high altitude leadership[6]

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  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    Presented by :

    Mustafa Fatemi

    Roll No. 54


  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    Authors Chris Warner and Don Schmincke have pinpointed qualities

    of managers through their experience of mountain climbing.

    Quality required by Climbers are also required to be adapted by

    managers in an organization.

    Meeting the demands of High Altitude Leadership" requires

    thorough understanding of 8 dangers.

  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    Chris Warner knew the consequences of climbing over summit, but

    he overshadowed fear and went on for it.

    Leaders/managers may panic when they have to take certain

    decisions, but they should realize and accept the consequences.

    If a manager has to complete a given task in given time which is

    extremely improbable, he/she should have pluck to take the

    challenge on.

  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    A selfish climber can endanger the safety of entire expedition.

    A Selfish executive undermines an associate to gain favor with the


    Mountaineers had a common goal, collective passion to reach the


    When your ego drives you, the results are never appealing.

  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    Someone in a company who puts his/her career ahead of the

    others, undermines a colleague to gain favor with the boss.

    It kills the healthy competition amongst performers and degradesproductivity.

  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    Climbers not necessarily succeed because of the best gears.

    Expensive equipment cannot replace proper technique.

    Candidates screening should include measuring adaptability,professionalism, potential and the ability to get along with others.

  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    Maximum employees who are trained for a process in an

    organization treat the training as a honeymoon period.

    Employees should hire people based on their attitude and flexibility

    and not based on their resumes.

    The person could have been good in academics and turn out to be a

    dumb when it comes to execution.

  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    Questions to spot arrogance:

    Do you think you know it all?

    Have you lost touch with your customer base?

    DO you fail to recognize competitive threats?

    One should not hesitate to fire egomaniacs who are interested in

    taking credit than in co-operating.

    Some climbers or executives insist on taking challenges by


    Lone heroes lower team moral, impede progress and ultimately lead

    to failure.

  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    The leaders should have nerves to share the bad news with


    Leaders should not vacillate to fire those who run behind the reward

    just to take the credit

    They put their name after the victory as they dont want anybody to

    share the credit and be the only hero of the mission.

  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    Leaders and workers are often hesitant while admitting their mistake

    or raise an objection.

    One should have courage to face problems in an organization.

    Change is painful for most people as changes have consequences.

    One must face the challenges head-on and willing to be


  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    The leaders at times dont accept that they have done something


    Sometimes they dont question ones ability when they feel there is

    something wrong in the system.

    They should get familiar with new environment and should not give

    up aptitude.

  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    Sudden fierce winds can sweep away the most experienced

    climbers with best equipment.

    A strategy can fail to materialize as the circumstances change.

    The only way climbers counter gravity is Luck.

    Leaders should welcome unexpected opportunity.

    Do all you can to be successful, the rest is not in our hands.

  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    There are some incidents purely depend upon the Luck factor.

    You may have strategies in place but sudden change in the

    demand/market can demolish the whole initiative

    Sometimes if you succeed, you may have to give credit to Luck,

    the strategies may not play an important role always.

  • 8/8/2019 High Altitude Leadership[6]


    Leadership is challenging task whether you guide mountain

    expedition or manage org.

    Overcoming fears will make you better leader.

    Simply having the best tools doesnt make you the best leader, one

    should make optimum us of them.

    Leaders need to help others to succeed.

    Luck plays an important role in successes and failures.