helicopter mail for education week torrance is due … feb … · halloween spooks 'n everything ....

HALLOWEEN SPOOKS 'N EVERYTHING . . . Children in schools throughout the city celebrated on Halloween with costume parades and special parties. Clowns, ghosts, devils, elves, fairies, cowboys, pirates, and animals of all descriptions crowded the classrooms Friday. Eleven Fern Avenue School students are pictured at upper Uft; "Hobo" Mary Elizabeth Selovtr swings her ? ack sack at Perry school, center; kindergarten pupils hurry to join the parade at Fern Avenue School, upper right; a group of erry School students in costume, lower left; and second and third graders at Torrance Elementary line up after their parade, lower right. (Torrance Herald Photos). JAPANESE DIES OP INJURIES IN AUTO CRASH Injured When he -was struck by an automobile 10 days ago, Kalchl Takemato, 62, of 17016 Denker st., died Sunday at Har- bor General Hospital. The accident occurred at Nor- mandie ave. and 174th st. > t ' SERVICE AS RELIABLE AND DEPENDABLE AS A GRAND FATHER CLOCK •Yes, our lervice it similar to the old grandfather clock reliable and dependable. You can rely on us for efficient auto servicing, end to furnish your car with dependable pro ducts. Why not drive in regu larly. Schools Offer ToBuyF.W.A. Building Here The Torrance Board of Edu cation Tuesday night approved a plan for acquiring . federally owned buildings here. Aimed at purchase of the Child Care Center building on the groundb of the Torranc Elementary school which i owned by the Federal Work Administration, the plan calls for taking advantage of the 95 per oent discount allowed by the majority of federal ag«n del In disposing of surplus qulpment to educational Initl tutiorm. However, the FWA h tabllshed a sliding-scale of from 10 to 40 per cent of *ost In I such purchases depending on assessed valuation of the Indi- vidual school district. In adopt- ing its plan, the Torrance board has lined up with many other school districts throughout the state In fighting the FWA. Cost of the Child Care Cen- ter is listed at (14,600 by the FWA with the Torrance schools claiming a 00 per oent discount from this price rather than the smaller discount authorized by the FWA. HELICOPTER MAIL FOR TORRANCE IS DUE SOON Torrance and other Harbor and South Bay cities cannot ex- pect helicopter mail pickup and delivery service until January. Clarence Bellnn, president of Los Angeles Airways, Inc., told the Torrance rierald Tuesday. Bellnn said that mail on the first tw.o routes, one to San Fernando valley and the other* . San Gabriel valley, was | ^nt of schedule. This Is gratify- heavy, and that as soon as equipment is received, facilities tl]\ be provided to. give three chedules a day to Torrance nd other nearby cities, includ- ing connections with the present San Fernando and San Gabriel valley routes. "We'll make it possible for a Torrance resident to write to a person In any city on our route, perhaps Pomona, and get a re- ply bark the same day," Bellnn told the HerakJ. He said that king landing ng because of the virtual non- yistence of navigational aids specially suitable for this type Hying. The company recently em- barked upon a novel program of ommunlcations and navigation. When this program becomes ully effective, the general op- erations office, all the post of- tees and their ground messen- ill be in constant touch with our flight equipment. This, engineers are tes in the en- CHEVRON SERVICE MID-TBBH EXAMS Students at Torrance high school will start mld-senifster examinations tomorrow, and re- isume them Monday and Tuaa> P tire area, cooperating with pos- tal officials. Since opeiation was Instituted, the San Fernando valley route has carried 13,356 pounds ntail. The San Gabriel ro In 15 days of operation, carried 4,681 pounds of mall. The shuttle route, from Los Angeles inal annex to Los Angeles clpal airport, carried 41,820 lunds. Fuel consumption ha; mounted to 28.0 gallons pe our, or .47 gallons per mile he helicopters have been get ng 2.00 miles per gallon uel, Bellnn said. There h teen no mechanical delays t, he revealed. The weather icludtng restricted visibility In ic early morning hours, have aused the only delays. Los Angek-K Alrwdys, Inc., i; onductlng the world's first hell opter mail operation, and car led three million letter* to 20 outhern California cities ir lint month of operation. An average saving of one alf day per letter was revealed n the successful helicopter op ration, making a not saving o ne and one-half million "tries sago days." "Mb attempt was made t ush our flying in marglna ather conditions," Bellnn said Despite this, operating effli ncy completed was 86 Vi p llWWt to remember Honestly manutactured »nd truthfully »old. FINK OLD COLONY PAINTS linked with DEALER SERVICE, asiurei your painting latiifaction. k TORRANCE HARDWARE 1515 Cabrillo Ave. - Phone 14M coupled visibility ith a relaxing of flight minimums based more experience, would indicate .hat we should be flying on an annual 95 percent or better Belinn said. Education Week To Be Observed By City Schools Next week is American Edu- atlon Week. e theme for the week Is The Schools Are Yours," and 11 Torrance schools .will main- ain "Op'en House" to allow par- nts to visit schools during the A special topic haa, been chosen or each day next week begln- ling with "Securing the PeaccV' unday; "Meeting the Emer- ;ency in Education." Monday; Building America* Future," 'uesday; "Strengthening the 'caching Profession," Wednes lay; "Supporting Adequate Edu cation," Thursday; "Enriching iome and Friday and ind Safety," Saturday. Food Train Friday Contributions to the Friend ihip Food Train leaving Loa Angeles Friday must be before 11 a.m. tomorrow, cording to the Citizens' Food lommittee. Food for the European relief train must be donated in case lots or in 100-lb. sacks only and will be picked up If donors ll DRexel 6136. Flour, sugar dried beans or peas are wanted Money may be sent to Los Angeles Postmaster, Los An geles 63, Calif. Further inquiry may be made by calling com mlttec headquarters at MIchi gan 5211 or BTate 880. POWEB CYCLES Boys, don't drive your powci cycle more than 36 miles pe: hour That's the maximum such a vehicle on any high' In the state. And don't foige to register It. There's anothe new law to that effect. It wH cost you $3.00 plus the vehicl license fee. In 1948 the regls (ration fee goes up $3.00 POPULAR MAKES NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 MONTHS TO PAY OPEN (VCNINO.B 'TIL « P.M. Community Lif oting Health Rev. Wheeler Is Honored At Rotary Meeting Rotary Club honored the Rev Paul Moore Wheeler and hi wife, Frances, with "bon voy age" gifts at its meeting Thuif day, Oct. 30 in the Woman' Clubhouse. Members expressed their ro gret that Mr. Wheeler left hi post as rector of St. Andrew' Episcopal Church for Newport Balboa, with a gift selected by! Wallace Post and his committee.. Mr. Wheeler has served on' the Board of Directors of the Torranoe Chamber of Com- merce, and has been active in, youth work for the city as a member of the Recivatlon Com- mittee and In projects with the Y.M.C.A., Boy Scouts, and other groups. His place at St. An- drew's will be filled by the Rev. Toitoen R. Olsen, former rector of the Church of Our Savior in Hanford. layground -unds Asked Councilman Kenneth Hahn is reparing to ask the Los Ange- \s City Council, with the ma- yor's approval, for a special ap- iroprtatlon to defray a portion if the expenses which may be reated by opening of school ilaygrounds after school hours ind on Saturdays and holidays. Hahn today declared that on Monday, Nov. IV, his committee will receive a report of a spe- cial committee fiom the board of education, recreation and parks and the police department the costs of keeping play grounds open. ne school board has indi cated if will not accept financial _>onsib!lity for doing this. also wants to be relieved of my liability if children are hurl ccidcntally while using play ground apparatus. Rotary Holds Ladies' Night Ladies' Night at Rotary Club was attended by a large numbe of menibers' wives Thursday Oct. 30, at the regular meetin in the Woman's Clubhouse. Principle speaker was Robe J. Bayer of Chicago, brother in law of Bob McCallum. Bayc Is visiting Southern Californi as a delegate for his own pel iodical, "Traffic Magazine," an spoke on "Adventures In Boo Collecting." ounty Off ices irdered Closed In Saturdays County offices will be closed I Saturdays hereafter, ac- cording to action taken by the lounl of Supervisor* at It* 'uemlny meeting. The action was authorized 1 compliance with legislation passed by the State closing >uhllc offlcen on Saturday. Such offices, however, an Municipal courts, certain 8u- lerlor courU, law enforcement ami fire departments will have to be. exeepted herause of emergencies. Other offices to he kept open are the branch libraries, clerk's office for filing ami marriage licenses. Marshal's »fflce, and employees neres- siiry to carry on a 24-hour operation of hospitals and In- itltutlons will work .on Satur- lay, areordlnic Ui rhalrnuut Darby. 13 is your Lucky DAY V ENETIAN BLINDS Now Approximately 7 to ! l»ay Ilollvery Talf For Vrvt* E»tlmat<> 5.50 29 x 52i/ 2 5.90 35 x 521/2 6.90 4 I x 521/2 5.90 6.90 7.90 SOUTHERN VENETIAN BUND CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1733 - 252nd St. Phone Lomita 1640-J Townsend Club No. 1 Townsend Club No. 1 wl have their regular bunco an dance at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow Members are requested to brin ' -ookies or cakes, according t Mrs. Ethclyn Vorhis, secretan Hospital Cases Patients admitted to Tori-ana Memorial hospital during th< jast week Included the folk) 1 ng: Mrs. Pearl Griffith, 2005-B Ca irlllo ave. Mrs. Erma Hintz, 2432 W 248th St., Lomita. Mrs. Mary M. West, P. O Box 141, Ton ante. GO5H1 L.OQK A THIS WEEK END CASUALTY LISTI YOU TALK LI MAN WHO NEVER HEARD OF LUND COMPANY Every so often we have one of our friends come in with concrete proof how they have been able to present evi. dence of payment with « cancelled check. This it ju«t one of the reasons it p«ys to pay everything by check. With our Meter Check checking account plan . . . you only pay 5c for each check actually written . , . and maintain any balance you with. "A FRIENDLV TORRANCE INSTITUTION" TDRRflnCE FlHTIOnRL BRflK M|M*II IIOtUL MPOSIt INUKAMCI COS*.

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Post on 23-Oct-2020




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  • HALLOWEEN SPOOKS 'N EVERYTHING . . . Children in schools throughout the city celebrated on Halloween with costume

    parades and special parties. Clowns, ghosts, devils, elves, fairies, cowboys, pirates, and animals of all descriptions crowded the

    classrooms Friday. Eleven Fern Avenue School students are pictured at upper Uft; "Hobo" Mary Elizabeth Selovtr swings her?ack sack at Perry school, center; kindergarten pupils hurry to join the parade at Fern Avenue School, upper right; a g

    roup of erry School students in costume, lower left; and second and third graders at Torrance Elementary line up after their parade,

    lower right. (Torrance Herald Photos).


    Injured When he -was struck by an automobile 10 days ago, Kalchl Takemato, 62, of 17016 Denker st., died Sunday at Har- bor General Hospital.

    The accident occurred at Nor- mandie ave. and 174th st.

    > t '


    FATHER CLOCK •Yes, our lervice it similar to the old grandfather clock — reliable and dependable. You can rely on us for efficient auto servicing, end to furnish your car with dependable pro ducts. Why not drive in regu larly.

    Schools Offer ToBuyF.W.A. Building Here

    The Torrance Board of Edu cation Tuesday night approved a plan for acquiring . federally owned buildings here.

    Aimed at purchase of the Child Care Center building on the groundb of the Torranc Elementary school which i owned by the Federal Work Administration, the plan calls for taking advantage of the 95 per oent discount allowed by the majority of federal ag«n del In disposing of surplus qulpment to educational Initl

    tutiorm.However, the FWA h

    tabllshed a sliding-scale of from 10 to 40 per cent of *ost In I such purchases depending on assessed valuation of the Indi- vidual school district. In adopt- ing its plan, the Torrance board has lined up with many other school districts throughout the state In fighting the FWA.

    Cost of the Child Care Cen- ter is listed at (14,600 by the FWA with the Torrance schools claiming a 00 per oent discount from this price rather than the smaller discount authorized by the FWA.


    Torrance and other Harbor and South Bay cities cannot ex- pect helicopter mail pickup and delivery service until January. Clarence Bellnn, president of Los Angeles Airways, Inc., told the Torrance rierald Tuesday.

    Bellnn said that mail on the first tw.o routes, one to San Fernando valley and the other* .

    San Gabriel valley, was | ^nt of schedule. This Is gratify- heavy, and that as soon as equipment is received, facilities

    tl]\ be provided to. give threechedules a day to Torrancend other nearby cities, includ-

    ing connections with the present San Fernando and San Gabriel valley routes.

    "We'll make it possible for a Torrance resident to write to a person In any city on our route, perhaps Pomona, and get a re- ply bark the same day," Bellnntold the HerakJ.

    He said that king landing

    ng because of the virtual non- yistence of navigational aids specially suitable for this type

    Hying.The company recently em-

    barked upon a novel program of ommunlcations and navigation.

    When this program becomes ully effective, the general op-

    erations office, all the post of- tees and their ground messen-

    ill be in constant touch with our flight equipment. This,

    engineers aretes in the en-


    MID-TBBH EXAMSStudents at Torrance high

    school will start mld-senifster examinations tomorrow, and re-

    isume them Monday and Tuaa>


    tire area, cooperating with pos- tal officials.

    Since opeiation was Instituted,the San Fernando valley routehas carried 13,356 poundsntail. The San Gabriel roIn 15 days of operation, carried4,681 pounds of mall. The shuttleroute, from Los Angeles

    inal annex to Los Angelesclpal airport, carried 41,820lunds.Fuel consumption ha;

    mounted to 28.0 gallons pe our, or .47 gallons per mile he helicopters have been get ng 2.00 miles per gallon

    uel, Bellnn said. There h teen no mechanical delays

    t, he revealed. The weather icludtng restricted visibility In ic early morning hours, have aused the only delays.

    Los Angek-K Alrwdys, Inc., i; onductlng the world's first hell opter mail operation, and car led three million letter* to 20 outhern California cities ir lint month of operation.An average saving of one

    alf day per letter was revealed n the successful helicopter op ration, making a not saving o ne and one-half million "tries

    sago days.""Mb attempt was made t

    ush our flying in marglna ather conditions," Bellnn said

    Despite this, operating effli ncy completed was 86 Vi p

    llWWt to rememberHonestly manutactured »nd truthfully »old. FINK OLD COLONY PAINTS linked with DEALER SERVICE, asiurei your painting latiifaction.

    k TORRANCE HARDWARE1515 Cabrillo Ave. - Phone 14M

    coupled visibility

    ith a relaxing of flight minimums based

    more experience, would indicate .hat we should be flying on an annual 95 percent or better

    Belinn said.

    Education Week To Be Observed

    By City SchoolsNext week is American Edu-

    atlon Week.e theme for the week Is

    The Schools Are Yours," and 11 Torrance schools .will main- ain "Op'en House" to allow par- nts to visit schools during the

    A special topic haa, been chosen or each day next week begln-ling with "Securing the PeaccV' unday; "Meeting the Emer- ;ency in Education." Monday; Building America* Future," 'uesday; "Strengthening the 'caching Profession," Wednes lay; "Supporting Adequate Edu

    cation," Thursday; "Enriching iome and

    Friday andind Safety," Saturday.

    Food TrainFriday

    Contributions to the Friend ihip Food Train leaving Loa Angeles Friday must be before 11 a.m. tomorrow, cording to the Citizens' Food lommittee.

    Food for the European relief train must be donated in case lots or in 100-lb. sacks only and will be picked up If donors

    ll DRexel 6136. Flour, sugar dried beans or peas are wanted

    Money may be sent to Los Angeles Postmaster, Los An geles 63, Calif. Further inquiry may be made by calling com mlttec headquarters at MIchi gan 5211 or BTate 880.

    POWEB CYCLESBoys, don't drive your powci

    cycle more than 36 miles pe:hour That's the maximum such a vehicle on any high' In the state. And don't foige to register It. There's anothe new law to that effect. It wH cost you $3.00 plus the vehicl license fee. In 1948 the regls (ration fee goes up $3.00




    Community Lifoting Health

    Rev. Wheeler Is Honored At Rotary Meeting

    Rotary Club honored the Rev Paul Moore Wheeler and hi wife, Frances, with "bon voy age" gifts at its meeting Thuif day, Oct. 30 in the Woman' Clubhouse.

    Members expressed their ro gret that Mr. Wheeler left hi post as rector of St. Andrew' Episcopal Church for Newport Balboa, with a gift selected by! Wallace Post and his committee..

    Mr. Wheeler has served on' the Board of Directors of the Torranoe Chamber of Com- merce, and has been active in, youth work for the city as a member of the Recivatlon Com- mittee and In projects with the Y.M.C.A., Boy Scouts, and other groups. His place at St. An- drew's will be filled by the Rev. Toitoen R. Olsen, former rector of the Church of Our Savior in Hanford.

    layground -unds AskedCouncilman Kenneth Hahn is

    reparing to ask the Los Ange- \s City Council, with the ma- yor's approval, for a special ap- iroprtatlon to defray a portion if the expenses which may be reated by opening of school ilaygrounds after school hours ind on Saturdays and holidays.

    Hahn today declared that on Monday, Nov. IV, his committee will receive a report of a spe- cial committee fiom the board of education, recreation and parks and the police department

    the costs of keeping play grounds open.

    ne school board has indi cated if will not accept financial

    _>onsib!lity for doing this.also wants to be relieved ofmy liability if children are hurlccidcntally while using play

    ground apparatus.

    Rotary Holds Ladies' NightLadies' Night at Rotary Club was attended by a large numbe of menibers' wives Thursday Oct. 30, at the regular meetin in the Woman's Clubhouse.

    Principle speaker was Robe J. Bayer of Chicago, brother in law of Bob McCallum. Bayc Is visiting Southern Californi as a delegate for his own pel iodical, "Traffic Magazine," an spoke on "Adventures In Boo Collecting."

    ounty Off ices irdered Closed In Saturdays

    County offices will be closedI Saturdays hereafter, ac-

    cording to action taken by thelounl of Supervisor* at It*'uemlny meeting. The action was authorized

    1 compliance with legislation passed by the State closing>uhllc offlcen on Saturday.

    Such offices, however, an Municipal courts, certain 8u-lerlor courU, law enforcement

    ami fire departments will have to be. exeepted herause of emergencies.

    Other offices to he kept open are the branch libraries, clerk's office for filing ami marriage licenses. Marshal's »fflce, and employees neres- siiry to carry on a 24-hour operation of hospitals and In-itltutlons will work .on Satur-lay, areordlnic Ui rhalrnuut Darby.

    13 is your

    Lucky DAY

    V ENETIAN BLINDSNow Approximately 7 to

    ! l»ay Ilollvery Talf For Vrvt* E»tlmat

    5.50 29 x 52i/25.90 35 x 521/26.90 4 I x 521/2



    1733 - 252nd St. Phone Lomita 1640-J

    Townsend Club No. 1Townsend Club No. 1 wl

    have their regular bunco an dance at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow Members are requested to brin ' -ookies or cakes, according t Mrs. Ethclyn Vorhis, secretan

    Hospital CasesPatients admitted to Tori-ana

    Memorial hospital during th< jast week Included the folk) 1 ng:

    Mrs. Pearl Griffith, 2005-B Ca irlllo ave.

    Mrs. Erma Hintz, 2432 W 248th St., Lomita.

    Mrs. Mary M. West, P. O Box 141, Ton ante.





    Every so often we have one of our friends come in with

    concrete proof how they have been able to present evi.

    dence of payment with « cancelled check.

    This it ju«t one of the reasons it p«ys to pay everything by

    check. With our Meter Check checking account plan . . .

    you only pay 5c for each check actually written . , . and

    maintain any balance you with.