hi jeroen

Hi Jeroen, I’m still awaiting the interview from Triogen. Are there any news about it?! My choice is, and will be a PDEng for TU/e, and I want to know if the financial problem that occurred has been resolved? I’m asking this, if we can find another firm that is also interested about my profile of interest in order to start my studies soon. I need to know a.s.a.p. whether positive or negative the decision is. It is not the 2 months that I am still waiting, it’s more that I’m very concerned for my future plans, so anything could help, whether the call from Triogen or finding another financier…

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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Hi Jeroen

Hi Jeroen, I’m still awaiting the interview from Triogen. Are there any news about it?! My choice is, and will be a PDEng for TU/e, and I want to know if the financial problem that occurred has been resolved? I’m asking this, if we can find another firm that is also interested about my profile of interest in order to start my studies soon. I need to know a.s.a.p. whether positive or negative the decision is. It is not the 2 months that I am still waiting, it’s more that I’m very concerned for my future plans, so anything could help, whether the call from Triogen or finding another financier…