here are the selected composers for the cd “the minimal ... · meno fedele al minimalismo...

THE MINIMAL PIANO SERIES - WINNERS ANNOUNCED Here are the selected composers for the Cd “The Minimal Piano Series vol.1”. We decided to select 14 composers instead of 12 because the high quality of the compositions. Congratulations to all winners! Muriël Bostdorp (THE NETHERLAND) - Colours of rain Salvatore Casillo (ITALY) - Phantom cycle Dario Crisman (ITALY) - Winter’s secrets Flavio Cuccurullo (ITALY) - Bishop of lights Ashot Danielyan (RUSSIA) - Beyond Northwind Gian Marco La Serra & Emanuele Dentoni (ITALY) - Ascoltarsi Jeroen Elffrich (THE NETHERLAND) - Fine Robert Fruehwald (USA) - Kebyar! Sten Erland Hermundstad (NORWAY) - The unknown song Paolo Morese (ITALY) - Al calar della sera Peter Michael von der Nahmer (GERMANY) - Mashrabiya Sin Young Park (SOUTH KOREA) - Du-Dream Prelude no.3 for solo piano Simone Pionieri (ITALY) - I quattro elementi Fabio Cuomo (ITALY) - Leaf

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Post on 31-Dec-2018




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Here are the selected composers for the Cd “The Minimal Piano Series vol.1”. We decided to select 14 composers instead of 12 because the high quality of the compositions.

Congratulations to all winners!

Muriël Bostdorp (THE NETHERLAND) - Colours of rain Salvatore Casillo (ITALY) - Phantom cycle Dario Crisman (ITALY) - Winter’s secrets

Flavio Cuccurullo (ITALY) - Bishop of lights Ashot Danielyan (RUSSIA) - Beyond Northwind

Gian Marco La Serra & Emanuele Dentoni (ITALY) - Ascoltarsi Jeroen Elffrich (THE NETHERLAND) - Fine

Robert Fruehwald (USA) - Kebyar! Sten Erland Hermundstad (NORWAY) - The unknown song

Paolo Morese (ITALY) - Al calar della sera Peter Michael von der Nahmer (GERMANY) - Mashrabiya

Sin Young Park (SOUTH KOREA) - Du-Dream Prelude no.3 for solo piano Simone Pionieri (ITALY) - I quattro elementi

Fabio Cuomo (ITALY) - Leaf

Ecco la giuria al completo del contest internazionale di composizione "The Minimal Piano Series"

Here is the jury of the international composition contest "The Minimal Piano Series”

FABRIZIO PATERLINI (Pianist and composer) - ITALY LUBOMYR MELNYK (Pianist and composer) - CANADA/UKRAINE

ÉGLANTINE LHERNAULT (music journalist and blogger - director of Totoromoon) - FRANCE MATTHEW MAYER (Pianist and composer - director of SoloPiano) - U.S.A.

ITALIA BUCCINO (Label Manager Blue Spiral Records)

Nel giugno 2017, spinti da un forte desiderio di scoperta, abbiamo bandito il primo Contest Internazionale di composizione, ricercando a livello mondiale musiche e compositori dal sicuro talento ma che non ricevono la giusta attenzione da un mondo sempre più veloce e distratto. Il contest era basicamente riservato a composizioni originali e inedite che prevedessero il pianoforte come strumento principale. Una regola è stata fondamentale: il carattere delle composizioni doveva ispirarsi al genere “minimal”. Minimal inteso come essenzialità negli elementi compositivi o rifacendosi in maniera più o meno fedele al minimalismo storico. Genere questo che desta molta curiosità in quanto unisce la tradizione classica a matrici di genere moderno. Una volta scelte queste musiche lo scopo era realizzarne un disco, per l’appunto “The Minimal Piano Series Vol. I”. Primo volume di una serie a venire. Abbiamo ricevuto partecipazioni da molte parti del mondo, Italia, Stati Uniti, Francia, Germania, Spagna, Inghilterra, Russia solo per citarne alcune. Il lavoro dei giurati, anch’essi dal profilo internazionale nonché massimi esponenti mondiali del genere minimal, è stato arduo ma il risultato è ben udibile in questo disco. L’obiettivo è quello di portare avanti il talento delle giovani generazioni, consci delle difficoltà ma anche capaci di immaginare un futuro dove la musica ritorni ad essere il perno principale della società attuale e futura.


In June 2017, motivated by a strong desire of discovery, we proclaimed the first International Composition Contest, searching at world level musical compositions and composers with skilled  talent but that did not receive the right attention from an increasingly fast and distracting world. The contest was basically reserved to original and unpublished compositions that provide for the piano as the main instrument. A rule was fundamental: the characteristic of compositions had to be inspired by the "minimal" genre. Minimal understood as essentiality in compositional elements, or taking inspiration in a way more or less faithful from historical minimalism. This genre gives rise to curiosity because it joins the classic tradition to modern matrices. Once selected these music, the aim was to record an album, as already stated "The Minimal Piano Series Vol. I". First volume of a series to come. We have received contributions from all over the world: Italy, United States, France, Germany, Spain, England, Russia just to name a few. The work of the jurors, also from the international profile as well world top exponents of the minimal genre, has been difficult but the result is clearly audible on this record. The goal is to carry on the talent of younger generations, aware of the difficulties but also able to imagine a future where music returns to be the main pivot of present and future society.

Si ringraziano Quadrifoglio Distribuzioni s.r.l., Vpilates, Studio Professionale Farese per il prezioso contributo alla realizzazione di questo disco / Many thanks to Quadrifoglio Distribuzioni s.r.l., VPilates, Studio Professionale Farese for the precious support provided on the realization of this Cd.
