herding pigs managing self-organizing teams

Herding Pigs Managing Self-Organizing Teams Mike Vincent Architect, ALM and Agile Coach MVA Software [email protected]

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Agile software development teams are self-organizing, so how are they managed? This presentation will help you understand the leadership and coaching necessary for highly productive and motivated teams.


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Herding PigsManaging Self-Organizing Teams

Mike VincentArchitect, ALM and Agile CoachMVA [email protected]

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Mike Vincent

Over 24 years as software developer and architectMarketing director, construction project manager and structural engineer previouslyWorked with Visual Studio Team System since initial beta releasesTFS implementation and training experience in corporate and public organizationsMicrosoft MVP - Visual Studio ALMPassion for community


Professional Scrum Developer TrainerProfessional Scrum Product Owner

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Herding Pigs – Managing Self Organizing Teams

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Used with permission, Michael Vizdos, www.ImplementingScrum.com

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So, What’s the point? Tactics for managing self organizing teamsKey principles for managing people to maximize productivityLeverage the best engineering practices and tools for both team and management effectiveness

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Teams of Motivated People that get the job done

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Forget Some Old Management PrinciplesFredrick Taylor’s Scientific Management

Defined man as an extension of machines and organizations

Socialist IdeologyDefined man with qualities that perfect desired group behavior

Human Relations Defined man in terms that match diagnostic, manipulative techniques

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Why Self-organizing Teams?

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How Do You Manage a Self-Organizing Team?

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The Role of Managing Self Organizing Teams

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Team Development

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Boundaries!Make the context of self-organization well known

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Subtle control and influence

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Empower the team

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Individuals and Interactions

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Respect People

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It’s more than just going through the motionsTakes time to develop

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Managing People

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KITA -Management


Motivation or

Management by


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Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene TheoryTwo scales to be managed

Motivation - work contentHygiene - work context


MotivationWork Context

Dissatisfaction No Dissatisfaction

No Satisfaction Satisfaction

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How’s the work context?

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Work context factors lead to job dissatisfaction when inadequate

- When improved they lead to no job dissatisfaction


MotivationWork Context

Dissatisfaction No Dissatisfaction

No Satisfaction Satisfaction

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Management of the Work Context (Hygiene)Proper Management

Identify type of hygieneGive hygiene for hygiene purposesGive hygiene for what hurtsKeep hygiene administration simpleGive it and shut up about it

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Movement = f( extrinsic fear and extrinsic reward)

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Motivator factors lead to job satisfaction when present

- When absent there is no job satisfaction


MotivationJob Context

Dissatisfaction No Dissatisfaction

No Satisfaction Satisfaction

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MotivatorsJob satisfaction factors

AchievementRecognitionWork itselfResponsibilityAdvancement

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Management of MotivatorsIs hygiene getting in the way?Technical competence OK?Are we using people’s capabilities?All attitudes are proper attitudesWhich behavior is being reinforced and how?

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Ability OpportunityMotivation = f(---------------; -------------------; What is Reinforced) Potential Ability

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So, are our self-organizing teams getting the job done?

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Productivity = f(Technology, Motivation)

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Leverage Best Engineering Processes and Tools

Visual Studio 2010 ALMWork items track progressManaging qualityReports and Dashboards

Team benefitsManagement benefitsThe good, bad, and ugly

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Code ReviewsUnit Testing

Code CoverageTest Driven Development

Code AnalysisCode MetricsApplication Profiling

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Sprint RetrospectiveLook back• What did we do well?• What didn’t we do well?Look forward• Generate actions for the next sprint• Tasks for next backlog• Add to a wall chart in team areaMetrics• Look at key reportsWhole team participates

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Let’s Reinforce What We Have Covered …

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The secret to high performance and satisfaction

at work, at school and at home ...is the deeply human need to

direct our own lives,learn and create new thingsdo better by ourselves and our world

Three elements of true motivationAutonomyMasteryPurpose

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An instructive leadership fable

Inattention to


Avoidance of


Lack of


Fear of Conflict

Absence of Trust

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TakeawaysSelf-organizing teams need some leadership to stay focused on the proper objectives

Effective coaching facilitates the team coming together with self-organizationBoundaries focus the context of self-organizationUse subtle control and influenceEmpower the teamValue individuals and interactionsRespect peopleBuild commitmentFocus team on deadlines and results

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TakeawaysSelf-organizing teams need some leadership to stay focused on the proper objectivesMotivation comes from the work itself and can be continually re-energizing. That’s what self-organizing teams are all about.A productive, healthy work context is essential to keeping your teams working at full potential. Leverage the best engineering practices and tools for both team and management effectiveness

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Resources for More InformationOne More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees?, Fredrick Herzberg Harvard Business Review, January-February 1968.The Managerial Choice – To be efficient and to be human Fredrick Herzberg, Dow Jones-Irwin 1976Work and the Nature of Man Fredrick Herzberg, New American Library, Mentor, 1973The Enterprise and Scrum Ken Schwaber, Microsoft Press, 2007http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd997578(v=VS.100).aspx, Jeff SutherlandDevelopmental sequence in small groups, Bruce W. Tuckman Psychological Bulletin, Volume 63, Number 6 1965Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Daniel H. Pink, Riverhead Books 2009The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni, Jossey-Bass 2002