hickory democrat (hickory, n.c.) 1913-07-03 [p...

ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Economizes Butter, Flour® Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar WILL CHRISTOPHER DEAD. Man Shot by His Cousin in Haywoot Succumbs. (Special to The Observer) Canton, June 29. ?Followinj the death of Will Christopher s" the Misson Hospital. Asheville at 7a. m today, Deputy Sherif Lee Duckett and Constable G. t Brookshire of this place left fo» upper Dutch Cove with a warrant calling for the arrest of Jim Christopher charged with killing bis cousin. Jesse Christopher, the dear man's father received a ohon< message this morning of his son': death and Coroner Russell wen to Asheville today to hold the in quest. Will Christopher's bodv will be brought here toworro* and taken to his home for inter ment. ' 'Suffered day and night the tor- ment of itching piles. Nothing help- ed rae until I used Doan's Ointment. The result was lasting. " ?Hon. Johi: R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. adv Pension Board Meeting. Owing to the fact that the reg- ular day set by law for the sitting of the Pension Board conies oi the first day of court and Com- missioners day. The Board wi 1 only meet for a few minutes oi that day, July 7, and adjourn t< meet on July 21 when all applica- tions for pensions will be consid- ered, P. N. Hull, Chairman. C.M. McCorkle, Clerk. Chamberlain's Cohc, Choleia and Diarrhoea Remedy. Every family without exceptior. should keep this preparation at hand during the hot weather of the summet months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is worth man> times its cost when needed before the summer is over. It has no superior for the purposes for which it is intend- ed. Buy it now. For sale by Mose: & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. adv Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A and not just for the mo- ment, either! Pepsi-Cola is Quenches thirst? stops it ?doesn't make you thirsty, because it is made of thirst-quenching ingred- ients and flavored with de- licious and rare citrus fruits. Just enough sugar to make everyone like it, and not a bit too sweet. PEPSI-Cola Pleases refreshes nourishes. Anybody can drink it and feel better. It's pure. Builds up body and mind. It's food it's < pleasure it's vacation for the tired man or woman. YOU ought to drink Pepsi-Cola, morning, noon and night. It will cool your blood?quicken your bruin. No odier flavor as good. Aren't u thirsty now ? ln >tde * At \*» " t *,*, : l .j/vVV.v.v>- MM /'? * .? Editor Moore Sells Plant. J. T. Westmoreland, owner »nd publisher of the King* Mountain Herald, has secured a ?ontrolling interest in the Gas- 'onia Progress Publishing Co , ind will move to Gastonia. We vish him much success. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil for such emergencies. Two sizes 25 and 50c at all stores adv Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A. Beginning June 29th, the C& N W Railway will operate double daily pas- senger trains between Edgemont, N.C. and Chester, S. C. and we have on sale a special low, attractive week-end rate v\ I)icli we hope will be an incentive to increase our week-end travel as it makes it possible for parties having Llieir families to spend the week-end in the mountains and return to their business early Monday morning with- out any loss of time. Yours very truly. E. F. FEID, G.T. A. Seaboard Air Line Rail- Way TRAINS LEAVE CHARLOTTE, EF- FECTIVE APRIL 27, 1913. EAST AND NORTH BOUND. No. I 4 ?5:00 A. M.?Through train for Wilmington, with parlor car at- tached. Connecting at Hamlet with train for Portsmouth, Nor- folk, Raleigh and all points north. Dining car service, ves- tibule coaches and sleeping cars to Washington and New York, connecting at Maxton for A. C. L. points north. No. 34?10:10 A. M.?For Raleigh and all local points. Parlor car Char- lotte to Raleigh. No. 20?4:50 P. M. ?For Wilmington, sleeping car passengers can stay in all night at Wilmington. This train connects at Hamlet for Savannah, Jacksonville and all points south and north and connecting at Maxton with A. C. L. for points north. No. 16?8:00 P. M.?Handles local sleep- er Portsmouth-Norfolk, connect- ing at Monroe for Atlanta and all points west and southwest; al- so connects at Monroe with fast tiain lor Norfolk, Richmond. Washington and New York, through vestibule coaches, Pull- man < i> ct 1 ie lighted sleeping car* to New York, dining cars Rich- mond "t New York. WEST BOUND. No. 15?9:10 A. M. ?Local for Ruther- fordton, connecting at Bosti< with C. C. & O. for all points 01 that line to Johnson City, Tenn Connects at Lincolnton with C & N. W. for all points. No. 31?3:00 P. M.?Local for Ruther foidton, from Raleigh, connect ing at Bostic with C. C. a O. foi Marion, Mt. Mitchell and Alt: Pass; connecting at Lincoln to 1 with C. & N. VV. for points 01 that line. Connects at Lincoln ton with C. & N. W. for Newton Hickory and Lenoir. TR AIN S A RRi VEINCH ARLOTTE No. I5 ?9:10 A. M.?From East. No. 34?10:05 A. M.?From West No.19?12:10 P.M.?From Wilmington No. 31?2:40 P. M.?From Raleigh an«: all local points. No. 16 ?7:50 P. M.?From West. No. 13?11:00 P. M.?From Wilming ington and all local points North and East. James Ker. Jr., T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. H. T. Orr. Ticket. Agent, Charlotte, N. C. H. S. Leard, D. P. A. Raleigh, N. C- , C. B. Ryan, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. ICATS M a NON-SUP ( iMslm RUBBER BPP HEELS MM W LIGHT WEIGHT TTieCat's Paw . Prevents Slipping THC S N 0N CATS PAW ,UtLS SO CENTS ATTACHED Foster Rubber Co IPS These are the kind of Rubber Heels you get when we put them on, aud we put 'em on to stay, too. We have them in black and tan rubber. Ali work called for and delivered. F. M. Thompson Phone 106 A Sad Death ii^Shelby. (Special to The Observer) Shelby, June 29.?Frank As- bury, the 9-year-old son of Mr. <md Mrs. W. G. Mcßrayer of this phee died last night as a result of an injury he received by a block of ice falling on him as he was riding on the rear of an ice wagon passing bis home. The little fellow climbed on the wag- on to get a piece of ice as is cus- tomary with lots of little boys. The wagon made an abrupt turn and started up a small slart in the road, when several blocks of ice slid out. One struck him in the head and ruptured a blood vessel which caused his death in the local hospital about an hour later. The funeral was conduct- ed this afternoon at 5 o'clock and the interment was in Sunset Cemetery. Guaranteed Eczema Remedy The constant itching, burning, red ness, rash and disagreeable effects of eczema tetter, salt rheum, itch, piles and irritating skin eruptions can be readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Mr. J. C. Eveland, of Bath, 111., says: "I had eczema twenty-five years and had tried every thing. All failed. When I found Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment I found a cure." This ointment is the formula of a physician and has been in use for years ?not an experiment. That is why we can guarantee it. All druggists, or by mail. Price 50c. Pfeiffer Ch.mical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. C. M. Shuford, Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Store, adv. Washington, June 29.?Post- ponement of the date on which the new sugar tariff shall go in- to effect until March 1,1914, and a change of date when the in- come tax shall be operative from January 1, 1913, were agreed upon by majority members of the senate finance committee to- dav. In advancing the date when the proposed rate of a cent a pound on sugar shall be applied, the committee did not amend the schedule to effect the provision that sugar shall go on the free list May 1,1916. That provision remains as it was originally in the bill which the senate Dem- ocratic caucus approved last week. Sale of Property for - TAX - By virtue of power vested in me, and "By order of the Board of County Com- missioners," I hereby advertise the fol- lowing real estate for sale for 1912 taxes. Sale to be held at the court house door in Newton, N. C., after the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., July 7th, 1913. Any one seeing his or her property ad- vertised and finding an error therein, is respectfully lequested to communicate ihe fact to Sheriff Hewitt, Newton, N. C., at once. You can get your leceipt by mailing me or Sheriff Hewitt the amount oppo- site your name and 22c extra for cost of advertising and postage. Respectfully, R. L. HEWITT, Sheriff. Per J. P. BURNS, Dept. Sheriff. Tax collector for Hickory township. HICKORY TOWNSHIP, WHITE. Abee J A 2 lots $ 5.77 Bollinger, Garland 1 lot 4.18 Bolin, E 1 lot .60 Brown, A J 1 lot 1.73 Brown, M L 7 acres 2.60 Cody, C R 1 lot 3.21 Dellinger, W J 57 acres 6.07 Deitz, D S 21 acres 5.85 Deitz, Oliver C 1 lot balance 1.56 Fox, J M 120 acres 11.67 Fry, J Lee 24 1-2 acres 9.22 Gilbert, John 48 acres t ... 2.40 Hefner. Jonn F 1 lot 3.31 Kerr, Lewis 1 lot 2.6t Kestler, Mrs M E 1 lot 5.21 Killian, DPI lot 12.3 C Lawrence, Mrs M E2 lots 3.9*) Morrison & Hartley 1 lot 2.33 N'orris, J H 3 acres 4.6/ Sherrill, W r A 16 acres 10.6! Settlemyre, Mrs J L 1 lot 2.61, Ward, T V 29 acres 7.53 Willis, J H 1 lot balance 6.B'^ Yoder, R M 30acres 6.61 Vount, David 1 lot 21 Lanier, I L 10 acres 19.95 SCATTERING & DISCOVERED. Bishop, Mrs A B 1 lot _j 2.1( Craig, C Lee 1 lot 8/ Lawrence, N H 1 lot 1.31 Bradley, Charlie 1 lot. 1.09 Sigmon, Caroline 17 acres 1.86 Spencer, Crook 1 lot.. 1.73 Talbert, O L 3 lots 52 Wallace, Rettie 6 acres .44 Hass, William 1 lot 1.31 Johnson, Frank 1911-12 1 lot 44 -.6< Frye, W C 1 lot 87 Gilbert, Miss Wena A. 87 Banner, Miss Esther 2 lots 4.7(. Abee, J R & S L 5 acres .87 Shakespere Adelaide 1 10t... 3 04 HICKORY TOWNSHIP COLORED. Burton, AdelPhus 1 lot $ 2.44 Cherry, James 2 lots " 2.24 Gabriel, Frank 1 lot 3.34 Harrison, Monroe 1 lot I 3^47 Mason, Ben 1 lot. -I 111 3^s] Murray, Mose 14 acres 3.25 Norwood, Lucy 1 lot 1911-12 1.7: Ramsour, Goe 1 lot ~ 1.3; Whitener, Carrie 1 lot 2.1t Whitener. Francis 2 lots 1911-12.. 4.9( Brower, R L 1 lot 44 Douglass, WR 2 lots 1111111 2M Hull, Adam 1 lot 1911-12 1.74 lames Madison 1 lot .44 Johnson, Rev Forney 1 lot 1911-12 !8S Mays, Mary 1 lot 1.7? Douglass, Rev WA 2 lots ." I II 26' Williams, James 1 lot 1911 balance 1.7: Herman, JA 2 1-2 acres 1911 ... 4.7S THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of NOl th Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Eree tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 17th, 1913! For catalogue and other information, address Julius I. Fousc, President, Greensboro N. C. \u25a0 I ' Take Plenty of Time to Eat. There is a saying that "rapid eat ! ing is slow suicide." If you have formed the habit of eating too raDid- ly you are most likely suffering from in igeftion or constipation, which will result eventually in serious illness un- less corrected. Digestion begins in the mouth.Food should be thorough- ly masticated and insalivated. Then when you have a fullness of the stomach or feel dull and stupid after eating, take one of Chamberlain s Tablets. Many severe casts of stom ach trouble and constipation have been cured by the use of these tablets. They are easy to take and most agree- able in effect. Sold by Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drue Co. " adv. Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, will lead the chronic consti- pation. Doan's Regulets operate easily. 25c a box at all stores. adv. Fourth of July Rates Via Sea- board Air Line. The Seaboard Air Line Railway will, sell tickets between all points at great- ly reduced rates for round trip on ac- count July 4th, tickets on sale July 2nd, 3rd and 4th, good to return until Julv 7th inclusive. For further information call on jour nearest agent or address, H S. LEARD JAMES KER Jr.. D. P. A., T. P. A., Raleigh N. C. Charlotte N. C. Shake off Your Rheumatism. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. Try a' twenty-five cent bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and see how quickly your rheumatism pains disappear Sold by Moser & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. adv. The Best Hot Weather Tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches the blood, builds up the whole system and will won- derfully strengthen and fortify you to withstand the depressing effect of the hot summer. 50c. $lOlO .JM% HOW F. O. B. Toleda F. O. B. Toledo Completely Completely Equipped Equipped The Overland factories have the largest drop forge plant in the in- dustry. This means that they de- pend on no outside source for their drop forgings. When a certain con- struction needs a drop forging they can go ahead and make it ? at mini- mum cost. Parts which cost others $9 each, they make for $3. Thus you can see why they can do what others cannot do. The val- ue described below is the result. Phone or call on us today for a demonstration. Big Features-Complete Equipment Self-starter Timken Bearings Mohair Top and 30 Horsepower Center Control Boot 5-Passenger Remy Magneto Clear Vision, Rain Touring Car Vision Wind Shield 110-inch Wheel Warner Base Speedometer Prest-O-Lite Tank The Overland Car Co., Hickory, N. C. There are Many Ways to Save I Money | BUT I The Best is the Building and I Loan Way I WHY? Because it pays you 6 per cent, compounded quarterly, FREE OF ALL TAXES at the end of each ser- I ies. Because you can take your small savings and make LARGE ones of them in a regular systematic way, TO IL- LUSTRATE, 25c each week for 332 weeks in our AS- I SOCIATION will amount to SIOO.OO. Building and Loan Work is No Exper- I iment Nor Side-line With Us I NOW IS THE TIME I and YOU are invited to take STOCK in the NEW SER- IES just opened know as the 1913-"C" SERIES. TO-DAY we have over ONE THOUSAND stockhol- ders, who are carrying nearly SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SHARES which represents a matured vclue of THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION DOLLARS. Outstanding loans to stockholders over THREE HUN- DRED AND TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. Call at our office, phone or write and it will be a great pleasure to fully explain the workings of our Association to you. First Building and Loan Asso- I ciation of Hickory, N. C. I G. H. Geitner, Pres., J. D. Elliott, V-Pres., G. R. Wootten, Sec.-Treas. Bagby & Blackwelder, Attorneys. I Organized April, 1890. Authorized Capital | DR. H B. FLOWE Veterinary Surgeon Office at Thomason's Livery Stable Phone 267. DR. W B. RAMSAY, Dentist. Office Over Postoffice. R. P. DAKIN CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Fine Residence and Difficult Re- modeling a Specialty. HICKORY --- N C. WILL G. KIRKMAN Piaoo and Pipe Organ Tuner CHARLOTTE, N. C. Regular Visits to Hickory. DR. J. J. MICKS DENTIST Will be in my office Fridays and Saturdays Up Stairs in Club Bld'g., next door to Shuford Hardware Co, Dr. K. A. Price. PHYSICIAN. Calls answered night and day. Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue 'PHONE No. 94. Dr. J. G. BIODIX DENTIST Office over Singing Sewing Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. We Will Renew burned out lamps free of charge for our consumers. This is more than your dealer will do for your oil lamps?so get wise. Use electric lights Thornton Light & Power Co. : * % Wrightsville Beach ...Via .. Seaboard Air Line Railway Queen of South Atlantic Coast Resorts Elegant Hotels. Reasonable rates. Finest Surf Bathing on Atlantic Coast. Fine Fishing, Dancing, Other Sports. Round trip rates via Seaboard from Charlotte. Correspondingly low rates from other points. Season Wrightsville and return $8.70 10-day Wrightsville and return 7.50 on sale Thursdays and Saturdays only. Week end Wilmington and return $5.00, on sale Friday after- noons and all trains Saturday good to return following Tuesdays. For further information address H. S. LEARD, D. P. A., JAMES KER, Jr., T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. Charlotte, N C. Boys Wash Suits Come in and let us show you a pretty line of wash suits so cheap that you cannot afford to think of making them. All prices from 65c to $2.00 Keystone Rompers 50c. Moretz-Whitener Clothing Company PROFESSIONAL CARDS THAT NEAT HAIR-CUT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR IS AT Diet's Barber Shop TRY US NONE BETTER R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. D. L. RUSSELL AT rORNEY-AT-LA W Honest service premised all who employ him to attend to their legal rights. Wiil practice in all the courts of this State. Kindergarten Mrs. H. D. Abernethy ONE AND TWO YEAR COURSES PHONE 28 1205 13th STREET Dr. 1. A. Wood, . DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Stoic. Hickory, N. C. I Palace Barber Shop Try us once and you will come again D. F. CLINE, Proprietor Mrs. D. M. Atkins j Trained Nurse Will be glad to serve Physicians in adjacen f towns and \u25a0country as well as in Hickory I PHONE 80 HICKORY. X. f;. I

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Page 1: Hickory Democrat (Hickory, N.C.) 1913-07-03 [p ]newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068409/1913-07-03/ed-1/seq-6.pdfROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Economizes Butter, Flour® Eggs;


POWDERAbsolutely Pure

Economizes Butter, Flour®Eggs; makes the food moreappetizing and wholesome

The only Baking Powder madefrom Royal Grape Cream of Tartar


Man Shot by His Cousin in HaywootSuccumbs.

(Special to The Observer)

Canton, June 29. ?Followinj

the death of Will Christopher s"

the Misson Hospital. Ashevilleat 7a. m today, Deputy SherifLee Duckett and Constable G. tBrookshire of this place left fo»upper Dutch Cove with a warrantcalling for the arrest of JimChristopher charged with killingbis cousin.

Jesse Christopher, the dearman's father received a ohon<message this morning of his son':death and Coroner Russell wento Asheville today to hold the inquest. Will Christopher's bodvwill be brought here toworro*and taken to his home for interment.


'Suffered day and night the tor-ment of itching piles. Nothing help-ed rae until I used Doan's Ointment.The result was lasting. "?Hon. Johi:R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. adv

Pension Board Meeting.Owing to the fact that the reg-

ular day set by law for the sittingof the Pension Board conies oi

the first day of court and Com-missioners day. The Board wi 1only meet for a few minutes oi

that day, July 7, and adjourn t<meet on July 21 when all applica-tions for pensions will be consid-ered,

P. N. Hull, Chairman.C.M. McCorkle, Clerk.

Chamberlain's Cohc, Choleiaand Diarrhoea Remedy.

Every family without exceptior.should keep this preparation at handduring the hot weather of the summetmonths. Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraand Diarrhoea Remedy is worth man>times its cost when needed before thesummer is over. It has no superiorfor the purposes for which it is intend-ed. Buy it now. For sale by Mose:& Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. adv



and not just for the mo-ment, either! Pepsi-Cola is

Quenchesthirst? stops it?doesn't makeyou thirsty, because it is madeof thirst-quenching ingred-ients and flavored with de-licious and rare citrus fruits.Just enough sugar to makeeveryone like it, and not abit too sweet.

PEPSI-ColaPleases refreshes nourishes.Anybody can drink it and feelbetter. It's pure. Builds upbody and mind. It's food it's <pleasure it's vacation for thetired man or woman. YOU oughtto drink Pepsi-Cola, morning,noon and night. It will coolyour blood?quicken your bruin.No odier flavor as good. Aren't

y°u thirsty now ?

ln >tde *At

\*» "t *,*, : l.j/vVV.v.v>-

MM /'? *


Editor Moore Sells Plant.

J. T. Westmoreland, owner»nd publisher of the King*Mountain Herald, has secured a?ontrolling interest in the Gas-'onia Progress Publishing Co ,

ind will move to Gastonia. Wevish him much success.

Accidents will happen, but the bestregulated families keep Dr. Thomas'Eclectic Oil for such emergencies.Two sizes 25 and 50c at all stores adv


C ASTO R I A.Beginning June 29th, the C& N W

Railway will operate double daily pas-senger trains between Edgemont, N.C.and Chester, S. C. and we have on salea special low, attractive week-end ratev\ I)icli we hope will be an incentive toincrease our week-end travel as itmakes it possible for parties havingLlieir families to spend the week-endin the mountains and return to theirbusiness early Monday morning with-out any loss of time.

Yours very truly.E. F. FEID,

G.T. A.

Seaboard AirLine Rail-Way


No. I4 ?5:00 A. M.?Through train forWilmington, with parlor car at-tached. Connecting at Hamletwith train for Portsmouth, Nor-folk, Raleigh and all pointsnorth. Dining car service, ves-tibule coaches and sleeping carsto Washington and New York,connecting at Maxton for A. C.L. points north.

No. 34?10:10 A. M.?For Raleigh andall local points. Parlor car Char-lotte to Raleigh.

No. 20?4:50 P. M.?For Wilmington,sleeping car passengers can stayin all night at Wilmington.This train connects at Hamletfor Savannah, Jacksonville andall points south and north andconnecting at Maxton with A. C.L. for points north.

No. 16?8:00 P. M.?Handles local sleep-er Portsmouth-Norfolk, connect-ing at Monroe for Atlanta andall points west and southwest; al-so connects at Monroe with fasttiain lor Norfolk, Richmond.Washington and New York,through vestibule coaches, Pull-man < i> ct 1 ie lighted sleeping car*to New York, dining cars Rich-mond "t New York.

WEST BOUND.No. 15?9:10 A. M.?Local for Ruther-

fordton, connecting at Bosti<with C. C. & O. for all points 01that line to Johnson City, TennConnects at Lincolnton with C& N. W. for all points.

No. 31?3:00 P. M.?Local for Rutherfoidton, from Raleigh, connecting at Bostic with C. C. a O. foiMarion, Mt. Mitchell and Alt:Pass; connecting at Lincoln to 1with C. & N. VV. for points 01that line. Connects at Lincolnton with C. & N. W. for NewtonHickory and Lenoir.

TR AINS A RRi VEINCH ARLOTTENo. I5?9:10 A. M.?From East.No. 34?10:05 A. M.?From WestNo.19?12:10 P.M.?From WilmingtonNo. 31?2:40 P. M.?From Raleigh an«:

all local points.No. 16?7:50 P. M.?From West.No. 13?11:00 P. M.?From Wilmingington and all local points North and

East.James Ker. Jr., T. P. A.,

Charlotte, N. C.H. T. Orr. Ticket. Agent,

Charlotte, N. C.H. S. Leard, D. P. A.

Raleigh, N. C- ,C. B. Ryan, G. P. A.

Norfolk, Va.



TTieCat's Paw. Prevents Slipping




These are the kind of Rubber Heelsyou get when we put them on, audwe put 'em on to stay, too. We havethem in black and tan rubber. Aliwork called for and delivered.

F. M. ThompsonPhone 106

A Sad Death ii^Shelby.(Special to The Observer)

Shelby, June 29.?Frank As-bury, the 9-year-old son of Mr.<md Mrs. W. G. Mcßrayer ofthisphee died last night as a resultof an injury he received by ablock of ice falling on him as hewas riding on the rear of an icewagon passing bis home. Thelittle fellow climbed on the wag-on to get a piece of ice as is cus-tomary with lots of little boys.

The wagon made an abrupt

turn and started up a small slartin the road, when several blocksof ice slid out. One struck himin the head and ruptured a bloodvessel which caused his death inthe local hospital about an hourlater. The funeral was conduct-ed this afternoon at 5 o'clock andthe interment was in SunsetCemetery.

Guaranteed Eczema Remedy

The constant itching, burning, redness, rash and disagreeable effects ofeczema tetter, salt rheum, itch, pilesand irritating skin eruptions can bereadily cured and the skin made clearand smooth with Dr. Hobson's EczemaOintment. Mr. J. C. Eveland, ofBath, 111., says: "I had eczematwenty-five years and had tried everything. All failed. When I foundDr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment Ifound a cure." This ointment is theformula of a physician and has been inuse for years ?not an experiment.That is why we can guarantee it. Alldruggists, or by mail. Price 50c.Pfeiffer Ch.mical Co., Philadelphiaand St. Louis. C. M. Shuford, Moser& Lutz and Grimes Drug Store, adv.

Washington, June 29.?Post-ponement of the date on whichthe new sugar tariff shall go in-to effect until March 1,1914, anda change of date when the in-come tax shall be operative fromJanuary 1, 1913, were agreedupon by majority members ofthe senate finance committee to-dav.

In advancing the date whenthe proposed rate of a cent apound on sugar shall be applied,the committee did not amend theschedule to effect the provisionthat sugar shall go on the freelist May 1,1916. That provisionremains as it was originally inthe bill which the senate Dem-ocratic caucus approved lastweek.

Sale of Property for

- TAX -

By virtue of power vested in me, and"By order of the Board of County Com-missioners," I hereby advertise the fol-lowing real estate for sale for 1912 taxes.Sale to be held at the court house doorin Newton, N. C., after the hour of 10o'clock a. m., July 7th, 1913.

Any one seeing his or her property ad-vertised and finding an error therein, isrespectfully lequested to communicateihe fact to Sheriff Hewitt, Newton, N.C., at once.

You can get your leceipt by mailingme or Sheriff Hewitt the amount oppo-site your name and 22c extra for cost ofadvertising and postage. Respectfully,

R. L. HEWITT, Sheriff.Per J. P. BURNS, Dept. Sheriff.

Tax collector for Hickory township.HICKORY TOWNSHIP, WHITE.

Abee J A 2 lots $ 5.77Bollinger, Garland 1 lot 4.18Bolin, E 1 lot .60Brown, A J 1 lot 1.73Brown, M L 7 acres 2.60Cody, C R 1 lot 3.21Dellinger, W J 57 acres 6.07Deitz, D S 21 acres 5.85Deitz, Oliver C 1 lot balance 1.56Fox, J M 120 acres 11.67Fry, J Lee 24 1-2 acres 9.22Gilbert, John 48 acres

t... 2.40Hefner. Jonn F 1 lot 3.31Kerr, Lewis 1 lot 2.6tKestler, Mrs M E 1 lot 5.21Killian, DPI lot 12.3 CLawrence, Mrs M E2 lots 3.9*)Morrison & Hartley 1 lot 2.33N'orris, J H 3 acres 4.6/Sherrill, Wr A 16 acres 10.6!Settlemyre, Mrs J L 1 lot 2.61,Ward, T V 29 acres 7.53Willis, J H 1 lot balance 6.B'^Yoder, R M 30acres 6.61Vount, David 1 lot 21Lanier, I L 10 acres 19.95

SCATTERING & DISCOVERED.Bishop, Mrs A B 1 lot _j 2.1(Craig, C Lee 1 lot 8/Lawrence, N H 1 lot 1.31Bradley, Charlie 1 lot. 1.09Sigmon, Caroline 17 acres 1.86Spencer, Crook 1 lot.. 1.73Talbert, O L 3 lots 52Wallace, Rettie 6 acres .44Hass, William 1 lot 1.31Johnson, Frank 1911-12 1 lot 44 -.6<Frye, W C 1 lot 87Gilbert, Miss Wena A. 87Banner, Miss Esther 2 lots 4.7(.Abee, J R & S L 5 acres .87Shakespere Adelaide 1 10t... 3 04HICKORY TOWNSHIP COLORED.

Burton, AdelPhus 1 lot $ 2.44Cherry, James 2 lots


2.24Gabriel, Frank 1 lot 3.34Harrison, Monroe 1 lot I 3^47Mason, Ben 1 lot. -I 111 3^s]Murray, Mose 14 acres 3.25Norwood, Lucy 1 lot 1911-12 1.7:Ramsour, Goe 1 lot ~ 1.3;Whitener, Carrie 1 lot 2.1tWhitener. Francis 2 lots 1911-12.. 4.9(Brower, R L 1 lot 44Douglass, WR 2 lots 1111111 2MHull, Adam 1 lot 1911-12 1.74lames Madison 1 lot .44Johnson, Rev Forney 1 lot 1911-12 !8SMays, Mary 1 lot 1.7?Douglass, Rev WA 2 lots ." I II 26'Williams, James 1 lot 1911 balance 1.7:Herman, JA 2 1-2 acres 1911 ... 4.7S


State Normal andIndustrial CollegeMaintained by the State for the Womenof NOl th Carolina. Five regular Coursesleading to degrees. Special Courses forteachers. Eree tuition to those whoagree to become teachers in the State.Fall Session begins September 17th, 1913!For catalogue and other information,address

Julius I. Fousc, President, Greensboro N. C.

\u25a0 I '

Take Plenty of Time to Eat.

There is a saying that "rapid eat! ing is slow suicide." If you have

formed the habit of eating too raDid-

ly you are most likely suffering fromin igeftion or constipation, which willresult eventually in serious illness un-

less corrected. Digestion begins in

the mouth.Food should be thorough-ly masticated and insalivated. Thenwhen you have a fullness of thestomach or feel dull and stupid aftereating, take one of Chamberlain s

Tablets. Many severe casts of stom

ach trouble and constipation have beencured by the use of these tablets.They are easy to take and most agree-able in effect. Sold by Moser & Lutzand Grimes Drue Co. " adv.

Harsh physics react, weaken the

bowels, will lead the chronic consti-

pation. Doan's Regulets operate

easily. 25c a box at all stores. adv.

Fourth of July Rates Via Sea-

board AirLine.The Seaboard AirLine Railway will,

sell tickets between all points at great-ly reduced rates for round trip on ac-count July 4th, tickets on sale July2nd, 3rd and 4th, good to return untilJulv 7th inclusive.

For further information call on jour

nearest agent or address,H S. LEARD JAMES KER Jr..

D. P. A., T. P. A.,

Raleigh N. C. Charlotte N. C.

Shake off Your Rheumatism.Now is the time to get rid of your

rheumatism. Try a' twenty-five cent

bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment andsee how quickly your rheumatismpains disappear Sold by Moser &

Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. adv.

The Best Hot Weather TonicGROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches theblood, builds up the whole system and will won-derfully strengthen and fortify you to withstandthe depressing effect of the hot summer. 50c.

$lOlO .JM% HOWF. O. B. Toleda F. O. B. Toledo

Completely Completely

Equipped Equipped

The Overland factories have thelargest drop forge plant in the in-dustry. This means that they de-pend on no outside source for theirdrop forgings. When a certain con-struction needs a drop forging theycan go ahead and make it? at mini-mum cost. Parts which cost others$9 each, they make for $3.

Thus you can see why they cando what others cannot do. The val-ue described below is the result.

Phone or call on us today for ademonstration.

Big Features-Complete EquipmentSelf-starter Timken Bearings Mohair Top and30 Horsepower Center Control Boot

5-Passenger Remy Magneto Clear Vision, RainTouring Car Vision Wind Shield

110-inch Wheel WarnerBase Speedometer Prest-O-Lite Tank

The Overland Car Co., Hickory, N. C.

There are Many Ways to Save IMoney |

BUT IThe Best is the Building and I

Loan Way IWHY? Because it pays you 6 per cent, compounded

quarterly, FREE OF ALL TAXES at the end of each ser- Iies.

Because you can take your small savings and makeLARGE ones of them in a regular systematic way, TO IL-LUSTRATE, 25c each week for 332 weeks in our AS- ISOCIATION will amount to SIOO.OO.

Building and Loan Work is No Exper- Iiment Nor Side-line With Us INOW IS THE TIME I

and YOU are invited to take STOCK in the NEW SER-IES just opened know as the 1913-"C" SERIES.

TO-DAY we have over ONE THOUSAND stockhol-ders, who are carrying nearly SEVEN THOUSAND FIVEHUNDRED SHARES which represents a matured vclueof THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION DOLLARS.

Outstanding loans to stockholders over THREE HUN-DRED AND TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS.

Call at our office, phone or write and it willbe a greatpleasure to fully explain the workings of our Associationto you.

First Building and Loan Asso- Iciation of Hickory, N. C. I

G. H. Geitner, Pres., J. D. Elliott, V-Pres.,G. R. Wootten, Sec.-Treas.

Bagby & Blackwelder, Attorneys. IOrganized April, 1890. Authorized Capital



Veterinary Surgeon

Office at Thomason's Livery Stable

Phone 267.


Dentist.Office Over Postoffice.


Fine Residence and Difficult Re-modeling a Specialty.


WILL G. KIRKMANPiaoo and Pipe Organ Tuner

CHARLOTTE, N. C.Regular Visits to Hickory.


Will be in my office Fridays andSaturdays

Up Stairs in Club Bld'g., next door toShuford Hardware Co,

Dr. K. A. Price.PHYSICIAN.

Calls answered night and day.Office at residence, 1430 11th Avenue

'PHONE No. 94.


Office over Singing SewingMachine Office.HICKORY. N. C.

We Will Renewburned out lamps free of chargefor our consumers.

This is more than your dealerwill do for your oil lamps?soget wise.

Use electric lights

Thornton Light & Power Co.

: * %

Wrightsville Beach...Via ..

Seaboard Air Line RailwayQueen of South Atlantic

Coast Resorts

Elegant Hotels. Reasonable rates.

Finest Surf Bathing on Atlantic Coast.

Fine Fishing, Dancing, Other Sports.

Round trip rates via Seaboard from Charlotte.Correspondingly low rates from other points.

Season Wrightsville and return $8.7010-day Wrightsville and return 7.50

on sale Thursdays and Saturdays only.

Week end Wilmington and return $5.00, on sale Friday after-noons and all trains Saturday good to return following Tuesdays.

For further information address

H. S. LEARD, D. P. A., JAMES KER, Jr., T. P. A.,Raleigh, N. C. Charlotte, N C.

Boys Wash

SuitsCome in and let us show you a pretty

line of wash suits so cheap that youcannot afford to think of making them.

All prices from 65c to $2.00

Keystone Rompers 50c.

Moretz-Whitener Clothing




Diet's Barber ShopTRY US NONE BETTER


Corner 9th Ave., 9th St.


Honest service premised all who employhim to attend to their legal rights.Wiil practice in all the courts of this State.

KindergartenMrs. H. D. Abernethy


Dr. 1. A. Wood,. DENTIST

Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Stoic.Hickory, N. C.

IPalace Barber ShopTry us once and you

will come againD. F. CLINE, Proprietor

Mrs. D. M. Atkins jTrained Nurse

Will be glad to serve Physicians in adjacen ftowns and \u25a0country as well as in Hickory I