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Ramada Hotel Singapore October 1 & 2, 2014 #QUAL360 Organized by

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Ramada Hotel Singapore October 1 & 2, 2014


Organized by

#QUAL360 Ramada Hotel Singapore Oct 1 & 2, 2014

Platinum Sponsor Silver Sponsors

Association & Education Partners

Media Partners


Gen Z – Passionate, Pragmatic Pragmatic & In Control

Real & relevant interactions Real & relevant interactions Real & relevant interactions Real & relevant interactions


Focused bursts of attentionFocused bursts of attentionFocused bursts of attentionFocused bursts of attentionFocused bursts of attentionFocused bursts of attentionFocused bursts of attentionFocused bursts of attention

Visuals Visuals Visuals Visuals ---- the new languagethe new languagethe new languagethe new language


Interests us or what has them Interests us or what has them Interests us or what has them Interests us or what has them interested?interested?interested?interested?

On their turf or ours?On their turf or ours?On their turf or ours?On their turf or ours?

Who controls who?Who controls who?Who controls who?Who controls who?


Tools : Yammer, FB, Tools : Yammer, FB, Tools : Yammer, FB, Tools : Yammer, FB, WhatsAppWhatsAppWhatsAppWhatsApp chatschatschatschatsTime : 15 days, 300+ hours of engagement Time : 15 days, 300+ hours of engagement Time : 15 days, 300+ hours of engagement Time : 15 days, 300+ hours of engagement Sharing on autoSharing on autoSharing on autoSharing on auto----pilotpilotpilotpilot

35 young consumers, 16 35 young consumers, 16 35 young consumers, 16 35 young consumers, 16 –––– 22 yrs22 yrs22 yrs22 yrs35 young consumers, 16 35 young consumers, 16 35 young consumers, 16 35 young consumers, 16 –––– 22 yrs22 yrs22 yrs22 yrs1 lead +2 (1 lead +2 (1 lead +2 (1 lead +2 (co co co co –––– participantparticipantparticipantparticipant ) moderators ) moderators ) moderators ) moderators

1500+ conversations1500+ conversations1500+ conversations1500+ conversations195+ consumer images195+ consumer images195+ consumer images195+ consumer images100+ contextual references100+ contextual references100+ contextual references100+ contextual references


“words “words “words “words are losing meaning”are losing meaning”are losing meaning”are losing meaning”

Connect & EngageLearn to Decode Visuals


You don't need to know how it ends... begin again today and

take one step. ☺

True engagement requires real& relevant interest in them


Divulge more to hear more


“Compete “Compete “Compete “Compete with with with with self.self.self.self. Always. Helps Always. Helps Always. Helps Always. Helps pushing limits pushing limits pushing limits pushing limits of our own. And of our own. And of our own. And of our own. And “Compete “Compete “Compete “Compete with with with with self.self.self.self. Always. Helps Always. Helps Always. Helps Always. Helps pushing limits pushing limits pushing limits pushing limits of our own. And of our own. And of our own. And of our own. And really there are better chances of really there are better chances of really there are better chances of really there are better chances of success, because success, because success, because success, because true success is true success is true success is true success is when we learn to grow from what when we learn to grow from what when we learn to grow from what when we learn to grow from what we were yesterday..’we were yesterday..’we were yesterday..’we were yesterday..’


Creativity = Self discovery, Creativity = Self discovery, Creativity = Self discovery, Creativity = Self discovery, expression, being uniqueexpression, being uniqueexpression, being uniqueexpression, being unique

Being Being Being Being Unique is an aspiration Unique is an aspiration Unique is an aspiration Unique is an aspiration which which which which unitesunitesunitesunites


‘When you pursue what you love, ‘When you pursue what you love, ‘When you pursue what you love, ‘When you pursue what you love, ‘When you pursue what you love, ‘When you pursue what you love, ‘When you pursue what you love, ‘When you pursue what you love, ........its its its its all about getting up and all about getting up and all about getting up and all about getting up and thinking what more can I do todaythinking what more can I do todaythinking what more can I do todaythinking what more can I do today, , , , there is no fatigue or boredom, there is no fatigue or boredom, there is no fatigue or boredom, there is no fatigue or boredom, I I I I just immerse myself and live my just immerse myself and live my just immerse myself and live my just immerse myself and live my dreamdreamdreamdream..”..”..”..”


Selective absences

‘I need my short get outs… just go ‘I need my short get outs… just go ‘I need my short get outs… just go ‘I need my short get outs… just go with ma with ma with ma with ma frenzfrenzfrenzfrenz for a bike trip…. Get for a bike trip…. Get for a bike trip…. Get for a bike trip…. Get away from hustle bustle, away from hustle bustle, away from hustle bustle, away from hustle bustle, no one to no one to no one to no one to bother or ask … have a great time bother or ask … have a great time bother or ask … have a great time bother or ask … have a great time and come back to lifeand come back to lifeand come back to lifeand come back to life…………



Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Natural, Anytime & Natural, Anytime & Natural, Anytime & Natural, Anytime & AnywhereAnywhereAnywhereAnywhere

Richer Insights Richer Insights Richer Insights Richer Insights

ConstantConstantConstantConstant EEEEnnnnggggaaaaggggeeeemmmmeeeennnntttt

Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis RRRRiiiiggggoooorrrr

Richer Insights Richer Insights Richer Insights Richer Insights Contextual, Real TimeContextual, Real TimeContextual, Real TimeContextual, Real Time

EconomiesEconomiesEconomiesEconomiesQuick, Low OpsQuick, Low OpsQuick, Low OpsQuick, Low Ops

TimeTimeTimeTime IIIInnnntttteeeennnnssssiiiivvvveeee

#Re#Re#Re#Rethink think think think #Re#Re#Re#Refreshfreshfreshfresh #Re#Re#Re#Renewnewnewnew#Re#Re#Re#Rethink think think think #Re#Re#Re#Refreshfreshfreshfresh #Re#Re#Re#Renewnewnewnew

#QUAL360 Ramada Hotel Singapore Oct 1 & 2, 2014

Platinum Sponsor Silver Sponsors

Association & Education Partners

Media Partners

Ramada Hotel Singapore October 1 & 2, 2014


Organized by