herbal supplements to improve eyesight and remove glasses


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This power point presentation describes about Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses
Page 2: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses

As most of us would agree, eyes are the important organs

that open up the world around us. But, when it comes to

blurry vision, most of us think that eye glasses are the only

solution to our problem. The fact is that healthy vision

provides us nearly 80% of the total sensory input. With this

fact in mind, you can clearly understand why it is highly

important to make sure optimum eye health.

Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight

Page 3: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses

There are different factors that can affect the health of

vision, inclusive of genetic problems, injuries and diseases.

Many people are looking for ways to get out of eye glasses

permanently and here herbal supplements to remove

glasses can help individuals in this regard.

Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight

Page 4: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses

Herbal supplements: For those looking for herbal

supplements to improve eyesight, here is I-Lite

capsules as the remedy. These capsules as they

are made up of safe herbal ingredients, they can

bring the intended relief without any problem

whatsoever. Here are the details about the healthy

ingredients present in these capsules:

I-Lite Capsules

Page 5: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses

Ferrum: It is nothing, but a form of iron and as

most of us know, iron can play an important role in

improving hemoglobin level in the body. In

addition, iron can improve the health of hair and

eyes to a great extent. This is why this is added as

an ingredient in these capsules.


Page 6: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses

Piper nigrum: It is otherwise called as long

pepper is an ayurvedic ingredient that is known for

its effectiveness in bringing many health benefits

and this is truer in the case of eyes as well. It will

mainly help in transporting the benefits of other

herbs to the entire body to bring overall health


Piper Nigrum

Page 7: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses

Piper Nigrum is added to these pills because of its

cleansing and antioxidant properties.

Honey: This is another healthy ingredient in

herbal supplements to remove glasses and honey

is generally known for its great medicinal

properties. This is why honey is added as an

important ingredient in I-Lite capsules.


Page 8: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses

Cardamom: The botanical name of this

ingredient in the herbal supplements to improve

eyesight is elettaria cardomomum. This ingredient

is known for its antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-

inflammatory properties to improve the health of



Page 9: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses

These properties of cardamom will help in

prevention of oxidative diseases like those related

to nerves, premature aging, fatigue and even it can

address degenerative cardiovascular issues.

This ingredient is generally known for its

effectiveness in providing relief to upper respiratory

tract infections.


Page 10: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses

Other ingredients: Not just the above-mentioned

ingredients, but these capsules have other

ingredients like haritaki, licorice, shatavari, amla,

malkangni and ghee to bring excellent benefits to

improve healthy vision.

What can these ingredients do?

I-Lite Capsules

Page 11: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses

The effective ingredients in these herbal

supplements to remove glasses provide the eyes

with the antioxidants and carotenoids. Antioxidant

substances can delay the effect of aging on the

eyes, while carotenoids will help in improving the

blood circulation to make sure that the eyes will

function properly.

I-Lite Capsules

Page 12: Herbal Supplements To Improve Eyesight And Remove Glasses

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