heckler & koch hk g3 assault rifle

AUTOMATIC RIFLE Caliber 7.62 mm x 51 Nato i^iPi HECKLER & KOCH GMBH OBERNDORF/NECKAR GERMANY ^*ECKL£fl 4 KOCH hnva auThonMd SUHVrV^L BOOKS HC. <o pLWIshih^ urioPficlLd ri^^^ offlml .pflnuHl , ihB part mjmEarr iWK»ftSGnfl5 . aiid wm* fJ ih» iBchnicfll dala oro no[ «^ coniBGiBd rega-arriB me omivflW. T Mia Ib prinifHlNvUfi the knd |i-f.rni,latiti^ oF Hhi rrnrMPjiauf#f a abiKL iiiei^rra GOlioaiyfi audHiEi QUFQiriltrn, sml mihiaiy and Ish sFiFnrcBm^nL personnef.

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Page 1: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle


Caliber 7.62 mm x 51 Nato




^*ECKL£fl 4 KOCH hnva auThonMd SUHVrV^L BOOKS HC. <o pLWIshih^ urioPficlLd ri^^^offlml .pflnuHl


ihB part mjmEarr iWK»ftSGnfl5.aiid wm* fJ ih» iBchnicfll dala oro no[ «^

coniBGiBd rega-arriB me omivflW. T Mia Ib prinifHlNvUfi the knd |i-f.rni,latiti^ oF Hhi rrnrMPjiauf#f a abiKL iiiei^rra GOlioaiyfi audHiEiQUFQiriltrn, sml mihiaiy and Ish sFiFnrcBm^nL personnef.

Page 2: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle





Pal 1 : Description of the Waapon and Accessories

Part 2: Operating tnstructions and Maintenance

TTiis is nol an official manual. Under no circum&taroes shall Ihe reader contact th« manufacturerregarding any data pr&serrted in this pamphisl.



Copyrighl© HECKLER & KOCH INC,

Page 3: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle



1.1. r.


1 A .3.






t, 5,1.1.


1 51.3.





1 5-2.


DoMriptlon of tile woa|»n

General InforniB-tion

Design ation . . -l . . . .

Applicability , .

Ga-neral descrlpilon

GenarpI IIFuatratPOna .,,.,.,.Aesembly groups >.,,.,..Technical data

, ,

Technical deecriptlon - , , .

Conatructign ,,,....,,,,.,.. ^ , ,

Barrel ^ith rscaiva-r. loading

mechanlem and eights, , ,

Bolt aae-erihly ..-.....,.,Grip Bs&embly with trigger mechanism , uBack pifite with tkutt Atock ISHandguard .-,... 19










. 7

. 12


Optical sighting d^'^lces

Training flqulpm-ent ,



Trigger mechanlBm . .











2. Operating InMructlona

including malmenanca

Opefaling Instructions - -. . .

Prindptea t>n handling and operplign

P^epa^B^lor> of the ririe fcr flrin-g

2,1,2,1. Loading

2122 Firing

11,2.3. Unloading ........2-1 ,2-4, Filling find emptytng of magazir^ Launching of nfla grenad^ea . . Fifing with training equipment .










Page 4: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle


2.1.3. Employmtrrt erf ths wwkRon with ***0*

optlul iighling dftvicu 41

2.1.3.i< G3 tilaicopio t^ht with mount . r t 41

2.1r3,2r lnfr*-r#J night ilghtSr^gdavIM

with mourn 43

2.14. EmplovrntRt oF th« waepan on

•xtr«mt cllmattc condiuona 43

2,2, Maintononco 44

22A. G«n«ral i4

S.2.2. Olnaawnbly and r«*u«<nbly

of nfia and training oqulpmant for dMinIng 44

t^^- l^m* achttdula lor niAint*ur>Oft 51

2.2.4. MBlnterwiGft inuruAL^na 52

22Z. SpMtftI hintt r«S«rdlng m««na•nd toolA for mBlrttwuincs . ^ 52

ZZ^ Furwthon^ng tBBt . ,53

2.2.7. CauMA <ii malfunotton andthtir tllmtnatlon by the rifbman i . r 54

Page 5: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

1,1. GENERAl, INFORMATION\AA. DeilflnatlArt

PiMe 7.62 fnmx51

Fig. 1: Rifle G3A3

1,1.2 Applicability

The PIffe G3 j» an aulomaJic gruall arm which permits to fire single shifts or ahortburets from all firing posillohA.

M.3 General il«9crlpCJon

The fiali^nl features of the G3 are simple handling, instaf^t coi^bat readiness.ej<cellent accuracy' and hiQh firepower. \[ Ie light of weight, most reliable in itsfunctipns and fcca parte are fully Interchangeable.

The G3 Ib recoiJ-op&rated wflar>on with Hxed barrel Incoipprating a Bplil blow-back locking aysJarn.

Cartridges erg Fed from a 20-r&und maga?ine or. In case, inaerled manually

Rifl^ grenades can be launched from this ^eap^n Th-is, however, r^qulrefi a pro-pell ant charge.

A blank etiachment makes the firing of blank cartfidges possibly

The BubQslibre conversiori hit i& a training eqylpin&nt to the Rrfle G3 for thefiring of 5.6 mm ^ 15 aubcaldbre ammunition.

In g^^e of practice finng the G3 erandard boll aeaemblv can be replaced by abolt fcr the firing cf plaatip trgiring ammunltronn

The excellent firing acqurecy permits tha uee aa sniper rifle. With the providedlelescDpic Big-ht the G3 can fae used aa a anrpe-r rifle-,

WJth the Rifle Ga Cartridges 7.62 mm K 51 of all NATO countries ten be fired.

Page 6: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle


Fig. 2: G3A3 from the left

Fig, 3: G3A3 from the right

WeBpon G3A3 with plastic butt stock and pfastic handguard. H^ndguflrd fixed at

the loading level" houfling {fr&& floating barrelj.

Fig. 4: G3A5 ZF from the kft

Fig 5: G3A3 ZF from Ihe right

Weapon G3A3 ZF, seme wefaion as G3A3. but with teleetot>ic sight

Page 7: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

Fig 6: G3A4 ffftfn the left

FIb. 7: G3A4 from the right

W&apon Q3A4 with reUactable buH Block, plashc handguard fixtd fit ths loadinglever housing- [free fbeting barrelj.

Page 8: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle



Length c( iha weapo-n with rigid butt Block

Lengthof the weflpjon with retractablfl butt stock

Breadth c^f vhe weapoi^

Height of She weapon with magazine

Length of the barrel

Distance between sights

Length ol twiBt. pefmanenriy to the rlghtJiand

Number of the grooves

Number of the chamber grooves

Weight of the weepon with rigid butt stock,

without magazine

Weight of the weapon wiTh relrnctsble butt

etock, without magarine

"Weight of the aluminium magazine, flffed

Weight of the steef rri^g^zln?. fille-d

Cyclhc rpte

Muzzle velocity - Vs -

Muiile energy - Eo -

Sighting grad-jatlon

Longest range

Norrraal rgnge of use up to

Safety limit in the fkln-g dir-ectir>n

Safety limit on &ach ej-de

Protruding pNOint of the firing pm

DiatencBb-atween bolt htad and bolt heed carrier

7.62 mm X 51 NATO40.15 In. {1020.00 rnm)

ai.-igin. ( 600.00 mrr)

1.77 In. ( 45.«mm)

3.6S in. ( 220.00 mm)

17,71 in, { 450.00 mm}

22 48 In. ( 57Z.0Cmm>

12 00 in. ( 305.00 mm)



&,37lba. (4,25 kpj

g.9Q lb£. (-1.52 kg)

21.^5 07. CO 622 kg)

26,54 07. CO 752 kg)


?559-2624f p.a. [790 - BOO m/s)

209a-2170ft.lb. C290 BOOmke)

TOO, 200, 300 and 400 metrea

404S yd- [3700 m)

437 yd. C 400 m)

4370 yd- [4000 mj

1093 yd. (lOCOm)

l.-IS mm0.5 - 0.1 mm

Page 9: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

1,5, TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION1.5.1. Convtructlon


Rg $: Cro^S Section


Page 10: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle Barrel wrth recalver. Ic^^ding mechanism and slghti

Fig. 10: Components, barrel, receiver, bading mech^nlem and Bights

1 Receiver with barrel, loecJing

houHing. fro;it sighi holder, andrelease lever

2 Barrel

3 Cyllndricfll pin

4 Fronl sight holder

5 Fl^Sh hide-r

€ Cap

7 Bush lor release lever

fl Paleaee lever

9 Clamping sleeve

10 ConlacC bullon far naQSiirteos.Cch



MagaJine catch

12 Coniact piece for magaume cstch

13 Contact spring for mags^Ine gate


14 Pin for s^cp abutment

15 AkIs foj* loading handle

16 Loading handle

17 Elbow apring for loading handle

13 Conteet piecs for loading handle

19- Fix pJale for flight support

20 Locking washer

21 Binding ec^W22 Rotary rear sight

23 Co iTi press ion spring for b-^ll eatch

24 Ball

25 Adjuering screw

Page 11: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

The receiver (n/1) centaine the- bfifrel (11/2)- bedirtg mechartlam t^^-lJ sndsighca (1V&),

Fig, 1t: B-ftrrel wnth receiver, loading

mechflnism and sights

On the right ^nd le^< 6ide of the receiver gro-ou^g. are irripres&e-d to -gyide the bolt

and to Seal the back plate. In Srant thera ara li^o openings to receive barrel cj:-

tenaion and barrel, as well aa the bading- lever housing (1V5>,

Tho back plate closes the receiver al tho rear. The iowe-r r-aar part of ilie rocciver

is bo-H-type shaped ar\d prcvicied v/ith 2 tubular nv-ets to store the locking pins

linking the grip saseinbly and th& back plat« to the receiver.

At the l^rQnt psrt pf th^ r^c^iu^r 3re tho magazine shaft and the magazin^e catqh,

two hcies with buahee for the locking pine o\ the giip eBeembiy.

On the right si^« of the re<;eiver i$ the ejection pa.rt. The sight base is- we'ded on

the reti&iver.

The telescopic sight rnount ts located on the front part of the 3ight base- On the

left and n-ght aide of ths receiv-er are 4 recceaes for the engaging of t-eleseopic

3»ght mount and clamping cia-ws.

The- nnsgaiine shaft serves in connection wiih the mag-a^ina catoh (10/11) to lo-

cate and Mi the- magazine

The loading lever hocusing is IrLserred \fi the rec-elver end spot-weldecl, A U-shaped

bow Ctl/"3) la welded -^n Xq the front end of the i-o*iding l^v^r hpusing for the lo-

cating of the handguard lockincj pin.

The loading lever lioueing has on its left suds a longiludinaiiy slotted hols wfhich

hae- at its end an a^rt-ansion to the right aide in whi-ch The Inedirig lever eng^^ee

[10/16), in thie slotted hole slides the loading isvsr wlih lU spnng (10^173 ai^d

support {10/18}. With the loading lever and auppcrt the bolt iS drawn back COrtl-

pressmg the Te-soii eprin^ aimuitaneouaiy, In front the SMpport and the loading

leve-r are iimilsd by Ihs iiCop sbutnneri^ The e-top abutmerit in attached to the

loading lever hi^ysing by mqpns of a rivet {10/14). At the left aide thie riveted pin

emergas as a stud. The loading lever engageG on it when the bolt snaps forward

The lo-ading lev-er hoiising is cloeed m front by a oap (10/6); a sot boll with apring

holds the insened cap in the I'Pnt sight [IQ/^).


Page 12: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

Barrel [Fig, 12^

In the barrel the cartridge la fused arid given motion, direction and twlat frlght-hAnded twislj. Tha Interior gf ihe barrel consiale of the chamber (IJ and tha rifSed

part [2) In th-e latt&r 6r& A grggve^.

Fj^. 12: Barrel

whfch have a constant Iwiat to the right. The chamber has 12 flutes which facifi-lale lh« extraction of the cartridge case utHJrlng th& gas preaeur&. Th^ rnnzzle is

pr^^vided wilh a Ihread where Ihe flaeh hjder (Z) or rather the Wank attachmentcan be screwed on. Behind the thread a centering shoulder IB located ^or bett-arguidance- while ecrewing on.

The langitudinal graoves behind the cei^tering shoulder a^rve ae caichea fgr theretaining spring of the fJflsh hider or rather of Jhat of the Wank attachmonl.

RaahhldprCFig, 13)

The tiAfp fMnctlons of the fla^U hider (^) are to hide the muzzle flaeh and tg guide(he h'ille grenade. The longitudinal algts in it3 front part ap:Jt iha mjizle gasaes.At the rear a renaming spring (2J

Fig. 13 Flash hIder

la set which enflagea m tha notches and prevents tha flash htder or rather theblank attachment from looeaning T^e flash hide-r is screwed on ynlil \i \e in tightcontact wilh the- niyijle of the b-arreJ.


Page 13: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

Rotary rur sight device [Fig. ^A, 15 and 1€)

Th& ai^htihQ device consisls ol Ihe fixed front eight with front Bight holder £14/1]

and the rotary rear sight which is gdjustable in the- vertical and ht^ri^ohtal direc-


The rotarj' rear sight (notchj and diopter holes may be turned fr6m position 1 to 4

These fi-gures correspond tc distance a from 100 to 40C^ metres, Posit lori"

I ' ta an

open V-alght, In the poaitlona "2, 3 and 4" dioplier holes are used Pgaitign "2"

Bervea as basic sight. The opem V-sight corresponding to a dl&cance of 100 ^. ra

an auxlliarv sight,

Fig. 14. Flocary rear ai^ht dei/ice


Page 14: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

The frthnl slqht holdec Cl5yiJ wilh bush for from sight holdar ClS/PJ js »Qt on th^barr&f a^d ^oWered softly to the fatter in addltron to that the frorH sight holder Jdriveted on ihe barrel by m^ana u\ an eyebolt (i5/3> which slso serves to attachthe carrying elmg. In the front part al th? fror>t si^hl holder i?^ the snap nno (15/4)whrdi prevents the rifls grenade from stipplng off. The ijppermoat pad cf theFront sight la developed as e protection c\ the sight The front eight {^5/b') »&pushed Into a longitudinal slil and fixed by a cJampmg sleeva (15/6).

Fig 15; Front sight holder Fig. \8: Rotary rear sight

The Bight ba?« (16/1) is welded on the receiver and the sight cylinder 06/2) withIts thread St^rei^ed on the &l^hl support (16/3) Th& two catch bolls fl6/4) andcatdi bolt springs [16/5J are located between the rotary screw socket in Che sightSupport and the ¥f9ht cylinder, The hall (16/6J and compres5if>n spring flfi/7) presssgainat the scfe™ socket and lock the sight cylinder Irt rhe adj^t^ted fth^ollnadistance,

With fix plate iwm. locking washer (16/9) snd binding screw [T6/10^ tha sightSupport J& screwed OH tha Sight base. The roiary rear sight is adjjeted by mEBneof the Adjusting acrew {le/i i).


Page 15: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle BdltatAfimbly C^ig. ;t]

1 Bolt h-ead carrier with Check lauer B Cifiraping pin

2 Cyllndricet pin 9 Poll Isolde


3 Ch&ck lever 10 Lo^tng roll-ara

4 Compreeslcn ?p''*n0 11 Locking piece

E Bolt head 12 Firing pin spring

6 Extractor ep-ring 13 Firing pin

7 ^tractor

Fig. 17: Loctfing piece

The bolt locks the barrel at the mo-ment cf hre, it is- -guided m the receiver endfeeda thfl cartridge, exira-cia- and ejects the cartridge c-ase, and ccckg the hs-rnn^E-.


Page 16: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

The t>olt head cftrrier along wjth th& recoil apring tube E1) cerrl^s the t>olt head[S) On both eidea it has fituds wher&by It slides \r\ the guiding grooves of the re-ceiver. In its longitudinal bore lies the firing p|n [13] with the firing pin spring fl23end the lodiing piece (W). In tt^ recess si the front side It rBceiv^sIhe bolt hasdAt the upper lelt side of the bolt head carrier sila the bolt head locking lever (3)With bolt (2) and apring (4). The boll head lodging i^var retains Che bolt heed bymeans of il3 shoulder at the moment the locking UI^qq place, and a rebounding ofth@ bolt j& thus im-posBlble.

The recoil spring lube of tha bolt head carrier receives the reooil spring with re-coil spring tube pnd the abutment for the guide ring of the recoil spring. Bolthead and locking piece are seated in the bolt head earner and are held by thebolt head lucking lever at the ahoulder. It la bored end milled in order to guidethe front part of the locking piece, the firing pin and the locking rollers {^G) withtheir holding plate (9). The lower side of the bolt head ie of nb-type shape. It csn-lelne a longitudinal groove for the ejector and miiied-out portions to give freepccess 10 the lips of the magaaine. The Berricircjiar shoulder confines the move-ment of th& Inserted bott head In the bngitudmal direction.

The extrflctor {7) i? !oodied at the face of the bolt head. It is herd by the exlrectorspring (6). "With its extracling claw it gets hold of the cartridge caee at the cir-

cular groove.

The locking piece in connection ™rth the locking rollers regulates the locking andur»lggking of the bolt head in ihe barrel extensjon. its foremost part, which Ie

nattenad. alidad in the bolt head. \\» cylirkdricel rear haa a nose which holds it mthe bolt head earner. The locking piece is drilled along lis longitudinal ania rfer theguidance of the firing pin,

The firing pin fIres the cartridge. It \a guided in the boll bead, the ipckir^g pieceend the bolt head cerri&r. Ita collar serves aa abutment for the firing pm spring.


Page 17: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

1,5.1-3- Grip we^mbly with trigger mAchanlftin (Fig 1S)

1 Grip eeaemtly2 Trigger ass-embly

3- Locking pih

4 Grip

5 Cylindei screw

5 Toothed washer7 Safety mecha^iBm

Fig. 16 Grip aea^mbly

The grip 3¥&emb-ly 0) serves Ic the insertion of the trigger aaBembly [2) and is

Fix&d to the receiver by meeni of tht locking piiie [3). The ^f\p (4] \d sllpp&d OVer

rhe gfip ift&e-ennbly ar\d fixed by means of & la-ns head screw tS) which ls checke-d

by s. toothed washer (&). On both aides of the grip assembly angijiar supp-orta are

preaaed in to recpftive the trigger essembiy. The safety pin (7] fixes the trigger

case Iriae-rte-d in the grip. The thrEs-position seiEctivE fire iever la siTuafed on the

left side &f the grip assembly providing for;

3 = safe (in whjta)

E = singie fire (red)

F = buret fred)


Page 18: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

A whire mark on th& Isce of the safety pin iiidical^s sleo on ?he right side of thegrip aseemblj' ihe correapondjng pcaitior of the ftei^cllve fira laver,

Fig. 19 Safely rnechanlsm


l^ll aide oF the weapon

Fig. 20: Safety rn-tthanism -

rjght side of iha weap^on

The grip aaeemhiy [2} receives all cormponflnte of the trigger mechaniam, h^nrtitejeglor and eafaty mechanism.


Page 19: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

t.5.1.4. Bach pLsta wHh butt stock

(1^ Batk place with rigid butt itock (Fl^. 21>

1 Butt Etock with holder fo-r buffer


7 Butt plate

3 Buffer flcrew

4 Toothed ^ssher

5 Safe-ty p-late

6 Tubular nvei

7 BtJs-h fc»r lubuler rivst

B Back plate with recoil spring tube

9 Driving a&ring

10 Guide ring

11 Stop pin

12 PIvet

13 Buffer ssaembly

14 Counters-unk screw

15 Toothed washer1€ Locking pin$

Fig. 2L Back plats "filh rigid

butt Stock

The bad* p^ate with butt stock eloaee Che rear of Th^ receiver, It ib fixed to the

latter by mflans of two locking pins flS). The buffer ase^mbly (13) ia located In

tho back &:ate. It b fi^t^d gbove the holder lor buffer housmg (1) \ry front by means

0* 2 countersunk acrews i']^'), sftd at the And by the buffer screw (33. The rgp<>il

spflng tube ie riveted In the upper pari of the bsck plate. On th& lecoil spnrig

lubo slide the guld* rin^ (10) and the driving spring (9), which are held by the

stop pin (11).

The bijll stods (1) permits an ad&quata handling cl ths weapon and its putting

against the shoulder. On the Left aide of the bull etock the ellng holder is trimm&d

in. When the weapon is Biripped, lh& tubula*^ rivete t6J serve aa place for the

locking pine. The butt siock is closed by a plate {Z). the iwo binding springs of

which catch above the ryt& rivets and are thus fixed,


Page 20: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

The buffer sasembly [Fig. 2?)




1 BufFar screw 9

2 Toothed wEahar3 Safely plate

4 Countersunk gcew5 T-DOlhod WAdher& Holder for buffer housing7 Closing a crewB Buffer spnrt^9 Buffer bolt

10 Buffer housing8 7 6

Fig. 22. Buffer aeeei^bly

The hgFF^r aeeembly cuehiona the boll aftar the shot ha^ b&en fired, and throwsIt forward again In conjunolicn with the recoil spring.


Page 21: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

12} Back plate with rsLraclable butt stQck (Fig. 23)

\ Butl stock 7 Buffer bt>ll

2 Becl< plate a Buffer spring

3 Recoil spring 9 Buffeif s-crew

4 Guide ring 10 Spring loaded gripping buei

5 Stop pin 11 Cap6 RLuet 12 Gfipp-mg lever

13 Motched ring

14 Spring ring

15 Locking pin



Fifl. 23: Back plate with relrac(able butt stock

The "back plaie with retractable tutt slock" can be r'tplsced b^- the back T>la^e

with fixed Chlsstic buw eiock"

Tt^e spring loaded gripping lever 003, the gripping lei'erti 2] ard the notched ring

(13) are placed gn the buffer houeing. Thsy are held by ^^e gpnng ring (14"). A1

the rear tha cap [II) covers the back plate (2>,

B[>th guide rails ar'e welded on !o the convejiedly formed bull plate These

two guide rall3 slide on ihe buffer housing end ar« led n^to Iha ^uide gr&ove o\

the liQuamg at nnounted butt stock.

A reinforced butt sl-^ck cover stsbilizte the butt stock V) when launching gre-



Page 22: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

The buffer asaembly (Fig. 24)

1 Bijffer flgr^w

2 Buffer Sprung

3 Buffer bolt

4 Compressian spring

5 Bolt

S Back plata

J- --

Fl-g, 24: Buffer aaaembly

Th-e comoreHsion spring (4) wirh bolt (5J la located in th« buffer s-crsw (1), Whenunlpqking the- butt etock fur extraction kC Is pushed out of its catch by mEHna of

the COrhpressBon spring wilh bolt {4 and 5).

1.5.1.S. Handguard (Fi$. 25]

Th-e pfaaiic handguard (i) covers tl^e barrel from below and laclNtates the hand-ling of the rifle when the barrel j^ hct.

Thfl lining nvelefl into the handguard sBrves ss protectlian sgaifiaf hefiting ol Thehandguns rd-

The looking pin [2] serves- as fastening.

Fi-g. 25; Handguard

Page 23: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

1,&1.6. MfigMln« (Fig. 26 and 27)

1 Magazine housing

2 Foll&wflr

3 Ftillpwer spring with safety plote

4 M^gAzlne- cov^f

The magaiin-e re-celv^* l^e cartridges

snd assures the cartridge f^&d. Ir Is a

straight box-type ma-gazine and hus -a

C-ap9City c( 20 partridgea.

Fig. 26: Light metal mflgwine

B&Gldes the sbavQ deGcrii;>ed light

rn^t^l magazine (fi^. 26) a steel msga-

z\r\ii (Fig. 27} Is avallatkle.

1 Magazine housing

2 Fo 1 1 owe r

3 Follower aprjng

4 Megezlne cover

Fig 27 Sl«el ma^azina^^



Page 24: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

1 5.1.7. Optical sighting dewicaa

(i; Teleaccpic sight G3 with mount (Fig. 28JThe telescopic aight is gs^d when the Rjflo G3 servsfl ae sniper riNe Jt &rNSt)l£i3

ths shooter to detect and aim al the Target by day pn^ In the duek, The majflmumhnng range l-o be focuaeed amounts lo -500 weires At Ig^ge-r dieten-ces ol thetergal '^ al^o makes the cbs&rvaTion <y1 the enemy and the effect on the targetpossible.

The telescopic Bight [1) la fij^ed la Ihe mount (2> by two ectsw^ (3),

The receiver of the weapon Is designed to receive a tol^sccF^ic aight with mounl,wiihout any special arrangements, th^ t^leact>plG Sight mounl jq marked with theeorrespording final number of ihe weapon.

Fig. 28: Telescopic sight G^^ with nouni

(2) lnfra-r«d night i9hMi9g d^vlpo with mount (Fig. 2$)

The infra-red right sighting device is intended (c be ueed m conjunction wilh Theflifle G3 for aimirg and obsahvatlor at night with mfre-rsd spolllghT.

On night-cp^ratJons It enables the shooter to ^bee^ve and elm at infra-red illu-

mination by ipieana of the Inlra-red spot[ight belt>nglng (O It.

The infra-red night sigihtmg device (1) Is fixed to the leleBcopIc e^ght mount {2)by twc streiAfs (3),

The receiver of the uueapon is designed to receive -a tel^sccpic aiciht mount wilhinfra-red night sighting device without eny special preparation. The telescopiceJght mount Is marked with the oorreap&nding final riumber of the weapon.

j>i .


Fig. 29. Infra-red night alghting device with mount

Page 25: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle


Training cC|uipniidnt

Blank attachmant fFig. $D)






Blank Bttechmenit

Fetalrting spring

Cylindrical pin

Noizle bol(

Cup spring

Fig, 30-: Blsrik sttachmsnt

The blank altachmeht (1) is ti irslrting device fo-r ihe firing of blank cartnd-gea. It

IS screwed -on la the barr-el Instead o^ Ihs Mash hider. The retaining spring (2) In

the resr part engage? in the barrel shoulder nicking aure ihat the blank attachmerii

does not gel loose by itself

In Iha front pari of the blank ^tt^chment the nozzle bolt (4) with cup springs (5J is

placed, fixed b-y rrae^na of a cylindrical pir« (3). The gas pressure can be regulaled

by turning the nozzle bolT.

The blank actachment has a dull chromiuni -plated finish to distinguish it froni the

flash htder,

{2} Plaitic training breech block ^Fig. 313

1 Belt head carrier 3

2 Bolt head with Clutcl^ piece 4

Firing pin

Firing pin spring

Fig 31 PledCic trslnirig breech block

The pleatic training breech block is ^ practice device tor the firing of plastic

training ammunition II is inserted into Iho nfle inetes-d of the- normal holt and is

not suited for the firing o( service ammunition. The weapon is fed svilh plaetic

training ammunition b-y means of the G3 maga^ine-


Page 26: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

The dimensions of th& boU he^d cai-rher C1J correspond to thgse of ih^ normsf G3bolt. A clutch piece ib inearted hrmly in the bott head (2J and connects bolt headend bolt h^ad carrier.

[3J SubcBlibra convBrdon Ui CFig, 32]

1 Subg^libre tube E

2 Bt>ir E3 Magazine £4 Contfllner E

Fjg. 32^ Subcalibre conversi-on hit

The conversit>n kit is a Training device for the firing oF flmmunillurt, calibre5.6 mm «16 (.22 LRf


Page 27: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

SubcalibrH tube E [Pig, 3^J

; SubcellbfQ tube E3 Lor;:king ring E

3 Bore1 Milled Burfaces

5 Cros-s slit

1 2

Fig. 33: SubcaElbre tube E

The long |;>art {^) ol the fl-ub^^e-litre tybe E ia placed in the G3 barrel. The bckmgring E (2) on the tube prevents A bosening from the barrel eiftenston at rsmoved

magazine and opened bo-It. The eubcalibre tube E ib additionally fused by me-ans

of a boll on the magaiine, engaging \^ the hLsre o( the tube reception (S),

The paraiiel sides {4] of the tube pievshl it Iroiti beii^g dietorred in the receiver

and barrel e^ftension. The extractor enters- Into the -oblique recessos (5-> at cloaed

bolt p-oBition. The chamber and the Girt-in grooves arg in the barrel.

Boh asBembly E (Fig. M 5nd 3^]

The belt essembLy E bcks the aubcalibre tube E when lirlng. It Is guided in the

fecelv&r and feeds snj ignites the cartridge, extracts end ejects the empty case

and cocks the hartimer.

1 Guide rod E

2 Bolt head ceiTiei- E

3 Bolt head E with e>;tr3Ctor

^1 Elecoll apring E

5 -Gulda sleeve E6 DLs^

7 Buffer aprmgS Safety plats

Jl I ' flc


ii o7 4

Fig. 34: Bolt assen»bly E


Page 28: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

The bolt head E vjixh extractor (34/3) connected with the gulcfe aleevs E (54/5) la

inserted In Che bolt heed carrier E (34/2). On the Qufda rod E (34/1^ tho recoil

apring E (3^/4) wilh dJac (34/6). buH^r spring (34/7J and safely pigte f34/3) araplaced.

The belt hes-d carfier ja activated only wh«i^ the weapon i» qo-ck&d.

Bolt head E (Fig 3&J

The boJt head £ {34/3) with eKtraclcr la placed m the bolt head cHrrjer (34/2).

1 Bolt guide E2 Extractor

3 Shock absorber

4 Firing pfh

5 Firing pin spring

6 Limit stop

7 Guide plate Ea u-dlp


Fig, 35; Bolt head E with foilowei

The extractor (35/2) ia d&tschebly Inserifld in Ihe b^lt guide E (35/1 J, which r'sceivsetho fihodi absorber (35/3: and the firing pin (35/4^. The firing pin spring (3&/5) andthe eompresaion spring are recei\/ed by the Ahock absorber, the couniarbearlngof which \s formed as limit slop C35/6J, The guide plata E (35/7) la located t>n therear side of the bolt guide, and ^t Ihe recoil of ihe bolt Jt presaee. the hemrnerdownwarda with ite ranp placed on tho lower aide. The U-eUp E (35/S) locks theMl guide above tha Jiniit stoip,


Page 29: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

MaouIhA E (Fdg. 36]

The magaziT^a E contains The cartrldgea-

end ESfldree the canrid^e Feed. H la s bar-

type magazine and has a c^p^c^ily f>f 20


1 Magazine housing E

7 Follower sprirg

3 Magazin-B cover

4 Follower

5 Follower fipi"ihpg With Baf-aty plate

6 MQgiQTilne cove-r

A subcslibm rrtagaaire housing with -ftlllng

piece is firmly fitted in the G3 standard

magaiine housing E (0- Thefonowereprmg

(5) seiieB the Bubtalibfe maga^ina hou-

akng and Th-a magailne- co^er f6) covers

the lower p&n of th« siandard magajlne



Fig. 36: Magazine E

Cantainer £ (Flp. 37)

The container recelw^e^ Iha converelon kil ^-

1 Subcalibre tube E

2 Bol-i E.aaembli' E

3 Mega^lne E^

4 Cleaning kit, cal 5 6 nim to 5.5 mm

Fig, 37: Container E

Page 30: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

1 .5.2. OporAtlon

1,5.2,1, BdK Cflg. 38. 39 anti 40]

The weapon le lo-ad&d, cccked and ready tc fira. By pulling th& trigger tha cocked

hammer la released and etrihes the firing pin (33/43 which fires the cartridge

(3S/1) with its point. The powder gas drives the proije-ctlle down ihe barrel f38/S],

At the Game time powder gasEee ere forced against the cartridge case. The car-

tridge case trensrmils a pert oi Ihe gas preeeure to the boEt h-eed (38/2) and lJi«rfl-

bythe backward movement fcs initiated.

1 Carthdge

2 Bolt head3 Locking piece

4 Firing pin

5 Barrel

6 Barrel extenelo-n

7 Locking roller

& Bolt hea-d carrier

"=1^mFig. 33: Boh in locked position

l^ua the bolt head carrier {38/B) is ectlvsted by means of the locking rollera

[33/T) and Xh^ lacking piece (33/3) ip the prop-grtion 1:4, en which occnalon the

locking rollers remain locked until the buEle^ h^s left the barrel. The locking rgll^r^

emerge- from the receesee (.39/1J In tho barrel ^extenfiion (SS/e) en-d ere preaslng

sgiLin^at the inclined faces of the locking piece. The locking pie-ce ehdes back andIh-Q locking rollers slip into the belt head ae far ss nece-seary to unlock the bolL

Fig, -3d: BoJt in unlocked poslllo^


Page 31: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

The lacking [^ilece with ita shoulders hits the bolt head earner and Qiv^a addlti&nsl

speed ta same. While sliding to the reer thg locking lever (40/1) ongagea from the

Bolt heed




fiW^^^3 /Fig, 40: Dieengagemerit of the locking lev^r

Bolt head end bolt head carrier eepsrat^ themdelves to a distance oE dbput S mmbut move further bp^^wardg together. While the bolt head Is moving baCkwarda

Ihe hammar is "dc^cked", Che rtfi-oil spring compreaaed, the cartridge case hold

by the esttracWr thua hits the ejeotor and is ejeciad Hn U& tearmost poeition the

bolt hits tho Ijuffer and le- stpppsd.

At the forward movarrent the energy of the- e^p^ndlng recoil spring end the ex-

panding buffer spring pushes the holt forward. The cartridge on top In the ma-gB-

zlne Is infls-rted into the chamber by the front surface of tJie bolt head. The en-

treclor hooks inlo the ring Qroove of tha b^ae of the cartridge cae-e. The locating

piece with ite deollnlng fece^ pushea the locking rollera outwards until ihei'

support themaeluea in the barrel ej<tensdon (3B/6), which locks the weapon. At

Ihe moment the lodging takee pl^^^fi the locking lever steps (Fig- 40) in front of the

shoulder of Kh^ bolt h^^d snd prevents the bolt head ! rebo-und.

The wcap-on Is once more re-ady to flr-s.


Page 32: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

IS 2.2. THgger mechanism(Fig- 41 -51)

1 Dolt h&ad tarrlei"

2 Filing pin

3 Release l-ever

4 Anvil lor hammer5 Tn^per spring

6 Hammer7 Safety pin

B Pressure shank ^n^ pr^asura


9 Catch

10 Elbow sprin-g with roller



Trigg-er lever

12 Trigger

Fjg. 41; Safety medianiBm at

posilicn "S" = safe

The weapon i? loaded ard the hammer f4i;6) is cocked. The At(s\y le^er (41/7)put or 'S" = safe. \n this poaition th* trigger C41/12) la blocked by the saJeTy pinand carhnot be pulled.


Page 33: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

Before firing

The safety lever pot on position "E" = ahgle Ht^- Ai alngle fire the trigger lever

t41/lO in connection with Its oblong kiok [43/1), the safety pin (41/71, Che elb^w

spring -^it^ roller {4VI0J, the catch for etngle fire C42/3) and the catch (cr triggsr

|«v@r (42M] as dLsconnACtor con^e& into acilork,

1 Si1<Jlng Burface

2 Catch for buret

3 Catch tor eingle fire

4 Catch for trigger lever

5 Recess for amflle fire

Fi^. 42: Functionm-g poellloti o'

trigger qarte at pQ&ltlcn

"E- = single fire

The trigger lever with its oblong hole can be shifted al;>out i 5 mm m Its longitu-

dinal cdirectlon,

1 Qblor^g hole

2 Compresslori bo[l with spring

3 Trigger rollers

4 Surface centr-a oi preaeure-


Fig 43: Trigger lever

Page 34: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

in unopflrated pcsllion. which means without pressgre from the hammer, thecrigger lev-er js steadJy being puHhed forward by m^ens of its pressure boli withspring f43/ZJ. As agon ^5 the hiinmer witl^ m singie fire noTch (42/3) c&mefl in

connection with \h^ tng^er iaver, lh& \etlei is pushecl backwards overcoming thapower -oJ the pressure bait snd ila spring,

[No^e direction of arrow in Fig. ^3}.

This short icngitudinai rngv^rnent cau&ea a singie shoL The catch with its roii&r

^41/10) puShee 6t eingle fire !he tng-ger iever tteadiry against Ihe hammer notg3i.

Slrgl.B firH [Fig. 44)

The boil body preeees ^^fi reiea^e lever f4V3) and Thus the sear caich (41/3)forward Th& hsmmer (41/6) is only re-tainerf l^y the digger lever (4V1 1).

Fig. 44: Gl-.fi& fire function - centra of pressure -

Wher pufling Ih-e Irigcjrr I'h extendlr^g lever with its recess reaches into thegr-Dove of the safety pi-i limiting the mov-amem -of the trigger. At the aeirie time therser part of the trigger itver l@ being iifled, the front part towers and diBongeges^rom Ih-e singie (ire notch.

Fig. 45. Peieasing of harsimor ai

Page 35: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

The hammer Is raleBHed {^i^. 45), hite the firingF>""^

flrifl firea the cartridge (Fig. 46}.

Fig, 46: FJrIng

At thia moment ihe pressure on the trigger lever coming from the hemfii^r i^

beiing taken off and the in-gger lever goee forward [Fig. 47).

Fig, 47: Afler firing

The trigger is aii3] being locked, With the forward tnoverrsent of the trigger lever

Irs rear part endpt under the preeeure of the e-lb-ow gpring wi-ih roller into th©

trJgger lever notch (42/4^,


Page 36: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

fiACkwArd mov»mant

Atler Ihe cartridge ha* left Ih^ barrel, the bolt

tamer pushes Che hartimar backwards <Fig. AQ]

goes back and the bolt head

Fig. 43: Bolt backward rrovemant

Firatihe hammer engages in ihe notch for "amgleflre" fFlp, 4S]. shorriy thereafterthe eear cat-ch engages In the notch for "buret" [Fig 50). At the Fl'et engageme-nlthe trigger lever move^ beckwarda. at the second ergagement it comes forwardagain

Fig 40: Hammer sngeging in

the nolich fgj single fire.

Fifl. SO- Sear catch engagingin the notch for burst.


Page 37: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

ForwArd movement

The bnuncirig off from tha buffer and the preaeure o( the r&leaslnp recoil nnake

(he bolt head carrier mov-e forward. The -climbing ramp pf tho bolt he^d qa-rriei-

{42/}) [tresses the release lever downwards- which releaaes the catch

The harniTiGr cannot strike, but is caught on the trigger lever, The trsg^er lever Is

jammed between the notch for single fire and the trigger levor notth, In thif

posHlon the sequence la Interrupted,

To fire another shot, the trigger must be rele-saed,

After the tngiger is re-leiftsed, the trigger lever {43f3) comes down and releaacn

the rear pari o^ the trig-ger lever. Due to the preseure fr-onii the hannner tl^e

trigger lever is pushed back, as far aa The longitudinal hole nialces it possible end

reats over iht puil-off surfacs t-43/4) The condition lor the new ahot i& -given,

Shculd snothqr shgl be Mred, the trigger is pulled unlil the pull-ort (Fig. 44).

Further pull of the trigger li^e the rear -pert o\ the trjgger lever, while the from

part di&en-gages -from the notch for aingl-a fir-e (42/3).

The cartridge is hred and all funtTiOne repeiftt ther^eeiv^a.

Burtt (Fig 51)

A. turn of the safety lever to "F" = burai aho turns the fififety pin WhiCh brings

the gro-ove in front of the extended trigger arm.

Fip. SI ; Bur&t function

When The sh-ooter pulls the trigger, all f>f the ei^tended arm enters in tlr^e gro-ove of

the safety pin causing a longer trigger pull and the trigger ie-zef le out of rg^ch of

tho notc^ for single fire The baminer le held only by Ihe catch in the notch tor

burst (Fig 50J


Page 38: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

WUh ^v9Ty shf^it Ihe r^le-a&e lever iriakca a guid-ad mation caused "by the climbingremp of the boll head carrier {A2fVj and tbe catch eniqrggs Irom (Sie nolch for

hurst The hammc-r strikes the firing pin, sa nOlhing mter-feres with its motio-n.

This sequence is oalled autonotic /ire, Short interruptions of the BUtomstic fire

res-uit in bursts.

The weapc^n ee-aees to fire when the trigger is rele^ased. The front pari f>f thetriggo-r swings up agairs and the hamm-Er i^ cau-ght in the notch foi" aihgie fire.


At Aingle fire:

The interruption O* the CyeilC rate iS ^taused Chirough the trigger levor in connectiijn


1, the Dosition of the safety pin,

Z Xh9 lorsgitudlnal hole on the trigger laver,

3 tha elbow spring with roller,

4, the Single fire notch,

&. the trigger lever natch.

At autcmallc Are:

no interrifption takea place:

1,owing to the position of the eafety jiin, which givaa a longer trigger pull,

Z owing to the trigger ievHr which Bsvinge -down untH it is out of reach of the

notch for single fire,

3, by means of tha roiease lever through the i&\-ch releaamg the hammer at

Ihe moment the lockmg tei^es piece.

This results In en uninterrupted cyclic rete until

a) the trigger is released,

bj the FnsgazinQ J^ ampty.


Page 39: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

1.6. Outfit

1.6,1. AcceBsorlfls [Fig, 52)

1 Carrying sling

2 Mu£?l& cov-er

3 Cl^^ning kit fgr

meapone cai. 7.62 mm - 9 mm4 Cleaiiing kit for waapons

cal 5 6 mm - 6.5 mm5 M&gazlhe carrying bag

Fig. 52: Accessories


Page 40: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

2.1. Ope/aling Instructlona

2.1.1, PrinciplfiB an handlln-g and ocaeration

1 ThG rifle ia eil^^ays to ba handled aa H il wgr^ l&ade-d and ready to fire,

2. The safe-ty pin has to pomJ continLiously at position "S" = safe. Only shgrllybefore firing H ha£ tO be turned t-a posillor» "E" = single Jire or "F" = burst.

3, In handling the weapon on^ s&izes it at Iha grip. "When cocking, Ipqking endlo3-dlng, Be well aa whan urkco-cking and unloading iL the rfsuzile haa to pointto Iho upper aide

^ Blank- and aubc-allbre ammumllon rmay ba employod only wheri uSmg ihe train-

ing ©quipm-ent (note para 1.5 1.3)provided "for rt,

2.1.2, Preparation of Ihfr rifie Ipr Mring

Before loading and rfiring:

1. Free barrel hore from oil

2. Check, iF boU and safety mechanism] Func(ion properly

3. Ma-gaaine must enga-ge proparly

4 Chock, if the flash hider or rather Jhe blank atlgclimenl flls Jirn>ly.

2 1 2.1. Loading

Before loading:

—' Put safety pin on "S" = sale.

— Retract the loading le-ver and put it ih the recess of the loading lever housing.— Insert filled magazine in the ma^gajirie sheft until ^t engages,^ Lei the operating hendLe snap forward.— The rifle is loaded and salt.

Fig. 53: Insertion of tkhe magazine


Page 41: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle Firing

— Utilocif the weapon— Turn tho safety pin lo "E" or "F"

— Operal-a ih^ trigger.

When rh? fire is interrupted or caaa«d. Ihe weapon has lo b-e locked.

2 1,23 Unloading

--" C'hedk wuhelher aalety pm is ^l "S"" = safe.

— Tehft out the mage^in-e by ouahin-g tha releasa lever forward.

— Dr^w th^ feeding lever reer>vflrd (the canridge la ej-ected") and let the lever

Snap forward-

Fig 54: Femoval g-f mag^jiri^

2 1.2 4 Filling ^nd ^mpi/tng of mngaiBne

^ WKen filling \he magszina pr^^^p (h^ t:ertr|dge9

sepiihiftiely under The ruiegfizine hp^

— Whe-n iamfjiying ih-e magfi?lne gresp hi: with ona handBc ihai the points of lh* cartridge polni downsvards.

— Prese the eec<3nd CHrtridgH down by msans oP a

wooden thip, whereby the lop cenridge falle out

t>y itseif.

— C-alch felling-out -cariridgeeH e.g, by placing ihe

Sleei heliliiet underneath if necessary

Fig. &5: Emptying of magazine


Page 42: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle Launching qj rifle grenadea

— L&ck ths riMe.

— Remove the magezmB.— Retract loading hendle and put if In th? r^cesa on the loading lever housing.— I^5*^^ propellant charge manually \Mg the chamber (Fig. 56),— Have the bolt v^-ith loading handle sneopEd forward".— Push tha rifle grenade over the flash hider uniil ihfi sbulmenr of the from sight

holder. Mote that the spring ring fefoms lh« grenade. The rifle Is ready to fire.

Fig. 55: Loading of tiropefPant c^.Ekrg«

Fig, 57: Mounted rIHe grenade



Page 43: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle Firing with training equipment

(1) Blank attadiment

— Loc*^ Ihe ride,

— Uaiscrew flash hlder.

— Screw on blank attachnnenT and tighl-an fmanually).

— Load ih-E rifle.

^ FilS magazine with blank cartridges and Insert magazine.

— Unlock th& rlHe

— Set BO-lectwe fire lever at "E" or "¥".

^ Pull trigger.

Al Int^rrupliorh ar casae o^ fire- tha weapon is to be le-ckad. When regulating the

gaa outlet the magazine has to be removed,

— Turn ihe no^slt bolt by means of the cailridge case bottom

— Position "screw slot Uansverse to firing direction" -gaa nutlet "minimurci".

— Poeltlon "strew g-lgt alongside firing direcJion" gas outlet ""majilmum".

Fi^. 58: Screvttd-<ifi blank &ttflchrvi&ni

(2) Plaatic treinlng br«ech block

— Lock Che rLfle.

— Extract G3 magaziniB and breech bbok (note para 2,2.2.}.

^ Insert plastic Irflining breech block in Jhe rifle.

— Check, proper" asd&m-Blj^ of ?he rlHe by making several loading movements— Load the rifle.

— Fill the magaiino with plastic training -ernmuniLlon end Insert mag^zino.

— LTnlock the rifle.

— Sei Ibe selective Mrs lever si "E" or "F"

— Pull the trigger

When th& f|f^ i^ interrupted or ceased, the weapon ^^s^ to be locked

Note: Owing to dimensional differences it is impchSiibie to fire hJATO ceitridgea

cal. 7 62 mm x 51 with the plaatic trainin-g breech block.


Page 44: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

C3) SubcHllbre cgnveralon kit

^ Lock the riMe.

— EKlracC G3 mageifne and breech block (niDte pAta 2 2 3.).— Insert subcalibre Cube E m the G3 barrel from behindThfi bore on the face aide has to pomt downwarde,Ch&ck prpper fit of the eubcalibre rube E by inaeding the rnaga;^lne E— fn^ert bait E into the receiver,

— Check proper assembly of Ihe rifle t^y moving the loading lei'ei severaJ times— Load the rifle,

— Fiir meQazina E with subcaHbre ammunltron and ^na&rt magaiin^.— Unlock Che nfle.

— Set the selective fire lever at "E" or T".— Pull the trigger

When the firg is Interrupted or ceased, the wefipan hes to ba lc>cked.

2.1.3. Emplovm^nt of the waap&n with opllcaP ftlghling deiflcea2,1.3.1. G3 tela«copic sight with m^unt

Wh&r^ using the Rifle G3 as sniper rifl^ (h« (nount with telescopjc Eight le placeda& fcllowaj

Fig, 59 Telescopic elgSt with mognt

— Prior tg the mounting, turn the claws (59/1) of ths jnounl out-^ards.— Pl^ce mount on the rille from above, tilting the rr^ount slightly iti ihe right so(hfi-t the [jfastic noBa is adjacent \o the eight cylinder.

Note deajgnsttcns "firing direction" and "arhOvv"".— Press teii3ion lever (BS/S) dow^warda uniil the catch [59/3J engager audiWy(Fig. 60).

^- Turn tansiork lever upward-s.


Page 45: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

Fig 60 Placing of the Jelescopic aight with oiounl

To rernovB the tel&scopic eig^kt wsth maunl, turn tension lever dov^nw^i'd?-

Press calch downwards with Ih-e thuml;> (F^g, 6l> and turn tension \cver up

i^sr^s again.

Tif) th& tele-acopic sight with mount off ti^e w-eapon to the right.

Fig. 61 . Pemoval of the teieecopic sight with mount

For putting the telescopic sighl inlo the carrying bag, turn the ciav^s accor^^ingiy

10 th-e inside.


Page 46: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

2 1 3.2 Infra-rfrd night ^Ighllng dftvlce With mount

When U3ing ihe Rifle G3 a^ aiming- and observation device ivHh infra-red apot-Ipght, the inount haa to he plscad on the receiver of Ihe weapon.

Ffq. 62: AttschecT Intrs-red night sighting

device wUh mount

The Jnfre-red night sighfmg device wrlh mount is on principle attH^Jie^J In the sfimsway as th« lele&coplq 5|gh( Wdth mounL In addition. Ths press-buttor a^Uth ^ithits holding device Is Fastened on the weapon accgrcfing te the desired firjng po-sition, 50 that rt can sa&ily he opefattd with the left h^ndThe infja-red night sighting device with nount Is on principle delach^d In theeame way ^s the ttlescopic sight with mount.

2.1. ^ Employment of th« wsapon oneKtrcTHb ClIniBlic conditions

necegsarv In case of dampneBB. great heet,No special treet4nont of the weaponand coJd down to- approx. - 40*^ CTh^ riires, training equipment and Optical eightlng devices are not to bo tekenfrom the cold Into the warmth and a httJ^ leter Into tho cold egan, alnce otherivisethe functioning of Ihe weeper will auWer because of moisture, sweat, ice forma-tion and rust.


Page 47: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

2.2. MAln1«ii&nca

2,2,K General '

The correct malrttenjince of the weapon— Quaranteea readiness to fire,

— reduces prsmatgr^ viis^f,

— prevents accide-nia.

— saves repair cosla and lime.

The ua&r [heaFer of lh« wespgn)— 14 res|ionelt>le for

— cleaning,

— maintenance,— g-ene-ral slate,

— completeness t-nl acce-ae.oriea as w-sll) ct rhe weepdih committedto his -charge,

^ has to report demages and mslfunctlona immedialeiy.

Tha clsflning hea l-o b-s carried out— aa main cleaning

— after eech firing,

— when the weapon get wst end/er,

— when the weapon !3 duaty,

— es normal cleaning-—

' in ['egular inlervafa ^hen no! usad,

— after each tfcme the weapon hss been use-d, ceuam-g no maincleaning.

After each cleaning and. a&sembly of Ihe G3 It hae to be checked with

regard to Intactnesa and perfect function.

2,2,2, DisBftv-embly and rea»emblv of rifle and trninlng equipment for cleaning

The rifle and the training equipment -can bo disaasarnbled without anytcols.

If eeuera[ riMes and training equfprnent are- s-tripped to be deaned in the-

same roo-m, one l^as to s-se te it that the pans are nol mistai^en. To svoid

any confija-ion, the main parta of the weapon, iii^e receiver, bo-il haadcarrier, belt head, lociting place, grip asaembly and back pla.te are marlied

with the last 3 tlgurea of the weapon's registration number.

DltaaAembly of thd rifle

Lock the weeponl— Remove the magailne.— Unload the rifl?,

— Check whether the barrel 15 Clear,

— Unhoci^ the slmg at the front sight holder,


Page 48: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

Pres* QKi\ bo^^ lacking pine M The back pisle end put them Into the tubularrkets of lh« butt slock

Draw baeti and removt Ch& back plete wilh butt stoqik (Fig, 63],

Fl^. 63; Remove bads plate vuith butt &tock

SwInQ off the grip eseembly,Lo-Dsan the locking pins and Che ^gnp aae^mbly,Dreyv bolt ra^rwsrd with the loading lever and c^tch Yhe boU Ihat slidesLit [Fig. 6^).

PuBh the loading lever forward again.

Fig. 64: Remove the bolt

Unecrew flash hider or rather the blank attachment.Put PMt Ihe locking pin of fhe handguaid, and remove tht Ptandguard.


Page 49: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

Boh *irip|iirtg. Th& bolt should be disasaembled only on the occasion of a main

Clflarlnp. In order to diemourkt the bok you gresp lh« bolt h«ad carrier with one

hand, (um th^boH h^ad^it^ the other, end atrip il off tht bolt heed &Brrler (Fig. 55).

^V i''",.'-ai*i

Fig. 65i DlBaeB»mbly of the bolt

Turn the locking piece ?pm«w/hat, whereby the firing pin ahd th& hring pin spring

get Free end can be isk^n out of the locking piBce- [Fig, ^).


Fig. 66: BemOv* locklKig piece with Hring pin spring

The refliavmbly pl tha bolt Is done In rever&e sequence, and the following should

be noticed:

Presa the diud of the locking piece ^ntf^ th& receas oi the boll hoad carrier until

It locks, and turn it approx. 90° In tho direction of the check lev-ar.

Set the boll h^fld on the locking piecfl In such s. way that tkhe tap^r-ed lace of the

bolt head fits under the eiud of th? check lever.

Push the holt head u^tll it atope overcoming the press of ih^ cb&ck lever. Pgll

the boll head approK. 5 mm fprwar-d in this position.

Turn boll hesd ao Ur that itajower side forma one atfalght li^e with that of the

bolt h&ad carrier.

The dl*ftBeembly of the grip takeft f.lae& only ar\ the oecaeion of a mam desning

— Peleese tii^gtr.

Put afifety lever verticelly upward 9^^ pull It out,

— Remove trigger housing troTi the grip.

The lefleeemhly 0I the grip is done in reverse eequence, thereafter pLit eafety

l&ver Bt "S"' = safe.

Page 50: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle


RfloUAinbly of 1h* rifla

The reaaeembPy o1 the rifla ia done in the- reverae sequence,— Push the HBs^mbled boll into the receiver Looking rQllera muai rest Inside thebolt head. (See sssembly of boltj,

— When elladiing grip asQ^nnblv, n&te that the ejector le pushed downward

Fig. 67: Rflaeaembly of ths rifle

Check corirect asaernbly ci the irfle by carrying out several loading operalion-s,

DiHA9B«nbly and r»e8>enibly fff thfi magftzlnc-

— Magazine la htid with one hand whereby the ma^&zm& cover points up^^a^ds— Pueh in the safety bnPt of the rtiaga^ine cover by means of a small piece ofi«ood, and Hhill ihe irragazine cnver off (Ffg. 68).rriote that the liberated aafely plate la under heavy apnng pr-sssure.

Fig. 63: Removal of the magazine cover Fig 6^ Peasaambly of the msgaEine

— Take off follower and foPlower spring CFig. S9JThe reeetembly q? the magazine ia dona In reverse sequence [Rg Q$).

Page 51: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

Blank attachment

ll le not neceesary tor th^ us^r to disassemble thhe bl^hk attacl^ment,

PIaglI-c trainEng bre-9ch block

The fNlaslIc training breecti bl&ck should be disassembled only on l^e occasion of

a main gleaning.

— Turn thhe bolt head away (ron the bolt head carrier *nd remove It (FLg 70],

Fig, 70' Disaaaemble pla&tic training broech t^lock

— Remove firing pin and firing pin epring Erpin the bolt head

Th9 reaaeembty of 1h? plastic training breech blocic is done in Che raveree Be-


Subcalihrv Conversion hli

— Remove snap ring fr&m the guide rodn

— flemcvfi Tearv^arde bult head with guide buah end recoil spring with bolt head

carrier E [Fig, 71?-

-^ Remove forward guide rod E from the bolt head carrier E-


Fig 71 ; Remove boll heed E


Page 52: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

— Remave plug safety on the bait cylin-der bv meana of the odrtiidgC! casebottOiH tFig-. 72J, raipiov^ shock absorber, flrirhg p|n, firing pin spring, comtsr-es-slois sta-ring and Honge.

— Unhinge excmotor by me^rB- ol a canndge ess* (Fig. 73->.

j-^'-_*- T ^

R^:.W I'^V-'




Fig. 72: OisasserVible bolt head E Fig. 73 Unhii^ge extrdctur

The reassembly oi the siibcalibire- conver£wn kit is done In the reverse BEquence.


Page 53: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

DliaBvembly and raafve-mblv^ pf th^ magnxlne E

^ Remove rn0gejin& covtr an msgailno.

— Remove follower eprlng with safety t>late 1roir» Ihe GJ magazine receiver.

— Presa in ssfety pin on the sub-calibre magailn^ c«^ver by ine&ris of a small

piece- of wood, turn magazine cover 1o lh« nght and remoVQ i\ (Fig. 743.

— Remcv© follower and ft^lloy^or spring with sfifetv plste fron the euboaHbre


Fi-g, ?!: Remnve magazine cover

The reasecmbly of the ajbc^Mbrf? magazine ie done m the rev^rs^ eoquencD

T^te ufier is not allowed to carry o-Jt a furin&r dieaeaembiy of the G3 or rsThar of lie aseeinblv gr^iupa *nd Ihi

training squipm-an-t than described in itein 2.2,2.


Page 54: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

2.2.3. Tlm« ichcdulB for maliiitanArtCA

Mb Intendnee psrt Csraar Delay


A 'Z

e ra

i_ -mft ^ ^1

1 BerreJ


pleen end lubricate

free from oil



^+> X

2 Flaeh hider cCoan and lubri-cata X A X

Flash hid-er Chech t>rop-er fitting K V

3 Rotary rear eight c'ean and ch-ack i


Rotary rear Sight clean and Bubrl-cate- X X J^

A Bolt


clapn and lybri-oate

. disassembl^i daan andlubricate


S Butt stock cl^^n X K A

Butt fttock,


ctean and lubricate X



Rscoil spring

guide rod with

recoil apring

cfean -and- lubricate


X ft K

6 Grip ssaemblywilh trigger


cFean and lubricate


X y

7 Handguard c^ec^; proper fittlrhg X >; X X

B Magazine check wh&ther damaged X X X K

Ma-gazlne dean and lubrJCE.te

dleaaee^ble, c\&&n endlubricate

X )t


9 Blank attachment crean and lubricate >L A

10 Piastic tfaifilng

br'e-eCHi bBoCk

cfean and lubricate X X

11 Subcalibre con-

version kit

qLaen and lub'ipete X X

12 Access or left glaan, qhaqk X A X

"^) To clean and lubrigata the three daya running after sho-otlng.


Page 55: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

2,2A MflLntsnance Imstfuctlons

(1) The m-ali^ cl«Driing la tc be carrie^d c^jut aft^r ^ach flHng.

— Claan the barrel, whiich fihould b& luk-e-warm and rat hot, wiTh an

oiled cleaning brush,

— lei the all react for some hf>yrs,

— then pull the oiled cleaning bruah Sevfir'al times through the barrel,

— -finally tie-e dry cleaning pat-ctiea -on el&snjng chain unlil the barrel

Is cje-an,

^ then oil the bore of the barrel slightly,

-- repeat cleaning and oiling a^ 1-sast 3 days running.

when th« weapon got wet aind/'Dr dv9^— dlHHsaemble, as far se allowed {Ae& pars 2 2.2 J.

-- clean and dry it uain-g cleaning regs and small pieces of wood,— remove dirt and duet (rom B-aaima and angles by meiLns pf tho

claaning brush,— clean th& barrel by means o< Cleaning tjfushas and patches on

deaning chain.

— then oil barrel and sliding pa'ts s little again.

(2) Ai th« Rgrm-fll cleaning ^t l^^st

— the barrel has to be pasaed through, then oiled and— the whole weapon with Its assembly groups — Cdie-fts-eembly, &oe

para 2,2.2.] — h^& tp bs checked with a view lo dirt or rather oil

Indur-alif^ne, and if necessary It has to be de-anad and Oiled ageln.

2.2.5. Special hinu regarding m«anH and toolg for malntenanca

For the clfianing and malntenar^ce must be used only— the cleaning Hts fi?r w/eapona caL 7.62 mm lo 9 mm— clesn patches and Cleaning rags, if necessary also a smoll p-ieco

at wood,— the mulli-purpaae anlicorroslve agent 0-190.

It \e not allowed to clean the weapon— by means of meU) objecia (txcepc weapons' cleaning kit).

^ by meftne of aynthetic materials fe,Q, nylon),

— by means of chemical treatment {also treatment with or rather

boiling in water, addition of cleanl^£^ rhaterial to be bought on ih-e


2.2.6. Functioning teit

1. Check empty magazine, insert and extract it,

— The follower has to be moved downwarde froe-iy in the rece-lver

by hend (small piece cl woodj and must he preea&d upwards

again without trouble by the follower spring.

— The magazine must not jam in the magaEBne shaft. The magazine

catch must retain it hrmiy withoiil play Lender s-evere spring pres-



Page 56: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

2, Putdi ''Bale-'


— Draw ihe operating hgndle rearward 9r\<i engage It In the recoaef the housing.

— ChagK whether barrel ia free

— Insert magazine filled with two dummies inio Ihe magazine holderof the WeapoHr

— Allow Ihe operating handle to snap lorw^rd, whereby one dummyEa Inseried In the chamber,

— Load, whereby the first d^jx^my \e extracted and ejacted, firtd thesecond dummy la fed,

3. Operate safety mw^hpiile-m

— Al moderale resistance it must 5e posshble to turn the ael^tTivefire lever (ifbm the upper poHitign {white "S" ^^ safe) t!r>tha mediumposition (red "E" = aingle ehiMs) and to the lower Dosttion fred-F- = burst).

— Note thai it locks In the finpl poalclons.

4. OperatB trJgger mAdiAnjvni

— Unlod^ unloaded weapon.— With the hemmer in locked poaihon it must be possfble to puJI tho

Irlg^er backward againat Increased pulf-off, until the hflmmer la


— with the hammer in unlocked poaltion it must be possible to pufitlie triggar backward ageinet slight pull-oft.

Page 57: Heckler & Koch HK G3 Assault Rifle

?/?.7. Cause* of malfunction and Ihalr «llmJnB.tlon by th« rlilanlfiil

Prln(?lplel Operele the operaling leuer and coFktInue firing.

If mlsflr« or stoppagpa odCura, Idick The v^eapon, take cff the mogarlne, unload !Tifl

weapon anti find t^ausa.

Posable incidents

1. Bolt movea forward

wilhcut ce.rtridge

2. Cartridge case is not


3. C&rtrldgs la not fired.

4. Bolt not completely

closed, carfnd-go fed


5. Weapon locks kre-gu^

I B rly.


s) Magazine is nat in

agreed prope-rly,

b) Magazine is loose

c) Magazine lips- are de-


a) Ei^trocto-r -or ejtlrac-

ti?r $|:^ring ifi broken.

b) Elector is. dsfectLve.

c) Fouled chamber.

aJ Firing pin »s broken

b) Firing pin la too


c) Firing pin spring is

used up or broken.

r^) Fpulty airmunltian.

a) Fouled chamber,

bj Barret extension le

c] Cartridge la defor-


d] Recoil spring ifiwOrn


a] Ch-ainber is fouled,

bj Mageilne le not in-

serted prg-perly.

c] Magazine Foulad or

deform e-d-

d) Defective smmuni-

llon, e,g. wet cartrid-

gea or faulty ballets-

Corrective meaBuras

e) Insert magezlne pro-


bJ Check maooilneCfltcfi, if LjH^cl, khHnd

It in for Overhaul.

c) Chsng-e magazine

and hand the dama-ged one In for ovor-


a) H&nd It in ^o hava It


b) Hand it in to hava It


*;) Cles-n chamb-ar,

H^n-d it in tc haua it


d] Loading.

a) and b); Cleaning.

c) ChangethscerCndge

d) Hand in the weaponfor overhaul.

5) Clean In g-

bj Proper ineeriicn of


c) New magazine TO be

eet in, hand In the

defe-utive- one,

dj Change magazine,

use other cartridges.