hi i’m edwin, nice to meet you! i make six · you take orders from your boss. i take orders from...


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Page 1: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you
Page 2: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you

Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six figures a year with my network of finance blogs. But before you think I’m special or something, let me stop you right there.

I once was flat broke, with no job, no skills and no education. I was going nowhere in life - fast.

Then I found blogging and haven’t looked back since. In the last 15 years, I’ve created dozens of blogs and have earned over 1 million dollars - all through blogging!

Now I’m “paying it forward” and sharing what I’ve learned so you don’t make the same mistakes I made when I was new.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your own journey!

Page 3: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you
Page 4: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you
Page 5: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


Page 6: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


The fact you’re reading this means you have dreams of earning a second income. Maybe you dream of quitting your job and becoming a full time blogger.

Those dreams are not out of each.

I’m a full time blogger and most of the time you’ll find me working from my iPhone. Do you think I’m some sort of a rare breed of human or something? Nope, I’m as average as can be. There is nothing particularly special about me. Heck, I’ve never even had a real job before!

What I do possess is an unbelievable amount of motivation. My drive, my urge and my passion is making money by blogging and helping others make money too. This is my passion and absolutely nothing is going to get in the way of me reaching my goals.

Maybe you think you’re not special. Maybe you think you’re not good enough. Maybe you don’t know what to blog about. Maybe you think you have nothing interesting to say.

Well I have zero qualifications. I have zero college education. I have zero training. If I can do it, so can you!

Do you share the same motivation to make money? If so, you have what it takes to become a successful blogger!

Page 7: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


Being a blogger has given me the freedom I could have only dreamed of. Being your own boss has lots of perks as you can imagine.

Here are key some differences between me and you:

● You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one.

● You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless.

● You make money when you work. I make money while I sleep.

● You work Monday – Friday, 9-5. I work whenever I feel like it.

● You have to ask your boss for a day off. I can do anything I want, anytime I want.

Page 8: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


Compared to the costs of starting your own brick and mortar business, starting a blog is cheap.

I mean really cheap. I’m serious, it’s so cheap. We’re talking the difference between $50,000 and like 5 bucks a month!

Here are the real costs to start a blog:

● Domain name: $10 per year● Hosting: $3 per month● WordPress: free● Theme for your blog: free

Oh and if you choose to use Bluehost your costs are even cheaper because they will give you a free domain name!

There’s no other business in the world that can go toe-to-toe with blogging as far as cost goes.

Plus, there’s so many free blogging tools available that it is entirely possible to run your own blog for just a few bucks a month!

Page 9: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


One of the best reasons to start a blog is because of the impact you can have in the lives of others.

I love to blog because I love to make money. But if you ask me what my true passion is, it’s helping others make money blogging. There is no feeling better in the world than helping someone make extra money.

You never know the personal challenges that someone is facing. I never ask, but I can only imagine some people are going through a difficult time financially and when I hear of a success story, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

What is your passion? Follow it and you can make a difference in the lives of many people.

Imagine you start a fitness / weight loss blog, you can help people feel better about themselves, get healthier and possibly even save someone’s life.

Regardless of what blog niche you choose, you will be helping others learn something new.

Page 10: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


Page 11: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


What is a blog?

Simply put, a blog is a type of website that is updated with the latest information. They can be personal, business related, or both!

What is a domain name?

A self hosted domain name is one such as EdwinDollars.com. You seriously need your own domain name. Nobody will give you any credibility with a link such as edwindollars.tumblr.com

What is web hosting?

Just like a physical store has to pay rent, a website has to pay rent as well. Hosting is a monthly fee you pay to have the contents of your site stored on a server and displayed to users.

What is Wordpress?

WordPress is a CMS (content management system) that is by far the easiest way to create and maintain your blog.

Page 12: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


Many aspiring bloggers get stuck at this step because they don’t know what to write about. But trust me, there is something out there that you are passionate about. There is something out there that you are knowledgeable about. Once you find your idea, you are well on your way!

But a word of warning, to make money blogging: You have to pick the right niche.

There are some topics that are very hard to monetize.

You might love writing about fashion or celebrities, but how do you plan on making money from that niche? You see, that’s the problem many newbie bloggers face. They get so excited creating their first blog, only to realize they can’t monetize it.

You need to pick a niche that has marketable products, such as:

● Weight loss● Food / Cooking● Personal finance● Fitness / Exercise

Page 13: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


The answer is of course you can. But as with everything in life, success won’t be handed to you. You need to have a clear plan and you must execute it to have any chance of making real money by blogging.

The first step in any successful journey is the first step.

Congratulations! You are already there!

Unbelievably, most people don’t ever get past this first step.

The second thing you need is a plan. Here is a 5 part plan of how your blog is going to make money.

Part 1: Start a blog

Part 2: Build content for your blog

Part 3: Get traffic to your blog

Part 4: Get email subscribers

Part 5: Convert email subscribers into paying customers

Ready to get started? Let’s begin!

Page 14: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


Page 15: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


As far as choosing your web host goes, there is only one clear answer: Bluehost.

Click below to open Bluehost in another window and I’ll guide you through the process.

By using my link, you get a special discount, a free domain name and a one-click install of WordPress.

They also have a 30 day money-back guarantee in case you change your mind.

Page 16: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


For newbie bloggers I recommend choosing the Basic Plan. It allows for just one website and 5 email accounts. That’s all you need right now. Once your new online business grows you can always upgrade.

Page 17: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


Now it’s time to choose a domain name. A lot of people get stuck at this step. It’s understandable, your domain name is extremely important.

If you’re stuck on this step, you don’t have to choose a domain name just yet.

Hover your mouse over near the X as if you were about to close the page (but don’t close it of course!). You should see a pop-up like the one in the image above.

This lets you choose your free domain name later. Essentially, they credit your account with $11.99 so you can redeem it once you’ve chosen the perfect name for your new blog.

Page 18: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


Now let me preface this by saying that this hack may not work for you. At any time, Bluehost can remove this. But if you hover your mouse as if you’re going to leave the sign-up page, you get the pop-up in the image above. Did you see it?

Click on Claim Savings to have the registration page automatically give you a ridiculously low price of $2.65.

Fill out the registration form, complete payment, and move on to the next step.

Page 19: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


Now that you’re all signed up, you will be prompted to create a password for your new Bluehost account.

Page 20: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


Browse through the available themes and choose one you like. Afterward, click on “Start Building”. It’s as simple as that!

Personally I use the paid themes from Theme Isle rather than the free ones, but for a newbie? Just choose a free theme to start. You can always switch to a paid theme once your blog starts making money.

Don’t get stuck on this step either. You can always customize the theme or completely change the theme of your blog later.

Page 21: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


There you have it, in just six simple steps you have created your first blog. I’m proud of you and you should be proud of yourself for taking the plunge and creating your own blog!

Now that you’re all set up. Look around WordPress and you’ll see sections to add blog posts, pages (like about me and contact me), change the appearance of your blog (themes) and more, much more.

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Now it’s time to write your first blog post.

I am beyond proud of you for making it this far!

Now, the power to take control of your own future is at your fingertips.

Good luck on your journey and thank you for allowing me to help you!

If you ever need help blogging, I’m here to help.

You can contact me here.

Page 23: Hi I’m Edwin, nice to meet you! I make six · You take orders from your boss. I take orders from no one. You work for a flat rate. My income is limitless. You make money when you


Here’s a list of blogging tools you will NEED to take your blog to the next level. I personally use these tools daily.

■ Monster Insights - This is a stats plugin where you can see which content performs best. It helps you decide what type of content you should be creating.

■ Tailwind - Pinterest is a huge traffic source for me! I schedule my pins through Tailwind and have it run on auto-pilot. It’s a game-changer for me.

■ Social Warfare - This is the plugin I use for my social sharing buttons. It loads super fast and it’s pretty.

■ Social Pilot - I schedule my Twitter & Facebook posts using this program. I post about 5 times a day at peak hours and I couldn’t do it without Social Pilot.

■ Optin Monster - Growing an email list is so easy with this plugin! I can create awesome pre-designed optin forms that help me get tons of new email subscribers every day.

■ Long Tail Pro - Before you write a blog post, you first need to do keyword research. Otherwise, you might be writing something nobody ever searches for.

■ Theme Isle - Their Wordpress blog themes look awesome, are fast, mobile-friendly and SEO-optimized.

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“- Tim Ferriss