hemb~ra th~ leq l slature - iowa ga/40_olson_john... · hemb~ra th~ leq l slature - iowa ... iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. . . Standa rd Form Por of LeQ lSl ature f (' 1. Birthday and place fj/g'l ( 2. Harriaqe (s) date place ' tl 3. SiQnificant events for A. Bus II .1£ •• ) . I B. Civic C. ' t(jl tt&l: ..; ..... / I 4. Church membership r/ft k,. ti / 5. Sessions .5r:rM 1/d ,( 0, .. ,. !-./,_"' / 6. Public Offices A. 'I Ct.-/;- -t1- .. _1 : d -.J:zd:r.- " rl ;f . C. National ________________________________________________ _

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Page 1: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

Standa r d Form Por Hemb~ra of th~ LeQ l Sl ature

f ( '

1 . Birthday and place ~A/hr fj/g'l (

2. Harriaqe (s) date place

' tl 3. SiQnificant events for

A. Bus in~ II .1£ ~ft-4/ tU-~1:1.< •• ) . ~

~~v./ ~n~ I

B. Civic responaibiliti••~~~~~t~z~~~~~~~~~-~----------------------

C. Profession;::;?~ ' t(jl tt&l: ..; ..... /

I 4 . Church membership r/ftk,.

ti / 5 . Sessions aerv~d .5r:rM 1/d ~-t-· ,( 0 , .. ,. !-./,_"'


6 . Public Offices

A. Loca~ 'I Ct.-/;- (~ -t1- .. _1 : d -.J:zd:r.-"rl ;f .

C. National ________________________________________________ _

Page 2: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



Page 3: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

Sources Log For Legislation lntries


' I

~ YLP../,,;J .. .A£1/\/n.,.r If/


Page 4: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Page 5: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


. . ·c next to the bufnt>d cotta~c. nS{ buildin~s \V'e're ~t·orche<i.

to M r nnd 1\J r s Wi lhcrt Chas~'. 'riday, F~b. 4lh, in JaiH! to..qpital, Clinton.

nd ~1 r~. Eugene· White cnter­-elath·cs last Tuesday cvcninJ: r of · Mrs. White's bi t1.hda~·.

nd Mrs. ·.Chris· Jorg-cm;cn and ·r llaruara Ann, entertained n~rs of t he. :-;chool Tacultv at <K:k dinner i•n• their hvm~. on

. ' ,. '


. ,., .. '

• • <# • •

. ,......."_, .. .............. ,. .. .....

. .

.WBBftD» UIIA& WftiMiAW. 18WJf _ __....__,_ __ _

(lin~ ~~nee -W:'\.1{ hclcl i~ u;e. no~nht~ C' •.· F~ston-Wul.f W<-ddi_~~ .. '· :-. I }'a 11 .. - nw .roll ple Will mnkc. till' II' ' i\1 i~s Cami !Ia ~aston. dau·~hter of . ~ l' r•mc n.i:nr Cal~mus , whcr<' he ~~ .,,. - :\1 r. ~tnd ~1 rs . !.oval Ea~ton 'of Cnlu- · 1 Pti!Cd Ill farmtttg' on the , 1\.ll ~' ltl •l l tlll~ • . attd c;c ll'don' \Vulf. ·of l...ost :\n· I l . om<'~leatl. ! t ion, :.XIII of :\lr. and · Mrs Arnold !

Harton' Huc•tl<' r~· ~011 of ;\ [r. nnd · \\'ulf, ,~· t·n; ·n•arricd i:n· th~ . Calrutius 1

,\ 1 1·~ Louis H u<'tlf'r, . ha_s returnt·d :: J ,; tltodt~~ .d~t:rch at 2 p .• m. · .o ed : l.0n1C from 1\T crc ~· hosptlal ; l>a\'Cil .. (lth. 1,\ \ }?( rnnrd .\1ott 0 tc1at 3;;. f) . port. . ·l t,l: c, d<HJ.ul.e 1111~ cer~~lon.v. . ·. b B.

. . . •. . . 1 he brtde, ~tven . m marna}{e . Y H . 1 he Frwndsh1p lll·cle of the A1<l t n h<.'.r fathC"r. wa.r.- attend~ by her 1\ls­

( lur Sa\'ior~s · Lu tlwran . ·church nwt tt>r :-: . .:\! iss (lfarjorie and Miss Dori~ \\:ith :\1 I'S J ohn \Vi~ t.~ne r '!'UC':-\d l_\ Y nnd .1:•.111' Ea ... ,to!l . .Rnymond ~t;.·ers, _or n

· evening. <'.r~decl tlw follo~\'llll! nOtc<'rs: ~.lN'. ! ·CJinto:l•, sen·l'd his 'brother-in-law a." · tP ,L-, ·of Mrs. An.na DavidSon Cl1ris . . Jor$!f"ll~C'.n, P~<'l · idt>nt: Mr.-". t lx·· t · Ill an. and Arthuh Bloore of El- p: ·ntertained in the home of Clar~ll<'(' O,lson ; .s<~rf'lar~· -tt'<'USUr<.'r. , woocl · also a brother-in-law . \\11-"

:Jert Da\·i<L.·on l\londa\' ai a .1:1w l~r!lltar~· 1,l1C<'tillvg- · wjiJ be with'; grt•('~~man . L·owell Wulf, Los't. Na- · t~. · party for her inothe r- in-· :\crs. C larence Olson · 1 tinn. hro~her of the bride~.rroom nnd ''h<· Irs. Davidson, 77. She ha'd : ~l ;It ~:;· Schurbon, brothf'r-in-law of. .M ['(" · ~ent. of ~t\'ada; .I owa, for · . · . I thco in·id('. \\'<'I'C uslwrs. l\Irs·Hov.-nrd' .. ·s until Ja.-:t July, when John Ol.~o~ D1es . I A11<..lcr~n wa~ pianist amd )tiss ll<•na

1e ncr<> to lh ·c with her s<in. .John Ol.<ion, t::~ . \ !i t'<!' last Thursdn:o: 1 Htttc~bcck san.l.!" . .' · :\ . . . "' ;•,jght in th('' ~l itchell clink at ExcE>l - :. ThP bride · wore :l gown of tradi - ;-·-10 relat i\'e, and friends a t- d d

1 mis<:ellani:olll' !'hower la~t ~ior Springt.· , ~l o.; \\'he r.:- hr had bc"n · t-iona! ,i,-or,· broca cd satin, ma e ti<

lltday in: tJie home of ~Iiss ;, pntit'nt (or !'C\'Cr;d mco nths. II·~ wilh oll' ll ;~,, ~hottldC'r · elfcct 'oti the hr uehl honori r.'J.{ lJor~y !'om- J. :'H! ilco· i!i .·ill hca ilh for SC\:<>t:d :{;i tPd'budi,•t' , a nd a colonial fkirt ex- ·g l

I 1. 1 Yl:, r:-;. . . tt' !Hiin~· j.· ·:t ca:hL'th'a ! ' t tain. HE>t: ..... 1 ':l\'t;r\Ptlrt, \\' 10 uct·ame I Tl' ~ .~ Arthur 1\uchl on. Feu. f>th. _- lk w:·t ~ . . t ;'•romir. f· l;t Ca l:uillls f:'tr- lill;.. c 1:rp '<· li <'lkL·d h\' illtt::-ion lac\· . uf

:'~C'~ \\' ('J'C . )1\'l'lle- Kueid, 1~1t· :· and a t'orn:e r nH:.nL~ r of lit<: \'.:t:- · ltd .! i:t piac~.· hy :1 t i-ara <'f Tl ~.uchl , Al!lld l\u11n .and 1-:l:'i C' · lco\\'a :-t.ttt' 1·-· ~i~ latll .-l'. 1 c :i !'!,:., :_w.l ·: Jw L':t::t'ic·d . :1 collmia! 1 I. .l)ol·sc;.:· l'o tl1""l'l.ll .· .u•·- ~· - 1' 1 . , .. , ~ 'I n'.., t .. tt'll .ll't .. : ~· :t rJ•' n i a::; :~ud narci~<~U.-4. t' t·,' "" • · tttcl'J:t .'\· l' \ t n . .'5 \\\'1'\' !ll! u ·'on .. \' :\.uchl ,\-t•rc marrit:d in T:·in- ii! Uu r ::-a·; j ,J,-·L· Lutl il'ran d1ti: t· l1 , · T !:o: :tt:c ici· Pf ho•llM' wn r l) n pal e 11u er&-,, churcjl, :Davenport, · and l' l'f l' o:? deJ !.>\· a J11'<l \'CI' .:->t·n ·ice io::• ti1C' ,·dh1"' li•JI.'l' 1, IJJ:th ~JU\\'Il of t~fTet:.. tic ~ ·the ~\·edd,ing, . the. ~.·oup l c · t';.mih bt'lll(·. · n~:,:. IL II. Redaf o:li - =n;; hridl'.'mnid's dr<'s~ was idN.rti~.·r,l .wred iu tit~;! •. KpC'Joot!' hucne \ ;,l(,·c!. Bur ial \\'a:- ht 0 lll' :::avic•l· '~ 111 :-:t~ lc, .,.f l·. harll't'll:'• talft•!a. t1·i limwr, and at . ru~ht a wed- . Luthe ra n '<;en.H:."tcr}·. Fullv\\·iug- tJw .:crenWI\_\', ·a· rt.~P- x:.



the •

Page 6: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

• • • • • .... ' '-4 ,• ' I • ., • l 14& f "f I IC 1

;','rs. I' rt·ll SdlW(•nn,c;l'n n~ ro·h;;~tr·~~: 1 ;\l u~~rnan anrf (ami!\' f1f l!r~·nnt: .\tr. l, hf• di'Volio!!al W:t~ ,_drt•n !•\' ~fi~~< / :.nd .\f r~ Lr:n Budrlrr tmd Lloyd, of f:l \'a llfllll!'flWn\' a nd ;\frf;. H:1,·m11ncJ , l!t> ll(•\'Ul': ~lr. nnd ~tr!< . Clarf!ncc ~ f·ff. ;\frl'l L<':::lcr ~farron lt:l\'~ t h4'1 I T·. l·td'r nnti rami!~·. of ~fanuoket:i': lt·,..,:-on, a 'm!'~asre t() the Calamus .J_o~t!Ph . nnd Simon ~tein~. of ~l'o u.u rr~m )furtha Lt>wi~ mil'-c;i()· , ~ ~l!riH."U('YJllf'; :'\tr. a nd )frR Arthur 11r.r 111 Jannn. The tir~t s:-roup of Lf·o~ ard, . of D~\'enport: ~lr. and lll••mbrr.ct t>ntcrtained socil'tv mem- ~frs. L()UIS Schmtdt. ~randpare.nt.q of lor rs_.. church lllf'lllllbers and tht>i r , tl~" R'TI><'>m ~ who wc,re ob!<ervin~ th~ir fa rlliiH·.~ at n clinn!'r part~· in ·~he ; ·1··th weddJn~ a.nn t~·e r~ar~·~ of Prcs­~l•·thodl st church dinim~ room.q la."t' t()n:. Mr. an<i ~Irs Mason Leonard a:::d \\-1:ek. · f<~m1Iy of lli>ek h':iand.

Final Hites for John OlBon P a mpf'rin·J\ Ut'hl Wcddin~ Fun l'rat · R~rvice~ wl'r£' held ln.~


. P(l !'~f·r f'ampr·r i11. ,,£ Davr:nJJ(>ri., ~I ()n day, J:c-b. ith. for ' J oh n J. Ollt<)n , oaq:- ll tl'r o f .Jr~t• ~anch L'Z, of ChicaJ!o. ~·l, whr, d.H:ri thf' Thursday r>rt•\"iOI..Lif hr·~· a n,,. th(' hr id" 0f Arthur Kuehl m E~<'I!I!'JOr SJ.Jrin:..,,;., ~l o., aft~ r a ~"II nf ~Irs. Ricki(\ Kueh l or Cala.mu~: I Iron )! !I lor.~ SR. He:·· Redal officiated :tt .. ' ~· a d .. ublr·-ri!!.l! l'<' P: tu om· nt 2 n. ro., ~he pra~·c- r S(:n,ce in the home and S:o!t:rrla~·. Fd>. Gth . in Tridt~· Luth-~ln the church. . . I !·:til d i' lr<'h in lla\'l·nr>•lrt, t.he .Rr:\', J-Irmn- W(!re sun~:r by· ~Irs. Loyal I· rt •d Jt,.:l ~ ~ni<'i a ti n~. · \\'al tr: r Paul \\. IC!'I', .\Irs. H._H ... - HC'<la l- and·- ~ti~ \\ a o.: :il ~h ~ · on!"an. .\farci r: lle .\l u('lll·r, and ' b\' Re\'. Rcdal . Thr· !.rid·· ·.\'a c.; J.! i ,·en 10 marriage a_<:<:<> Ill pa'nied l.n· .\I r~ . ... l.A.·stcr Chri ~ :

h·: .lat·k ·.-) t i·rnrn•·l. Sht· . \"r,rf! a pink tlr •n:Y:_n. . .·: : ' n ~·o\\'1 1 s ~ ~ :..d ',\'ith fit { ""d hodic·e. Bur1al wa.c; 1n th~ <:.hurch cemeb· rv. :tJ iol fu:J .'kirt. ll·· r ,4hUrt JJi :l.k \'t·il r:a.llhyarr:rs w_('rc Ll!onnrd J er.l<:en . ''; 1~ ·. ht•ld wi' h n rat<·hinv tiara . She I·.IJ :'\ nrhUJ- . AL: rN] J ohnson , ClarencP c 1,:-.r:r•,l a '':L ( adl.' nrranJ!. r• mtmt of (l l,\,)1"''.'· I~>nard Pe<lcr~n and Al\"in \· . ·:r· ~ ·anr at ii• r! ~. ·. ~frs . .Jack Sti rn- HroRC!iancl-. - FI()wcr!'l we r e in char~e !'.•· I \\:t,-:; tr~trr,n ,,; hrJr, 1Jr ..... Parin" a '· ~ ~I rs. El i ~(•rhus, .\l i,;,<; S\·anhild " ' I ' . ,., r '(: rj r r " n 'I ' ' . }J . I d 'K :·:i"'1 / · : • ..:: 1 ~·,wra ,,f roS(·dus t f'rc:f>e. 1

• ' . ,..(· • . t ""·. ·'"'•\' 11:. \,.(1~{' an .. •ln-:. I ... ·nd':~111a1ds \\t: re f:dra J{obr:rK'' :\nd~ T.un d, .\lJS..'f Anna .\r. rhu!'!. :\Jrs.

Ira, •:nw·rt swd .\Ji.!-..ci J(:a;: .(:th· I>au r\nd,·r.-• ·ra a nd ~1 rs, HoiJOWI·ll .'• .. r. ~:-- · 11 ll f /)t·\\' rtt . Thr· v ·,~.·rm· H;!mmett. '' l :l:l'III:. L' !' •• Wi. .' r,: J!.rr: (•fl. ' ',Jr, Ami . I1lP dr.:·l·a~·IL Sill!"' 11[ tlie late

... · .~· ' ' ' · :-:·1 .. '/. , ,; thr· l.(f!J (J fl1. ,,f ~r· J. ~) llt l :tlld f{:whr:·.l 0 lsron, wn~ . 1!t .\\ :t t wa:.; t:v.o:r·r ~rirl. (;l r: n h uch l. :or ·r n .\11v. :.!:-., l R!). t, i.n ()li\'1', town­<.:... .. •J: u.'. ·.•:; ~., .. :,, .. t ma.· , ar.d ushPr~ ."ht p ar,tl had ~P': nt mr•st ,,f hi~ life '-'";·:··· 1·,1•,'- r! S'•"llkSJ· n, Dr· W itt. and h"n· . . ff,. ...,.a!'! .b~ptizt· rl a~d con­'.1 ' , f_J _,.,.,;I, r:~L ~tn~~ ..; r r n:•·d I ll thr• old h VIndht~ rn:d churrh

T t! •· li • ·.·.-·:. ·.•,t • ..-J :-: ~,· ,·rt· !J r1 r: 11 rr~l at a ar ad \\·a, a mt·mhr·r ro ( the hrother­·.·:, .d•l:;.! d! r l.f·r ;,t ,-,::~r, in thr:. ho m•: ror.rj a nd (Jth r·r c·hu n ·h ro rv,anizations.

· ~~:. ,.\!:·s. J_::r..:it· 1-\ :;"h l. ·.•: ith oli:..o·· HI: s r;!"\' l•d IH1f: lt•rm' a!< :-:tall' rrpre-,;nq f ., !' t;r. J.! ~ ~ :i't1t.. ~(·ntatr\' r: a · <I w;~. ~t ate' rilai rman o!

Ti,l•· l, r: •!r·, ~ r; rno<:r l;,: of Davenpor t. .tht:: R~'Tlllh)i~"an \'oluntf'cr committee ~·:·:.•: • .u:,.rJ fr'•ll: .\l •Js-·ati:t" hi :.rh s-: h •,,,j ~~~ ill'!" :'l 'Hr:H·!'; durin)! the _war. He :tt:d. •.•:;u; r-·ltar.l iJj't;d i.:. I>uvetlfl'J rt ur1- ·.\a~ adl\'o~ ;n <:<•U II t\· H~puhlican cir­. l I 1 ' 1' rn :.1rr ia;(r:. ·· t:! ':' and wa!' in th ~ r<:nl <~tate bus i­' _.~ :.'· - ~rr•,·r:r; :;:; a li fr•lflnl( r(·sidcnt of l of'~S it.l Cal;m!U,4 fr,r m~!":}' yl'a n::.

;, ,, :•:.u- :.r rl ...... I.-I l;dU <:a lt·d i n t he . II• · I:' SUI'\'l\'(:d b~· h i!< w idow, the 1

; , ';: · : ·- • ' :,, ... ,!. II•; farm~ ~h ~ · 1 f r> '" ll :•: ; ~I ar)!ar<·t StC' inbcck, whom h" I. •' !. , :•:· ·•···s t'::trl, , , ,.;~r r;alarnp '-' . 1 ~narr:"'l l> ec. l!i, 1!•-14: two st~p-~01.18 ·· : ·' -'· .. ! ·,. Lto r· <-·~ur,! •· s n~· ... · hl)n1, . ~ ' 1"d .1 l-tr·p-daughttor; tl\'c br otJ1crs, ·

.\ :· ··=··' ." Jt ·>::.'\ wr ·l'r· .\lr~ . Attn .~ llano· , Wa lli n, Th or<>. 01~ and :"\t> l~. •: ·· · .: .. • .'.Jr ;sr :d .\lr~. Fr~-.J Schw,· !n a ll of C;~l amus; and fh·r: siste~. :\11"!'1.

o1 ' : . .. . : , ~~ ~ ·: arrl, .\1 r . and ~Irs . J1 1h 11 l ?:d)(_•ll Stunda hl Twin Valley; ~inn., ; '_!. '' 1:ll. , .\lr ' IIHr,, ld S<· hei b•·l :~nd -~ir~. Ha<"hf!l.£3ous9P,Iot, ~~r~. Mary

·' • · • .•· .1 ;,, ,, •• ac. a ll 'Jf (.'hkaKo. j · . ~flld a~l. ~Ita: llertha Olsom. and ~lr ss r.nR"chna Olson; all of Calamus

I ;,nd ,·icinitv.

/ .•. ,,,. ·• rd ·~ I,. i nt'"' W t•d ci inK T ho1;e frnm a wa ~· u ttcn<lj n ~:r tiH' '. ; ·. ; : .. ·· . 1.,, ri:..; a Lr·r,rJarrl. rlau•,t,.' f n r~~·ra! \\' l: rr· :\lr!" .. St>lrne r :-5tunda1:1

,1 <~ _fwm valley, ~f mn.; Mrs. A'lir-e • 1 :· ·.: .- ·l·. rl .\lr~. ~lns"n 1...-:onard \~ hl t ll''Y· .\Ir:-: \\'a lto:-1· Chri~t~nsf'n, .; I :; ••• •• :. h•·t·anw the bride () ( ~ ~ r, and :'ofr . (In r enee ChrL-.tcn!<enl

:,•· r ' f. r. , ,~ .-.it·i rH' ' • .~m of :\Ir~ . ~.I r .. and ~Irs. Guy J ohnson, Fred · '' :,;, :,•,. : •'1-;, Salurda.\', F ntJ. P>th, ( Jl \ d ~- .rau, ~ •. runo , n er-son, of DeWitt ;

Hr ,', :--. 1·:-.JJ , ;, ~H•d James Catholic .\1 r~. Er1c Th<lrl'en of Storv City· and :..liurch , Gr~nd .'rlound. at 7 :30 a. m . . Mra. HoloweU Hammett, Dav.mPort.

' A I ?VJ FOl H-OOOH i• tll1• Fra/,.·r \fnnhull .,.!Jidr hu~ :1 ,.,,mp:·l' " •l l ' fiiii: ,J lito f rulfl I 00 t

' I \

Yes, today f

· half a millie. Genc:-al Ele<

:'\, .... •• tl i your-df "lro•pilljt trort~ati<· I ri~tht ''" in .rnnn

- llifht . . t hnn't

f rom nn~ - rutr.. hlu.

Tht> Aur fu/1, nlll•

f.'lr,.tr ic upprnn_•rl nrrJitl'rir, ,

n/./ (' In 1

L •11w deri,



Page 7: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Page 8: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Page 9: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Page 10: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Page 11: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925- Ancestry.com

ancestry You searched for John Ol.son In Iowa

Name: John Olson

Birth Year: abt 1885

B1rth Place: Iowa

Gender: Male

Race: White

Manta) Status: Single

Census Date: 1915

Res1dence state: Iowa

Residence Clinton County:

Locality: Olive

Mother's Iowa Birthplace:

Father's Iowa Birthplace:

Roll: IA1915_ 114

Une: 728 Ne1ghbors: Y1ew oth<:liQ!l.JlMl.e

Household Name Age Members: J9hn OJsoo 30

Source Information: Ancestry.com. Iowa State Census CollecttOil, l8J6-J9:Z5 [database on-lme). Provo, UT, USA Ancestry.com Operattons Inc, 2007 Original data; Microfilm of Iowa State Censuses, 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, 1925 as well vanous spectlll censuses from 1836-1897 obta•ned from the State H1storocal Soc•etY ot Iowa via Herotllge Que~t.

Description: Th•s database conta•ns Iowa state censuses for the followu·>g years 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, and 1925 It also ondudes some heacl of housellold censuses and other Sfli!Oal censuses from 1836•1897 lnfon-na!lon avatlabie for an •nd vldual wl l vary accord "9 to the census year and the mformatoon requested on the census form Some of the onformat on conta,r'!cl tn rtus database though mducles name. age gender, race, D•rthplace, manta! status, and place o! enumeraroon ~l:olfDJ!)O<il.

Contact US: 1-80D-ANCESTRY Anoostl'/ com Bloo Affiliates Gil\ M<!mbershtps

f;) 1991·2011 Ara<tJV com Ccrpor•te lnfo<moiJOn Cll1""" PflliiK:r POliCY Tffms lfld Condllions

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Page 12: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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You are here: ~es > Onel'(ortdT~e~ >John Olson


1!1 John Olson Born: 28 Nov 1884

calamus, I owa, USA

Died: 3 Feb 1949

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Page 13: Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa GA/40_olson_john... · Hemb~ra th~ LeQ l Slature - Iowa ... Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

John Olson (1884- 1949) - Find A Grave Memorial Page 1 of2


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John Olson

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Birth: Death:

Nov. 28, 1884 Feb. 3, 1949

Family links: Spouse: Margaret Olson {1897- 1973)

Burial: Kvindherred Cemetery Calamus Clinton County Iowa, USA

Created by: Diane Hoffstedt Record added: Sep 14, 2010 Find A Grave Memorial# 58631747

Cemetery Photo Added by· Michael Kearney


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