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  • 7/31/2019 Hemant N Purohit



    Hemant N Purohit Page 1

    Global Partners Of The US

    Today global partners are the need of the hour for the US.The global partners in for the US are

    a necessity. The global cooperation with these global partners is of immense importance.Stability in relation with these global partners is a must.US should be more inclined to

    enhancing global cooperation with it's global partners.Acting alone for the US can prove a bit

    too much. However , acting with global partners can always lead to immense results in every

    kind of step and in every problem. However , US over the years always has been working on

    global cooperation still at times often it has choosen to act alone and that often has occured

    quite often and that is where US needs to work a bit more so that there is more stability in

    relations with global partners and so that it develops and enhances it's own global cooperation.

    Balancing Act For The US

    US is the most important nation today.As far as it's economy is concerned then surely it

    is working on it's economic recovery.Definitely for the US it's economy is one of the

    most important apart from it's foreign policy.A US economic recovery is key to world

    economic recovery.However , for the US it's economy and foreign policy always need a

    balancing act.Definitely for some time US has been doing this balancing act quite well ,

    as this balancing act is important.Today the US economy is good and definitely with this

    balancing act it will get better and so is the foreign policy of the US will surely get a

    boost with the balancing act.However , US policy is also linked to world policy and

    definitely is enormously important component of world policy apart from different

    foreign policies of different nations.This makes US one of the most important nation

    and for this matter it's balancing act is all the more important as balancing act is the

    most important component of managing in the best of ways.

    As US moves further it's balancing act and hence it's managing act has to get better

    and it is important not only for the US however also for different other nations.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 2

    US Efforts

    US efforts to bring nations together and working together should be really

    appreciated.They are very good infact.It is like US is evolving it's team work with othernations and definitely positive results from every effort has to come and definitely it will


    Leaders & People

    Leadership is one of the most important part of any country. What kind of leadership a

    country gets squarely depends on it's people. Leaders of a country represent their

    people be it a democracy or otherwise it is the people which define a leadership in a

    country. What kind of a country does not depend on leadership it surely depends on the

    people and what they want to get done. If they do not want to get done anything there

    will be nothing done , leadership anywhere in the world is completely people centric. It

    is the people alone who get things done and leadership anywhere simply follows their

    mandate however the methods vary in different countries of these mandates.

    However , for leadership empathy is one of the most important quality. Countries where

    leadership empathises in reality there the country surely improves in every aspect. Just

    imagine a country where leadership does not empathise with it's people or people of

    other countries , it looks dry and what is dry leadership , is it leadership at all ........

    Leadership at the global level addresses global issues , if leadership at the global level

    can make this world better then that is surely global leadership. A leadership at the

    national level is a leadership which can make a country better , if that happens that issurely leadership. Those who are global leaders if they improve the lives of people

    around the world by addressing some serious global issues then they are in true sense

    of the word global leaders. If in a country leaders do all except address national issues

    then what is leadership. A global leader addresses global issues by keeping a balance of

    his own national interests and other countries invovled.

    National interests are very important , safeguarding national interests makes a country

    better and when such a thing happens be it economy , be it foreign policy , be it the

    security of a country , whenever these are safeguarded then alone a country becomes

    better and stronger and that leadership which addresses all this ( as people simply can

    not do all this ) and improves it can alone be called a better leadership.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 3

    The Importance Of Economic Efforts

    Economic efforts for a nation surely pave the way for a better economic condition ,

    more importantly for an economy which is recovering , in such economies economic

    efforts surely will make the economy more robust and better.The importance ofeconomic efforts can not be undermined as they are crucial and vital.

    A Nation's economy is one of the most important and vital.A capitalistic economy under

    stress should surely see more leadership role stepping-in on matters of economy , as

    they are vital.

    Justice Important For A Better Nation

    The most important quality of a leader is to do justice.A society which sticks to justice is

    a much better society.The nature of justice & the nature of injustice decides the future

    course of a society and in turn a nation.What is a leader without the sense of

    justice.What is a society without a sense of justice and what is a nation without a sense

    of justice.Justice breeds justice and injustice breeds injustice.A society stagnates at

    injustice.A better society is not created by injustice however it is created by justice.The

    nature and propagation of injustices surely does not create a better society and neither

    does it create a better nation.However , the nature and propagation of justices creates

    a better society , creates a better nation and definitely creates one which is just and

    surely which has a sense of justice.Definitely only from a just society can we expect just

    citizens , just leaders and more importantly just actions. Definitely there is nothing

    more important than just actions.There can be no better citizen than a just citizen.

    There can be no better leader than a just leader.Justice follows Justice.

    A just citizen creates a just society and just society creates a just leader and just

    leaders create a just nation however a just citizen alone is the first step to justice and isthe single unit of a society , of the leaders and also of the nation.Today nations require

    just leaders so that a sense of justice can prevail in a nation and in other nations and

    why today tomorrow also every nation will require just leaders who can propogate the

    sense of justice in their own nations and in other nations.

    Today for nations the need of just actions is important.A just action will always go a

    long way in shaping the future of the world and different societies around the

    world.Hence , a leader with a sense of justice should always try to do just actions as

    just actions alone can shape the future of the world and shape justice itself throughout

    the world.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 4

    Balancing Act By A Leader

    Balancing for a leader is very important.A good leader surely maintains a balance.When

    such a leader is at the helm of affairs of a nation always balanced solutions appear.A

    nation surely becomes balanced in every aspect. In the same way those nations who

    are at the helm of affairs of the world affairs should always maintain balance.Anequitable and a well balanced world can only take shape by adopting the policy of

    balance of interests among nations.A balanced world is surely required today and

    definitely it will be required tomorrow and for that the policy of balance of interests is

    required from leaders of nations at the helm of world affairs.The onus is surely on them

    to create a world well balanced.

    People Of A Nation

    The people of a nation are surely the soul of a nation. A nation is build by it's

    people.People are extremely important.People can make a nation strong and much

    better than what was it yesterday and what it is today.It is the people alone who set

    the agenda for a nation.People however must set an agenda which makes a nation

    stronger in every aspect.People are surely the strength of a nation.What kind of agenda

    should be set for a nation has to decided by the people of a nation.A nation built and

    preserving the fundamental values of justice , liberty , freedom , righteousness ,

    equality is surely a strong nation however a nation where the pillars of justice , freedom

    , righteousness , equality shakes and where these are not preserved is surely a weak

    nation and such a nation surely needs it's people to shape it more than any other nation

    does , in these nations the role of people is immensely important as they and they

    alone are capable in building a strong nation.

    Righteousness must be the highest virtue of a leader.Righteousness is also the highest

    virtue for the people of a nation as this alone can make a strong nation.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 5

    National Unity & Empathy

    With the end of the year & begining of ofcourse a new one , let the national unity be

    maintained everywhere , in every nation. Let the interests of the people are put at the

    topmost place , in every nation. Let there be more empathy towards & between

    nations. Let there be more righteousness in every nation. Let every nation evolve &grow. Let there be more peace between nations & more good in every nation. Let every

    nation take a path of growth & prosperity . Let the people of a nation support national

    interests & people interests when they are being worked out as that alone is the path to

    national prosperity.

    Hence, let every nation take care & take the path of peace & progress & definitely

    national unity & hence through empathy international unity & international peace.

    Finally, let good governance for the people of a nation & for the people of different

    nations be the most important & singlemost function as in the long run good

    governance alone is the most sustainable & most important & let people accross the

    spectrum support good governance as good governance alone is the most important inuplifting a nation & uplifting it's people.

    Let good governance be the path taken in every nation & let there be peace in a nation

    & peace between nations through good governance. Let national unity & international

    unity be brought through good governance.

    Let empathy prevail everywhere with everyone as the new year adds more days

    similarly let there be more empathy in people. Let every nation be governed by good

    governance along with more empathy.

    Good Governance

    People are very important & governance should always be deeply people oriented.The

    good governance always focuses on people & their benefits. Good governance also tries

    to bring better services to the people & at a much faster & optimum way. Good

    governance can surely change the state of the people for good & uplift the people in a

    much better way.

    Good governance is a hallmark of a better nation , a nation can either experience

    governance or it can either experience good governance. Good governance is surely like

    doing & going that extra mile to service & that too good service to the people ,

    motivated by this good governance can be experienced.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 6

    Unity is Strength

    Unity is quite significant in any nation. A nation united irrespective of anything is surely

    a better nation .A united nation makes a nation significant & such a nation can always

    significantly contribute to the development of the world.A nation divided is a nation

    broken , a nation united is surely a nation developed & ready for development in the

    world.The path of any nation should be that of unity , unity of it's own people & unity ofpeople around the world & that is when a nation becomes significant for it's own people

    & significant for the people around the world.It is important that nations work for the

    people around the world for their betterment & help in making this world much more

    significant & more importantly just.

    Let us imagine a future of a divided nation..... imagination of such a nation even for a

    moment surely takes us to something really dark something which is not a pretty

    picture at all , is this what a nation should aspire for in a world which is reimagining

    itself & orienting towards a more constructivity & more positivity & more benefits being

    doled to people.

    A nation should surely embrace positivity , should embrace a constructive change &provide it's people a constructive change & that is more important & that is best for the

    benefit for the people & that constructive change within a nation can more importantly

    make a nation strong & bring about more positivity within a nation.

    A nation should bring more positivity within & should emphasize on the development of

    the nation.

    Sustainable Policy

    Policy of balance is important. With the balance of interests between nations the world can

    surely become a better place. This policy of balance is a very important component of anypolicy for that matter. Whenever there will be any imbalanced policies which will

    be pursued then surely it will always work adversely & definitely they are not sustainable. Policy

    of balance in all policies should be pursued. Whenever the policy of extremes or tending to

    extremes are pursued even during normal situations then definitley they are not sustainable &

    they can never be sustainable.Pursuing a policy of extremes during normal situations is equally

    adverse as pursuing a policy of balance if the situations are extremes. However a policy should

    normally always tend to or should work towards a more balanced approach which is more

    mature & sustainable. Hence , the back bone of every policy should be a balanced approach

    without which not much can be sustainable in real terms.

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    Right Way Important

    Let the right way be followed & let the right results emerge from this right way as this

    is important.

    A nation which is involved for the benefit of other nations should always find the right

    way so that it may benefit as many people & this can happen only when empathy isshown towards people of different nations.Right way is crucial in bringing about the

    right results & this happens when a nation involved in the benefit of different other

    nations has a higher empathy & always such nations should always show a higher levels

    of empathy & definitely for that they need to develop a higher levels of empathy &

    should act in the right ways as that alone brings the right results which are important

    for different people living differently in different regions & different nations.

    In the same way the leaders of these nations which are responsible for many other

    nations & the benefits of their people should always enhance their levels of empathy as

    this combined with right ways can surely make this world much better & this in turn can

    enhance the levels of empathy & importance of right ways in people of different regions& different nations.

    International Diplomacy Is Important

    International diplomacy is quite important for any nation & definitely for one

    responsible for the greater good of many.The test of international diplomacy for a

    nation is quite important.A nation should stick to international diplomacy.Let there be a

    stance of international diplomacy on part of a nation in order to work with other nations

    successfully & this stance of international diplomacy is very important.

    International diplomacy & succesful implementation of it is definitely required & that isalways vital for a nation's success.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 8

    Most Important Duty Of The Leader Of A Nation

    It is important to do good to the people. The first and the foremost duty of the leader

    of a nation is to safeguard the people's interests which include economic safety &

    security , social safety & security , political safety & security along with the most

    important duty of protection of people providing them security in their nation. The dutyof a leader of a nation should be to protect all his people from all walks of life. The duty

    of a leader of a nation is far superior than all the other leaders put together as such a

    leader is directly responsible for the people and their well being and it is enormously

    important that the leader of a nation performs this important duty of protecting his

    people from all walks of life.

    Public Welfare Important For A Nation

    By doing public welfare as a continuous process can a nation become better year by

    year , decade by decade as the key to a nation's well being is people's welfare. The

    nations who have made public welfare their key goal and their public welfare methods

    as important and most effective practices have surely improved themselves and very

    importantly their people tremendously which is required of any nation which wants to

    move forward on the path of proogress. A continuous process of betterment of public

    welfare is one of most important in any nation and it can make the lives of the people

    much better and that is the most important in any nation.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 9

    Nation Building By The People & Leaders

    People are important and their welfare is important. People of a nation should be

    served by the leaders of the nation and the people of the nation should serve the

    nation. Nation building is simply not the role of leaders of a nation , a nation is also

    build by the people of a nation and that is very important. There is an extent to whichthe leaders of a nation can build it and that has to be respected and that has to be

    supported however the process of a continuous nation building should also be done by

    people of a nation as without that all efforts of any nation building in any nation are

    futile and are of no use to anyone neither in the short term nor in the long term.

    However , the leaders of a nation should be supported who are in the process of nation

    building and should also not be supported when they act contrary to any nation building

    as that is a very important role of the people.

    Naiton building definitely is not a unidimensional function of the leaders of the nation

    however it is a multidimensional function and that too a function to be done by every

    single person in a nation in turn supporting the leaders who are inclined or are doingnation building.

    Sense Of Justice Of A Leader

    The leader's sense of justice and sense of equality can be surely judged by the words

    and actions and today many can see that very evidently and clearly.

    That is the sort of leaders the world needs to build and these are the leaders who

    should emerge throughout world.

    This world can become just by a leader who has a sense of justice and then this world

    can become a better place.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 10

    Religious Tolerance

    A land where a lot of religions exist and beyond that coexist it is extremely important

    that unity of all religions is given enormous importance.Religious harmony can alone

    bring peace in a nation.Religious tolerance is extremely important for a matured

    nation.The immaturity of a nation is reflected by it's religious intolerance , suchintolerance makes a nation and it's people look most immature and this in turn makes

    the entire nation look immature.Religious intolerance should have no place in a nation

    as such intolerances make a nation weak.

    Foreign Policy Approach

    It is very important to be good and to be nice to people as they are important. Every

    policy exists to serve the the interests of the people. Policies are put in place to achieve

    the welfare of the people. Be it economic policy , be it security policy , be it foreign

    policy they always should tend to achieve the best welfare of the people. However in

    this , foreign policy is one which is very important and for a nation which has a very

    elaborate foreign policy , it should be approached in a way that maximum welfare of

    the people happens and that happens by providing the most just , most equitable and

    most balanced solutions. As maximum welfare happens only with the most just , most

    equitable and the most decisions and by being nice to people and by serving the

    interests of most of the people.

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    Decisive Action: Shaping Tomorrow

    A decisive action taken today by a Nation can surely shape today and tomorrow

    not only for one nation however many nations altogether and surely shape the

    tomorrow of the world and definitely tomorrow of the world should be shaped bydecisive actions of today.

    However , decisive actions are also of very different types , some are in a hurry

    of being decisive and some are decisively decisive actions and it is the latter that

    puts the solid foundations of tomorrow and when a nation decides to take such

    an action it lays a solid foundation for itself for sure today and more importantly


    Petty Interest Less Important

    The people , I would say are more important . To serve the people is the most

    important aspect. It is always important to do what is important for the people & for

    that it is very important to be above petty interests.

    Petty interests always sidelines people & embrace certain things which beat the entire

    purpose of what is important for the people. The leaders always have an immense

    responsibility to serve the purpose of their people. Leaders should have only one

    agenda & that is the agenda of people & at which side they sit should not be really

    important as long as they work for the interest of the people as this is their singular &

    most important duty. However , the leaders always should try to rise above petty

    interests & try to serve the people to the best of their ability as that is more important

    & that is utterly required.A leader should always serve the purpose of the people. A leader should always be

    balanced in approaching this purpose of serving the people. The leader should always

    try (& trying is an important word) his best , make the best balanced decisions in a way

    that people are benefitted the most & people get to see real results from their leaders.

    When leadership tries to bring the people together along with serving the people then

    that leadership is performing the most important duty & the leader can do this when he

    moves more & more away from petty interests & more & more towards the interest of

    the people & that this should be done by a leader in reality as reality & realism in a

    leader is more important than anything else as realism only brings real results & in

    today's world a leader should move more towards realism as that is one very important

    aspect. A leader should embrace realism as only realism helps.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 12


    Nations working on peace should encourage peace through their actions.Peace is

    important and peace is the best.Peace can pave the path to prosperity wherever it

    is strived and worked out.In peaceful enviornment can people remain happy.

    So let peace be encouraged by nations and when peace is encouraged peace is

    what results.Peace alone leads to prosperity.

    International Justice Extremely Important

    International Justice is extremely important.A nation should befriend

    International Justice.International Justice should be done to actions which are

    unjust and cause the fatalities of innoncent people without any

    cause.International Justice will make sure that unjust actions which are

    adventures are surely checked.However , International Justice should not be

    meant or turn or lead into International Isolationism as isolating a nation for it's

    injustice is in itself unjust and itself undermines International

    Justice.International Justice (and not international isolation ) should be

    extremely important.

    Unjust adventures should be checked at any cost by a strong International Justice

    which should become extremely important.

    Let nations befriend International Justice which is important to make this world

    better in turn governed on the principles of International Justice which alone can

    curb unjust acts of a nation and put in place International Justice which is

    extremely important.

    Loss of human life due to unjust actions can not be justified and they should bechecked by a strong International Justice.However , International Isolation is in

    itself unjust and definitely undermines International Justice and it is

    International Justice that nations should befriend to make this world better and

    to curb loss of innoncent life due to unjust actions .

    International Isolation is an extreme measure for extreme situations of repeated

    extreme injustices and it should be rarely used .However , International Justice is

    a strong measure for every situation of injustice which demands it and

    implementing it at the proper time is a sign of strength and surely a strong

    middle path of justice which can make this world a more just and fair world and

    in the end stregthening International Justice.

    International Justice coupled with empathy can alone create a fair world and

    pave the way for a strong middle path.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 13

    Better World By Actionable Empathies Of People Across Borders

    World is one family.Nations need to come together.A better world can be

    created.It important to advance the agenda of people accross geographies ,

    making a world much better than the previous year.We see nations working in

    this direction.We as people surely appreciate these effort.Nations can not actalone and do things without the support of the people of what they require.At

    times what jeopardizes the agenda of the people are people themselves across

    geographies for which a handful can not be blamed.At times serious efforts of a

    few people are jeopardized by the people of a nation or people accross

    geographies which is sad however that seems to be a reality.People accross

    geographies should should support serious efforts as without their support these

    handful people can only do things to an extent and not beyond that.For that these

    handful people should be empathized and should be well understood.Though

    these handful people can empathize a lot however they can act matching the sum

    total of empathy of the people and some little more from their side however notto total of what empathy they truely believe in and there we see power of people

    sometimes being the cause of not getting a thing done in the positive direction or

    little done though efforts might be there .At these moment we should empathize

    with these handful people and with the people and hope that not the handful

    people however people accross empathize more which can be more actionable

    and fruitful to people accross geographies so that they can benefit accross

    geographies and mutually benefit making a world which is better.So let people be

    the generators for more actionable empathies accross geographies.Let them

    hence create a better world on these actionable empathies.

    With these enhanced levels of actionable empathies accross boundaries let these

    handful people make this world a better place so that new synergies can be

    brought between people accross borders and accross geographies.So that these

    handful people can power themselves with new set of actionable empathies and

    improve the world.

    Let people accross geographies come together and empower one another with

    more actionable empathy for one another so that this world can be a better place .

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    Approach: The Core Strength Of A Nation

    World is full of problems wherever you will see you will witness a problem.Some

    people do have the mandate to solve these problems however they are reluctant

    to solve them , is the problem so big and complicated , we don't know.However ,

    what we surely know that they can solve these problems no matter how big andnot matter how complicated.What stops them , we don't know.

    A nation which has history of bringing change in itslef , alone gets the mandate to

    change the world however a nation which is reluctant to change itself , does not

    get the mandate to change the world.

    If you see change in a nation , a conscious change , over a number of years in it's

    people , in it's approach , it's problem solving approach in particular be it it's

    economy or be it's domestic problems then you can truely already say that it has

    got a mandate to bring about a change in the world.Those nations who already

    have such a mandate should hone themselves with a problem solving approach

    which is an asset to them , which has always been their core strength.However , those nations which get a stroke with the word called change should

    surely ponder over it , should try to bring about a change in their approach , it

    can not be done in a day , a year however it can be done over the years , a simple

    gradual change in the approach can become an asset for a nation and get the

    mandate in the world else it will never graduate.

    Empathy Required For A Better World

    One of the most important thing in today's times is empathy.Empathy hasenormous value in this world.When the world empathizes world becomes a better

    place.Whenever empathy has been brought in it has improved things for the

    good.Those who empathize should expand it so that it can bring bigger and better

    good.Empathy surely has the capability to bring people together , build bridges

    between people for their own good.

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    Middle Path

    Middle path is the most important path.Extremes to anything are always givers of

    adverse results.An intelligent man should always approach the middle

    path.Middle path brings out the best results.Midle path does not mean a

    compromise on any unrighteous action however it means common

    understanding on shared ideologies which can pave a better path today and in thefuture.Middle path is the path to the best results.

    Whenever extremes to anything are done they produce not very good

    results.However for best results middle path is reuqired and is a must.Whenever

    approaches have been on extremes it has always proved counter

    productive.Middle path is a path of shared ideologies , shared commitment ,

    shared goals and definitely it bring on shared prosperity.Middle path is the path

    which bring on success which definitely discards unrighteous action to the

    maximum and brings about best results.

    A nation should always approach the middle path in it's lifestyle , it's approach ,

    it's policy to it's people , it's policy to other nations and bring out a better worldinside it and outside it.

    Path To Success

    Health care is very important.Health care will pave the path to success.A good

    health care system will stregthen the nation.When a nation becomes a success

    then the success of it's people is definite.

    A nation can be made strong only by it's people.National interest must become

    the first interest and rest everything secondary.Only by this the nation will

    become strong and move on the path to success.When people do things innational interest then a nation is build and goes on the path to success.An

    economy of a nation is not all in all.It is very important no doubt however a

    nation is build on wider things in addition to the economy.

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    Constructive Change Which Is Good

    Change is important.Change should be tangible enough.Change has to come at all

    levels.Approach has to change.One of the most important type of change is the

    change which is constructive and a change which is good.

    Change in a nation comes from it's people and people should always embrace

    constructive change and which is good.For a nation to change for good thensurely the people will have to change their approach.As without the change in the

    approach of the people no change can be a ereality.People need to change and

    their approach moresoever.

    Change in nation comes when the mindset of the people change and when they

    do things that build a strong nation collectively.

    The Righteous Path

    Righteous path is the most difficult path and upholding righteousness is all the

    more difficult.Those who chose to move on this path of righteousness must not

    divert an inch from this path of righteousness and also embrace the difficulties

    faced walking on this path and keep on walking on this as alone this path of

    righteousness can bring the most truthful and the most righteous results and this

    world surely has scarcity of truthful and righteous results.Only truthful and

    righteous rsults are liongterm.Righteousness is the highest truth and it's results

    can only be righteos and truthful.This world requires righteous and truthful

    results more than ever and whenever people have walked on the righteous path ,

    they have always been successful in bringing about the most truthful and most

    righteous results which have been the most long term results and we see so many

    people as living testament of most truthful and righteous results.Walking on therighteous path alone can bring the most truthful and righteous results which

    alone are long term.One should always choose righteousness over

    anythingelse.TO move on on this path is the most difficult and those who decide

    to move on the path of righteousness must continue on this path as of all paths

    this path of righteousness is the highest and he who has righteousness in him

    should continue on this path and bring about most truthful and most righteous


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    Humanitarian Outlook

    The importance is always to be humanitarian.Humanitarian outlook is extremely

    important for people who are linked directly linked with the public and their

    benefit.One should always dedicate himslef with a humanitarian mindset towardsthe service of the people , very important.Decisions taken with an humanitarin

    outlook accompanied wit everything else provide the best benefits to the public

    and those decisions which are taken without humanitarian outlook are not only

    errorneous however they are also not very long term beneficial.Humanitarian

    outlook is a must and when that happens the best resut can be achieved. One

    should always try to apply humanitarian outlook wherever possible as this alone

    has significance compared to decisions which are without humanitarian as these

    are not long trem in nature.Hence decision makeers should lways in the whatever

    way possible should apply humanitarian outlook as this is more long term

    approach rather than one without a humanitarian outlook which is not very long

    term in nature.Humanitarian decisions are importnt as these alone the pave the

    path to a brighter future for the society , these humanitrian decisions surely

    inculcate humanitrian values in the society and a society must always strike a

    balance in being humanitarian along with all the pleasures of living.So we see

    that the importance of humanitarian decisions go a long way in not only bringing

    best results in turn creating a balanced society.

    An Act Of Duty

    It is very important to work for humanity and safeguarding human values.It isvery imortant to safeguard human values and that should be considered one's

    highest duty.There is no greater truth and no greater work than working for the

    good of human beings , upholding human values and protecting good human

    beings.Those who are acting contrary to this , they act contrary to human values

    and that is something good human beings must not do and should not do.

    Protecting human values , upholding human values and safeguarding human

    values is the highest duty an act of being a true human being and it should be

    pursued to the hilt and leaving no stone unturned in doing so as there is no

    higher duty than this , ther e never was and there never will be.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 18

    What Is Change ?

    What is change?This is a very important term - change.It is also the most difficult

    accept , implement and more importantly digest.Every change comes with the

    change in the individual , a change which happens within the individual.Withoutthis change in the inside no real change can ever come and as matter of fact no

    change ever happens.However , when real cahnge starts to happen , or initiated ,

    or tried out , these first steps are the mopst difficult one.However , they must be

    continued to their conclusion.As this road to change is filled with stumbling


    However , why is this change ever required in the first place.What makes it so

    inevitable.The tendency to not-to-change makes change inevitable.This tendency

    to not-to-change starts to produce adverse results and more adverse results

    follow till a time comes when it becomes irreparable and then the time of change ,

    a real change , comes which also becomes inevitable.

    Real change had always , has always and will always emerge from a prolonged no

    change , I mean no real change.Whenever a prolonged period of no change eixts

    and that results in adverse results and more adverse result then real change is

    about to born , time of real change has come.

    Real change when happens these adverse results of no change period start to

    vanish as they are mountains created by no change period and these mountains

    of adverse reults take time to vanish however they do vanish when real chnge is

    accepted , aopted and implemented to their logical conclusion producing the best

    results once again making the ecosystem more healthy , vibrant driven towards

    more positive results.

    One World

    Our world consists of peope of different cultures , different backgrounds ,

    different languages , and so many different differents , yet among all these so

    many different differents there is one thing that unites us all which is surely

    common to all and that is our humanity and the human values attached to it

    which is the truth , a truth as evident as water , air .So , these human values are

    our asset and that what makes us different than other creatures.it is importnat to

    nurture these human values and make this common bond of humanity much

    stronger as with this stronger cohesion of humnaity there is hope of a better


    It is importnat that actions should be performed in a way that human values win

    today and tomorrow.

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    Importance Of Nature

    What is one's nature?It is a very interesting question.The answer is this that

    everyone has a very unique nature.This very unique nature moulds oneself and

    the sole inspirer on what we wish to do.What path we wish to chose and

    practically choose is determined by our nature.So once nature is very

    important.To mould one;s nature is the most difficult task and it is not easy.Formany moulding one's nature is not at all important , for many moulding their

    nature happens in steps as per the situations and for many it is a continuous

    process minus those situations.However , all actions happen depending on one's

    own nature and every motive emanates from this very nature in human beings ,

    hence there is an importance of nature.It is like , I mean nature , it is like old

    habits which are difficult to mould so fast however he who involves in moulding

    his nature surely achieves success as his moulding of nature starts showing fruits

    and brings about positive results for himself and for others.

    Now let us come to those who think moulding their nature is not at all

    important.They surely live in a fantasy world of their and there is no doubt aboutthat.However they do not know that there is a higher nature always at work

    which will force them to mould themselves.Mould they will.Once they start

    moulding themselves they will se positive results from others and for

    themselves.There is no doubt in this.However , it is very difficult this one first

    step of moulding and this becomes the defining point for oneself and for others

    and this defining point starts a path of success for one and for all.

    Economy Key

    Economy is one of the most important aspect of a nation.Be it past , present orfuture economy will always remain an extremely important dimension of a

    nation.More so in toaday's world economy surely holds number one position as

    far as a nation is concerned.In case of a upturn , donwnturn or no turn for a

    matter of fact irrespective of anything economic management is very

    crucial.Economic managment irrespective of the economic situation is a

    must.Economic managment solves the problem of today or of a few years and it

    should be done as an strategic activity key to the well being of a nation.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 20

    An Ideal Nation

    What is an ideal nation.How is it build.Surely who builds an ideal nation.The idea

    of an ideal nation is a tough one.Do ideal nation really exists or will it ever exist

    or did it ever exist.I don't think so.It never will be the case.However , we can

    imagine something like an ideal nation.So let me first take up the question that who builds an ideal nation.The answer is

    the people of a nation.How is it build is a different story altogether.How it is build

    and wht are those principles that make a nation ideal ,worth emulating.People

    build a nation and they build an ideal nation through their toil and by carrying

    out their duties by doing what they are supposed to do in the best possible

    way.The people of an ideal nation carry out their duties at every level and every

    role so that this duty done at every level and in every role brings out those resutls

    which are the best.

    The people of an ideal nation not only carry out their every duty in the best

    possible way they also make sure that justice is delivered when they ae expectedto be just , they are expected to be righteous when they are expected to be one , an

    ideal nation is one where people to their best practise equality , an ideal nation is

    one where wrong things are not praised , an ideal nation is one where people

    practise peace and harmony , an ideal nation is one where those who are

    righteous are respecvted , where just actions and rightous actions are praised

    when done , where peace is the ultimate goal of everyone , an ideal nation is one

    where unity for national purpose takes precedence over all other things , where

    people help one another out of national brotherhood , where exploitation of any

    kind is shunned , where people are cared for out of a bond of humanity , where

    people make sure that their nation is not swaying form it's betterment path , ........

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 21


    One of terms that really make people charged up is equality.Is everyone equal or

    not is a question that is posed by people every now and then however as the time

    place and issue at hand change this notion called equlaity changes for people.The

    same person's idea of equality changes with the passage of time.For some theidea of equality immediately changes with the change of place.And surely for that

    person equality changes with the issue at hand and there is no doubt about

    that.However , we see equality for one person equally assumes different persona

    according to ease and comfort.Is that seldom done or done on a regualr basis

    needs to be seen.That is what is more important.

    For so long equality has had many manifestations however was there any time ,

    any place or very many situations where equality was no hostage to time , to place

    or to situations.I think about that and the answer that i get about this is a clear

    no.There was no such time , place or situation and there will never be one in the

    future when equality meant same with the passage of time , meant the same withchange in place.However , everyone wishes that equality should remain a

    constant irrespective of time and place - sucha ideal situation which can never be

    a reality , it never was and it never will be.Is that the end of the story.Surely

    not.Equality in this real world of ours is not a constant , accepted , however

    striving for a equality that tends to be constant , putting an effort to make

    equality constant irrespective of time and place can always be made and it should

    be made so that people with the passage of time and changing of places may come

    to a equality which is atleast tending to reality and not hostage to time and place.

    Such a place where efforts are made to bring about an equality tending to reality

    (tending to reality is impoertant as there is no place on earth and no time ever

    which can provide a complete equlity) paves the path of it's own success and for

    others uplifting itself and uplifting equality.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 22

    Internal Security

    International Justice Extremely Important

    Internal security for any nation is one of the most critical aspects.Any country

    which has one of the best internal security system in place is urely would be

    better off than any other country.In a country where the internal security systemis continuously strenghthened is making good progress as far as the people of

    that country is concerned.EWith internal security streghthened one can truely

    safeguard his people and in a nation where people come first and their safety

    comes foremost is surely a better nation than the rest who show incapability in

    safeguarding their own people and it is a pity that there are nations very many in

    number who simply find themselves incapable of safeguarding their nation and

    it's people.Internal security of nation must not be compromised as at any cost , it

    must be stregthened and people made secure.

    Lasting Peace

    Peace is a wonderful word.Imediately it brings about serenity , calm and

    comfort.Every action or work that is undertaken , it's motive is always tending

    towards a peaceful solution and state of peace.A recessionary economy turning

    into or tending to be a recovery economy is a process of bringing about peace in

    the economy.So again that work done on the economy is bringing about a lasting

    peace in the economy which in turn can give peace to the people at a larger

    scale.So , we see any work done contructively leads to a state of peace for the

    people , in this contructive work is a very important term.

    In the same way any dispute which emerges should be resolved in a contructive

    way as this alone can bring about lastin g peace.A dispute or confilct if emergesthen it occurs beacuse of the differences and this confilict if is attended to

    contructively should or must lead to the opposite of it in a way that can sort out

    the differences and could focus on a long lasting peace.Dragging on a conflict is

    like strengthening the differences and enabling a state of unrest which is never

    favourable and never beneficial.Peace alone is beneficial as conlict is a cirisis

    whose logical and contructive solution is recovery or a state of peace.However , if

    there is a crisis then the most illogical conclusion is further crisis or sate of unrest

    and such actions should be avoided at any cost which may fuel further unrest as

    every logical action will lead to peace and every illogical one will lead to unrest

    and unrest is worth avoidind at any cost.So , every logical action will lead to a peaceful state and every illogical action will

    lead to unrest. People of strong logic take logical action working in turn for peaceful state and

    this is how people should work taking decisions which pave the path to a short

    term and long term peace hence moving or transforming a state of unrest or crisis

    to a state where peace or recovery takes centre state.Where there is peace , there

    comes stability , there comes prosperity and there comes harmony which is one of

    the most important result of any logical sane action.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 23

    Apolitical Thinking & Taking Sides & Liberty

    I think apolitical thinking , taking sides , liberty are important terms .

    Let me jump to discussing them..Man is a political & social animal (that's what I studied) and then we expect him to be apolitical

    , sure too much of an expectation from him. Ok let me leave it here.

    Now let me come to taking sides. How do we define taking sides.. however I want to write more

    as i am thinking on this. Let us see if we strictly restrict people from taking sides then what

    happens..chaos..a boring chaos at that. So, as normal people (as we are no saints & sages) we

    invariably take sides & that is normal & it also feels like listening to the song of your own

    choice. When is the problem you know ...it is when we want to hear only our songs of our own

    choice only ..a worse problem. When does actually this starts to happen , it happens when strict

    restrict on taking sides happens(we leave no room for songs to anyone else...very boring isn't it

    ...not a good idea at all...) or strict overdo on taking sides happens( when we strictly want tohear our songs always & try to restrict songs for anyone else...here "try to" is an important

    word)...It is always advisable that strict restrict is always a problem.

    So to say "taking sides restricted is like saying all songs are also restricted...not a good idea in

    any nation .." Well those who do think that they want to hear their songs only in any nation &

    restrict songs to anyone else is a problem....

    Ok let me leave the analysis of these two words & come back to liberty...we need liberty

    liberty is also of two types ....let me jump advising this..

    Hence, let me advice, in any nation a "responsible liberty" is required & it is also sad & funny

    that "responsible liberty" is often not given to be defined by the one who exercises it, veryimportant...so what is "responsible liberty" by the way, it is about comfort levels in a nation ,

    very important...anything that is uncomfortable is 'irresponsible liberty".....i will never

    know.....however one very important thing I do know that a blend of comfort levels need to be

    done away by a responsibly irresponsible liberty , this will always progress a nation ..hence

    enjoy responsibly

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 24

    United States Of America: A Balanced Approach Important

    United States has role to play & should take a balanced approach in it's role for economic &

    political best.

    United States with a very balanced & economy oriented approach can also rebuild itself &

    reorient it's role on the world stage.

    United States should rebuild on the world stage through a policy of moderation which is more

    favourable than the polcy of extremes on the world stage.

    On a very general level let me advice that:

    "POLICY OF EXTREMES IS ALWAYS LESS FAVOURABLE" anywhere & for anyone be it an indiviual

    or be it a nation.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 25

    Ideology Of Democratic Models & Hence Bring About Solutions Through Democratic Models

    Beating Socio-Political Intertias Of Democratic Models

    Today , democracies are struggling though they were built as a more viable models for these

    important democracies.

    In these democracies leading through socio-political ideology of democratic models is

    important for democracies. Leading through a ideology is key for democratic models.

    The onus is on the people to make an important democracy.

    Sense Of Jusitce To Understand The People In Their Economic Struggle

    Governments should understand their people in their economic struggles as well which are

    being seen in a lot of economies.

    A sense of justice in a true sense should prevail to understand their people & their sense of

    struggle .

    Sense of justice to understand the people & a sense of their struggle should prevail in a


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    Hemant N Purohit Page 26

    In A Recession Preparations

    Is the world economy eventually preparing or looking weaker by words like recession ?

    There has been a repeat of words like recession, inaction from many players now etc etc in allthe articles i have read till now. The world economy when slides in a coming recession etc etc

    there again will be a repeat of words from many players in many articles , i can think about for

    now which words will be repeated from many players.

    With the coming recession what kind of preparation these players i think intend to do for this is

    still to be known when their economies slide . I think definitely there should be an outline of

    what happens in a coming recession , what recession preparations should be be made should

    for these economic should be outlined in economic articles.

    Coming recession or till now recession should be outlined in articles.What governments

    prepare to do in a sliding economy or a recession should be more transparent in the comingrecession.

    Again democratic solutions on the economy should be outlined for the sliding economy by

    these democratic players & it is important that there should be transparency on the economy ,

    the democratic economic solutions , they should be outlined.

    Economic transparency should be the first to be outlined for a sliding economy or a recession ,

    they should be outlined first.

    Hence , in a recession or a sliding economy it is important to understand the people &understand the sliding economy & hence importantly outlining transparency for the economy &

    economic solutions should be outlined.

    Understand the economic solutions first & they should be importantly outlined ....with

    transparency ......in a democracy ....of course....important to understand their people in a

    sliding economy.

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    Hemant N Purohit Page 27

    Justice Prevail In True Sense

    Let us empower each other & let there be justice in it's true sense of word percolate in our


    Let an ideology of justice prevail in it's true sense of word.

    Let the ideology of justice prevail & let justice prevail in it's true sense.

    Hence, the government should understand their people & let justice prevail in it's true sense for

    the people through an ideology of justice.

    Let societies evolve for the people through an ideology of justice in it's true sense.

    Government Should Understand People Better

    Let the government understand the people & their interests in a better way.

    Government is important & it always has skilled people that constitute government which is

    important however apart from that a very humane approach from government is to understand

    their people & their interests as well.

    Hence , governments should understand people better & take decisions on their approach as


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    Democratic Solutions Are Required

    In a democracy , democratic solutions are required. Democracy is required. The people in a

    democracy should focus on democratic solutions , they are required in democracy.

    Let people in a democracy focus on democratic solutions.

    Democracy is required in democracy with focus on democratic solutions.

    Emotional Intelligence Important For Important Decisions

    Emotional Intelligence is quite important in decision making.

    Emotional Intelligence is important for making important decisions & makes one a better


    Emotional Intelligence makes a better manager specially for important decisions.



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    Leading Through Ideology Is Key For Democratic Models

    Leading through ideology should be done by leaders. A solutions based democracy is required

    by leaders. Leaders of a democracy should lead as an example of a fair , just , vibrant &

    solutions approach democratic model hence making a democratic model more viable. Today ,democratic models are struggling though they were built as a more viable models for the

    people & the important reason could be the people for whom these democratic models had

    been built as people themselves build these socio-political inertias & hence the democratic

    inertias, beating the viability of socio-political vibrancy of democratic models.

    America Of The Future

    A good people leadership , a good leadership from politicians , a good leadership will be good

    for America of the future. Leadership - from all corners is important for America Of The Future& a leadership through an ideology from all corners will be important for America Of The



    Hemant Purohit




