herat electrification project (hep) (ida grant...

1 Herat Electrification Project (HEP) (IDA Grant D208-0-AF) Implementation Support Mission August 7-10, 2017 Aide Memoire I. Introduction 1. The first implementation support and review mission for the Herat Electrification Project (HEP) was carried out from August 7-10, 2017. 1 The mission met with the officials of the Ministry of Finance (MOF), Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW), and Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), electricity utility and the Project Implementing Entity. A list of officials met during the mission is in Annex 1. The team wishes to express its deep appreciation to MOF, MEW, and DABS for the productive discussions, access to information and excellent cooperation during the mission. The findings of the aide memoire were agreed through exchange of emails between the mission and DABS. This Aide Memoire is classified as a Public document under World Bank’s Access to Information Policy. II. Key Project Data Key Dates IDA Grant D208-0-AF Project Performance Ratings Board Approval June 13, 2017 Achievement of PDO S Signing July 12, 2017 Implementation Progress S Effectiveness Pending, Deadline October 9, 2017 2 Financial Management S Closing January 31, 2022 Procurement S Allocation (SDR 43.8 million) US$60 million Environment and Social S Disbursed 0 Project Management MS Disbursed (%) 0 MS = Moderately Satisfactory; S = Satisfactory III. Achievement of Project Development Objective (PDO) 2. The project’s progress towards achievement of PDO is Satisfactory. The PDO is to provide access to electricity to households, institutions, and businesses in selected areas of Herat Province, Afghanistan. The project targets to provide 230,800 people and 1600 non-residential customers with new or improved electricity service. The contractors for Component 1 of the project, which targets to cover 90,000 people, 1,250 business enterprises, and 350 community institutions in four districts of Herat, have been selected. DABS is preparing plans, feasibility studies, and terms of references to operationalize Components 2 and 3. IV. Current Implementation Status 3. The current implementation status of the project is Satisfactory. The mission requested support from Mr. Moheb Jabarkhail, Focal Point for World Bank Funded Projects, MOF and Mr. Aman Ghalib, the new Chief Executive Officer of DABS, to expedite signing of Subsidiary Agreement between MOF and DABS. Signing 1 The mission members were: Messrs. Hung Tan Tran (Senior Energy Specialist and Task Team Leader(TTL)), Gunjan Gautam (Operations Officer and co-TTL), Mohammad Zubair Stanikzai (Power Engineer), Abdul Baes Akhundzada (Power Engineer), Sayed Mujtaba Shobair (Environmental Specialist), Mohammad Yasin Noori (Senior Social Development Specialist), Ahmed Shah Ahmadzai (Financial Management Specialist), and Wahida Kakar (Team Assistant). Rehan Hyder (Senior Procurement Specialist) and Obaidullah Hidayat (Environmental Specialist) remotely supported the mission. 2 Effectiveness deadline is 90 days after signing the Grant Agreement, which was July 12, 2017 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

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Page 1: Herat Electrification Project (HEP) (IDA Grant D208-0-AFdocuments.worldbank.org/curated/en/163221507733399617/...Signing July 12, 2017 Implementation Progress S Effectiveness Pending,


Herat Electrification Project (HEP)

(IDA Grant D208-0-AF)

Implementation Support Mission

August 7-10, 2017

Aide Memoire

I. Introduction

1. The first implementation support and review mission for the Herat Electrification Project (HEP) was

carried out from August 7-10, 2017.1 The mission met with the officials of the Ministry of Finance (MOF),

Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW), and Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), electricity utility and the

Project Implementing Entity. A list of officials met during the mission is in Annex 1. The team wishes to

express its deep appreciation to MOF, MEW, and DABS for the productive discussions, access to information

and excellent cooperation during the mission. The findings of the aide memoire were agreed through exchange

of emails between the mission and DABS. This Aide Memoire is classified as a Public document under World

Bank’s Access to Information Policy.

II. Key Project Data

Key Dates

IDA Grant D208-0-AF Project Performance Ratings

Board Approval June 13, 2017 Achievement of PDO S

Signing July 12, 2017 Implementation Progress S

Effectiveness Pending, Deadline – October 9, 20172 Financial Management S

Closing January 31, 2022 Procurement S

Allocation (SDR 43.8 million) US$60 million Environment and Social S

Disbursed 0 Project Management MS

Disbursed (%) 0

MS = Moderately Satisfactory; S = Satisfactory

III. Achievement of Project Development Objective (PDO)

2. The project’s progress towards achievement of PDO is Satisfactory. The PDO is to provide access to

electricity to households, institutions, and businesses in selected areas of Herat Province, Afghanistan. The

project targets to provide 230,800 people and 1600 non-residential customers with new or improved electricity

service. The contractors for Component 1 of the project, which targets to cover 90,000 people, 1,250 business

enterprises, and 350 community institutions in four districts of Herat, have been selected. DABS is preparing

plans, feasibility studies, and terms of references to operationalize Components 2 and 3.

IV. Current Implementation Status

3. The current implementation status of the project is Satisfactory. The mission requested support from

Mr. Moheb Jabarkhail, Focal Point for World Bank Funded Projects, MOF and Mr. Aman Ghalib, the new Chief

Executive Officer of DABS, to expedite signing of Subsidiary Agreement between MOF and DABS. Signing

1 The mission members were: Messrs. Hung Tan Tran (Senior Energy Specialist and Task Team Leader(TTL)), Gunjan Gautam

(Operations Officer and co-TTL), Mohammad Zubair Stanikzai (Power Engineer), Abdul Baes Akhundzada (Power Engineer), Sayed

Mujtaba Shobair (Environmental Specialist), Mohammad Yasin Noori (Senior Social Development Specialist), Ahmed Shah Ahmadzai

(Financial Management Specialist), and Wahida Kakar (Team Assistant). Rehan Hyder (Senior Procurement Specialist) and Obaidullah

Hidayat (Environmental Specialist) remotely supported the mission. 2 Effectiveness deadline is 90 days after signing the Grant Agreement, which was July 12, 2017


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and authorization of the Subsidiary Agreement is an effectiveness condition and should be met within 90 days

of July 12, 2017, the date of signing of the project’s Grant Agreement. The mission also requested Mr. Ghalib

to expedite signing of the Project Agreement between DABS and Bank. In response, DABS has committed to

signing Project Agreement and Subsidiary Agreement by August 30, 2017. The mission advised DABS to

improve its project management by filling the key positions in Project Implementation Unit (PIU) in a timely


V. Component-wise Implementation Status

4. The project has three main components:

a. Component 1 – Electrification of Four Districts in Herat Province (US$20 million): This component

supports investments for building a new 110 kilo-Volt (kV) transmission line, and four 110/20 kV

substations and medium and low voltage distribution networks in four districts of Herat Province -

Chesht, Obe, Karokh and Pashtun-Zarghoon. Component 1 includes:

i) Design, supply and installation of a 25 kilometer (km) tapping transmission line to the new

substation near Karokh from the existing 110 kV transmission line between the Salma Dam and the

existing Noor-ul-Jahad substation.

ii) Design, supply and installation of four 110/20 kV substations each with the capacity of 10 Mega-

Volt Ampere (MVA) in the districts of Chesht, Obe, Karokh and Pashtun-Zarghoon of Herat


iii) Supply of distribution network equipment for electrification of households, businesses, schools,

health centers and holy places in the four districts.

5. The activities under Component 1 were bid out in three lots of Bid Package Bid Package

NPA/DABS/95/W-1343/ICB of Herat Electrification Project (P162022), where each lot corresponds to a sub-


a. Lot 1 - Design, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Four Substations of

110/20kV each at Chesht, Hobai, Karokh & Pashton Zarghoon,

b. Lot 2 – Design, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 110kV Single Circuit

tapping transmission line from Salma (Hydel) to Karokh Substation and

c. Lot 3 -Supply of Goods for the Electrification of 20/0.4kV network in four districts of Herat Province

6. DABS had submitted Bid Evaluation Report (BER) recommending contractors for Bank’s review and

clearance; and Bank provided Conditional No Objection on June 6, 2017, subject to inclusion of environmental

and social (E&S) safeguards clauses in the contracts. DABS submitted revised contracts on August 10, 2017;

and Bank reviewed the revisions and advised DABS to submit the contracts for approval by National

Procurement Authority (NPA). Signing of the contracts is expected by August 30, 2017; following which the

winning bidders will be disclosed. The inclusion of safeguards (ENV & SOC) clauses with a reference to be

made in the contract agreement to the site-specific Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

implementation would be adequate at this stage. However, the final site-specific ESMP shall be signed/initialed

by the contractor once the plan is finalized- reviewed by the WB-safeguards team.

7. The draft Technical Feasibility Study Report for electrification of four districts has been sent to DABS

in June 2017. DABS agreed to study this Report and provide feedback to the Bank by August 30, 2017.

8. The implementation progress of Component 1 is Satisfactory.

9. Component 2 – Grid Densification, Extension, and Off-grid Pilots in Herat Province (US$36

million): This component will extend, intensify, and upgrade the existing grid to provide access to new or

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improved electricity service to other parts of Herat Province. Component 2 will also support piloting of solar

mini-grids and solar-hybrid mini-grids in villages. The mission requested DABS to start activities to prepare

subprojects under Component 2.

a. DABS has agreed to prepare a plan for grid densification, extension, and strengthening by August 30,

2017. This plan is will include the subproject options of installing capacitor banks in substations for

reactive power compensation, procurement of key spare parts for distribution network in Herat, and

grid extension and densification.

b. DABS has agreed to share the Terms of Reference (TOR) for feasibility study of solar-hybrid mini-

grids for Bank’s review by August 30, 2017.

10. The implementation progress of Component 2 is Satisfactory.

11. Component 3 – Technical Assistance (US$4 million): This component funds technical assistance

(TA) to ensure timely and quality completion of the project and to enhance capacity of DABS. The sub-

components of Component 3 and updates are as follows:

a. Assistance to DABS for Project Implementation: This sub-component would provide expert

assistance to DABS in key aspects of project implementation including: project planning and

supervision, procurement, financial management (FM), and feasibility assessments for candidate

subprojects under Component 2. DABS is implementing several measures, as required by the Grant

Agreement, to strengthen its fiduciary capacity. The details are explained in sections below.

Additionally, DABS PIU is hiring three local consultants to work at Herat sites. These comprise of a

Civil Engineer, an Environmental Specialist, and a Social Development Specialist. These consultants

are expected to join PIU by September 10, 2017.

b. Supervision Consultant: This sub-component allows DABS to hire consultant to support Project

Implementation Unit (PIU) in the supervision of the project. DABS is in the process of hiring an

international Electrical Engineer with the expected on-boarding date of September 30, 2017.

c. Environmental and Social Safeguards Measures: This sub-component funds DABS to conduct site

specific Environmental and Social Impact Studies (ESIA) and prepare and oversee/implement

corresponding Environmental and Social Management Plans and Resettlement Action Plans. The

DABS team will be reinforced by two additional local staff (one male and one female) to help manage

safeguards from the DABS office in Herat. Details of safeguards instruments and processes are in the

sections on Safeguards below.

d. Institutional Strengthening for DABS: This sub-component finances technical support and training

to DABS personnel in areas where additional capacity building is required. This component also

supports DABS in implementing awareness programs, especially targeted to women, on electricity uses

as well as on health and safety aspects of electricity use and infrastructure. DABS has agreed to submit

a Training and Capacity Building Plan for Bank’s review by September 30, 2017. DABS and Bank’s

teams working in Afghani energy sector have faced difficult procurement challenges. To increase

DABS’ capacity in procurement, a training is being organized in Sri Lanka between September 18-21,


e. Studies for further Grid Extension: This sub-component supports feasibility studies to investigate

synchronization options and further grid extension studies in Herat Province including geo-spatial

analysis and load flow study of the system. Studies will be commissioned based on DABS’ plan to

implement Component 2.

f. Development of a Grid Code: This sub-component supports the review of existing standards and

procedures and the preparation of a Grid Code for the Afghan power system consistent with best

international practices. DABS has shared the TOR for hiring the consultant for development of Grid

Code with the Bank. Bank will review the TOR; and the Bank will provide its comments and No

Objection by August 30, 2017.

g. Financial Modelling for DABS: This sub-component supports development of a financial planning

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model that can be used to prepare pro-forma financial statements, cash flow projections, debt service

obligations and financial ratios for DABS under alternative scenarios relating to capital investment,

investment financing, sales forecasts, tariffs and input costs.

12. The implementation progress of Component 3 is Moderately Satisfactory. DABS can improve this

rating by staffing the PIU is a timely manner and by complying with requirements of the Grant Agreement.

VI. Safeguards and Fiduciary

Environment and Social Safeguards

13. The E&S safeguards performance of the project is Satisfactory.

14. The contracts for Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Bid Package NPA/DABS/95/W-1343/ICB of Component 1 will

include provisions of ESMP and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) in line with the approved Environmental and

Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and findings of ESIA.

Revisions have been introduced to contracts for Lots 1 and 2 to state: (i) DABS will be responsible for

preparation of ESIA, ESMP, and RAP; and (ii) the contractors will be responsible for implementation of ESMP

for transmission line and substations. For RAP preparation, DABS shall engage qualified staff (national and

international) and will need to coordinate the activities of agencies contributing to RAP preparation, such as

Afghanistan Independent Land Authority (AILA)- Arazi- Herat to be engaged to conduct land Tasfiya (or

clearance) process. The final draft RAP for lot-2- TL will be subject to meaningful consultation with affected

persons and community and it shall also be shared with the WB for review. The final RAP after Bank review

shall be disclosed in-country on DABS website and shall also be available at locations that are convenient to

the affected communities. Construction work cannot begin in areas with displacement impacts until

compensation to affected persons is made.

15. For Lot 1 covering four sub-stations, DABS will finalize the ESMP, which will be annexed to the

contract. DABS submitted the draft ESMP for Bank’s review and has received comments from Bank on August

24, 2017.

16. For Lot 2 covering the transmission line, DABS will initiate ESIA with the target of submitting ESIA

and associated ESMP and RAP by November 14, 2017 for Bank’s review and clearance. The draft terms of

reference for the ESIA and RAP shall be shared with the WB for review.

17. For Lot 3 covering supply of distribution network equipment, DABS will prepare and implement ESMP

as DABS will be installing the distribution grid with its own resources. If contractors are mobilized by DABS

for installing the distribution grid, DABS will oversee the implementation of ESMP by the contractors. ESMP

for Lot 3 will be submitted for Bank’s review and clearance by November 20, 2017.

18. The mission requested DABS to work towards compliance of E&S safeguards conditions of the Grant

Agreement, which are due within 90 days after the project is effective. The Grant Agreement requires DABS

to: (i) hire one international Safeguard Specialist, whose terms of reference shall be agreed between the DABS

and the Bank, to be part of the PIU; and (ii) establish and thereafter maintain throughout project implementation,

a project grievance redress mechanism (GRM), with staffing and operating procedures acceptable to the Bank,

for monitoring and addressing the concerns of people affected by the project and building public and stakeholder

support for the project. DABS has agreed to:

a. Hire international Safeguards Consultant by September 15, 2017. The candidates for this position have

been shortlisted. Final interviews and contract signing is expected to complete by the end of August

2017. The international Safeguards Consultant is expected to contribute in ESIA and RAP preparation

of the transmission line.

b. Establish effective GRM under HEP by September 15, 2017, the key tasks will include: (i)

establishment of Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) at project and districts level; (ii) training of GRC

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members on grievance handling-disseminating public information among local communities in all four

districts to use grievance service; (iii) establishment of multiple uptake channels for grievance

registration; and (iv) registration of all grievances at both central database (or excel sheet) and project

logbooks to enable tracking and review.


19. The performances on procurement and financial management are rated Satisfactory.

Financial Management (FM)

20. DABS is expected to comply with the FM conditions of the Grant Agreement within 90 days of

effectiveness of the project. To fulfill the conditions, DABS has agreed to:

a. Hire an Internal Audit Consultant by September 25, 2017; and publish the notice for hiring of a cashier

by November 22, 2017.

b. Submit draft FM Manual for Bank’s review by August 30, 2017. Bank had earlier reviewed the first

draft of the FM Manual and suggested revisions.

21. Additionally, DABS is exploring the option of hiring an international Senior Finance Officer, who will

improve the FM processes of Bank’s projects; review and improve FM Manual; and build capacity of the DABS

team in FM. DABS has agreed to share the draft TOR for Senior Finance Officer by August 30, 2017 for Bank’s


22. DABS has agreed to create Designated Account (DA) of the project by August 30, 2017. The mission

requested DABS PIU to coordinate with MOF-Aid Coordination Unit to set-up the DA and with Bank’s FM

Specialist and Loan Officer to set up client connection interface for the project.


23. DABS is expected to comply with the procurement related condition of the Grant Agreement within 90

days of effectiveness of the project. To fulfill the condition, DABS has agreed to:

a. Submit the draft Procurement Processing Manual for Bank’s review by September 30, 2017. The

Procurement Processing Manual will cover procurement processes and procurement services standards

for DABS. This manual will also align DABS processes with Bank’s New Procurement Framework

and Procurement Regulations. The manual will be discussed during the procurement training planned

in September 2017.

24. DABS and the Bank had agreed on taking several measures to resolve the procurement challenges faced

by several Bank projects at DABS. Implementation of HEP is expected to benefit from these measures. The

planned Consultative Workshop on the Procurement Reforms for DABS & Introduction to New Procurement

Framework in September will provide a structured roadmap to implementation of these reforms

VII. Key Agreed Actions

25. A detailed table of actions agreed between the mission and DABS is attached as Annex 3. Below are

some of the key actions agreed:

Agreed Action Responsibility Deadline

1 Signing of Project Agreement between DABS and Bank DABS and Bank SIGNED

2 Signing of Subsidiary Agreement between MOF and DABS MOF and DABS August 30, 2017

3 Legal Opinion by Ministry of Justice (MOJ) to Project MOF and MOJ September 30, 2017

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Agreement and to Subsidiary Agreement and DABS

4 Signing of contracts for Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Bid Package



5 Hiring of international Safeguards Specialist DABS September 20, 2017

6 Hiring of Cashier DABS November 20, 2017

7 Submit first draft of plan for instituting a GRM DABS August 30, 2017

8 DABS provide feedback on Technical Feasibility Study

Report and plan for enhancing the stability of the network

DABS August 30, 2017

9 Preparation of TOR for Grid Code DABS Prepared

VIII. Timing of Next mission

26. The next implementation support mission is planned for January/February 2017.

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Annex 1

List of Officials Met

Ministry of Finance (MOF)

1. Mr. Moheb Jabarkhail, Coordinator for the World Bank and ARTF Portfolio, MOF

2. Mr. Zahiruddin Kharotai, Budget Specialist, MOF

Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkhat (DABS)

1. Mr. Aman Ghalib, Chief Executive Officer, DABS

2. Mr. Hazrat Shah Hameedi, PIU Director, DABS

3. Mr. Saifullah Lodin, National Procurement Specialist, DABS

4. Mr. Sayed Jawad Hadi, Herat Electrification Project Manager, DABS

5. Mr. Fawad Ahmad Ibrahimi, Finance Specialist, DABS

6. Mr. Mohammad Tawoos Wafa, Social Safeguard Specialist, DABS

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Annex 2

Results Framework for Herat Electrification Project

Project Development Objective: Provide access to electricity to households, institutions, and businesses in selected areas of Herat Province, Afghanistan.

Project Development Objective Indicators FY

Indicator Name Unit Baseline

YR1 (as of

August 11,


YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End


People provided with new or improved electricity service Number 0 0 0 30000 150000 230800 230800

Achievement 0

Number of non-residential consumers provided with new or improved

electricity service Number 0 0 0 600 1600 1600 1600

Intermediate Results Indicators FY

Indicator Name Baseline

YR1 (as of

August 11,


YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End


Transmission line constructed under the Project kilometers 0 0 0 25 25 25 25

Achievement 0

Capacity of new substations constructed and commissioned Mega Volt

Ampere 0 0 0 20000 40000 40000 40000

Achievement 0

Grid extension study prepared





Achievement N

Grid code prepared Y/N N N Y Y Y Y

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Achievement N

Indicator Name Baseline

YR1 (as of

August 11,


YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End


Additional distribution grid asset created Y/N N N N Y Y Y Y

Achievement N

Off-grid pilots implemented Y/N N N N Y Y Y Y

Achievement N

Percentage of grievances satisfactoriy resolved within stipulated

timeframe Percent 0 0 60 60 60 60 60

Achievement 0

Percentage of CDCs consulted on project activities affecting them in the

project intervention areas Percent 0 0 100 100 100 100 100

Achievement 0

Number of girl schools with electricity service Number 0 0 0 1 3 5 5

Achievement 0

Awareness campaigns targeted to women on uses of electricity and safety

aspects Y/N N Y Y Y Y Y Y

Achievement N

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Annex 3

List of Agreed Actions

S.No Actions Responsibility Deadline Remarks

Legal Agreements

1 Signing of Project Agreement between Bank and

DABS DABS and Bank August 30, 2017 SIGNED

1.a Authorization of Project Agreement DABS and MOJ September 13, 2017

DABS and MOF will obtain legal

opinion from MOJ on Project


2 Signing and Authorization of Subsidiary

Agreement between DABS and MOF DABS and MOF August 30, 2017

Effectiveness Condition of the

Grant Agreement


DABS to prepare Subsidiary Agreement and send

for Bank's review DABS PIU August 20, 2017 DONE

Bank to provide feedback World Bank August 25, 2017 DONE

DABS and MOF to execute the

Subsidiary Agreement DABS and MOF August 30, 2017

2.b Authorization of Subsidiary Agreement MOF September 30, 2017

MOF will obtain legal opinion on

Subsidiary Agreement.

S.No Actions Responsibility Deadline Remarks

Component 1

1 Inclusion of ESMP provisions in contracts for

Lots 1 and 2 DABS PIU August 30, 2017

Bank clears ESMP provision in the

contracts World Bank August 20, 2017 DONE

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NPA clears EMSP provision in the

contracts DABS PIU August 30, 2017 DABS - PIU to follow up with NPA

2 Signing of contracts for Lots 1,2, and 3 DABS August 30, 2017 SIGNED


Study on Technical Feasibility Study Report and

preparation of plan for enhancing the stability of

the network of 4 districts DABS August 30, 2017

S.No Actions Responsibility Deadline Remarks

Component 2

1 DABS prepares the plan for grid extension,

strengthening, densification DABS PIU August 30, 2017


Prepare TOR for hiring consultant for feasibility

study of solar-hybrid mini-grids and shares with

Bank DABS PIU August 30, 2017

S.No Actions Responsibility Deadline Remarks

Component 3

1 Training and Capacity Building Plan - including

capacity building of Heart Office staff DABS PIU August 30, 2017

2 Hire Consultant for preparing Grid Code DABS PIU

DABS prepares TOR and shares with Bank DABS PIU August 30, 2017 1st draft has been submitted

Bank reviews and clears the TOR WB September 5, 2017

DABS publishes Request for Proposal DABS PIU September 15, 2017

Consultants are shortlisted October 15, 2017

NPA approves the shortlist DABS October 30, 2017

Issuance of RFP to consultant DABS November 1, 2017

Consultant submits proposal November 30, 2017

DABS evaluates the proposal DABS December 15, 2017

Contract is signed with consultant DABS January 1, 2018

On-boarding of consultant January 15, 2018

3 Hiring Cashier at DABS for WB PIU DABS PIU November 20, 2017

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TOR has been prepared and cleared by

the Bank August 9, 2017 DONE

DABS will advertize the vacancy for


DABS - Mr. Fawad

Ahmad Ibrahimi September 9, 2017

Final Interview of Shortlisted Candidates DABS PIU September 20, 2017

Selection of Cashier DABS PIU October 21, 2017

On-boarding of Cashier

DABS - PIU and

Management November 20, 2017


Hiring of Environmental Specialist, Social

Development Specialist, and Civil Engineer in

DABS - Herat Office DABS PIU September 15, 2017

TORs approved by Bank

WB Safeguards

Specialists and TTL Completed

Advertise positions DABS PIU Completed

Final Interview of Shortlisted Candidates DABS PIU September 15, 2017

Selection of local staff DABS PIU September 30, 2017

On-boarding of the local staff in Herat

Office DABS PIU October 10, 2017

5 Hiring of International Safeguards Consultant DABS PIU September 15, 2017

Condition of Grant Agreement, due

within 90 days of project


DABS will finalize the ToR for

International Safeguards Consultant and submit for


WB will clear the ToR International

Safeguards Consultant

WB Safeguards

Specialists and TTL COMPLETED

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DABS will advertise the vaccancy for

International Safeguards Consultant DABS PIU COMPLETED

Final Interview of Shortlisted Candidates DABS PIU August 30, 2017

Contract Signing of International

Safeguards Consultant DABS PIU September 10, 2017

On-boarding of International Safeguards

Consultant DABS PIU September 20, 2017

S.No Actions Responsibility Deadline Remarks


1 DABS shares first draft of Procurement

Processing Manual with Bank DABS PIU September 30, 2017

2 DABS participates in Procurement Training in


DABS PIU and World

Bank September 18, 2017

S.No Actions Responsibility Deadline Remarks

Financial Management

1 Disbursement Readiness: Designated Account

(DA) and Client Connection September 10, 2017

Submit Grant Agreement and

Disbursement Letter to Ministry of Finance (MoF)

- Aid Coordinating Unit (ACU) along with Request

Letter to create DA

DABS - Mr. Fawad

Ahmad Ibrahimi August 12, 2017

MoF has allocated US$11.667

million to DABS under HEP for

Afghanistan Fiscal Year 1316

MoF-ACU will forward the request for

creating DA to Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) MOF August 13, 2017

DABS will set up a DA DAB August 30, 2017

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DABS will request WB to set up Client


DABS - Mr. FSawad

Ahmad Ibrahimi August 30, 2017

DABS - Mr. Fawad Ahmad

Ibrahimi is FM Specialist at DABS


Client Connection to be set up by World

Bank WB - Chennai September 10, 2017

2 Financial Management Manual (FMM) October 20, 2017

Condition of Grant Agreement, due

within 90 days of project


DABS will submit draft FMM for WB's


DABS - Mr. Fawad

Ahmad Ibrahimi August 30, 2017

Bank will provide comments on draft


WB: Ahmed Shah

Ahmadzai September 15, 2017

FMM is finalized with WB comments

and submitted for Bank's Clearance DABS PIU September 30, 2017

Bank Clears FMM

WB: Ahmed Shah

Ahmadzai October 5, 2017

DABS Management Approves Final



Management October 15, 2017

DABS will submit Approved FMM for

Bank's records DABS PIU October 20, 2017

3 Hiring Internal Audit Consultant for DABS PIU October 15, 2017

Condition of Grant Agreement, due

within 90 days of project


DABS will finalize the ToR for Internal

Audit Consultant and submit for Bank's Clearance

DABS: PIU and Mr.

Fawad Ahmad Ibrahimi COMPLETE

WB will clear the ToR for Internal Audit


WB FM Specialist and


DABS will advertise the vaccancy for

Internal Audit Consultant DABS PIU COMPLETE

Candidates shortlisted DABS PIU COMPLETE

Written test conducted by DABS DABS PIU September 15, 2017

Final Interview of Shortlisted Candidates


Management September 30, 2017

Page 15: Herat Electrification Project (HEP) (IDA Grant D208-0-AFdocuments.worldbank.org/curated/en/163221507733399617/...Signing July 12, 2017 Implementation Progress S Effectiveness Pending,


Selection of Internal Audit Consultant


Management October 10, 2017

On-boarding of Internal Audit Consultant


Management October 15, 2017

S.No Actions Responsibility Deadline Remarks

Environmental and Social Safeguards

1 DABS operationalized GRM DABS PIU September 15, 2017

Condition of Grant Agreement, due

within 90 days of project


DABS will provide a plan for GRM DABS PIU August 30, 2017

WB to review and clear World Bank September 5, 2017

DABS to start implementation of GRM DABS PIU September 15, 2017

2 Capacity Building Plan for E&S Supervison and

Management September 15, 2017

Draft Plan to be shared with Bank August 30, 2017

Finalize Capacity Building Plan September 15, 2017


DABS to finalize site specific ESMP for four

substations and include in contract for Lot 1 of

Component 1 DABS PIU September 1, 2017

WB reviews and comments on draft ESMP World Bank August 16, 2017 DONE

DABS will finalize ESMP DABS PIU August 30, 2017 DONE

Bank will review contract with ESMP World Bank August 30, 2017 DONE

ESMP will be included in contract DABS PIU September 10, 2017

4 ESIA and ESMP for transmission line is finalized November 30, 2017

Draft ToR for ESIA with RAP and ESMP DABS PIU August 30, 2017

WB clears World Bank September 4, 2017

DABS will prepare ESIA inhouse DABS PIU November 25, 2017

ESIA and ESMP cleared by WB World Bank November 30, 2017

5 Draft ESMP for Lot 3 - Distribution work December 10, 2017

DABS shares draft ESMP for Lot 3 -

Distribution work with Bank DABS PIU November 20, 2017

Page 16: Herat Electrification Project (HEP) (IDA Grant D208-0-AFdocuments.worldbank.org/curated/en/163221507733399617/...Signing July 12, 2017 Implementation Progress S Effectiveness Pending,


WB reviews and finalizes World Bank November 30, 2017

DABS will finalize ESMP DABS PIU December 10, 2017

Page 17: Herat Electrification Project (HEP) (IDA Grant D208-0-AFdocuments.worldbank.org/curated/en/163221507733399617/...Signing July 12, 2017 Implementation Progress S Effectiveness Pending,