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City View

Faith Inman, 2012



Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty





Build Your NetProfessional Networking

MLB’s Top Superstitions and Ritualsby Jay Brennan





Authentic TypographyNolen Strals and Bruce Willen P.12



Build Your Net

...it does not matter how indispensable you are because you need more than you to save yourself.



Build Your NetWorking professionals often use the phrase “It’s all about who you know.” What many people do not realize is that it truly is all about who you know in the business realm. The sooner a person learns this nugget, the better.

In Harvey Mackay’s book titled Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty, he writes about four conclusions he has learned in business. The first one states that talent alone will not save you. Second, he says that more training and education will not save you. Third, he says that the government will not save you. Fourth, he says that it does not matter how indispens-able you are because you need more than you to save yourself. Lastly, he says that you need a network. You need your network. By having your own network, you learn to deal with problems that are minor and major with your network as a key resource (Mackay, 11).

Professional Networking



Over the years, I’ve compiled my own personal networking tidbits. Once a person realizes that they cannot accomplish greatness on their own, then they learn one of the major rules of networking: you can’t do it alone.

It takes one minute to make a first impression, but it also takes one minute to make a lasting impression. Make sure people remember you when they meet you. Stand out with a smile, professional dress attire, and the right line to make the people you meet think. The key behind this is that they remember you. With a good first connection, you will become better with networking skills.

The more networking you do, the easier it becomes for you to meet people. Moreover, one of the biggest mistakes a person can make is to not take risks. Don’t hesitate to say hello to a big executive or even the little guy serving hors d’oeuvres. Everyone has a network, a story to tell, and a useful piece of information that could change someone else’s life.

Everyone has a network, a story to tell, and a useful piece of information that

could change someone else’s life.



There are two rules one should never forget in networking, and they are as follows: #1 Listen to your boss #2 Know whom your boss listens to

Pay attention to little details at work. Watch your boss closely and take notes on things that inspire you. Your current boss could be the greatest resource you have ever used, learn from them. Learn whom your boss reports to and observe how they make business deals.

Before you meet new people, before you make that call, do your homework. Find that common ground. Determine where their needs and interests lie. Make that connection. Meet new people.

It all comes down to this: • If you want one year of happiness, grow grain. • If you want 10 years of happiness, grow trees. • If you want 100 years of happiness, grow people.



MLB’s Top Superstitions and Rituals

by Jay Brennan



Baseball players tend to be superstitious and can have some strange rituals. Many players often have specific routines they perform in belief it will maintain their success on the mound, field or in the batter box. All hitters have their series of tugs, pats, and taps when in the batter box. I’m sure we remember how we all mimicked our favorite hitter’s rituals when we were young. The popular baseball flick Bull Durham depicted some of these superstitions and strange rituals throughout the movie.

Common Rituals

1. The kissing of religious necklaces, making the sign of the cross or point skyward after a home run.2. Tugging the sleeves, tap of the bat and patting the helmet in the batter box.3. Some players eat a particular meal before a game.4. Not grooming on game day.5. The rally cap would be worn by players and fans help the team win a baseball game.

Famous Rituals

1. The singing of Take me out to the ball game during the 7th inning stretch.2. Red Sox fans singing Sweet Caroline during the 8th inning stretch at Fenway Park.3. The game’s first pitch designated to be thrown by an honored guest.

Common Superstitions

1. Players will refuse to wash hats, helmets, or uniforms during a winning streak.2. Never step on the foul lines coming on or off the field.3. Abstain from sex on game day.4. Hitters drawing symbols or letters in the batter box prior to an at-bat.5. Utilizing lucky bats and gloves are popular among most players.6. When broadcaster mentions a player’s favorable statistics in the specific situation it will undoubtedly result in the opposite effect.7. Never talk about a “no-hitter” or a “perfect game” in progress



Famous Superstitions

1. The Curse of the Bambino cited as the reason for the failure of the Boston Red Sox inability to win a World Series for 86 years. The curse was the result of the sale of Babe Ruth to the Yankees. In 2004, the curse was reversed with a sweep of the St. Louis Cardinals by the Boston Red Sox.2. The Curse of the Black Sox is the spell that has caused the Chicago White Sox not to win a World Series championship for 90 years. The curse was the result of the 1919 Chicago White Sox throwing the World Series in exchange for payments from gambling. In 2005, the spell was broken when the Chicago White Sox defeated the Houston Astros.3. The Angry Goat is yet another curse in baseball lore to explain a team’s misfortune. Local Tavern owner, Billy Sianis, brought his goat to Game Four of the 1945 World Series. The club owner had Sianis and his goat ejected from the ball park during the game. Sianis was said to have placed a curse on the Cubs proclaiming they would never win another pen nant or play in another World Series at Wrigley Field again. The Chicago Cubs have not won the World Series since 1908.



Player Rituals and Superstitions

1. Joe DiMaggio would always run from the outfield and touch second base before going into the dugout.2. New York Yankees catcher Jorge Posada is hits barehanded. Posada believes in the superstition that urinating on your hands help avoid calluses and hardening of your skin and regularly does it throughout the season.3. Hall of Fame third baseman Wade Boggs would take exactly 150 ground balls during practice. Boggs would eat a chicken before every game. When the former Red Sox great would enter the batters box, he would draw the Hebrew word “chai” meaning life in the dirt before taking pitches.4. David Ortiz rests his bat against his leg, spits on his right hand, and claps when preparing for the batter box.5. Turk Wendell used to wave from the mound to the centerfielder, who would then wave back. Wendell would brush his teeth and eat four sticks of licorice between innings he was pitching. He would also crouch down every time the catcher stood up and would stand up when the catch would crouch.6. Red Sox Pitcher Tim Wakefield would eat a pound of spaghetti before any game he is starting.7. Roger Clemens would soak in extremely hot water and have the hottest pos sible muscle liniment applied to his genitals.8. Mark McGuire would wear the same cup from his high school playing days until it was stolen.9. Brendan Donnelly would throw away the undershirt he wore during the game if he pitched poorly.

Reality Check

Most rituals are born from an outstanding performance. The player will credit the success to something he must have done different because he believes his skills couldn’t have improved so quickly. So in the player’s thought process, by repeating the actions or inactions of the day will lead to a similar positive outcome. Common sense says that none of these practices magically improves their game. It does however install in the mind of the player that he is in control of his own destiny. Control leads to confidence and that is as valuable as any pre-game drill.



Nolen Strals and Bruce Willen emphasize a broad range of creativity in their work. With the design studio, Post Typography, Strals and Willen have worked to have opportunities designing for major publications as illustrators and typographers. Their work surpasses creativity and shows how modernism can mix with traditionalism. Strals see himself as a commercial designer because he is able to create designs from different angles. A unique fact about these designers and Post Typography is that they consistently work with large and small-scale clients for major projects involving organizations, small businesses, and artists. With Strals’ effective work as a commercial expert and Willen’s experience teaching and designing, these two are unstoppable. The twelve-year span of collaboration between Strals and Willen started with design work for clients such as The New York Times, U.S. Green Building Council, John Legend & The Roots, and Random House.

These former MICA: Maryland Institute College of Art graduates have collaborated on different types of work for years, adding a team-pair feel to each project they design together. The most recent and major typography project Strals and Willen have undertaken is a book on typeface design and lettering called Lettering & Type, which was published by Princeton-Architectural Press in the Fall of 2009. Willen says, “We spent the entire year working more or less full-time on the book – doing research, writing it, and contacting the carious contributors. And then of course, we also designed the book, because we wouldn’t want to write it and then have some else design it. It was a pretty major undertaking.” After choosing this task, they have not looked back because it helped them grow in many ways.

Authentic TypographyNolen Strals and Bruce Willen



The twelve-year span of collaboration between Strals and Willen started with

design work for clients such as The New York Times, U.S. Green

Building Council, John Legend & The Roots, and Random House.

Authentic TypographyNolen Strals and Bruce Willen



Letters are everywhere: on street signs, books, labels, and things. It is their goal to make letters come alive and thrive within the graphic design industry. Both Strals and Willen are typography experts. “Letters are something that everyone deals with every day, but they don’t give them any thought,” says Strals. In regards to type-families Willen says, “We purposely chose a range of pieces that we think represent different styles and different schools.” Their passion for typography shows not only in their work but also in their personal lives. “Double Dagger,” otherwise known has their band name, even has songs that were written about typography.

It is incredible to read the story of these artists. To see how far they have come from designing small college projects to working with big name groups like ESPN Magazine, TIME Magazine, New York Times Book Review, Washington Post, AIGA, PRINT Magazine, Sony Music Entertainment, and Bloomberg, it’s remarkable for the design and type business. With a passion for design, music, and typography, it is no surprise why these two have been so successful in this field.

In an interview with Laura Pearson says that Strals and Willen are not the people who live by the belief that a person must do one thing do it well. They choose a different route with a lot of projects, but they do them and do them well.




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