heels & deals june 2012 socialmedia presentation

Socialize www.socialize.ae BIG IDEAS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Session by Akanksha Goel, Partner at Socialize.ae Agency June 18 th , 2012

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1. Socialize www.socialize.ae BIG IDEAS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Session by Akanksha Goel, Partner at Socialize.ae Agency June 18th, 2012 2. What are they doing online? Source: Real Opinions Middle East Online Panel More respondents (over a quarter or 28%) in Saudi Arabia play games daily. This compares to 16% in the UAE). There is also a marked difference in the proportion of respondents who play games monthly, as this is 13% for Saudi, and only 6% for the UAE. 3. 1. CUSTOMER KNOWS BEST. 4. 2. PICK ONE & DO IT WELL. 5. 3. USE YOUR OFFLINE CONTENT, ONLINE. 6. 7/18/2013 8 7. 7/18/2013 9 8. 4. TURN YOUR PAGE INTO A LEAD- GENERATING MACHINE 9. Page Insights A majority of male from 13-24 year old likes the Radisson Royal Hotel. Almost 5,700 fans are from India followed by people from UAE and Turkey. However, most people indicated that they live in Dubai and use English as main language on Facebook. Number of fans: 9,098 The people number of people who see updates about the page in their ticker, news feed, or on the page has reach 600 fans. However we can notice a very high number of people who read about the page thanks to their friends activity or Facebook ads 10. Facebook Advertising 6,458 Facebook users became fan of the page after clicking on one of the ads. After seeing one of the ads 868 Facebook users liked or shared with their friends one of the post on the page. 11. 5. EXPERIMENT WITH VIDEO MARKETING. 12. Will It Blend ? Blendtec Blendtec was a faceless B2B/B2C blender manufacturer that couldnt afford a traditional marketing campaign Published low-cost videos of CEO blending everything from iPhones, hockey pucks to the financial bailout Launched the website WillitBlend.com and a YouTube channel ROI Videos went viral generating millions of dollars in brand recognition Channel Views: 3,469,098 Subscribers: 183,949 Online Blendtec blender sales increased 500% The videos have made over $50,000 in ad revenue turning the marketing department into a profit centre Lessons learned: Be entertaining and keep it relevant to your brand (the videos promote the durability of their blenders without an overt sales pitch) Experiment the idea might not have worked, but what could they lose? 13. www.youtube.com/my_video_insight 14. 6. SCHEDULE WHEN INSPIRED. 15. 7. REALIZE THAT SOCIAL MEDIA ISNT FREE. 16. Basics of a Facebook Page 17. Facebook page/promotional guidelines 18. 7/18/2013 25 FB Ads: The Basics CPC (Cost-Per-Click) You pay each time some one clicks on your advert. Use this pricing if you want to drive a specific action to you Facebook Page. These ads are very effective. CPM (Cost-Per- Thousand Impressions) You pay based on the number of people who see your advert. Use this type of payment ONLY if you want to raise general awareness within a targeted audience. Bidding The suggested bid range shows you the range of bids that are currently winning the auction among ads similar to yours. At the agency we constantly and manually monitor the range to make sure that the bid price is within suggested pricing range provided for your ad. (If the bid is below the range, no one will see the ad however, if the bid is above the range were wasting valuable money). Your maximum bid is the most you'll pay for a click on your ad or per thousand impressions delivered depending upon whether you chose to pay per click (CPC) or per thousand impressions (CPM) What makes FB ads so much more effective? You can target your ad by country, age & relationship/marital status! Please note, the smaller the target audience, the more expensive the ad is per click. 19. 7/18/2013 26 20. 7/18/2013 27 21. 8. GIVE AWAY THE SECRET SAUCE. 22. 9. KEEP DISCOVERING LITTLE TIPS/TRICKS: 23. 10. TAKE SMALL STEPS AND BE PATIENT. 24. BE CREATIVE. 25. SMALL BUSINESSES CAN DO SOCIAL MEDIA; IT'S JUST ABOUT BEING SAVVY ENOUGH TO INCORPORATE SOME OF YOUR STRATEGIES INTO PROCEDURES THAT ALREADY EXIST. NO BUSINESS CAN BE EVERYWHERE, SO FOCUS YOUR EFFORTS TO CONNECT AND ENGAGE IN THE COMMUNITIES THAT ARE MOST IMPORTANT TO THEM; NOT JUST WHERE YOU THINK IT WILL BE "COOL" TO HAVE A PROFILE. 26. A summary: To gain fans, followers and connection Be human. Youre not a detached observer, but a participant who need to share and give back instead of just taking. Its all about karma. The community wont share with you unless youve shared (your experiences, your thoughts, your passions) with them. Take it offline, promote your social platforms along with the monthly editors note. Create badges on your email signature and websites Commit: Dont put a toe in the water and expect to create more than a ripple. Dive in. Experience in the best teacher. Through the course of a day you come across a lot of information. Share it. Find what youre good at and something you can be consistent with. Make sure youre doing it every day. 27. 7/18/2013 38 Suite 218 & 415 (Duplex) Loft Offices 2 Dubai Media City Tel: +971 4 4308575 Fax: +971 4 4308574 Twitter: @SocializeAgency Facebook.com/SocializeUAE Blog: www.socializeblog.com Lets Get Social: 28. Facebook, Twitter, Internet and Mobile Subscription Rates in the Arab Region: (Arab social media report July 2011) Country Estimated Number of Active Twitter Users (Avg. between Jan 1st and March 30th, 2011) Twitter penetration* (%) Number of Facebook users (4/5/2011) Facebook penetration* (%) Internet users per 100 ** Mobile Subscriptions per 100 ** Bahrain 61,896 5.01 302,940 36.83 53.00 177.13 Egypt 131,204 0.15 6,586,260 7.66 24.26 66.69 Jordan 55,859 0.85 1,402,440 21.25 26.00 95.22 Kuwait 113,428 3.63 795,100 25.51 36.85 129.85 Lebanon 79,163 1.85 1,093,420 25.50 23.68 56.59 Oman 6,679 0.23 277,840 9.37 51.50 139.54 Qatar 133,209 8.46 481,280 30.63 40.00 175.40 Saudi Arabia 115,084 0.43 4,092,600 15.28 38.00 174.43 UAE 201,060 2.43 2,406,120 50.01 75.00 232.07 English is the language of choice for most users in seven Arab countries, while French is the language of choice in five Arab countries, with Arabic the language of choice for most users in three Arab countries. The remaining countries Facebook populations were split between Arabic and English. The availability of various language interfaces could partly explain the larger number of Facebook users in the region, as compared to Twitter users, as Twitter has yet to launch its Arabic interface.