heqc’s quality systems restructuring project (“finnish project”)

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HEQC’s Quality Systems Restructuring Project (“Finnish Project”). UFH presentation of Project Outcomes and Impact October 2008 Presented by: Kuselwa Marala. PRESENTATION OUTLINE. Background Project Intended outcomes Output and Impact Challenges Conclusion. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • HEQCs Quality Systems Restructuring Project (Finnish Project).

    UFH presentation of Project Outcomes and ImpactOctober 2008Presented by: Kuselwa Marala

  • PRESENTATION OUTLINEBackgroundProject Intended outcomesOutput and ImpactChallengesConclusion

  • The University of Fort Hare, Eastern Cape

  • PROJECT BACKGROUNDStartHectic: delays in appointmentRevised delivery time-schedulesGroundwork between July to December 2006Started in earnest in January 2007

  • INTENDED OUTCOMESPhase 1: Development of a Quality Plan

    Analysis of Business ProcessesAlignment of policy with practice Review against perceived best practice, and made amendments where deemed essential Identified gaps

  • Phase 1: Development of a Quality Plan

    Captured and posted on the QMS in the IntranetProcess mapsPolicy documentsProcedure documents

    The process maps captured are what wethought was ideal and aligned to policies

  • QMA Document management system

  • Under policies you will get 3 subfolders

  • Click the folder Financial Policies

  • If you want to read the document you can click OK If you want to edit the document click on edit then click OK.

  • Introducing a New Qualification

    A revised user friendly process map that takes you through the internal and external processesProcess Map and all relevant forms will be:Sent to Faculty QA Committee MembersPut on UFH Intranet

    Process for the Accreditation and Implementation of a New Programme/Qualification

    External Units / Peer Review

    Central Academic Planning Committee (CAPC)

    Inter-Faculty Process

    Complete SAQA Qualification Form and Programme Application Form (DoE) (refer to CESM Categories and Course Level Definitions)


    External Bodies

    QA Cee check programme alignment to vision, mission and goals and endorse process to begin

    TLC Review and Sign Off

    Faculty Board Approve

    Initial Clearance Approved

    Registrar seeks DoE funding approval

    DoE Approve

    Together with Programme Proposer Complete HEQC On-line Application for Accreditation

    HEQC Approve

    Application for SAQA Registration on NQF (with support from QMA Unit)

    Complete ITS Forms for Registration of Academic Structure

    Internal Registration

    Complete Module Prospectus Forms and commence implementation

    SAQA Register on their Web-based Database

    Library Review and Sign Off

    Peer Review of New Modules (x2 Institutions)

    Where applicable, professional body approval must be sought before undertaking the HEQC application process

    Dean Tables at CAPC

    Institutional Approval

    Faculty Submission to Senate

    Chair of CAPC (University Planner) Submission Report to Senate

    QMA Review and Sign Off

    Take all forms and Clearance Certificate for review and sign off

    Completed Clearance Certificate tabled at QA Cee

    Complete New Module Registration Forms

  • Just what you want with the document management system. Note: if you are working on a document no one can open or work on it.(Safe and Powerful)

  • The immediate impact of this process Time- saving gains for the QMA Unit as colleagues with queries on policies, processes and procedures are referred to the intranet as a source of initial reference.A number of colleagues have reported that this has been an empowering experience as they are able to educate themselves at their pace by visiting the QMA site

  • Phase 1 Impact ContinuedIt has enhanced the induction of new staff membersGiven the potential that this holds for the improvement of our quality systems the UFH Management has resolved to build on this system a Document Management System

  • Single point of access

    Work flow processing

    Versioning control (Backup)

    Browser-based collaboration

    Document Management Platform

    Host web portals

    Access shared workspaces and documents

  • http://sps.ufh.ac.za/qma

  • Phase 1 Outcome (1)

    Quality Policy that serves to regulate the use of the system

    It was adopted by Senate on 01 November 2007 and Council on 23 November 2007

  • Phase 1: Outcome (2) However, it is the QMA Units view that for this to have impact, further training on the policy is essential. This should help to bridge the gap between the policy at theoretical level as well as policy at implementation level.

  • Phase 2: Diagnostic Analysis and Review

    This phase entails two activities: 1.Capacity development of institutionalstaff to conduct internal self - evaluations2.Developing Programme Evaluation tools and Piloting these

  • The immediate impact of the self-evaluation process A sharpened insight of self-knowledge as an institution (UFH, Alice & Bhisho + former RUEL)The innovative model (Internal auditors audit faculties). Audit Reports and interventions are tabled at the Audit Committee

  • Activity 2: Programme EvaluationThe following programmes were evaluated:1.B Sc Crop / Agricultural Science and 2.B Sc

    In-depth discussions of the report with theFaculty, IQAC as well as Senate.

  • The impact of this pilot

    TWO evaluation tools instead of the intended ONE were developed (Programme & Faculty)The generation of lots incisive discussions on the core business of the University.

  • The impact of this pilot Continued

    The training of Faculty Quality Assurance and Teaching and Learning Committees on the use of the developed electronic evaluation tools that are posted in the QMSThe academic programme evaluation tool had been rolled out for use to the rest of the UFH community. Pro-active academic leaders to take the initiative of conducting their programme evaluation outside the University evaluation cycle

  • Phase 3: Development of a Detailed Implementation Plan

    Limited progress in the development of a consolidated improvement plan for implementation at institutional systems level. This is due to limited human capacity issues within the QMA Unit. Currently, this stands at 1 Manager and 2 Administrative support staff servicing THREE campuses

  • Phase 3: HOWEVERFor the Office of the Registrar and the Library this is already work in progress as their improvement plans have already been developed AND are being implementedSome individual leaders in their respective Units have started developing some quality improvement plans for the issues that have emanated from the self-evaluations.

  • Phase 3: AND of CAUSESome are waiting for the QMA Unit to say what must be done!!!!!!!

  • CHALLENGESQMA Unit Human capacityQMA Unit engaged in a number of projects and working with the same stakeholders who view us as over demanding of their timeCompeting demands for attention by UFH community. Juggling.Logistics Resources allocation for needed improvements

  • ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDr. Herman Du Toit of HEQCMr Dave Reevell of Revworth ConsultingMr Lovemore Nalube, ex-UFH WebmasterMr Lwazi Mbambo, TSC at UFHQMA Unit Colleagues: Cuzi, Maria & CleoFINNISH FUNDERS

  • Thanks for listening..Any questions?