approach.

Therefore the Kalman Filter is only worth applying if three or more epochs are

observed. In which case, the advantages of this method of analysis over the classical

method are:

i. The deformation model includes position, velocity and acceleration.

ii. A least squares solution at any epoch uses historical information as well

as the actual observation at that epoch.

iii. The calculation of the actual state of the point field includes position,

velocity and acceleration.

This method of deformation analysis is applicable to many problems such as

crystal movement, landslides, ice flows and engineering structures. However, as

Pelzer suggests a dynamic model that takes into account all the forces acting on each

objects point (or the land mass around each object point) would be far superior. But,

at this point in time our knowledge of the forces involved is limited, therefore the

Kalman Filter provides a practical alternative to the classical method of deformation


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4.1 Introduction

A geodetic network is defined as a geometric configuration of three or more

control survey points that are connected either by geodetic measurements or by

astronomical observations or space-based techniques. The network design will

answer the essential questions of where the network points should be placed, how

many control points should be established, and how a network should be measured in

order to achieve the required accuracy in a cost-effective way. At least two epochs

will be carried out in the deformation study. Before such a campaign could begin to

be implemented, it is necessary to set up a deformation network which consists of

selected reference stations (datum) and the monitoring (object) points with respect to

the corresponding engineering structural design, i.e. size and shape of structures.

The purpose of field data acquisition is to obtain the needed and relevant data

for the study. Besides that, it enables us to experience the fieldwork procedure and

learnt to operate the equipments involved.

The survey data had been downloaded into the computer. All survey data

were processed and adjusted by least square adjustment program. During the data

processing, various statistical tests were carried out to check the data quality and

generate the adjusted coordinates along with covariance matrices information. The

adjusted coordinates and its covariance information were then combined with similar

data from the second epoch to complete a deformation analysis. The deformation

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analysis is to identify stable points in the monitoring network by performing single

point test on them.

4.2 The Menara Sarawak Enterprise Monitoring Network

The points’ location for the monitoring network was chosen according to the

following criteria:

i. Easily accessible by transportation (vehicle)

ii. Safe and free from any public or other disturbances.

iii. Development is particularly nil/minimum.

After reconnaissance, the location of control and monitoring stations were

selected. For GPS observations, the choices were made based on clear sky view of

the stations, free of any disturbance and its stability. The preparation includes

gaining the information about DSMM GPS reference station (J416) at Stulang Laut,

Johor Bahru which located near the research area (see Figure 4.1).


igure 4.1: DSMM Geodetic Control

(GPS) Station, J416

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The next stage of the study is to establish the control and monitoring stations.

The location of some control stations are inescapable because the surroundings of

Menara Sarawak Enterprise building comprised of houses, shops and construction

area – see Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2: Location of Control and Monitoring Stations

After that, each station is given its own ID to be recognizable. The control

station monuments then were left alone for almost one month (after the stations

established) before the GPS observation has been carried out -see Figure 4.3 and 4.4.

The purpose is to allow any possible settlement until the stations became stable.

Figure 4.3: Base 1 (B1)

Figure 4.4: Base 2 (B2)

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In this study, there are two monitoring stations: Rover 1 (R1) and Rover 2

(R2) – see Figure 4.5 and 4.6. For the monitoring stations, special gadgets with

bracket shape are made so that it can be easily mounted on the building concrete

guardrail – see Figure 4.7. The GPS receiver was placed on top of this light PVC


Figure 4.5: Rover 1 (R1)

Figure 4.6: Rover 2 (R2)

Figure 4.7: Design of Rover Monument

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4.3 Instruments Used for GPS Observation As mentioned above, the GPS receiver instruments were used in this study for

three dimensional positioning. The instruments used are Leica GPS System 500 and

Trimble 4800 GPS Series.

Figure 4.8: Leica GPS System 500 Receiver

Leica GPS System 500 (see Figure 4.8) is a dual-frequency GPS system that

able to operate in Real-Time Kinematics (RTK) mode with accuracy up to 10mm +

1ppm (RMS). It has twelve channels of both L1 and L2 frequency, which means it

can receive up to 12 satellites signals at once. The system can be easily operated

using the user-friendly interaction menu provided. The system also comes with a

software name SKI-Pro that runs all the downloading and processing applications.

The specification of Leica GPS System 500 is shown in Appendix A.

Trimble 4800 GPS Series (Figure 4.9) is a dual-frequency GPS system

capable of receiving 18 channels of satellites signals. Like Leica GPS System 500,

Trimble 4800 GPS System can also perform kinematics survey either in real-time

(RTK) or post-processed using OTF technique. The processing application is run by

a software name Trimble Geomatics Office (TGO). The specification of Trimble

4800 GPS System is shown in Appendix B.

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Figure 4.9: Trimble 4800 Series GPS Receiver.

4.4 GPS Instruments Calibration

RTK-GPS is one of the latest methods that have been used in structural

deformation monitoring application. Therefore, effective research should be carried

out to test the feasibility of this technique in structural monitoring. To perform this

test, RTK-GPS baseline is to study, especially its accuracy. The distance and

accuracy for base and rover RTK-GPS communication also had been studied to

verify its effectiveness in the observations.

4.4.1 Test on RTK – GPS Performance

The hardware has its own specifications, such as Trimble 4800 System is able

to give 1 cm accuracy horizontally (northing and easting) and 2 cm vertically. This

statement is defined by Trimble Manufacture Company in the hardware’s manual. To

verify this statement, a test had been carried out. The test was carried out in

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and the instruments used were two Trimble 4800

Series. The working procedures for this test are accordance to Field Test of Trimble

4000 Real Time Kinematics GPS Survey System (Jay and Ralph, 1998).

In this test, there were 2 stations, namely UTMB and UTMR and their

coordinates were derived from 4 RTKNet stations (JHJY, KLUG, KUKP, TGPG)

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which are located in Johore State (see Figure 4.10). The observation period was 1

hour (in the morning) using Static-GPS Positioning technique. Later, the observation

data was processed using Trimble Geomatics Office software to obtain the

coordinates for UTMB and UTMR station (see Table 4.1 and 4.2).

Distance:- KLUG – KUKP : 78024.807m KUKP – TGPG : 72972.326m TGPG – KLUG : 114230.042m KLUG – JHJY : 75944.795m KUKP – JUJY : 4432.143m TGPG – JHJY : 39424.493m KLUG – UTMR : 62192.202m KUKP – UTMR : 33727.689m TGPG – UTMR : 56236.068m JHJY – UTMR : 17287.818m KLUG – UTMB : 62232.947m JHJY – UTMB : 17245.411m TGPG – UTMB : 56191.770m KUKP – UTMB : 33734.472m UTMB – UTMR : 45.296m

Figure 4.10: Coordinates of UTMB and UTMR Derived from RTKNet Stations

Table 4.1: Adjusted Grid Coordinates from Static Processing

Point Name Northing N

error Easting E error Elevation e error

JHJY 169946.585m 0.000m 644467.239m 0.000m 31.779m 2.293m

KLUG 223992.242m 0.000m 591129.278m 0.000m 68.656m 2.293m

KUKP 147462.343m 0.000m 606279.468m 0.000m 9.248m 2.293m

TGPG 151206.592m 0.000m 679145.901m 0.000m 9.303m 2.293m

UTMR 173610.342m 0.003m 627575.341m 0.005m 144.176m 2.294m

UTMB 173587.812m 0.003m 627613.781m 0.005m 136.057m 2.294m

Table 4.2: Adjusted Geodetic Coordinates From Static Processing

Point Name Latitude N error Longitude E error Height h error

JHJY 1°32'12.51698"N 0.000m 103°47'47.51425"E 0.000m 39.189m 0.000m

KLUG 2°01'31.36066"N 0.000m 103°19'00.52466"E 0.000m 73.588m 0.000m

KUKP 1°19'59.78966"N 0.000m 103°27'12.35915"E 0.000m 15.422m 0.000m

TGPG 1°22'02.67821"N 0.000m 104°06'29.73440"E 0.000m 18.093m 0.000m

Page 66: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


UTMR 1°34'11.56659"N 0.003m 103°38'40.90764"E 0.005m 150.960m 0.012m

UTMB 1°34'10.83360"N 0.003m 103°38'42.15176"E 0.005m 142.843m 0.012m

After that, the coordinates of UTMB station was defined as base station for

continuous RTK-GPS observations meanwhile the UTMR station as rover. The

coordinates of UTMB station (refer Table 4.2) was input into Trimble controller GPS

during observations. The coordinates of UTMR will be obtained from GPS

observation data. The observation period for this technique was one hour and had the

same configurations and conditions with the Static-GPS Positioning technique (see

Appendix C). Another set of observations data was obtained through observation

with the same configuration as the continuous RTK-GPS Positioning technique. The

only difference for this observation was that the observation period was shorter,

about half hour only – refer Appendix D.

4.4.2 Test on Accuracy of RTK-GPS Baseline

It has been mentioned by the Trimble Manufacture Company that range

between base and rover RTK varies depends on the radio-link used in local terrain

and operating conditions. Therefore distance and accuracy of RTK-GPS using

Pacific Crest radio link as communication instrument between base and rover RTK

should be studied to ensure its effectiveness.

There were 3 stations named T200, T300, and TR2300 had been established.

The coordinates derived from 2 stations (TRS Station in UTM and RTKNet Station –

JHJY in Johor Jaya) – see Figure 4.11. Fast Static Positioning technique is used to

determine the coordinates of these 3 stations. The observation period was around 20

minutes. After that, the observation data was processed using Trimble Geomatics

Office software to obtain the coordinates (see Table 4.3 and 4.4).

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Figure 4.11: Coordinates of T200, T300 and TR2300 Derived from TRS

Station and JHJY RTKNet Stations

Table 4.3: Adjusted Grid Coordinates from Fast Static Processing

Point Name Northing N error Easting E error Elevation e error TR2300 173621.086m 0.003m 627580.843m 0.005m 144.176m 0.459m

T200 173473.388m 0.004m 627708.013m 0.006m 119.699m 0.459m

JHJY 169946.585m 0.000m 644467.239m 0.000m 31.779m 0.459m

TRS 172558.835m 0.000m 626589.385m 0.000m 51.785m 0.459m

T300 173354.433m 0.009m 627717.586m 0.010m 110.610m 0.460m

Table 4.4: Adjusted Geodetic Coordinates from Fast Static Processing

Point Name Latitude N

error Longitude E error Height H


TR2300 1°34'11.91650"N 0.003m 103°38'41.08547"E 0.005m 150.960m 0.010m

T200 1°34'07.10927"N 0.004m 103°38'45.20255"E 0.006m 126.489m 0.013m

JHJY 1°32'12.51698"N 0.000m 103°47'47.51425"E 0.000m 39.189m 0.000m

TRS 1°33'37.31182"N 0.000m 103°38'09.02300"E 0.000m 58.544m 0.000m

T300 1°34'03.23604"N 0.009m 103°38'45.51421"E 0.010m 117.402m 0.025m After that, the station T200 acted as base station for continuous RTK-GPS

observation meanwhile the TR2300 station as rover. The coordinates of T200 station

had been input into GPS controller during observations based on the coordinates

from the processing (see Table 4.4). The coordinates for TR2300 station will be

obtained from GPS observation data. The observation for this technique went on

Page 68: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


about 5 minutes (refer Appendix E). Then, GPS instrument of base T200 was

transferred to T300 in which the latter became base station for the next continuous

RTK-GPS observation and the measurement was carried out as explained before (see

Appendix F). Then, the observation was carried out in canopy area which formed

obstruction between base and rover for RTK-GPS observation.

4.5 GPS Observation

TGO software version 1.6 offers a software interface for planning purpose.

Observer will know about the DOP value, sky plot data, numbers of satellite (see

Figure 4.12), visibility rate etc. The smaller the Position Dilution of Precision, PDOP

(value <4), the better the results and higher satellites visibility will helps observer for

data collection in suitable time – refer Figure 4.13 and 4.14 (Trimble, 2001).

Figure 4.12: Information of Satellite Visibility on 21/12/2004.

Page 69: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Figure 4.13: Information of DOP Horizontal on 21/12/2004.

Figure 4.14: Information of DOP Vertical on 21/12/2004.

4.5.1 GPS Network of Coordinates Transfer Conventional static GPS method is applied to determine the locations

(coordinates) of control stations. The data observation was carried out on 21/12/2004

for half an hour, which involved three Trimble 4800 series GPS receivers and

RTKNet station. Station occupation time for static baseline is dependent on baseline

length, number of satellites observed, and observation period of 30 min to 2 hr is a

good approximation for baseline occupation time for shorter baselines of 1-30

kilometers (South Dakota Department of Transportation, 2005). Therefore, the

timeline of this observation is shorter (30 minutes) because the number satellite more

Page 70: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


than 7 during the GPS observation and all the stations including control and

monitoring stations are nearby. The Figure 4.15 shows the GPS network of

coordinates transfer from DSMM geodetic control station (J416) and RTKNet

Station (JHJY) to control stations of this study, B1 and B2.

100.331m (B1 – J416)

8750.543m (JHJY-B2)

554.809m (B2 – B1)

8685.248m (JHJY – J416)

493.497m (B2 – J416)

8590.964m (JHJY – B2)

Figure 4.15: GPS Network of Coordinates Transfer

4.5.2 GPS Monitoring Network

The field survey had been carried out in two different epochs, in the months

of December 2004 and April 2005. The first epoch data observation was done on

22/12/2004 – 23/12/2004, for a period of 2 days whereby the second epoch was done

on 28/04/2005 – 29/04/2005, for 2 days (see Table 4.5).

Table 4.5: GPS Observation Schedule of Menara Sarawak Enterprise Building

Days Tasks Remarks

22/12/2004 ½ hour static GPS data

Deformation Monitoring Network: B1, B2, R1, R2

23/12/2004 1 hour continuous RTK-GPS data

Deformation Monitoring Network: B1 and B2 as Base; R1 and R2 as Rover

Page 71: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


28/04/2005 ½ hour static GPS data

Deformation Monitoring Network: B1, B2, R1, R2

29/04/2005 ) 1 hour continuous RTK-GPS data

Deformation Monitoring Network: B1 and B2 as Base; R1 and R2 as Rover

Figure 4.16: GPS Monitoring Network

The GPS observation was carried out using two units of Leica GPS System

500 and two units of Trimble GPS 4800 System. All the stations included B1, B2,

R1, and R2 stations had been observed for at leas half an hour using static survey

method (see Figure 4.16).

The GPS instruments were used to carry out Real Time Kinematics (RTK)

GPS observation for the next day. The instruments were set up at monitoring stations

(R1 and R2) and control stations (B1 and B2) respectively with one hour period for

RTK-GPS observation procedure. The study used 2 monitoring stations (2 Rovers)

which is located on both side of the building’s rooftop to improve the strength of

monitoring network. In other words, if R1 detect the vibration and it can be proven

by another rover, R2.

4.6 Data Processing and Adjustment

All GPS data for both epochs were downloaded into computer and then

processed using the Leica SkiTM Pro and Trimble Geomatics Office software. The

option adopted for the GPS data processing and adjustment is summarized in Table

4.6. All observations were referred to the WGS84 coordinate system. All GPS

Page 72: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


baselines vector were processed and adjusted in 3 dimensional with minimal

constrain network adjustment. The SkiTM Pro and Trimble Geomatics Office

software are designed for the GPS receiver and it can be used to process a large

number of data with minimum step in Microsoft Windows Environment. The

software can also process all types of GPS survey methods such as static, stop and

go, rapid static and kinematics survey. Network adjustment report of Trimble

Geomatic Office is shown in Appendix G.

Table 4.6: Data processing Options

Items Assigned Options

Cut-off angle 15 degrees

Tropospheric model Hopfield

Ionospheric model Computed model

Ephemeris Broadcast

4.6.1 Trimble Geomatics Office Data Downloading

During the RTK-GPS surveys, observation data was collected using Trimble

4800 Series in RTK mode. When GPS observations are in RTK mode, post process

is not necessary.

First, a new project file is created using Trimble Geomatics Office (TGO)

software. Then, observation data was downloaded from the controller using Survey

Device (TGO Data Transfer) by selecting the file name which was created during

observations. Then, data will be displayed in graphic. Finally, coordinates data was

exported into a work sheet according to the format required. The graphical of

Trimble Geomatics Office data downloading is shown in Appendix H.

Page 73: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


4.6.2 Leica Ski Pro Data Downloading

As aforementioned in 4.6.1 – TGO Data Downloading, post-processing will

not be necessary for observation data collected in RTK mode. The processing

procedures in Leica Ski Pro are quite similar as the procedures in Trimble Geomatic


First, the observed GPS data was downloaded from the PC memory Card to a

laptop. Then, Ski Pro was used to import the GPS data by created a new project and

assign the data into the project. After that, data will be displayed in graphic and

numerical format. Finally, the coordinate’s data was exported according to the format

required. The graphical of Leica Ski Pro data downloading is shown in Appendix I.

4.7 KFilter Program One of the main objective in this study is to develop a program that will be

used in high rise building movement monitoring for GPS using the algorithm as

aforementioned in Chapter 3, section 3.1.1.

The program was developed using Matlab version 6.1 with the aid of Kalman

Filter, thus named KFilter. KFilter is a window based program developed specially in

this study. Figure 4.17 shows the user interface of KFilter.

Figure 4.17: KFilter user interface

Page 74: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Movement Monitoring Result Analysis

Graph Visualization for Data Presentation Every

Minute with 5 Seconds Interval.

Developed Program named KFitler (Kalman

Filter) With Matlab.

Continuous Real Time Kinematics

(RTK) Data Observation

Figure 4.18: Flow Chart of Stage Analysis KFilter

Continuous RTK-GPS (Northing, Easting and Ellipsoid Height) observation

data was obtained with 1 second sampling rate is illustrated in Figure 4.18. The TGO

version 1.6 and Leica SKI-Pro software will create output data based on the

continuous RTK-GPS data with a format compatible to the format of input data for

developed program KFilter as shown in Figure 4.19).

Page 75: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Time Northing(N),m Easting(E),m Ellipsoid height(h), m

Figure 4.19: Format of Input Data for Developed Program KFilter

There is graph visualization for observed data presentation for every minute

with 5 seconds interval. If the waveforms in the graph are steady and consistent, then

it can be assumed that the point is stable. However, if the waveforms in the graphs

jump from its original consistent path and become consistent in the new path, then

there is some detectable deformation (see Figure 4.20).

Detectable Deformation

No Deformation

Figure 4.20: The Deformation Visualization Graph

Page 76: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Finally, the simulation tests had been carried out to ensure the reliability of the

developed KFilter program in movement monitoring works.

Input Data

Global Test (<3 Sigma)

Active So

Local Test



The pred


equations o

Filter (C

Figure 4.21: Flow

The flow chart in Figure 4.21 sh

program KFilter. A file contained conti

input for program KFilter was created.

carried out to ensure that there is no any

test fails, the program will discard the ir

continue the processing with other dat

input data will be processed with the p

the Kalman Filter.


iction and


f the Kalman

ross, 1983)

Deformation Dete

und System

/ Single Point


Chart of KFil

ows the step by

nuous RTK data

After that, the

gross error insi

relevant data (da

a. After the dat

rediction algorit




No Deformation Detected

ter Program

step process of the developed

with suitable format as data

global test (3-sigma) will be

de the data processing. If the

ta contained gross error) and

a passed the global test, the

hm and filtering equations of

Page 77: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Then, single-point test is carried out at a significance level α (typically =

0.05). The Single Point Test known as final testing of deformation in the form of a

local test. The test is based on the null and alternative hypothesis:-

Ho : Edih = 0. No deformation for each point.

Ha : Edih ≠ 0 Existence of deformation for each point.

The single point test statistic is (Ince and Sahin, 2000):-


Tih = test value

dih = the difference vector

σdi = the variance of the difference vector.

KFilter performs the single point test analysis for the northing, easting and

ellipsoid height in the processing. If Tih (t-calculate) ≤ F(1-a,t,fo) (t-table) – see Figure

4.22, it is considered that the point is stable. Otherwise, the rejection of the test

indicates that the point is deformed and the difference vector, dih is indeed a

significant deformation. Moreover, the sound system will be active of there are some

displacements about the point.

------Single Point Test ( 13:18:49 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.299 0.32 1.96 Stable 0.079 0.08 1.96 Stable -0.466 0.26 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 13:18:54 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.280 0.30 1.96 Stable 0.192 0.20 1.96 Stable -0.696 0.39 1.96 Stable

Figure 4.22: Example of Deformation Report

Page 78: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


4.8 Simulation Test

Two different simulation tests had been carried out to ensure the reliability of

developed program. The simulation tests are ‘Movement’ Simulation Test and

‘Timing’ Simulation Test. The purpose of ‘Movement’ Simulation Test is to test the

limitation of displacement detection level for horizontal and vertical that can be

detected by the developed program. Meanwhile, the ‘Timing’ Simulation Test is to

test the developed program so that it can detect the displacements accurately and

successfully with the timing of ‘vibration’.

4.8.1 ‘Movement’ Simulation Test

The ‘Movement’ Simulation Test is divided into two types. The first test is

vertical simulation test and another test is horizontal simulation test. The tests had

been carried out in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. A specially design paper which

has Northing and Easting axis with centimeter separations (intervals) was created.

The ‘origin’ of such paper is to be overlapped with the center point of GPS

monument. Then, the Northing direction is to aligned and pointed to North with the

aid of compass (see Figure 4.23). After that, the adjusted pole was put on the origin

of the paper to start the observation.

Figure 4.23: Preparation of ‘Movement’ Simulation Test

Page 79: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


The pole was seated on the origin for first 5 minutes and then moved up the

vertical axis 1 centimeter by 1 centimeter (1 minute observation for every centimeter

of displacement) until the observation reached the height displacement of 8 cm. After

that, the pole was returned to the original height for another 5 minutes observation.

From here, the horizontal simulation test will be started later on. Then, the pole was

moved every 1 cm to Northing axis for every minute observation until 5 cm Northing

movements. The pole was returned to original position (origin on the paper) for 4

minutes, after that the same procedures were carried out for Easting axis. Finally, the

pole was put back to original position (origin of the paper) for 1 minute.

4.8.2 ‘Timing’ Simulation Test

The purpose of this study is to study the timing detection of the

displacements. Therefore, the adjusted pole was moved manually (see Figure 4.24)

using hands during the RTK-GPS observations to generate ‘deformable’ data inside

the observed data. Otherwise the pole was seated motionlessly on the GPS point to

create the no deformable continuous RTK-GPS observed dataset. In this study, the

height of pole was maintained during observations.

Static ‘Vibrated’

Figure 4.24: Static (Left of Figure) and ‘Vibrated’ (Right of Figure)

The schedules of the data observation are shown in Table 4.7. The further

information about the KFilter program deformation report – single point test for this

dataset test is shown in Appendix J.

Page 80: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Table 4.7: Schedule of ‘Timing’ Simulation Test Observation

Time Remarks

13:52:43 - 13:55:29 Static

13:55:34 - 13:56:44 ‘Vibrated’

13:56:49 - 13:58:40 Static

13:58:45 - 14:00:05 ‘Vibrated’

14:00:10 - 14:01:01 Static

4.9 Static GPS Deformation Analysis

GPS Deformation Analysis Program – Bayrak (2003) and GPSAD2000 –

Boon (2000) are the static GPS deformation analysis programs. Both programs are

specially developed for GPS baseline adjustment via LSE, deformation detection and

visualization analysis. A priori coordinates of the stations and baseline information

from observations data such as ∆X, ∆Y, ∆Z with its variance covariance are the input

data for the programs.

The processing methodology of the programs consisted of least squares

adjustment, global congruency test, localization of deformation, S-transformation,

and single point test (see Figure 4.25).

Page 81: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Figure 4.25: Process Methodology The least square adjustment/leas

been performed on the observed data. Th

with respect to elimination of errors an

precisions. Any deformation survey mu

survey so that gross or systematic err

movements and produce false results. Sur

at certain time intervals (measurement e

expected movement / settlement of the

stations and targets are put in place and

established procedures are repeated at ea

errors. Each of these repeated netwo

measurement, so the comparison and anal

commonly known as epoch testing.


of Static GPS Deformation Analysis

t square estimation (LSE) procedures had

e adjustment requires all the considerations

d the correct estimation of measurement

st pay particular attention to errors in the

ors do not contaminate the detection of

veys for deformation are generally repeated

pochs). The time interval depends on the

structure and the risk to life. Generally,

suitable field procedures established. The

ch epoch to minimize systematic and gross

rk surveys is known as an epoch of

ysis of the results of the repeated surveys is

Page 82: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


The essence of epoch testing is to determine whether the differences between

the coordinates from two different epochs are statistically significant. Epoch testing

must take into account the precisions of the coordinates, as well as the correlations

between both the coordinates of individual stations and coordinates of different

stations hence the full weight coefficient matrices from each epoch contribute as


Epoch 1:

x1 station coordinates vector

Q1 weight coefficient matrix

Epoch 2:

x2 station coordinates vector

Q2 weight coefficient matrix

and the differences in the coordinates and the associated weight coefficients


d = x2 - x1

Qd = Q1 + Q2

The first test conducted should always be the global congruency test:

analogous to the global test for a single network. The quantity Ω = dt Qd-1 d is tested

against a Fisher statistic at an appropriate confidence level, if Ω passed then there has

been no (statistically significant) movement and the networks are congruent. If

Ω fails, the global congruency test then each point must be assessed by a local test

which compares the contribution to Ω of the point against a Fisher critical value:

analogous to the local testing of residuals for a single network (localization of

deformation). This test is done by recalculating Ω without each point in turn. The

worst point is rejected (S-transformation) and the entire testing process repeated,

including the transformation for free networks (without the rejected points, which are

now considered to be moved) and the global congruency test. Once the global

congruency test passes, all those points which have been rejected are considered to

have moved whilst those that are still contributing to Ω are considered to be stable

(single point test).

Page 83: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Graphical representations of deformation analyses are often shown as error

ellipses (normally 95% confidence interval) with vectors of movement - differences

between measurement epochs. Example, the visual representation is useful for

empirical checking and for the identification of the characteristics of any movement.

4.10 Movement Monitoring Analysis

One of the important applications of statistical methods in surveying

engineering is the deformation analysis / structural monitoring (see Figure 4.35). It

can detect and analyze movements of individual station or group of stations. There

are two major deformation analysis methods which can be used for monitoring

strategies. One method uses observation differences while the other method uses

coordinates differences.

This study selected the coordinate differences method because it allows more

flexibility with regards to any types of horizontal survey control measurements. The

only requirement for the coordinate differences method is that the station positions

should be observed in both epochs regardless of which measurements were made to

determine that position. Another advantage of the coordinates difference method is

that each survey network is independently adjusted, and this will ensure data quality.

4.11 Study of Wind Effect (Vibration) Using RTK-GPS Data The RTK-GPS (Real Time Kinematics – Global Positioning System) has a

nominal accuracy of 1cm + 1ppm for horizontal displacements with sampling rate of

10Hz. Celebi (1998) proposed the use of RTK-GPS for measurement of building

responses, the responses with amplitudes (vibrations) larger than 2cm can be

detected by RTK-GPS (Tamura, 2004).

Page 84: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


The RTK-GPS is used to study wind effects on the building especially its

vibration direction. In order to verify the outcome, an instrument named anemometer

had been used (see Figure4.26). The anemometer used is manufactured by DAVIS. It

can display wind direction and wind speed. The specification of the instruments is

shown in Appendix K.

Figure 4.26: Anemometer (Meteorologica Ltd, 2004)

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5.1 Introduction

Accuracy analysis (Root Means Square) is very important in the study. This

is because the RMS value represents the accuracy of the positioning technique. The

RMS can be calculated using the following algorithm:

RMS =√ [∑(Xi – X)2/N] (5.1)

Where, Xi = Continuous RTK-GPS Observation Data

X = Coordinates from Static-GPS

N = Sum of the observation data.

5.2 Results Analysis for Study on RTK-GPS Baseline The analysis focused on UTMR station, which has both Static-GPS

coordinates and continuous RTK-GPS observation data, using the algorithm (5.1).

Table 5.1: Analysis on One and half an hour Continuous RTK-GPS Data

For Station UTMR

Northing, mm Easting, mm WGS84 Ellipsoid Height, mm

Periods 1 hour 1/2 hour 1 hour 1/2 hour 1 hour 1/2 hour Max 16 13 16 15 21 12 Min 4 1 -2 2 -26 -33 RMS 10 7 7 9 9 12

Page 86: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Table 5.1 shows the analysis of RMS RTK-GPS for the two different sets of

observation data, which are the one hour data and the half-hour data. The table shows

RMS Northing continuous RTK-GPS is 10mm, RMS Easting is 7mm and RMS

WGS84 Ellipsoid Height is 9mm for one hour data. Meanwhile RMS Northing

continuous RTK-GPS is 7mm, RMS Easting is 9mm and RMS WGS84 Ellipsoid

Height is 12mm for half an hour data. In conclusion, both data gave same outcomes

whereby the horizontal accuracy <1cm and vertical accuracy < 2cm. This result

fulfilled the accuracy RTK-GPS of Specification Trimble 4800 Series.

5.3 Results Analysis for Test on Accuracy of RTK-GPS Baseline The analysis will focus on TR2300 station, which the processing utilize both

Fast Static-GPS coordinates and continuous RTK-GPS observation data altogether

using algorithm as in equation (5.1).

Table 5.2: RMS Analysis on Continuous RTK-GPS Data for T200, T300 and


Northing, mm Easting, mm WGS84 Ellipsoid Height, mm

Station T200 T300 T200 T300 T200 T300 Max 20 27 11 -12 15 81 Min -6 19 -20 -22 -45 19 RMS 7 23 10 17 13 49

Table 5.3: Details Explanation Analysis

RMS (mm)

Northing Easting WGS84 Ellipsoid Height

Station Remarks

7 10 13 T200 200m away from TR2300 station.

23 17 49 T300 300m away from TR2300 station and near some thin


- - - >300m >300m away from

TR2300 station and canopy acted as

Page 87: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


obstructions. Thus, radio link communication down

and procedure no corrections signal.

According to Table 5.2 and 5.3, T200 is a base station situated 200m away

from rover (TR2300). The RMS of Northing is 7mm, RMS of Easting is 10mm and

RMS of WGS84 Ellipsoid Height is 13mm. This outcome fulfilled the specification

of RTK-GPS Trimble 4800 Series whereby horizontal accuracy is less than 10mm

and vertical is less than 20mm.

T300 is a station which is 300m away from rover (TR2300) and located near

some thin canopy. 10 set of data were obtained in 2 minutes/120 seconds (see

Appendix F). That means sometime the correction signal transmitted from base

station to rover station was lost during the observation. The RMS for horizontal and

vertical are poor. RMS of Northing, Easting and WGS84 Ellipsoid Height do not

fulfill the specifications of Trimble 4800 Series.

Radio link communication between base and rover RTK-GPS was down for

areas that are more that 300 meter where the canopy acted as obstructions. It means

that radio signal strength can not transmit and pass through the obstructions, and the

factor of distance did not fail the radio link communication. Bad radio Link

communication became the main problem for RTK-GPS observation because there

will be no transmission signal/corrections from base station to rover station.

In conclusion, maintaining the line of sight is very important for radio link

communication between base and rover. This had been proven by the observation in

which the radio link communication was down in canopy area (obstructions),

between base and rover during RTK-GPS observations. Some recommendations for

the usage of continuous RTK-GPS are pointed out as below: -

i. Line of sight is important between RTK-GPS base and rover.

ii. Distance between base and rover <200m with clear line of sight will produce

horizontal accuracy 1cm and vertical accuracy 2cm.

Page 88: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


iii. According to Lee Kong Fah (2003), the distance between base and rover

stations within 1 – 2 km (>200m with clear line of sight) will produce

horizontal and vertical accuracy 2cm respectively.

5.4 Results Analysis on ‘Movement’ Simulation Test

Table 5.4: Simulation Test for Vertical Axis

Time Value Displacement,

cm (min – max)

Descriptions Remarks

12:51:30 - 12:56:28 0.006 – 0.792 Default Stable 12:56:58 - 12:57:55 0.899 – 1.732 Move 1cm Stable 12:58:43 - 12:59:39 1.909 – 2.672 Move 2cm Stable 13:01:05 - 13:02:00 2.211 – 3.079 Move 3cm Stable 13:03:13 - 13:04:03 3.062 – 4.019 Move 4cm Stable /

Moved 13:04:55 - 13:05:52 4.657 – 5.704 Move 5cm Moved 13:06:24 - 13:07:16 5.757 – 6.342 Move 6cm Moved 13:07:53 - 13:08:55 6.023 – 6.927 Move 7cm Moved 13:09:47 - 13:10:43 6.661 – 7.792 Move 8cm Moved 13:11:46 - 13:13:36 0.023 – 0.508 Default Stable

Table 5.4 shows the results of height/vertical simulation test. The selected

starting 2 minutes of the observed RTK-GPS data is defined as coordinate’s

reference. The displacement value can be obtained by comparing the RTK-GPS data

with the coordinate reference. In the table, the developed program will detect the

vibrations or displacements if the object moved larger than 4 ± 1cm – see column 5

Table 5.4. 4cm is defined as limitation of vertical deformation detection of the

developed KFilter program, means if the point moved >4cm in vertical axis and the

program can detect it and defined as deformable point. Meanwhile ±1cm value

represents the RTK-GPS error during observations – see column 1 and 10 Table 5.4.

Page 89: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Table 5.5: Simulation Test for Horizontal (Northing & Easting) Time Value

Displacement, cm (min – max)

Descriptions Remarks

13:16:07 - 13:21:02

0.159 – 0.572(N) 0.006 – 0.965 (E)

Default Stable

13:25:18 - 13:26:22

0.593 - 0.800 (N) 0.495 - 0.833(E)

Moved 1cm N Stable

13:26:51 - 13:27:46

1.683 – 1.965 (N) 0.984 – 1.397 (E)

Moved 2cm N Stable / Moved

13:28:25 - 13:29:26

2.022 – 2.680 (N) 1.115 – 1.830 (E)

Moved 3cm N Moved

13:30:06 - 13:31:11

3.563 – 3.789 (N) 1.848 – 2.111 (E)

Moved 4cm N Moved

13:31:58 - 13:32:56

3.789 – 4.183 (N) 1.642 – 2.036 (E)

Moved 5cm N Moved

13:33:47 - 13:37:37

0.011 – 0.591 (N) 0.006 – 0.495 (E)

Default Stable

13:38:18 - 13:39:20

0.629 – 1.080 (N) 0.927 – 1.059 (E)

Moved 1cm E Stable

13:40:01 - 13:41:02

0.873 – 1.211 (N) 1.341– 1.961 (E)

Moved 2cm E Stable / Moved

13:41:34 - 13:42:39

1.343 -1.775 (N) 2.187 – 2.675 (E)

Moved 3cm E Moved

13:46:39 - 13:48:01

1.343 – 1.888 (N) 3.258 – 3.747 (E)

Moved 4cm E Moved

13:49:01 - 13:50:07

1.944 – 2.245 (N) 3.897 – 4.160 (E)

Moved 5cm E Moved

13:50:48 - 13:51:52

0.008 – 0.572 (N) 0.044 – 0.570 (E)

Default Stable

Table 5.5 illustrates the results of horizontal simulation test. The RTK-GPS

data was compared the coordinates reference (means value for selected starting 2

minutes of observed RTK-GPS data) to obtain displacement values. In the table, the

developed program will detect the vibrations or displacements of horizontal

(Northing and Easting) if the object moved larger than 2 ± 1cm either in Northing

(see column 3 Table 5.5) or Easting (see column 9 Table 5.5) dimension

respectively. ±1cm value is the RTK-GPS error during observations – see column 1,

7 and 13 Table 5.5. This study fulfilled the statements claimed by Tamura (2004)

that amplitude (vibration) larger than 2cm can be detected by RTK-GPS.

Page 90: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


5.5 Results Analysis on ‘Timing’ Simulation Test

The graph presentation shows a ‘linear’ line (see Figure 5.1) during

observations because the object was stationary in the original position from 13:52:43

until 13:55:29 – see Appendix H. This means there is no deformation detected in the

RTK-GPS data during the observations. Meanwhile, if the object was moved

purposely from 13:55:34 until 13:56:44 (see Appendix H) to generate deformation

data in the RTK-GPS observations data and the KFilter program can detect it on the

spot (see Figure 5.2). Thus, the developed KFilter program shows it has good graph

presentation to represent the deformation detection vs. the observation times.

Figure 5.1: No Deformation Detected

Page 91: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Figure 5.2: Deformation Detected

5.6 Case Study: Menara Sarawak Enterprise

In order to verify (benchmark) the results of structural analysis using

developed KFilter program, the Static GPS was processed using GPS Deformation

Analysis Program (Bayrak, 2003) and GPSAD2000 (Boon, 2000).

From Table 5.6, all the programs show that there isn’t any deformation

displacement detected at the Menara Sarawak Enterprise building. GPS Deformation

Analysis Program (Bayrak, 2003) did not give further information in the deformation

report (see Appendix L) if the points are stable by mentioning ‘There is NOT

deformations/Moving Points in the Networks’.

GPSAD2000 (Boon, 2000) also mentioned same statements in this case study

by showing that R1 and R2 on the rooftop of Menara Sarawak Enterprise Building

are displaced around 1cm (Cartesians Coordinate System) but still under stable

Page 92: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


conditions. Similarly, GPSAD2000 program shows that the B1 and B2 base stations

considered stable although both stations having 0.39 cm displacement.

The stability of base stations for RTK-GPS (B1 and B2) should been

identified before carrying out further analysis for R1 and R2 stations. Therefore,

stability of B1 and B2 stations had been proven using GPS Deformation Analysis

Program and GPSAD2000. It is because RTK-GPS method is relative positioning

technique. Any unstable base stations will cause the calculated displacements of the

rover points to be wrongly interpreted. Continuous RTK-GPS epoch 1 and 2 analyses

show that R1 and R2 stations are in stable condition. . The cont. RTK-GPS epoch 1

analysis declared that the R1 and R2 points displaced around 0.46cm 0.39cm

respectively. However, such changes did not lead to any deformation because the

displacement values were within 0.5cm. Moreover, the epoch 2 analysis declared that

the R1 and R2 points displaced around 1.36cm and 1.14cm respectively (bigger

much compared with displacement distance of epoch 1) but the points are still under

stable and safety conditions.

Page 93: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Table 5.6: Results of Processing From GPS Deformation Analysis Program, GPSAD2000 and KFilter

Points ∆X ∆Y ∆Z ∆N ∆E ∆h Displacement Distance

Results Program Observations

B1 B2 R1 R2

- - - - - - - Stable

GPS Deformation

Analysis Program


B1 0.21 0.17 0.27 - - - 0.39 Stable GPSAD2000 StaticB2 0.21 0.17 0.27 - - - 0.39 Stable GPSAD2000 StaticR1 -0.36 0.66 -0.27 - - - 0.80 Stable GPSAD2000 StaticR2 -0.07 -1.02 -0.28 - - - 1.05 Stable GPSAD2000 Static

R1 - - - -0.3420 0.2999 (mean) (mean)

0.0713 (mean)

0.46 Stable KFilter Cont. RTK(Epoch 1)

R2 - - - 0.3040 0.2240 (mean) (mean)

0.1114 (mean)

0.39 Stable KFilter Cont. RTK(Epoch 1)

R1 - - - 0.0118 -0.4586 (mean) (mean)

-1.2793 (mean)

1.36 Stable KFilter Cont. RTK(Epoch 2)

R2 - - - 0.7824 0.7896 (mean) (mean)

0.2638 (mean)

1.14 Stable KFilter Cont. RTK(Epoch 2)

** Mean value for ∆N, ∆E and ∆h can obtain from KFilter Program by getting the mean for difference values from deformation report. ** Units in centimeters, cm.

Page 94: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


5.7 Results Analysis For Study of Wind Effect (Vibration) Using RTK-GPS Data

Figure 5.3: Northing and Easting Displacements Graph

From the Figure 5.3, there are many points located at North-West Side of the

starting point. The points are RTK-GPS observation data which were affected by

wind effects on the building during field measurements. Meanwhile the starting point

is the mean coordinates of selected starting 2 minutes of observation without any

wind effects during the measurements. In this case, the direction of movements for

the coordinates of RTK-GPS observation data had been proven by outcome from

anemometer. Both of them show the same movement direction from time 14:30:00

until 14:37:30 for wind effect on the building.

The Figures 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 shows the RTK-GPS observed data without wind

effects – precision of RTK-GPS is shown in the ‘box’ in three figures respectively.

Meanwhile the coordinate’s differences in Northing, Easting and Ellipsoid height of

Page 95: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


RTK-GPS observed data compared to the mean coordinates respectively whereby

there is critical time of wind effects on the building, the time is 14:30:00 until

14:37:30. From the three figures, the wind effects gave critical impacts on horizontal

axes. On the other hand, wind effect has no significant effect on the height


Page 96: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Figure5.4: Northing Movements Value Resulted From Winds Effects

Page 97: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Figure 5.5: Easting Movements Value Resulted From Winds Effects

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Figure 5.6: WGS84 Ellipsoid Height Movements Value Resulted From Winds Effects

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------Single Point Test ( 14:36:05 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.827 0.88 1.96 Stable 0.335 0.36 1.96 Stable -0.095 0.05 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:36:10 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.921 0.98 1.96 Stable 0.260 0.28 1.96 Stable 0.366 0.21 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:36:15 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -1.015 1.08 1.96 Stable 0.110 0.12 1.96 Stable -0.077 0.04 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:36:20 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -1.015 1.08 1.96 Stable 0.091 0.10 1.96 Stable 0.100 0.06 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:36:25 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.827 0.88 1.96 Stable 0.335 0.36 1.96 Stable 0.313 0.18 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:36:30 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.958 1.02 1.96 Stable 0.448 0.48 1.96 Stable 0.118 0.07 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:36:35 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.940 1.00 1.96 Stable 0.298 0.32 1.96 Stable 0.189 0.11 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:36:40 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.733 0.78 1.96 Stable 0.486 0.52 1.96 Stable -0.006 0.00 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:36:45 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.846 0.90 1.96 Stable 0.448 0.48 1.96 Stable 0.047 0.03 1.96 Stable

------Single Point Test ( 14:17:45 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.094 0.10 1.96 Stable 0.016 0.02 1.96 Stable 0.260 0.15 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:17:50 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.094 0.10 1.96 Stable -0.229 0.24 1.96 Stable 0.224 0.13 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:17:55 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.038 0.04 1.96 Stable -0.003 0.00 1.96 Stable 0.331 0.19 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:18:00 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.150 0.16 1.96 Stable -0.059 0.06 1.96 Stable 0.224 0.13 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:18:05 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.132 0.14 1.96 Stable -0.097 0.10 1.96 Stable 0.082 0.05 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:18:10 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.245 0.26 1.96 Stable 0.128 0.14 1.96 Stable 0.029 0.02 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:18:15 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.113 0.12 1.96 Stable -0.078 0.08 1.96 Stable -0.219 0.12 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:18:20 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.000 0.00 1.96 Stable 0.166 0.18 1.96 Stable -0.130 0.07 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:18:25 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.075 0.08 1.96 Stable -0.153 0.16 1.96 Stable -0.042 0.02 1.96 Stable

Figure 5.7: The Deformation Report (KFilter) for Without Wind Effect Situation and With Wind Effect Situation

Page 100: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


The Figure 5.7 is the deformation report generated by developed program

named KFilter. The output on the left hand side of the figure is the observation data

without wind effect. There are some small coordinate’s differences of Northing,

Easting and Ellipsoid height. On the other hand, the output on the right hand figure is

the observation data with wind effect. The coordinate’s differences are around 1cm

in Northing, and 0.5cm in Easting. But the ellipsoid height did not change too much

(small difference) either in wind effect situation or not during the observations.

Therefore, data analysis for the observation done from time 14:30:00 until 14:37:30

with wind effect on the building and the wind speed was 1.9m/s shown there was no

any deformation detected during that period. Thus, the Menara Sarawak Enterprise is

stable with 1.9m/s wind speed affects.

In conclusion, The RTK-GPS method can be used in movement monitoring.

The RTK-GPS has a nominal accuracy of ±1cm +1ppm for horizontal displacements

with a sampling rate of 10Hz. It is suitable to measures building responses when the

vibration larger than 2cm.

5.8 Summary

Before implementing the RTK-GPS as a survey method, the RTK-GPS

method must be studied first, especially its hardware specifications and operating

procedures. Therefore, the RTK-GPS baselines had been studied in this study. The

study verified the accuracy of RTK-GPS which defined by manufacturers and the

reliability of Pacific Crest as radio link for RTK-GPS base and rover


A program for movement monitoring had been developed using Matlab

version 6.1 with helps of Kalman Filtering and RTK-GPS. The developed program

had been verified by the simulation tests to ensure its reliability and accuracy in

deformation detections.

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The high rise building case study in this study was carried out in Menara

Sarawak Enterprise which has 33 floors in total. The field measurements had been

carried out in two epochs, on Dec 2004 and Apr 2005. Then, the developed program

performed the movement monitoring analysis on the RTK-GPS observation data.

Besides that, other programs had been used to perform the movement monitoring

analysis on Menara Sarawak Enterprise building to increase the reliability of

analysis. The programs are GPS Deformation Analysis Program and GPSAD2000.

Both of them used static observation data to do further analysis.

Celebi (1998) proposed the use of RTK-GPS to measure building responses

caused by wind effects using RTK-GPS observation. Therefore, the RTK-GPS

observation data had been used to study the wind effects on the Menara Sarawak

Enterprise building especially wind vibration directions. The instruments named

anemometer had been used as the verification of such results.

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This study focus on the way to apply continuous RTK-GPS observation for

the Menara Sarawak Enterprise building movement monitoring and observations

analysis methods and lastly to determine the high rise building’s deformation status.

The reconnaissance is very important in selecting the locations of reference

and rover stations to guarantee the effectiveness of radio link communication that

yields good RTK-GPS observations. The calibration tests proved that the line of sight

should be taken care of in order to avoid blockage (obstructions) of communication

between reference station and rover.

Analysis for RTK-GPS observation data in this study is done by the

developed KFilter program which is developed using Matlab v6.1 integrated with

Kalman Filter method. The program can detect the displacements if the object moved

>4cm in vertical axis (Ellipsoid Height) or >2cm in horizontal axis (Northing and

Easting) respectively.

From the KFilter program analysis, the results shows that the Menara

Sarawak Enterprise building is stable. The continuous RTK-GPS epoch 1 analysis

declared that the R1 and R2 points – which are placed on the rooftop using special

gadget displaced around 0.46cm and 0.39cm respectively but the points are still

stable. Moreover, the continuous RTK-GPS epoch 2 analyses had shown the points

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(R1 and R2) are stable with displacement of 1.36cm and 1.14cm respectively. Beside

the RTK-GPS observation there is other GPS method that had been carried out, the

Static GPS. The purpose of this method is to identify the stability reference station of

RTK-GPS to avoid the calculated displacement been wrongly interpreted. Therefore,

GPS Deformation Analysis Program had been proven the B1 and B2 reference

stations are stable and GPSAD2000 program shows that although the reference

stations have 0.39cm displacement but still under stable condition.

In this study, RTK-GPS observation data had been used to study the wind

effects on the Menara Sarawak Enterprise building especially wind vibration

directions. The anemometer instrument had been used and gave same movement

direction with the movement for the RTK-GPS observed data which are affected by

wind effects. Moreover, data analysis shows that the Menara Sarawak Enterprise is

stable for observation period from time 14:30:00 until 14:37:30 with 1.9m/s wind

speed affect on the building and there was no any deformation detected.

As a conclusion, continuous Real-Time Kinematics GPS observation

technique is applicable for movement monitoring of Menara Sarawak Enterprise

building. Besides the high rise building, the method should also apply in landslide etc

for monitoring purpose.

6.2 Recommendations

The satellite-based method (continuous RTK-GPS) has the potential to be

employed for high rise buildings monitoring. However, the following

recommendations can be considered to improve this study:

i. Nowadays, recent advances in GPS technology have made it a cost effective

tool for monitoring safety and performance of high rise buildings. Here, the

system so called ‘on-line GPS integrity monitoring’ which can provide

continuous real time measurements or RTK-GPS could be experimented in

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near future, which can, in turn, be used to indicate ‘instantaneous’

displacements and vibrations caused by wind loading, distant earthquakes,

landslides etc (Wan, 2003).

ii. The developed program could be combined with other spectral analysis

methods, likes Fast Fourier Transform and Wavelet etc to perform structural

monitoring analysis for GPS observations data. If the structure moves or

vibrates, then all the methods could have been able to detect it respectively.

Moreover, the geotechnical instruments such as accelerometer can link and

combine with RTK-GPS technique during observations will be increase the

reliability of the system

iii. The GPS instruments especially dual-frequency receivers are expensive

nowadays. Therefore, the low cost GPS receivers can be developed to replace

these instruments. The developed program with low cost receivers will

became a fully on-line GPS integrity monitoring system which can be

installed at every high rise buildings. Thus, the safety and stability of the

buildings can be monitored continuously, 24 hours a day.

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Receiver specifications Receiver technology

ClearTrak - patented. Multibit, SAW filters. Fast acquisition. Strong signal. Low noise.Excellent tracking, even to low satellites and in adverse conditions. Interference resistant.Multipath mitigation.

No. of channels 12 L1 + 12 L2 L1 measurements Carrier phase full wave length

C/A narrow code Precision code

L2 measurements Carrier phase full wave length with AS off or on P2 code / P-code aided under AS Equal performance with AS off or on

Independent measurements

Fully independent L1 and L2 code and phase measurements

Time to first phase measurement after switching ON

Typically 30 secs


3 RS232/power ports 1 RS232 only port 1 Power only port 1 TNC port for antenna 1 PPS, 2 Event port optional

Supply voltage Power consumption

Nominal 12V DC 7W, receiver with terminal

Dimensions: L x B x Ht Weight, receiver only

205mm x 165mm x 72mm 1.25kg

Measurement precision with AS off or on

Carrier phase on L1 Carrier phase on L2 Code (pseudorange) on L1 Code (pseudorange) on L2

0.2mm rms 0.2mm rms 5cm rms 5cm rms

Accuracy, baseline rms

Accuracy in position = baseline rms. Accuracy in height = 2 x accuracy in position

Page 115: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Baseline rms with post processing

With SKI-Pro L1/L2 software

Static (phase), long lines, long observations, choke-ring antenna

3mm + 0.5ppm

Static and rapid static (phase) with standard antenna)

5mm + 0.5ppm (rms)

Kinematic (phase), in moving mode after initialization

10mm + 1ppm (rms)

Code only Typically 25cm (rms) Baseline rms with real-time /RTK

Real-time/RTK standard

Rapid static (phase), static mode after initialization

5mm + 0.5ppm (rms)

Kinematic (phase), moving mode after initialization

10mm + 1ppm (rms)

Code only Typically 25cm (rms) On-the-fly initialization

Real time and post processing

Reliability of OTF initialization Better than 99.99% Time for OTF (on-the fly) initialization

Real time: Typically 10secs with 5 or more satellites on L1 and L2 Post processing: Typically 40 seconds with 5 or more satellites on L1 and L2

Range for OTF (on-the fly) initialization.

Typically up to 20km in normal conditions with standard radio. Up to 30km in favourable conditions with powerful radio.

Note on accuracies and times

Baseline rms, accuracy in position and accuracy in height are dependent upon various factors including number of satellites, geometry, observation time, ephemeris accuracy, ionospheric conditions, multipath etc. Figures quoted assume normal to favourable conditions. Times can also not be quoted exactly. Times required are dependent upon various factors including number of satellites, geometry, ionospheric conditions, multipath etc

Position update and latency

RTK and DGPS standard

Position update rate: Position latency:

Selectable: 0.1 sec (10Hz) to 60 secs 0.03 sec or less

Real-time RTK and GPS/RTCM

Real-time RTK standard DGPS/RTCM standard

RTK and RTCM formats for transmission and reception.

Leica proprietary format CMR, RTCM V2.1 and V2.2 formats messages 1,2,3,9,18, 19,20,21,22 (Message 9, input only).

Page 116: High Rise Building Movement Monitoring Using RTK-GPS


Number of radio modems Real-time RTK standard DGPS/RTCM standard

No. of radio modems that can be connected

2 for RTK/RTCM transmission 1 for reception 1 for NMEA transmission

Environmental specifications

Receiver Terminal Antenna PCMCIA Flash RAM cards Optional internal memory Humidity Weather Transport Usage

Operation Storage -20°C to +55°C -40°C to +70°C -20°C to +55°C -40°C to +70°C -40°C to +75°C -40°C to +75°C -20°C to +75°C -40°C to +75°C -20°C to +55°C -40°C to +70°C up to 95%; not condensing Withstand rain, snow, dust, sand, cold, heat Withstand rough field transport, shocks, jolts, vibrations etc when packed in instrument container Built for field use

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Physical Size: 23 cm (9″) D x 17.8 cm (7″) H Receiver weight: 2.1 kg (4.6 lb) with internal radio 3.9 kg (8.5 lb) as full RTK rover Electrical Receiver power: 6 Watts, receiver only 7 Watts as full RTK rover 10.5 to 20 VDC Battery life (typical): >4 hours as full RTK rover including internal radio and TSC1, with 1 Li-Ion battery. Certification: FCC & CE mark approved Environmental Operating temp: –40°C to +55°C (-40°F to +131°F) Storage temp: –20°C to +75°C (-40°F to +167°F) Humidity: 100%, fully sealed. Buoyant Shock: 2m (6ft) accidental pole drop Static Survey Performance Modes: Quick-start, Static survey, FastStatic survey Accuracy: Horizontal: ±5mm+0.5ppm Vertical: ±5mm+1ppm Azimuth: ±1arc second + 5/baseline length in kilometers Kinematic Survey Performance (Postprocessed) (Requires TSC1™ data collector with Trimble Survey Controller™ software at rover.) Modes: Continuous, Stop & go Accuracy: Horizontal: ±1cm + 1ppm Vertical: ±2cm + 1ppm Occupation: Continuous: 1 measurement Stop & go: 2 epochs (min) with 5 satellites Fastest datalogging rate: 1 Hz

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Real-time Survey Performance Modes: Real-time Kinematic (RTK), Real-time Differential (DGPS) Real-time DGPS accuracy: 0.2m + 1ppm RMS RTK accuracy: Mode Latency Accuracy Horizontal: 1Hz fine 0.4 second ±1cm+1ppm 5Hz fine 0.1 second ±3cm+2ppm Vertical: 1Hz fine 0.4 second ±2cm+1ppm 5Hz fine 0.1 second ±5cm+2ppm Range: Range varies depending on radios used, local terrain and operating conditions. Multiple radio repeaters may be used to extend range, depending on type used. Initialization Mode: Automatic while stationary Automatic while moving on the fly (OTF) Time: <1 minute (typical) < 10 seconds (typical for known points or RTK initializer) Reliability: >99.9% Performance criteria are a function of the number of satellites visible, occupation time, observation conditions, obstructions, baseline length and environmental effects, and are based on favorable atmospheric conditions. Assumes five satellites (minimum) tracked continuously with the recommended antenna using the recommonded static surveying procedures utilizing L1 and L2 signals at all sites; precise ephemerides and meteorological data may be required. Performance specifications are RMS and ppm values are times baseline length. General Performance Start-up: <30 seconds from power-on to start survey with recent ephemeris Measurements: L1 C/A code, L1/L2 full cycle carrier Fully operational during P-code encryption Number of channels: 18 Datalogging: In internal memory; in TSC1 data collector; or on TSC1 optional removable PC card Receiver data storage: 50 hours internal memory of L1/L2 data, 6 satellites, 15 second interval Unlimited data storage using optional TSC1 and PC data card

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Internal Radio Modem and Antenna Performance (Requires internal radio modem and internal radio antenna option.) Modes: High gain UHF Range: Base Radio Modem TRIMTALK™ 450S TRIMMARK™ IIe Optimal: 10km 15km Typical: 3–5km 10–12km Varies with terrain & operating conditions. Repeaters may be used to extend range depending on type of radios used. Radio Modem: Freq. range: 410-420 MHz, 430–440MHz, 440–450MHz, 450–460 MHz or 460–470 MHz (only one per model) Channels: Up to 20 (factory pre-set) Channel spacing: 12.5 KHz or 25KHz (only one per system) Wireless data rates: 4800 and 9600bps Modulation: GMSK Broadcast frequency, transmit power, channel spacing and antenna gain are regulated by country-of-use. These are unique on a per country basis. The broadcast frequencies, channel spacing and country-ofuse for the radio modem must be specified at time of order. Contact your Trimble representative for further information.

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Project : First_Static

User name Administrator Date & Time 19:31:51 28/12/2004

Coordinate System Malaysian RSO Grid Zone Malaysia

Project Datum MRT 1994 Vertical Datum Geoid Model Not selected Coordinate Units Meters Distance Units Meters Height Units Meters

Adjustment Style Settings - 95% Confidence Limits

Residual Tolerances

To End Iterations : 0,000010m Final Convergence Cutoff : 0,005000m

Covariance Display

Horizontal Propogated Linear Error [E] : U.S. Constant Term [C] : 0,00000000m Scale on Linear Error [S] : 1,96

Three-Dimensional Propogated Linear Error [E] : U.S. Constant Term [C] : 0,00000000m Scale on Linear Error [S] : 1,96

Elevation Errors were used in the calculations.

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Adjustment Controls

Compute Correlations for Geoid : False

Horizontal and Vertical adjustment performed

Set-up Errors

GPS Error in Height of Antenna : 0,000m Centering Error : 0,000m

Back to top

Statistical Summary

Successful Adjustment in 1 iteration(s)

Network Reference Factor : 1,10 Chi Square Test (a=95%) : PASS Degrees of Freedom : 10,00

GPS Observation Statistics

Reference Factor : 1,10 Redundancy Number (r) : 10,00

Individual GPS Observation Statistics

Observation ID Reference Factor Redundancy Number B1 1,65 1,94

B2 0,78 2,43

B3 1,19 1,15

B4 0,93 1,57

B5 0,81 1,62

B6 0,98 1,30

Weighting Strategies

GPS Observations Default Scalar Applied to All Observations

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Scalar : 1,00

Adjusted Coordinates

Adjustment performed in WGS-84

Number of Points : 4 Number of Constrained Points : 2 Horizontal and Height Only : 2

Adjusted Grid Coordinates

Errors are reported using 1,96s.

Point Name Northing N

error Easting E error Elevation e

error Fix

B1 161729,655m 0,000m 642138,997m 0,000m N/A N/A N E h

R2 161798,357m 0,001m 641889,211m 0,001m N/A N/A

B2 161746,439m 0,000m 641594,525m 0,000m N/A N/A N E h

R1 161783,576m 0,001m 641936,381m 0,001m N/A N/A

Adjusted Geodetic Coordinates

Errors are reported using 1,96s.

Point Name Latitude N

error Longitude E error Height h

error Fix

B1 1°27'45,14692"N 0,000m 103°46'26,01444"E 0,000m 11,261m 0,000m Lat

Long h

R2 1°27'47,38060"N 0,001m 103°46'17,93167"E 0,001m 137,441m 0,002m

B2 1°27'45,68590"N 0,000m 103°46'08,39805"E 0,000m 26,604m 0,000m Lat

Long h

R1 1°27'46,89996"N 0,001m 103°46'19,45804"E 0,001m 137,433m 0,002m

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Adjusted Observations

Adjustment performed in WGS-84 GPS Observations GPS Transformation Group: <GPS Default> Azimuth Rotation : -0°00'04,9568" (1,96s) : 0°00'00,2674" Network Scale : 0,99998457 (1,96s) : 0,00000194 Number of Observations : 6 Number of Outliers : 0

Observation Adjustment (Critical Tau = 2,50). Any outliers are in red.

Obs. ID

From Pt.

To Pt. Observation

A-posteriori Error (1,96s)

Residual Stand. Residual

B1 B1 R2 Az. 285°21'11,3338" 0°00'00,6086" 0°00'00,4690" 1,28

DHt. 126,182m 0,002m 0,000m -0,23

Dist. 259,100m 0,001m -0,002m -2,44

B3 B2 R2 Az. 79°58'54,5194" 0°00'00,4128" -0°00'00,0841" -0,53

DHt. 110,839m 0,002m 0,001m 0,78

Dist. 299,261m 0,001m 0,000m -1,30

B6 B2 R1 Az. 83°46'25,8764" 0°00'00,3794" -0°00'00,0179" -0,10

DHt. 110,831m 0,002m -0,001m -1,11

Dist. 343,909m 0,001m 0,000m 0,02

B4 B1 R1 Az. 284°52'37,3966" 0°00'00,7287" -0°00'00,3231" -0,88

DHt. 126,174m 0,002m 0,001m 0,45

Dist. 209,699m 0,001m 0,000m 0,90

B2 B2 B1 Az. 91°44'23,4599" 0°00'00,2674" -0°00'00,0980" -0,35

DHt. -15,343m 0,000m -0,002m -0,73

Dist. 544,802m 0,001m 0,000m 0,48

B5 R2 R1 Az. 107°22'22,4697" 0°00'02,7857" -0°00'01,0705" -0,70

DHt. -0,006m 0,002m 0,001m 0,70

Dist. 49,438m 0,001m 0,000m 0,70

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The pole was seated on the GPS point during observation from 13:52:43 until 13:55:29. The below shows the examples of deformation report (single point test) which is performed by KFilter program for that period of time. ------Single Point Test ( 13:52:43 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.304 0.32 1.96 Stable -0.107 0.11 1.96 Stable 0.303 0.17 1.96 Stable … … ------Single Point Test ( 13:55:29 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.360 0.38 1.96 Stable -0.145 0.15 1.96 Stable 0.214 0.12 1.96 Stable Then, the pole was ‘vibrated’ from 13:55:34 until 13:56:44. The below shows the examples of KFilter program deformation report for that time span. ------Single Point Test ( 13:55:34 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -3.136 3.34 1.96 Moved -0.258 0.27 1.96 Stable 0.143 0.08 1.96 Stable … … ------Single Point Test ( 13:56:44 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 3.650 3.88 1.96 Moved -3.622 3.85 1.96 Moved 0.817 0.46 1.96 Stable Then, the pole was return and seated on the GPS point again from 13:56:49 until 13:58:40. The KFilter program deformation report is shown as below.

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------Single Point Test ( 13:56:49 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.511 0.54 1.96 Stable -0.258 0.27 1.96 Stable 0.870 0.49 1.96 Stable … … ------Single Point Test ( 13:58:40 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.229 0.24 1.96 Stable -0.164 0.17 1.96 Stable 0.427 0.24 1.96 Stable Then, the pole was ‘vibrated’ again from 13:58:45 to 14:00:05. The deformation report KFilter program processing is shown in the followings. ------Single Point Test ( 13:58:45 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -2.290 2.44 1.96 Moved -0.013 0.01 1.96 Stable 0.480 0.27 1.96 Stable … … ------Single Point Test ( 14:00:05 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 3.443 3.66 1.96 Moved 2.938 3.13 1.96 Moved 1.278 0.72 1.96 Stable At last, the pole was seated on the GPS point again from 14:00:10 until 14:01:01. The examples of deformation report (single point test) which is performed by KFilter program is shown as below. ------Single Point Test ( 14:00:10 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.379 0.40 1.96 Stable 0.137 0.15 1.96 Stable 0.977 0.55 1.96 Stable … … ------Single Point Test ( 14:01:01 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.435 0.46 1.96 Stable 0.344 0.37 1.96 Stable 1.154 0.65 1.96 Stable

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General Sensor Type Wind Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wind cups and magnetic switch Wind Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wind vane and potentiometer Attached Cable Length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40’ (12 m) Cable Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 4-conductor, 26 AWG Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Modular connector (RJ-11) Recommended Maximum Cable Length Wizard and Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 140’ (42 m) Sensor to Console GroWeather and EnviroMonitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250’ (75 m) from Sensor to SIM

+ 250’ (75 m) from SIM to Console

Material Wind Vane and Control Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UV-resistant ABS Wind Cups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polycarbonate Anemometer Arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Black-anodized aluminum Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.5" long x 7.5" high x 4.75"

wide (470 mm x 191 mm x 121 mm)

Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 lbs. 15 oz. (1.332 kg) Console Data (These specifications apply to sensor output as converted by Davis Instruments weather station consoles.) Range Wind Speed (See Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 to 175 mph (150 knots, 78 m/s, 280 km/hr) Wind Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0° to 360° or 16 compass points Wind Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 to 1999.9 miles (1999.9 km) Accuracy Wind Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±5% Wind Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±7° Wind Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±5% Resolution Wind Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 mph (1 knot, 0.1 m/s, 1 km/hr) Wind Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1° (0° to 355°), 22.5° between compass points Wind Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1 m (0.1 km) Measurement Timing Wind Speed Sample Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 seconds

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Wind Speed Sample and Display Interval . . . . . . . . . 2.25 seconds (Monitor & Wizard), 3 seconds (GroWeather & EnviroMonitors)

Wind Direction Sample Interval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 second (Monitor & Wizard), 1.5 seconds (GroWeather & EnviroMonitors)

Wind Direction Filter Time Constant (typical). . . . . . 8 seconds (Monitor & Wizard), 6-9 seconds (GroWeather & EnviroMonitors)

Wind Direction Display Update Interval . . . . . . . . . . .2 seconds (Monitor & Wizard), 1 second (GroWeather & EnviroMonitors)

Wind Run Sample and Display Interval . . . . . . . . . . . 3 seconds (GroWeather & Energy EnviroMonitor)

WeatherLink¨ Data (These specifications apply to sensor output as logged and displayed by the WeatherLink.) Wind Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average during archive

interval High Wind Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Maximum during archive

interval Wind Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominant wind direction

during archive interval Wind Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sum over archive interval

(GroWeatherLink & Energy WeatherLink)

Input/Output Connections Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wind speed contact closure to ground Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wind direction pot wiper

(360° = 20 kOhm) Yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pot supply voltage Red. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ground

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GPS DEFORMATION ANALYSIS PROGRAM Asst. Prof. Dr. Temel BAYRAK, 2004 [email protected] Deformation Analysis Report 06-May-2005 01:07:41 Number of Points : 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TetaSquare R : 6.049 H : 9 s02=(vTpv1+vTpv2)/(df1+df2) s02 : 2.143 Test Value T=R/(s02*H) T : 0.314 F_table 9 24 q : 2.703 Significance level for F_table value : 0.975 Good News T < q !!! There is NoT deformations/Moving Points in the Networks :)

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2 Epoch Deformation Analysis Summary ===============================

Date analysis = 5/6/05 Total Station = 4 ================================================================ VARIANS RATIO TESTS ==================== Testing On Variance Ratio At Significance level 0.05 Degree Of Freedom Epoch 1 = 10 Degree Of Freedom Epoch 2 = 10 Pool Variance Factor = 1.05 Varians Ratio Test Pass Where (Ratio Test)1.1 < 2.984(Passing Level) ================================================================= GLOBAL CONGRUENCY TEST ========================= Significance Level For Congrunsy testing =0.05 Total Degree Of Freedom = 20 H = 9 [Total datum stations x 3 - datum defect] Global Congruency Test Pass Where (Congruency Test)0.000 < 2.393(Passing Level) No Deformation Detected ================================================================= SINGLE POINT TEST ================= Significance Level For Single Point Test =0.01 Total Degree Of Freedom = 20

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H = 3 Stn Dx Dy Dz Dis. Vector fcom ftab info 1 0.0021 0.0017 0.0027 0.0039 0.00 4.94 stable [1] 2 0.0021 0.0017 0.0027 0.0039 0.00 4.94 stable [1] 3 -0.0036 0.0066 -0.0027 0.0080 0.00 4.94 stable [1] 4 -0.0007 -0.0102 -0.0028 0.0105 0.00 4.94 stable [1] [codes:1 = datum pts, 0 = non-datum pts] Total Station = 4 Number of Datum Stesens/stable = 4 Number of Datum Stesens/moved = 0 Number of non-datum stns/stable = 0 Number of non-datum stns/moved = 0 End Of File

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DEFORMATION REPORT FOR KFilter ------Single Point Test ( 14:15:40 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.395 0.42 1.96 Stable 0.110 0.12 1.96 Stable -0.130 0.07 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:15:45 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.151 0.16 1.96 Stable 0.354 0.38 1.96 Stable -0.237 0.13 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:15:50 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.207 0.22 1.96 Stable 0.166 0.18 1.96 Stable -0.255 0.14 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:15:55 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result 0.094 0.10 1.96 Stable 0.373 0.40 1.96 Stable -0.343 0.19 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:16:00 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.207 0.22 1.96 Stable -0.360 0.38 1.96 Stable 0.136 0.08 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:16:05 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.301 0.32 1.96 Stable 0.298 0.32 1.96 Stable -0.166 0.09 1.96 Stable ------Single Point Test ( 14:16:10 )------- Difference,cm t-calculate t-table Result -0.056 0.06 1.96 Stable 0.279 0.30 1.96 Stable 0.029 0.02 1.96 Stable