high performance damage-resistant seismic resistant

Review Article High Performance Damage-Resistant Seismic Resistant Structural Systems for Sustainable and Resilient City: A Review Junhua Wang 1,2 and Hua Zhao 2 1 College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2 State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China Correspondence should be addressed to Hua Zhao; [email protected] Received 14 July 2017; Revised 11 December 2017; Accepted 10 January 2018; Published 30 April 2018 Academic Editor: Mohamed ElGawady Copyright © 2018 Junhua Wang and Hua Zhao. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. is paper presents a review of high performance damage-resistant seismic resistant structural (DRSRS) systems for the sustainable and resilient city. Firstly, the motivation and the basic principle as well as methodology of the developing DRSRS system are briefly illustrated. en, the structural detailing and the seismic behaviors of three types of existing DRSRS systems, namely, the replaceable structural element (RSE), rocking seismic resisting structural (RSRS) system, and self-centering seismic resisting structural (SCSRS) system, are summarized in detail. e theoretical and extensive experimental study results indicated that the three existing types of DRSRS system can minimize the postdamage aſter loading. Types of energy dissipation devices and dampers, as well as fuse sections, can largely enhance the energy dissipation capacity of the proposed structural system. Many numerical and finite element models have been proposed to analyze the dynamic and static cyclic responses of them. e residual deformation aſter the dynamic response is smaller compared to that following the cyclic response. en, the current research challenges of DRSRS system are illustrated, and the new research highlights that emerged in recent years are stated. Finally, the conclusions of this paper are summarized; furthermore, the recommendations for the future studies are pointed out at the end of the paper. 1. Introduction e majority of the world’s population, over 3.96 billion people, lives in cities [1]. As the centers of population, politics, and economics activity as well as culture, the natural hazards bring more severe destructions and disasters to cities compared to before. erefore, the sustainable and resilient city has been paid more and more enthusiasm in recent years. A “resilient city” is demanded to quickly rehabilitate or maintain its essential functions from any shock or stress [2]. e shocks or stresses include heat waves, storms, earthquake, flood, and an accelerated rate of sea level rise. e Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 caused 86000 deaths and approximately 138.33 billion USD economical loss [3]. e Great Kobe earthquake led 6434 deaths and caused about 170 billion USD loss in economics [4]. 15870 persons died in the Great East Japan Earthquake which caused about 100 billion loss USD in economics [5]. e 7.8 magnitude earth- quake in Nepal in April 2015 occurred with close to 9,000 victims and 6 billion USD estimated losses including damage reported in India, China, and Bangladesh [6]. On 16 April 2016, a series of earthquakes hit Kumamoto, Japan, leading to 64 deaths and infrastructure damage of approximately 5.6 billion USD. On the same day, an earthquake attacked Ecuador and murdered 668 people [7]. In August 2016, Italy’s Umbria region suffered from a 6.2 earthquake that caused 293 deaths and leſt 4000 people homeless; the damage is estimated at 3.96 billion USD [8]. Other invisible losses in culture, human emotion, and quality of life are inestimable. e earthquake caused a mass of economical loss and destructions of infrastructures; this leads to big difficulty for the sustainable and resilient city. us the American and Japanese earthquake engineering researchers pointed out that the resilient city needs to be the next objective of Hindawi Shock and Vibration Volume 2018, Article ID 8703697, 32 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8703697

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Page 1: High Performance Damage-Resistant Seismic Resistant

Review ArticleHigh Performance Damage-Resistant Seismic ResistantStructural Systems for Sustainable and Resilient City: A Review

JunhuaWang 1,2 and Hua Zhao 2

1College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China2State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Hua Zhao; [email protected]

Received 14 July 2017; Revised 11 December 2017; Accepted 10 January 2018; Published 30 April 2018

Academic Editor: Mohamed ElGawady

Copyright © 2018 JunhuaWang and Hua Zhao.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

This paper presents a review of high performance damage-resistant seismic resistant structural (DRSRS) systems for the sustainableand resilient city. Firstly, the motivation and the basic principle as well as methodology of the developing DRSRS system are brieflyillustrated.Then, the structural detailing and the seismic behaviors of three types of existingDRSRS systems, namely, the replaceablestructural element (RSE), rocking seismic resisting structural (RSRS) system, and self-centering seismic resisting structural (SCSRS)system, are summarized in detail. The theoretical and extensive experimental study results indicated that the three existing types ofDRSRS system canminimize the postdamage after loading. Types of energy dissipation devices and dampers, as well as fuse sections,can largely enhance the energy dissipation capacity of the proposed structural system. Many numerical and finite element modelshave been proposed to analyze the dynamic and static cyclic responses of them.The residual deformation after the dynamic responseis smaller compared to that following the cyclic response. Then, the current research challenges of DRSRS system are illustrated,and the new research highlights that emerged in recent years are stated. Finally, the conclusions of this paper are summarized;furthermore, the recommendations for the future studies are pointed out at the end of the paper.

1. Introduction

The majority of the world’s population, over 3.96 billionpeople, lives in cities [1]. As the centers of population,politics, and economics activity as well as culture, the naturalhazards bring more severe destructions and disasters to citiescompared to before. Therefore, the sustainable and resilientcity has been paid more and more enthusiasm in recentyears. A “resilient city” is demanded to quickly rehabilitateor maintain its essential functions from any shock or stress[2]. The shocks or stresses include heat waves, storms,earthquake, flood, and an accelerated rate of sea level rise.

The Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 caused 86000 deathsand approximately 138.33 billion USD economical loss [3].TheGreat Kobe earthquake led 6434 deaths and caused about170 billion USD loss in economics [4]. 15870 persons diedin the Great East Japan Earthquake which caused about 100

billion loss USD in economics [5]. The 7.8 magnitude earth-quake in Nepal in April 2015 occurred with close to 9,000victims and 6 billion USD estimated losses including damagereported in India, China, and Bangladesh [6]. On 16 April2016, a series of earthquakes hit Kumamoto, Japan, leadingto 64 deaths and infrastructure damage of approximately5.6 billion USD. On the same day, an earthquake attackedEcuador andmurdered 668 people [7]. In August 2016, Italy’sUmbria region suffered from a 6.2 earthquake that caused293 deaths and left 4000 people homeless; the damage isestimated at 3.96 billion USD [8]. Other invisible losses inculture, human emotion, and quality of life are inestimable.

The earthquake caused a mass of economical loss anddestructions of infrastructures; this leads to big difficultyfor the sustainable and resilient city. Thus the Americanand Japanese earthquake engineering researchers pointedout that the resilient city needs to be the next objective of

HindawiShock and VibrationVolume 2018, Article ID 8703697, 32 pageshttps://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8703697

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earthquake engineering at the seventh joint planningmeetingof NEES/E-Defense Collaborative Research on EarthquakeEngineering [9]. Actually, to minimize the residual deforma-tion of engineering structure after an earthquake, engineersand researchers have developed some innovative structuresystems including replaceable structural element (RSE) androcking seismic resisting structural (RSRC) system as well asself-centering seismic resisting structural (SCSRS) system inrecent decades; all the above-mentioned structural systemsare called high performance damage-resistant seismic struc-tural (DRSS) system in this paper.

TheRSE is developed through actively artificially formingrelative weakening structural element which will be easilyfailed before other protective structural elements and can beeasily replaced after an earthquake; as a result, the wholestructure can be quickly rehabilitated and desterilized. Sofar, the most popular studied DRSRS systems are RCRCsystem and SCSRS system that is created in accordance withthe elastic gap opening mechanisms to soften the seismicresponse of the structure; posttension tendon or strand isused to return the whole structure to a plumb position. Inorder to dissipate the seismic energy, the energy dissipatingdevices or types of dampers are usually included in theDRSRS system. In addition, using the inherent strong elasticrecovery force of high strength tension longitudinal bar topull the structure back after loading is another new way todevelop the DRSRS system in recent years.

The objectives of this paper are to review the currentresearch status of high performance DRSRS systems andto outline current research challenges for the aforemen-tioned structural systems. First, the motivation and thebasic principles, as well as methodology of DRSRS system,are briefly reviewed. Then, the seismic behaviors of severalcurrent different types of DRSRS systems including the RSE,RCRC, and SCSRS systems are overviewed in detail. Finally,some current research challenges and the recommendationsfor future studies for DRSRS system are summarized anddiscussed.

2. Motivation of HighPerformance DRSRS Systems

For the sake of protecting the lives of the occupants, struc-tures are typically designed for “life-safety” performanceaccording to the most modern building codes and areexpected to undergo significant structural or nonstructuraldamage referred as residual deformation during a severeearthquake. Repairing damaged structureswith large residualdeformation is expensive and time-consuming, even thestructures with significant severe residual deformation haveto be demolished due to the high cost.

Since the 1990s, the performance-based design methodhas been adopted by most engineers and researchers inthe world, and this designed method has been developedthree generations [10–12]. It is expected that the structuredesigned according to the performance-based designmethodcan have prospective seismic behaviors to withstand thepossible earthquake and have the safety to protect the lives ofthe occupants and that the seismic damage of the structure

due to the possible earthquake can be controlled withinthe expectant degree. The principle of “undamaged underminor earthquake, repairable under moderate earthquake,and uncollapsed under large earthquake” proposed by theChinese seismic code and Japanese seismic code is similarto the purpose of the performance-based design method.However, due to the uncertainty of the earthquake, thestructures possibly suffer from larger earthquake than thepredicted level, causing the seismic damage of structure to bemore serious than the predicted damage. The structures withsevere seismic damage bring a big difficulty to the repairingof building and the rehabilitation of the society.

The reconstruction after the Kobe Earthquake lasted 10years and the money for reconstruction reached up to 145billion USD [13]. After the Great East Japan Earthquakein 2011, the first time budget fund applied from Japangovernment for the reconstruction is up to 35 billion USD,which could not satisfy the need of reconstruction; this alsocaused a heavy burden on the Japanese economy [14]. Theestimated cost of rebuilding after the earthquake occurred inChristchurch, New Zealand, in 2011 is 28 billion USD, whichis approximately 20%GDPofNewZealandwithout includingeconomic losses associated with business downtime, and theChristchurch reconstruction is still underway until 2014 [15,16]. Therefore, the importance of minimizing the residualdeformation to make the repairing of structure easier waspointed out [17, 18].

It is understood that engineering structures with largeresidual deformation are harm to the sustainable and resilientcity because it is necessary to consume lots of time and socialwealth for reconstruction after the earthquake. Consequently,there is a consensus to develop a new generation of the seis-mic resisting structural system to withstand the earthquake,which has a strong resilient capacity and very small structuraldamage after the earthquake.

3. Basic Principles and Methodology ofHigh Performance DRSRS Systems

In order to understand how to control the damage of struc-ture, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of damageof the conventional seismic resisting structure. The conven-tional approach to earthquake resistant design of buildingsdepends upon providing the building with strength, stiffness,and inelastic deformation capacity. Figure 1 schematicallyshows the seismic performances of the conventional seismicstructural system.

As shown in Figure 1(a), conventional seismic structuralsystem satisfies the demand of deformation through plastichinges at the bottoms of the column and the ends of thebeam. The conventional seismic resisting structural systemundertakes two responsibilities simultaneously: (1) resistingthe earthquake force through strong stiffness; (2) dissipatingthe earthquake energy through inelastic buckling or yieldingof longitudinal bars and crushing of concrete at compressionzone, as shown in Figure 1(b); this leads to the hysteretic loopof the conventional seismic resisting system is plump, shownas in Figure 1(c).However, the plumphysteretic loop indicatesthat severe damage and large residual drift are possible after

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Plastic hinge


Crushing of concrete

Cracks caused by yielding of steel

Crushing of concrete

Cracks caused by yielding of steel

(a) (b) (c)












−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5


ral l






Drift R (×10−2 L;>.)

Figure 1: Seismic performance of conventional seismic structural system: (a) seismic resisting structural frame; (b) damage of structuralelement; (c) hysteretic curve of lateral force (adopted from [19], copyright 2014 JCI).

the lateral seismic force is removed, shown as in Figure 1(c).The stations above indicate that controlling the damage ofa structure should emphasize the interface of two structuralmembers and the plastic hinge zones.

To reduce the damage of conventional seismic resist-ing structural system, more advanced techniques are notto strengthen the structure, but to soften the earthquake-generated forces acting upon it. Among the most importantadvanced techniques of earthquake resistant design andconstruction are (1) energy dissipation devices and (2) baseisolation. In particular, the base-isolated structure reduces thedamage through a series of bearing pads which are placedbetween the building and the foundation. The foundationand the upper building are separated, and the connectionbetween them is weakened. The bearing pads dissipate themost seismic energy, while the base-isolated structure itselfescapes the deformation and damage.

The principle of weakening the connection betweenupper structure and the foundation is adopted into devel-oping the rocking structural system. The upper structure-foundation intersection of the rocking structure could under-take the compressive force but could not bear the tensile force.A certain uplift (rocking) is promised at the upper structure-foundation intersection under the lateral earthquake load;however, the upper structure does not bear the bendingdeformation, as shown in Figure 2(a).Theweight of structurereturns the whole structure back to the vertical locationwithout orwith little residual deformation.Theposttensionedtendons or strands are included to provide the restoring forcefor the rocking structure, as shown in Figure 2(b). Figure 2implies that the damage of both two structures is eliminatedby the rocking weakening behavior at the intersection;

however, the resilient forces are different. The self-centeringforces of structural systems shown in Figures 2(a) and 2(b)are provided by the uncontrolled gravity of structure and thecontrolled recovery force of tendon or strand, respectively.In order to distinguish them, two types of structures shownin Figures 2(a) and 2(b) are called rocking seismic resistingstructural (RSRS) system and self-centering seismic resistingstructural (SCSRS) system in this paper, respectively.

On the other hand, the RSE is based on the mechanismthat the structure fails in the relative weak location underloading. The RSE designed at the relative weakening locationcan be easily replaced after the earthquake; as a result, theentire structure can be quickly rehabilitated and desterilized.

In order to enhance the seismic energy dissipation capac-ity, types of energy dissipation devices and dampers, as wellas fuse sections, are included the DRSRS systems includingthe RSE and RSRS system as well as the SCSRS system.

4. Replaceable Structural Elements

As is well known, there is somehow an essential mechanismthat the structure failed at the weakening structural elementsunder loading condition. Consequently, it is possible that thestructure failed at one or some artificial weakening structuralelements which are called RSE. In general, RSE is used bymechanics; application in structural engineering is limitedand focuses on the steel structure and bridge structure as wellas the precast structural system until now.

4.1. Bridge Engineering Structure. A new concept [20] forbridge tower designs in seismic zones using sacrificial inelas-tic shear link schemes was adopted by TY Lin International

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Figure 2: The principles of RSS system and SCS system: (a) DRSRS system; (b) SCSRS system.

Pole tower

Box girder

Shear linkPlastic hinge

Figure 3: Concept of shear links of San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge (adopted from [20], copyright 2004 ASCE).

in 2000, shown in Figure 3. The sacrificial inelastic shearlink could enable the new San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge(SFOBB) signature tower shafts to remain elastic during largeseismic events and capable of carrying the large axial loadsdelivered by the suspension cables. In addition, the shearlinks are bolted to the tower shafts; therefore, the links arereplaceable if required after large seismic events. It was shownthat the inelastic tower links could be used to tune thedynamic response of bridge towers in regions of high seis-micity through global seismic time history analysis [33].

4.2. Coupling Beam of Shear Wall System. The RSE designphilosophy is most applied to coupling beam between wallsystems. Fortney et al. firstly proposed a new type of fuse cou-pling beam (FCB) [21, 22], as shown in Figure 4. It is assumedthat all inelastic deformations will be concentrated in themiddle section (fuse section) of the beam such that the twoouter steel beam parts could be protected. The fuse section isconnected to the outer steel beam section via the flange spliceplates at top and bottom flange and web splice plate, as well as

slip critical bolted connections. The compared experimentalresults showed that FCB led to early energy dissipationand lower stiffness relative to the typical steel couplingbeam (SCB); nevertheless, postdamage repair/replacementdifficulties and expenses are minimized [22]. Additionally,in order to enhance the stiffness and energy absorptioncapacity and to reduce construction difficulties of RSE, someinnovated alternative schemes were performed [34, 35].

Lu et al. proposed three types of steel coupling beamsfor the shear wall structural system with replaceable fuse[23, 43], as shown in Figure 5. Type I fuse is a steel I-beamwhose web has a diamond-shaped hole; type II fuse is twowebs of the steel I-beam, filled with lead between the webs;type III is two round steel tubes, filled with lead in the tube.The experimental results indicated that the shear capacitiesof shear wall systems with replaceable fuses were close to thatof the conventional shear wall system.Moreover, the inelasticdeformation and damage of specimens were concentrated inthe fuse section as expected [44, 45]. In order to reduce thedamage at the bottom of the shear wall, new replaceable foot

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Flange splice plate

Wall pier Wall pierReplaceable fuse


Web spliceplate

Fuse section Steel coupling

Figure 4: Details of replaceable fuse steel coupling beam (adopted from [21, 22], copyright 2006, 2007 ASCE).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5:The new replaceable coupling beams proposed by Lu: (a) type I; (b) type II; (c) type III. (adopted from [23], copyright 2013 Journalof Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration).

parts for the shear wall were proposed [46]; it was exper-imentally revealed that the proposed foot parts wall couldgreatly minimize the damage at the bottom of the shear wall.Similar to the replaceable coupling beam type III proposedby Deng et al., replaceable steel truss coupling beams weredeveloped and used into the shear wall structural system[47, 48].

The replaceable steel coupling beam (RSCB) shown as inFigure 6 was proposed by Ji et al. [24]. The cyclic behaviorof short shear link was experimentally studied in detail [49].Furthermore, the scheme of proposed RSCB was furtherinnovated and the seismic behaviors were experimentallynumerically studied [24, 50]. The test results showed that thewall systems with shear link had a good shear strength andlarge inelastic rotation capacity; in particular, the damagedshear link was replaced within very short time [50].

The replaceable steel coupling beams (RSCB) aforemen-tioned can be taken as shear links with weakening sectionrelative to protected normal beam segment and shear walls;the earthquake energy is dissipated by RSCB through inelas-tic deformation. If the RSCB is attached to a damper, moreearthquake energy can be dissipated, and the shear wall can

be preferably protected. Chuang et al. used a friction damperin the replaceable coupling beam of shear wall to enhance theearthquake energy dissipation capacity [25]. Figure 7 showsthe configuration of the proposed friction damper whichconsists of two sets of an I-beam, a gusset plate, a steel plate forconnection, and a brass plate used as the friction material, asshown in Figures 7(a) and 7(b). The earthquake energyis dissipated by the friction damper through the verticaldeformation of the slot hole, shown as in Figure 7(c).

Teng et al. developed a mild metallic beam damper forcoupled shear wall system [26], as shown in Figure 8; the pro-posed beam damper is a steel plate with low yielding strengthand rectangular column holes. The experimental resultsshowed that the global buckling in plane occurred underloading, and the damper behaved with great energy dissipa-tion capacity [26]. The pseudodynamic test result indicatedthat the proposed mild metallic beam damper could reducethe seismic response of shear wall system and make theearthquake energy larger [58].

Mao et al. proposed a type of shapememory alloy damper(SMA) to dissipate the earthquake energy of coupling beamin RC frame-shear wall structural system [27]; the assembly

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RC slabAbsorb energy shear link

Normal beam segment

Replaceable shear link

Wall pier


Figure 6: Replaceable steel coupling beam (RSCB) (adopted from [24], copyright 2016 Engineering Mechanics).

Outer members

I-shape steelBolts in slotted holes

a a


Steel plate

I-shaped steel

Outer members

Bolts in slotted holes

Friction padsa a

(b) (c)

Figure 7: Slot bolt-type connection installed between coupled beams. (a) Elevation. (b) Sectional view. (c) Slip of slot bolt-type connectionby the flexural deformation of walls (adopted from [25], copyright 2009 Structural Design Tall Spectral Building).

of SMA is schematically shown in Figure 9.The SMA dampercontains four steel components (assembly parts I–IV) andtwo groups of SMA wires (group A and B); the earthquakeenergy is dissipated through tension of SMA wires locatedaround the ears on part II and III (or part II and IV) whenrelative vertical displacement occurs between cantilever shearwall ends.

Kumagai et al. developed a type of RC shear wall struc-tural system with coupling beam damper [28, 29], as shownin Figure 10.The coupling beam damper is a rectangular steelshear plate with a low yielding point, which is connected tothe steel beam embedded in shear walls. Experimental resultshowed that the proposed coupling beam damper behavedwith stable hysteretic response, and the load carrying capacitydid not deteriorate up to 1/20 drift angle. So far, there werenine building structures adopting the proposed couplingbeam damper [59].

A new viscoelastic coupling damper (VCD) device wasdeveloped by Lyons et al. [30] to use into the coupled wallof the high-rise building. As shown in Figure 11, the VCDconsists of multiple layers of viscoelastic (VE) material,placed between layers of steel plate which are anchored atalternating ends to the coupled RC walls using a number

of different connection details. In addition, ductile “fuse”mechanism can be added in series with the VE material. Theexperimental result validated that the VE material exhibitedstable hysteretic behavior under the loading conditions thatare expected in high-rise buildings under wind and earth-quake loading. The full-scale test results also demonstratedthe targeted viscoelastic response during the wind and low-level earthquake loading and the targeted viscoelastic-plasticresponse for extreme earthquakes, where the response is acombination of the VE response and the nonlinear behaviorof the structural fuses [60].

Kim et al. proposed a hybrid energy dissipative device(HEDD) applicable to RC shear wall structural system whichconsists of U-shaped steel plates and high damping rubbers[31, 32]; the HEDD is schematically shown in Figure 12. Thehigh damping rubber damper placed between the casings(Casing 1 and Casing 2) is designed to accommodate sheardeformation when the rotation of building occurs. Experi-mental investigationswere conducted to validate the excellentseismic performances of RC shear walls connected by hybridenergy dissipative coupling beams.

Kurama and Shen proposed unbonded posttensionedhybrid coupled wall for shear wall structural system [36],

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Rectangularcolumn hole

Steel platewith lowyielding point

Figure 8: Elevation of mild metallic damper (adopted from [26],copyright 2010 Journal of Building Structures).

shown as in Figure 13; reinforced concrete walls are coupledusing steel beams and unbonded posttensioning, withoutembedding the beams into the walls. The beam-to-wall con-nection regions include top and bottom angles bolted to thebeam flanges and to steel plates embedded in the walls (usingwelded headed studs); the angles are to yield and provideenergy dissipation during an earthquake and resist sliding ofthe beams along the beam-to-wall connections. The seismicbehavior of the proposed unbonded posttensioned hybridcoupled wall was experimentally studied in detail [67, 68].Thenonlinear load-deformation behavior of proposed hybridcoupled wall system was analyzed, and a simple designmethod based on fiber elements to estimate the nonlinearload-deformation was proposed. The results indicated thatunbonded posttensioned steel coupling beams with initialstiffness similar to embedded steel beams can be designed toprovide stable levels of coupling without experiencing signif-icant damage over large nonlinear cyclic deformations [69,70], and the design approach was proposed for the unbondedposttensioned hybrid coupled shear wall structural system[71].

4.3. Frame Structural System. In order to prevent damage tocolumns or infill walls and to minimize life-safety hazardsduring potentially earthquakes, Aliaari et al. developed a seis-mic infill wall isolator subframe (SIWIS) system [37, 72, 73],shown as in Figure 14. The SIWIS system consists of twovertical and one horizontal sandwiched light-gauge steelstuds with “rigid-brittle” elements in the vertical members.As a “sacrificial” component or a “structural fuse” to protectthe infill wall and frame from failure, the SIWIS is designed toallow infill wall-frame interaction under wind loading andminor-to-moderate earthquakes for reduced building driftbut to disengage them under damaging events. The seismicperformances of SIWIS system were experimentally investi-gated in detail [37, 74] and analyzed using nonlinear finite

element models [75, 76]. Analysis results showed that theconcept of SIWIS system works in providing initially highstiffness followed by an isolation of infill wall from interactionwith the confining frame. Practical design guidelines areproposed, and the result of the study demonstrates that theproposed isolation system has merits and can potentiallyimprove the seismic performance of masonry infill walls byprotecting the infill wall and the frame from damage due totheir interaction [77].

5. Rocking Seismic ResistingStructural Systems

In 1963 the first time analysis of the rocking motion ofstructures was performed byHousner who found that severalgolf-ball-on-a-tee types of elevated water tanks survived theground shaking due to the effect of uplift despite the appear-ance of instability; on the other hand, much more stable-appearing reinforced concrete, elevated water tanks wereseverely damaged during the Chilean earthquakes of May1960 [81].

Since the 1970s, the principle of rocking motion of struc-ture was largely applied to research on the seismic resistingstructural system.Hukelbridge andClough studied the effectsof allowing column uplift in steel building frames on seismicresponse under severe seismic loading; the table test resultsindicated that allowing column uplift was shown for thisframe to significantly reduce both the seismic loading andductility demand [82, 83]. Priestley et al. verified the mech-anism of energy dissipation of rocking structural systemthrough table test and proposed a simple design method forassessing maximum rocking displacements, using equivalentelastic characteristics and a response-spectra approach [84].Basically, the analysis of the seismic response of rockingstructural system under the earthquake lateral loading wasgradually deeply studied before the 1980s [85–88].

After completing the theoretical mechanism analysis ofthe seismic response of rocking structural system, the exper-imental studies on types of engineering structural systemssuch as bridge engineering and building structures werestarted from the 1990s. The methodologies of rocking struc-tural system were through not only softening the connectionbetween structure and foundation but softening the connec-tion between structural elements such as beam-column joint.

5.1. Rocking Bridge Pier Structure. Aslam et al. studied therocking motion of a major pier in the bridge, a semirigidseismic connection was used at the base of the pier and therocking of the pier was permitted to take place during thefuture major earthquakes [87, 88]. Priestley et al. proposedrocking bridge pier as a strengthened design and seismicdesign schemeof bridge engineering [89].Mander andChengdeveloped a new paradigm called Damage Avoidance Design(DAD), in which the bridge piers is free to rock under largelateral loads such that damage is avoided by the special detail-ing of the connections [90]. Mashal et al. used dissipativecontrolled rocking (DCR) systems with types of externaland internal dissipation devices into Accelerated Bridge

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SMA wires (group B)

SMA wires (group A)

Part I

Part IV

Part II

Part III


Figure 9: The location and assembly parts of the SMA damper in the coupling beam: (a) location of the SMA damper; (b) assembly parts ofthe damper (adopted from [27], copyright 2012 WCEE).

Damper SLY225

Shear steel 4-D10@57


BH-200 × 100 × 12 × 12





Figure 10: Dimensions and reinforcement of replaceable coupling beams (adopted from [28, 29], copyright 2009 AIJ and 2010 TokyoUniversity).

Reduced beam section fuse Viscoelastic

material layers

Steel plate

Possible wall anchorage detail


Viscoelastic material layersRC wall RC wall

Shear critical fuse


Figure 11: RC coupled wall high-rise building with viscoelastic coupling dampers: (a) viscoelastic coupling damper (VCD); (b) alternativedesign using VCD for prototype structure (adopted from [30], copyright 2012 WCEE).

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Steel damperRigid steel body

High damping rubber

High damping rubberV




RC lintel

RC shear wall

Figure 12: Schematic drawing of a hybrid damper embedded into a coupling beam connecting RC shear walls and the deformed shapes of ahybrid damper (adopted from [31, 32], copyright 2012, 15 WCEE).


Embedded Plate


Unbonded PT Steel Coupling Beam


A UnbondedPT Steel

Connection Region

Wall Region A-A



Gap Opening

Figure 13: Unbonded posttensioned hybrid coupled wall subassemblage: (a) location of coupled beam; (b) elevation; (c) deformed shape(adopted from [36]).

Construction (ABC) to enhance the seismic behavior ofAccelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) structures [91].

5.2. Rocking Concrete Frame System. Roh used the “rock-ing columns,” a type of double hinged gravity column orcracked base and top column which resists vertical loadswith minimum or no lateral strength, to reduce the strengthof the part of the lateral load resisting system (i.e., weakenthe structure) for controlling the story accelerations [92].Roh and Reinhorn firstly proposed a macroscopic analyticalapproach applicable for analysis of rocking column [93]. Theproposed model is verified through the quasi-static cyclic of1 : 3 scale rocking column and the IDARC2D computationalmodel [94]. Subsequently, the seismic performance of a spanprototype structure with the proposed rocking column anddamper was analyzed; the results indicated that the proposedrocking column and damper could effectively reduce theseismic response of structure [93].

Cao et al. [95] developed a new type of connection toassemble the frame and concrete rocking walls; test resultsshowed the rocking wall with the novel connections effec-tively controlled the interstory drift concentration and en-dowed the structure with a uniform deformationmode whensubjected to different loading patterns.

5.3. Rocking Steel Frame System. Eatherton et al. of StanfordUniversity experimentally investigated the seismic behaviorsof controlled posttensioned rocking steel framed buildingswith replaceable energy dissipation fuses [38]; the rockingsteel framed building is as shown in Figure 15; the exper-imental results indicated that the proposed rocking steelframe exhibited excellent recovery properties, and the seismicenergy dissipation and damage were concentrated in thereplaceable fuse elements. Midorikawa et al. conducted thethree-dimensional table test of posttensioned steel frame in2009 [96, 97], and Ma et al. performed a table test of 2 : 3

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Structural frame

Structural frame

Masonry infill wall


Diagonal brace

Vertical brace Top plate

Vertical brace Bottom plate

SIWIS Element

Figure 14: Schematic design of scaled two-bay three stories SIWIS frame (adopted from [37], copyright 2005 The Pennsylvania StateUniversity).

P/T strands

Fuse PL front and back

Figure 15: Posttensioned controlled rocking steel framed building with replaceable energy dissipation fuses (adopted from [38], copyright2008 the 14th WCEE).

scale steel frame with controlled rocking column and earth-quake energy dissipation device in E-Defense of Japan [98],Eatherton et al. also conducted similar test on this kind ofsteel frame [99].

5.4. Rocking Concrete Shear Wall System. Anderson stud-ied the influence of the rocking of foundation on seismicresponse of the shear wall under seismic loading throughthe proposed computational model [100]. Gajan and Kutter

[101, 102] proposed that using rocking footings in place of, orin combination with, structural base isolation and energydissipation devices improves the performance of the structureduring seismic loading; results showed that a footing withlarge 𝐴/𝐴

𝑐ratio (𝐴 is actual footing area, and 𝐴

𝑐is the area

required to support the vertical and shear loads) possesses awell moment capacity that is insensitive to soil properties andsuffers small permanent settlements [101].The effects of staticvertical factor of safety (𝐹SV) and the applied normalized

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Damper and fuse element


2 Walls, lumped

Figure 16: Scheme of a six-story rocking wall-frame building (adopted from [39], copyright 2004 Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE).

moment-to-shear ratio (𝑀/𝐻𝐿) at the footing-soil interfaceon footing-soil system behavior were analyzed; the resultsindicated that, for a particular 𝐹SV, footings with a largemoment-to-shear ratio dissipate considerably more energythrough rocking and suffer less permanent settlement thanfootings with a low moment-to-shear ratio [103].

Ajrab et al. [39] designed a six-story rocking wall-frame building with various supplemental system configura-tions which include prestressed tendons and energy dissipa-tion devices using performance-based design methodology,shown as in Figure 16. Seismic performance and responseevaluation, using nonlinear time history analyses, suggeststhat desired performance levels, minor to no damage, can beachieved with added equivalent viscous damping, and theseismic response was not sensitive to the prestress level intendons and to wall base width. However, this rocking wall-frame building system is complicated such that it could notbe extensively applied into constructions.

Lu [104] analyzed the influences of rocking wall and wall-neutral axis as well as the 3D effect on the seismic responseof RC wall-frame; the result indicated that uncontrolled wallrocking could cause beam-wall connection failure, leading toaccelerated deterioration of the entire system. Pushover anddynamic time history analyses showed that by incorporatingwall-neutral axis migration, more satisfactory prediction ofthe inelastic response of the wall-frame can be made. Asystematic improvement of the wall-frame inelastic behaviorcan be achieved by involving the 3D effect.

Hitaka and Sakino [40] developed a new type of hybridcoupled wall (HCW) system which consists of rolled steelcoupling beams, reinforced concrete (RC) wall piers, andconcrete-filled tube (CFT) short columns, shown as in Fig-ure 17. In this new system (HCW), the bases of the wall piersare connected to the base beams only through CFT shortcolumns, and the yielding occurs in the coupling beams andthe short columns. The experimental results indicated thatthe proposed HCW could fail in the expected location such

as the coupling beam and CFT column with ductile behaviorand large energy dissipation.

Wiebe and Christopoulos [105, 106] considered thatstructural forces of the base-rocking system can be increasedsignificantly even when the base moment is limited becauseof higher mode effects. They suggested that higher modeeffects may be substantially reduced by designing to allowrocking to occur at multiple locations over the height of abase-rocking system.The statistical study results showed thatthe bending moment envelope above the base of the wall isgreatly reduced by providingmultiple rocking sections, whilethe peak displacements do not increase in magnitude or invariability.

Mulligan et al. [107] analyzed a scaled semiactive rockingwall system using real-time, high-speed hybrid testing. Theresults showed that the semiactive devices are controlled toprovide supplementary resistance only for the upward rock-ing motion of the wall, providing semiactive energy dis-sipation over half of each cycle and relying on radiationdamping for the other half. Marriott et al. [108] proposed adisplacement-based retrofit procedure based on targetingpredefined performance criteria, such as joint shear and/orcolumn curvature deformation limits; an extensive experi-mental program investigating the use of rocking wall sys-tems to retrofit existing poorly detailed frame structures ispromised.

Wada et al. [41] developed a retrofit system of prestressedconcrete rocking walls and steel dampers to control theseismic damage mode and increase the strength and energydissipating capacity of an 11-story steel reinforced concreteframe in Japan, shown as in Figure 18.The extensive nonlineartime analyzed results showed that the rocking system cansignificantly reduce both the seismic responses to differentearthquake ground motions and their scattering.

5.5. Rocking Masonry Structural Wall System. Toranzo et al.used the principle of rocking wall system into confined

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Coupling girderW.F. 150 × 150 × 7 × 10, PL-4.5

Stiffener(N/A for WSF)


Short column

Figure 17: Rocking hybrid coupled wall (adopted from [40], copyright 2008 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics).

Existing SRC column

Steel damperRocking wall Steel strand

(a) Cross section

Existing SRC column Steel beam

Steel brace

RC footing Pin connection

(b) Elevation

Figure 18: Structural retrofitting of rocking walls and steel dampers in Tokyo Institute of Technology (adopted from [41], copyright 2009Applied Technology Council).

masonry structural system [42, 109–111], shown as in Fig-ure 19. A shake table investigation was conducted to validatethe concept of rocking walls as primary seismic systems; asthe inherent damping of this system was low, a pair of sup-plemental steel hysteretic energy dissipating dampers wereused at the base of the wall. The results indicated that withcareful detailing, not only the damage was eliminated but thestructure recenters itself following a large earthquake. Theyconsidered that the rocking wall concept can be extended toany rocking wall system.

5.6. Rocking Timber Structural System. Loo et al. [51] useda new concept in shear wall design into timber shear wallstructure; the new concept involves the use of slip-frictionconnectors in lieu of traditional hold-down connectors [112],as shown in Figure 20. Slip-friction connectors, originally

developed for the steel framing industry, rely on themobiliza-tion of friction across steel plates to resist loading up to a pre-determined threshold. Upon this threshold being exceeded,relative sliding between the steel plates allows the shear wallto be displaced in an inelastic manner. The numerical resultssuggested that slip-friction connectors hold the promise ofbeing able to effectively protect sheathing, framing, andnail connections from excessive stresses and deformationsduring earthquake events of design level intensity or higher.Kishiki andWada also utilized the philosophy of rocking intotimber structural system and designed controlled wood wallstructural system [113].

5.7. Rocking Core Wall System. The numerical results per-formed by Nielsen et al. [114] showed that the rocking corewall structural system possesses the recentering capacity due

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Figure 19: Three-story rocking confined masonry wall: (a) theelevation of the wall; (b) details of the energy dissipations (adoptedfrom [42], copyright 2004, 13 WCEE).

to the effect of gravity, and the moment at the foundationof rocking core wall structural system is smaller by 30%than that of common core wall structural system havingfixed foundation. Zhou et al. also obtained similar numericalresults through compared analysis [115].

6. Self-Centering Seismic ResistingStructural Systems

On the basis of rocking structural system, the posttensionedtendons or strands are included into to externally provide aself-centering capacity to the structural system. The seismicresisting structural system with posttension is called self-centering seismic resisting structural systems (SCSRSS).

6.1. Self-Centering RC Frame System. Priestley and Tao [52]developed a new type of self-centering precast concrete frameusing partial debonded prestressing tendons in which thebeam can rotate; the beam-column interface is shown as inFigure 21. Cheok and Lew [116] experimentally verifiedthe above-mentioned self-centering precast concrete framesystem.

In 1996, Priestley and MacRae developed precast con-crete beam-column joint subassemblage with two ungroutedposttensioned tendons, shown in Figure 22, and performedexperiment under cyclic reversal seismic load; the test resultsshowed that energy absorption of the hysteretic response waslarger than expected, and the residual displacements werenegligible [53]. El-Sheikh et al. conducted pushover analysisand time history analysis of the developed precast concretebeam-column joint subassemblage [117]. Cai et al. [118] devel-oped a kind of new self-centering posttensioned precast con-crete beam-column connection in which prestressed bar wasused to provide the self-centering capacity to structures andthe steel angle clamped at the beam-column joint was used todissipate the energy. Lu et al. [119] conducted a shake table testof a self-centering reinforced concrete frame; test results indi-cated that the designed reinforced concrete frame has good

seismic performance and self-centering capacity subjected toearthquake groundmotions; the self-centering structures canundergo large deformation withminor residual displacementafter the strong earthquake excitations.

Morgen and Kurama developed a new type of frictiondamper for unbonded posttensioned precast concrete build-ing moment frame structures in seismic regions, shown as inFigure 23; the proposed friction dampers were placed atbeam-column joints. The compared test results showed thatthe dampers can provide a significant amount of supple-mental energy dissipation at the beam ends, while the self-centering capability of the structure is preserved [54].

6.2. Self-Centering RC Shear Wall System. Kurama et al. [55,120–122] utilized unbonded posttensioned tendon or PT baracross horizontal joints to develop precast concrete wall,shown as in Figure 24; the unbonded posttensioned precastwalls can soften and undergo large nonlinear lateral dis-placements with little damage, and the nonlinear behavior isprimarily due to the opening of gaps along the horizontaljoints; however, the energy dissipation capacity was low.Consequently, Kurama et al. [123, 124] used supplementalviscous damping to reduce the lateral drift of unbondedposttensioned precast concrete walls under earthquakes; thenonlinear dynamic time history analyses showed that theproposed energy dissipation system was effective in reducingthe maximum roof drift to prevent significant damage tothe walls, and Perez et al. [125, 126] also performed similarexperiments and analysis. Smith et al. [127, 128] used theposttensioned tendon or PT bar technology into the hybridwall which was constructed by stacking rectangular precastconcretewall panels across horizontal joints at the floor levels.

Holden et al. [129, 130] innovated the unbonded postten-sioned precast concrete wall proposed by Kurama by addinglongitudinal mild steel reinforcement crossing the jointbetween the walls and the foundation to enhance energy dis-sipation capacity. Marriott et al. [131] conducted shake tabletest of the proposed wall system with variable dampers; thetest results showed that the proposed wall system had a greatself-centering capacity. Sritharan et al. [56, 132] designeda jointed wall system in which two or more single precastwalls designed with unbonded posttensioning are connectedto each other with the help of special connectors along thevertical joints, as shown in Figure 25.

Panian et al. [133, 134] believed that the shear wallsystem with posttensioned prestressed tendon has a bettereconomic benefit and seismic result. Furthermore, Stevensonet al. [135] had utilized posttensioned prestress steel barinto the design of shear walls in David Brower Center toresist the potential earthquake. Rahman and Sritharan [136]proposed the calculated model of a self-centering shear wallsystem. Pennucci et al. [137, 138] proposed the displacement-based design method of precast shear walls with additionaldampers. Aaleti and Sritharan [139] proposed a simplifiedmethod to characterize the seismic responses of unbondedposttensioned precast wall systems. Erkmen and Schultz[140] performed a series of compared tests to study theself-centering capacity of precast walls. Twigden et al. [141]investigated a single posttensioned concrete wall subjected to

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Shear wall






Wall embedded plate


BoltSpring washer

Center plate to foundation embedded


Brass plates






Figure 20: Slip-friction connectors with shear walls: (a) capping of lateral force on the shear wall; (b) connector assemblage for the precastconcrete wall; (c) activated friction forces. (adopted from [51], copyright 2012 Engineering Structures).











Figure 21: Beam-column connection with partially debonded pre-stressing tendons (adopted from [52], copyright 1993 PCI Journal).

pseudostatic cyclic loading, high-speed cyclic loading, freevibration, and dynamic forced-vibration testing.

6.3. Self-Centering Steel Frame System. Ricles et al. [57] ofLehigh University designed a new kind of steel beam-columninterface connection of moment resisting frames (MRFs)with self-centering capacity using posttension high strengthstrands, shown as in Figure 26; the top and seat anglesare added to provide energy dissipation and redundancyunder seismic loading. This new type of connection has thefollowing advantages: (1) field welding is not required; (2) theconnection stiffness is similar to that of a welded connec-tion; (3) the connection is self-centering; and (4) signifi-cant damage to the MRF is confined to the angles of theconnection. Time history analysis results showed that theseismic performance of a posttensioned steel MRF subject tothe earthquake records exceeds the performance of anMRF with typical welded connections subject to the sameearthquake records. Consequently, many other researchersinnovated this new type of steel beam-column connection[66, 142, 143], Rojas et al. [144] added a posttensioned friction

Duct for beam tendonSpirals

Figure 22: Precast concrete beam-column joint subassemblage withtwoungrouted posttensioned tendons (adopted from [53], copyright1996 PCI Journal).

damped connection (PFDC) into the above-mentioned steelbeam-column connection to enhance the earthquake energydissipation capacity.

Sause et al. [64, 145] developed self-centering momentresisting frames (SC-MRFs) and self-centering concentricallybraced frame (SC-CBF) systems with the goal of providingadequate nonlinear drift capacity without significant damageor residual drift under the design basis earthquake. Bothexperimental results and analytical results indicated that allSC-MRFs and SC-CBF possess self-centering behavior, andno significant structural damage occurred. In order to usethis new types of MRFs and SC-CBF into design and con-struction, the performance-based seismic design approachfor PT steel frame systems was proposed; seismic perfor-mance levels, seismic input levels, structural limit states andcapacities, and structural demands for PT frame systemsweredefined; the design objectives were outlined; design criteriawere given; and a step-by-step design procedure was given[65].

Clayton [61] developed the self-centering steel plate shearwall (SC-SPSW) system, shown schematically in Figure 27,

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Support fixture

Support fixture

Column fixture

Test beam

Friction damper

Two Dywidag Spiro ducts and unbonded posttensioning tendons

Two Dywidag multiplaneanchors

Beam-to-column interface with fiber reinforced grout

Figure 23: Schematic of the columns with damper (adopted from [54], copyright 2004 PCI Journal).


Unbonded PT bar or tendon

Spiral confined concrete Foundation

Horizontal joint

Wall panel


Spiral reinforcement

Bonded wire mesh

PT duct and unbonded PT bar or tendon


Figure 24: Unbonded posttensioned precast wall: (a) elevation; (b) cross section near base. (adopted from [55], copyright 1999 PCI Journal).

which consists of thin steel web plates that resist lateral loadsand dissipate energy through the development of diagonaltension field action, just as in conventional SPSWs. How-ever, the moment resisting beam-to-column connections ofconventional SPSWs are replaced by posttensioned beam-to-column connections to introduce the recentering capabil-ity. Winkley [146] conducted comprehensively experimental

studied in detail, and Clayton et al. [147, 148] proposeddesign method applicable for the SC-SPSW based on theexperiments.

6.4. Self-Centering Masonry Structural Wall System. Wightet al. studied seismic response of partially grouted post-tensioned concrete masonry (PCM) walls with unbonded

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Unbonded post-tensioning

Single wall panel

Single wall Special connector


Figure 25: The jointed precast wall system (adopted from [56],copyright 2007 Iowa State University).

tendons by means of shake table testing. The shake tabletests demonstrated the self-centering nature of posttensionedmasonrywalls and their ability to achieve large displacementswith minimal accumulation of damage [149, 150].

Laursen and Ingham [151, 152] found that the energydissipation capacity of the posttensioned fully grouted con-crete masonry (PCM) wall is limited but can be enhanced byincorporating the internal energy dissipationmild steels with“dog-bone” shape [153, 154]. The energy dissipation devicehas little influence on the decrease of the ductility capacity[155].

Hassanli et al. investigated the influence of axial stressratio on seismic behaviors of unbonded posttensionedmasonry wall (PT-MW) [156–160]; both experimental andnumerical results showed that low axial stress ratio causeshigher increase in lateral strength and better displacementductility, but larger residual drift to PT-MW; the axial stressratio is limited to 0.15. The wall length is another most influ-ential factor contributing to the rotation and the compressionzone length of unbonded PT-MW. Both axial stress ratioand wall length are used to predict the flexural strength ofunbonded PT-MW.

6.5. Self-Centering Timber Structural System. TheNMITArtsand Media Building is the new generation of multistorytimber structures which employs an advanced damage avoid-ance earthquake design that is the first in the world for atimber building [62]. As shown in Figure 28, the NMITseismic system relies on pairs of coupled LVL shear wallsthat incorporate high strength steel tendons posttensionedthrough a central duct. The walls are centrally fixed toallow them to rock during a seismic event. A series of U-shaped steel plates placed between the walls form a couplingmechanism and act as dissipators to absorb seismic energy.The design allows the primary structure to remain essentiallyundamaged while readily replaceable connections act asplastic fuses.

6.6. Self-Centering Bridge Pier Structural System. Chengdeveloped a self-centering bridge model that can eliminateresidual deformations after earthquakes [63]. A bridgemodelconsists of two precast RC bridge columns posttensioned tothe concrete deck and foundations by high strength rods,as shown in Figure 29. The hybrid system is extended tobridge engineering, in which precast elements are connectedvia posttensioning techniques; self-centering and energydissipating properties are adequately combined to achieve thetarget maximum displacement with negligible residual dis-placements; the reliability of hybrid system was confirmed byquasi-static cyclic and nonlinear time history analysis basedon lumped plasticity numerical models [161].

Mohanmed et al. utilized the concrete segment which hashollow double skin cross section and situated it within theplastic hinge zone of bridge column, to mitigate the damageafter earthquake; simultaneously, they used the unbonded PTstrands locatedwithin the void of the inner skin to provide theself-centering force for bridge column [162–165].The shakingtable test result showed that the residual drift of the bridgecolumn proposed by Ayman and EIGawady was smaller thanthe conventional RC bridge column [166]. However, the voidof the hollow cross section of the proposed bridge columninfilled by concrete had better seismic performance becausethe twist angle was smaller when it was subjected to thebidirectional cyclic loading [167].

Guo et al. [168, 169] developed a self-centering bridgepier system connected by unbonded posttensioned tendonsto minimize the residual deformation after the earthquakeand mild steel to stably dissipate the earthquake energy.

Dong et al. developed a new type of brace (SC-BRB) forbridge column system; the SC-BRB consists of the traditionalbuckling restrained brace (BRB) having excellent energydissipation capacity and the self-centering brace (SC brace).The numerical results demonstrated that the bridge equippedwith the SC-BRB system has smaller residual displacementand amoderate energy dissipation capability compared to theones equipped with traditional BRB and SCB systems [170].

7. Analysis and Design Seismic Behavior ofDRSRS System

The high performance damage-resistant seismic resistingstructural (DRSRS) system is capable of eliminating the mostor full residual deformation when the lateral load is removed.In general, the DRSRS system consists of posttensioned bar(PT) and energy dissipation element (EDE) such that thedominant structural element can be protected through thegap opening mechanism, and the PT is used to eliminate theresidual deformation due to the self-centering capacity of it,the EDE is used to dissipate the earthquake energy.

The PTs contain high strength strands, tendons, or bars[57, 68, 171], and the PTs should have high strength and highyield strain.TheEDEs consist of hysteretic damping elements,viscous damping elements, and frictional damping elements.Hysteretic damping elements used in self-centering systemsinclude buckling restrain braces [172–174], short yieldingelements similar to the buckling restrain braces [175, 176],

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Weld accesshole

Buckling bar


Shim plate

Flange reinforcing plate

Washer plateAngle



Figure 26: Moment connections: (a) pre-Northridge welded connection; (b) posttensioned connection (adopted from [57], copyright 2001Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE).










VBE: vertical boundary elements HBE: horizontal boundary elements

Figure 27: Schematic elevation of intermediate story of SC-SPSW (adopted from [61], copyright 2010 University of Washington).

unbonded mild steel reinforcement [177, 178], steel rein-forcement with reduced sections [129], yielding anchor bolts[179], fuse plates [180], yielding end plates [181, 182], yieldingangles [69, 183], web hourglass pins [184], and tapered steelcantilever plates [111]. The frictional damping elements usedcontain frictional slide plate [185], frictional plates withspring washers [186], frictional fuse angle with slotted holes

[187], and viscous fluid damper [188] embedded in the foun-dation or mounted beside the columns above the foundation.

The hysteretic behavior of structural systems with PTand EDE is as shown in Figure 30; the PT has strongrecentering force to pull the whole structural element back,shown in Figure 30(a); however, it has little energy dissipationcapacity. The EDEs have great energy dissipation capacity,

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U-shaped flexural plates (ufps)

posttensioned rod

Opening to accommodate stressing jacks

Figure 28: LVL coupled shear walls showing posttensioning rodsand U-shape flexural plates (UFPs) energy dissipating devices(adopted from [62], copyright 2011, 9th Pacific Conference onEarthquake Engineering).

shown as in Figure 30(b); consequently, they are incorporatedinto the DRSRS system to enhance the energy dissipationcapacity, as shown in Figure 30(c).The overall response of theDRSRS system can be decomposed into the nonlinear elasticcontribution from the prestressed tendon or strand (PT) andthe bilinear elastoplastic hysteretic contribution from theenergy dissipation element (EDE).

7.1. Analysis of Monotonic Seismic Behavior and Design ofDRSRS System. To estimate the seismic behavior of DRSRSsystem in numerical method, some works have been per-formed. Wight [189] developed a finite element model toassess the monotonic response of posttensioned masonrywall; a reasonable seismic strength and postrocking behaviorcould be simulated; however, the initial stiffness was overes-timated and the strength degradation could not be predicted.Smith et al. [127, 128] attempted to use two different analyticalmodels to evaluate the seismic behaviors of the test structure:a fiber-element model (DRAIN-2DX) and a finite elementmodel (ABAQUS); in the models the fiber beam-columnelements are to represent the precast wall panels and trusselements for the unbonded PT steel.

A finite elementmodel was proposed by Ryu et al. [190] toanalyze the reversed cyclic seismic response of unbondedposttensioned (PT) fully grouted clay brick walls, and agood comparison between the experimental results and thenumerical results was presented. The ABAQUS software wasused by Henry et al. [191] to the cyclic lateral load responseof the PreWEC which consists of a precast wall with endcolumns.Theprecast wall and the end columns are connectedby some O-shape connectors. The model could predict goodresults of the PreWEC system for both the global and localresponses.

The multispring element to model the opening andclosing of the gap at the critical interface section is used to

predict the seismic behavior of the hybrid pier systems[161, 192]. Li et al. [193] utilized the ABAQUS numerically tostudy the seismic performance of precast segmental concretecolumns reinforced by the posttensioned tendon at the centerof the cross section; the opening and closing between theconcrete segments are simulated by using the surface tosurface contact elements. This finite element method couldrationally estimate the self-centering behaviors of test col-umns subjected to the cyclic loading.

Although the finite elementmethod can effectively evalu-ate the seismic response, it involves computational difficultiesthat make it unsuitable for the designer. Kurama et al.[55] assumed that the responses of posttensioned concretewall can be characterized by some limit states, graphicallyshown in Figure 31. As the wall displacement increases, thelimit states are summarized: (1) decompression state, whichidentifies the initiation of a gap opening along the horizontaljoint between wall and foundation; (2) softening state, whichidentifies the beginning of significant reduction in the lateralstiffness of the wall due to the gap opening along the hori-zontal joint and the nonlinear behavior of the concrete incompression; (3) yielding state, which identifies the point atwhich the posttensioned steel yields; (4) failure state, whichidentifies the axial-flexure of the wall which occurs as a resultof crushing of the confined concrete. Furthermore, the designapproach, design objectives shown in Figure 31, design crite-ria, and seismic design procedure were proposed in detail byKurama et al. [55].

Perez et al. [126] proposed a trilinear model to predictthe nonlinear lateral response of unbonded PT-CWs basedon the above-mentioned limit states shown as in Figure 31.Aaleti and Sritharan [139] developed a simplified approachusing a trilinear function of the neutral axis depth at a drift of2%. Hassanli et al. [194] developed an analysis procedure tocharacterize the lateral force behavior of unbonded postten-sioned concrete walls (PT-CWs) based on the mechanics ofrocking walls and geometric compatibility conditions; theforce-displacement curve of unbonded PT-CW could bepredicted with a very good accuracy.

Madan et al. [195] proposed an analytical approach forpredicting the nonlinear in-plane flexural behavior of lon-gitudinally posttensioned hollow block masonry shear wallsunder reversed cyclic lateral loading based on a modifiedfiber-element model. Kalliontzis and Schultz [196] developeda simplified procedure based on the equivalent stress blockanalysis and the neutral axis depth (NAD) versus wallrotation relationship proposed by Thomas and Sritharan[197]; the comparison with the finite elementmethod showedthat the above-proposed analysis method could adequatelycapture the experimental force-displacement responses. Fur-thermore, the in-plane flexural strength of unbonded PT-CWfor the designer can be evaluated using the equation proposedby Hassanli et al. [160].

For the self-centering posttensioned steel frame (SCPTSF)systems, the desired limit state progressions of the SCPTSF systemusing PT bars and PT strands are schematically shown inFigures 32(a) and 32(b). Similar to the self-centering concretewall system, the limit states of SCPTSF system are summa-rized as follows [64, 65]: (1) decompression and uplift of the

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Steel plate

Precast column

Disc spring

Unbonded tendons

Steel base

Cap beam and deck

Figure 29: A self-centering designed bridge model (adopted from [63], copyright 2008 Engineering Structures).













Figure 30: Idealized hysteretic behavior of the DRSRS SYSTEM: (a) contribution of prestressed tendon (PT); (b) contribution of energydissipation element (EDE); (c) moment-drift relationship of DRSRS SYSTEM.

“tension” column at the base; (2) yielding of the PT steel: thislimit state progression depends on the type of PT steel usedand the type of self-centering system; the rocking steel bracedframes with PT bars; this limit state is due to the yielding ofPT bar, shown in Figure 32(a); for themoment resisting framewith PT strands, the limit state is caused by system, shown inFigure 32(b); (3) significant yielding of the beams, columns,or braces of self-centering braced frame; (4) failure of thebeams, columns, or braces of the self-centering braced frameor PT strand yields. Similar research works were done byGarlock et al. for SCPTSFS [65], as shown in Figures 32(a)and 32(b).

7.2. Residual Deformation of DRSRS System. TheDRSRS sys-tem is developed to eliminate the residual deformation, andits self-centering capacity is characterized by the resistancesdue to the restoring force from PT and the force in the energydissipation element. Two independent response parameters𝛼

and 𝛽 were considered to control the self-centering capacityofDRSRS system, shown as in Figure 33; the coefficients𝛼 and𝛽 reflect the postyielding stiffness and the energy dissipationcapacity of the DRSRS system, respectively. The influence ofthe variation of the parameters 𝛼 and 𝛽 on the hystereticbehavior and ductility of DRSRS SYSTEM was discussed indetail, the displacement ductility was reduced in all cases forincreasing values of 𝛼 and 𝛽 [78]; the residual drift decreaseswith increasing the postyielding stiffness𝛼 anddecreasing thecoefficient 𝛽 [198].

Christopoulos et al. [199, 200] estimated the residualdeformations of the SDOF and MDOF systems which arerepresentative of frame structures, the analysis results showedthat the residual deformations are significantly sensitive tothe hysteretic rules, the postyielding stiffness, the expectedglobal inelastic mechanisms, and the seismic intensity.

Although the response of self-centering system can becharacterized as an idealized flag-shape behavior, it is no

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20 Shock and Vibration

Drift Δ



Immediate occupancy performance level

Collapse prevention performance level

Life safety performance level

Design level ground motion

Survival level ground motion




Δ FFJΔ ?FF Δ cscΔ>?=

Figure 31: Base shear-roof drift relationship and design objectivesof SCPTPSWS (adopted from [55], copyright 1999 PCI Journal).

possible to exist for the real entire structure system dueto (1) the interaction with other structural and/or non-structural elements in a building [198, 201] and (2) thefact that the responses of the PT member and energydissipating components cannot be simply added togetherbecause energy dissipating elements are only engaged afterdecompression followed by uplift at the tension zone[202].

The realistic hysteresis response of a self-centering struc-tural system needs to consider the effects of dynamic self-centering capacity. Christopoulos et al. found that the resid-ual drift at the end of dynamic response is typically less thanthe maximum residual drift of the cyclic hysteretic loopdue to the postpeak behavior called the “shake-down” phe-nomenon, respectively [199, 203]. Henry et al. [202] foundthat the residual drift ratio, which is defined as the ratio ofthe residual drift at the end of the dynamic analysis to themaximum static or cyclic residual drift, has no significantcorrelation with the fundamental period, hysteretic energydissipation, the ground motion parameters, and the viscousdamping of structural system by investigating the dynamicself-centering behavior of the PreWEC concrete wall system.Henry et al. further established the residual drift limit forthe real self-centering PreWEC concrete wall system, whichis limited to 0.2% for a design level earthquake and 0.3% for amaximum considered earthquake, based on the recommen-dations by Rahman and Sritharan [136, 178].

For designing the expected self-centering PT concretemember, ACI design guidelines [204] limited the momentcontribution from energy dissipating (ED) reinforcement sothat it must be less than 50% of the probable flexural momentof the member, and the value proposed in New Zealand[205] is 46%. ITG-5 [206] indicated that the self-centeringcapacity may be significant loss if the ED device contributesmore than 40% of the flexural capacity. Henry et al. [202]found that the PT and ED moment contributions are onlycritical when the structure is unloaded to zero, meaningthat the above-proposed value may result in conservativeand unconservative estimation of the self-centering ability ofstructure.

8. Current Research Challenges in HighPerformance DRSRS Systems

8.1. Floor Diaphragm Connections in DRSRS Systems. Inconventional moment resisting frame, the seismic inertialforces are transferred from the floor diaphragm to each beam;however, thismechanism is problematic for the self-centeringmoment resisting frame, because gap opening at the connec-tions causes a PT frame to “expand” after decompression, asshown in Figure 34 [65]. In the deformed position, thedistance between the column centerlines is larger than in theoriginal undeformed position due to connection gap open-ing, and the PT frame expansion increases with the numberof bays, shown in Figure 34(b).

To resolve this problem, many approaches were studied.One detailed approach was proposed in which the floordiaphragm in the moment resisting frame per floor isattached to one beam, and the floor diaphragm and beams inall other bays are noncomposite, which permits the beam tomove relatively to the floor diaphragm [65]. It is proposed thatthe beam-column connection can rock at the beam bottomflangewhile the beam top flangewith the column is preservedall the time [207]. A sliding slab is used tominimize restraintson the expansion of the PT frame, inwhich a composite slab isrigidly connected to the beams in a single bay of the PT frame,and a sliding device is installed between the floor beams andthe beams in other bays such that the slab is allowed to slide[208, 209].

Henry et al. [191, 210] proposed an isolated floor connec-tion to minimize the damage of the floor due to the rockingwall, in which the floor is connected to the end column of therocking wall system, and the end column is connected withthe wall using some O-shape connectors.

8.2.HigherMode Effects. Some studies [211, 212] have demon-strated that the higher modes contribute significantly to theforce demands of controlled rocking frame members, sorocking does not fully limit the peak seismic forces becauseof higher mode effects. To limit higher mode effects in con-trolled rocking steel frames, Wiebe et al. [105, 213–215] pro-posed two types of higher mode mitigation mechanisms: thefirst mitigation mechanism is formed by allowing the uppersection of the frame to rock, so as to better control the mid-height overturning moment; the second mitigation mecha-nism is formed by replacing the conventional first-story bracewith a self-centering energy dissipative (SCED) brace, soas to better control the base shear. Experimental and numer-ical results suggested that the proposed mechanisms canenable better capacity design by reducing the variability ofpeak seismic force demands without causing excessive dis-placements. Although this approach could reduce the effect,further research is needed on this topic.

8.3. Collapse Safety Assessment. The DRSRS system is devel-oped to reduce or eliminate residual deformation underdesign seismic level; however, it is still possible to undergo thevery rare and intense earthquakes which are not included inthe predicted design seismic level, meaning that the DRSRSsystem may collapse. So far studies on this topic are very

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DBE: designed basis earthquakeIO: immediate occupancyMCE: maximum considered earthquakeLS: life safety


PT steelyielding


Member failure








Column base plastic hinge

Collapse prevention

First occurrence of one of the following:

(i) panel zone yield(ii) beam flange, Strain ≥


(iii) beam bearing yield(iv) beam horiz., shear yield

First occurrence of oneof the following:(i) PT yield

(ii) excessive story drift(iii) beam web buckling

Immediate occupancy

Drift Δ




Δ LII@ ,$"% Δ LII@ ,-#%


Figure 32: Base shear-roof drift relationship and design objectives of SCPTPSWS: (a) rocking braced frame with PT bars (adopted from [64],copyright 2006, 5th International Conference on Behavior of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas); (b) moment resisting frame with PT strands(adopted from [65, 66], copyright 2007, 14WCEE, ASCE).

limited [216, 217] and the research on this topic should beongoing.

8.4. Life Cyclic Cost Assessment. In general, the structural sys-temof self-centering structures is different from conventionalstructural system, which leads to additional complexity indesign, fabrication, and erection of the self-centering system.For example, the anchorage construction of prestress tendonin the foundation is difficult, which may increase construc-tion costs; as a result, even the savings due to the damage-free performance will offset the increased initial cost overthe life of the structural system. Thus, life-cycle cost analysis

must consider not only the structural repair costs but allelements of the structure. Studies on quantifying the life-cyclecosts of DRSRS system are ongoing [218–221] and need to befurther researched in future.

8.5. Building Code Provision for Design. The purpose of theDRSRS system differs from the conventional structure, so thedesignmethodology and the detailing requirement of DRSRSsystem will be very different from the conventional structure.Despite the attempts to propose design approaches for theprecast posttensionedwall system and the posttensioned steelframe system [55, 65], the entire design system which should

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FyF y

Figure 33: Idealized pseudo-force-drift relationship of DRSRSSYSTEM (adopted from [78], copyright 2002 John Wiley & Sons,Ltd).

be included in building code provision to guide the design ofDRSRS system in the actual construction has not beenestablished yet.

8.6. Assessment of Influence of Prestress Lost on the StructuralSystem. So far the most popular DRSRS system mainly usesthe prestress tendon or strands (PT) to provide the self-centering capacity. As is well known, the prestress methodol-ogy has inherent shortcoming “prestress loss.” Consequently,for the DRSRS system using the PT, how to evaluate the lossin the stress of the PT at large lateral deformation and theinfluence of the loss on seismic performances of structures isthe unavoidable problem for using the PT bar, especially theprestress loss that lasts within the long serviceable period ofDRSRS system.

9. Current New Research Highlights in HighPerformance DRSRS Systems

In order to reduce the additional constructed cost due to thedifficulties in the detailing requirement such as the anchorageof PT and the designation and to avoid the shortcoming ofprestress methodology used in the DRSRS system, recently,another method to develop resilient concrete structures byusing the inherent elastic resilient capacity of tensile longitu-dinal bar was proposed, which should be paidmore attention.

In order to obtain enough ductility, Pandey et al. [222–225] experimentally and numerically found that decreasingproperties of bond strength of longitudinal bars could greatlyimprove the ductility of concrete. Tanaka et al. [226] thusused the unbonded high strength steel bar as the tensilelongitudinal bar to reinforce the concrete columns; theexperimental result showed that the columns exhibited strongself-centering hysteresis response performance; however, thelateral resistance capacity is smaller than that calculated bythe current design codes.

To overcome the problems in the method of using PT orunbonded rebars, Sun et al. [227–229] have recently proposedusing a special ultrahigh strength rebar (SBPDN 1275/1420rebar) with low bond strength as longitudinal rebar in con-crete members. The SBPDN rebar has a spiral groove on itssurface and has a low bond strength of about 1/5 of deformedrebar [79]; the difference between the SBPDN bar andconventional high strength steel bar USD 685 is shown as inFigure 35. The structural detailing of column proposed bySun et al. is shown in Figure 36; the reinforcement playout ofthe proposed column is the same as that of the conventionalcolumn; however, due to the poor flexibility of SBPDN rebar,all the SBPDN bars are anchored by steel tie plates which areconnected by nuts and bolts at both ends and middle contra-flexure section of column. In addition, due to the ultrahighstrength of SBPDN rebar, the column section is confined bytwo semisteel plates which are connected by nuts and boltsto enhance the shear-resisting capacity such that the shearfailure can be avoided.

In recent years, they performed extensive experimentalstudy on the seismic behaviors of rectangular or circularcolumns reinforced by SBPDNbars; the results demonstratedthat concrete columns using SBPDN rebar and steel platesexhibited stable cyclic behavior up to large deformation andvery small residual deformation compared to the columnsusing conventional high strength steel rebar (USD685) [230–234].

Wang et al. proposed sustainable and resilient concretecolumns with a large quantity of fly ash (LQFA) reinforced bySBPDN bars in order to use largely fly ash into concreteconstruction [19, 80]. The experimental results of resilientLQFA concrete columns showed that columns using SBPDNrebar having low bond strength as the longitudinal barhad excellent drift angle up to 0.04 rad∼0.05 rad and smallresidual deformation.

To assess the seismic responses of concrete columns rein-forced by SBPDN bars having low bond strength, Funato etal. [79] have proposed an integrated analytical methodthat could evaluate reasonably cyclic behaviors of concretecolumns by considering the slippage of longitudinal bars.Thismethod, however, involves tedious double-loop iterationprocedures to find the balanced depth of neutral axis inthe targeted column section and to obtain the slippage oflongitudinal rebars from their anchorage zones. Conse-quently, Wang [235] proposed a simple analytical procedureto calculate the structural performances of concrete memberreinforced by steel having different bond strength and anequation to calculate the deformation at themaximum lateralload. The comparison results indicated that the proposedanalytical method and equation could reasonably assess theseismic responses of concrete column reinforced by steel withdifferent bond strength level.

10. Conclusions

Beacuse themajority of the population in the world lives con-centrically in cities, basically, it is consensus to develop highperformance seismic resisting structural (DRSRS) system forthe sustainable and resilient city. The high cost of repairing

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−2Δ A;J 2Δ A;J−Δ A;J Δ A;J

Figure 34: Elevation of one floor of a DRSRS SYSTEM: (a) undeformed; (b) deformed configurations (adopted from [65], copyright 2007Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE).

Spiral groove

(a) SBPDN 1275/1420 rebar


(b) USD 685 rebar

Figure 35: The difference between conventional steel and SBPDN steel (adopted from [79], copyright 2012 JCI).

the damaged engineering structures after earthquake com-pels engineers and researchers to develop the innovativestructural system which can eliminate the residual deforma-tion. Based on the principles of “replaceable” and weakeningthe connections between structural elements such as upperstructures and foundation, beam-column intersection, threetypes ofDRSRS systems are developed and ongoingly studied:(1) replaceable structural element (RSE); (2) rocking seismicresisting structural (RSRS) system; (3) self-centering seismicresisting structural (SCSRS) system.

This paper summarized the research status and achieve-ments of the existing DRSRS systems; the main conclusionsare illustrated as follows:

(1) The test results indicated that the shear wall systemwith replaceable coupling beam has smaller poste-arthquake damage compared to the conventionalshear wall system.The energy dissipation devices canbe utilized as either an independently replaceablecoupling fuse section or jointly used with replaceablecoupling beam together into the shear wall system.

(2) Rocking seismic resisting structural (RSRS) systemshave been extended into bridge engineering structure,RC frame system, steel frame system, RC shear wallsystem, masonry wall and timber structural system,and core wall system. The extensive experimentalstudy results showed that RSRS systems with types of

energy dissipation devices can greatly limit the dam-age and the residual deformation of the structuralsystem after loading and can possess good energydissipation capacity.

(3) The posttensioned prestress tendon and strand areused to provide the self-centering capacity for thestructural system. The dissipation devices are includ-ed to enhance energy dissipation capacity of the self-centering seismic structural (SCSS) systems. Exten-sive experimental programs indicated that the com-bination of posttensioned tendon and energy dissi-pation devices could minimize the damage and theresidual deformation after loading and behave withgood energy dissipation capacity.

(4) Types of numerical models including the finite ele-ment method can reasonably analyze the cyclic anddynamical responses of RSRS and SCSS systems.Some equations have been proposed to design theself-centering shear wall system.

(5) The residual deformation at the end dynamic re-sponse is smaller compared to the static cyclic load-ing; despite the attempts to propose design limit ofresidual deformation for the precast concrete shearwall system, the analyses of the residual deformation

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Tie plate

Tie plateCoupler


Confined steel plate


Tie plate

Nuts and bolts


Figure 36: The playout of specimen with SBPDN steel bar: (a)elevation of column; (b) cross section (adopted from [80], copyright2015 JCI).

for other resilient structural forms and for the entirestructural system are limited.

(6) Ongoing challenges for SCSRSS include (1) address-ing the floor diaphragm connections to beam andcolumn, (2) mitigating the adverse effect of highermode effects, (3) collapse safety assessment, (4) lifecyclic cost assessment, (5) building code provision fordesign, and (6) assessment of influence of prestressloss on seismic responses of the structural system.

(7) The new research viewpoint using high strength steelbar with the low bond strength to develop the resilientstructural systemwhich showed stable cyclic behaviorup to large deformation and good self-centering ca-pacity should be paid more attention and enthusiasmdue to its simple structural technology.

11. Recommendations for Future Studies

(1) The principle of the replaceable structural element(RSE) should be extensively used to the other struc-tural system, for example, the plastic hinge zonesof the column and beam and the foot toes of thewall systems where concrete is crushed due to thecompression in usual. Furthermore, the analysis anddesign approach of RSE should be further studied.

(2) The analysis and experiments on the response ofthe entire structural system with self-centering mem-ber and other nonstructural elements which may

decrease the self-centering capacity should be furtherperformed.

(3) The dynamic analysis to determine the residual defor-mation of the DRSRS system or structural systemusing other materials such as high strength FRP rebarand SBPDN rebar should be conducted. The designequation of the residual deformation under reversedcyclic seismic loading should be proposed.

(4) It is not advocated to use complicated and high costengineering technology to develop DRSRS systems;on the contrary, simple and low-cost technology isencouraged when considering the future populariza-tion specially in the poverty area or country.

(5) The potential imperfections of DRSRS system such ashigher mode effect, the connection of floor and theself-centering member, prestress loss, and degrada-tion in the initial stiffness should be deeply studiedand eliminated.

(6) Due to the simple structural technology anddetailing,using high strength steel with poor bond strengthproperty to develop the self-centering structuralsystem is an alternative that should be paid moreattention and deeply studied.

Additional Points

Highlights. (i) The current research status and achievementof existing DRSRS systems such as replaceable structural ele-ment, rocking structural system, and self-centering structuralsystem for sustainable and resilient city are summarized indetail. (ii)The current research highlights that emerged usinghigh strength steel bar with poor bond strength property todevelop DRSRS system are illustrated. (iii) The currentresearch challenges of DRSRS system and the recommenda-tions for the future studies are pointed out and discussed.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


The research reported in this paper was supported by theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (Project no.51708288), the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Project no. 41772317), and the Opening Fund of State KeyLaboratory of Geohazard Prevention and GeoenvironmentProtection of Chengdu University of Technology (Project no.SKLGP2016K005). The authors also would like to expresstheir gratitude and sincere appreciation to the Department ofArchitecture, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe Uni-versity, and College of Civil Engineering at Nanjing TechUniversity.

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