helping children understand the lords supper

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  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    Helping Children Understand The Lords SupperBy Dalton Vann

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper



    At the age of three, my son began asking many questions about Communion and was very taken with the death of Jesus. We

    had explained to him that we took communion to remember Jesus and His death. It became necessary for me to explain how

    the bread and juice were connected with the body and blood of Christ as the boy grew.

    My son was concerned that he would need to go through the same things that Jesuss body did on the cross. So I also had to

    explain the concept of substitution (propitiation) to a three-year-old. The words I used and the story I told were simple and

    incomplete but enough to set things straight in his little mind for now. Knowing there was more explaining to be done and

    questions to be answered my children grow, I tried to plan out the lessons based upon the aptitude of the child as they mature.

    Un-highlighted text: ages 3-6

    Yellow highlight: ages 5-7Orange highlight: ages 6-9

    Children mature and are able to grasp these concepts at different rates, as their training and aptitude grants them. The ages

    above are guidelines. Your child may be ready for the next level at a different time than others.

    The lessons of this book assume the child has been in Sunday school and is familiar with God, Jesus and worship. Even if they do

    not understand the meaning of worship or the spiritual aspects of deity, their familiarity with the terminology should be enough

    at this stage.

    Lastly, by its nature, the symbolism of the communion evokes images of blood and bodily harm. This is not a subject easily

    broached with many adults in our culture, let alone children. Historically, death and butchering of animals for food and other

    purposes has been the rule and even children were familiar with the blood associated with bodies. This helped past cultures

    understand the significance of the blood and body of Christ. Parents today must help their children to become familiar with

    these things in a respectful way that is appropriate for their maturity and experience. Images within this book are purposefully

    vague but are illustrative enough for discussion of the blood and body of Christ.

    Dalton Vann

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    God is our maker and Father. Heloves us and all peopleeverywhere like our Mommy orDaddy love us.God is amazing and wonderful.He is perfect love and goodnessand justice all at the same time.Justice means standing for what isright and doing what is deserved1,

    1Justice can be hard to explain so it may require a

    bit more discussion. By definition: acting or being in

    conformity with what is morally upright or good

    (righteous); being what is merited (deserved);

    legally correct (lawful). Provide examples of

    punishment for something bad, like stealing or not


  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    In the beginning, God taught man to obey Him2.2. Gen 2:16-17 And Jehovah God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of

    the garden thou mayest freely eat: (17) but of the tree of the knowledge of good

    and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt

    surely die.

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    But people did not want to obey God.Disobedience is when we do things that God does not like. These arebad things. Because God is good and holy3, He does not want us todo bad things. He hates the bad things but he loves us. The badthings we do are called sin. The consequence of sin is eternalseparation from God.5But God gave us a way to be forgiving for our sins.

    3. You may need to discuss what holy

    means. Dedicated to or completely good. Set

    apart from everything else.

    4. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death;

    but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus

    Christ our Lord.

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    God sent Jesus to forgive us from sin. Jesus is God. Jesus came toearth as a man and taught people how to love and obey God.

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    Some people did not like the message that Jesus taught.Some people misunderstood what He said and otherswere bad people that wanted to kill Jesus. Jesus allowedHimself to be killed by those people.

    The way they killed Jesus was by hanging His body on a cross. They did that by nailing Hishands and feet to the wooden cross and His blood came out. They put a crown made ofsharp thorns on His head and blood came out of His head. They pierced his side with aspear and blood poured out. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He was buried and cameback to life on His own three days later to show that He is God.

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    Jesus never sinned so His blood isperfect and it washes away our sins.When Jesus gave Himself to die on thecross, he took our place. He bore thepunishment that we deserve becauseGod demands justice. But God sentJesus to take our place because He lovesus so much. He gave us a way out ofthe punishment for our sins5.When we believe in Jesus and obeyGod, He is very happy with us. Hissacrifice6 takes away our sins so we arejustified7.

    5. See Romans 3:21-26

    6. Hebrews 9:22 says, "Without shedding of blood there is no

    remission." I John 1:7 tells us that "The blood of Jesus Christ

    his Son cleanses us from all sin."

    7. Just-as-if-Id never sinned - To be free of penalty or


  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    We remember the sacrifice8 thatJesus made for us every Sunday bytaking the Lords Supper. We alsocall it communion. It is flat breador a cracker and grape juice, alsocalled fruit of the vine.

    Jesus gave His disciples theexample of what to do. Jesussaid, when you eat the bread anddrink the cup, you rememberHim9.

    8. For more on helping children understand the

    importance of sacrifice, see the Afterward.

    9. 1 Corinthians 11:24-26 and when he had given

    thanks, he brake it, and said, This is my body, which is

    for you: this do in remembrance of me. (25) In like

    manner also the cup, after supper, saying, This cup is

    the new covenant in my blood: this do, as often as ye

    drink it, in remembrance of me. (26) For as often as ye

    eat this bread, and drink the cup, ye proclaim the Lord's

    death till he come.

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    By eating and drinking the breadand the juice every Sunday10 ithelps us to think about what Jesusdid for us and the love God has.Because God is love, He wants usto live with Him and gave us away to be forgiven of our sins.Because he is just, the body andblood of Jesus took our place andsatisfied Gods justice.That is why the Lords Supper is sospecial and such an important partof worship.

    10. Came together on the first day of the week to break

    bread. Act 20:7 EMTV Now on the first day of the

    week, the disciples being assembled to break bread,

    Paul was discussing with them, being about to leave on

    the next day, and extended his message until midnight.

    Breaking of bread is communion: 1Co 10:16 EMTV The

    cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion

    of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is itnot the communion of the body of Christ?

    Communion Helps Us Worship

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    The bread and the juice are notthe actual body and blood ofJesus. They are symbols. Asymbol often represents somethingwe cant see. Like in a traffic light,red is the symbol for stop andgreen is the symbol for go.

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    After we are baptized, then we can take the Lords Supper too and be thankful forGods love for us. The bread and the juice bring back the memory of Christs bodyand blood when He died on the cross. It is a time for us to pray to God andworship Him in a very special way that He asked us to do.

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    If you are not a Christian and you eat the bread and drink the juice, it will not mean much to you. So

    it is best not to take the bread or juice until you become a Christian11

    . The purpose of the Lords

    Supper is to remember the sacrifice of Jesus and what that means for you. So if you cant do that,

    you should not take communion12

    . But when you are old enough, it will be a special time!

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper


    Afterward: Baptism and Repentance

    When we are old enough to

    understand all of these things thenwe can believe and be baptized

    (Mark 16:16). Before we are

    baptized, we must repent for our sins

    (Acts 2:38). To repent is to be sorry

    for the bad things we have done and

    to turn away from them.1

    Baptism means to be lowered into

    the water and pulled out again. This

    is a symbol, like Jesus being buried

    after He died and then arose2

    because He came back to life. Only

    God can do that.

    1To become a Christian means that you have heard Gods Word (Romans 10:17), believe that Jesus is the Son of God (John 8:24), repented

    for your sins (Luke 13:3), confessed that you have sinned (Matthew 10:32), and have been baptized for the forgiveness of sins (I Peter 3:21).2

    Make hand motion of laying flat (burial) and standing up (rising from the dead).

  • 7/27/2019 Helping Children Understand the Lords Supper
