heights uojd thompson's - digifind-it county standard... · work lor nallanal cendldales. ends...

HE UNION CJOlTNT'Y STANDARD Has the largest ' circulation of any Weekly Newspaper blished in Unon County. NO. 10 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. J,, FRJI)AY, SEP'fEMDEI� IB, 1908. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copy 3 = , WE ST F I ELD IN THE 70's. C H AI R M AN CODDIN G APPOINTf "IKEY" V A NZANT, FORMER LOCAl THE PRIMA RIE S , T U E S DAY . Y a u W uta Bama 11 W a daK h Hid • . HIMPA I G I c o MIIJIIF. HLUI ��d +1 N l W c will build you o�c in at. t Tl Republicans fr EICb Wl ChaSin lo I n F l l ol Melancbolll, I D·flml Fnorlle Big re u or w G n. 1 . Work lor Nal lanal Cendldales. Ends Mls Lilt. . . rN m. For tho purs e of COIItluctlll II CRilOhnrle� I. VnZ .. nt, tho RO\hj�I\V mblg Ctt :EST FIELD . HEIGHTS II 1118, "D CLOWN '1 +11 IDle r�11 re." Pttple I ,l lc I W+1 Sttnd r s lt. (ligu ou bolmlf o f tho uatlouul c1uadl · kuow11 ns "Ikoy," who twlrlml tho d nteH, Wlllhun How nr d 'J' n f t n m l J. s. WoYt o lrl bnse bnl l tennl to vict or y in Sho l'lluu1, Ohnr !oH N . C l t l lng, man y n h ot l y conto s t ml tlintnoud bttlo, Olllllrml\11 o f th o J.oc11 ! Ueptlb l lcnu H �- connulttorl •ululilo nt N ns l mn, N, H., oon t ho Connnltteo, hny U ! l l intml + hast Sundny morning, V1111Zllnt ha umnmlttuu of forty U opnbllcnus, tou boon plnylng with tho Nshn+ Bnso from enola w nrt l in tho town. 'fhls Dnll Team, nml hilt I b oon dr11fto d by tho mitteo will bo !mown ns tho 'l'aft mul St. I.oui• Amoric11u Lmiguo Oiu b , For Sbornmn CnmtmJ 1a Co11111a1" tt c o, 1111ti I• s o m o years VnuZnnt pln)'Otl on tho UOJD THOMPSON'S CNCES. . Local lan Will Ptoblblg n Wllb SIN llcklnl Nn-ORI CGIItiOr Between Cumrland' Street and South Avenue Ten minutes walk from the station. 0 The highest property in Westfield. Fully restricted. Lots, so feet front. Lots, 1 2 2 to 15 7 feet deep. Prices, Ssoo to $750 per lot. We make all improvements . Sidewalks, Sewer and Macadam Strtets. Terms for lots,· $roo cash and $15 per month . No taxes for year 1908; or, pay cash for your lot and we wi ll build you a. house., WILCOX BOND . rner Elm Street and North Avenue. Plalaſteld Busb\ess College and · The STAND�RD hns a lways st001l for huloפndonee. rh�lll a rom o tnbuoo In that lluo moy meet tho Kngo�tlon tbat I wri te something of old tllnoJ : In the 70's the gat Issue of reform Wv to get hnr roods, In the onrllt•r wl1un te frost Cl\1+0 ont in tbe springtime, tile wbeols onltl go in to the hub, tho horses would mire to their kns or higher, ami everyy oolll suffer, Quito large amounts of money were sut potti n g the mud up In the sum1uer timo that would baok to .the autn In the winte r. Willlmn Ohnm- rlnln's ftilor wns very tlvo In working for a stoneerushor, Stone- crushers oro ntlnisters of tho Gospol in reform. ' then ?I the usc of פ- tition aud indoפudeJtoo, w!Jioh O JDK to me AmoriMu ami p recious. From time time wnrd Embree's fnther and 1 •. V. Olark, Fnk Drnuuor aud other od citizens פtitioned for itu- pvements and most of them bolted their rty when homo and t own were mode suer for rty, A ut 1879 1ve bod a gnd town loler, litlolan nevertheless. The inde- פndents of tl a rtics united elected th., st men for tlw Town m- rt �'airbairu, Sr., nml Obbe Worth's father. When Fnir; balru ok his at Olmn of tbe To1vn Com mitten (the me ition os Mayor tay) be remarked .. Thank yon Pl1ce In S1cand WI,, , " . Tuosdny Is Primary ly, Tho re+u· + + foU011•8 ,• nunor lcngo teams throughout tho l1ar uomiuoos for town, county and Fh·gt.Wilrtl-Hug h T1\lt, , J. Ken- country nml wn.� rated 88 a fir s t-class, st ate offices for nil Prtlos will se· n o dy, Aurulv A . Stllt"t.Jt, Gcor"O B , 1\ l l · •· o nn l i b ll ll playo r. From t ho St, 1 t 1 I ce .et on t tnt doy, betceu tlm llours Dlckcrsoa, M B. Dutcher, Jamos 0. Louis lcnt n, VlltiZnut wo nt St . P tm l, of 1 m ad 0 p, m , T horo Is but on e lꝏ n ! Oh1rlt, .T. Fretl Wright, Wy l�tlwnt·s, thou to Binglu 1 mton, 111111 this yonr hnd t1tost on, which Is to determine who Goorꝏo •r. Oruttotttlott, Dr · , o, +1. F, beet1 plt1yiug with the Albany team. I�gelIlls senu closiJl t horo last 1vook, he �!; : c �t' ::��: !0� 1 t ' l ::��d Second Wllld Sidney L . lC�tifre u , ctuno with his wife to hor homo in ward, Thoro nro fcur cnudidato•, three Hta ro !tl 'l'n oml tmll , J<J, 8, F. Hu n r lolph, Nn sh uu. S u u tll l y th e y w c r u · going of w h " m nr e se l e c ted : J n m E. Ourtis s Board, Jr., A, A, Aloser, 'fltco- VnnZnut's homo iii Now York, nt! Grape , Sidney L. Knitron, rt L. tloro R. Harvey, Hobert L. Smi tl ey, their suit cases were pnclrcd taka the Smi tley nnd Arthur N. Pierson. TIIO Isnno Sooley, Wnlter J. lo, Willimu trnin for Worcester, first three llnve tho endorsement of the Alcok. About . II :30 VnuZunt went to bis Go! G overnment Club . 'J'hil Wnrei-A, L Itussoll, Fretl N , roomnml n few moment s Inter his 'vife It Is s11id that this nt est will be Brush, R. 'f., �Iills, ,J. G. 'fen Eyck, follolvoel him there to seo i f Ito S st ubrnl y fought. Mr. Piern +v GeorA1 H, L . i[ortou, A. H. �Ioyer, L , aut rol l tly to srt for tho station. on on tho local committee for me M. Pursall, H. P. Grnt, John Mc C or· Silo found 111+1 <leatl. He h�d left a years, nnd is condnctlug his own m- mi, L. G . Veuu, Louis 0. Gn11zol. Iotter HRyiug tl t t he wa� nfmid thnt he igu for election. Rort L. Sulit - Fourth War -Georgo Gabler, Etl. 0 , might botue 8 , bar don and t h at he W ley i s the opsition udidote, Wiutor, ,Tohul,edlo)•, Ge or ge P ee k , Jr . , o r r y to m k9 lhtstronblo, but h thongllt Although tbe oleottous lꝏally promiso Charles D. Lo seo, John 0, Hall, Oharles It the host way out. Sluco h t s return to be r u ther tame, It is pbable that a 0. Hull, Oharles Olotworthy, ark f om Albat y + fe w days ngo, ho h od lnrge voto will st, bccnuse of the Webster, .Torry V r ig ht , Preston W . d t spl y e tl s t gus o f menohol i o. Vau- nte st iu the county for the nomi na- Ross. Znt wa.� 83 yonrs old. . t o n of tle as s embly ꝏudidoto s . - VanZant pttche for tho loon! cl�b There are seven in the ſteltl: ltichord PUBLIC SCHool ENRollMEMT f o r two ye+rs wheu Rln a tou r ll H e n r y, Aug u s t us w. Schwurtz, F n k Westſteltl w s y o: 1lor. Burke '!+ + 0. Stntzlen nnd Obnrles A. T rimble, nil Is OVER ElEN HUNDRED' catcher, and Tnn . Jordon, now wtth of Eiizobsth; Albert F. Kitein, of the rꝏklyn Notaonol League Club, Rahway; Orleton B. Pier ce, of Crn· Cnlned first base. lk e y w . ns R hen tly fo r d , n u d Llo yd Thompson, of Westfi e l d . SillY More Pupils Malriculaled Than Las! pitcher, nnd very l l o r Wt th tho l l l re p ublicans moy co u nted up- funs. He went from h e re t o t h ? n · o n t nr u o n t i u full f o rce to help swell Year-Some Congestion. Htato L�ng�e, o nd wns sncceodet , m th . t he qnotn of votss for �rr. Thomon, Tbe eurollntont at tho \Vestfloltl locn : pltc tu department by Re<l tho result in the connty depon<ls in Public S chꝏls, to dote, h passed the W a lor, 0 Bndgort fume, lnrge mesure on th e suprt which t · he 11 murl<, for n g nin of 0 0 over tl1o lal uiau recei ves from his owu con- fullmntricnlntion ollnst yer, SECTION WORKMAN KillED. stit ue ncy . Every oort will e Tbe incronse lm• somewhat crowelcd by the la l orgunizntiou to bring every the 'aleront grmlo but tcutnti vo nr · nvailoble republican voter the lls. muge m buts l e �uei• mml o w her e b y P as qu a l e Rila RO St ruck by flylna DrM n g M r . l'ltompson's cban c os of success ro the congestion lifts becu rol i o vcd, Con- Wheel Dies at Hospllal. very gI in tho judgment of the 1!11 School or Eaglish · whull a l• the honor, gentlem e n. I ueve1 · ought I uld be elected this sl· on. I fear I shall have do my duty In such lines that 1 uevcr n elected in." Tt w . the true spirit au Fairirn and Worth Jiv up it, They alished the wasteful, but pulnr exפnditures whiclt lmd P l 'O· dud for genetlous maohlne voters, but not rds They mned. the rds v to get our present hard ds, ga r dless of whether the worlmrs ditious, how over , will' not be altogelhea· lenders. He will doubtless ll o big sntlsfnctory until nfter tlto no1v Fourtb P asquale Ritnno, employed v nuo of vote in this· Pod of the countv, 1vhile it Bulldlnc Announcement� It is widely known that the sentiment of the people of W estfiel d and vicinity demands the highest possible grade of education, both iu the publi� and private schools. Since rof, A. S. Herr assumed contr ol of the Plainfield Business . College three years ago, he has worked conscien. tiously and effectively, to meet the delands of the most exacting public, and has raised the standard of business training, How this school has prospered ia a matter of local history. 1907-1908 is the banner year, Fall term be lns TUESDAY, SEPT. 1st. ' Our 1908 booklet, entitled "A Text-book for Parents, Guardi ans and Others Interested in a Self-Sustaining and Produc tive Education," which contains the ideas given in a_ concise and jnteresting manner, and worked out here so suc- cessfully, will be mailed upon re q uest. " Collep office Is oפn every day expt Sunday, from 8 a . m. to 10 p. m. Invest1gate. the Plainfield Busi· · ness College, It is highl y endor�ed by all leading public. school educators in this section. Prof A . Herr, Telepho n e 795 W. Principal' and Proprietor. · T RY an ad. in the ·"STANDARD" If you can't write a CATCHY AD. Com e to us and we.'ll help you. The . Wesield so open in the near future in the premises of the former Westfield u nde r the management of the Easte Amusement Co. Soci eties and individuals ishing to secure Prl vileges or desiring the Dowling, Billard and Pool Tournaments or Club 'ember� apply - Easte Amusement Co; < 255 Morris Avenue, Elith, N. J, ind ucements to Ladies Clubs or individnals . Watch· this sp ace for op eni ng date. their money for r-working to snit o r not. Tllo two men deserved well of tho old Town. True, the tem- rary rePnlt w a uot unmmon ono, Our excell ent itl " Wot I Tit!. will im פl my election for the gis- tnre. Our party will sner.'' Iu thirty yenrs of the well beloved wn, I have alwꜽs not tho greatest symthy to fontld any where in the world for anyy in tub l e. Ot1e who w a pronlincut citin here for thirty years told me thnt when he bod tronble on the Stk E xeltnn g e , oil ao town people were very lovely him for the filt time ; but anyy who tbinlts he io ss for life or condncts himlf in a proud, haughty fhlou will have 8 fl. "No Kiug, no Olown, Shall rule t his Town." Yet no other town ever shows as muclt friendliness for the wltonre in trouble . The spirit of the yal Arcnnnm is abroad throngh the w h ole town, ond it + ne comfort metlmes. Onr g B!1a did ii even get tD tho sltnre at that t1me. Tho Iuo- פndents prevented that for t he tim e and until the s in is turn onme a fnther of g s. ·A cs her os put on the wrir's land and the g k ne ever since, The writer Towu Oonnsel of that odminlstro- tiou and ver y proud of · thnt odminis- tmtion. The STANDARD lt niWYS tnugbt us that g et g ont of a s, you want kill your s uow and then, Never forget it. "We will wthe our swords in n myrtl e uah, The swo that laid Hiprcltus low." W.·G, cKK. H-sntk. \Vard school is COill)Jieled, w ich it is 0 section gang 0+ tho Control Rai l road, is expecd that tho vote will be sent· said will not b u befo r e ,l nnul l r y 1 , died nt M uhle nberg H os pital, Plin- tered iu Elizabeth, whero thore ore four tlold, Mouday nftornꝏn, from th o ro· 1009. . , . . cnutlidntes from tbot p lnce iu the field, The ovorll at the Prost•cct stel 811•11 nf liiJtlll snstnme \ by bomg hlt t'ollowiug is the complete list of can· school has en occommoaato<l at the w ath frmen ts of a cyhuder head that tlidtes for th piutics · Cox bouse, on South Bmo st reet, near burst on the engine of a p sengc r trnin EPUDLIC� the �lethotlist Olmroh ; nt tho Pros p ect 110"r tbo Os avenue bridge at 9 Senntor--Ernest R. Ackerman. SJhꝏl ldmltrorteu , i 11 tho f r esb y. o ' cl ock 01 1 tlte t u orn iug of tho s u mo d n y. embers of G onernl Assembly-Rich.·- te r ia u ch ll l lO l . Tho o vo r fi01v i 1 1 th e Bo t h hi s le gs wo re b ro k e n, o u d h e w a s llrt l F . Ho u ry, A lbert F. K irs in, Carl· kindergnrten tlcvnrtuae.nt of the Lincoln bnd y cut abottt the tent! . ton B Pierce, Augustus W Schwnrlz, s c hool b u s boon plnceel i n tlto Cox ho tts e · U l ia no w ns Jlfl tro l l mg t h e t r u c k s n u F r au It 0. S\tttzl e n, L l o yd T hompson When tho JJOW scho ol is completed , Ita stoppetl out of tho WY of the lmin, un Ohrlcs A. Trimble. theso pupils Will go aolt to th o res p c c - I t �vns about to p:tss him, tbcre W Sheri-Robert J, Kirkland. tiv e sch h from which thoy we o tnl m n. a torr tfl o cr ush nd p wces of s to?l flew Coroner--Adolph Degeuriug. Oue ft\1 ga·a<lo clos> lms temporarily through tlte lr. Au �c nt n o . �od Mayor--Augustus L. Alפrs, been placed in tho ltintlorgarton room of <lropped from tho el ! gme s drtvm Freebolllers-Chorles A. Smit h, Jos. tho Prospect street school . This class wheels ond 1t was ns that broke Rl· eph Perry, will bo movo to tho Fourth Wore! t•mo's legs as it swnug nround with Justice of the Peace-Jnmes F. Mil· school, whon thnt builcliug is com- every revolution of tho whee l s. lett. pletctl. · . Fragment.! of tho c ·liwlor . strucl< Councilmen--First wnrd, Oborles M. Two primnry class rooms in tho Pros- Rita no in the hen ri , �ito ougmo rnn Anleck; socoud word, Walter J, o; poet 1\lltl ouo in tho Lincol n schꝏl ure for fiOO f ? ot beo It could be stopp ? 'l. tbirtl Wllrtl, Aelo n irnm J. Wson; fmtrth now overcrowded. Provisions w i ll be Tho ollgmo drver feared tho locomotive wnrcl, Jolm W. D avis. . mnde for tho ove l o w i n a d ny or two . w ? u ! tl b o tl er m led b y tho bro k e n . oc ? on - C o u nt y Ex ecutive C o m mi t te e -Ftrs t 'fhero nrc s ovont-ve l l pils being triO rocl tlmt sl!lshocl tho c uds of 110811110 wnr d, �'redorick 0, Decker; secontl earc<l for at the Co� house a pulp nml brolto off the side of tho en b . wtl, Chester M. Smit h ; third ward, Ritnno was 3 ye rs old am! mnrrietl. Olmrlcs N. Cding; fourth wnrd, A wif� nntl'ono cbiltl snrvi vo him. He Olmrlcs E. Oox. · , A REUNION SOCIABlE. Ladies ol Congregallonal Church Will Enler· lain Evening-or Sepl. 25. 1'bo Women's Associntiou of Tho Con· gregational Oln uch of Chri st Ꜹill haiti o Ronnlon Sociable in tho church por- ters uoxt Fritlay evcnit1g, Sept. 25, be· ginning at S:l o'cloc k , All tho !110+ Lors of the churoh nro cortlinlly invitee! to .prosout. A gꝏ•! limo is ammtl. Tho acting pastor, llov. Dr. F. E . Sturgis, hos ngreed to supply the outer· tnlnmeutfor tho occnsion, nud the mom· bers of his muslmd tnmi!y will ta k e part. Miss St u rg, mt · uecotnp!ishod will sing, 11s will also bar The Indios piau tllronglt tho reunions to bring l the memrs of tho ohurcll t ogether for .o Rocinl hour, nnd thus to give. imפtus to t he work of tho ye�r. Johnston-Brown. livos·itt Westfield. 1'own Executive CommitteFirst Wesllleld Tax R ate Is s1:n wnrrl, G. A. V. Hnnkinsou, E . G. Hnfo• · d, Dr. 0. M. �'. Egel ; send ward,. Tho tux rnte ihis ycnr will _ be $1.77 1 (throe to elect), Jnmes E . . GraSidney per hundred, a d rop of one (to111t from Cot.<fimud 011 P�ge 8. lust y e ar, when the rate was U.78. . ' Westfield Highlands HAVE_ ·you seen thi s rapidly developing section of Westfield? Do you know,you have a ne oppor· tnuity to buy fine building plots in a restricted neiglibor� . . hood on the easiest of terms.? The plots nre. selling rapid··· .. ly. An ,immediate selection will be t o your advantage. We o ffer new houses with all modem conveniences on ey terms.

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Page 1: HEIGHTS UOJD THOMPSON'S - DigiFind-It County Standard... · Work lor Nallanal Cendldales. Ends Mls Lilt. . rN m. For tho purpose of COIItluctlllf! II CRill· Ohnrle I. Vl\nZ .. nt,


' circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Un�on County.

NO. 10 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. J,, FRJI)AY, SEP'fEMDEI� IB, 1908. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copy 3c: -j==========�==========



W c will build you o�c in at. That Time sags Till Republicans fra«� EICb Wlrd ChaSin lo In Fll ol Melancbolll, I DIIJ·flml Fnorlle Big Vore Because or ..

w G n..1.ha . Work lor Nallanal Cendldales. Ends Mls Lilt. . . rN m. For tho purpose of COIItluctlllf! II CRill· Ohnrle� I. Vl\nZ .. nt, tho RO\l\hj�I\V semblg Contest


'1 1111 IDle r�11 rewn." Pttple Ire Spl,.l .. lc Ill W1111 Sttnd For

Ins lilt.

(llligu ou bolmlf of tho uatlouul c1uadl· kuow11 ns "Ikoy," who twlrlml tho dnteH, Wlllhun Hownrd 'J'nft nml J. s. WoYttlolrl bnse bnll tennl to victory in Shol'lluu1, Ohnr!oH N. Cl)(ltllng, many n hotly contostml tlintnoud bllttlo, Olllllrml\11 o f tho J.oc11! Ueptlbllcnu H�- connulttorl •ululilo nt N nslmn, N, H., oonth•o Connnltteo, hny U!lllOintml 11 hast Sundny morning , V1111Zllnt hat! umnmlttuu of forty Uopnbllcnus, tou boon plnylng with tho N1\shn11 Bnso from enola wnr t l in tho town. 'fhls cotn· Dnll Team, nml hilt I b oon dr11ftod by tho mitteo will bo !mown ns tho 'l'aft mul St. I.oui• Amoric11u Lmiguo Oiub, For Sbornmn CnmtmJ .. 1a Co11111a1"ttco, 1111ti I• somo years VnuZnnt pln)'Otl on tho


Local lan Will Ptoblblg lin Wllb SINII llcklnl Nn-ORI CGIItiiiOr

Between Cumberland' Street and South Avenue

Ten minutes walk from the station. 0 •

The highest property in Westfield.

Fully restricted.

Lots, so feet front. Lots, 1 2 2 to 15 7 feet deep.

Prices, Ssoo to $750 per lot. We make all improvements.

Sidewalks, Sewer and Macadam Strtets. Terms for lots,·

$roo cash and $15 per month.

No taxes for year 1908; or, pay cash for

your lot and we will build you a. house.,

WILCOX BOND CO. Corner Elm Street and North Avenue.

Plalafteld Busb\ess College and·

The STAND�RD hns always st001l for hulopendonee. Porh�ll.'l a romotnbrnuoo In that lluo moy meet tho Knl(go�tlon tbat I write something of old tllnoJ :

In the 70's the great Issue of reform W118 • to get hnril roods, In the onrllt•r

wl1un tile frost Cl\1110 ont in tbe springtime, tile wbeols \Vonltl go in to the hub, tho horses would mire to their knees or higher, ami everybody \Voolll suffer, Quito large amounts of money were spout potting the mud up In the sum1uer timo that would go baok to .the autton In the winter. Willlmn Ohnm­berlnln's flltilor wns very nctlvo In working for a stoneerushor, Stone­crushers oro ntlnisters of tho Gospol in road reform. 'then etLIII6 the usc of pe­tition aud indopeudeJtoo, w!Jioh BOOJDK to me AmoriMu ami precious. From time to time Erlwnrd Embree's fnther and 1 •. V. Olark, Fronk Drnuuor aud other good citizens petitioned for itu­provements and most of them bolted their party when homo and town were to be mode to sutter for party, About 1879 1ve bod a grand good town lot�tler,

politlolan nevertheless. The inde­pendents of botla pnrtics united ruu1 elected th., best men for tlw Town Oom-

Robert �'airbairu, Sr., nml Obnrbe Worth's father. When Fnir; balru took his ��eat lUI Oln\irnmn of tbe To1vn Com mitten (the same position os Mayor today) be remarked .. Thank yon

Pl1ce In S1cand WI,., , •• ., " . Tuosdny Is Primary Dlly, Tho re11u· 1111 foU011•8 ,•

nunor lcngtto teams throughout tho l1ar uomiuoos for town, county and Fh·gt.Wilrtl-Hugh T1\lbot, \V, J. Ken- country nml wn.� rated 88 a first-class, state offices for nil Pllrtlos will be se· nody, Autlrulv A. Stllt"t.Jt, Gcor"O B, 1\ll·•·onnli bllll playor. From tho St, 1 t 1 I ., ce .et on t tnt doy, betiVceu tlm llours Dlckcrsoa, M B. Dutcher, Jamos 0. Louis lcntn, VlltiZnut wo nt to St . Ptml, of 1 mad 0 p, m, Thoro Is but one loon! Oh1rlt, .T. Fretl Wright, Wrny l�tlwnt·<ls, thou to Binglu1mton, 111111 this yonr hnd COt1tost on, which Is to determine who Goorooo •r. Oruttotttlott, Dr·, o, 111. F, beet1 plt1yiug with the Albany team. I�gel� Ills sensou closiJll! thoro last 1vook, he ����!; :c���t'::����:��!0�1�t'��l ::���d

Second Wllld Sidney L. lC�tifreu, ctuno with his wife to hor homo in ward, Thoro nro fcur cnudidato•, three Htaro!tl 'l'nomltmll, J<J, 8, F. Hunrlolph, Nnshuu. Suutllly they wcru· going to of wh"m nre to bo selected : Jnmos E. Ourtiss Board, Jr., A, A, Aloser, 'fltco- VnnZnut's homo iii Now York, lint! Grape, Sidney L. Knitron, Robert L. tloro R. Harvey, Hobert L. Smitley, their suit cases were pnclrcd to taka the Smi tley nnd Arthur N. Pierson. TIIO Isnno Sooley, Wnlter J. Lllo, Willimu trnin for Worcester, first three llnve tho endorsement of the Atllcok. About. II :30 VnuZunt went to bis Go()t! Government Club.

'J'hil'll Wnrei-A, L Itussoll, Fretl N, roomnml n few moments Inter his 'vife It Is s11id that this contest will be Brush, R. 'f., �Iills, ,J. G. 'fen Eyck, follolvoel h im there to seo if Ito IVIlS stubbornly fought. Mr. Pierson 11118 GeorA1 H, L. i.\[ortou, A. H. �Ioyer, L, about rolltly to start for tho station. boon on tho local committee for some M. P<iursall, H. P. Gr�nt, John McCor· Silo found 111111 <leatl. He h�d left a years, nnd is condnctlug his own cnm­miok, L. G. Veuu, Louis 0. Gn11zol. Iotter HRyiug tltllt he wa� nfmid thnt he paigu for reelection. Robert L. Sulit-

Fourth War<I -Georgo Gabler, Etl. 0, might bocotue 8 ,bardon and that he Willi ley is the opposition �udidote, � Wiutor, ,Tohul,edlo)•, George Peek, Jr ., fiorry tomllk9lhtstronblo,but h�thongllt Although tbe oleottous looally promiso

Charles D. Loseo, John 0, Hall, Oharles It the host way out. Sluco h t s return to be ruther tame, It is probable that a 0. Hull, Oharles Olotworthy, :Mark f�om Albat�y 11 few days ngo, ho hod lnrge voto will be cast, bccnuse of the Webster, .Torry '\Vr ight, Preston W. dtspll\yetl stgus of melanohol io. Vau-

contest iu the county for the nomi na-Ross. Zllnt wa.� 83 yonrs old. . t.ion of tlm�e assembly oo.udidotos.

-·- VanZant pttchetl for tho loon! cl�b There are seven in the fteltl: ltichord

PUBLIC SCHool ENRollMEMT for two ye11rs wheu Rlnatour llllll 11l Henry, Augustus w. Schwurtz, Fronk Westfteltl w�s yo�:1lor. Burke '!1111 0. Stntzlen nnd Obnrles A. Trimble, nil

Is OVER ElEVEN HUNDRED' catcher, and Tnn . Jordon, now wtth of Eiizobsth; Albert F. Kirstein, of the �rooklyn Notaonol League Club, Rahway; Ollrleton B. Pierce, of Crlln· D?Cnlned first base. lkey w.ns R hently ford, nud Lloyd Thompson, of Westfield.

SillY More Pupils Malriculaled Than Las! pitcher, nnd very P<llllllor Wtth tho loc�l Local repu blicans moy be counted up-funs. He went from here to th? 'In· on tO tnru ont iu full force to help swell Year-Some Congestion. Htato L�ng�e, ond wns sncceodet�,

m th.� the qnotn of votss for �rr. Thompson,

Tbe eurollntont at tho \Vestfloltl locn: pltctu� department by Re<l as th o result in the connty depon<ls in Public Schools, to dote, hilS passed the Wa lor, 0 Bndgoport fume, lnrge mellsure on the support which t·he 1100 murl<, for n gnin of 00 over tl1o local uiau receives from his owu con-fullmntricnlntion ollnst yellr, SECTION WORKMAN KillED. stituency. Every olfort will Ito mode

Tbe incronse lm• somewhat crowelcd by the local orgunizntiou to bring every the 'altreront. grmloS'; but tcutnti vo nr· nvailoble republican voter to the polls. mugembuts lu\Ve �uei• mmlo whereby Pasquale RilaRO Struck by flylna DrMng Mr. l'ltompson's cbancos of success llro the congestion lifts becu rol iovcd, Con- Wheel Dies at Hospllal. very gOOII in tho judgment of the 100111 School or Eaglish

· w oo4hull a Jlllrtl•

the honor, gentlemen. I ueve1· thought I could be elected to this posl· tion. I fear I shall have tO do my duty In such lines that 1 uevcr can ho elected again." That was . the true spirit aull Fairbairn and Worth Jived up to it, They abolished the wasteful, but populnr expenditures whiclt lmd Pl'O· duced for generotlous maohlne voters, but not rot�ds They milnaged. the roads so 118 to get our present good hard roads, regardless of whether the worlmrs

ditious, how over, will' not be altogelhea· lenders. He will doubtless poll o big sntlsfnctory until nfter tlto no1v Fourtb Pasquale Ritnno, employed 118 nuo of vote in this· Pod of the countv, 1vhile it Bulldlnc

'-.Announcement� It is widely known that the sentiment of the people of

Westfield and vicinity demands the highest possible grade of education, both iu the publi� and private schools.

Since l'rof, A. S. Herr assumed control of the Plainfield Business . College three years ago, he has worked conscien. tiously and effectively, to meet the de!flands of the most exacting public, and has raised the standard of business training, How this school has prospered ia a matter of local history. 1907-1908 is the banner year,

Fall term be�lns TUESDAY, SEPT. 1st. '

Our 1908 booklet, entitled "A Text-book for Parents, Guardians and Others Interested in a Self-Sustaining and Productive Education," which contains the ideas given in a_ concise and jnteresting manner, and worked out here so suc-

cessfully, will be mailed upon request. " Collep office Is open every day except Sunday,

from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Invest1gate. the Plainfield Busi· · ness College, It is highly endor�ed by all leading public. school educators in this section.

Prof A • .s. Herr, Telephone 795 W. Principal' and Proprietor. ·

TRY an ad. in the ·"STANDARD"

If you can't write a CATCHY AD.

Come to us and we.'ll help you.

The. Westfield Casino�

open in the near future in the premises of the former Westfield under the management of the

Eastern Amusement Co. Societies and individuals �ishing to secure Prlvileges or desiring

the Dowling, Billard and Pool Tournaments or Club '1\lember� apply

---.Eastern Amusement Co; < 255}{ Morris Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J,

inducements to Ladies Clubs or individnals. Watch· this space for opening date.

their money for rood-working to snit or not. Tlloso two men deserved

well of tho old Town. True, the tem­porary rePnlt wos a uot uncommon ono, Our excellent llosa snitl " Wltot I Tit!. will imperil my election for the Logis­latnre. Our party will snft'er.''

Iu thirty yenrs of the well beloved town, I have always noted tho greatest sympnthy to be fontld any where in the world for anybody in troub le. Ot1e who wos a pronlincut citizen here for thirty years told me thnt when he bod tronble on the Stock Exeltnnge, oil tlao town people were very lovely to him for the fil'llt time ; but anybody who tbinlts he io Boss for life or condncts himself in a proud, haughty fll8hlou will have 8 fall.

"No Kiug, no Olown, Shall rule this Town." Yet no other town ever shows as muclt

friendliness for those wltonre in trouble . The spirit of the Royal Arcnnnm is

� abroad throngh the whole town, ond it is 11 tine comfort BOmetlmes.

Onr good B011a did iiot even get tD tho Logisllltnre at that t1me. Tho Iutlo­pendents prevented that for the time and until the Boss in !tis turn hoonme a fnther of good roads. ·A crusher \Vos put on the writer's land and the good WCJJ"k has gone ever since, The writer

Towu Oonnsel of that odminlstro­tiou and is very proud of · thnt odminis­tmtion.

The STANDARD ltos niWIIYS tnugbt us that to get good ont of a Boss, you want to kill your Jloes uow and then, Never forget it. "We will wreathe our swords in n

myrtle IJouah, The sword that laid Hippnrcltus low."



\Vard school is COill)Jieled, wllich it is 0 section gang 011 tho Control Rai lroad, is expected that tho vote will be sent· said will not bu before ,lnnullry 1, died nt Muhlenberg H ospital, Plttin- tered iu Elizabeth, whero thore ore four

tlold, Mouday nftornoon, from th o ro· 1009. • • . , . . cnutlidntes from tbot plnce iu the field,

The ovorlltJIV at the Prost•cct sti'Cel 811•11 nf liiJtll'lllS snstnme�\ by bomg hlt t'ollowiug is the complete list of can· school has been occommoaato<l at the wath fragments of a cyhuder head that tlidlltes for both piutics · Cox bouse, on South Bmotl street, near burst on the engine of a pnssengcr trnin llEPUDLIC�!I the �lethotlist Olmroh ; nt tho Prospect 110"r tbo Osborn avenue bridge at 9 Senntor--Ernest R. Ackerman. SJhool ldmltr:,:orteu, i11 tho fresby. o'clock 011 tlte tuorniug of tho sumo dny. :Members of Gonernl Assembly-Rich.·-teriau chllllOl. Tho ovorfi01v i11 the Both his legs wore broken, oud he was llrtl F. Houry, Albert F. Kirstein, Carl· kindergnrten tlcvnrtuae.nt of the Lincoln bnd�y cut abottt the �tent! . ton B Pierce, Augustus W Schwnrlz, school bus boon plnceel in tlto Cox hottse · Uliano wns Jlfltrollmg the trucks null Frau It 0. S\tttzlen, Lloyd Thompson When tho JJOW scho ol is completed , Ita� stoppetl out of tho WilY of the lmin, untl Ohllrlcs A. Trimble. theso pupils Will go iJaolt to tho respcc- As It �vns about to p:tss him, tbcre Willi Sheriff-Robert J, Kirkland. tive schooh from which thoy we1·o tnlmn. a torr tflo crush �nd pwces of s to?l flew Coroner--Adolph Degeuriug.

Oue flft\1 ga·a<lo clos> lms temporarily through tlte lllr. A.u �c�ntno. �od Mayor--Augustus L. Alpers, been placed in tho ltintlorgarton room of <lropped from tho el!gme s drtvm� Freebolllers-Chorles A. Smith, Jos. tho Prospect street school . This class wheels ond 1t was tlns that broke Rl· eph Perry,

will bo movocl to tho Fourth Wore! t•mo's legs as it swnug nround with Justice of the Peace-Jnmes F. Mil· school, whon thnt builcliug is com- every revolution of tho wheels. lett. pletctl. ·

.Fragment.! of tho c�·liwlor . strucl< Councilmen--First wnrd, Oborles M. Two primnry class rooms in tho Pros- Rita no in the henri, �ito ougmo rnn Anleck; socoud word, Walter J, Leo;

poet 1\lltl ouo in tho Lincoln school ure for fiOO f?ot be�oro It could be stopp?'l. tbirtl Wllrtl, Aelonirnm J. Wilson; fmtrth now overcrowded. Provisions will be Tho ollgmo dr�ver feared tho locomotive wnrcl, Jolm W. Davis. .

mnde for tho ovel'flow in a dny or two. w?u!tl bo tlermled by tho broken. oc?on- County Executive Committee-Ftrst 'fhero nrc sovont.y-tlve llllpils being triO rocl tlmt sl!lshocl tho cuds of 110811110 wnrd, �'redorick 0, Decker; secontl

earc<l for at the Co� house a pulp nml brolto off the side of tho en b. wnrtl, Chester M. Smith ; third ward, ----

• Ritnno was 3ii yellrs old am! mnrrietl. Olmrlcs N. Codding; fourth wnrd, A wif� nntl'ono cbiltl snrvi vo him. He Olmrlcs E. Oox. ·, A REUNION SOCIABlE. Ladies ol Congregallonal Church Will Enler·

lain Evening-or Sepl. 25. 1'bo Women 's Associntiou of Tho Con·

gregational Olnuch of Christ AVill haiti o Ronnlon Sociable in tho church por­ters uoxt Fritlay evcnit1g, Sept. 25, be· ginning at S:lli o'clock, All tho !110111· Lors of the churoh nro cortlinlly invitee! to be.prosout. A goo•! limo is ammtl.

Tho acting pastor, llov. Dr. F. E. Sturgis, hos ngreed to supply the outer· tnlnmeutfor tho occnsion, nud the mom· bers of his muslmd tnmi!y will take part. Miss Sturgil<, mt · uecotn p!ishod

will sing, 11s will also bar

The Indios piau tllronglt tho reunions to bring till the membors of tho ohurcll together for .o Rocinl hour, nnd thus to give. impetus to the work of tho ye�r.


livos·itt Westfield. 1'own Executive Committee-First

Wesllleld Tax Rate Is s1:n wnrrl, G. A. V. Hnnkinsou, E. G. Hnn· fo•·d, Dr. 0. M. �'. Egel ; second ward,.

Tho tux rnte ihis ycnr will _be $1.77 1 (throe to elect), Jnmes E .. Grape, Sidney

per hundred, a drop of one (to111t from Cot.<fimud 011 P�ge 8. lust year, when the rate was U.78. .'

Westfield Highlands HAVE_ ·you seen this rapidly developing section of

Westfield? Do you know,you have a tine oppor· tnuity to buy fine building plots in a restricted neiglibor� . . hood on the easiest of terms.? The plots n.re. selling rapid··· ..

ly. An ,immediate selection will be to your advantage. We offer new houses with all modem conveniences on easy terms.

Page 2: HEIGHTS UOJD THOMPSON'S - DigiFind-It County Standard... · Work lor Nallanal Cendldales. Ends Mls Lilt. . rN m. For tho purpose of COIItluctlllf! II CRill· Ohnrle I. Vl\nZ .. nt,

I 'HE t l'l l0 1' t.:OU NTYSTAN IJARD, FRI IJAY SEPTEMBER l8 , IIJ08. Allh.U�IIt.,UI• t'IUpu•-.:� IU lhU "UU•

•11111111111 Cll Ill• ltl•l• Cll I'<I•W J1r•u1 b¥ IIIII l..llllllla•

111r11 ul 1�u8,

AnlttlllmiiiU t'ropoaed ao &ht "VII• •llllnlon ot all� &tale ut Naw

Jtru)' by 1111 1..11111•1•· tur� of &(ICIII,

1h Ft u��nUal Ku One Hundred llld Sevenlr·Six Million Dollars lnauranoe In Faroe on the


f �

I :i

Live• of New JerseJ Residenta.

This great amount

of i nsurance on the

l ives of the ci tizens

of the Home State s p e a k s etoquently

of the thrift of the citizens of New Jer­

well as of the regard w it h

which they hold

sey as

T h e P r u d e n t i a l

fOLM 1\IDNEY CURl Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder D1sease not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more.

Cures Backache Corrects

Irregularities Do not risk havinc

Bright's Disease or Diabetes


J .

\, I :

c ta le's Phar macy. ._ .a. ... nrn •»mw - II

\N. . Manhattan UEALER I N

K i nds of BLU E STONE. ��stdc-uc� 50 Elm Phu;:�:, Plainfield, N. J

�la[[illL Curbin�. Sills and Couin�.

I' Til.\s &uc'of'FiEs � When You Cnu Got tho Ve17

Best at HALF price NO OOOPS AT nET AIL,

n�tl�:f, lJi�l'H:';.o:c,::�·.·� .�.t:.lt: 'l'bc 11\111111\'lllit of l"lll'DlCtl, GrAn"ell. IDAUtu• ttunt�, Uicrt.u ult'n nml hrgo Consumcra •• fio1pf't•lnlt)".

f.O�n�:-;:,•.:.;·�t::�:s'{!JN���:� I Stu�N!!�b!!!!M����!D!ls. ·· Larn Variety of oraaltc II'OiliiiMilb a All work done under my personal supervision and guaranteed. ••••••llcTMia lor Lottoti•• ••• Car•l••· , :===:.�:�.:.:.:::-:-::-:::::::::::::::::::� L. L. MANNING A BON

l'roat St., (lor. C.atral Awoo.. •

J . S. I RVI NG CO. , DEALER& I N Coal! Lumber,

Building Materials, Mouldings and Kindling Wood, Fertilizers For Lawn, Carden and Field.

Office and Yard--Central Ave., near R. R. Crossing, Westfield Orders by !\fail Will Receive Prompt Attention.



Albert E. Decker. FIRST-CLASS RIGS.

Special Accommodations for Boarding Horses.


I The Big Bargain Sale.

The One N)ost Talked Of. Glasses .... THAT FIT.


PLAINFIU,D. fl. ol.

The &avlng 8en1e of Humor, Eacb one of an affectionate couple

mny be willing, as we say, to die for the olher, yet unwilling to utter the agreeable word at the right moment ; but It the wits were anmclently quick for them to perceive that they are In a comic situation, as atfecllonate couples must be when they quarrel, they would not walt for the moon or the almanac, to bring back lhe ftood· tide of lender feelings, that they should join hands nnd tlps.-Geol'ge Meredith, In "An Essay on Comedy."

Colors of Lakes, Some lal<es are distinctly blue ; oth·

ors present \'arious shades of green, so that lu,some cases they are hardly dlsllngufshnble from their level, grass­covered banks; a few are almost black. The lake of Geneva Ia azure hued; the lake of Constance and the lake of Lucerne aro green; the color of the Mediterranean has been called Indigo. The lake of llrlenz Is greenish )'ellow, and Its neighbor, Lake Thun, Is blue,

Paychology of Dress. Dr, Thomns Claye Shnw of London,

speaking on the subject of the special psychology of women, says that there Is a psychology In clothes. It Is uae· less to say that they dress as they do to please other women or please men, They dress simply because they have to In their own way nod to their own aatlafactlon, The psy· cbo!ogy of dress Is that It appears to make you be what you profess to be.

Friendly Warning. The Ulswer• In the corresponaents'

column or a German Journal contala the following: "P. B.-We really think that rou had better not vlalt us In or· dar to receive an explanation or the reason why we have rejected your mlllluacrlpt. Our staircase, we beg to Inform· you, bas 24 steps, and we llo 1 VAIL. I not keep a bolster at the bottom."

01,. Stand, Oll Park Avt.nue. Poaonl·eld IN . o1 _

:=:==-=-·-=·-·· =�-=-=- �::::::=: AGENTS�:£, FA I R VIEW CEMETERY



MOST REASONABLE TERMS. When Trl!les Become Troubles.

l:!'l'A'l'E 01•' :IWW Jl�lti:HlY, llu IL JluMulvu<l (lhu llouHu ul AHHUUI•

Ill)' l!lli\Ulii'I'IHI{)1 'l'llllL lllo CollcJ\VIIII:{ 11111011\IIIIUIIlH tu t l lo CIJIItiliLUllun or t h iH �tutu \Ju uml t110 Htunu lli'U hua·uby lii'U• JHIHtnl, und Whull tnu Htllllu !!hall lJu .tf:ll'tJutl tu IJr u uwJot'l lY ol' Lhu UltJIIJIJtJI'.b CIUIJh!tl to Lito Hullulu nlld HtHIHU ur �h-��W�!:.�j (��:uu��tt�'J�Wt���!t�:���tt1l rt:�'�·u!�� tllltl llll)'l:l thut•ouu, HlHI J•ol'ui'I'LHI t u lhu M!M'IHIIttU I'U lll!Xl tu IJu ulHIHUII, UIILJ JHIIJ• WWt!t/ fOI' t/U'CO IIJOJJ lJJH JH')OJ' tu LJJv III'Hl 'J.'UIJI�llll)' H lllll' tho Jh'Hl Monllay UL •"tn•omllut• uuxt, In nt luUtn. ullo nuWH· ��t.Jlutti1�r 1����c�lt1��1�u�r' W,J'u 1::1���11lt:m��� ,.,(JCid�ur ut lluJ UoUI:m uf A�l!umiJly tUHa ttw �ut.•r·utal')' oC Hlntol

J, HU·JiuJ out JUli'U&;I'tliJh !l of 13octlou 1, A t·tlclo lV, Ulltl lllHUl't I n IJluco th�t·o· IJC lhu following: 3. Wuctlon�:� tur mcmlHlrs of tho Sen· .tlu uml Ouuurul AtHH!mlJly shall lJo hulu t!\'Vl'.)' tWO )'CUJ'.H VIJ tJIU fh•st :J.'UOHt.l/1) • tfll!t' thc llrt:lt ..MontJ.ay Jn Novom LH.H', llo­erlnulng unno Uomlnl uno thousamt nh11 .. 1 1 1\IHII'lHl unc) h.H11 Ulltl UVCl'f SCCOIHJ. )'Oila Lhut·uaflcl"j uml thu two Huuaus �11111 . a tltH�t I:ICIJUI'lLtcly on thtJ soouml 'l'uoatltt) w Juuwu·y Jn vuch ycur, nt n·hluh llJJJt. <Jf muotlug the lc�:rhdu.live_ yuua· 1:11uu. ...:ommcncc. �. 8trlkc out pnrni!Tilllh I, of acctloo ll, Article IV, and Insert Jtl Jllu.co thol'c· Jf tho following: 1. l'lJc Sanuto sbaU bo compose(] v. -.�uu Senutur from ouc)l cou nty in tlh ..;tute, elec�cd by tho lcgnl votci'B of t lh .;ountlca respectively, tor · four ycu.1·s, :J. Strike out Plll'll8'l'll-Ph !I of scutloa 11, Arllclo lV, nnd Insert l n plu.co thol'u Jl' tho following: !! • . As soon HH tho Sonnta shnll mce aCLcr tho Ht•st election to be held in IJUt·· �t�t'��':i u�y t�\\� �����f��:!O�lll�IA�ry S!


Jc Into two clusscs, •J.'llo scats of th. J<1WHOI'B of tho Urst cJu�s BJ1nlJ be VII ollctl Ht the OXJlil'llliOil Of tho SCCOh . curj of tho scconU 'clnss, ut the extlh'h . wa of tho !oua·th ycut•, so that on aass mny bo clcctctl cvot•y second yeu uul If vacancies hnppon. IJY rcslgnntln <Jl' otheJ'WhW, the PCJ'BOJJS eJ()cted to sup­

IllY such vucuncics shull be electetl fm the unexpil•cl) terms onlYi pru,·llled, tluu lho �onutoJ·s having the lmtgest lJCrloL ur ttmo stil l to Bel'vo ut Ute time 01 mnldng said dlvlslon :�hall I.Ju cnlillctl tl tho longer terms. .J, StJ•ikc out pnrngrnPh I of sectlor. ur, nJ•ttclo IV, unU lnsort In placo thcl'c· ur tho following: 1. 'J1ho Genernl Assembly shnll be ��onwosed of mcmbera clectell by tltl wgnl \'Otcrs of tile counties, rcspccth·c· ��·, �\'Cl'Y second year, begi nning on Uu. drst •ruesllny nt:tor the llrst l\lom.tny tr. • \'"u\•cmbel', anno Uomlnl one thousan�,.;. nine hundred nnd Len, who Hhall be OlJ· portioned among the suld coun ties m ./ctu·ly u.s muy be uccordJug to the num­ocr of their i n hn.bltants. 'l'bc J..cgls ltlt· tll'fl shnJ I , in the yent• one thousand nhu._ ,iund !•ecl an11 ten, and nt its th·st scs�lm tHm· each United States decennial ccn­.:;us hercuflt.Jr, and not oftcnca·. dlvhh -tnd nJ'rltnS'c enc.h county or this Stntt .nto tl 1l lstrlct or d istricts tor tho c1cc· �ton thm·cln of n. member or mcmbcn. ,ff the Gencrnl Assembly. Each Asscln· bly district ao constituted shall con­min, ns neurly ns pt•nclictLble, an equn. < �Umber of JnhnhJtnnt.R, nnd shall con· >� 1st of convenient and conti guous ter· l'itory In a compnct form, but no coun· t)', or tmrt thereof, shall be jolncU wltl .lily ot !lcr county, or part thoreof, Jr. .lily such lllstrlct ; pru"ldrd, that eacl. ,:ounty shnll, .at all times, be cntlllcll tt. .lt lcttst on� member, and the who!< number of members to be chosen ShilL ne\'CI' exceed sixty. 'rhe Court ot Ll�St Resort. by wha.t· �iWf, �;�\\?s1��0o�l�1 �:

1 ����:Jic�Po';�����

·wtth run power, under such procetJun as Jt mny IJy rules prescribe, to review nn)· div ision and nrrungcmunt malic b)' the J�eglslaturc Into Assembly Ulstrictf; of the counties of this StiLto for the pur� pose of Uetel'mlnlng whet her such ·ur-rnngement nnd division, or IUlY rmrt ���'i\'�0ih1�s �1�cit����


o ��

r 1W �g�fl[g�

het·cwllh, to ndjudgo t11o same, or such part thereof as muy be In con lllct here­with, null und void, In caRe sniU court shnll determine such nrrangcmcnt and division, or nny part thm·cof, to be nulJ and ,•old tho l.cglsluturc shall Pl'occed to muke a now arrungmneut nnd divis­ion. entire or pnrtlnl, ns the notion of tho court may require. 6. Strike out pat·ag••nph a of Article V nnd Insert in place tbel'cOf the follow­ing: 3. The Governor shall hold h is office for four yenrs, to commence nt twelve o'clock noon on the third 'rucsday of .January next ensuing the election for· Governor by the people, and to end nt twelve o'clock noon on the third �rues� day of January four years thereafter: nnd he shall be lncnpnlJi e or holding that office Cor four years next atter his term ot set•vfcc shall hmrc cxpJrccJ; nud no appointment or nominatio n to oflice shnll be made by the Governor during the last week of his said term. 6. Strike out paragrnllh r. of section II, Article VII, nnd Insert In plnce thci'C· ot the following: 6. Clerks and surrogates of counties shall be elected IJy the people or their respective counties nt the elections fo1· members of the Genc\'al Assembly, They shnll hold theh· offices for six ycnrs. '1. Strike out par.ngraph 7 ot sectJon II, Article VII, nml inscl't In pl!tcc thereof the following: 7. Sheriffs nnd coroners shall be elcc� ��n�i�S ��1t

e ur�����u��s



i�i the Gcncl'fll As.scml>ly, nnd shall hold

their offices tor four years, n ftc1· which four ycnrs tnust clntJac before they can be ugrLln capniJle of serving. Sheriffs shnll nrmnnlly renew tholt· bonds. -

8. Add to section 2 of A rtlcle VII, three pnrngrnphs to he knO\VU as pm•n­grnphs 12, 13 and l.J. 12. All elections for Governor, mem­bers of tho Senate and Goncrnl Assem­bly, shcrirt.s, coroners, cou nty clerks und surrogates of counties tmd all other otHccrs now or hcrenrtcr nccesstLry to be chosen by the electors of the whole Stnte, or of nny county thereof, shnll be .held every second ycnr, on the first Tucsdny ntter the first Mondny In No­vember, IJeglnnlltg unno domini one thousand nine hli1H1re0 ami ton. 13. All elections tor justices of the pence nnd nil nnd nny munlclnnl offic­ers, as <llstlngul�hcd from State nnd county officers ns hereinbefore }lrovlded, now or heronftel' n nccssnry to be chos· en by the electors or nny city, borough, town, township, Ylllnge ot· subdlvhion �l:ir:�rex��vfnlou1����!�1I�1�1�tr �! ���/3 every second year on tile tlrst 'l'uesdny after the flrst Afotll1ny in November, be­ginning nnno domini one thousand nine hundred nnd eleven. H. Jo}xcept ris hereIn provided wl th rc­ln.tlon to the office or Scnntors, all om� ccrs filling nny elective office nt th� Utne these amendments \n.ke efteet shnl\ continue In the exercise of the duties thereof nccortllng to their respective commissions or termH of office, nnd un­til tht!lr t�ucceMsors may be clccteU nnO ��n�A��c�'f��c�n�\lcnftro\�0\��:s ot �::::� terms of office would ext,lre after these amendments trtke ctr�ct :md prfm• to the election nnd qunlltlcntlon or their sucr.e.':lsorR In office, nt the elc[!tion for tho respective offices first held unc:Jer tho proviHions of these amendments shnll continue In office un til their sue� Cl!ssors cnn be eJected and qun1Htcd nt tho election tor fiUch ofllcc or ot11ccS to b� helrl next nfler tnese amendments h��go?.

rrect, nccordlnc to t h o provisions

WESTF/Ert..D N. ol · ·" N D f'"Oio' L C.: A FLEr JiXPLA I N TN G

The Lcgls1nturo sha.ll pass nll neces­sary ln\Vs to nrrange the terms of otflce of nJ1 statutory elect ive of!lc:ern so thn.t If any person susp�cts thn:t tl;oir kid· said terms may he In harmony with II<JYS nre d<Jrnuge<l t.ltoy should blke ����i 'iJ�c�����f��9°)1�!r!�r.

carry Into Foley's Ki<lncy Romcrly nt ouco arut 110t tn��1ccAJlegt�0n"t?'I.;g1��t·0 1!r>���fl��d����1,� rif!]{ hR\'iug Bright's discrum or fli1tbetos, first day or February, In tho yonr of our Delay gives the tlis�a.·m 1\ stronger foot. ��


rl one thousand n i ne ·hund red nnd



BRA NOH OJf'FICE : N o. 4 8 E L M S T R E E T.

T�LI<'PHONE f5l}. ����----------;.._----...!

holrl nml you sbonhl not dolay tnkingj Foley's Kidney :�Wmcdy. G1de'H Pbar· Remember tlw Primaries 011 next mr.cy

, . Taesr1ny, Polls open from 1 to o p. m,

Wl'A'l'lll 0�' N I�W JJmSJol\", H�t H U(•lwJ \'fuJ ( t ho Hvnutu couour.

ttl�lrful;::��wl l� lw� �:·n �!r'�l::� ·�W,!'�tl ���


lhu HILIIIU IH llut•uby PI'UIJOtjutJ, HUll WhDII l :� ��� ·�w ,:1,'.'.'� �11·,� .��K�·;��t�� •:r. ·:��·�l·�g.•;: ���'{,J111iJtciJII����;::�nt10�W�u011J�jj��:t���!J '!:� llll•h' jUIJI'IIIliH, With tho )'tHLH !Lilli llll)'H l11 kon thc\'cut\, und l'cfm'l'\.1\l to thu LcK· Julullll'U tiiJ X l tu I.Ju chuMun� nml Jl11h· iiHhutl fOI' t h i'OU lll llll t iU; fll'tl\'ltHIH tO lhu di'Ht 'i'UIJM'dlll' ll llUI' thu 111'/il Momlu,Y or Nu\'ollllmt• rurxt, In nt luaHL IHlO uuwa .. IHLJJUI' or uach cou n ty tu bo deslgmltcd U)' litO J.'I'UHith.itlt of tho Hunnto, lito �pua!UJI' uf tllu J I OUHU of ASHUillbl)' lllld lhu Pccl'lJlUI')' or titntu, JIH)'UlUilt rot• dtWll JIIIU!Icntlot! to be nuulo by tho 11t'c111:1Ut'Ul' O U thu WIU'l'U·'' ' '"f. the COIUII· tl'O ihH',

l,�h·Ht-Strlko out Ptu·ngt'llJlh 10 or t,�gtl�1�n�1Jrs0[ o'f1'Hf�0 c�Ylu��/l�" cl��i��.�� eli'HlJJlS to t!CJI'I'VSJWIId • H�JcOUcl-ChtLUg'O }Juragrtlllh 10 or 1\rtJclo V ao lll:l to runtJ us tulloWH! 10. '.rho Uo\'t.:!l'nor or Jlel·son udmlnls­lcrlug lhu MU\'I.H'IIUHJIIL, und tou r cltl­u:na of tho t;tate uppulnted by the Oov­JTJJUJ', I>.Y m1d wi th thu ntl vlco nnd COil� tent o f tho l:!cnnto, shall conHtttuto tho donril of l'urdomt 1l'ho mcmbct•s or mid llounl, or· any th1·cu of them, or 1vhum the Go\'crnur or person admit, .. ���lC:1�·�nN:c u¥��·�

CI;!�:�u1}�r��f�� rks� �:�� �:���ntP!��·�f���·cs:tit0�:.1m����t,!fc�1oR11f�0�Tt

�lUScH c"cept lmpca,chmcnt. 'l'he tour .ncmlJci'S apcdully lli>Jlointcd sht\ll hold JJIIco for 11\'0 )'4Jili'.H1 antl receive fo1· rhcJJ' JWr\•Jccs 11- COJlJJ)CJJRallou wh ich 1hnll not bo dhnlnlslwd during tho tor111 Jf thch• UJ)IlOIIItlllt.!tlt, 'l'hlrd-l:IHuogo Huctton 1 of Article \"1. 1:10 us to l'cnd ns followtl:

SllC'l'ION l, Tho ju l1Jc Jnl powm· shall \JO vestml In � Coua·t for tho trinl of lmpcnchments, n )UJll'tJIUC Gotu·t, County Courts, unl) mull othcJ• Courts, infca·lor to tho Su • Jl'omo Court, us m1ty bu estnlJllshctl by uw, which lnturJm· Courts tho Lughl­ature mn:v niter ot• nlJOlJslt us the pub. lc good shall r·cqult·c,

Fourth-Strike out ull of Sections 11, (V, V, VI nnd VII, of Al'tl-cle VI, churarc .he numbe•· of Section lll of Article VI .o Hcctlun JI, und lnsurt the tollowltlg 1 Jectlons in Al'tlcle V l :

>ll>C'l'ION Ill . Any JtH]gc of ILn)' of tho Courts of the Hnlc muy he •·emo\•ccl for dlsnblllly

:onllnu lug for one yettl', or for reluslll .o JJerform the d utlcs of his office. by n ,•atu or two�thll·ds of ull the mcmUers ,r .the Senato and of two-tlllrlls ot nil ho metnbc•·s or the llousc of Assembly

1ot1ng sepat';Ltely, nftcr a hearing be .. .oro both Houses h1 joint sess ion.

SEC'l'ION IV, I. '11hc Supreme CoUrt shull be organ-7.!!t1 in th1•ee dl\•Jslons, numely : the Ap. ��als Dh•lslon, Ute Llt\V Division, and ��oac������ml�1.f��1t1ge J� �l��11A


Jlvlslon Wllo fihall be styled the Chic( , ustiuc. a Presi d i ng Justice or the J .. rnv Jh•lslon, who shall IJc styled the J:>l'Cl:d- 1 :::o;:c:,·,c � =· lout Just\ce, and t\. l11"eaid\ng Jus\lce of .ho Chancei'.Y Division, who shall be .tyled the Chancellor, nnd e ighteen As­.ociute Justices. which number mny be nct•cnsed b)' In \V. 2. 'l'he A ppeals Division shall consist ,r the Chief Justice, and six o ther Jus­

.lces or the Supreme court to be as� o lgucd by the GO\'CI'IlOI', A Justice Of the supreme Court uss\gnml by the Go\·­!rnor to tho Appeals Division shall 1ervo In sulll Di vision until tho end of tis tcl'm. 'rhc remaining Jusllces shall ho afi�

�:���0�r '8Jm�:��r�08f�l�fon?��rlh!0bJ�1� tess oc the Court may rc(JUlrc. a. ""hcncvcr the numbe•· ot causos ,)crorc the .Appenls Division �:�hnll be so grctL-t thnt the Division cnnnot promptly 1enr and determine them, the Oove1·nor ;Jtttll. when nuthot·h�ctl by st�ttutc, tem­,ortLrlly assign five of the Justices o f . he othe1• Dh•fsions t o Hit In t h e Ap­Je[tJs Division, which shall thereupon ;It In two DtvislonK tor the hearing Lnd decision of crtuses pending at Ute :hne of such nsalgnmcnt, f. Four Justice�:� shall be necessttry to :onstltutc t1 quorum on the ttnal hcru·­ng of nny cause ht tho Appeals Dlvia­.on, but the Supreme Court may pro\• Ide JY rule for the making of Interlocutory H'dcrs by a Jesser number of justices. Jr by one jusUccj such orders to be m!IJeet to revision by the Appeals DI­vision.

On the hearing or n. cause in the Ap� cnls Division, no Justice who has given

1. judicial opinion In tho cause in favor 1( or against the judgment, order or lccree under review shaU sit at the .lcarlflg to review such judgment. order 1 r decree, but t he reasons for such >pinion shall be usslgncd to the Court n writing. l ''mcn<lm·cn����:_ __ ...;. 5. A majority of all the members or .:he Supreme Court, to be presJdcd over

:)y tho Chict Justice, shall constitute a IUorUm for the nHslgnmcnt of Justices. tnd tor the appointment of oftlccrs, and :he enactment of rules.

Amendments Proposed to the atltutlon of the State ot New

Jeruy by the Ltal:ll•· ture of I!JI08,.

V. 'l'hc Supremo Court shnll appoint lnc or moro rcportm·s, not tJxceedJng :lace, to report the decisions of the :!ourt, nnd shall by rule dcHne his or �heir 1lutles and powers. The reporters '11"11 llol<l oHice tor five years, subject,· ASSEM:BL'i CONOURI\ENT RJ'SO. �f'i��


removal nt tho �iscrctlon LUTION NO, O. . SECTION V. 1. The ApPeiL-IB Division Rhn11 hnvo

1nd mcerclse the n.ppellnte jut·lsdlctlon :�erctofore possessed by tho Court ot Et·rors and AppenlR, the jurisdiction !leretoforc possessect by the supreme Court on writ o[ errorj and the jurlstllo­tlon llcretoforc JIOsscssccl by the Pt·c­t•ogntlvc Court on appeal, nnd by the Ordlnnry on nppeal, un1l such further tppcl111to jurisd iction us mny be con­ferred upon It by ln\V. together .. with mch orlgtnnl Jurlsdlctlon ns mny be ln-.i���'V�t��etl�en c���r��.n s�;,t,�:,'1f:����e�� the right ot trial by jury. 2, 'rho jurisdiction heretofore pos­sessed by the Supreme Court and the Justices thereof not hereby conferred J?cfl�� Ag���f:r�r1.;'.ist��B�1��dthg.)


CJrcuJt Coul'ts and tte Judges thereof. 1nd such further original jurisdiction not of an equltnble nature. nnd such rurthor appellate Jurisdiction from In­ferior courts. us tnay be conferred by ;tatute, shnll be exercised by the Law Division of the Supremo Court nnd by tho sovcrnl Just ices thereof, In accord­ance with rules of prnctlce nnd pro­cedure Jlrescrfbed by stntutn, ()r fn the llbsonco of statute. by the Supreme Court.


3, The jurisdiction heretofore pos­sessed by the Prerogative Court nnd the Ord inary, not heJ·cby conferred on the Appen.Js Dlvfsfon, and the Jurfsdfc .. tlon heretofore poiHiessccl by the Court of Chancery nn<l the Chnnccllor, and such further orlglnnl equity Ju risdlc-

�i�,f ::cJF�frr�h�rc��l�If.i1 fJr,:lt����� 1-------"'!"'-------., �rv�s d����t c���,fr��Jcc��rJl�:dP�

e:of�� Chnnccry Division and by the Chnncet .. lor nncl tho se\'crnl justices of Bllld DI­vision in nccortlnnce with rules of prac .. tlce nnd proce!lu rc prescribed by stat .. ttte, or, In the nbsenco of statute, by the Sunrcme Court, but the Justices of that Divis ion shntl bo under such control 11nd super\•lslon by the Chancellor �����tall be provided by tloe Supreme

4. Terms ot Ute Supreme Court pre ... sided over by a single Justice of the Lnw Division for the trial of Issues Joh1Cll ln or brought to tho Law Dlvt-f�011� ���e��rr���8�:r!t81t��e�0 11tt:�� by the Supremo Court. Until so axed such trlnl term� Rhnll bo held nt t11e plnces mtd times now fixed by law for the holding ot thn Courts of Common

Plcns In tho several counties,

PrOttpeft Street, W•tfteld, New

Estimates Cheerfully nished. Ci, The SupTCmc Court may provide

by rule for the transfer o r . any cause o r Issue from tho Law Di vlltlon to the Clmnccry Dlvifllon, or from the Chan­cery Division to tho J...nw Division of the Supreme Court, nn1l from the Coun-�'J�������; tl�li1�7nJ"11'::r Dl��!lonsuo;re�: former years, 118 It doos Court, and ror the glvln

'f or complete nauseate aur1 ill pleasaat to lesnl nnd eijultable relle In any cnuae 1 , In the Court or Dlvtolon wh�re It may . paraateed, Gale

. 1 Phano&lrf, ... ::·c

Page 3: HEIGHTS UOJD THOMPSON'S - DigiFind-It County Standard... · Work lor Nallanal Cendldales. Ends Mls Lilt. . rN m. For tho purpose of COIItluctlllf! II CRill· Ohnrle I. Vl\nZ .. nt,

. .

THB UNION COUNTY ITANDARJ')I FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER lR, 1908. llllct tl IUUIIIIIIl ltllcf tl iiNrlq. Noll�e Ia hereby(f.lvcn lh�t Hdwnrd P. Noll I I b I II 1 tl C II Gll••y, .ln1111 M·, , Mltr•l• 1111., J""'jllt

ce s 1erep}' K ven 1n •� ounc I • " ""' ot the f'own of Wc•ttleld 1!1 the t;nunty

.. J

'err�, thu llnnr1l of A�lieK�or• In 1111d ur nl Unlo11 will 111M 111 ti t� Council llnolll the l nw11 of WrKtlleld, ln tl tc Co1111IY nf 111 lllm Slreet, We�Ulel�, N . J. , on Moll• �;,.;===:::::=.::=:=:::=:=::=:===:r l Union, hnve filed th�lr rr1HH'I1 IIIIIJIK an� �ny evening, Septctnher � l ot, lllc8, ttl IIMMCMMIII�nl� for Mpeclal h�nelit� f11r ltn• tiRitl o'clod<, to tecelv� 111111 consider oh• lll'uvemelllK dtme uuder certnht ordi111111C�� jectlons In wrltlul(, If nnv lu tho wutlt '

MOUN�AINSIDE. Arr!ve at7.00a. m. and 4.00.p. m. Close at 8,00 a. m, and 5.00 'P· Jn.

Brood and Elmer str��ts. Open W eduesdaya and Fridays from

p, tn,, Tuesdays and Thnrsdi.ya S to 6 p. m.; SatUl'daya from 0 to 12 a to G aud T to s p. m,

Donahue, Now Britai.n, Ooun., " I tried several kidney rome· Wn• treated by our best pby·

for diabetes but did not improve I took Foley's Kidrrey Remody. the second bottle I ahowetl hn·

and five bottles cured me I have since possed " rigid

for lite iusumuce." Foley's Remedy cures bookRcho Rn<l nil of kidney aud blndder trouble· Ph�riDilcy,


thet·�ln IIII IIWd. 'I' hut I hey have nwr- <lou� 1111� nuttet·lnl� ful·nir�h�tl nuJ us•J In ' tnine•i the whole cnHt of lllltt�rlltlfl

h•d· the folluwlltK lllljl!'llvelneut�r !If wltl 1 dentnl grndlng nndex1•enae Incurred h�tr· t , l111vlnl( of sldew1tllt on norl ter ly In n:lllled

l nlld hnve nsscssed the luthla side of Su11th Avenue from WrsttidJ Avr• :wd t•rem se� frontln� on the inl(lrnvc· 1111! to ltnu Ph!(e In IHIISIIUnce of l i te 11ro· provenlelltK to the extent thnt they 11re vlslo1 1M ol Spednl Orullllu!Ce 1111111ber 14!· speclnlly henelitled nnd the excess of cnMlH Passed nnd nJupted l!eplember 16111, 1907, nver speclnl benetih were clwr�ed to th• 2, lmprnvement of l<uas Pluce by Ill\'• Town nl !urge. 'l'he ordhuwcrs, mamer� Jng blue stone tlngglng 11 lnng the south· of owners, frotttage� and �llednl asseu· east sldewul l< ol l<oss l'luce f1n111 the menh urc ns follows : Boulevard to U�11tral Avetlue,lllld ulongthc r. lmprovemwts under 1m ordl11nnce 11orthwest sJJewnll1 of l(us� PI :tee from tile

to con�trnct 11n eight l11ch sanitury sewer no1 thenst line of Currie H. C lnss to Cen· and nptll!rlunances In and nlong Soiilh Ira( Ave11ue, nnd lly sett111g blue stone Avenue, nnd known us special ordinance cur lll ng ulo11g the southeast curb l ine nf number r4 r . l!oss !'lace from 1Joa!lev11rd to lJentrrtl r N 1 Avenue, and n long the northwest '"1 ""' ""'' N""'" "townor, •'ronlnK•• Am. curb l lue of !toss Place from Roulevnrd to � �\l."fr�;t•Mnt Ht�rrl• �1 i'J:&1 north west line of Helen E. f'eric lns, nnd

II Hnr•·s o'"'"" r.o IV>,IIII from the-northeast line of Cnrrle E. Class j l�hmrd 1''11•1< roo 111.r.o to Ce11tral Avetllle, und by , paving both r. Mnrth" A, H�trrl• 146 ttJJ.O.I gutters of Hoss Place from the Boulevard 1 1?00.17 to Central Avenue with Belgian bloclts In

Amount of e�cess of cost over 5l1eclai of tile provisions of Specht! benefits to be paid and borne by the · 'own 1 ""'"""'"''" number 150, passed and adupt· I I • 16th, 1907, a arge, •53·27• the sidewalk on the north· 2. Improvements under nn ordinance of lhhway Avenue from

providing for the construction of a Saul· to the northwesterly tury sewer ln ;wd rmd along a certain stc· Pierson estule In pur· tlnn of Downer Street, :wd ltnown as spe· provisions of Stleclal Ordl· cl:d ordinance number 1 30, nance 154, passed ;md adopted t��,t No. Nnmu of 0\\'IICr. Front1111C. Am. October , r907

4· Paving sidewalk on the south side of Nort11 Avenue frotn C larl< Street to Osborne Avenue In pursuance of the pro· visions of Special Ordinance number r 55, passed and adopted Odober zrst, 1 907.

.\ ii 4 5

J.�ot No. II 7 � It 10 I I 1 :! Ja 14 to lfiA Ill I? lH IU �>() :!1 :!:! 2:J :!4 25 211

27 :!>! !.lf) BU Bl H:! It) HI B.lJ lltl B7 118 IJU jl) 41 42 4:t H 45

1-�lhm Kt'IIJ.I't!r 100 71.110 Knm'l, K1111pp Ill 42.00 ,Tumeii Hnunolt :!';i l1.1ii Hum'l. Knttll)) 117.6 28.tl:l Clmrlt!H Wt!titJl' 117.6 20.1l3

N Juno of Owner. •'ranlage. Am. 1��7.'�1��u(!t���tf�11 117 .f5.it7 lUI 23,·1:1 Ji;!it. of .A(lului•Ju Uttlo r.o a.1.i.O .hLlll('!-4 '1,, Pluson 25 17.75 t!���i�·�'er·';;\,uut flO llli,r.o

l·m Ml!l,'ji) Hn!�uJ•�f �p�&tcJU 117 (JH,fjfj tllmH. \ 1tlhm 110 5!1.1l(} .Tn llnl4 lll.'clt too U'�.ikl Nt-llluH . • lmwH 25 li'.)ii ,l. Ait"�tln llall :!5 1 7.15 J<� • • r. Duy too 'il.uu '1'hrN. Hn�Ma 2;"i 17.ra .ToH. 'J'Jrunu :!5 l'i,ll) Dun1hlfclc ti11Mt!tto :lij 17.70

��t1�1i�11J�o. S. Bird lUi 17.70 250 177.60 .luhn HuillllU 60 U.i.iiO E.'ft, fJf 'l'Jwo. S, JJJrd )I)() 1 17.101 .T. '.l\ L,lurrmn 112 ftll.25 ,T, )I', U •htftmt 1!10 71.00

.lulu 75 li:l.25 .MIU'gl 60 u.i.rMJ Elt�1t mwr IU 7.10 1t1nt•y n ti.'i 40,15 'l'hm•. O'Nl·l l ;a 0:1.!!0 t•hehe Bt•llttutll 100 71.00 Ot>ni'�IJ 'l'ocltl :!5 17.7ii D•wltl '£. Pier:-�ou 117 &Uii Orali� A. Mni"Mh Iii 42.1�1 WIL11Ci.�eu Nntbt 25 17.75 t.+. Hol•uu1 1\lnumo r.o Uii,f.!(J (h•ul� .A. MnrHh 275 JO.�.:U'i 1\tlduwl'l'ully rt! Uft.fl'2 lSntu'l. Unluly m.tu �..!.:m .Tu�. Sb•rpl1ono 1naa :1H.Il7 }1'ellx Stm'Jlh•mo ���.ilil 2:\Ui ���:J'���!����\�{ Co. 2i'O • lOMn Eo�t. or �unah Plcldu Ill 21.10 Ulml'lt� tJ, Allun 11:1 :!:1.4B Mr:-�. Ji'cllx Ht�Jrplumu a:J 2:1.4U

. !21X/.!!I

5· Paving the westerly side of the Bouleva•·d beginning :at Pari< Street and running In southerly directions to a point 4..6Q. 5t feet from the Westerly corner of Grove Street, In pursuance of the pl'o· visions of Special Ordinance number r s6, passed and adopted October 2 1st, r907

6. Paving sidewall< on tl1e southerly side of South Avenue from the Boulevard to Ross Place In pursuance of the pro· visions of Special Ordinance number 1 57, passed and adopted November 4111, 1907. 7• Puvlng sldewallc on the southwest· erly side of Blm Street from the northwest· erly_ llne of I be lands of Marlon S. Webb to Newton Place . In pursuance of the pro· visions of Sprcial Ordinance Number 1 58, passed and adopted November 4th. 1 907. 8. Construction of sewer and appur· tenances in and alon g Highland Avenue from the end of the pre<ent sewer at Cleveland Court to a point about about three hundred (Joo) feet east of the divis· ion line between the lands of M:try 1'. fubby and Lloyd Thompson, in pursu· ance of the provisions of Sptcial Ordl· nance number 163, passed and adopted Decemher t6th, r9o7. 9· Paving the northwesterly side of Broad Street from South Avenue to Un ion Avellue, in pursuance of the provisions of Special Ordinance number 164, passed and adopted Apri l 2oth, tl)o8, ;o, ·Construction of sel\'er In Carleton Road from n poittt about one hundred ( roo) feet southeast of Pml< Street to tile l!l'esent sewer in Grove Street and In fairtield Circle froan a point about forty

A P o p u l a r D e m o n s t.ra t i o n O n O u r 5 0 t h B i r t h d a y All New Jerse;y Gladl;y Joins Newark In Celebr�tlng Our 60th Annlversar:r

NOT in Newark's history has there been such a popular celebration of the birthday

of :my of the city's business or industrial insti­tutions as has been witnessed on the occasion of our 50th Annil'ersary.

It has been an occasion for general rejoic­ing and it seems that all New Jersey has joined with Newark in the festivities.

From nlmosl CVCI'Y town nut! hnmlct for fifty miii'H nl·ouml, �wn, women, nnd children ctunc to sec tho Stnto's gt·cntcst store docl;rd in its holi<il•y clothes. l�ully -10,000 }lcoplo visited tho store on 'l'nesd,,y, tho tir�t d:t�· of lite Gulden · .Jubilee. G rent crowds nt· tctuled on \\'ednrsdnv, � llll l'\'CI'Y dny since the store wns th ronged· from mnmin� till closing time.

While floral tributes ha1•it hct•n generous imlccd, tho Lelegt•ams nnd llltlo!'S of congmtulntion hnvc come hy hutllhcds ft·om nil pnrts of tho United Stutes, nntl the kind words nntl good wishes lmvc mmlc 11� feel more thnn c\'CI' the im portance of the store to tho community nml out· responsiiJility to tlm pcOI>lo.

We hope to dt'scrvo nil tho good things thnt lu1ve hcen said d us, nntl to tnalw tho store granter nnd gt'llllllct• nnd moro helpful to the people ns tho ycnt·s go hy.

The Great Anniversar:y Sale C o n t i nu e s �n*l-:.r S e�tember -= �- - • s • • -- ... ,_

Annual F�l l Op e n i n g C o s t u m e s and

Millinery Tuesda;y, Sept. 22, Wednesda�

S_ept. 2a, Thursda;y, Sept. 24. Notice is al so hereby �lven that the Council wil l meet at the Town Rooms, Westfield, N. J . , on the twenty·tirst day of September, 1908, at 8 o'cloclt In the evening to hear objections to such reports, maps and as�essments, which objections must be In writing and must be ftled with the Town Cieri< at or before the time of said meeting.

(40) feet from Washington Street to tile aforesaid sewer In Carleton Road, in PUI'· Hahne � Co Broad New and Halsey Sts Newark suance of the provisions of Special Ordi·


"'- •t. t • 9 nance number 166, passed and adopted 1 l,.-.:..---------------------··------------------- -.,


Westfield, N. J., August 20, r9o8. Proposals for Sewer.

Sealed proposals will be received by the Council of the Town of Westfield, at .the Town Rooms, on Monday, September 2r, tgo8, at S:rs p. m., for constructing about 1,550 feet of S·inch san itary sewer and ap· purtenances, in First street.

Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $roo.oo, drawn to the order of the Town Treasurer, as an evi· dence of good faith, and the successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond of $r soo.oo, with sureties acceptable to the Council, to guarantee the faithful per· formance <'f the contract.

Plans and specifications may be ex· ami ned and blank forms of proposal may be obtained at the office of A. W. Vars, Town Surveyor, 129 Elm street, West· fielcl N. J, . ' The Council reserves the right to reJect any or all bids.

LLOYD 'fHO�IPSON, To1vn Cieri<. Westfield, N. J,, Sept. s, t908. -.. .. - -

Propmsals for curb and Buller. Sealed proposals will be received by the

Cauncil of the Town of Westfield, at the Town Rooms on Monday, September 2r, t go8, at 8:15 p, m., for setting about Boo lineal feet of 4·inch by t6·indt blne stone curb, and laving about 270 square vards of Belgian blocl1 gutter, on the Boulevard. between Ross place and South avet1ue.

Each bid must be accompanied by a certifted checlt 'for ltroo.oo, drawn to \he order of the Town Treasurer, ;ts atl evl· dence of good faith, and the successful bidder will be regulred to furnish a bond of :fsoo.co, with sureties acceptnble to the Council, to guarantee the faithful per· formance of the contract.

Specifications may be examined .and blanlc forms of proposal may be obtatned at the office of A. W . Vars, Town Sur· veyor, 129 Elm street, Westfield, N. �·

The Council reserves the right to reJect any or all bids.

LLOYD THOMPSON, Town Clerk. Westfield, N. J,, Sept. 8! tl)o8.

Quick Hillel for Aslbma Sullerers. Foley's Honoy nnd Tnr afforlls iln·

me<linto relief to nsthml' anfTcrcrs in tho worst singes Rntl if taken in timo \vill

effect a cure, Oalo'�. Pharmacy.

April 2oth, 1qo8. " l��· � ..

1 1 . Paving lhe northwesterly side RroaG· Street froan Union Avenue to Scotch Plains Avenue In pursuance of the prov isions of Special Ordinance num· ber 168, passe� and adopted Alay 4th, 1908.

Notice Is hereby given that Ed\varcl F. John · M C. Marsh , and Joseph the Boar4 of Assessors in and for

of Westfield, in the County of tile� their report, maps nnd

ass.es!;ine,nts for special benefits for im· provements done under certain 'ordinances therein named 'J'hat thev have ascer· tained the whole cost of" materials, in cldental grading and expense inwrred therein named, and have assessed the lands and premises fronting on the lm· provements to the extent that they are special ly benefitted and the excess of cosl$ over special benefits were charged to the Town at large. The ordinances, names of owners frontages and special assessments are as follows :

r . Improvements under a n ordinance to

certain sections of the northeasterly of Lawrence avenue northwest of

Lai No. I 2 3 �

avenue, and known as special 147· Nt� 11c of Ownnr Allee G. l!"'rnucl!t Marnb U. t�urdner E>oi.Bonj.F. lln"'lt James A. Jo'rancl:�


.Amt. 11!1.5� fttJ.2.i li .. "'.OO ·JU.lli'

hnprove1itents under an ordinance to Improve a 'ertain section of Elm street, nnd known as special ordinance number 148.


Lot. No. Name of Owner 1md Frontnge .Amt B. B. Sh1el1dr Flag relaid Ill)> nt 17c fi.SO New Flog 84 n� iol�'o 25.llll Ullrh rc·set 08311 ut Uo ll.lll Expense� 2.7-1 40.00 .Tombnu Binchdr, 68.08 t�0rt�����:n�tJ;c 1k� Expcuscs 2.il! 20.41 Est. Roht. R. Blncln!r :nlll rolufd 20,6 u� li'c HID ��".!{, ����t lf.6 :t �e :� DrlVll\VliY 4.2<i One treu removed 6.50 Expcnst.'ll 2.00 25.00

�r��:.�l��;��t.���� 6Atl u u 100ft. 1't 27c 4!1.20

New Ourb lllll.7 It, at """ s:t lr.' ����gg;s remo\'ed 1:� 16],D5

E ... t.H.O.SerRettn\ 200 rt. New Fl111t � nt 7.J%c UD.� ��f�t��et 189}� at uc lJ:� l'i4.05 ,Tomes T, PierRon, 00 ft.

�=$ ����l�t:r����'l-��� i&:� Exporuses 11.00 F,I,Tileo.S.Illrol, 1M.5 ����,tiL��!t M lrf�·��; l�c ��:� Nuw cnrb 5 ft. ut H!,�c 2.22 n!!,oo Expensefl tl.l9 i)U







,Toseph D. Bcunun 10[) Ct. Cm·b J't�otSS.tJn.Ht Uc 7.00 Expcu�e::� HliJ E·d.nf rrlwo.S.Bh•tl 52 ft, Onrh n·:wt. ·10.5 rt.nt liu g:�J · l£Xl11ll1�dl

1\lut·gm·ct ,T, :\lurdsun u� n. li'IUJ,: lUO\'I!tl 1\Utl tUl'JWtl 110.;-, ut�c · ·1,81

B:q�ll.'il'S :!.·Ia Phnelm lini'UCtt, ·10 n. Nt'W cnrb·IO ft.nt·l.J}!lu l'i.SO ExpmL�Los J.IK> Emmn Mnrtlm Tnylm•

·10.5 rt. · Nuw mwll ffi.S ttt 41Ho· 26.fl€\ Expm�"ies 2.�

Hil'IL111 T.J. FJnlr 70.ii ft. Nuw cnrh ·l4.li ILt ·l·l}t.o ( lnrb l'l'8Ct· :?.;.t ut De-Ji"'lt1g IIIOYcd B!M� 11t 8c ExpcU!-Il':l Hfl•um T_,, ]1"'inlc 5l1rt. Unrh rN-:�ut- B!l ft. at. ""

IS.IlQ :!.21} I !.IS Vt.!

lJ.ill Flug 1110\'t:tl 00 ft. nt Sc 4.00 Expmtdt.>s 2.0() Hur•r•!ct E. Hide 00 ft;, <Jm·h t'L.''wt atJ.I ft. nt;tlu n.2s EXtiL'lt1iCS am









4 00 4.!.(0 fi 00 42.01.1 6 00 U.i.50 7 " liD 42.110 8 " Uli.OO Oi.U5 n 45 U\,\t-:i 10 .,lri Ill. I).; l l r.o U5.50 12 toll U:i.f!O lU toO llli.illl 14 Emma\ ,Tohnf<I�Oil llj,6 S:Ul! t• ArtHur �· l'Ju!;oa 107.81 71\.M 10 1110 n.oo 17 " 15 10.00

$801.C6 .Amonnt of execs� of cost o'•er �PL'(!Jnl honcnts

tn bo paid nml lJorno by t.hu '!'own nt lnrgD, ';oo.:n

Notice Is also herebv glven that the Council will meet at tlie Town Rooms, Westfield, N. J,, on the fiftl1 day of Oc· Iober, 19o8, at 8 o'clocl< In the evening, to hear objections to such reports, maps and assessments, which objections must be in writing and must be h ied with the Town Cleric at or before the time of said meeting. LLOYD THOMPSON,

Town Clerk. Westfield, N. J., Sept 9, r9o8,

tlotlce to Contractors.

Bulwark of Civilization. Some one calls the mirror "the bul·

wark ot clvlllzatlon," and declare• that It has done more for the world tlaan the steam engine or the sewing machine. It makes women h�ppy, be· enuRe they can see themselves as cth· ers think they are, and It Is a warning to the man who has been lndulglnJ ta too much dissipation.

Mohammedan Wlodom. Among the Mohammedan• the

maJntenance ol c!Jfldren devolves so exclusively �n tho lather that the mother Is enlltled to clalm wages for nursing !Item. The Importance of her services to the state In rearing healthy cltfzens I• thus recognized In the most practtcal manner.

In Evanston. In Evanston recently a woman pun·

lshed her little boy by refusing to permit him to go to Sunday school. We are Informed that several of her neighbors thought seriously for a tlme of having

· her called lo llCCOUnt for having Inflicted cruel and Inhuman treatment.-Chlcago Record-Herald.

Sealed proposa ls will be received by the Board of Education of the Town of Wost· field at the office of A. W. Vars, Town Surveyor, 129 Elm street, unti l 5 p. m . , o n Mond:oy, September 21, 19_�8, for pip· lng brool< and grading on Washington School grounds.

A"'t . Speclticalions may be examined nt the Philosophy or Po11esalon. ���.:11 office of the Town Surveyor. Fur myself I am certain that the i:f:� The Board reserves tile right to reject good of human life cannot lie In the

.w.ro any or all bids. possession of things which for one .m.ru JOHN J, COGER, man to possess Is for the rest to Jose, ' :m:f� _s_·• .. p.t._r..;4;.' .;'9;.o_s.����--C-J.er_k_._ 1 but rather in things which all can pos·

Jr:�3 ! njustice. sess alike, and · where one man's .m. ;o Injustice Is the profoundest rind wealth promotes his nelghbor'•·-j�:�� most sacred eleinent that wns infused llenodlct Splnczn.

' 411.70 Into creation In order tthat strong ;o.ro beings might nrlse.-Verner von Held· j�:f8 enstam. 40.70 n.;.oo IJO.OO t•i.:io u.;.MJ u.;.oo fi:l.25 fl!J.�ii flil.'l.'.l li:1.2li . n.oo )lJ().50 100.00 uuo Wi.fiO u;;.oo fj;j,6() 35.5t) ll!i.!iO lJoi.liO ltl.fJO jJ,j,li(l n.;.r.o Ull.liO 3:i.50 u:;.uu

Rat Fond of Tobacco, Edward Thompson, a watchman at

Perth Amboy, N. J., says n rat comes to him every day nnd gets a chew of tobacco.

Unanawerable Arglllrlent. There Is a great joy In silence. It

Is argument to which the otber fellow can make no reply.

Both Need .. 8eaaonlng, Holmes: Knowledge and timber

shouldn't be much used till they are seasoned.

· ·

"Thank God" for Faults! Thank God we do not live with

saints! We live with people full of faults, and It Is excellent, for the faults of others serve us either by Imposing a salutary constrRIIjt or bJ: the lessen that they glve.-Parls· n.: garo.

Poetry A II Out of lt. "Macrophagocytosfs cannot wither

nor custom stale," etc., Is what · the poet would have bad. to write If he had only known that It was not the' years, but the microbes, that play havoc with the Infinite variety ol charms. �

Getting Rid or Your Paat. 1007.011 Amonnt of cxcL'S� of c:n11� o'·m· Hpcolnl bm1cUtH Dining Room Motto, When you go to bed at ni�rht, do.

you not sometimes think of events In your life and become scared, aad· feel like getting up . and runnlnll a; mile or two?-Atchlson Globe. :

f�r��e JNdd. m1tl fJOI'nu by thu ��0�2�:?'�.�� A good motto for a dining room wollld be: "Don't talk to the carver."

4· Improvements unJer an oru inance to

cause an eight (8) Inch terra cotta sewer with the necessary appurtenances to be constructed in and along Stanley Oval, and known ns special ordinance number

True Freedom. The man who masters himself Ia


ISJ. . J,ntNo. Nllllto t ·f Ownr--r Fronhrga 1:(1 Amt Strength or Locomotive. .

:m::J:! A rnllwny engine may roughly be 1 At'lllllr N. Plt 1·:mn I) II II tl

ii fi!) liO ·12.0::. snld to equal fa strength 900 bm·ses,

I And Money laved. ! A sound unknown In tropical cltlea

Is the harsh grating of the coal being shoveled Into cellars for the coming wlvter.-1\!exfcn,n Herul'!;_ · , ,

Page 4: HEIGHTS UOJD THOMPSON'S - DigiFind-It County Standard... · Work lor Nallanal Cendldales. Ends Mls Lilt. . rN m. For tho purpose of COIItluctlllf! II CRill· Ohnrle I. Vl\nZ .. nt,


fHE UNION COUNH STANDARD Tlw renrh of thl' prlnwy cvr�t•·it; NEWS l'aLIW>K. •••'7 l'n•lar �7 f·•r ,\,.otml ol,l' nornln11t i"n.• I � !11 no

fhe StcDdord l'ubll•h l n � �odccrn, I n c rn• · :lll• n t• ·r tainty. T\11· l :IT!:<•I\

Of THE C�URCH ES Baptist Church.

11 f.11'!ur In <kt•·rlll i l l l l lll it w i l l \10• 'rllO llnlo:inl :-;.,W•l�ll•'r uf \II- Tuw W• • l llo·ld ' ,\p,lthr lo• ro• oll l 'dmary >"1nit•o:·• nl ltl:OO nn•l 1:4.1 !!un•lny.

Th•· t••-•tor wlll t>rt'ol>'h 111 bolh lorl'l«·•·

Do You Love Life ? ,,, 1\'nlll•·l>l. I I · . 'I 'l'l I 111�· tn l � ,, rt•ll 1 111 ·' r. •"Ill I\•

l!hh ,..l AI Ill" I'"'' Ol!io'o• •I W<>IU>•Iol, ,.,11 ' • dtfl':l!. ft \ .• , \ho: fo•for, i l ll• .� uu· l���· St·l,. . . l ul 1� o'cl<x·k. Then why squnncler t ime or morwy-ll'hcn systematic sn 1'111 ,.,.r uwt·lill� \\\•lu�HdBI' e1·eulu>: Nu\JI' ,h·r-�·>·· � .. ,�· •h'l' t.\.�"' m.s.utr. ) I ll HUIIKt'III I''I'HI� · 1 . �11 I'J!II \'1!.\11 t• ·ratll'c t bat l'l'o.ory lt·pu J C:lll

I'AYAULE 1:1 Alli"A�l'l:. \'••l•·r lllrll •>Ill :\11<1 o\1\))l<>rl Ids Cllll• "' , u:cla.:k.

will mnke you independent.


\l'rUIIold, N. J.

,Jj.\,l tl' . l�t i t l.oc wnid, no 11111IIN what the otttcomc, that \\'e.; tlkhl

H•·puhlic�m cxhiiJiwl their ch:uac· h:rl:;tlc loclll pntriotl!rn , and npprc·

Ur•n<h <Jiflco cintion ol public s�rl'icc, by gi1·ing

f, l'i. $0.,,1\ER. 791 tirool st . . � ..... �. �. J. la\'Orit� ��� the biggcil I'Ot" eyer

Adrert!Jolrl� llat•• t'urnt·h«l "" Awllrallon r.:cordcd to any candidate Oil l'ri· lllary Day in thiil town.

Ro•\', �·. E. iHnrglf, D. D., jlDJitor iu clung�, will occu1'� tho pulz>lt lu the ('ongr��ntionnl Church ou Snu1lny morulug,

Holu TrlnltU Church. :\liiSS will bo� mid lu Holy Tr!lliiY

Church on Sunolny nl 8:30 nud 10:00 n.m. Suudny School nt 3 p, m.

4 % lnterest from the first of e\·ery month .

ltoJJUt'r \', 1101 ' 1'.'1 .\S , J:d llor, Any indrutrious Juctropolitan Methodtst Eptscopa\ tburc\1. The Wastflal� TrUSt Company f:<litor coulJ SUil!>l!o' the reading The I'!L<tor Rev. A. "'· Hnyes will

?uh;�c wit� �fm�:��:c;f:�i�s���!�� ��:;;�,t�.:l'��:�:�� �::��i�::o;��:,�



In c nr 0 g • ereutng. �!ornrng theme, " .>.nd Erery main •rere he to contrast the �ell' Thing �hal! Live. Whither the Ri\'er

York 8un editorials on Roosel't-l t Cometh, " Erening theme, " Remove �!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!!!!�!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!!!!!!!'!!!"!


during the RlL<i5o-Jnpnnese pence Xot the Aucient Lnndlllllrks." Gco.J(] m·b••tiations, with the .:lew York music . All 'eats freil.

, , , d't , 1, R . . It " The Snndny School RJllY at noon. •. un " f: I ona ' 011 ,oo,e\e Cla'" rueeting will be held this eten· Reactionary," Iloosewlt the one- lug at eight o'cloek iu the church p.1r· time " great statesnun " has in the Iars. Leader, J. S. A. Wittke. �:�timatiou of that acrimonious Bib!" Stud'!" Class on Tuesday eten­}Jurnal become, unqualifiedly, n iu� nt eight o'clo<:k. �nder, 0. H. " ma n wit hout wi.;dom and with· 'ShPrnlt'll!!. . W d ·'· yer m�etmg on e nesuu.v even.· out cour�ge." -- ilrg at eight o'cioek.

Presbyterian C�urc� MR. THD�PSON'S STATEMENT. EYcry munidpality in the �tate Snudnr. 10:30 a. m. Pnblio won;hip

Llo'l'd TbompSlln, of Westtleld, ll can· · h _ R,c \"' I s ,

of .:lew J�NI' will hole] what are . · .. 1 . . Sermon by t e pn.,tor v. ·• . • tenu.

. • . . . d1date fot lhe Assemb Y nomlllatlon on D. D. The Sacrament of the Lord's known as the prunary <:lec\lono th� re�nr Republican ticket nt t�e Supper will be administered. I next 'fue;;clny afternoon from 1 to Pnmnnb, on Tn.esdny •. yesterday u;. • 12 m, Bible School. �\ n adult bible 9 p. m . , ttJ £1etermine who shall be •ned 8 •tat�wen.t 111 which he clea�ly class is conducted Dr. J. �-. !!avitz.

l . • I t . l'dat " for ,er.; forth lu;; attitude toward the o ce • p m Christian Endeavor llleetiug t 1e regu a� par J cam

.' •- which be •eek5. Haring served through ., ' ' ' ' · � local, countY and state ofhce• . Ex- • rnl f 1 . ffi . hi Commendmg Our •. oclety By Suppl;·

• . . _ . .eve terms o e ectl�e 0 ce 111 5 ing Church Workero." 2 Tim, 2: 1 , 2; cept lor a mther Epmt�d contc.t . m home tow·u, ::'>Ir. Thompson says that t�e

Pro-;. 22 G. �eader �[iss Lucelle. John· the i3econd ward owr th<l selection espe?e�ce .�as sernd . to deepen .his ston. or three member,; or the lcx:al Re· ?'lli'ICtoon that there 15 110 office mth· 8 p. m. Pmise senice. Special publiClln Executi;e Committee, tbe 10 the pft of the people, nuder a. repre·

mnsic by the choir. . . . , &>ntatwe government, the dnues and

'''d k p pnrunl'\' election m " e•tfield , Eo 1. . f hi h b 11 btl Wednesday 8. p. w • .-.1 ·l�ee myer : - . . ob 1ge.nons o w c may e g Y re· 8 rice fur as 1t concern5 local ofllccs will garded ot indifferently perf�rm�d by er

be peaceable enough. The real any one worthy of the people's suf- St. PaUlS. lxlttlc of lx!Uots at l1ome, ,,.ill, n:dt frnge;;," Sunday School has reopeuad. Tba should, come on election day. Shlce he has been in public life, Mr. main school meets nt 0.30 n. w., the

Xe;ertheleas, the election extends Thomp;on has been n staunch ado;oeate Pdmary l'lnss nuder the direction of

.popaln� rep:eseuta�ion. His Tiew �n )fiss Grnce Phi lip nt the Rectory on beyond the confines of · the Town- thLS qu�st1on LS conCisely expressed In Lenos avenue at 9.45. Ehip. A conte;;t is on, im·ol his statement. l!e wys : "If nomi- 'file usual Snndao; seryices including the selection

. ol three ont of seren uated and elected I shall feel call;d Choral Vespers at 5. p. m,

What Our Customers Say, No. 16 : 1 5 1 Prospect St., Westfield, N. J.,

September lH, 1908. Mr. William Edgar Ree\'e,

1 1 5 Broadway, N. Y. City.

DEAR MR. REEVE =--If our Westfield people knew how well you

could handle their life i nsurance business, I am sure you could get many more applications from our Town. I am well satisfied with my dealings with your agency.

Yours very truly; ELLIOT C. MOODY.

This Agency is every yenr maturing many. of the Polides issued to its cnst<Jmers; some t·owplete accumulation periods, while others terminate by the rlealh of the iusured. Utlder onr new Policies the annual dividends are ranging from II% to Q'l'er 15,%.

The Life laauraace Area�y of Wm. Edrar ReeYe, Tel. 61 Cortlandt. 1 15 Broadway, New York.

p JS:;ihle candida teo fnr the rt-gulnr upon to render nu nccouut of roy legis· Pew committee J. W. Barr Bro�d lative action to tl•e people. This is the street ,

' ' UNION Republican nomination to the gcn- atm11de in which I seek the opportunity -·-- ·- ·----

eral as.."fmbly, wl1ich is oi vital in- to sen·e the legislatnre, and it is the Hale-Holmes. DAY and EVENING Sessions

t�;r;;st to \\' e;;tfielders beeause attitude I shall maintain ii' the oppor. The mnrringe of i\liss �Inrgherittn concerns the selection or rejection tunity is afforded," . . Madeline Holwcs, the only dnnghtei of BUSI"ESS of a l�YOrite Son. To the ll�publlcan 'Vot<>rs of Union Mr. nnd :Mrs, ,Tolin Jo;, Holmes, :of

under the new primarr law, in Cou".tty : Bri•lgeport, Conn., to Arthur James force for the first time this year, A petition baa been tiled for my nomi- Hnle, ll former resident of Westfield, b natiun br· the Republlca11 party for took pln�e nt the home of the bricle's COhhEGE F. R. BERRlMAN,Prin., any pcr;;on, in allY party, may C· llember of the Genernl As.mnbly of parents, South Main street and South • 210 Brood Str«l, come a candidate for nomination to New Jersey. I haye agreed to become a venae, last Wednesday at noou. ELIZABETH, N. J. offic� proYided a petition is filed a candidate at the ensuing election, if The ceremony was performed bv the "'!!!!!!!!!!��!!!!!!!!��!!!!!!!!����!!!!!!!!�!!!!�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!'!"!!� sh,'lle:l by the required numhcr of nominated. There is neither time, nor Re1·. N. Ellsworth Cornwall, rector �f -= bona-fide art'· Yoters within the

h.a"e I tbe �eans, to enter o� n� e:s:ten- Christ Church, Bridgeport. �liss Olive

. P J • , _ _ s•o;e campmgu for the nomm�tlon. It Wilber, 1rns waid of honor, and Walter hme legally specified. �bus hao seelll5 proper, howeter, that I make a Lee, of New York, a nephew of Wnlt�r the conte.ot for the Republican As. brief stnt<>ment to the Republican Yoters J, Lee, of this place, was best man, · sembly Xominations be-come some- of Uniou County concerning my can- Gnests were present from New Hn�·en,

what complicated, there being seven didllcy, which, "' far as I mn personally Norwalk, Brhlgeport, New York,

d' d tes . th fi ld f f hom concerned, is �ed aloue on e. desire to Brooklyn, Beacon Falls, Fnirllelcl and can 1 .a Ill e e our o w se!'l'e the best mteresls of tbe people I Westfield, are Elizabethans. . way repre•ent in I he LegL;Iamre of After a two week• honeymoo11 iu New

\Yestfield, being a Republican New Jersey. If the Republican party York State, the couple will take np stronghold, and contributing largely �hall Ctlm;ider my qnul.illc�tions snlfi· housekeeping at Bridge)l(lrt. to the succe;;s of the county, state 1cent to JUStify 11 no1mnauon for the •••••••lllli••••-

d · 1 · k f 1s tl t l office of As>emblyman, and the voter. nt an natrona tiC ·ets , ee 1a 5 1e large shall ratify their choice at the OBitUARY. is justly �ntitled to a 5hare of the election, I promise to de,ote my can· patronage, provided, or course, scientiou.; amotion to the duties of tlrut Matthias Townley.


o r-

Autumn and Winter Millinery that she CliO alwnys pre::ent sil:llble office and to perform them in the mau. :.latthin.s Townley, nged 76 yenrs, for candidates for nomination. Xe1·er uer demanded by the high character of many years a resident of Westfield, hnring fal len short in this particU·

the trmt impo>erl, It bas been my pleas- died on Friday last at h1s home in ure to serl'e through several terms of Dover, N J. He was a brother of J. Tueadall and Wednesday Sept "" "' d d ""3- d lar, she now asks for just recogni· etecti-;e 'office in my home town, and the Her'l'ey Townley of Kimball m·euue. 1 ' I •• n an • r •

tion by the party-and nothing experieuce has serred to deepen my con· Tile f<1neral was held fro1n his late more. Under the old regime, victiou that there is no office within the borne 011 Mondny last. Interment waa

"'estfield 11'3.'\ remembered by an sift of the peovle, nu<lern reprcscutatil·e mnde in Fairo;iew cemetery, Westfield.

office every li ttle while. TlJe office goo;erurueut, the dntie5 nne! oblil:at1ons Rev. 0. J. Green1vood pastor of the of which may be lightly regarded or Westffe!d B•ptist Church of which Mr. sought and �ecured has usually indifferently performed by auy one TOII'nley was a member nud nt oue timo been the Assembly. After being worthy of the p€ople's suffmgc>. church clerk, officiated.

A splendid showing of the approved styles for imme­diate and all season wear; also untrimmed Hats of Satin, Felt or Velvet, and all the newest materials for trimming.

YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND. without such a represenlalil'c for n If nominated nud elected I shall feel Martha Miller. year 1\'c•tficld swings into tbe called upon to render nn aceonnt of my TO SJUOY " fAMOUS WOMEN I hrea�h ·wi�h n candidatB who has

legisla�h·e n�tion t? the people. Tlus L• Miss Martha Miller died sudcleuly at . ,' in cllarge of committee for special work;

. . . the attitude m wlnch I se'ek the oppor- her home, �3 Ce11tral avenue, on Tue��o muste.

F rtdtrlck 8, couNtmr.ou ,\1'

WuMtHel<\1 N, J, Title• oxRmlnccl.

Fresh Fl.sh Blue Point Oysters and Clams on the Half Shell

Frank Painter and nlll!.f!!ftPAtAP.

Wall Papering a Specially. South Elmer Street.

the ur,quahfied back1ng of e\'ery tnnity to ser•e in the Legi.•lnture., and day last, in her sL•ty·eighth year. She February 8. Lecture, "Some Mothers R�publican in his home 1own, am] it is the attitude 1 shall maintain if the was the daughter of the late Ernstns frQJram or Woman's Club lor 1908!89, of the American Revolution ;" " Tho -�-----..;----� who will, in the event of his nomi, opPQrtunity is afforded. Miller and a sister to David E. Miller of Announce�. Spa�ish L111ly," Miss Dotha Stone Pineo;

nation receh•e the hearty support LWYD 'l'H03!PSOli. • Elmer street and A. Judson Miller o[ , . mus1e, ' the Boulevard. The funeral was held The WollUin s Olnb of Westfield Will lo'ebrunry 22, ''Women ln of many Democrats at the polls. this afternoon at two o'clock from her study Famous Women dutiug the co1n- tore;" wnsic. Hr. Thompson 's qualifications fair Acres Matinee Tomorrow. late home. Rev. c. J. Greenwood, pas- ing year. The program for the season March s. " Women of the Dible ..

for office arc not in dispute. The Fair Acres llidiug and Dril·ing tor of the Westfield llnpti•t church, Is as follows : . Jane E. Burtis ; " Women iu Sbak�s, contest for nomination has brcn Club will hold one of il> interesting officiat�d. Interment e.t Fairview cem. October 12. liinswal, reeeptioll, club pelll'e �· Gertrude T. Barr ; music, created by the primary law, an un- IIUltince meets for ribbons at the Plain· et�ry. 1� lob 20 Le

, March 22. Iilustl'llted lectnre, " Wo-fortunate feature of which is that field ttnck, tonlorrow nfternoon There Munegun�l llllesner. the cCas��e " . Mis

c�re'. " ��e Lady of men in Music," Miss Alice L, Fowler ; is n good card being ronde up and eu· . . . . : 8 nnle .,.,echer Soo- clo•h tea.

the larger municipalities nrc l ikely, trie• have nlren!ly been receh•ed for fif- Kune�nd1 Mt�su�r, w•fe of Theo· v1Ue ; mosu:. April 12. " Women of the Stage," because of their preponderance of teen horses. Tho macngement regrets dare Miesner, dred yesterday �t her November 9. "Famous Belles-Amer- Josephine Wehling Wlltts ; music, voters, to secure nenrly all o£ the the unsatisfactory cnrd of Labor Day. home ��� upper Prospect street, 1� her lean, Fre:'cb, English," Esther B. April 26. " The Ide11J Wom11u of To-desirable plums. 'f!ria is instanced rt was intended that there should have fony.nmtb rear. The fnneml Will be Johnston m charge : mnslc. day, " Alice Edwnrds Bunce . music .

l�eu �ore events but for some un-held on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock November 28, " Women in Pbilan· annual meeting ·, club tea

' ' by the present situation. If the 'c •u ' '

f h 1 t h Re 0 J G t 1 " ' knmvn retL•on, the owners did not bring rom er 11 0 ome v. · · ree.u. rop IY ; " Rerivl\l of Pa;'t Indnstrlea, " The officers of the club this year are : l�lizuhelb Republicans shouhl unite the list of entries up to expectations. wood, pa�tor of

. the Westfield Bnpt1st �ura Fa! Bar<lwell ; 1Ufor1ual talk, Elizabeth L. !.<lrd Tremaine, president ; on tl1rce candidates fur the Asscrn- It is characteristic of the meets given

church, wJll officmte. E�o:w:r m tl1e �'?fk of Reform," Miss liinry Pecldmm Tabby, lst vice·presi-bly in their city they could carry by the Fair Acres Riding and Driving IZII et L. Wlillatns of the Oollego dent ; Grnee 0. tJmith, 2d vice.presi. th� clay against the field. Hut, Oiub that they never fail to please, and StiRdld '' Wants and Oilers " Pay.

Se�i�me:, New York city : music. dent ; Anna D. Cooper, recording secre· fortunately tiJere are four cand idate., in the.csti�atio� .o� goo<! lovers of hor�e 1'ha attention of STANDARD readers i• Art,��� •• �:;rie �c���� ". ';om�n in !nry ; Mnry DeC. !!unborn, correspond-in Eliza�cth, and the Repu

blicans t

m tltlbls vtcmt

t:y, t


e Labor Dah

y called to the " Want and Offer Column " I December 14 Oh�islnu�: Gantnh•olrcl.' " rnrg socretllry : Mabel S. Proudfit, treas· · . . bl d' meE: was e exccp ton at prove.� t e h 1 1 If . · u� ; u or.

of that City mil prob11 Y 1spnrage mle. .. on : e om page. there 19 nnything . music ; club tea. -·-oflicc·�tl'abbing by scattering their w�nch you want to bay or to sell ;ron · Jnnonry I I . "\Vomen in tho Home " votes among the candidates out�ide Stn.lldanl " Wants and Offers " bring ·

wllUiud t�nl 811 e.livertisam�nt in this Sallie -Y. Jackson, Mary D. Condit ; Vncl\ucies for Westfield boys f El' 1 th results. Try ono. cola'."" w1ll produce the des1red resultH, music. Paul's Olmrcll snrpliced 0 IZa Je · l 'l'ry 1t ·' I January 26. '" fown In1provomont," muncrntion.-Adv.

Page 5: HEIGHTS UOJD THOMPSON'S - DigiFind-It County Standard... · Work lor Nallanal Cendldales. Ends Mls Lilt. . rN m. For tho purpose of COIItluctlllf! II CRill· Ohnrle I. Vl\nZ .. nt,



NO'I'II-Nei IIIIVI'i'l·l•\'"'""� fnr lhiH Cloln\"" 0 111 hn t-n\1111\ t1w h�MK '· um t\1n ll\11\lM. DlK•' 1\l IIOfitlllfl \� 111111\M Jll•l' lllltt, ,

Prico Largo

oulotGQx20\), -:Pricea,ooo. Large on plot 100x200 Dudley Avenue;

All barguius.

L, ABRAMS Pearsall Buildini

; . . '.-),4 ' ,, , ' ,. THB UNION COUNTY STANDARD. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1908. 5

1• (£ you know how to spend less

than you get. you have the philoso· pher's stone."

(/)cnjamin J'mnA'/in. �I I I I I O I I I I I I t t f l t l l t l f i i i i H I I I I I I I I I I I I t i i i i i i i i O I I I I f t i H I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f l l l l f l l l l . '

: ,. : l A �nk Account WDI Help You. l . l l t l l l l l l l l l l l l l l f l l l l l t l l l l l l t f l l l l l l t l t t l l I I l l j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l l l l l l l t t t l

.l l t I I U I I H I I I � l l l t l l .

The. PE-oplE-s National Bank of Wcstflcldl=========-

-�[iss &lith Bogert, of Troy, N. Y , Is visiting !liss J\uul\ Wright. -lllr. uud Mrs G. H. Arthur, of

-Miss �lary Oar(lentcr is visiting Pittsburg, nre guests of llfr. and llfrs.

frimids in Now Hnvou, Uouu. 0. M, Reed. -llllss Olnrn Do BOw nntl Mis.� Snrnh

VanHise, of Bayonne, are visiting Miss Besslo &II.

-Edward E. Baker, of Elm street, has gono Sm1th ou a bnsluess trip.

--�·. W. Perkins and ftlmily have re· to tlleir bmno ou Boss Plaoo . --Mr. uud Mrs. H. H. Knowles, of

Scranton, Pa., are visiting Mr. aud Mrs. -Mr. and lllrs. George SmiU1, of John Burns.

street, lmve moved to Roseville. -Mr. Howard Bloomfteld, of Jlleriden. -Judge

.\V. B. Toucey is visltin� his Oonn,, vi•itod Rev. and Mrs. 0 J Gruuvrlle Toucev ut Detroit, Mrch. Greenwood, of 175 Elm street, Th�rs: -Mr. llnd Jlfrs. J. D. Ball have ro- dl\y,

turuetl from their slay at Long Branch. --A. P. Mnrmiug, of Oolou, Pnunmn --Mrs. J. 0. James uud sou, of Rel\d· uud 0. T. Henderson of Vienna, Aus· Pa., are visiting Mrs. S, A. Pellr· trio, have been tho guests of N.- E.

Dato. -FreeboltlerOharles A. Smithmourus -Mrs. Paul Sohllldeusky and :Mrs.

tho loss of a vnlunblo horse which died Edward E. Baker aud children, of Elm Wcduosdlly. street, btlve returned from their slay nt

--RowltLnd Audersou anti dl\ngbtor, Cold Spring, N. Y. Long Drauch, ure guests.l\t lhe home ·-W. II. V. Howoll imd family have 0. J. Davis. · returned to their hmne iu Sau Domingo,

-· H!lrold !;torretts, of Philadelphia, is W. I., ufter having spent the summer gnest at the home of R. A. Fowler of with relatives iu Westfteltl.

Walnut street.

-Mr�. White, o.L»!!!!l!l!J1_.,N,.:r;;-i" guesf ofller-sou, Frederick White,

of Pros(!Oct street. -Glen Wilson, of Westfield avenue,

to l1is stadies Jlt Phillips Acndmny, ut Andover.

-Mrs. G. J<). Joslyn, of Los Angeles, Cal., is tbe RUCSI of her brother, S. W. Reese, of Prospect street.


-Mr. JIUUes Cosgrove and family, ot Pros(!Oct street, ho.vo roturu�d from thetr stay of several weeks in Canada.

-..Joseplt 1>. Bennett, will attend the given by the Vetemn•s Associn·

tio11 of tbe C. R. R. of N. J. near Plt!nsure Bay, N. J. to-marrow.

-Raymond Sruith, of tbe Boulevard, has been the guest of Kllnueth Sterns, at Orient, L. I., whoro· R H. Storus, of Harrison nvenuo, has a smmuer home.

-B. 0. Howell, wbilo trimmiug vines on his properly 011 Ohostuut street cot his bnnd severely uud wns obliged to have seven stitches taken iu the wound.

-Mr. Cadwell, father of Rev. Newton

W. Oadwell, died soddenly ou Sunday at his bome at Ira, New York. Tho

service was held on Wedues·

�ames 0. Olllrk aud f�!!!::;-?:�!�B - ili:}GII!fit-iifllhW.islfilry 'A. " Ollirk

buve retnrued from Wolfboro, N. H. where tl10y speut tbe snmmor.

-•rt.e aunnal banquet of the Men's Olub of the Presb�teri"u Church will be beld on Friday evening, October 9th. Rev. Madison Peters, D. D. of Now York will be the speaker of the evcuiug.

A Word to Candidates. You all huve friends in botb parties,

1\Ud yon are counting 011 their suppor• at election. You will need u supply of " Pastors," which cuu be purchasetl nt tbe STANDARD Press. After the Pri· maries, send nR an order.


Coward Sharke. The cowardice or sharks Is well known among men who have been much to sea In Southern waters. '!'he fiercest obark will get out of the way or a swimmer if the latter sets up n noisy aplasblng. Among the Sontl1 Sea Islands the nauves never go bath· ing alone, but always in parties or bait a dozen or so, In order that they may make a great 'hubbub In the

. water.-Home Notes.

!llinuie Hnuco returned to her Made It a Full Day. at Liberty Corner, N J., 011 Hero Is oue man who does not limit

Wednesday, nftor a week's visit with himself to.eight hours of work a dny.

her friend, l\Irs. John Goltrn, ou Park A farmer In the Bedswortb district, stroet.

\Varwlcksblre, England, created u local record In connectlnn with

-William Breese, Jr • . left this 'veek the hay harvest by working in one for a course of study nt the Polytocbnio field for 21. hours In a single day, He �ehool, Troy, Wesley Oolitus retnrued began cutting at 1:30 a. m. and cense•l

tbe second year of his studies in the. · at ten o'clock at 11lgbt, wbeu the grass

school. was turned.

-Miss Ireuo Whiting and llfr. nod ------

Mrs. w. H. Dnnluuu, of Eouml BroJk, French Optlml1m. of Mr. aud Mrs. ;r, Henry We are not ao blind aa not to aee

that manners are becoming more gen· at their .• residence, Maplehurst, tle, that the number of honest peo-street. pie Increases, that morality Is spread·

-The following persons, residents of lug more and more into the social Westfield huvo eutored the Plnlufleld masaea. If thirteenth-century, people

Business College thus far during the could wltoeos our mid-Lent they

mouth of Septernbor : Edltb Lundberg, would doubtless reproach us wltb be-

coming much too vlrtuoua.-From K11tio Settlemoyer, Helen Lambert, Le Siecle, Parl1. Fred Boice aud George Huste.

REM EMBER The Westfield Building & . ·�an Association

Has been organized nearly twenty years. Leans money ou bond and mortgpge. -Utfel'll nn opportnnit.y for regular investment of sums from

fl up. .

Is couservliti ve and careful in its management, Makes economy ju its running cxpouses a strong poiut u.ud ·

H118 something to interest you If ,you are only w1111ug. ·

Meettn:;s en the thlr:l Tuesday In every month, -- "!. · :: ,;:- : . · . - -�- ·.-:: :�-.-.' • .- ; � .. : • • • '

Save Time and Call on Us.

For Houses to Rent •••

Houaea for Sale. REASON AELE t

A Cnll liHt III 1111 bCHt soctlauH of WcHtfloltl,




lf 1011 want to Koll or rent your pro(!Orty soo us. _ _ .

DORY ALL IIi ICUDDIR B lm St,, 'VI!STPIBLD, 5 6 Pint St., N . y,

rrr.r.�:t•noNEs : �;�l.�rn�f.'v York.

JOHN J. COGER Estate-,


FOR SALE. Desirable houses for snlo from flj,OOO.OO

to. tlO,OOO.OO.

LOTS for SALE. Onsb or lu•tnllments

BUSINESS PUINTERS. AitclUTECT R. L, Robinsou can furnish

quiclc pious U(l to tlnto nutl any style. You cnu find him nt ofHco, 08 Sontb avenue.' ' 1'eleplrono 130-W or 268-J, Westfield, N. J.

Oom., but busy is the man behind our conuter, pushiug over brinuuiug glnsscs of delicio11s soda wntcr all dny ioug­cool, rofreshiug droughts that muke the stifling hour nn oasis of comfort. Ornshe<l fruits, p11rost Ht\vors, ct\nght in artie ice in tinkling glll8scs. Try one? -Now York Cnutly Kitobon,

. 'TIS 1\ sweet tnlo 01' 11 tule of sweets, nt

Development continues right along at,

Terr a c e P a r k

There are no backward steps.


E. 1!1, li'. UANl>OLl.•JJ, G eluo<•o.l 1\(nauu;cl'

The Man· Who Is Always "Just Going To" Ho was iust going to pay !l uotu whuu it wont to protost. He wns Just ;,'Ding to help " noigbbor wbou ho died. He wns just golug to repnir his sidowull' when a neighbor fell

mul l!roko his log. He wns jnst going to providu vropor p1•otoctiou for his wife wiwn his fortuuo 1\'IIS SWOIJt nwny. He Wll� just going to buy 11 lot whou tho other fellow got the bnrgain. He meant to insure his house, but it burned before be got around to rt.

IS THIS MAN YOU ? See Wm. S. WELCH &: SON about Real Eatale and lnaurance To-Da1.

205 HROAD ST. SECOND }'r.<JOR, •

We Hang Miles Of Wall Paper every year. Our business has reached its present large proportions because our Papers are uniformly artistic and our workmanship is all that the most critical customer can ask.

206 Broad St. Welch Bros., Inc. auy mte, that Trmnporo hns to tell his home-coming customers as well as tbo wt_ B tt_ y If :�:��


l;�::1': 11:�� ny 0 ner 0\J�!e L.. . f' _- r'

����:·. ���t ��·�-:�� ��;�������J;��il --�� -..._.__.r.;;:-·-�:-:th t1 . · �;;-_ ....

�. ··- . · .��: .:_ .. � �� · -·· ·· '

� "lie gunrautees it to be TliE , wmrtilc"iroublesomc ' dctnils of finding a plumbing shop, a BEST. Butter nud oggs, the lri11d ho alway•·haudles ; youdou't lmve tosh01tt

mason, a carpenter and a decorator to complete one job. it,' for everybody knows •rrunqJOre's The Modern Shop Co. has Plumbers, Painters, Decorators, eggs IIU£1 bnttor, evou if they do uot l\1 c know Trmnporo, Sole nRency for

asons, arpenters and Electricians nil in one orgarii�ation Ohase & Sanborn's cotlcos, tho kind you ready to install a bathroom or lay parquet floors. Lea\'e your liked so well in, or Br--, th� town o1·der for anything to he done promptly and thorough!)' at yon formerly lived iu.

SrORAOE-O'Dounoll Brothers aro now equipped to tnko goods 011 storngo. Good accommadntians, goat! caro, roo• souable prices. O lllce, 5U Elm Street. Tel. 286-J,

MaMAilON'S is tho plnco wl1on looking for good !,'I'OCories and j nst prices. Tel. 8-J. liS Brond street.

WnEN you nro going to move or store your fumituro cull ou H. Wil· lougbby & Sons. They can't be bent. Telephone UJ.J. Office 314 North avon no.

Fon SALE-Top soil nml soil for ftll· ing in. Fifteen thousantl ynr<ls. Awly to H. Willoughby & Sous.

BraRcb Mills News. Tho public school O(IOUO!l au Tuesday,

Sept. 8. E. D. Miller has rottiruccl frmu N aw

'{ ork statu, E. D. 1\lillor will start his cider mill

on Monday. Miss Mary Liutlebarry hns roturucd

to her homo. 1\lrs, Obns. W. Scboono1•eu hns ro·

tnrued from Bnruegnt. lllrs. Wilkins of Bame�nt has boon

visiting lllra. Schoouovou. , Mrs. Uussull, of New York, hns been

visiting lllrs. Cnnie L Pierson, 1\lrs. B Clnrl[ nml Mrs. Pnrse, of Oon·

!l�'tlticut, lmve b\.'tlit visiting Mrs, Hnll.



Specialization In eduootion !ms a most important bearing ou dailr life. II o. boy or girl wishes a. business em·(!er l1e or she ron do notl1ing better thnu go to n busines� eollcgc, Even tl•o•c of the most moderaw menus can nlfcml that for tbe\r children if they will. Such n college is ·a 1pecblized private ·school. Suppose II\W attracts a young fellow, what bet· ter ·preparation thlln a cour�e ill atenography before be takes up tlte law bookl, so that be may work In a law office for 1. time at 1. trado and thus

The Modern Shop Co., TEL. 295. North and Prospect.

Have You Seen It ? Sb a.n1. Hold

Fills the 8111,

R. M. FRENCH, Elm Street.

Pastearized. fdilk 7e .. Qt. · CREAM 16 PINT, l.OO.

Postal \viii br·iug me to your door.


MODEL DAIRY, P. 0. Box 5. Mountainside, N. J,

Attend t�e Primorg Republicans Rernember


ASSEMBLYMAN. absorb a lot of legal metbod.a and .the way .of doing thingof It 'does uot take '·'

muCh money to weeure that training; ·"· '. : tei-ili��:�! Everg Vote · f���:::�it;�:��i 1 ,; , . IS Romlllltoa type\nlt.er cnr UBed in a ' '· ,,, ·

Needed. btuinell college In tbll 1111111try was pur· cbaeed by tbla ld!ool. Lut year waa · : . . the m011t proopero,us m the history "' I . �()LLS OI- EN FROM l TO 9 P. M, the oehool, and thia ,-z the enrolment 1 · ·' ... ,-_.: ,,: •

1� even larger. You eaD enter .•t aD1 [' . , . - -�.� .

. ·:_: '.··.···.'•.'''

&tme. • l'enonal Ualtructiclll lndnll. :, . . , >>>·' ,, . . '

' . .� ' ·. ·�·. ··';_·_�:/ �·<> <�i���f·.�(.�:,

Page 6: HEIGHTS UOJD THOMPSON'S - DigiFind-It County Standard... · Work lor Nallanal Cendldales. Ends Mls Lilt. . rN m. For tho purpose of COIItluctlllf! II CRill· Ohnrle I. Vl\nZ .. nt,


�I nil cu· 'l'�1CJ,hone 0 •·chmt l'romJ•l1Y Jtllh:cl ALL GOODS DEL IVERED f R I:: t:: O F CUARGE .

Ci s\ M I' LF � O N APPL ICAT I O N . Orlen 8 30. Closo 6 p rn . , Sal ur!la �s tO p_m_.

_ --·-·-------------··--- · ---·------

Black Sil !<s Black Tnffetu Sil k-Full 36 i nches wide, fine quali t )", nil l'llrC

silk, perfect fast Linck, n good wc�ring si�k for entire suits 69C or coats; real value t , oo; specml pme, ya\ d nt

Black Taffctn Sil k-Full 3 2 inches wide, nn exceptlonallr fi.ne quality, "\Vear G mtrnnteed, :' nice brig.ht bl�ck, a £:0?�1 heavy stll\ for long coats, .scpar�te sktrts or ctlttrc su1ts, pos1t11 ely 89C wo rth 1, 29; spectal pnce, yd. • . , · • • • • •

Bluck Peau de �ole-Fu ll 36 inches wide, all pure silk, the new soft finish now so much in demand for fasbionable costumes, rich lustre, nice hright black, and noted for wear; posi ttl'e I oo 1 , 39 value, spcchtl , yd. · •

13tuck Tuffetn S lk-Ful l 36 inches wide, a ver)' superior qual· ity, in either chiffon or heavy . finish, n ��·ear guarnnrced taffeta for entire suits or coats, (don't fat! to examme these), good I oo Vttluc at 1 . so, spectal, yd. , •

Blucl1 l'eau d� Soi· -Ftill 36 mches wide, the most. fashion· all le and best wearing silk or the season, good heal')' quahty, extra line fiinsh,, nice bl'ight lustre, a n,d fast b lack, good value at I 25 t, 69, spectal, yard at . •

Hinck raffeta Sil ks-Full 36 inches wide, the cclebr.ttcd "Windsor" brand, for whi ch we are sole agents in Newark, a silk well known to give perfect satisfaction in wear, good value I 25 at 1 ,69; special, yard . , • . • • • • . . • • o

Fall , 1908, Dress Goods Special Shndol\' stripes nnd two-toue<l chevron etfects, nne of the uowest dress

stulfs ti1is scnsou; 5b lnrhos wid" (note tho width), nil the h1tcs� c?lor oombinlltious, goods which wonl<l be cheo)l at l .2:i per ynrcl. A lumted

· qhatltity on snle to-morrow.

AT PNLY 75c PER YARD P. S.-We mnlto skirt• to your measure of this materinl nne! guaran·

toe n perfect lit, nt

1 .oo and 1 .25


" Werry " Mao Leughlln'a Pete Downed by

the score ol & .. 3, Saturday. '1'!1<1 hom! hn�dmll tu•tiHIH toolc tlllothor

fl'<llll !lUI tlt•n(llh J'JulttK, nl!l!l'<I>CII• tlon nt l h'cl'lltinll l'nl'lc , i'!tlltu•lluy nltvt·· tumll, d<'H\Ilto tho t'nct tlmt " Wtll'!'Y " Mnu ! .uugh lln , the otJ<O·t.lmo J>um•luHH H<mlhpnw nf tho Now J,umlon tuttm, in t.JICI 00111lll'UI ic•ut Hllllo ic•OI!IHI, \I'IIH ill tho

: . ' pnlttiH fot• lhu \'iHII<li'H, " \VUIT)' " IIIll<lo 0 II fmiii(U ,.w. l to 1'C,(Itill ills lost h\lli'UIH ' I t t !110 "' n•Ht with hlH nl<l t•ll·ulH, lmt 1 i u tilll lult.'nl HhliL'-11 ho \'ell 11 \'ictlm of I Uto homo hllsmlth'H ltuinHiry, tlllll Il ls 1 t wl;iui'H Wul'u pnuwlml 11ll Ol'<'r tho bnll· · yart! fcl' II totnl of HiX Kitfutlus IIIHI I\ 1 <1mtLlo '£he lll'tl runs l'LIHUltlug from till.< hit fL'-<t woro muro th1m onoul!h to

tho lwmo tuum n vlutOI'y. 'Plnlns

II 1(111 1'111 'l'f/llt' II/' llt•tllf ,.,,. "'''" ,.,

Distinctive Fa l l Su its a nd Overcoats

For Men and Young Men Vonr Summer nppnrel hns clone good scl'l·lce, nnd I t's t lmo now that )'Oil hntl n new Fnll

Suit. You'll soon need n Fnll 01·crcottt, Inn, Ho why 1101 hnvc I t rc�dy I The two tllstingnlshing cltnrncteriHtlcs of �! . & B. Onrmcnts nrc their lndlvldunllty nnd

their shnpcllness, They"re hullt ln. 'l'hcy't·c pentulncnt, This season the fnbrics nrc more vnric<i l n coloring Ihnn ever. And we're showing more

cxclnslve pnttcrns than ever. Every fashionable model nnd every new effect Is here from the most conscrmtlvu to t he most m<licnl .

Fall Suits and Overcoats, I I 0 to 138. HUCrCII ouo i ll tim llr•t nnd nuothor I n t h u •uooiHl ; but from thut limo ou, " Dntuh " Ortlieb hn<l tho lu<lltm Hlgu on them, nn<l they <!row n row of gooso cgK•· No� that they uectlc<l It, but bo· �nn•e thoy wnute<l to show their author· ity, the locnls u<ldCil nnother tally to ' their score in tho eighth. So the gnmo eu<led, Wost!lol<l, a ; Scotch Plnins, 2.

Unusual Fall Suits for Bo7s Something more than m ct·ely goo<l materials, strongly put together, arc foun<l in our

Boys' Clothing. These arc very essential, of course-bitt fit, style, approprinteness -nll come in for their rightful shme of attent ion nt th is store, Thnt's why these Fall Suits for Bo)'s are unusual,

Sizes, 2 y,; to 10 years, sa to s I e.

Marshall ®. Ball 'l'he homo trnm luul ntt nll-star nggi'O· gntiou on tho dilunond, nnrl they plnycd their opponents to n st1111<l still at evory otngo or tho b•llno. Seemul basclllnll Hutchings, n brother of ono of West· tlel<l's nitlzens, wns n tower of strength nt seeoll(l ami pluye<l his posit-ion lt1 "Al " Burch style, ' So01'Y1 the l•ritlo of Eli�nbeth, wns nt tho rccolv!ug end, l\looro, nt centro, nc••optecl three dlfficult

111cl\Iabon wns tho 1\Iilce Doll· of tho tenm, securh1g a long two· bnggcr, which scored three runs iu the

first session. Bal<lwiu wns the king· stlcl<or for tho Victors. A •tnick double piny wns pnlle<l oft' by Ortlieb, Hutch· iris nml J\Jiller, in tho eil!hl-h, which spoiled tho Yictoi'R chance to tally,

Only !GO fnns wero presout, although the biJI wns worth twice the price chnrged, nud ought to ha!:fl been ·well


2 2 1 . 2 () 0 4 l ' l 4" 5 0

. ss . . . . . . . . 5 · r . l - ' S ."'l . 2 1\Illler, 1 b . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 : 0 10 0 , 0 Seery, o . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 " 0 -. 4 �' 2 · 0 1\Iol\Inhon, rf . . . . . . . . · 4 · · 1. 2 i' O • ·O . "O Browu, 3b . . . . . . . . . . 4 - O >I . :. L;-1- · 0 1\Ioore, ct. . . . . . ... . . . 3 __ o 'E: 3 ·:o - 0 OrtlioiJ, p . . . . . . . . . . . ''. 4 : .o ., E O : ,S -: 0 · -' - _ ._·;_ -

807·809·811-71;] · BROAD STREET, NEWARK.

WHY _!_!EAK1 I N�=a��:.:��:o,� P�!����0�50�PI�1!0��rto STATE fAIR OPENS MONOAJ, ·

Kldneg Troubles May Be Sapping Your Life ; 011 !\hul<et street ncar Broad Is mpldly For 1\foudny, SO]IIetnber 28, the l uerll'iug complotiou , alHI is e�pecte<l to iug <lay of the Great Inter-State Away. Westfield People Have Learned open it" door. iu tho vory near futuro. the mr&nngemeut has programmed a . fhfS fact. I Tho now house will be devoted to strict· $1,000 baby •lm1v nnd pnra•le that WiD ·

iy high class v1uulovll!o booked by \Vii· not only be a tllstinct fer&ture of the . When n healthy 1111111 or WOillllll be· limn 1\lorris tho populnr Now York �'oir, but liD event tlmt will ruuk wltb


gms to run <lawn without. npparont I vmuleville ngunt, anything of tho kind ever promoted cause, becomes wonk, lan�;uul, depre•· l Mr. Morl'is hns formed whnt is known thi,; couutry. The classes are liS sod, suffers baclmcl�e, hendnche, dtzzy i as the �lorri8 circuit, which iltcludes 1111 lows : Bilby show-haudsomest, spoil� and urinary dtsordcrs� iool< to tho • the lorgest cities of this country as well test, smollest, twius, trip�ets. lmlu�ys for tho cnuso of 1� nil. Keep as some of those of Europe. P!mule-baby CO!lllh, iuoludmg costntne tho lndnoys :voll ?"d they. wlll keep you Dr. Anron P. Orrlwny of New York is of child, doll coooh and go·carts, uovellf . \�ell. Donn s Kidney Ptlls cure st�k the owner nml builder. 1\les.rs, Boekotf vehicle•, nuy decoration, m8tnmes im luduoys and k�ep thom \VeiL Hero JS & Hughes of N ewnrk nrc the architects. fnncy dress, eostumos in burlesque, IV estfiel<l �estnuonr �o prove 1t. '£he house, when complete•! will be tho Four to six prizes, consisting of . i R. F. Mttchell, hvmg nt 50 Cumber· ! finest in the state, nml will bo absolute· articles of jewelry, oto., are given �ami stre.et, Westfield� N. J., snys : l ly fire-proof, the mnteriul• being use�! in onch clnss. Tho witmers nlso · ' Mrs. 1\ll�choll com plume�! of backncbo comtruetion being, stool, concreto itnd the coveted blue ribbeu. Ea?ll fa� so�uo tun? nn<l there wns n c�mtnnt brick. Tho effect of tho decorations entered will receive a souvemr gl·m<ltn!( pnm thron�b her lmlnoys , \ Which will be in h·ory groen nnd gold No entmnco fee is charged. TH E D A V I D S T R A U S CO. •rotals . . . . . . . . .' . . . -;"3!.'' 0 :') . . 27.; 12 ' . 2 Sho !nul frequent <llz?.y spells, bead- \iu perfect coutrn.<t to puuols nn<l dmp· nro gh•en fl'eo admission to tho

+ NE ,., 'II' DK N J , + scoTcu :¥j;N�:\:.'�;�j-L �. :�:e

.�;:;:do::t�������; ;:c�r���;o

t�11:1� or�� 0� old rose,d will.bo11����ni���t. 1 ���n�:'o� �:����iat!:


b!:��� - ·<:::':::. . .�- - ·ll --l'!n- •· • - .._• l\lont��s� • . rf,.. •. .'.: ; .,;;:i, 4),l , .2 :. 2 l · . I b!JJ:t�u t.o thiuk that n. cure wn" mur��o �fi��:��u 'l�l�;��i�s·n:e':11ume�o�s parndo can bo secured by ad�!!:��:!:-\1 �::::::::::::�=��;��=-�������;. F�r��.',!.�tl.�.:. �� • .' .. �. �. :. :_ :_ .: .. · : . .. · :. ·.: ./.{'444l,; .. -o0

°.· .

. :.:,;gl ..•. :.48i .. •o.�-:-_.;o0:fiil>possil>.le. �n.- au.illy "11./lGred--from· nild \\•iii alio1V'tlic Iionsu '" ::mi':.l ,.�1·y Fr�nlc McCullough, bex 717,

,. " •-. _ ., . rheumatism nud slllup tw1ngo8 would quickly. 'l'bo stage is 33 by 0� foot and N. J, - All"tl Jb . 3 - 0 · ·o 1 1 0 0 dnrt through her arms nnd shoulders. . . · . TIIO ', ru11n1·11g rnccs .�1·1 1 �'>1.1 l�:l.�'.!.'l:�!ll�,'l?lr-L:I •l l:£��i:M'11l.>;!!.�'i£':15P.�W Fl " ' ':ib" ' " ' " · 4-• o · o o 3 1 L · f Do , K' l P'll 1 ls eqmilpccl wlth tho lntcst a11<l best of " mmm�m�.u;nm!ml>!l>l ' lilll��l<lll�l<lll�m �l


lnery, . . . . . . · .

. ··• :···' ·

.:-, . 0 earumg o nn s II uoy l s pro·

appliuuces. Tho scenery of which thoro polo ponies for valuabl� trophies, W Retclc, If. . . . . . . . . . · a: 0 1 1 0 ourecl a bex for her nt Frutchey's Pha•·· . b 1 . be. '

. te 1 b N best runners of this cluss in New stablished 1 860. _ Tel. 59. � ���;.�f1Jiu; ·;: : : : : : - � � g g g g mncy and she reeei�ecl prompt relief �o�!�:�:�tc:�::sts.111g pam ' Y ow nud Pennsylvonir& lmve boon

� I - '- - - - - and has not sutf�red .•mco, Sh e IS ver! 'l'hc house will be un<lor tho personal and some fino sport is assured. m W W CQ N N Q L Y CQ Totals . . • ' • • . • • ' . . . 33 . 2 7 2! ll 2 grateful to Donn s Kulney Ptlls �nd 18 nmnagcmeut of Wi!linm H. Currie who The vaudeville progra•n for tho £i , o • sconE ov INNINGS alwnys glnd to recommend them, was associated with George Broadhurst, is about completed. It is mode up ot · £il m Scotch Plains. , , . , 1 1 0 U 0 0 0 0 �-2 For snl? by nil <lcnlers. Price 50 cts. the wcll-lcuown playwright and 111111111• snell star acts os Da�o-Devll filobrcyer Ia · �-

.. Undertakers and Embalmers �

.. Westfielll

. . . . . ·S·U·"�[AO


0 0 0 0 1 x-·0 Foster-Milburn Oo., B�ffnlo, Ne\V Yorlc ger, all!l nuder tbe firm unme of Brond· his lcllp from a bicycle through S(JIIC8 . m• Enrne<l ruus--Westfiehl, 5 ; Scotch Remember tho nmue - Doau s-aml lent productions. of popular songs by Winkler's

I tt I ·�· sole lli!Cnts for the Umted Stntcs., hurst & Currie gave the public excel· into a shallow tnuk of water ;

• Plnius, I. 'J.'wo base hit--:Mcl\Iahou. take uo other n_ EO WARD N. BROWN, Manag•!r • �� Struck out-McLaughlin, o ; Ortlieb, 2. · ' Rol!imeut .,.,nds ; the Three 'l'nrnbunr.,• Bases on bnlls-McLaughlin, fi ; 01tlicb, Toms ; America's first balloon race for ·

Offl El Street West field, N J • 1. Hit bY I>itclmt·-Rciclc. Passed )Jnlls Watch•dOII: That Wouldn't Watch. Y. M. C. A. Balllsts Here Saturday, cash prizes ; real cboriot race for cash ce m ' • • � -Alberts. 8toleu bnses-Boy•!· llbl!er' Puy more for Devoe ; bo glud to. It is "'estficld wt'll tackle tile strong Y. 1\f, pu.rses ; gen. ulile w. estern relay !\lll/gli1Sili!Sm�1Sili!Sm5Jl'.�� j rumw��m����-�� zsr:: 1\�cl\lnh•�n ; Freut�, 1\IcLnl!ghhn. Snc- " I Ia i'Wi<fil2i>l�i1i'lm� " a;.omm<r::mrnmmiT-lil'·Vi:'H' a,_ t1fice lut-Hutclungs. Fll'St bnse on full-mensnre and honest. 0. A. team of Plaiufiol<l at Recreation w�t l . dy rlderstgoJU



��������������������������� errors-Westfield, 2; Plains, 2. Loft on Paiut is o wntch·dog. How would Park, tomorrow afternoon. An in tor· 0

.a1ugtNug myoun

ksS n it' 1° = - . bnsos- Westfield, 7 ; Plnius, 4, Double you like n watch-dog that wonl<ln't . - m1 e • OIV or co 1s 1 Hi!rhlaLDdEifll1''\l T Cl S' Jk Gl 1 t 3 9 " plnys--Ortlicb, Hutchiugs, l\Iillcr. Um· esting gomo 1� expected. "Datch" Ort· 1,. ' d D Ba d H WO asp 1 OVeS recru ar SOC a vo • . .!VI ff tt T' I ! SO .11 watch from two to live o'cloclc iu tho lob w'l! have I i tr est t , tl tpe an rum 11 ; assen • ' l:> ' ' pu·e-- · 0 0 ' lme� Ill! • morning ? Thnt's short·mensnre. fi ld 1 Tl

1 8 e �;Jg ll

cam tn 10 Wbulwiud Bedouin Arabs ; the

12 and J 6 Button Length, regular $1.00 and $ 1 .25t at 75c & S�c.

L. A. P I KER,

Rahway Blanks Clinton Avenue. Rnbway defeated Olintou avouue, nt

Hnlnvny, Snturdny, by "the score of 3-0. Tl1o score :

How would yon like a watch-dog thnt e ' te gnme WI be co e<l at 3:SO. Troupe in mmedy acrobatic hod n wny of wagging his tail nt n --- - - • - -- throe Reunrds, aerial human burglar ? That's fnlse paint. '£he 1\lilllous of bottles of Foley's Honey · tops ; the five Bolses, world's burglar is rait1 and snow. nnd Tnr have beeu sold wlth,.ut any I long leopiug and casting artists,

Go by the name : Devoe lcn<l·aud· person ever having experienced any with Ringling Brothers' Oircos, n II E zinc. other thnu beneficial results from its 1 1\Ime. Norick in a triple somol'Silnlt Ruhwny . . · • · · 0 0 0 ° 0 0 S 0 x-3 4 4 G Obns. Criclmu1Jc1·••er. use for coughs, colds an<l lnug trouble. \ tomobile act, the sensation of Oliutou Ave . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-·0 5 l o

Bntteries-Olatk ami Frccmau ; Run; This is because the genuine Foley's 1 and the first perfonnanoes in d 1 11 1 B 1 1 Papular Excursion ro Mauch Chunk Hone� au•I '1'� in tho yellow pilc!mgc : United States. 101 BROAD !!!TllEET. '\VE!!i!TFIELD, N. J , o p am oo z e.

lcontams no opmtes or other lmrmful l ---..-.----�����;;:;;:;;:;;:;;�;;:;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::1 Sta11,inr<l " Wltnt.s .. ..,ol.,ld-0-. 11'-e-rs " brh1g via New Jersey Ceutrnl , !'undny, Sop. drugs Gunrrl your health by rofusiug R b tl • • t

be 20tl tl "0 s · · emem or ro prunar1es uex reHnlts. 'fry one. tem r 1' .u • pecll\1 tmlu any but tho genuine. Gnlo's Phnrmi\Cy. · 1 p II t

R. F. Hohenstein Deals in Flour, Feed, Grain, Hay and Straw, Shavings and Peat Moss, Harness, Blankets and General Horse Equipment:; and a full line oi all Poultry Supplies.

�rospect Street, Westfield Telephone conneotlon,


leaves Westfield at 9. 12 a. m. l · < ny. o s open I o 9 p. m.

��Wi��iii.l4���;�3�uaa,iiJ�����""'-·""'·;..,;."""'';.;.'"''""'·'<';z.;,� .. •�::a..:;<;ol:if',.:...�-'"''u."'."" '• .... �:�.1�u.. �

D. Wolll co-· -� J 81-8J Markt!t Streei:, Newark.

'[he · Mo t Liberal C11."!ec1it Ho1...'tse .... .:--=·=·--====

on Earth \'our Credit is O. K.

Ne� Fall Clotl1ing :for · 1\([et.-., "\L'VoJt-r.l.el..'l!. & Child11e:n · .The remarkable value ;,: obtainable nl this sto1•e no loa!J i::r cane surprise-they-are aeeepted now as a matter o:1 course. Co sill or Credit, o ,; 1' prices don't vary. Open an aceonnt wllh us and.eo..-

. wlnee yo•sell.tbat we sawe you money, ·

. latest. atyle• are now en dl.<play,

6. Ladles' Sl'll::h•t:s,

Wa :lst:s, M.hlin •

:CIJ.IIdPen�s Clothing of the · - R.ight Sort

· >·�1;- •o:ney-&a.vi:n.@; Prices z

Men's and Young Men'� Suits . _ . -;t· We have just pJ;a9d 8111 Medel- 1- ··4\ : 6 lu1la on 1111e. ftladn w�th ••nve\181 . cnrr, In all tho newc•t fptr ' 1 anti • · •�•:·_, __ ,,,,. ool•r•. aotuatlr worLh. �!8, 120 lo su at . _ . ·

Our Gu.a.ran'tee II you c:en dupllc:ate anything bou�rht at our

store, for less money ellewhere, we will refunil

to you the difference any time wlth�n . 30 days.

Page 7: HEIGHTS UOJD THOMPSON'S - DigiFind-It County Standard... · Work lor Nallanal Cendldales. Ends Mls Lilt. . rN m. For tho purpose of COIItluctlllf! II CRill· Ohnrle I. Vl\nZ .. nt,


At Wanamaker•• Evc••y Section is Alive wilh F .. l Entlmsia:3m and Froclaiu Fre1h

Goods end l(ew Ideas

S�ndard's Checkers and Chess Column.

ll:dttetl by Ruru" 8, Oroon, CHilCKIUUI,

i4-Pd• Q-KtBulc Q6 -K�� JJ-KQ QT • Jt • . II lt·Qolc QH - K·l g Q ltY go-n-m n�1111 011-Q·Kt·l II·QO mnht (�) Wo 1trofo1• ICt-JU , \JnunuHo f.lw Oluclc II lH nh1·ny" n uuiHnnuo In till" lflllliU I ttllll'mtVut•, thu Wltlt.u Kf linH uu futui'O nml mlgltt nH wull lm out of tho way. " I'Aiilty •" (b) 'i'o III'UKOrvo I Ito II 1 ltut l'·QJt.l Vnrlnllou No. », FulloWH Varl11llon woul<l o'lnrllly luwn nnoolltltliHhorl f.ltls,

No, I , Mli'on lnKt wool!, for sovornl tllld ���tho Hllllto Unto wou lll lmvo ru­movoH, 1 1- 10, 24-111, 8 - I I , ��-18, Mlrniuutl lllnult'K 1'-KU. 10-14, 21!-22, 4-8, a0-2B, HI -20, (c) If 10, P- QIUI, Ktxl'�lq 1 1 .

C/11�1! 11 11 UHIInl nt 6 1', If, Jlrltl/1)', 0/IIJII Slllllrllll)' All l)iJ)' 111111 ltVI!IIIII/1,

W�u�m1k:r'3, n\w��·� tremendously Interesting, Is porhmp1 n lriOJ moro o c.t t:,o lloclnnlna of n season when fresh mer· chwuiE� h poUih:g f.1 frclll · a!l qu�rters o/ tho globe nnd the air 11 r.luaa wltll cnthuo:�sm, Scptcm!Jcr heralds the new, In every scct:on, r.t cw.:y counter there Is complete prepared· nels 1:1 dcdublc, c!cpcnclr.l:lc gcods. Our Ideals have moved a rc:r hl;:hcr ri::cc this tlmo ltt:t ycnr; progression and better· mont mark !Joth mcrch�r.dlcc r.ml scr;lcc,

28-N, 11 - 111, 2�-17, fi-HI, 17-m QxKt, UxKt, {tltls IIIOVO fOflllK tfto \'lll'illtiOIJ,) 1 - 0, (1#) Dr, 'l'tlrrnKoh linK OKllr�HKOil II i>fUf· 1--------------------------· ll�-28, 8 - 1 1 , 26-22, 14-17, 21-14, oronco for Ia. D-Q�, ntul with goo<l ltl-17, 10-16, H-8, lo -10, 7-l.i, (II) re1111011. Uo glvoK Ia. U-Q2, 1'-Ktli? ; 24- 10, 2-7, 20-25, 0 - 10, (II 17-21 , 14. Pxl', QxP ; IIi. Kt-Qii, Q•P ; HI, �2-17,) 6-111, (if 7 - 10, 26 -21 nml B R-QKt, Qxll i 17. Kt-U1ult, t\llll 18, 1010�,) 18-6, 17-2 1 , 18-0, 21-30, Ktxn. Or buttor stlll, Ia, B· Q2, P-Ktli; 22-18, ll-14, 18 - 9, 10-!4, 11-2, (very H. Kt.�lll', QxKt ; Jo D.d'clt, KxD : When IJC\7 things come, reoplc like to "look about"

\Jc!orc bti)ln�. At Wcn:tnnl:cr' J )'OU nro welcome to do this. I� While you will find every n�, r r:ch with Fall merchandise,

Chin1 r.ncl I!ott�cwnrcs nrc special ccntera ol attraction,

The Sejptembe:r Exposition Of China, Cut Glass nnd Art Wares presents nn occasion

that hcuscl:cepe!s enjoy. No woman who loves her home can resist the f�ncination cf beautiful china and glass. And when the most attractive and desirable sorts from abroad are shown at fur less than the usual prices the opportunity to possess the pieces_ desired is past all resisting.


There are no odd lots, no "seconds," no unsalable patterns to cause the little prices-all are NEW, BEAUT!· FUL, PERFECT-mostly made up to our special order, for this great annual event.

Housewares of the Best Makers in This �nnual September Sale The details of housekeeping are trying enough without

the additional tax on the nerves CC having poor utensils. We see first to the excellence of the housewares we sell, and guarantee their quality-then, in this September Housewares Event, we save the housewife money &a/ely on about every type·of household article she may need, from the littlest brush or pot or pan to a refrigerator or a sewing machine. An acre or more of. the spiendid Basement Houselumishing Store is filled with the ol!crings.

JOBM WANAMAKER 8totJJilkiiJ, FGartA Awnrte,

EI,AIA.to T.,tA Smel

Mew York City

Read the Ads.

Our Warerooms are fu l l of Well Made and Neatly Ceallined

F U R N I T U R E Call and See our Stock.

We have conRdence in our ability lo please.

Powlison . & .Jones, UoO•liU E . :FRONT ST.. .l"LA1NFIELD.


• • • • THE • • • .-



TillS COMPANY OXBllll;, .. and JIUatanl tees title� to l'<l8l e�tote, lends money on bond and mort�age, and bas mort·

�:f:J�rnrit�1h:rlt��Pfnvf:fo!n�c�':: 11:e"rii withont care lUI to taxes, unsurance, eto

-OPFICERSt CASH OAI'ITAL PAID IN AlmRCW M ZAR • • • • • President • 8 . 0 t O 0 o· GEORGB P, UST • Vlco Pres.ond Oounsel

Information cheerfully fiilniahed bJ' ���� 8�· ae� ·•

· . ·•

·• 'fe:fa"; - ARTHUR 8. BIN • • • Tille Office o• Paul Q, Oliver, u. H. Jlo\TTESON • • Assllltont Treasurer Repre��entlug The Guarantee Mortgage and Title Insumnce Oompany




Khrowd playing,) 14-18, 23-14, Hl-8�, ln. RxQ with ll<lvRntago, 'l'ho flt·st 31-27, (lluother brllllnut 111ove, which vnrlatiou iK somewhllt cloubtful, harkK boolt to tho 6-2 pllly,) 32-28, (t) Blnck tbrontmts P-J{ttl, liS well 118 26-10, 7-10, (B oou not bolt! his odd PxP, nurl Wltito could ltnrdly stnml 16. num, ancl so gives It op nt once In tho ·PxP, P-Un. bopo or CllpturhtR tho piece ou Ill,) _(/) Them nppenrs to be nothhtl! bottor 14-7, UO -26, 7-a, (B docs not dnro to tb1111 24, PxP, Tho flnnl m!l!nult 18 piny 26 23 nnd ootoh tho piece at 10, olovorly Jtlayetl. for 2-7 would leave him without n (Notes from tho Clws Wnk(v.) move, benco) 1 1 -10, 19-15, 20-22, Problem No. liS. 2-7, 22 -18, 7-JJ, 20-2l, 28- 10, Blnelt : K 011 'Qo, Us 011 KH7 nnd 16 -23, 11-4, 18-11. Dmwn. QKt3, Kt• on QB3 nml 8, B 011 QKt4, (II) 21J-2Ci, 16-1\1, 24 - 15, 12-16, Ps 011 KB:l aud QBG, B tnoces. 28 - 24, 16-19, 23-7, 14-30, 7 .a, 30- - White : K ou QR, Q on l{KtS, R 011 ·11, 3-12, H-26, 111-22, 21 - 17, 22-18, K1, Kt 011 QRiJ, D� 011 I{Kt3 nud QUS,· 17- 14. B whts. P ou QB2. 8 pieces.

Varilllion No. H. Oawo between White to piny nml mnto in two moves. Swan (bhwk) nn<l AdnmllOn (wblte) Solutiou : 1 1-16, 24-10, 8-U, 22-18, 4-8, 21i- . White, Dluuk

I, Ktxlt �2. (tho varying move,) 16 - 20, 30-25, 1. Q to KO 1 1 -16. 28-24, 0-13, (11) 32-28, 0 -0, 2. Qxl{, mnte 18-14, 10-17, 2t-I4, 0 -18, 22-15, I .

' �6-22, 17-26, 31-22, 7-11, 22-18, 2 ·Q to QO, mntO�· :l-7, 21i -22, u-0, 29-25, 1-li, 22-17, Problem No, litl,

I. K to.B4,

0-14, 1 7-10, 7-14, 18 · 9, li-14, B Black : K on KB�, Kt on QK14, Ps on wins. Q4, KKW and QBB. o pieces.

(a) Tbis movo, 32-28, is the cnnso ol' Whito , I{ on KKt7, Q on QKt3, R on all of W's trouble, Ho abonld bavc KZ, Kts ou Kll and QB!, B on QKt7, Ps played 22 -17, ·which is his best movo, on Q4 nml KKt2. 8 pieces. nlthougb 21-17 will all!o dmw. A. White to plny nml mate in two moves. Sbuefer <trow with cllumpiou Wyllie by the former move, tbus : 22-17, ta - 22, Hotld1y Without the Family. 20-17, 10-14, t8 -9, li-14, 17- 10, It the runn is paterfam!llns It Ia 7-14, 25-22, 8-7, 22-18, 7-10, 18 - O, wlae !or him to take his . holiday 6 - 13, 29 - 25, 10 - 14, 25 - 22, 2-7, 22 alone. In the most amiable and unit· 18 1-5, IB-0, 5 - 14, 19-15, 16 -lD, ed famtltes there nre o��asloual mo . . ,8:._10 12_2g ( Wyllie tlms gain nJ ments of asperity. In such cases • ' ' , the holiday taken ulone-mitlgaled by mnu,) lii--10, 7 -11 , 10-7, 1 1- 15, 7-3, regular correspondence-Is the Ideal 8-12, �-7, 15-IS, 7-1 1, 18 - 22, 1 1 method, good alike for pater and fa. 15, 22-26, (II despomte 11ttompt to -sl\vo m!llas. There Is no selfishness In his otld mnn, but it doesn't work,) 31- 1uch a hollday.-Court Joumnl. 22, 14-18, 22-17, 21-17 (Schaefer could ro(!IUU his pieco nt onco b)' 27 -2!, bu' Ito profors to wait in the hopo or bettering his po•ltlon on tho oud piny,) 12-16, 17- 18, 18-23, 27-18, 22-26,- 18-14, 26-31, 14-10, 31-211, J/i--18, :20-l!l, J8-IG, 26-22, IG-1 1 , Ul-19, 1 1-16, 19-23, 16-10, 22- 26. Dmwn.


End Pia)'• Problem No. GO.

Dlnck : Men llt 6, I I , 12, 13 and 14, White : 1\leu at 19, 20, 21, 22 Rn<l 23, Bluck to move and <lrnw.


Solntloo : IS-17, 22 -IS, 6-10, 13-9, 1 1-IU,

9-6, 15 -24, (11) 23-10, 24-27, G-2, 27-31 , 2-6, 81-27, 6-lli, 27-24, 20-16, lli-18, 15 - 22, 2t - 15, 1111<1 ou next move Clltchinll mn11 11t 16, ·Drnwu.

(n) G - 2, 10-15, 2 - 6, lli-19, 23-16, 12-19. Drawn. Problem No. 00.

The following position developed in a recent game between J. H. Cnsh nnd the writer:

Bluck : Men 011 12 and 21, kiug on 13. White : Men 011 10 ROd 80, kiug oil 18, Wbite to move 11nd wio.

CHESS. World championship, Lnskcr .6, Tnr­

l'IUich 2, drawn B. _ Tl!e match Is 8 JIIIlllcs . up.

· VIenna OpenlnJ. From the Vienna Congress, 1908,

· A uiodel gamo In which the clmrnc· teristlcs of the oponlog nr� preHcrved tbrougbout. Bpielmunu-Wbite.

1-P-K4 · 2-B-B4 S-P-QS 4-Kt-QilS li- P-B4 6-P-Bii 7-B-KKtli (a) 8-P-QR8 (b) D-B-R2

1\1-Kt-BS (c) · 11-K-KB 12-KtxKt 18-Bl[Kt (d) 14-Q-R5 . 15-l{t-Q 16-R-QlJ (e) 17-Pxl' . 18 -P-BS 19-R-QB2 20 ._QxRP. 2 1 - Q-Kt7 22 -"R-BS

Jobuer-Biitok, . P-K4

- Kt-KBS Kt-BS B-�4 P- 8 Kt- 51 P­P-Kt4 Q-Kts ··

. f>-QIW P�Ro B�tKt . . PxB · s-KB P-Kt5! P�tP

t�p B-Ktll Q-B!


Notice to All Cato. A cat belonging to 1\lrs. Jones bas

caused great annoyance to the small boys o! the neighborhood by kllllng some o! their pols, so they decide<! to iwt! a trap for it, Dwight, a Ill tie hoy or seven, Wltll a vary tender lienl't, was afraid some Innocent cat would suffer, so printed the following notice and llluned lt on the trap: "Thb Is for Jones' cat only."

Just a Plain Commoner. Royal names for hotels are some·

times the cause of peculiar mlsundet·· stnndings. An aged farmer ll'lltll iho home county decided to malte n visi t to Toronto. It was the first time lle had been at a city stallon alld w1>ell n hotel crier hurried to bim with the in· terrogatlon: "King Edward 111 the new·

comer slmply smlled as he answered: "No slr-:-Tboma� cox of Eramosa."

Rloe by Do ing the Right, Greal moll of all time am\ In all

lands owe their rise and usefulness to an unconquerable determinallon to do the rli:ht \lOder all circumstances, though the heavens should fall. It is trutiJfulness that makes their char. acters shine clear and brilliantly through the night of tlme as guides for those who follow after.


care of olivi-ou; Olive all Is Injured by being kept

In the light. When used at the table tt should be removed to a cool; dark place after each. meal. ·

The Safeguard from Loncllnell. Everyone, whatever his ago, wants

11erhaps most of all the society of contemporarles.-From "Sheaves" by E. F. Benson.

'------Funny, 1an•t lt7 .

Strange that when a man sits In a hanimock with a girl and looks at her close, abe doesn't seem the same.

- Only &Ingle Oneo Like Them. You can't make a married woman

believe there Is anything pleasant about the smell of a pipe.

Nor a Long Ladder, Opportuulty doea not carry a akele­

ton key.

Be Thyoetf •

Hawthorne: To feign a virtue Ia to have Its opposite vlee . .

· The lmpoaalble. Nothing can be l'Ut, as It were, Into

a mental yac�um.-MarUneau.

• WIIUnterest leng. " Every por;;on should know that good

New Jersey's Greaiesi Mail Order Orjaniza. iiol\.

WE are justly proud of our MAIL ORDER S\'STEM. We feel that it is one of the

strongest links in the chain of this great

store's success. We want you to use

it-test it thoroughly and allow us to demon­

strate its many splendid advantages. The

Bamberger Mail Order System is not the result of a day, but the culmination of years of pain­

staking efforts. In fact, this braQch of our

business is so perfectly organized that you may

shop as qUickly and conveniently by mail as

iu person. There are no errors-no delays­

satisfaction is snugly packed with each parcel

we send out. If you are not a patron (whidi. is highly improbable) send in a trial order and

you'll quickly realize the truth of the foregoing



Elrneat Wilcox,

M E.l11UtRK, N. J.

Thco. A . Pope Alexander Hunt, Wilcox & Pope, .

GARPENTERS & BUILDERS, Pa1nfer and Decorator.

42 & 44 Cumberland St. Tel. 139·.1• Weatfleld, N . J .

Estilnates Oheerfnlly Fnrnisltod:

Jobbing Promptly Atten<lod to

Latest detiign in Wall paper a). ways on hand.

Elm and Quimby Streets,

Weetlleid, N, J, Telo 97•W,


The Kind You Have Always Bousht ,

Bears the s· ture lgQa .


" l __ n "U.s a

For · Over Th ifty Years

, .•.� . -· : . . ,, "� :,"·,:j,ty:,Z��"; : : ' ;,� .\ ;); c,'):.;;: •: 2S.:..P"R4 . · . ---1111!�-���-� ... lil . ... i .. _�_ .. i! .. ,iii .. .... �il .. ll!l __ llij . . , ..... _�. �· "� ... ,!""·-�-.. iill .. . l[il., .ill. �"2-l .:,.P-Bfi (f) ��-�· · .. · Px� .

· beulth is impossible if -tbe kidneys are deranged. Foley's Kidney-Remedy will cure"' kidney and bladder disease in every form, nnd will build up nu<l streogthen these organs so they will perform their' fmictions properly. No dnngor of BriRht's disease or diabetes if Foley's ,Kicluey �cmedy Is ' "!ken iu time. ·aal�'s Pbnrm11cy

•• ;,� ·��: :L· ;:'; ;: ,<•;�,�.�:�;f.':::·r\�, ••

Page 8: HEIGHTS UOJD THOMPSON'S - DigiFind-It County Standard... · Work lor Nallanal Cendldales. Ends Mls Lilt. . rN m. For tho purpose of COIItluctlllf! II CRill· Ohnrle I. Vl\nZ .. nt,

'rHB ON ION COUNTYS1"A.NDARD, FRIDA\' SEPTEMBER lt!, I YUI!, ... .... , __ .. ____ . --·· · · � , __ _


3 2 3 Jeff'er-son Ave nue, ]j) L I Z A. B E T I-I , N . J •


E\Pl:X"I·: -· .-oxE Ct ll'H�E Oil ,\l,f, C l�IJIIXEIJ. llAY-$10.00 PER )IOXTH, t;\'ENING, $6.00. sT!:='oGn,\PIIIc cCJt' I I ;;g, whld1 tr.clndt1'1 s�1ortbnnd, Trtlt>":r ltlng, l andnc����;t�� fi�o��::�������te:ln��:tnl:�,r1�:�:1c�Y'h������ �:rfmta�!

PenuJatJ:-blp, Cotre-•fiOil'l!•UI"�', �J·dllllg, l'rnetlcal S)1ee;;b, J.ettcr \\ rltlng, l t:blp, J ... etter Writing, nualn e&l ArltbmtUc, Sbort Metbod.1, Ol!loe PraoUce (Jfllt(' Practil:e, Hictatlon. ra;oltol� nnd Punctuation. from f'turt.

}:�r.T.J:;:H COL'It S�Inc'ur!e.� Arltbn�t·t �C', rractlroal EngltF-1!, Siwlllng, l'emnnllsblp, Let l1·r Wrlllng, et.o. !::P•:cTAL cuCHS£-lnduOcs uuy Sdeded Sludl61! tn lllgher Matbl"mttt!cs or t:�r�paratlon for examination ID Tee:hnteal School• cr for Tea.cbera•

Ccrti!l(·utl!�. W ENTER AT ANY TIME.

U!*PI'"'Mt»��""�--������=-: .. _:'?*�--1--�":��:�--:l±:•:w�-=-�:::�-;::;�:��==-�-�-;�-���=-������=-=-=-=�-����!!!-:-�·�-��:����u�t�n:,-r;o��-.;d-";.;ay;�?-'�'-:-::::::� Primaries Continue�. THE "BRONICAL "Pretty fair town," sold uncle, In·

diiTerently, "But l was dlsapp'lnted Weird Experience VJith a Ghost

some. Ye wud think t' hear folk talk Zoo'' It was a dum bad place f'r accidents an' murders and thieves. nut I never

lost a cent while 1 wus thar, 'ce11t In one o' them blame slot m'chlnes. It

L. Knift'en, Arthur N, Pierson, R, L.

SmitleY' ; thir<l wnrd, 'l'. M. K. �!ills, G. E. Gilmore, F. P. Condit ; fourth wnrd, Uncle Hicks' VI Bit to New York, E. W. Wilcox, W. H. Winter, A. K. Gnle. "Uncle" Hlcl<S, who drives the omnl·

In tile sun: mer. of IS�� 1 was lll'iJJg Delegates to Cougrcssiounl Com•en- bus· of one of the Adirondack resorts, In whnt was collc!l Huatsl'! lle. or tiou--First ward, E. G. Hnnford, Wil· lo doing a roaring trade these days. Lower City, n s:nall, partiall�· tle,crt crl limn Gale, Jr.; second wnrd , W. R. I•;Yel';· run the omnibus makes be ''111age in Canaan, a <leHgt.tful olti Dnrcly ; third ward, R. T. lllills, W. j\I, tween the station and the hotel sees Connecticut town IJcrderln� upon Townley ; fourth wanl, J, M. Ledlcy, every seal occupied, and there Is nn Massachusetts, •nys a write1· In the F. R. Baker. enrlr rush to get the dickey seat with New York Herald. Delegates to State Convention-Firs! old "Uncle," In the hope thnt ho will

Years before this was a prost,ercus wnrd , F. s. Tnggnrt ; secoll!l wnrd; hold forth on his recent marvelous ex·

locality, a large Iron ore ft�rnncc hrll'- perlences In and about New York. ing been operated here until about Snmuol Johnston ; third wnrd, George "Uncle" Hicks, be It known, hns 1890, \\'hen It became unlll'O!Itnble L. Delntour ; fourth wnrd, C. D. LQsee. ll\'ed In the mountains for 75 years. riod was abandoue<l. IJEliOCRATIC and since his week In the "metrolopus"

On the Fourth of .J uly I an·an;:ed Senator-Frederiuk 0. lTY'er. he Is Inclined to say, with Chevalier, \"itb a neighbor to hitch Ull his hun:e 1 Members ol Geuernl AssemblY"--Wll· "It don't seem a day too much." But 'l'."ith mine to a two·scaied wagon, and ber F. Brewer, Jeremiah A. Kiernan the mountain resort was thrown Into v:itb my "!fe, 11!r. J. B. and bls wife nml Frederic!< R ci<e.

constematlon one morning last week r.nd two clllldren, and Mr. M.. we when "Uncle" Hicks appeared at the drove to Torrington, Conn., a distance Sheriff-James E. lllrirtme. station with a carpet bag, wearing h!s of about H miles, wl!ere my rather -Corouer-Otto Wagner. go-to-o!ectfng raiment and minus the was then Uvlng. Mayor-Walter lC WheatleY'. omnibus.

. \\'e arrived In 1'orrlngton about ten }'rechohler-George E. Richm�lsotJ. "]Ie?" he said, \\ith the air o! a o'clock In tte morning, and reP.laill2<1 Councilmen-First ward, William F. man who has made up his mind. "I'm 1l:erc until late that cvenii;g. So:nc Duffy ; second wnrtl, Robert F. Hohen, going to l\"yawl<. I been thlnldn' o' t;me bet<.·e•n 10 anti ll o'dock tha: stein ; third \!Rrtl, Edward R. ColliJtS ; doln' It !'r th' Ins' 28 years-an' now e·;en!ng we started for heme. fourth wat·d, Irn C. Lambert. -I'm doln' It,'' he added, firm!)•.

There was a full moon anti c1011d!e3s :.And so "Uncle" Hlcl<s departed with s';y, and the distinctness with which Delegates to Cougrcssiounl Conren, bls carpet bag. TI1e engine driver a1id :;·e could see the rear! and surround· tion-Fir;t wanl, Henry G-. �looney ; the conductors !mew "Uncle" Hicks

"" objects was so unusual as to be secoml wnrd, Walter K. Whcntloy ; and fell honored. "Uncle" was hoH· o::Jmentc!l UFon. We d1·m·e along tl1htl 'mrd, .:If. nl. Scudder ; _ fourth ore!l, too, for the engine tooted as be :: tilout Incident, goln;; up o1·er Go· wurd, Linus !Ietfie!<l . got aboa1·d, nnd tooted voclferomill' ·. �n Huts, and on tllrouah Cornwall Delegates to State Con\'ention-First. when "Uncle" Hlcl<s came bacl;. There [·:•!low, until nearing home we · had ward, \V. l�. Dntry; second war<l, c. W. was a delegation of Adlrondacl<ers to •lsced,. the house where my employer, Sol'for ; third wnr<l, George E. Ricilnrd- meet him. Also the orimlbus was ·;,._ Yale, lil'e<l. lleyonu his !lOuse sou ; fot1rth wnrd, lrn C. Lnmbert. v:al!lng.

· :•c road ran along at the right or q<�itl' The Adlrondacltcrs who had crowd· ,, S!'..ootb. mcndow, lying betweon the c<l In to hear the womlerful tale were

":t1 and a· small chestnut grove. abcu: pernntu ral at this time, but tills sud- dlstippolnted: "Uncle" Hicks chewed . 00 lc£t away. The rc::d was up �:·r.de den disaJIJJearance In the bright moon. a ''metrolopus" cigar ·and gazed !t.1d sandy here, and I , wl1o was dril'· light of what 1 had believed without bianltly nl <be landscape. He did ;ng, let the lwrses walk. The lime. doubt was n miscreant bent on fright� vouch;afe a remarlt to the e!fcct thnt as near as we could afterward eati- enlng peotJle sent a most startling sen· "Summer seems ter be n b!t late up' mate it, wns about l1alf an hour after satlon over me. 1 stared at the va· this Wn)'." . midnight. cant road before me, which I could see' 'fheu the rush fell o!f and n reporter

We were joking and laughing, when plaln(y for some distance, lo where n teal< adl'nnte;;e of an · empty omnibus 'suddenly �Irs. 13., who sal beside my turn hid It from view. 1 looked • upon :o ge t on tl:e dlcl;ey. He approached wi fe upon the back seal with her two both sides of the road, which the moon ::1e �1\bject .w:th rej!ortortal t act. The

either wus a swindle or It wusa'l

workln'. nut l went to a busy corner

on Broadway and stood thar 15 min·

utes. l seen 30 trolleY cars pass-! counted 'em-an' dezzens of automo· biles and kerrldges an' wagglns-an' there wusn't a blame accident that I c'ud see.

"l went to a show on Brood Way,

too. It was called 'A Day f'r a Night,' an' wus a dum good show too."

"13ut what did you think of the tall buildings, uncle ?"

"Uncle" Hicks turned a susplclou� eye on the re11orter.

"Funny thing,'' said he, "that every­body asks me that, Anrbow as every· body seems l' want t' know, they lool< might)' dang'rous t' me, but I reck'n the fellows that built 'em knew wbal they wur abaout."

"But talkln' about that Dronlcal Zoo-" .

"And where did you live when you were In New Yorl<, Uncle Hicks ?" the reported Interrupted.

"Why, I lived with my son. He's dolo' well, my son, an' he's marrletl aa' got a little boy-my grandson­an' he lives on Central park west. He give me a pretty 1100d time, my aon did."

Uncle Jerry. "What they call 'honor' Is a mighty

curious tb!ng,'' observed Uncle Jerry Peebles. "l know a man who would cheerfully starve himself to pay a gambling debt, and he still owes the

. preacher that married him 27 years ago!'

The Eternal Queatlon. In proverb nnd aphorism man has

crystallized his conception or woman, and In all ages this conception bas revealed his fear of her unrest and bls luiowledge of her dlsconteut.­Contemporary Review.

· children bEtween them, called my lit UJl with almost da)'l!gbt clearness. imprtgslons of a man wlw hnd wal teti wlfe's attention to an object whlcll There were no bushes or l!·ees be· 75 yenrs before visli lng the metronoliE

·had apparently just come, 011t or the hind which anything could hide neareJ• ooul<l not r�·u to ba' fntercstlng from. cb�stnut grove and was slowly com- than the c!Jestnul' gJ·ovc referred to, 1 [l>Ychclo;::i0ol s:au<lpci3t. �'ba ' re: Milled. the Crow and Broke a Rib, lng across . the · meadow toward the berond the meadow. Mr. !3. came up :1crler rrca:lid the Orst lime lJe him' William Loomis of North Amherst, road. · My wife looked and exclaimed beside me. We hath looked search· se:r had reen :he. lt:Gldo of tbe Hippo- 1\lass., aimed a rifle at an exaspe1·at· that some one· was coming toward us lngly around and then at each other, :lrome. · ·· iagly Impudent crow and the recoil of

I out of the weeds. We all looked In The mysterious object had absolutely "Tho ,:Hippcd!'ome!'' so.hl "Uncle" the ·gun broke his collar bone and one · the direction Indicated, but could seo \'anlshed,

1 Hicl<s: wl!h n slart of recollection. "1. "rib. The crow, uninjured, cawed de· nothing, Al most speechless with astonish· went thar . lwlcet. Tha, ·btnza o' thn' rlslvely,

I stopped .the horses and we all con· ment . '"" returned to the wagon. th�r place In aboi1t 2EO feet long an('.' . tinned to look, when we saw some one Everyone in the wagon sa'v the ob- abcut. r.o 'or no feet wide; . I secn It 1! .. apparently coming around the end of J'ect ns It cnJne along tile road, covere·' �he pr<igrnm. bool< . . An' 'tiiar's n tnnl.

·. Exaggerated Dress.

tl 11 t 1 f b 1 " · .. , Surely this Is the day or exagge1·n· 10 wa o a Jlfi r o ars open ng Into aJ!pnrently by a sheet, which, as It In It yo cu'<l shoot; duel( ln. I seen Uon. Everything . In the sartorial ll1o' road .. Tlie moon wns still Shining walked, kept flapping at the Sl<les as

mom . nnlmlles-�nrformlni animlles_,;,. bl·lghtly, and we all distinctly saw In . that . thm· pbc- ,•. . . . . ·world bears tile stamp ultra. We must what looked lll<e some one with a one wltll .a sheet over bls head walk· .. "lltit, ._,;hilt .lui< ·:\i,c-:.-:tnlkln' ·of ani:

be ultra-hatted, ultra·gowned, In !net sheet thrown over l!IS head. The ob· lng and swing!�� his arms might a11. miles::C.:\,;ns tllltt Di'onlcal Zoo." . . liltra-smart ultogether.-Gentlewoman.

jcct stepjled ·UP to the bars, antl, de· pear. '"l'l)e \vll2t.· dlll� y(Ju Sfiy, · un·clo?"

-------1!1 r t 1 1 ttl d lh t t ll Unable to solve the mystery we . . . . . .. That'a Different. Je a .e Y e ng own c nex o 1e drove home. We told our experience "I .said thc 't13rohlcu1 Zoo,". said . top bar, en me through the o pening to the neighbors, but no one was able "Uncle'',• Incl<s;> ivlth · a ,. glare. "Ill'. ·vou wlll llnd that the lazy man who made, and after putting the bar up dt\m, I seen>nnlmiles. 't!mr that l don't' won't tend garden himself ls always again came out Into the road and the explain the atlparltlon, or suggest believe fs l!vhi'. ·any.: other place. I perfectly willing to tell his wife just walked along toward us. a plausiiJle theory, Kotbing of the seen a tliln <r llu;y· ' call' a ''zelll'a, which : how to do II. kind had ever been seen there before -

It came along the road perhaps a or has been seen nince, 50 far as w� Is just ublarno : ini1le · pnlnled up to hundred feet, OJ' Ullt!J i t reached a !<now. There Js no tradition Which· lool< queer: Jlut I knOW · hossl;!Ud, an' point midway, when It slopped. will throw any light upon It exce t M _ !l dl:ln't fool ine. .


I had In mind an occurrence which I B. told the next day that sh/ h�.�� • "! seen 'n ' sen· l ion , too. 1'hnt wns l18ppened about a week before this, I that some time In the past a m gauwine,' all right, 'cnuse it' hadn't no when an irresponsible man of the ; had been murdered In that chest a� feet. It iiappere<l up on the rocks an'. neighborhood had severely frightened grove.

nu howled lll<e mad. Tll8t's a dum my wife and sister, who was staying r,ue&r beast. I Jilllst ha' lool<ed at that with 11s wh ile 1 was away at night, !wast for an hour 'n a quarter." and believing U1at the same man Families Should Have Dogs, "Did you see the snnl<es, uncle ?" might he trying to frighten us, I ex- An Edlnbmgh clergyman says: "X'aw. I didn't," sa!tl "Uncle" Hick!!. claimed: "I know who It Is. It Is "Every family should have a dog, It "l don't love them things well enough H. S. (naming the man I suspected) , Is l !ke a perpetual baby; It betrays lo go an' lool< nt them for fun. Du(l and I'll teach him not to try to fright· no secrets, never sulks, asks no trou· soen' a tll111;; thar I wnntll to ask en 11eople around here." I handed the blesome questions, never gets Into scmelJ'<Iy a baout. It was n hlrd-1 lines to �lr. M. and seized my whip, ' debt, never comes down late to break· �cck'n It wr.s mennt for a bird-an' tl a rawhide with a buckskin cracker nt fast, nod Is always ready for a bit o! l:ad n b!ll llko n shovel." the �nd, and jumped out of the wagon fun." . · "\Vas it a. toucnn, uncle?" nnd started bacl< toward the object In I ·

"Nnw, It warn't no too.cnn." the road. Mr. n. followed, but cau- · Ancients were Wise. "Maybe i t wns a duck-mole." tlously ke;lt about ten feet behind me. . Barbers, In the early days of the "Now, it warn't no duck·mole;

As I got within about six feet of Christian era, were not permitted to ndthcr. ' ·

·this object, which · was standi ng up- talk while shaving a patron. Indeed, 1'ho retJorter tried a few more, but right In the mlddlo of the road, I silence was so much approclated by in vain. raised m y whip up over my .head, and persons while · under , tbe barber's '!Anyhow, It was a dum· queer with all the force at my command, I ·hands that mutes•,were preferred for beast," said "Uncle" Hlcl<s, with an nlr brought the lash directly down upon this service. · .. ' of nnr.!ity. "Reck'u· they got. every !Is head and shoulders. To my great blame thing on alrth thar. They even amazement, there was no resistance The Rising Generation. got slmnl<s." to m�· whip untll It J'eached the There is just as much ·chance for "You must have gone In the sub. ground, and .the object before me the •·ising generation as there has way to get there?" suggested tho re·

In K itchen Social Circles. '�I don't like the Sharpener,'' sold the Knife to the· Spoon, "he Is such a grind. I see him edging . up to me now."

Flattery Ovordon�. That Is line, and 1 would have praised you more I! you had praised me less.-Louls XIV. .

Popular DeBar Excursion to Lake Hopatcong viR New Jersey Ceutml every Sunday. Speoinl trnlu leaves Westfield nt 0.48 n. m.

STATE Or 01110� CITY Or ToJ,EDO, ! 8.11. I�UOAS COUNTY li'rBnlt .T. Cheney makes oath tllllt he fs flentor port ncr of tho firm ofF, .T. Obeucy & Co., dotng buain�s lu the Otty or Tolldo; County urul Stllte nfor�ni<l, nrul tlutt Sllitl flrrn wUl tlllY tho aum o! ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS farenclo and every case I of Oatnrr1J tlmt mmnot be cnrt><l by the use of Hnll's C1tt.nrrnh Onre.

FRANK ,J, OHENEY. Sworn to berore mo nnd suhccrihed in r��CCIICC this Uth dny, ot December, A. D.


That the next meeting of the Mutual Bnildl Loan Association will be hdtl on Monduy nt · · Septen�her 1 4th, � new series will be opened npprox1mntely $3,000.00 will be lonned,

Take the Firat Step townrd owning your own home by joining ntion nt thnt time, For particulars, see

A OAS RANOE Is Something that every Householder should have

N O DI RT, HERT O"R RSHES 8 1 4.00 to 128.00

The Cranford Oas Light Co. 196 BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD, 11.

J. N. Worl

Rea l Estate and Land Old Westfield Hotel Block

For the Sale and Purchase of





Sites tn Highland

Oval · and

Stoneleigh · Park, and Lawrence A

other good I



W. 0. Tunison TAILOR-to-MEN .

PARK AVENUE, opposite North



mul you get wis<lom. If your yonng· sters 11eed school books choose them here. Get the kiml th11t will prove iu· terestiug ns well ns instructive 11nd they will oujoY' their studies.

DRY BOOKS FOR CHILDREN d,o not teach them nuything but a\·er· s1on to study. Get your books here nnd they will deri v� both wis<lom nud

eujoyuicut from their contents. .





If You Stub Your Toe on- Tuttle's Door Walk !" and Buy Your Coal Supply

For Winter Will Soon Be If you don't pass our way_;_ Phone I Prompt de� . liveries made and careful attention given to ail our customers. ·

Lumber and. Mill Work We have a complete line of miil work for :" •.• ,.;n••· ' and exterior finish, Price list furnished on tion.

Tuttle Bros., seemed to sink out of sight into the been for any gener:tl!on. Give them porter. . ground. . healthy bo<lles, well-stocked minds and '"Tho subway," - said uncle With a ; I ha<l never believed In ghosts and a determin u t r "Tl th 1 11 always ridiculed . ghost ·'S'torles, . a'nd I .

a. on o succeed, and thev I rawn. . Je wny.

. ey


'us e a man

(SEAT,.) . NOTAUY Punnc Htlll's Ont11rrh Cnre iq tldten tntcrllntiy ' d nets 1llrectly on the blo()U nnd mucous stnf,:� Of fhc SyStem� 8mul for testlJnonJuJ� ft'{'C,

SprinG St. and South Ave. . / will make their place in the world._: ln lh.at p]aco is n. dis�race. ha4 hpd n_o fea.r or. jho.ii!thf ot the ··I!· Detroit F'ee Preas. ·•r:u: l\;;'; Ym·(c . Jtcc)f, uncle? How . '' ; -· . : ·'

·-. , . . . - '

· .. :·-'".�_::�� -· . ;: ' ..

li · ,J, CHENEY & UO 'J.'oletlu 0 Rold by nil Dntggf�tR, 'i5c. ' ' • ' '

TohoH•Il'• P•mll)' Pill• for COIL'lth•lltJou, TELEPHONE · .. :.· .· ' �-�·-:·:'� : .:.�,.:;; .. ,: