€¦ · hebrew charity. the new home for the aged and the disabled. a...

HEBREW CHARITY. The New Home for the Aged and the Disabled. A Benefit to Be Given , Sunday . Wight— Orphan Asylum 'Which Is the Pride - J: of Califcrnia Israelites. . \u25a0 - \u25a0 .V .;\u25a0 The announcement of a benefit on Sunday evening next at the Baldwin Theater on be- lm!- of the funds of the Hebrew Home for Aged and Disabled recalls a pleasing fact in connection with Hebrew charity. . It is proverbial. The kindly care and at- tention bestowed upon the sick and needy of this faith, the generous aid always ready to flow, no matter how often the appeal be made, these are social characteristics of Hebrews the worldover. It is an historical fact that a Jewish beggar is seldom if ever encountered in a Christian country. Tha pauper is equally a rara avis. It would probably be hard to put one's finger on fifty indigent Jews throughout the length and breadth of California. So well and so wisely are his wants anticipated that the pauper scarcely exists. Though doubtless this marked absence of pauperism is largely attributable to the in- stinctively successful business habits of the race, yet in every community there must always be some poor, disabled and infirm folk. It is in supporting and ministering to these that Hebrew charities have achieved so enviable a notoriety. TWO NOBLE CHARITIES. - Few possibly outside of those actively concerned in this "Home" are aware of its existence. The larger and richer "Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum and Home Society," with which it is sometimes con- founded, is of course well known through- out the State. That is now in its nineteenth year, and is extremely prosperous, its last annual report showing $57,000 in the hands of the society's managers, to be applied to the building of a home, as soon as a suitable site of four or five acres can be secured, which will cost from $50,000 to $00,000, per- haps more. But the other, this younger society, is comparatively a baby. It has not been in existence over six months. It was thought by certain members of the Jewish persuasion that the building of the home, considering the ample funds on hand, was somewhat unnecessarily delayed by the older society, and so they determined to make a separate effort themselves. A SAPID GROWTH. The Hebrew Homo for Aged and Dis- abled, though only some six months old, has about 1000 members on its books, the dues being from 50 cents to $1 down to the minimum of 25 cents per month—no one, according to the constitution, to be consid- ered a member unless he pays at least S3 per year. The society literally started on nothing. A few energetic souls met and decided to start and maintain a home. A Board of Directors was npiointed, Philip Livingstone being elected President. A temporary home was secured, with eleven rooms, besides bath-rooms, on Lyons street, near Geary. Here half a dozen in- mates are comfortably housed and pro- vided for, under the direction of a matron and superintendent. At first it looked rather an uphill battle. But first one, then another, contributed in kind, and the ex- ample was quickly followed. One would send In a supply of coal ; another would furnish groceries and creature comforts for the sick. Beds and bedding and articles of general furniture seemed to be no sooner required than they mysteriously appeared. A stock of blankets from this store, crockery and glassware from that one, meats and vegetables from some un- knoYvn quarter, a stove, perhaps, from an- other—all came along aud were welcome. TOUXG BUT PROSPEROUS. . Although the society has been spoken of as specially a poor one, yet there are one or two rich men in it who have come forward well. .Still they are the exception, not the rule. Mean while the society has continued to go quietly ahead. Its present income is about $250 per month—small, it is true, as comi ared with more powerful charities hut most creditable to those who have taken so live an interest in it It lias some SSOO to its credit, too, at the bank, an amount that promises to be most materially aug- mented by the receipts at Sunday's benefit, on which occasion there is ample evidence, by the demand for tickets, of the desire to "bury the hatchet," at least for the time, and sink petty differences in uniting to lend a helpful hand to. a most deserving cause. PARDONABLE PRIDE. A building lot has been donated by Mr. Sutro, one of the conditions of the deed of gift being that a building not to cost less than §SiX)O be commenced within three years. Whether or no such a building will be required, now that the "Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum and Home Society" has de- cided to erect at once the magnificent home which their ample funds will well allow them to. time only willshow. The last an- nual report oi that wealthy society con- cludes with the remark that: "Itis confident that by deliberate and harmonious action the establishment of a home for the aged will in proper time be carried into effect in just as creditable a manner as the Orphan Asylum, which is truly and justly the pride of all Israelites on the Pacific Coast." ££_3i MEDDLESOME MURPHY. The Marshal Has Him Now for Interfer- ing With a Custom Officer. Kit-hard Murphy, who was arrested by Custom Inspector XV. A. Harrington on Wednesday evening and locked up at the Southern Police Station on a charge of using vulgar language, was turned over to the United' States Marshal yesterday for interfering with a United Stales Custom Inspector in the discharge of his duty. The accused was identified before United States Commissioner Sawyer and held for further examination in SSOO bonds. Mur- phy became very abusive to Custom In- spectors who were patroling Beale-street Wharf, and though repeatedly told to behave refused to do so. lie finally struck an inspector and was then locked up on the misdemeanor charge in order to hold him' until he could be turned over to the United States author- ities. *'\u25a0 17: -2 DIVOKCES GRANTED. The Wifo ol- Felon Allowed to 15c mine Her Maiden Name, Judge Hoge granted yesterday a divorce to Delia J. Mauritzen from Torkel M. Mauritzen because of his conviction, of a felony. Mrs. Mauritzen was also permitted to resume her maiden name of Delia J. Mc- Deruiott. Mauritzen was convicted inNapa County, in October last, of embezzlement, and sentenced to San Quentin for one year. The couple was married :on August nth, 1888, in this city. Jens Christensen proved yesterday that his wife, Esther, deserted him, and Judge Levy granted him a divorce. Tbey were married December 23, 1882. in this city, and the wifedeserted early iv 1886. The Tivoii Opera House Case. Judge Shatter, yesterday denied the mo- tion of the attorney for Gettie E. Plate to transfer her. suit against J. E. Piatt, in- volving the Tivoii Opera House site, to some other department. It was claimed that the court-room clerk is related . to the defendant, and had given points to the press reflecting upon the plaintiffs attor- neys. This was shown to be untrue, and the Judge set the case for next Tuesday for trial. H_fli-tU-_S-_HQn-tf---MWtamfS His Thigh Broken. William H. Dolman brought suit yester- day against the Southern Pacific Company for injuries received in a collision near San Fernando on April 3, 1888.' He. was in de- fendant's employ as fireman, and alleges the accident was caused by the incompe- tency of the conductor in charge of the train. Plaintiff's left thigh was broken, re- sulting in a permanent shortening of the leg. He claims 851,000 damages. Harbor Commission. At a meeting of : the State Board of Har- bor Commissioners yesterday. the contract for . repiling - and - repairing . Green -street Pier was awarded to Darby Lnydon. The contract price is 813 75 for piles aud 825 per thousand for lumber. Pay rolls for the sweepers, who.were re- cruited from the ranks of the unemployed, were audited. . Music at the I'realdio. -- The following music will be rendered at the Presidio this afternoon : 1. March, "Northern R0ute"...... ...Smith '_. Overture, "The Golden Necklace" Herman 3. Walts, "Dublin" Labltzky _. Selection. "Boccaccio" Yon Suppe 5. Schott'sche, "-'lining In the Twilight".. liolltnsou 0. Trombone solo, "lmXiien Keller". . .Heinemanu ;.-... ...... .--,... (Private Burrell.) 7. Galop. "Whirligig".....-..... Hamilton Clouds Her Till.. \u0084 .' Sabrina Frey has entered ;action against the Mission View. Homestead . Association to prove that the claim made by the defend- ant upon her property on Kansas and Sierra streets has '(laced a cloud on her title to the land, i She also avers said claim and preten- sion are without right, and asks that itl>- adjudged to be i without right, and that th * association be enjoined and restrained from - setting up said claim against her property COMPROMISED. An Insolvent l-'nrnI tore- Dealer EfTccls _\ Settlement. o - , ': A meeting of creditors of Charles L. Tay- * lor, furniture and carpet .dealer ;of _130 7: Market street, -was held a few days ..ago, . ' when the statement of accounts ' : showed ' total liabilities amounting to 537J300, with assets set down at $33,000, thus apparently - leaving a deficiency of only 84000. . . A com- promise of forty cents on the dollar has now- been . offered and accepted; with extended payments. ; »: , '""... S Of the liabilities SB4OO Is due and secured \u0084 to . the banks, viz. : 84200 to the First National Bank of Oakland, SIL'-O to the Union National of Oakland, and $3*200. to ft Market-street hank. Of . the balance of the indebtedness, about 515.000 is owin . in the -. city for merchandise, also about S'-K-Q to .'\u25a0 Eastern houses. Of the assets, stock fig- ures for $25,000, on tho debtor's valuation,' bills receivable amount to 99090, -stock-'' fixtures are set down at 8880, and horse mi : wagon at $300; real estate to the valued 8500, and cash on hand $-00. - ... - _-> , The trouble is traced .to the dull winter.' a state of. things which it was hoped a brighter March trade would have remedied, if ithad come, but it did not. Most of the •* creditors have signed off and everything is, expected to go along smoothly. . .-•*->\u25a0 _**-'• - Mr. Taylor, who is Yvell known as an old (twenty years) resident in Oakland, failed , onco before In May, 1881, but it lias in no . way affected his reputation for strict com- mercial honesty. '--' y." * STREETS AND SQUARES. The North Beach Road's Attitude, as to Bitumen Explained. : * ' o . \u25a0 - .. Statement From the Mission Widening Cu.t- , mission— lmproving San Bruno R.ed ; Grading Second Street. The action of the North Beach and Mis-/ sion Railway Company in using to pave between its track, on Kearny street with *' bituminous rock was the first matter eon- ' sidered by the Street Committee at its meet-" . ing yesterday morning. . . ••' ••"\u25a0\u25a0. Superintendent Michael Skelly explain, it - at length his reasons for disregarding the"*' requests of the Street Department. He said the company hid consulted its attorneys and obtained an opinion that there is no j law to compel it to pave with 'any thing ex- . cept such material as may have been on the 3 . street when originally accepted. He sub- * mitted a copy of this opinion to the com- mittee. The company declined to pave with " anything but basalt blocks between its tracks, because any other material would not last so long. He had, however, agrees! to lay the bitumen for two feet on each side - of the truck,. -"••:' . In reply to questions from members of the committee Superintendent _k.ii!.' .- said the company is] now at work on . plans for the conversion of the North Beach and Mission into a cable system, and would . soon increase its capital for the purpose of " raising the money necessary. As the con- crete would have to be torn up when the cable is put in it would be a waste of money to lay it now. This was satisfactory to the committee ' and the matter was filed. '"*':-:' - ' '. (\u25a0HADING THE "CUT." ' '."''" F. A. Gibbs, who owns a lot at Second and Harrison streets, which be is now grad- '' ing for warehouse purposes, informed the ' committee that it would be absurd to build a bridge across the cut of the street, as both, . sides will soon be leveled off. ... The committee decided to postpone the preparation of specifications until further inquiry is made. =\u25a0'- . -_-. . A , * The committee agreed to report in favor of awarding the contract for paving witii " bituminous rock the crossing of Rose ave- nue and Octavia street to the Santa Cruz ; Bock Pavement Company, at 30 cents a square foot, each corner $24. The petition of N. li. Mulville for the removal of obstructions from Ash avenue, between Buchanan and Webster streets, '. was referred to the City Attorney fur his _ opinion as to whether or not it is an open public street, - The petition of property-owners asking that Rose avenue, between . Laguna and Buchanan streets, be expunged from the official map, was referred to the City Attor- "' ney for an opinion as to whether the street is a public street. i-E_-S(BS- t _-_B__ljMi-A}jg_asg The resolution requesting the Finance Committee to appropriate $12,000 for the improvement of the San Bruno road was indefinitely postponed, and the committee,' decided to report in favor of providing' for j the work in the Street Department Fund. 01-ESIJIG DOLORES STBEET. The committee also agreed to report in \u25a0 favor of the resolution of intention sub- mitted by the Superintendent of Streets for opening, extending and widening Dolores street southerly to Mission. ' A petition from property-owners for a I main sewer to drain the Almshouse Tract ' and Lake Honda district was referred to the Surveyor to examine and report the route, size, character and expense. -.-•-. , -". The petition of the North Beach Improve- ' ment Club for the removal ol the fence sur- rounding Washington Square was filed, as _ it has been determined to. remove soon the fences around all squares. ", .\u25a0-.- The committee was informed by Secre- tary Worloy of the Mission-street Widen- ing Commission that deeds bad been re- ceived from. all but five property-owner-., and work is awaiting the result' of suits begun to condemn the undeeded property. , Commissioner Haley said there had been no attempt to prolong the work of the com-' mission, and those who charged there had been do not know what they are talking about. The commission has been at work two years, and has drawn in all ten months' *. salary. The petition of property-owners for the - formation of a district to be assessed for grading Colusa street, which work willcost 5100,000, was laid over until the Superin- * tendent of Streets can examine the district ' and report. •\u25a0 * \u25a0'- .- " A STKOKE OE TAUALYSI&, \u0084 Professor Charles Bach Taken 111 on a I.ailroad Train. -- Professor Charles Bach of the Coast and Geodetic Survey is lying seriously ill from the effects of a stroke of paralysis at St. Luke's Hospital in this city. The professor was stricken down on Sun- day last while in the cars on his way to California from Washington. He was . tell- ing some humorous story of a- former visit ' to this Coast, when his voice suddenly be- came thick and before his hearers realized what had happened he fell helpless in - bis seat. Mr. Bach, who is about 60 years of age, has been connected with the Coast and : Geodetic Survey for many years, and was \u25a0 on his way to Sau Francisco to take charge . of a surveying .party, destined for . tin* ; . mountains of Monterey County. He has a family in Xew York City. The physician who is attending him stales that he is doing as well as might be expected and that he may recover the ue of his right \u25a0 side, which .is the portion affected by the stroke. Knllroad Men In Session. The Freight Committee of the Transcon- tinental Association was again in session yesterday in Parlor A of the Palace Hotel from early in the forenoon until ' after 5 in the afternoon.' While decisive action .was taken regarding rates on various goods, no information will be given to the press un- tileverything has been made satisfactory with all the railroads interested. The asso- ciation will meet again to-day and will probably conclude its labors. v Her Husband Killed. - Joseph A. West.. field was killed in a railway collision near . San Fernando on April3, 1888, while in the ; employ ! of; the Southern Pacific Company .as ' engineer. Jennie E. Westerfield, widow of deceased, entered action yesterday against said com- pany for 850,000 damages and costs of suit. ;. The , Lanner gold . mine, at .Lompoc, turned out 8400 in four days last week. THE MORNING CALL. SAN FRANCISCO. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1890-EIGIIT PAGES. il-T -i _____„ __ _-____—____—-----____-_ _________——__-——________--____-__--_______---_______——____-_-_.-_-_______\u25a0 .ii,n|-__ii______,_-_i_i_______ 111 lii \u25a0 5 v The Abilityto Bear _._-_» _:: la the test or fortitude among the Indian tribes. [ But we defy any Cherokee, Sioux or Comanche to I endure the twinges of rheumatism without winc- jIng. These, Indeed, are slight at first, but grow In | intensity until they become unbearable. . No mat* i ady is more obstinate In Its maturity than that | which gives rise to them. '• The more need, then, or > attacking It at the outset. Foremost among reme- dies for It Is llostetter's stomach Bitters, safer aud Infinitelymore effective than coichkum, veratrum. and nux vomica, all remedies which might prove destructive ot life In a slightly excessive dose. Mineral depurents, also, when not positively mis-; chievous, are far Inferior lvremedial power to this salutary botanic medicine.' It entirely expels from - the blood the acrid Impurities which originate the disease, and enriches as well as cleanses it. Consti- - pation, liver complaint, dyspepsia aud other all. meat, also give way to it. 3_HK±] •' ""\u25a0..-\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0• PEP.SOfTAH. ,11' ILL J. S. of BOX 33 PLEASE SEND IS ad- I " dress to MISS M. E. F., Box 91, Call Bran Office. \u25a0!-_.- .. ..- - ... . .- -....- -.-.-, it :. IfDWARD TURNER lOF WEST BERKELEY— 1 Your father Is dying; please write. . ap2 3t* ' LADIES— IF YOU WISH TO HAVE XI.EGA I fittingsuits, handsomely draped, made for $0, please call at .MRS. Morris*. 732y_ Geary, apl 8* 1 RASTER EGGS, WITH NAMES. TO ORDERi 1 from 10c and upward at HOOY'ER & PRICE, N W. cur. Polk and Bush sts. .- ap3 -It LOR A FEW DAYS—BY CALLING OR SENDING 1 postal to Room 19. 17 Fourth st, you can sell for cash glassware, crockery, pictures, etc. ap3 3t* IV ILLIAMB. GALLAGHER HAS REMOVED " his furniture business to 1211 Market st, near Ninth; cheap rent makes low prices. \u25a0 v ap2 tf - CARPET-CLEANING. 30 PER YARD; CHEAP- est and best lv the city. J. li 3IITCHELL A CO., 230 Fourteenth st --ap2tf PIANO LESSONS AND ' ACCOMPANIMENTS. MRS. HARRIS, 323 Golden Gate aye. ap2 3t« HOWARD SCHOOL OF. WOOD CARVING, 808 Mission st; classes for ladles and gentle- men Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3 'p. >i. Teachers practical wood carvers. apl 7t* EARDEN'S CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE, LATE of 940 Market st. is now removed to 23 Grant aye. aud will be known In the future as the Berlin Cloak and Suit House. - . ap2 It AT 126 KEARNY. ROOM 9. YOU CAN BORROW money at low rates; private rooms for ladies; pledges for sale; lake elevator. ,au7tt HARRY— WE HAVE A FEW FULL-DRESS suits to hire at a reasonable price, made by leading merchant tailors. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupoutsts. ADVICE FREE: DIVORCE A SPECIALTY; CAN be obtained In one day, privately; legal every- where; terms liberal; no charge unless successful; probate. Insolvency, collections, etc. T. ___<_____*, Attorneys' Association. 11 Kearnyst mrO tt MILLINERY— MKS. J. HARRINGTON. Hilt merly of 1017 Market St., has removed to 103 vim aye., bet. Geary and Post, where she will be pleased to see all her old patrons. ' mr3o lino i[lOR EASTER NOVELTIES GO TO ROBERTS', J 101 Post, near Kearny: finest in the city. mr3o 8t L'IRST-CLASS CARPET BEATERS; CITY X Steam Carpet Beating and Renovating Works, 24 and 20 Eighth st: largest works In the city; work guaranteed. Address A. W. MANNING, pro- prlctor; telephone 3250. ___^^ mro tf DWAKD—YOU CAN REST EASY, FOR SHORT and fat men can be fitted ln a merchant-tailor made business or dress suit for $18 to $25: tailor's price $35 to $50. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. ADVICE FREE; DIVORCES A SPECIALTY: privately: 15 days; legal everywhere; no charges unless successful : probate, collections, etc.; responsible attorneys: all courts; terms reasonable: established 10 yrs. G.W. HOWE, 3D Kearny st.l 9 tt CIOME AND SEE 100 PAIR OF MERCHANT- Sj tailor made trousers; latest spring styles; our prices $4 to $5: a tailor's prices $8 to $12. OR- IGINALMISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. DENISTONJ. TURNER, 1225 PIERCE. PHOTO horses, dogs Instantaneously at your home. 25 tf DRUMMERS-GET YOUR SAMPLES PHOTO- graphed by Denlston ._ 'Turner, 1225 I'lerce,2stf ANDREW— YOU CAN PURCHASE A MEK- chant-tallnr made spring style sack suit, very nobby, tor $15; tailor's price, $30. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Du- punt sts. C~A Rl' ETS CLEANED 3 CTS. PER YARD,1211 J Market, telephone 3222, S. STRATTON.m 23 6m A A. BIT III!, THE WELI.-KNOYVNJEWELER, . occupies now the renovated premises formerly held by A. Tuckey at 205 Montgomery. mr2o lm ALL FLESHY PERSONS CAN BE REDUCED 5 /V pounds weekly by using or. DU HOIS' Anti-obe- sity Ten; warranted perfectly harmless and pleas- ant to take; fur sale by all druggists; price, $1 50 per box. \u25a0 . mriw Bra BE WISE AND WELL DRESSED IN OUR NEW spring styles merchant-tailor made overcoats In a variety of colors; our price $15; tailor's price $..0. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cur. Pust and Dupont sts. THE BEST ON THE COAST— PIONEER 1 Carpet-heating Machines, 353 Tehama St. tele- phono 3010. J. SPAULDING _ CO. mrlOtf TRY KELLY'S GUARANTEED CORN CURE; NO refunded. KELLY', chemist, lo2 Eddy. L-INEST EYE-GLASSES, SPFXS 15c UP. 05 r Fourth st., next to bakery ; Sundays 728 Market St.. in Celebrated Ladies' Glove-store, one door from men's bat-store. nir9 tf EVERYBODY EATS PEERLESS HAMS, THEY are the best. South San Francisco Provision Company, salesroom 218 and 220 Front st. mrl3 lm M (HENNA'S RIDING-SCHOOL. 1537 MISSION, near twelfth; lessons given dally, Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 9, by the well-known Instructor, J. Mi KF:N A; road horses for hire. 13 tf II YOU WISH TO INVEST MONEY TO GOOD X advantage, purchase a merchant-tailor mad. Prince Albert suit for $25: tailor's price $55. OR- IGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dnpontsts. HERE IS NICOLL* WHY, IN HIS NEW \u25a0' store. 1154 Market st. opposite Sixth. mr6 lm VTICOLL MAKES STYLISH SUITS AT 1151 \u25a0L . Market St. opposite Sixth. mr6 lin Ut AISTS CUT, FITTED, STITCHED. COLLARS; sleeves In; skirt cut. stitched, braid drapery, belts put on; $3. 31HE- HICHAUX. 116 McAllister. I.KKFECT-FITTING TAILOR DRESS MADE IN J- 24 hours for $15, $20, $25; goods all round. MRS. M.DAVIS, 234 Taylor St. mrl tt DIVORCES- FEE AFTER DECREE, JNO. J. XJ COFFEY, attorney. 019 Montgomery st rel9 tt CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED WITHOUT beating: refitting carpets a specialty. CONKLIN BROS.. 333 Golden Gate aye.: telephone 2126. 13 tr HENRY H. DAVIS. ATTO-tNEY -AT-LAW, 423 California st, Rooms I ami 9; ADVICE FREEtf DIVORCES, WILLS, ETC. FRANK KENNEDY, Attorney, 83 Murphy Building. 12 tf 'I'HE ONLY ABSOLUTE AND ACCREDITED I cure for the opium, morphine, cocaine, chloral and opium-smoking habit Is DR. C. J. WEATHERBY'S antidote; In use 19 years, omce, 28 and 29 St Ann's building, San Francisco, Cal. fe9 tr ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN—DRESS GOODS, silks, sealskin and scaietto cloaks: also carp*.*.* furniture, laco curtains, blankets, foidlng-beds, pic- tures and mirrors at M. FRIEDMAN A CO.'S, Hi ami 230 Stockton st, cor. Post: open evenings. lit PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT. _"_. _ Folsoin st MRS. M.E ROGERS. Midwife.A3 12: a ( I ARPETS BEATEN AND LAID, OoPERYD. P. -/MERRILL. 453 Stevenson st ; telephone 3223. 6tn YOU CAN BUY YOUR FURNITURE ON 1N- X stallinents; easy terms. BARE BROS., 322 and 324 Hayes st, bet Franklin aud Oough. mr!stt CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO HAVE J your carpets cleaned aud relald. JONES' Per- fect Carpet-cleaning works. 25 and 27 Eighth st: telephone 3424. . oc'Jtf DRY GOODS ON INSTALLMENTS, WITHOUT Interest; dress goods, cloaks, furniture, carpets, bedding, jewelry, pictures, mirrors, banging lamps, clocks, etc. ; carpets from 65c upward. J. NOONAN * CO.. 1021 and 1023 Mission st, bet Sixth and Seventh; open evenings. apl7 tt HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTH* Ing. gold, Jewelry, books. KLEIN,109 Sixth tt W'indoyv SHADES manufactured to or- '' der by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market 21tt i ["WELL'S XL DAIRY BOTTLE MILK; PUREST 2and best In the world; IQeper quart bottle. 1 "WILDING BEDS. MIRRORED YYITHLARGE F'rencb plate, walnut, -cherry and antique oak. oa Installments for cash prices: $25 toslso. M.FRIED* -lAN A CO.. 228 and 2.0 Stockton St., cor. Post. 1 tf ] DRESSMAKERS. MISS AGNES 119 STOCKTON, NEAR Geary: stylish suits from $3 50 up; cutting and fitti: g.t specialty; 75 cents: perfect ft aprtf EllUl'ATlO-iAL. AI"_rSA7H-Clf~"_TlX~G^^^ PRIVATE LE_"- sons lh public school studies. Address X. Y. /.., Box 158. Call Branch Office. apl 3t* pART DESIRES TEACHER IN 51 AT11 E- -1 unities, writing and drawing. Address M.. Box 91, Call Branch Offlce. apB 2t* PIANO FORTE ______!& ADDRESS HENRY A MARSH, 107 O'Farreil st. mr29 7t DBOF. DE FILIPPE'S SIMPLIFIED PRACTICAL J- method of French and Spanish. The Bancroft Co. _• V. SHORT-HAND AND TYPE-WRITING IN- O. stitute; $0 per month. Kearuy, cor. Clay: uo connection with former concern. mr3o lm PROF. L. FRIEDRICH. TEACHER OF VIOLIN JL and guitar. Residence 330 Fell st lnr29 7t* - yKEE BOOKS. PHI:.. INSTRUCTION. BURGESS J. Business College. 410 Kearny; day and ere, tl'jtt SCHOOL OF CIVIL, MINING AND MECHANICAL Engineering, Surveying, Architecture, Drawing, Assaying. A.VANDEKNAILLEN.723 Mark't 21tt H EALD'S BUSIINESS COLLEGE, 21 POST ST* Double-entry book-keeping, penmanship, short- band, type-writing, tclography, etc., ail included!:* business course under one lee of $75. je.ld.f PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 320 POST St. Life scholarship. $75: clay ana evening. oc'2J.t \u25a0 DENTISTS. R. THOMAS It. HILL, ; BHL*_>-' lug; Rice hours, 9to 5. ap24 c.d . ALL NEWSPAPERS HAD LONG ARTICLES IN* them stating that the Insane asylums are full of people who took gas ouly once for painless tooth ex* traction and went crazy Mysecret painless method Is wonderrul. By its use any dental operation may be done painlessly. Will forfeit $100 for any tooth that I cannot extract without sleep or gas, even though a dozen dentists have failed to extract It All operations done better than elsewhere, since I bave seven first prizes for beautiful Ulllngs. plate and crown work. There are 5 Leek dentists, omce open till 9:30 p. >_.; Sundays till 3 i*. 11. DLL GEORGE YY. LEEK. - O'FarreH st oc9 tt COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 800 MARKET / st (Pbelan Building);gas specialists; positively extract teeth without pain; only otlice that makes and gives the celebrated " Colton Gas"; 30.000 ref- erences; established 1863; all operations ln dentistry performed. Pit CHARLES W. DECKER. fc7 tt DR. A. LUDLUMHILL, 1443 MARKET ST., BET. Tenth and Eleventh; no cbarge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c. mitt IfULL SET, $7: EXTRACTING. POSITIVELY 1 painless, 60 cents. DR. C. A. PERRY, 8 Masou st, formerly 841 ilarket st -- . des_tt TAR. REA 923 MARKET, EXTRACTS TEETH XJ fur 50c; with gas tor $1; open evenings, seller ffl; 7 A SET FOE: TF_BTH; WARRANTED AS .W I good as can be made; tilling $1. DR. SIMMS. dentist, 930 Market st. next Baldwin Theater.ocltt 4 FULL SET OF TEETH FOR $7 FILLINGS AT _"v lowest prices; work warranted DR. J. YV. KI.I 841 Market st, opp Baldwin. -.. annul DX C. H. WILSON, DENTIST.I 925 MARKET st. bet Fifthand Sixth, imp. Mason., del, tt : '. OFFICES TO \u25a0 LET. .'-.__' CHEAP: OFFICE OF 3 KOOMS TO LET SUITA- Me for doctor, dentist or lawyers. Inquire or Landlady. 703 Market st, cor, of Third. inr3o tf . OFFICES! oil. FRONT AND CALIFORNIA: COR. California and Kearny, and Kearny, nr. Sacra- . mento. * YON BHKINA P.. 524 California st. 13 tf -:'.' : \u25a0". ' STABLES TO, LCI. O LET-HOUSE AND STABLE: CENTRALLY located; house of 9 looms and bath, and stable of over 20 stalls and - loft for 25 tons of hay and yard room for 20 trucks; entrance from two streets; rent cheap. DR. G. K. MUNI., 37 Post St., cor. Kearny: hours 11 to 3 and 7 to 8. mr'.'S Ot FrSnYVe STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. '. . :. BAR \u25a0-.- FIXTURES COUNTERS^ SHELVING, show-cases, sash-doors, etc.. at 225 I'ost st jjjj tt I CHEAPEST PLACE FOR COUNTERS, SHELVES, show-cases: offices A stores fitted. 334 Geary. 2tt SEVERAL NEW BAR-FIXTURES FOR SALE*, stores and offices fitted up at the Baldwin Car- ' penter-shop. 319 Sutter St. ; showroom 618 Geary, tt BAR, STORE FIXTURES.SHOW CASES. DESKS, doors, sash, bought and sold. \u25a0 Pioneer store, 23 and 27 Tenth st., formerly 1032 Market st \u25a0 f 22 U. -TiTITrTi -_r.i_i-|T_i„ I* \u25a0 -|_,il_i IWi-iHBlIIM._IIM., li ._!\u25a0__ \u25a0mil _,_F :'. y -\u25a0' rooms ;to ; lkt-conttnukd. OALJ VALENCIA-NICE ROOMS; HOUSE NEW; -lUU price low. \u0084 \u25a0 - . ._••.- v...- -:, apl3t* -.- -41 £» FRANKLIN— UNFURNISHED rooms; housekeeping privileges. - .- apl It*'. 7ft*_ MARKET CHEAPEST FURNISHED I XJO housekeeping rooms with piano. apl lt* \u25a0 £49 STEVENSON, BET. SEVENTH .-. AND o^x—t Eighth— Furnished housekeeping rooms. 4 4* SUNNY' FURNISHED ROOM WITH' USE OF bath: board if desired. Address 1026 Vallelo street. \u25a0 . - . \u25a0\u25a0\u0084. a pl7t« Qi>C LARKIN, NEAR GEARY- LARGE FUR- XJ^iO nlshed room, suitable for 2 gentlemen or man and wife: no objection to 2 ladles; gas, bath; housekeeping privilege. ap2 4t* 1 '-.ft OAK' COR - GOGGH-ELEGANT. SUNNY, XOXJ bay-wind w suites; gentleman and wife or several gentlemen; cbeap rcul. * ap3 lit \u25a0 110 TURK-LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; ALSO XXO flat forhouiekeeplng, $20. ap3 3t* \u25a0 "I 'WY MCALLISTER, FLAT =' 3-NEYVLY-FUR- , x v nlshed room: running water, hot and cold; bath: 1or 2 gentlemen, or man and wife; use of kitchen. ap3 7t* U TAYLOR OFFICES OK FURNISHED rooms; suites or single; day or month. ap3 51* 4 HENRIETTA SQUARE— 2 OK 3 NEATLYFUR- -t nlsbed rooms fur gentlemen or light house- keeplng. *\u25a0 \u25a0 - . \u25a0 ap3 3t« ')(lUSEVENTH - 2 SUNNY UNFURNISHED _-Ut/ rooms; gas and bath. ap3 st* (iA'J. MINNA-FRONT ROOMS FOR 2 MEN; - 1 _*_-* single beds, cheap. ap3 3t« 'JO'! SIXTH -GOOD FURNISHED SUNNY ___*.__J____jj?. $1 to ->'- per week ; quiet house. 3 4t« \u25a0VfEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT- II able for light housekeeping. 1715 O'Farreil street \u25a0\u25a0.-.\u25a0. »p3 3t» Cl O OCTAVIA-SUNNY FURNISHED HOUSE- OXO keeping rooms; bath; large bisement. ap3 4* m WELSH 2 COMPLETELY FURNISHED rooms Tor housekeeping. .. ap3 3t* HAQ HOWARD ELEGANTLY FURNISHED I nt-> rooms In the city; suites or single, or floor fur doctor family. ap3 3t* 1 (it' ELEVENTH— FURNISHED SUITE OF AIIU rooms for light housekeeping; parlies pro- viding their own gasoline stove; also a room traits. ble rur two gentlemen. ap3 2t* Kill FULTON, BET. OCTAVIAAND LAGUNA— OXO 3 neatly furnished rooms: rent cheap. ap3 2* 9'IA EDDY-FURNISHED LOWER UOUSE- iii-XI keeping: sunny; double and single rooms.3 2* A] 7 STOCKTON- BOOH, SUITABLE tili Tor two; also housekeeping. ap3 st* J.-1 '_> HOWARD— ROOMS, $4 AND $5; XJrtO also double rooms. ap3 2t* K7O HOWARD, NEAR SECOND-TO LET, 0 I O large comer room, furnished. - ap3 3t* 01 O MISSION— 9 FURNISHED BOOMS FOR XJXO bousekeeplng. \u25a0_ ap3 2t* /' HYDE, NEAR Mi-ALITsTER-FRONT BOOH, X) with use of kitchen, fur housekeeping; also single room fur a lady. ap3 2t* 571 STEVENSON. NR. SEVENTH. UPSTAIRS*"" Ut±Front room; private family; logout; $8. 3 3* 1 4-.(l MISSION—NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY X a OXI bay-window suite for housekeeping. ap3 tf o.l' NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY FRONT «iFv». room, withgrate. 233 Ritch St., near Third and Biyant. ap3 31* 4 'l*7 MINNA—2 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; FUR- _tO I Lished for housekeeping: reasonable. 112 it* 1117 taytTor, bet. clay AND califor- -1111 nia Sunny turuished front room: rent $14; gentleman. . ap'J 51* 1 'Jl TAYLOR-NEAT SUNNY FURNISHED XO-* rooms; cheap. -ap2 st* 1 ,? _ HARRISON^ NEAR NINTH 1 ___. I _>_.Q bed rooms to let. a;. 2 at* CO*7 O'FARRELL -PARLOR FLOOR; FUR- -00 I nisbed; honsekeeplng; hot water: gas. ap2 tf 1 IQU FOLSOM— 2 FUBNISHED BOOMS FOB XXOO housekeeping. ap2 Ot* 11 (If. CLAY LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM; I'll gas; housekeeping rooms. I ap'J 3t* D "I 9 SIXTH— NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF OX.*- rooms for light housekeeping. als. .single. 2 3* 1 AQI GEARY—FURNISHED BOOMS, SINGLE XXJXJ-* and en suite. ai,2 6t» 1991 : OAK —SUNNY, FURNISHED FRONT aJa.'4 rooms; single and double: private famy.2 5* 1 AO SIXTH— SUNNY, DOUBLE ROOM, A _L__ withstove. ap2 st* Qt\(i MISSION-THREE ROOMS FURNISHED XJOXJ fur housekeeping. ap2 3t* 9*_7 OCTAVIA-THREE FURNISHED HOUSE- __i> I keeping rooms: use of parlor. ap2 tf A 7. SECOND-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, 2 OB A.O 3 gentlemen; private family. ap2 3t» 7QO VAN NF.SS AYE.-A HANDSOMELY FUR- -1 Oxi nisheil corner suite of parlors; reut $40; also single rooms. ap2 tf (._.'-_ I--LLIS-FURNISIIED SUNNY ALCOVE XJXJO and single rooms. ap2 3t* ,I'Jfil THIRD -$11; 2 SUNNY FURNISHED Xtlxj* rooms fur housekeeping: also others. a. 6t* '-_'_> MOSS. BET. SIXTH AND SEVENTH— 00 sunny rooms; rent $14. Apply 125 seventh street ap2 31* IQI 11-!l 1 -! SUTTER— 2 UNFURNISHED SUNNY 1 I/O rooms Tor housekeeping cheap; bath. 17* 7')/Y MONTGOMERY AYE. -2 SUNNY UNFUR- I —ti nlsded ova in private Tamlly. ' apl st* I 997 MISSION - NEATLY FURNISHED 1-j.- t front room In private family; $6. apl tt '. 1 9 MASON-NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM; Ql_j rent $3. mr3l ot* 991 H.UGHT-PARLOR FLOOR 4 ROOMS _._ 1 mrulshed for housekeeping, bath, for 3 or 4 adults; very desirable. mr3o 7t* 1'J A 7 STOCKTON - 2 NICELY FURNISHED XOXJ I rooms; cheap. mr3o 7t* 71 C EDDY—NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE lidroom, with 2 closets; $10. * mr3o tr Qf;7 MISSION FURNISHED FRONT SUITE 00 I toe light housekeeping, inrSO 7t* m - HYDE SUNNY "HALL ROOM* GAS; closet; $7. mr3o tf 01 «_> ELLIS NICELY. FURNISHED SUNNY 010 rooms for gentlemen, or light housekeeping ; references. mr3o tt 1 097 MISSION-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED -ILf_- I rooms; double, single and en suite; gas aud bath; aiso light housekeeping. 111 2 8 tf 1 99.. MISSION— 2 OR 3 NICELY FURNISHED 1 _-._._) sunny rooms for housekeeping. mrl2 tr 1 I - JONES— S SUNNY ROO>le. NEWLY FUR- XIX) nlshed. from $6 to $10; bath: gas. mr26 tf 9_l(l TAYLOR-A FURNISHED - SUNNY BED- a- XX) room and kitchen; private family; bum. 25 tf 1 1 >_> LARKIN -FURNISHED SUNNY SUITES; XIO also slugie and housekeeping: reasonable, tr 9(|A GOOD ROOMS AT LOW BATES—7IB HOW. -—-'-' ard Third: gas and water lv each room; reading-room and bath tree; linen changed dally; house open all ulght- best beds la tbe world. tt q 1 9 SUTTER-FARLOR SUITE, 1 ROOMS, TO _/I_j gentlemen, or housekeeping. mr2o tf 994 GEARY-PARLORS AND OTHER SUNNY t/_,_: rooms: unfurnished; housekeeping. mrl . tt Cf' 1 1 MLSSION-2 OB 3 ROOMS NEATLY FUK- XJXJIj nlshed: housekeeping. mrlO It 1 (14 KEARNY, OPP. WHITE HOUSE-FRONT XXJI "'"' and kitchen ; $20; top floor. mr4 if 6 O'FARRELL -BEAUTIFUL SUNNY FRONT XJ room cheap to steady roomer. fell tr 1 (l'"_i. HOWARD— HOUSEKEEPING AND BIN' XXJOXI gle rooms; also office rooms. ja9 tt. YOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET ST.. BET. X Sixth and Seventh; 35c tosl per night; per week, $1 50 to $5; single and en suite: families. mrl tr g_l____l^MgM^M____Sa__W__W________________B____g _BO_KDIKO \u25a0 AND ! ROOMS. SUNNY ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNI UR- nlslit-'l. withboard; private family; choice loca- tion. 1. M., Bux 2045. losionice. apt It* SUMMER BOARDERS WANTED: $1 PER DAT; 20 miles from city on seashore; fishing, hunting and bathing suits free: fare $1 50. See owner at 520 Mission st apl lm I LEGANTLY FURNISHED ROfIMS . WITH I_ buard In a private family. luquire at 907, near McAllister. inr.iO tr rpilE ELSMERE, 418 SUTTER—SING I.E ROOMS X and en suite, with line table, rrom $23 up; cable- cars pass the door fur all parts of the city. THE GRATUM," 118 SIXTH ST.: ELEGANT 1 rooms: with or without board. mr22 lin DI YON HOUSE, 1130 MARKET AND 23 TURK St.—Handsomely furnished suites and single; sunny; transients solicited. inrlO lm rpilE ORIEL, SELECT FAMILY HOTEL, MAI? X ket and Franklin ; combines ail the conveniences and substantial comforts of a pleasant noma with- out exorbitant charges. MR. AND MRS. SAN- FORD. - - feistt rpUK MARIPOSA. 824 LAGUNA— FINE SUITES; X first-class board: terms moderate. no7 tt ARLINGTON BOUSE. 127 KEARNY—PLEAS- ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first class Inevery respect; terms reasonable. JalOtt - g9{Y SUITER-FIRST-CLASS TABLE-BOARD. lit-P jal tt AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, 319 AND 321 1 Sansome st, San Francisco; board and room $1, $1 25 and $1 50 per day; free coach. WM. MONT- ' GOMERY', proprietor. ]y2l tt - SINGLE ROOMS 150 A NIGHT. LINDELL House, cor. Sixth and Howard. aull tt MONTGOMERY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEU 227 and 229 Second St.—Single moals 25c; board ani room per day. 75c to $1 : by the week, $4 to $5 ; free coach to and from the ap2 l OAKLAND I tOO MS AND BOUSES. It'll LET—IN OAKLAND, FURNISHED BOUSES 1 - rooms to family without childreu; $30. Inquire 1380 Tenth st.. cur. Cypress. ap2 4t* ALAMEDA ROOMS AND HOUSES. " LF-T-NKW 6-ROOM _li"_l__7-_YTH7 -<_fß- " X nlshed complete; Central aye., near Station. In- nnire DAVIDSTERN A SON. 7* . \u25a0 CIIILI>It_N~ItT)AKir-iD. \u25a0\u25a0-."" itriDOYv, HAVING NO CHILDREN, WOULD " take entire charge of one at her home. . Apply 1229 Dolores st . -\u25a0:-\u25a0--. .\u25a0 -.: . .. .* 1 ADY WOULD LIKECHILDREN TO BOARD, I J or an Infant; would give them a mother's care; terms reasonable. Address K. E., Box 120, Call llranch Oflice. - _ap4 3t* LADY WOULD LIKE'I 2 CHILDREN TO board; mother's care given; terms $10 per month. Address H. 11.. Box 1 12, Call Branch.a 3 2* EXPERIENCED LADY HAVINGA PLEASANT J home, with sunny yard, desires a little child, not under 2, to board and care for: references ex- changed. Address B. 8., Box 102, Call Branch Offlce. -._.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-.,_-. aplTt* \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'*. .' BTOKKS TO »: LET. . --. ..v : STORE TO LET; FIXTURES FOX SALE? 1414 Church st, near Duncan. * : - ap4 7t PART OF STORE TO LET. 104 O'FARRELL St.. Inquire barber-shop. \u25a0:\u25a0•--..- ----- - ai_ lt* 019.**, 1133Vi . VALENCIA-STORE ' AND * 4 lui^O. rooms: good business location. ap3 cod 3t* ART OF STORE, WITH WINDOW, TO LET. 420 Sutter st. . -.--\u25a0'\u25a0-.... ...... ap3 3t* IfINE CORNER STORE: GOOD PLACE ' FOR r drug or grocery store. Bryant and Gilbert sts., near Seventh. \u25a0 ---.\u25a0. .- ap2 3t* STORE AND 4 ROOMS TO LET. 1640 MARKET St., N. side. . \u25a0 .- \u25a0 : -. - ap2 Bt* \u25a0 dpi 7, LARGE STORE WITH OR. YVITHOUT «s> lll. rooms, and stable. 2112 Twenty-third. 807* A I THIRD ST. STORE ' AND » - SUNNY 11Urooms; very fine. EASTON, ELDRIDGE _ CO.- - ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- .. .--\u25a0 - .-\u25a0 mr'2Btt n.O LET—I4O9 VALENCIA. NEAR TYVENTY- -1 fifth, new store, $25: 015 Sansume. near Jack- son, 3-story building, $125. YON RHEIN A CO., 524 California st - . \u25a0-. \u25a0 - -' . \u25a0--• . mr'.'O tt <St<.l- . STORE AND 3 ROOMS; COR. EDDYST. C— O. and Bourbon place. .. . - -...-.\u25a0. fe2B tt . n r.-i'i fiTr.ii , ._\u25a0; mm. ii_TW^^irffl^¥i , *rfT,_i-Bii,li n. jr. COUNTRY ; REAL ESTATE— D. l__>E_riTE - INVESTMENT; 75 ACRES OF garden laud, near proposed terminus of Mlsslon- st cable-road: every acre under vegetable cultiva- tion; to pay 6 percent on Investment Ap- plyto owner, R. T. WARD. 610 Clay .st. mr23 lmo -- j \VE 11AYE ACHOICE SELECTION OF COLONY »' lands subdivided Into 5. 10 and 20 acre tracts at tbe uniform price of $15 per acre: on easy in- stallments; send ror circulars. CALIFORNIA LAND ASSOCIATION. 634 Market st. - m.23 tt SCHOOL LANDS, $1 50 TO $3 AN ACRE: ON very easy terms; sold by the State in tracts to suit; uo residence or improvement required; ail kinds of lands, in many different counties; send slump for list Open Monday, Wednesday and Satur- day evenings. F. YY'. LAKE, 0 Flood Building. 13 tt SCHOOL LANDS.- AGRICULTURAL AND TlM- ber. Public Laud Agency. .',07 Montg'y. H -I. 29 tt HOUSES TO LET. 9090 TAYLOR.NEATTGTuK^YviTTirsTtIu^M- _JV__ XI and bath. $35; 2016 O'Farreil, 6 rooms, $20; 522 Fell, 8 rooms, $35 159 octavia, 8 rooms, $37 50: 905 Stcltier, ll rooms. $55: 103 Leaven- worth, 9 rooms. $47 50; 22 Haight, 10 rooms, $55: 1505 Golden Gate aye.. 8 rooms, $45; 239 Eleventh, 10 rooms, $40; 00 Minna, 10 rooms, new. $15; Polk, bet Hayes and Fell, 10 rooms and bath, $100. Apply to P. C. Moi.i.oY. 138 Montgomery st. apt 3t LOWER PARTOF HOUSE. 21 SILVER STREET. Xj -'" ' -- apl 3t* ENGLISH COTTAGE; 7 ROOMS: ON LINEOF 1 Omnibus Cable Railroad; view from rear wln- dows unsurpassed. 1010 Broderick st. - apt 3t* pOTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS AND BATH. 1830 VJ Bush st. ' \u25a0 . apl 3t* HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS; 2301 POLK ST.; KENT $16- apl 2t«. VI.W FLATS— II 39 VALENCIA, NR, 23D. 7 -_' rooms and bath, $35: 220 San Jose 24th. 14 rooms, batn, $.90; 832 Page. nr. Scott. 0 rooms and bath. $30; 2631 Mission, nr. 22d. 5 rooms and bath, $17 60: 190S Jessie, nr. 20th, 7 rooms, bath. $25: 310 310% Leavenworth, nr. Eddy, 8 and 7 rooms and bath each, $47 50 and $12 60; 416 Bart- lett. nr. 25th. brooms, bath, $25: NW. cur. 21st and Guerrero, 12 rooms and bath. $75: 625 Vi Valencia, nr. 10th, 5 rooms and bath, $20: 2038 F'olsom. nr. 17th, 5 rooms and hath. $lb; 2102 V- Howard, nr. 17tb, 5 rooms, $17 50; 225 17th. nr. Mission, 4 rooms, $13; 130 Clary, nr. 4th, base- ment, $8; 30 Park aye.. offBryant and Oth, 5 rooms, $20; 925 Army, near Dolores, 0 rooms, batb, stable, $27 50; NYV. Bush and Baker, new flat, 0 rooms and batb. $27 50. YON 11I1E1N ._ CO, 524 California street _^ _\u0084;\u25a0 o_ «t It' SUNNY. BAY-YVINDOWED COTTAGE: 6 _. L __ rooms; basement; yard. Cor. Dolores and Fifteenth sta. . ai.3 7t* _i_>*. BAY-WINDOW HOUSE. 6 BOOMS jOaj.OXI. and alcove; modern Improvements; fine location; 4 lines cars Fillmore anil Sutter.3 31* L-NE SUNNY HOUSE, 7 ROOMS AND BATH. 111. HOLTMEIER, Filbert and Taylor sta. ap3 Ht* /•ROOMS; BATH: LARGE YARD. 1810 JESSIE, LI key Nineteenth and Jessie, bakery, ap3 3:* 1 ' (*t 1 LARKINST.— HOUSE OF 4 Rooms. Al'- I""'' ply to C. S. BLAIR, 237 First St., or ln evcningat 48 Minnie. ai>3 3t» CM) HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS. COR. GREENWICH VPO. and Kearny st». . ap2 4i* \u25a0YTTCE FURNISHED HOUSE, 10 BOOMS, BATH: -1' lull of roomers; good location; furniture new; lady going country; willsell at bargain; good borne: rent $25 ; wishes 10 sell as quick as possible. Call 62 Tehama st, bet. First and Second. ap'.' St* JAU FELL COSY COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS, "I"*' with or without stable. ap2 tf ,i|<l NICE COTTAGE; 5 LARGE ROOMS*; _. 10. bath; large sunny yard: large cellar. Ap- ply 711 Treat aye., bet 20th and 21si sty apl tt -.9/1 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 327 '\u25a0_ CHEST- Q--\>. nut st apl if Ij-OR RENT-SARATOGA HALL, 814 GEARY. A Apply JACOIt 1 [CHER, 011 premises. 1 7t» UPPER PART OF HOUSE, 432 SEVENTH, 6 IJ fine sunny rooms; rent $25. rur2o tf CflA REAR HOUSE 4 ROOMS. 1314 LARKIN •jplU. st.jur, Caiirornla. mr..O If CjCC FINE SUNNY HOUSE 8 ROOMS; BATH; *~o>l. front and rear garden. 1-121 steiner st, near Fills. _mrlB tr VICE HOUSE 6 ROOMS AND BATH; ALL is new Improvements. 1921 Mason st, near Greenwich and Montgomery aye., rent $25. Mrs tf SOT. BAY-WIN DO" CORNER OF 8 ROOMS O. and bath; cur. Eddy and Bourbon place. 23 if -£••_> EJECTS BAD TENAN ; COLLECTION UTO made. Coffey's Collect'n Co., 819 Montg'y. 9tf 1 1 s2 GOLDEN GATE HOUSE, 10 SI -NY 110 rooms. Apply 505 Kearny st. 1.18 tf FLATS WANTED. ANTED- FLAT OF 4 ROOMS AND BATB. F. I' s., P. O. Hox 1670. ap:i :«\u25a0 FLATS TO 1.1 1. 2937^4^C_-Ll_-oi-NIA, NEAB baker— Op 1 O. Lower bin-window Hat; 4 rooms and lath. O'FARRELL A LANG. 11 Montgomery, npl 3t 9A AND $21 SO-NEW FLATS; 24 AND 98 V " Diamond, near Castro and Seventeenth sts.; modern, hay-windows, sunny, and very pleasant lo- cation, iiv arreli. a LANG, 11 Montgomery.* 7 Oil NEW FLATS, VERY COMPLETE. 5 AND 6 ' I r on;: and bath each, rents from $27 to $35. NX cor. Eleventh and Foisom; 3 new flats. 4 and 5 rooms and num. $13 and $22. on McClca court, off Ninthst.: 1152 Stevenson, bet. Thirteenth and Her- man, 7 rooms and bath, complete, $28: new 4 and 6 room flats, YValnut aye., at Sutter and Larkln. $2." and $23. Apply to P. C. JIOLLOY", 138 Moilt- gouiery st. ap4 3t L'LAT-t) ROOMS; PART OF FURNITURE FOB a sale. SOI Turk st apt 3t* UPPER TI.AT-7 ROOMS: BATH; 2 PATENT water-closets. 638 llalght st. ap4 3t* 1 (.e.'-. GOLDEN GATE AYJ-.-FURMSHI.D OR 1 XIO.) unfurnished; 4 rooms and batb. ap4 4t* UPPER FLAT, 720 FELL, NEAR FILLMORE, I north Side; sun all around; 7 rooms, bath: all modern improvements: store-room; large yard: bouse almost new; water free. ap:'"3l* CIO 4 KOOMS, 4 CLOSETS AND HALL. HAK- <_- 1 0 . risen and Twenty-second. ap3 3t* I "s(i(l CALIFORNIA— FURNISHED FLAT COM- 1..111.. pletefor housekeeping. ap3 3t* EXTRA CONVENIENT FLAT; 6 ROOMS. BATH and tine fixtures: parkview; 0 cable lines. 1316 Fell St, near Baker; no bills. ap'2 ot* 9 SUNNY FLATS: 6 AND 6 ROOMS AND BATH. -\u25a0 23 and 27 Birch aye., off Larklu, bet. Grove and Fulton. ap2 7t* BEAUTIFUL MODERN 7-ROOM UPPER fLaT; bath; $35. 211 Webster, near Haleht apl 71* I Oil FOURTEENTH. BET. VALENCIA AND -IO'U Guerrero—New sunny flat;5 rooms and bath; latest Improvements; rent $20. 31 If ITLAI OF 5 ROOMS AN _T BATH; KENT $18. 1724 Stevenson st . - inr3o tf 1 *.(.7 CALIFORNIA-FURNISHED BACK AND XtJXJ I front rooms, with alcove, for light house- keeping; hath: $25; no children. mrSO tf 1 -I GARDEN—BAY-WINDOW FLAT; 3 l":i"'M s. i I 2 hall, bath, gas, suuny side. mr_9 tr l-LRNISIII-.i) HOI -IS. IJ'JA POST, NEAR LEAY.IN -VORTII: NICELY 10l furnished: 10 rooms: Tor sale cheap, apltf <3! l )7. UPPER BAT-WINDOW FLAT OF SIX tl, _..!. sunny rooms', bath, basement and yard rur- nlture forsale. 733 Mdma st ap4 31* L'URNISIIEI) FLAT; 6 ROOMS; BATH; UOM- I plete for bousekeeplug. Apply at 1206.£.lacksnn St.. near Jones: 10 t0.4. .\u25a0 apt 7t* \u25a0VEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE; 7 ROOMS AND -> bath: centrally located; 6 months Inuse: 1 per- manent gentlemen roomers willremain if desired; a bargain for those wishing to secure a home; own- ers wish to go Fast Apply at Call Branch, apl 3t* ifURNITURR OF 9 BOOMS, CHEAP; HOUSE TO 1 let. 441 Mlnnast. * apl 31* rjIHE FURNITURE OF 5 ROOMS FOR SALE, 1 also new family sewing machine cheap. -110 Tehama st \u25a0 ap4 3t* QAQ McAllister - elegant furnished OXJO flat : 0 rooms aud bath. apl 3t* LOR BALK— WITII PIANO $500: WITHOUT I piano $3.0; 4 rurnished rooms: parlor. 2 bed- rooms and kit' hen; coal I months ago $1050; a lino borne for some one; rent $20; as good as new. Ap- ply 10 Stockton place, between Post and Sutter; call after 1 p. «.. and get cheap bargain. ap4 31* 7 GLEN PARK AYE.. OFF TWELFTH. RET. MIS I sion and Howard— House or 7 rooms and bath; furniture and carpets almost new; for sale: bigbar- gain for any one wishing to go to housekeeping. Ap- ply on the premises. ap:i 31* 0 I ft HOWARD- I TRNTTUREOFBROOMS 010 sale : house to let; rent $35. ap3 7t* HOUSE TO LET AND FURNITURE FOR SALE* 919 Suiter st ap2 31* 999 haight-f;ntire UPPER floor: 4 ——rooms and bath: very desirable for 2 or 3 people; rent $35; no children. ' mr27 It TO RENT— a COMPLETELY FUBNISHED 1 house of 7 rooms: owner's desire to retain two rooms -i.l hoard fur three. 798 Van Ness ave.m'27 tf BOOMS TO LET. mIVALLEJO- SINGLE AND DOUBLE FUft" •XX nisbed rooms. - - ap4 7t* . _.(.'_ BUSH, '"\u25a0 MASON—2 or 3 rooms GXJO complete lor housekeeping. ap4 21* AQ STEVENSON-2 LIGHT HOUBEKJ-EPINQ U-IO rooms; rent low. apl lt* 89*1 BUSH DESIRABLE SINGLE AND 1 double room for gentleman; private; refer- ence. . - ap4 31* U'J EDDY - LARGE, HANDSOMELY FUR- XX -Inisbed sunny double room; closet; $12. 4 3* CI 7. LEAVENYVORTH -LARGE SUNNY FRONT OXO room; gas, bath; rent reasonable, apt 4t* \u25a0- Fift9 O'FAKItELL - SUNNY CORNER SUITE <-'_'— for rent reasonable. ap4 Ot* I'-.-J FOLSOM-.M-. ATI. FURNISHED SUNNY XJO— rooms for housekeeping; bath and gas: ref- erences exchanged. ap-l 2t* _ 7'J TEHAMA -LARGE FURNISHED FKONT -11 »' room and kitchen: $11. ap4 ;[ Ol;" FURNISHED HOUSEKF.KPINO ROOM: <_ I > also front room aud kitchen. 435 Tehama street. ap* Bt< 59| HYDE—UNFURNISHED FRONT. SUNNY <J— . 1 rooms tor housekeeping; rent low. apl lt* 1 OQC MARKET- FURNISHED SUNNY ROOM 1 -jOU to let. - ap4 tf Kilt. POWELL, NEAR SUITER-SUNNY FUR*- QUO nlshed rooms, with bath: rea al.le.apl 7t» IAI THIRD-FURNISHED' FRONT . BOOM, -1-t Isuitable for 2 gentlemen: $0 a week, apl It* 1 9 ESSEX, RINCON BILL NICE SUNNY _l— room; suit 2 gentlemen. apt 2t* PLEASANT SUNNY ROOMS IN QUIET X family: rent reasonable. 420 O'Farreil. ap4 st* '.'.d THIRD-FRONT ROOM AND KITCHEN, OPT neaily Uiri.islicd tor bousekeeplng. apt tf - '->9'_> - R_SUNNY DOUBLE ROOM; ALSO Q_.Q single room: very reasonable. apt 3t» 1 in*. MISSION-FURNISHED BOOM: 111 - X XXJ.i v.-tte tainilv. \u25a0- - -.-• --;' ap4 11* - 191 O'FAKKELL—PARLORS SUITABLE FOR laj 1 offices. - -- -. .. ap4 st* . 09 7. FIFTH— SUNNY, CLEAN FURNISHED O--O housekeeping: also single. . --- "It* \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0 '_>9(J LARKIN— SUNNY HAY-WINDOW SUITE, O—XJ with kitchen; no children. . ap4 If CAMEDDY, NEAR HYDE-HALL BED-ROOM; OXIXJ rent low. \u25a0 1 - ap4 It* - 7/ POLK-!! UNFURNISHED ROOMS; GOOD I < IO sard; rent $8. .--.:\u25a0 apl It* 8 TWELFTH. NEAR MARKET—I OR 2 BOOMS, with connecting kltcbe.i; turuished. .- 11* •jq LEWIS, OFF JONES, NEAR SUTTER- 2 UN- OXJ furnished rooms tor \u25a0 housekeeping, or front parlor; furnished: bath and gas. - apl It* \u25a0 9(17. TURK-FURNISHED PARLORS; SUITA- _--\u25a0«." hie for doctor; also, single and double rooms; rent reasonable. . -...- -.-.\u25a0-\u25a0-:\u25a0 .--:ap4 3; \u25a0 . 007 O'FARRELL— OR 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSE- Oa2 I keeping; furnished or uiifuruished. apl 21* 1 M9_l LARKIN, -NEAR SUTTER- 81 OLE J- xJAAruum, furnished: $5; gas; bath, apl 21* ._.r_Tfir'n'fl-iiiitfin-i,-_.^--_iiiw_ii,*, -m- ..._^_-_l_»'i.i„ a , ' -CITY REAL ESTATE. :' ' JV. PLUMRE. REAL ESTATE, 1402 VALES* . cla st., cor. 25th and San Jose Railroad Depot ; warm belt of Mission. ror3o 3t SuWeFr BABGAIN— 92760; COTTAGE 5 ROOMS, GAS, i'atti, etc.; can be raised and storo put under- neath; tine business location: 1405 Church st, be- tween 27th and Duucau. J. F. PLUMBE, 1102 Va- lencia st . . -\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0 mr£o 3t SuWeFr tj._ir.nn mist BE SOLD; 2-STORY HOUSE, *4^«I.JUU. 6 rooms, batb, etc.; stable, carriage- house, garden; nice home: 239 Chattanooga St., be- tween 23d and 21th: good neighborhood: lot 2__ 117:6: street-work done; terms easy. J. F.PLUMHE, 1102 Valencia st uir_o3t SuWeFr <I_9'>i.M CHEAPHOL'SE; COT PAGE 4 KOOMS, tJP-jO-lU. etc.; lot 21_114: one-third cash, bal- auce In 4 years at 7 per cent; sunny side of Duncan st, between Dolores and Church. J. F. PLUMBE, 1102 Valencia st. mr3o 3t SuWeFr LOVELY COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS (LARGE) j and basement (planked), bath, etc.: lot 28x126; only $3400: part cash; 737 Church St., bet 21st and 22d': street work all done. J. F. PLUMBS, 1402 Valencia st. mr3o 31 SuWeFr ]OOK AT CHEAPEST ANI) BEST LO- XJ cated lots iv the Miss. IVi blocks from two Hues of cars, Cogswell College and public schools: on Army st., finest sewered street In city*, every lot ready for being built upon: size 25x100; price $ 550 and upward, as to location. J. P. PLUMBE, 1402 Valencia st - iur3o 3t SuWeFr 'J A LOTS".! CORTLAND AYE. AND BEU- «_U nal Heights School-house; $250 and $300 each. J. F. PLUMUE, 1402 Valencia. 30 31 si.v. . lr •Hil £_..(. COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS AND tjpl.lUlr. basement; good well and pump; lot 25x100; West Park st. HollyPark; part cash ; lot alone worth $1000. J. F. PLUMBE. 1.08 Valencia street. - - mrSO :'.t Saw •\u25a0! i |N|"--|' NEW TWO-STORY RESIDENCE, - ? <£U I OXJ. rooms, bath and laundry; modern con- veniences; stone sidewalk; grand marine view; Valiejo St., near Van Ness aye.; easy terms If de- sired; look at tills bargain. Apply to COHN, JA- COBS ._ CO.. 315 Montgomery St.. Nevada block. 43 STENOGRAPHERS— READ " MACHINERY VS. O Brains" and " Shorthand and a Foreign Lan- guage," etc., In April " Phonographic World, out to-day: all news-dealers; 10 cents. ap'J WeFrSu 3t __ HIM 100x120: E. SIDE UNIVERSITY ST., «3) _UU. bet. Dwight and Woolsey, University Homestead Association. CHAS. c. FISHER, 508 California ap.t 3t l>-)>),**. EACH; 25x100 FEET EACH; CHOICE 'IT— O. lots on W. side of Edinburgst. bet. Italy aud Pram ayes., part Clock 40, Excelsior Home- stead Association. (HAS. C. FISHER, 508 Call- fumlast. ap3 3t QiV'.nn 826x100 FEET: NW, COR. p;DlN- i_)_ii)UU, burgh st. and Italy aye.. Excelsior Homestead Association. CHAS. C. FISHER. 603 California st ap*3 3t -_l7ni_ LOTS ON GOLDEN GATE AYE., «J) 1 lUU. near Lott St.; 25x100: street work all dope. WILSON ,v PARK, 18 Pus' at apB'_t i3_onnn LAST LOT left ON BUCHANAN, >UUU. near Waller; 27\93; graded. UIL- SON CARR, 18 Post St. n;.:t 21 *-.7(illl* A FINE 12-ROOM HOUSE ON JACK- tip I Ulll.l.son st, near l-owell; rent $40; can be made Into 3 Hals at small expense. WILSON A CARR. 18 Post st. ap2 3t ONLY $1400-LOT, 40x50, ON PRIEST S !\, OFF Washington, above Jones.-, level; huevlew; foil abstract WILSON - 0 ARK,IS Post st spa 81 •*">->\i\ A FINE '\u25a0' *'• 25x115; HENRY ST., •_ —— OX), near 15iii and Market; part cash. Mr- EWEN BROS. . 50 CallI o ia, Room 6. 23SllWFrtf •Si/I 7,11 CHEAPEST LOTS IN THE CITY: 25x «JT"-1 OXJ. 110: level, on the grade, this side of Sil- ver aye within a few steps or Mission st, tho great highway to and from the city, and on which a cable-road Is about to b. built. i;. W. POPE, 680 Market st. ap3 ;;t Ul ANT ED - IMPROVED PROPERTY; MUST It bring 6 per cent net. S. DUCUS, 1808 Market St., near Jones. ap3 lino BARGAINS TO BE HAD OF ROWELL ft PEL- I ON, i 22 Market St. $600—25* 1 20: E. side Cook St., 1 20 S. of Geary. $1600-50x100; N. side of Illil st, near Noe. $1500— 50_!14: S. side Cumberland st, near Noe. $2000-50x100; E. side I'atton St., 150 E. of Mission. $950-25x120; E. side 4th aye., bet. California and Lake sis. : Installments. $2000—88x106; li side Arlington, bet. Charles and MeGBI. Good bouses, etc., cheap. ap.l St* T__PROVED--s2_/000: COB. STH ST.; 2 STORES .1 and 4 fiats of 4. 5, 6 and 6 rooms; gas and water; lot 50x85; renting for $111; rents ran be Increased. $13,500— California St, nr. Fillmore; lot 25x120: bouse or 3 fiats or 0 aua 7 rooms and bath; now renting for $105. $12,000— Bargain; cor. 'J. .1 st; 1 block from cable- cars; lot 40x80; building of 2 stores, 4 rooms and basemen; below, and 2 lists above, 5 rooms and bath each: gas and water: stable for 2 horses: rent- ing for $100. $8500— linySt., nr. Jones; house or 3 fiats < r Sand 6 rooms and bath, and 2 flats in rear; lot 29..65: renting for $80. $8250— 12 th St., 3 doors from Foisom; 3-story house or 14 rooms; lot 40_i*_. with Lin rear. 19x37, with barn; everything in good order; building can be changed Into 3 fiats, which will rent for $80 per month: go see this bargain and make an offer. $.000— Fern aye., nr. Van Ness; bouse of 9 rooms and bath; rear bouse of 4 rooms; lot 26x60; renting for $65 per month: this Is a line Investment; is situ- ated only 59 ft. from cor. Van Ness; when the owner of be cor. of Van Ness and Feru ayes. builds be will want tins property. $8600— Mi. st, bet 23d and 2 lot Sox 182:6; 2 houses of 4 and 5 rooms; renting for $25 per month Bargain— Reaver st, bet. Noe and Castro; cottage of 4 large rooms, bath and basement; lot 25x115; must be sold this week ; want oiler. Vf. R. MAT- THEWS X CO., s'/_ Kearny st. Kuoms 1 and 2.a2 3t .6 Hi flftl, ™* 60-VARA;137:6x137:6; N. lU. UUU. side Union st, bet. Van Ness aye, and Franklin st. : a great bargain: will be worth double this price when Van Ness aye. is opened : go and see It S. MOSGROVE, 630 Market st. ap-_'3t '%1 fl f\t\fi 30x122:6; SPLENDID 8-KOOM «3" l U.UUU. house In very best order and repair: sunny home In warm belt W. side Howard st, bet. 17th and 18th; the lot alone worth nearly the price asked for entire property. S. MOSGROVE, 630 Market st ap2 3; Qi'.nn CORNER lot IN Berkeley": box tip'JXIXJ. 170; near University: beautiful views; $50 down. $10 a mouth. PHELPS A RICHARDS. 1 1 Montgomery St.. S. F. lel7 tf •Sinn TARK LOTS, NEAR BOULEVARD; $6 O-Iv/U. monthly Installments: no Interest; no taxes. JACOB HEYMAN. 630 Market st jail tr *-_ Z\f\(l '"' $800— SUNSET HEIGHTS; LOTS $20 t^tOXJX) a month: no Interest: uo taxes. HUCK- I Mi II AM _ CO.. 415 Montgomery st. mr9 tr_ V"( II0 I ONLY FOB COTTAGE HOUSE AND «^.OUUI' lot; 0 rooms un Sanchez st., near 16th and .Market: big bargain; sure to advance. K. Vf. SKELTON. 410 Montgomery at. . ap2 tr _.<).- LOTS; N. SIDE HANCOCK (WIDE t_. _J_IU. St. nr. Sanchez; 25x114: Mission warm belt, near ISth st; cheapest lots on the market E. W. BKELTON. 410 Montgomery st mrB tt -_MiUII LOTON STH ST. BETTER IN VKBT- i_)t)UUU. ment than U. S. Bonds. Inquire.1. P. DAMERON, 230 Montgomery St. ja'2'jtr /IALLONDI SENP.CHV A WURTS. 600 MARKET Sj st., for lots In Oakland and Berkeley on $10 pay- ments: engagements made for Sunday. mrB tf fi.i>~n LOT 36x100, IN BERKELEY; SIDE- •JIziUU. walked; $25 cash, $5 monthly. $500— Corner. 68x90: $50 cash, $10 monthly. $200— Lot 34x90; *20 cash. $5 monthly. (60— 25x100; cheap and steep; $10 cash. $375— Corner, 34x100: $8 monthly. CHARLES A. BAILEY, owner. 624 Market. m2s tf •Si CASH, BALANCE INMONTHLY PAY- t^OSIXJ ments: new, handsome cottage or 5 rooms and bath, brick foundation, 7-foot basement, patent sidewalk, double parlors, wooden mantel and tiling, with all modern improvements; -_\u25a0 blocks fromcabio- car . ApplyL.LANDLER, 22S1_ Montgorocry-21 tf Iy.AKK LOTS; 5 EXTRA LARGE LOTS. W. SIDE - 14tb are., bet. I and J sts.; title Insured by Caii- rornla Title Insurance Company; price $3500, of which $1500 can remain; lots opposite here 011 14th aye. are advertised to-day at $800 apiece, cas.i. Ap- ply to owner, who is compelled to sell, Room 12, 43 Sixth st mr _' 1 tt L-OR SALE BY J. B. WUITCOMB, 302 MONT- X gomery st. $3600-Lot 30x137:6 on Page St.. 162 feet E. of Devlsadero; a bargain ofiered fur this week; title perfect. Investment on 2d st ; house rents for $50; lot worth more than the price asked. Room 14, 302 Montgomery st. . apl 7 1 ClOll EACII-25X100 EACH; LOTS 2. 3. 1.5. 6, OOU 7, p. Block 56, City Land Association*. ocean view. CHAS. C. FISHEK, 508 California. 2 3* IO- EACH: HANDSOME BUILDING" LOTS ».. I *-0 in the City Extentlon Homestead: easy terms. CAR.NALL-pITy.iI UGH-UOPKINSCO. 29 lm ffljKr.AA ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE, tgOOXIXJ. cheerful homo in perfect repair: 8 rooms, bath, laundry; 2-story stable, garden, etc.; gas and water ; lot 32x117:6 to 15-foot alley. Ap- ply 011 premise. 823 Dolores st., bet. Twenty-first and Twenty-second. EMMA 1.. OERQLD. ii_'_"_ tr OAKLAND HEAL ESTATE. DI!. ii;I. BOMB; 1274 FRUI TV^A__f_VE7* 4 minutes' walk rrom Frultvale -Station: mod- ern cottage: lot 70 . 300: also Joining lot, 75x300, for sale on easy terms. Applyat house. . ap4 7t* pOUNTRY RESIDENCE; 1HOUR FROM CITY; Y. In Frulivale; 12 acres; 7 acres In finest fruits In full bearing; grandest view on earth: offered at $10,000 for 1 week only. GREEN A SHORES, 18 Montgomery st. ap_ 3t ALAMEDA HEAL ESTATE. Q7 sT|A^To___r_^ : ~6~Ti____B AND BATIl", 0 I UUU. with all modern Improvements; wind, mill and tank, chicken yard and house, stable, fruit trees, lawn and tlower garden; street improvements complete: cement sidewalks; only 2 blocks from Park-street Station. $3500— Clement aye.. bet. Park and Oak sts.; house of 7 rooms and bath; lot 50x145. _i_.*» W. MATTHEWS _ CQ..SV_ Kearnyst. ap2 3t ATTRACTIVE LITTLE HOUSE, 6 ROOMS AND /_ bath, with large lot. lawn and cement walks. stable and chicken-yards, In most desirable part of Alameda, cheap and on easy ter_i9; photograph can be seen at omce. J. S. LEDYARD, Room 5. 12. Kearny St. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ap2 st* * LAMEDA BARGAINS. $1700-LOT 25x145; - V cottage 4 looms and bath; $250 cash, balance $25 monthly. (No. 415) $2000—Lot 100x125: 2-story bouse 6 looms; _t..!.i. r..r 4 horses; carriage-bouse, etc. (No. 301) $2100— Lot 41x100: new cottage 4 rooms and bath: $500 cash, balance $25 monthly. (No. 381) $3000— Lot 90x207:6: lV_-story house 7 rooms; $500 cash, balance easy terms. (No. 358) $3760—L0t 50x10*1; new cottage 5 rooms and bath: $500 cash, balance $50 monthly. (No. 390) •8600— Lot 50x159; new 2-story house 9 rooms and bath; - ,_ cash: balance easy terms. (No. 370) $7800— 60x150: new 2-story house 10 rooms and bath; stable, carriage-house, etc. . (No. 401) Land tor sale by the lot, block ur acre: houses to let and money to loan. 11. P. MOREAL, A CO., 1420 Park St., Alameda, and 402 Montgomery st, S. P. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 mr--2 lm BERKELEY KEAL ESTATE. __"Taa7TT<oivyTsu_ i. d 1 7ms, iTnIUUU. bath; corner; 50x125, near University. JOSEPH .T. .SON. -125 Caiirornla st. apil IT COI.N'TI'.Y BEAT. ESTATE. : AKOAIN-35 ACRES OF FINK LEVEL," RICH land, within 1 mile of the town or Sonoma: 800 French prunes, 500 peach trees, 400 assorted fruit trees, mostly Bartlett pears: 10 seres Tokay grapes, 4 acres or which are ln lull bearing: bouse of 6 rooms; barn, out-bouses and all running utensils; fine water; this is the cheapest piece of property . that has ever leen offered In this country; $9500. .1. T. PETERS, 14 Montgomery st. ' npl St •ftl \u25a0_(! PER YEAIT-TOREST, 2-ACRE CHICK- *u)XOXJ en ranch; 5-room bouse; barn: 4 cblcken- liutiics; plenty or linn for family use: 15 minutes' walk from poslotllce. Apply to GEO. C. YOUNG, Petaluma. - . apl 7t - "IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED PROPERTY A at Redwood City,San Mateo County. IApply to H. M. COVERT. 218 California st. - "mr3o 7t dp 1 7.(1 EACH: IN UNIVERSITY-HEIGHTS, tgIXOXJ the most charming townslte at ibe Stan- ford University: 1 mile from Menlo Park station; within walkingdistance or the University buildings; SOxiSO each: easy terms. - CARNALL-I'I'IZHCGH- HOPKINS CO.- -v- - . mr29 lm - j (B;UA \u25a0 PER ACIIE-FIRST-CLASS FRUIT AND <3*i__U. farming laud In Ihe Gordon Fruit Colony;' send for circulars. CAENALL-FITZHLUH-iiop- KINS COMPANY. - - «, . tni-20 lm - BUSINESS CIIAKCI.S-^V6]_TIKI)EP.'w <£"! Rft BARGAIN-FRUIT AND VEGETABLE AUU. store. MCLAUGHLIN. 26 Kearny. 4 21* e'JKfl BARBERSHOP; 3 CHAIRS; PAYING «(P-_UVr. business: departure cause of sale. Mo- LAUGHLIN ._ CO., 26 Kearny st. ap4 7t« Qf-^n SALOON; BARGAIN AT $1000. Me- .x^OOXJ. nil, IN _: CO.. 26 Kearuy st. a 4 It* OS-inn SALOON; KEPT BY OWNER OVER 2 ... 1 \u25a0 " '- years; cheap at $700: make an offer. Mclaughlin _ CO., 26 Kearny st. ap3 at* . •_-*_ _ ft STOCKED SALOON'; PRINCIPAL OUUU. street. MCLAUGHLIN A CO., 26 Kearny st. \u25a0 - . . \u25a0 api 41* liS',ll A RESTAURANT, ESTABLISHED 7 <„ ( OXJ. years. MCLAUGHLIN. 26 Kearny. 815* '--•.'.n CIGAR-STORE; BEST LOCATION*: •jT'-'-'Vf. large stock: glass fixtures; large room la rear; rent free; receipts positively over $10 per day. WO. 'PR 1 IP a co., 841 Market st. It* •S'.7'". BAKERY AND COFFEE PARLORS; 3 ."'"' rooms; receipts $20 per day; best bar- gain nd. WOODRUFF, 841 Market st It» <S>l f^nn GROCERY; A GRAND LOCATION «jpj OXIXI. and positively paying; no such oppor- tunity ever offered.. W. C. ALLEN, 632 Market If ..-.•.n SALOON: FINE CORNER IN MlS- tiT-lUV- sion; low rent: cheap-, sold on account or owner leaving State. ALLEN, 632 Market. It* Q'-.'.n CIGAR-STORE AND FACTORY; 'Z^oO'i. prominent location In Mission; lnvesti- gate at once. W. c. ALLE> A- i 0.. 632* *-fc -..(Ml CORNER GROCERY AND BAR; _.UUU. most prominent cable-road in city; es- tablished 20 years: horse and wagon; closest inves- tigations,.! , i. W. C. ALLEN a CO., 632 Market* B'J*,n BRANCH BAKERY. VARIETY AND iJpoOXJ. lodging-house: best bargain ever offered. ALLEN A CO.. li::--' Marketst It* _i. .-.ft SALOON; MOST PROMINENT LOCA- «3PUUU. tion south or Market st: low rent and laying: owner leaving state, ALLEN, 632 Market* sjs-",(l GROCERY AND BAR: PROMINENT tJOUU. corner In the Western Addition: 3 rooms; flue stock of goods on hand; going at a bargaiu. J. W. DONNELLY. 34 Kearny st .*________ £..)-,> PINE SALOON: 2 It OMS AND «Jf__UU. stable: lull value Instock; good I oca .ton; low rent FRANKLIN * col, 7 Grant aye. It* pOR SALE-SALOON; BEST LOCATIONINTHE I city; good fixtures; big stock or goods; must sell, Inquire at this ottice, 710 Market st. ap2 3t* __<tnn FOR SALE- NICE GROCEUY-STORE, t^iUUU. with3 handsomely furnished rooms; the only -'.ore In the block; situated on one of the most densely populated small streets tn the cliv. Full Investigation offered by WILLI tM M. BRENNAN, 920 Market st ap4 It* BUSINESS CHANCE GROCERY AND BAR;Do- inggood business; good cause fur selling. For particulars apply SW. cur. Broadway and Hyde. 8 s_*j .'- SALOON; GOOD PROSPECT FOB 81N- t_ I .), gie man or man and wife; must be sold to-day; sick. In tin- family. 642 Second st .bet Branuan and Townseud. ap3 2.* AKEKY FOR SALE— WHOLE OR ONE-HALF Interest. Address Box 101, Call Branch of- fice- * . ai.*_ 7t* ILK-RANCH FOX SALE-23 COWS AND 1 horse and wagon; 15 cans trade: 2 .iwelllng- buuses and all accommodations. Apply 164] M.v slun st. ap2 7t* BRANCH BAKERY AND NOTION-STORE: Es- tablished over 20 years; bakers' bills over $200 a month; sold on account of sickness. Inquire 152 First st. ap2 3t» Y'RCIT AND VEGETABLE STORE FOR SALE P cheap; owner going to Idaho: must be sold at once. 1002 Valencia st ai'2 St* VICE RESTAURANT FOR SALE; $151 L IN- Xvquire Call Branch Office. apa 3t* Sinn COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE NEAR O '-'"\u25a0 Palace Paths. 005V_ Montgomery avenue. ap2 7t* |3;XA SALOON. APPLY 406 PACIFIC ST. ijOXJ. ap2 3t* OALOON FOB SALE CHEAP; RENT LOW. AI - O ply 615 Merchant st ap2 3t» I 'INK SALOON: DOINGGOOD BUSINESS: GOOD J stuck and fixtures. 42» I'aeilic. apl 71* .MALL SHOE-STORE FOR SALE: CHEAP. O . ill or address R.B. PAPST. 3005 Mission. 1 4t« figOCA SALOON WITH 7 FURNISHED ROOMS, 0 0 1 . rent $30. 23 1 Pacific st apl 7t« IJ ARTNER. WITH ABOUT $3000. IN ESTAB- . lished manufacturing business; no experience re- .red.. red. Address R. N., Box 351. Call l'.raurh.--'il 7* (Jl SAA PARTNER ONE CHANCE IN A «J5 I UUU. thousand for man to secure a sure pay- busines*; manulacturing new patent art..-:. sells at sight: will take part down, balance out of profit ot business: this is a sure fortune to an en- ergetic man. 961 Market st., Room 39. apii tf SALOON FOR sale. INQUIRE WHOLESALE liquor-store 112 Taylor st apl7t* GROCERY AND BAR. APPLY 421 UNIONST., corner of Lafayette. inr3l7t* VINE SALOON FOR SALE CHEAP, WITH A pool table. 500 Davis st. uir3l 7t» BAKERY WAGON. 3 HORSES AND ROUTE for sale. Apply 617 Tost st niral 7t* l-cl: SALE. Oil EXCHANGE FOR IMPROVED J. property In san Francisco. Oakland or Alameda, a paying mercantile and hardware, business: long established: must be sold on account of death or proprietor. Apply at 1735 Market st. mr3l tr A WEEK'S NEWS FOB 5 CENTS— THE WEEKLY __\u25a0 Call, ill wia:....: . read .- for mailing. . LODGING HOUSES FOR SALE. I 41-itOOM HOUSE, SUITABLE i-'oi: iioari. JL __ Ing; good furniture: part cash, balance pay- ments. DONNELLY A- Co.. 31 Kearny st apl 2t« OA ROOMS: GOOD FURNITURE; CLEARS $75 iW - month: a bargain; $1050. J. W. DON- NELLY, 34 Kearuy St. _________ IT ROOMS: TRANSIENT HOUSE; HAND- XO somely furnished; central; $500 cash, bal- ance easy payments. J. W. DONNELLY, 34 Kearny st. ap4 2i* 00 ROOMS, FINELY FURNISHED; CLEARS —••-.over $100 a month; $1000 cash, balance pay- ments. DONNELLY, 31 Kearny st apl 2t» T-UI MISSION LODGING-HOUSE 9 ROOMS; -)\u25a0—\u25a0 1 account of sickness: cheap. ap4 3t* C; I 1 rf| FOP. SALE A NICE LODUING- •_ iI OSJ. bouse of 10 rooms on Bush st, bet Stockton and Powell ; splendidly laid out for private boarders ill every particular. Call and get liiforma- tlon from WM. M. BRENNAN*. 920 Ma:..:-. ... It* „.,_-,. 21 ROOMS; ALL ON 1 FLOOR: KENT C'Oou. only $10; best bargain in town. Apply I. P. BARNARD, 29 Kearny st. . It* LODGING-HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS, ON 611 PINE s t : a good bargain ; call bet. 3and 6; no agents. 7* Olefin * GREAT SACRIFICE—AN OFFER •D-t-'UU. wanted; part cash If desired: a spleu- did-paylng lodging-house of 72 rooms, on best part of Market st, near the Ualdwlu Hotel: clearing about $300 per month; this house is worth .1:001), but Is seillLg for above price on account of sickness of owner. ApplyK.KENNY, 22 Kearny st It -_l7n_l A BARGAIN-IS REALLY WORTH 01lUU. $2100: fine house or 24 rooms, near lost and Kearny sts.; clearing $125 per mouth; always full of good-paying, respectable roomers; owner Is compelled to leave the city. Apply K. KENNY, 22 Kearny st. It K AILROAD BOARDING-HOUSE: 36 KOOMS: J _ full and paying; within 4 blocks of 3 cable Int.-.; business can be doubled. 1668 Hayes St. cor. Lott »:._ 7t» Q.Q.UI, LODGING-HOUSE, 21 ROOMS; GOING •_ •.)\u25a0"». East 645 Mission st ap3 2t* _: I (.A LODGING-HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS; RENT «g>J-UU. $23:a1l tall. 1408 Mission st. ap2 3t» Oil fllWl LODGING-HOUSE, 25 ROOMS: BENT tjpIUUU. $60. HAAS A: CO.. 11 Kearnyst. '_ 7t Cj I 7,(1 LODGING-HOUSE—I 3 ROOMS NICELY <|P JLUU. furnished ; always rented; on Mission St., near Fourth; call immediately. HAAS A CO., 11 Kearny st mr3o 71*-. Qfi.ll MISSION —FURNISHED HOUSE OF 9 Q-_IB rooms for salei good location. mr!6 tf li"OR SALE— LODGING-HOUSE 21 ROOMS COM- J pletely furnished. 429 Larkin st. felß tr A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS-THE WEEKLY Call, In wrapper, ready for mailing. 11 KNITLI-l. FOR SALE. I~?_-«-___a_r-_'_p_u___T___T^ «ii 1 . vest. apl 8t« V URNTTURE OF 2 ROOMS; NO DEALERS L Call before 10 a. *_.. 017 Minna st. a;. 3t* ELEGANT BRUSSELS CARPETS SEWED AND laid, 60c per yard. SHIREK,1231 Stockton.l2 tf 9**. f\f\ll VARUS OF NEW AND SECOND* __U.UUU Laud carpet.-;, from 10cents to 75 cent* per yard, at JONES' Auction House. 25 and 27 Eighth st fe23 tt BEDROOM SUITS OF 7 PIECES FOR $15. WILEY BROS.. 931 Mission st 14 tf ALL PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES; ON IN. stallments. without Interest, you can furnish your home as cheap as for cash elsewhere at HEN- KV'S large furulture and carpet wart rooms, 18 to 24 EHlsst 24 tr A i. COD CHANCE—YOUR HOUSE FURNISHED complete with furniture, carpets, stoves, cur- tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors, at cash prices, on easy Installments; small deposit M. FRIED- HAN A CO.'S, largest Installment bouse ou tbe Coast 223 and 230 Stockton st, cor. Post; open evenings: prompt attention paid to country orders. Si. ING FURNITURE CO.—CARPETS AND lurnlture. 1039 and 1041 Market St., Rosenthal Pudding. au7 tf ALL MY GOODS ARE DOWN TO BED-ROCK prices: parlor suits $25. ranges $6, new cham- ber sets complete $15: reductions all round; cash or Installments. T H. NELSON. 136 Fourth st 30 COUNTRY BUYERS WISHING SECOND-HAND Sj furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, call at ROSENTHAL'S, 110Fourth St. ; satisfaction gnaran- teed or money refunded: goods shipped tree. n!4*-f CAKPF.TS UOXBURY BRUSSELS CARPETS SEWED. LAID, and lined, HOC per yard. S. W. SHIREK, 1231 Stockton st. near Broadway. mrl'_ tt OS AAAYARDS OF NEW AND second" _-U.UUU baud carpets from 10c to 75c per yard, at H. L. JONES' Auction House, '_£ and 27 Eighth St., near Market. mr'_'_ tr . C ARPETS— SMITH'S BRUSSELS. 650 A YARD; vv installment price elsewhere $1 a yard. -M. FRIEDMAN A CO.. 228-230 Stockton St.. cor. Post /'LOSING li-ESTATE; BRUSSELS SEWED, v. laid, 6oc: 2-p1y,25c:011-clotb,l2V_c;cnrtaln-polea, 85c: matting. It).:. NEWMAN BROS.. 117 Sinn __. iH>i:S_S. I,'INE BLA _TTll__t!_!n-!\_!_?n ; _--^ )ER \u25a0I the saddle; trots In harness, single or douulc; 5 years old; 15% hands high: weighs 1025 pounds: a perfect beauty. Apply 1 129 Market St. apl 3t» rpo LET-2 SMALL BARNS WITH ALL NKCES- ,I,!! r ..'"1. 1? "' ,n|,lt,;rl .'»' 34 and 40 cows. MRS. K. LINDNER, .Mission road, bet. liveand Six Mile houses: Inquire at Schmidt's cottage, - aidi 3t* IUANTED-MATCHED PAIR OF MARES NoT II over 7 years old and sound ; I6V_ hands high- brown or bays: Immediately. Pacific Coast Horse Market. 1616 Mission at. - . ap;< t . - PERSONS HAVING HORSES, BUGGIES, J- wagons or harness they want disposed of wili find It to their advantage to call at or address the _____ Coast Horse Market, 1616 Mission st; auc- tion sales every Wednesday and Saturday at 11 a. m. WATKINSADUHIO, auctioneers. apl tf YEW LOT OF DRAUGHT AND DRIVING XI horses or every description. »12."> Howard, del 1 tt .WAGONS Atili CAKItIACKS. OODS_Xt_<_ld__ND express WAGON ; ALSO good second-hand peddler's wagon for sale. A. Vf. SANBORN A CO.. 24 Beale st. '-*\u25a0 ap3 tr \u25a0\u25a0 .VINO MACHINE... SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE AND RE- liaired. W. B. HlGlil.NS. 528 Hayes st. mrl tf \u25a0-: fflj'-lf" NEW YORK OK HELPMATE; BRAND <_.->-- new; latest; best for $'.5; allkinds repaired; rented cheap. .1. L. HICKS. 667 Mission, mil It - yy '\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' .\u25a0•-. financial; -—--y-.-y. *-i Win (if\l\ TO LOAN- AT LOWEST MAR* \u25a0 'JIOXIXI.XJXJtJ ket rates on city and country real estate, any amounts. BCUULLER, 420 California. if BI'SINESS CI-AN'CF.S." '. © ir.l) PARTNER WANTED IN WOOD AND '•"'. coal business; old established: man can draw »125 to $150 per mo. M.LESS, 995 Market. * Q9nnn '• \u0084AY SALOON, MARKETST., DOING -_ —^'t'U. a large business; Las long lease; cheap rent; a bargain. M. LESS. 995 Market st it* £\u25a0('",« CANDY, STATIONERY. SODA FOCN- «. UUU. Uln and stand; 3 living rooms; splendid business. M. LESS. 935 Market st. lt* s *>ilWl SALOON NEAR MARKET ST.; DO- «B.-_IUU. ing a business of $1000 a month: has a large stock and fixtures: cbeap reut and loug lease. M. LESS, 995 Marketst. It- •S_lC_n7l FIRST-CLASS SALOON ON THE »X*J.O"U. best part of Kearny St. ; l.s handsomely fitted up: nas office and car.'. -room; this Is an old. established and paying business, and will repay m- vestigation. Apply M. less, 995 Markets;. If* ImTTvTi BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE AND l'RO- .*.''\u25a0''. duce; doing a good business: must lie sold at once. M.LESS. 995 Market St. It* -_Tl.lin WOOD AND COAL YARD; OLD ES- <_• lul'U. tablished business: 3 good horses: 3 wagons; cheap rent; long lease: doing a very good business. -M. LESS. 995 Market ... It* Q I1 I ill SALOON* AND BOARDING-HOUSE: . «_. 1 lUU. finely furnished: on the city trout; doing a large business; well worth $2000; a great bargain. MLLESS, 985 Market St. It* - ,",11 SALOON AND LUNCH HOUSE INTHE «_ i OSJ. heart or the city, doing a business of $000 a month. M. LESS, -.5 Market si. lt* *%..nn SALOON MEN', SEE THIS: SALOON SpUUU. ln good business location; has 9 fur- nished rooms aud doing good business. Apply M. LESS, 995 Market St. it* IfESTAURANT AND 9 WELL-FURNISHED 11 rooms: established 35 years and positively clearing 950 a week; cheap at $2500; give me any price you choose; 1 must sell, as I am losing $1000 monthly elsewhere; come quick. 204 Fourth, al 3t» BIN THE WELL-KNOWN NEW YORK X) saloon; sickness eau-v 45 Second stap*2 4 0 31* I>ARTNER DRESSMAKER'S I STAB- lisbment: sell y_ or whole. L.i;.Valencia. 4 tit* \l' ANTED -TO 1.1 V A PAYING GROCERY '\u2666 with bar: state lowest cash price. Address P. P.. 803 Buchanan st ; no agents. ap4 lit* BARBER-SHOP: 3 LIVING rooms, APPLY Call Branch Oflice. ___________ BOOK-KEEPER WITH A CAPITAL OF $3000 wishes to buy an interest m a downtown paying business, R. '».. Pox 3. this oilice. apl :tt* SALOON —MUST HE SOLD: MAKE OFFER. Cigar-store. 2 111 Montgomery aye. ap4 It* A\*ANTED— CAPITALIN A BUSINESS ESTER- II prise; large profits; foil Inve Ligation. Address A. 11.. Box 16. this office. apl St* __1 (.AH A WELL-PAYING SALOON. WITH .. IiJUU. pool and billiard tables, in the best lo- cation of the town. Apply 125 Seventh St. ap_ B_* Q-.-- BAKERY, CANDY", TOBACCO AND V. »> * O. notions; l_2b Howard st; 3 rooms witb -tore; rent $15. ap47t* I^l CELY FIT'IED-UP FRUIT STORE; GOOD J.- horse and wagon; tine location and low rent. Apply 521 Geary St. \u25a0 ap4 31* TO LET RESTAURANT IN GOOD ORDER, with a large range and 50-gallon boiler: furniture for sale: established for 17 years. 100 McAllister etreet. . : apt 3t* "S_TaAA fobsale THE WHOLE Oil HALF «£*. ll'.'l'. Interest In a paying restaurant and bar I ii- ns---. Per further particulars apply or address 127 Berry st.. near Fourth. apl 3t* S.LOON IN GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION—HAS O 9 furnished rooms all occupied and a profit- able business; oo reasonable offer refused; rent $25: '_ years' lease. 1114 Stockton St. ap4 3t* (CALOON FOR SALE CHEAP. 300 PACIFIC O st., .\u25a0 - Battery. apl 31* Qonnn SPLENDID INVESTMENT: A I'HOII- *Z'—X)X)XJ. oughly respectable, legitimate, money- making business; only requires one day's time each week: willpay $125 to $200 a month; any one i:.n attend to It; requires no special qualifications; the greatest bargain ever offer) 1; all assertions can and win be proven lv the entire satisfaction of any one meaning business; do not fail to investigate this, as II is an opportunity seldom offered. SHOAFF A ROSS. 373 Market St. It (_; I 'J7.fl SURE AND SAFEBDSINESS. CLEAR- V l ''' \u25a0 tag $125 a month ; lull value Insight; cracker-store" and route, having the exclusive agency of one of the leading cracker companies: nice .tore, with In;:., rooms; cbeap re:.;: good stock a:..! fixtures; large wagon, worth #17- ; 2 good horses nnd harness, worth$375: this is an unprecedented opportunity to secure a straight, legitimate, money- - l__*~ \u25a0-. .slues \u25a0; Bold at a sacrifice only on account ' ot. death ot near relative InEngland, which necessi- tates immediate departure: must thorough luvestiga- tion allowed. SHOAFF A ROSS, 873 Market st. It *-. I fKin C,IY kro: *T SALOON AND I.ODG- j^iIUUU. Ing-house; 1..- is undoubtedly the ..bargain in the city more than the value In furni- ture, fixtures aud stock: everything is new and the \ place is finely fitted up; large stock of the best . brands of wines and liquors, Imported and domestic cigars; saloon, card-room and living-room on first floor, and ten rooms uu second Hour, always filled . with good tenants; cheap rent ami good lease: do- iiiga Abebusiness; any one can run it and make big money: this Is no humbug, but a straight, honest . bargain; best of reasons for selling. SHOAFF, Ross a- CH..573 Marketst. It riOSELL OUT Vol BUSINESS GO TO 1. X BARNARD. 29 Kearny st-.testablished 1859. It* "-_'-*Ml.n PARTNER WANTED-TO ASSIST IN* <_ UUU. looking after the hired help, etc . In a a firsv-ciass hotel of 120 rooms; fine location across the bay; always full of first-class people; estab- bed nearly 15 years: the present owner has cleared nearly $30,000 in the last live years; you will find. aim oue of the best-known men m tha Stale sum popular and respected by all no previous experience required, but must be or steady habits (no barj ; this is a very desirable business. Applyli. KENNY, \u25a0_'.' Kearni st. It <ftt_nn PARTNER WANTED— TO TAKE OB- tjOXiXJ. ,;,-rs in tbe store and assist In looking sX- .- ter ger.cral details lv a plain cash business in this ell established 8 years: clearing at least from $200 to $300 ncr month: you can try lt for 2 weeks - before buying; do night nor Sunday work; no pre- vious experience necessary as your partner will teach jim the bl_s._e__. Apply' ii. KENNY, 22 Kearny st. It . CCfin I IRST-CLASS CORNER SALOON FOR tjOXJXJ. rale: selling on account of sickness of owner: fine location, near Montgomery and Market: established 12 ears and always dene a large . business; the fixtures are handsome and cost at least SltOii; come and look at this bargain. Apply K. KEN i . .2 Kearny st. It _> I •)!](, PARTNER WANTED- TO ASSIST IN '_ I —UU. the office and look after things In gen- eral in a splendid-paying livery, boarding and sale stable th the must desirable portion of the city: has a fine stock of horses, buggies, saddles and general stock; clears from $200 i.. $300 per month, which will be fully proven: owner does not require a man of experience, but-one who is willing and can be re- lied "ii. Apply K. KENNY. 22 Kearny st. lt SS I -/-, PARTNER WANTED CARPENTER «. I OKI. and lobbing shop, withplenty work and contracts: keeps 2 to 8 men; good central down- town shop, stuck, tools and trade; clears to each $15 to *_0 per week: need not be first-iass me- chanic, but willing to work; rare chance. Sec GEO. STEWART. 1.5 Kearny st It Q'.'.n COMMISSION BUSINESS; PARTNER __. . •><_»". wanted with well-known, active, wide- awake young business man of good standing and \u25a0reputation; has tirst-ciass trade, clearing $150 per mouth and rapidly growing; absolutely requires .„ more assistance; prefers partner to hiren help; good man wanted more than money; cau give best or references: an exceedingly good business that will bear investigation. Geo, STEWART. 138 Kearny. 1 <2;9nnn LEGITIMATE WHOLESALE MAN U- •_—'"-• lecturing business; partner wanted In large bouse, established and successfully running; go-dj manufactured are on orders from leading . . wholesale bouses, and have a reputation ln the city and the Pacific Coast as being the best la the mar- ket; large stock; machinery for manufacturing on large scale, with trade clearing $350 to $400 per month; and to supply and fill the Increasing whole- Sale orders requires the assistance of an active working partner, for which a bargain seldom offered s"w!llbe given; tborongh investigation and best of references. GEO. STEWART, 135 Kearny st. It < v*.nn WOOD AMI COAL YARD; TRE- «fI OXIXJ. ni":. dons bargain; run by present owner \u25a0 l7ye,i. has never beeu In the market: centrally located; right In business center of city; owns 2 good -.--.dray, buildings, sheds; house 2 rooms: .stable; a very large stuck and one or th" Ik- it paying trades in the city; more than value; must sell on account of ill health and wishingto retire; is worth $1000. CEO. STEWART. 136 Kearny st It ' ..9F.n COMMISSION BUSINESS: PARTNER .. _-»U. wanted witb *2.*,0 in an old and well-es- tablished bouse: clears $175 per month and can be largely increased; at present hiring help: duties light and pleasant; no night work: this is an oppor- tunity seldom offered; full Investigation desired. '. - CAMERON A Mum:, 1020 Slarket St. ap3 3t» <\u25a0>'.() BRANCH BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY V-o"- and soda fountain; full stock aDd flue .* fixtures-: receipts sls daily: living rooms; rent $25. M. L. ABON ACO., -\u25a0\u25a0:,:.. Marketjt/ap3 2t* <3i'-_7P. BUSINESS; DOUBLE TEAM; ,*& wagon and steady wholesale trade. ' W. 1.. GLEASON A CO.. 805 Market st ai.n 2t> -*t''.ftft' COFFEE, CANDY AND ICE-CREAM , \u25a0" XI. parlors, close to 2 theaters: must be sold at once: a bargain. . ENGLISH A CO., 23 Kearnv st. Room -___ ap:; 3t» <<" ; 7"i WORTH $15.0 -RESTAURANT; RE- «P_- I O. ceipts average $20 aday; sold only on account or sickness there Isa bargain. BROWN A -. . Co . 305 Kearny st ap:* 2t* < | -ii GOOD. HOME FOB LADY— NOTION, -.-•v. candy, brancb bakery.- paper and book. store- rurniturc at 2 rooms and kitchen; rent $15. _ HAAS A CO., ll Kearny st. ap2 7t Alii FARTNK-R-LADY WITH GOOD Ill's]- -. J J ness ability and a camtal of from $700 to $1000 can find highly profitable Investment ln a genteel .. -.;..-, withher own sex: big returns guaranteed; investigation will satisfy you as to results. Haas A CO., 11 Kearnyst. - mr3o 7t* -t j ILLINERY STOitE. RARE CHANCE; MUST . -'\u25a0 , be sold: doing a goou. business ob a busy street ApplyHAKER A His/, Market St. ap3 4t* CWE rOB SALE—CHEAP; GOOD LO / cation. 409 East st. mr3o If St LOON CENTRALLY LOCATED; DOING profitable business. Address 425 or 223 Pacific »•*•""* mr7t YV"°-'D AND COAL YARD. 1156 FOLSOM . " Eighth. Applyon premises. 30 7: I^ARGAJN-CANDY-STORE AND FURNITURE _' 2 rooms. 1006 ._ Valencia st. inr3o 7t» VOR -CORNER SALOON AND LODGING \u25a0A boose t cheap. Apply Call Branch. uir2B 7t» G. OI V SALOON FOR SALE; REASON OWNER 'has 'i. 308 Pacific st. ror30 7t» N. 9 .n FK «'T. CANDY ANDVARIETY STORE. t_ -')!'. Apply 601% Bash st inr29 7t» ' VALUABLE CORNER saloon FOR SALE. ApplyI. C. JOHNSON. 770 Howard St. mr'i io,- G OOD SALOON FOR SALE. APPLY 057 WASH- lugton st . \u25a0 ap3 Ht* Ci9^n BARGAIN; GOOD BUTCHER BUSI- , _, -.UCf. ness In country; suitable for man and wire. Inquire Montgomery Market, 800 Market -. street. ap3 2t* ' *fe 1 I*. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. APPLY . ,'S>XIO. 1032 Howard St., bet. Sixth and Sev- .. \u25a0 ci * "* -, ap3 3t» . V'-Jvll OR $400 TO INVEST AS PARTNER IN ,-'"' XJ an established restaurant or grocery - bou<e north of Market St.; single man: no ageuts. *. _""-__L I.lE, Box 111. Call branch omce. a|.:i 3t» C l ! < lon , , ,' L r; §,°" I .. bi;si; *ESS; GOOD LOCA- V tlon; cheap. 717 Mission st. ap3 2t» FOR SALE— RESTAURANT SITUATED AT Sir. tro Heights, depot of Powell _t. steam cars 1n- ?,".'.•.,." I" - -™* 1 * 3 "\u25a0«"- 1-* to 5 _*. __f^dM_. HEIMES. __^ ap3 7t» •S'-innn . CORNER GROCERY AND BAR. «5.->UUU. paying from $250 to $-00 per month near; horse, wagon, harness, billiard-table and $2000 worth of stock, groceries, liquors, cigars and tobacco: best of reasons given for selling: or win change for ranch property. ApplyCall Branch __? M . ap2_t " *i-;7 r .O BARGAIN: FIRST-CLAbS FISH AND «_} I oxj. oyster stand for sale; first-class cus- tomers. Stall 5. California Market. ap2 31* lOR SALE-CIGAR-STAND, KEARNY ST.: EX- J- cellent location; owner sick; bargain. Princi- pals only need address K. R. C, Pox 90, Call Branch Office. . .. - ap2 31* - <j> 7 C(Y GROCERY AND BAR FOR SALE lp * OX). Apply219 Fourth st. ap2 3t* *

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The New Home for the Aged andthe Disabled.

A Benefit to Be Given ,Sunday . Wight—Orphan Asylum 'Which Is the Pride -

J:of Califcrnia Israelites. .


- •\u25a0 .V .;\u25a0

The announcement of a benefit onSundayevening next at the Baldwin Theater on be-lm!- of the funds of the Hebrew Home forAged and Disabled recalls a pleasing factin connection with Hebrew charity. .Itis proverbial. The kindlycare and at-

tention bestowed upon the sick and needyofthis faith, the generous aid always readyto flow, no matter how often the appeal bemade, these are social characteristics ofHebrews the worldover. Itis an historicalfact that a Jewish beggar is seldom if everencountered in a Christian country. Thapauper is equally a rara avis. It wouldprobably be hard to put one's finger on fiftyindigent Jews throughout the length andbreadth of California. So well and so wiselyare his wants anticipated that the pauperscarcely exists.

Though doubtless this marked absence ofpauperism is largely attributable to the in-stinctively successful business habits of therace, yet in every community there mustalways be some poor, disabled and infirmfolk. It is in supporting and ministeringto these that Hebrew charities have achievedso enviable a notoriety.


Few possibly outside of those activelyconcerned in this "Home" are aware of itsexistence. The larger and richer "PacificHebrew Orphan Asylum and HomeSociety," with which it is sometimes con-founded, is of course well known through-out the State. That isnow initsnineteenthyear, and is extremely prosperous, its lastannual report showing $57,000 in the handsof the society's managers, to be applied tothe building of a home, as soon as a suitablesite of four or five acres can be secured,which will cost from $50,000 to $00,000, per-haps more. But the other, this youngersociety, is comparatively a baby. It hasnot been inexistence over six months. Itwas thought by certain members of theJewish persuasion that the building of thehome, considering the ample funds onhand, was somewhat unnecessarily delayedby the older society, and so they determinedto make a separate effort themselves.

A SAPID GROWTH.The Hebrew Homo for Aged and Dis-

abled, though only some six months old,has about 1000 members on its books, thedues being from 50 cents to $1 down to theminimum of 25 cents per month—no one,according to the constitution, to be consid-ered a member unless he pays at least S3per year. The society literally started onnothing. A few energetic souls met anddecided to start and maintain a home. ABoard of Directors was npiointed, PhilipLivingstone being elected President. Atemporary home was secured, with elevenrooms, besides bath-rooms, on Lyonsstreet, near Geary. Here half a dozen in-mates are comfortably housed and pro-vided for, under the direction of a matronand superintendent. At first it lookedrather an uphillbattle. But first one, thenanother, contributed in kind, and the ex-ample was quickly followed. One wouldsend In a supply of coal;another wouldfurnish groceries and creature comforts forthe sick. Beds and bedding and articlesof general furniture seemed to be nosooner required than they mysteriouslyappeared. A stock of blankets from thisstore, crockery and glassware from thatone, meats and vegetables from some un-knoYvn quarter, a stove, perhaps, from an-other—all came along aud were welcome.

TOUXG BUT PROSPEROUS. .Although the society has been spoken of

as specially a poor one, yet there are one ortwo rich men in itwho have come forwardwell. .Still they are the exception, not therule. Mean while the society has continuedto go quietly ahead. Its present income isabout $250 per month—small, it is true, ascomi ared with more powerful charitieshut most creditable tothose who have takenso live an interest in it Itlias some SSOOto its credit, too, at the bank, an amountthat promises to be most materially aug-mented by the receipts at Sunday's benefit,on which occasion there is ample evidence,by the demand for tickets, of the desire to"bury the hatchet," at least for the time,and sink petty differences inuniting to lenda helpful hand to. a most deserving cause.

PARDONABLE PRIDE.A building lot has been donated by Mr.

Sutro, one of the conditions of the deed ofgift being that a building not to cost lessthan §SiX)O be commenced within threeyears. Whether or no such a building willbe required, now that the "Pacific HebrewOrphan Asylum and Home Society" has de-cided to erect at once the magnificent homewhich their ample funds will well allowthem to. time only willshow. The last an-nual report oi that wealthy society con-cludes with the remark that:"Itis confident that by deliberate and

harmonious action the establishment of ahome for the aged will in proper time becarried into effect in just as creditable amanner as the Orphan Asylum, which istruly and justly the pride of all Israeliteson the Pacific Coast." ££_3i

MEDDLESOME MURPHY.The Marshal Has Him Now for Interfer-

ing With a Custom Officer.Kit-hard Murphy, who was arrested by

Custom Inspector XV. A. Harrington onWednesday evening and locked up at theSouthern Police Station on a charge ofusing vulgar language, was turned over tothe United' States Marshal yesterday forinterfering with a United Stales CustomInspector in the discharge of his duty.

The accused was identified before UnitedStates Commissioner Sawyer and held forfurther examination in SSOO bonds. Mur-phy became very abusive to Custom In-spectors who were patroling Beale-streetWharf, and though repeatedly told to behaverefused to do so.

lie finally struck an inspector and wasthen locked up on the misdemeanor chargein order to hold him' until he could beturned over to the United States author-ities. *'\u25a0 17: -2


The Wifo ol- Felon Allowed to 15c mineHer Maiden Name,

Judge Hoge granted yesterday a divorceto Delia J. Mauritzen from Torkel M.Mauritzen because of his conviction, of afelony. Mrs. Mauritzen was also permittedto resume her maiden name of Delia J. Mc-Deruiott. Mauritzen was convicted inNapaCounty, in October last, of embezzlement,and sentenced to San Quentin for one year.The couple was married :on August nth,1888, in this city.

Jens Christensen proved yesterday thathis wife, Esther, deserted him, and JudgeLevy granted him a divorce. Tbey weremarried December 23, 1882. in this city, andthe wifedeserted early iv1886.

The Tivoii Opera House Case.Judge Shatter, yesterday denied the mo-

tion of the attorney for Gettie E. Plate totransfer her. suit against J. E. Piatt, in-volving the Tivoii Opera House site, tosome other department. It was claimedthat the court-room clerk is thedefendant, and had given points to thepress reflecting upon the plaintiffs attor-neys. This was shown to be untrue, and theJudge set the case for next Tuesday fortrial. H_fli-tU-_S-_HQn-tf---MWtamfS

His Thigh Broken.William H. Dolman brought suit yester-

day against the Southern Pacific Companyfor injuries received ina collision near SanFernando on April3, 1888.' He. was in de-fendant's employ as fireman, and allegesthe accident was caused by the incompe-tency of the conductor in charge of thetrain. Plaintiff's left thigh was broken, re-sulting in a permanent shortening oftheleg. He claims 851,000 damages.

Harbor Commission.At a meeting of:the State Board of Har-

bor Commissioners yesterday. the contractfor . repiling


-repairing .Green -streetPier was awarded to Darby Lnydon. Thecontract price is 813 75 for piles aud 825 perthousand for lumber.

Pay rolls for the sweepers, who.were re-cruited from the ranks of the unemployed,were audited. .

Music at the I'realdio.- -The following music willbe rendered at

the Presidio this afternoon :1. March, "Northern R0ute"...... ...Smith'_. Overture, "The Golden Necklace" Herman3. Walts, "Dublin" Labltzky_. Selection. "Boccaccio" Yon Suppe5. Schott'sche, "-'liningInthe Twilight"..liolltnsou0. Trombone solo, "lmXiien Keller"...Heinemanu

;.-......... .--,... (Private Burrell.)7. Galop. "Whirligig".....-..... Hamilton

Clouds Her Till..\u0084.' Sabrina Frey has entered ;action againstthe Mission View.Homestead . Associationto prove that the claim made by the defend-ant upon her property on Kansas and Sierrastreets has '(laced a cloud on her title to theland, iShe also avers said claim and preten-

sion are without right, and asks that itl>-adjudged to be iwithout right, and that th*

association be enjoined and restrained from-

setting up said claim against her property

COMPROMISED.An Insolvent l-'nrnItore- Dealer EfTccls _\

Settlement. o - , ':Ameeting of creditors of Charles L.Tay-


lor, furniture and carpet .dealer ;of _130 7:Market street, -was held a few days ..ago, .'when the statement of accounts



total liabilities amounting to 537J300, withassets set down at $33,000, thus apparently

-leaving a deficiency of only 84000. ..Acom-promise of forty cents on the dollar has now-been . offered and accepted; with extendedpayments. ; »:, '""...S

Of the liabilitiesSB4OO Is due and secured \u0084to. the banks, viz.: 84200 to the First

National Bank of Oakland, SIL'-O to theUnion National of Oakland, and $3*200. to ftMarket-street hank. Of.the balance of theindebtedness, about 515.000 is owin . in the for merchandise, also about S'-K-Q to .'\u25a0Eastern houses. Of the assets, stock fig-ures for $25,000, on tho debtor's valuation,'bills receivable amount to 99090, -stock-''fixtures are set down at 8880, and horse mi :wagon at $300; real estate to the valued8500, and cash on hand $-00.

-... - _-> ,The trouble is traced .to the dull winter.'a state of.things which it was hoped a

brighter March trade would have remedied,ifithad come, but itdid not. Most of the •*

creditors have signed off and everything is,expected to go along smoothly. . .-•*->\u25a0 _**-'• -

Mr. Taylor, who is Yvellknown as an old(twenty years) resident in Oakland, failed ,onco before InMay, 1881, but itlias in no .way affected his reputation for strict com-mercial honesty. '--' y." *


The North Beach Road's Attitude,

as to Bitumen Explained. :* •

' o. • •\u25a0

- • ..Statement From the Mission Widening Cu.t-,mission— lmproving San Bruno R.ed ;

Grading Second Street.

The action of the North Beach and Mis-/sion Railway Company in using to pavebetween its track, on Kearny street with

*'bituminous rock was the firstmatter eon-


sidered by the Street Committee at its meet-" .ing yesterday morning. . . ••' ••"\u25a0\u25a0.

Superintendent Michael Skelly explain, it-

at length his reasons for disregarding the"*'requests of the Street Department. He saidthe company hid consulted its attorneysand obtained an opinion that there isno jlaw to compel itto pave with'any thing ex-.cept such material as may have been on the 3.street when originally accepted. He sub- *

mitted a copy of this opinion to the com-mittee. The company declined to pave with


anything but basalt blocks between itstracks, because any other material wouldnot last so long. He had, however, agrees!to lay the bitumen for two feet on each side

-of the truck,. -"••:' .

In reply to questions from membersof the committee Superintendent _k.ii!.'.-said the company is] now at work on .plans for the conversion of the North Beachand Mission into a cable system, and would .soon increase its capital for the purpose of


raising the money necessary. As the con-crete would have to be torn up when thecable is put in itwould be a waste of moneyto lay itnow.

This was satisfactory to the committee'

and the matter was filed. '"*':-:'- '

'.(\u25a0HADING THE "CUT."


F. A. Gibbs, who owns a lot at Secondand Harrison streets, which be is now grad-

''ing for warehouse purposes, informed the


committee that itwould be absurd to builda bridge across the cut of the street, as both, .sides willsoon be leveled off. ...

The committee decided to postpone thepreparation of specifications until furtherinquiry is made. =\u25a0'- . -_-..



The committee agreed to report in favorof awarding the contract for paving witii

"bituminous rock the crossing of Rose ave-nue and Octavia street to the Santa Cruz ;Bock Pavement Company, at 30 cents asquare foot, each corner $24.

The petition of N. li. Mulville for theremoval of obstructions from Ash avenue, •between Buchanan and Webster streets, '.was referred to the City Attorney fur his _opinion as to whether or not it is an openpublic street,

-The petition of property-owners asking

that Rose avenue, between .Laguna andBuchanan streets, be expunged from theofficialmap, was referred to the City Attor-

"'ney for an opinion as to whether the streetis a public street. i-E_-S(BS- t_-_B__ljMi-A}jg_asg

The resolution requesting the FinanceCommittee to appropriate $12,000 for theimprovement of the San Bruno road wasindefinitely postponed, and the committee,'decided to report in favor of providing' for jthe work in the Street Department Fund.

01-ESIJIG DOLORES STBEET.The committee also agreed to report in• \u25a0

favor of the resolution of intention sub-mitted by the Superintendent of Streets foropening, extending and widening Doloresstreet southerly to Mission. '

A petition from property-owners for a Imain sewer to drain the Almshouse Tract


and Lake Honda district was referred tothe Surveyor to examine and report theroute, size, character and expense. -.-•-. , -".

The petition of the North Beach Improve- '

ment Club for the removal ol the fence sur-rounding Washington Square was filed, as _ithas been determined to.remove soon thefences around all squares. • ", .\u25a0-.-

The committee was informed by Secre- •tary Worloy of the Mission-street Widen-ing Commission that deeds bad been re-ceived from. all but five property-owner-.,and work is awaiting the result' of suitsbegun to condemn the undeeded property. ,

Commissioner Haley said there had beenno attempt to prolong the work of the com-'mission, and those who charged there hadbeen do not know what they are talkingabout. The commission has been at worktwo years, and has drawn inallten months' *.salary.

The petition of property-owners for the -formation of a district to be assessed for •grading Colusa street, which work willcost5100,000, was laid over until the Superin-


tendent of Streets can examine the district'

and report. •\u25a0 *\u25a0'- .- "


Professor Charles Bach Taken 111 on aI.ailroad Train.

--Professor Charles Bach of the Coast and

Geodetic Survey is lying seriously ill fromthe effects of a stroke of paralysis at St.Luke's Hospital in this city.

The professor was stricken down on Sun-day last while in the cars on his way toCalifornia from Washington. He was . tell-ing some humorous story of a- former visit


to this Coast, when his voice suddenly be-came thick and before his hearers realizedwhat had happened he fell helpless in - bisseat.

Mr.Bach, who is about 60 years of age,has been connected with the Coast and :Geodetic Survey for many years, and was \u25a0

on his way to Sau Francisco to take charge .of a surveying .party, destined for . tin*;.mountains of Monterey County. He has afamily in Xew York City.

The physician who is attending himstales that he is doing as well as might beexpected and that he may recover the ueof his right \u25a0 side, which .is the portionaffected by the stroke.

Knllroad Men InSession.The Freight Committee of the Transcon-

tinental Association was again in sessionyesterday inParlor Aof the Palace Hotelfrom early in the forenoon until

'after 5 in

the afternoon.' While decisive action .wastaken regarding rates on various goods, noinformation willbe given to the press un-tileverything has been made satisfactorywith all the railroads interested. The asso-ciation will meet again to-day and willprobably conclude its labors.

v Her Husband Killed.-

Joseph A. West.. field was killed in arailway collision near.San Fernando onApril3, 1888, while in the ;employ !of;theSouthern Pacific Company .as


Jennie E. Westerfield, widow of deceased,entered action yesterday against said com-pany for850,000 damages and costs of suit. ;.

The ,Lanner gold .mine, at .Lompoc,turned out 8400 in four days last week.


_—__-____—____—-----____-_ _________——__-——________--____-__--_______---_______——____-_-_.-_-_______\u25a0 .ii,n|-__ii______,_-_i_i_______

111lii \u25a0 5

v The Abilityto Bear _._-_» _::la the test or fortitude among the Indian tribes.

[But wedefy any Cherokee, Sioux or Comanche toIendure the twinges of rheumatism without winc-

jIng. These, Indeed, are slight at first, but grow In|intensity until they become unbearable. . No mat*

iady ismore obstinate In Its maturity than that|which gives rise to them. '• The more need, then, or>attacking Itat the outset. Foremost among reme-• dies for It Is llostetter's stomach Bitters, safer audInfinitelymore effective than coichkum, veratrum.and nux vomica, all remedies which might provedestructive ot life In a slightly excessive dose.Mineral depurents, also, when not positively mis-;chievous, are far Inferior lvremedial power to thissalutary botanic medicine.' Itentirely expels from

-the blood the acrid Impurities which originate thedisease, and enriches as well as cleanses it. Consti- -pation, liver complaint, dyspepsia aud other all.meat, also give way to it. 3_HK±]

•' ""\u25a0..-\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0• PEP.SOfTAH.,11' ILLJ. S. of BOX 33 PLEASE SEND IS ad-I"

dress to MISS M. E. F., Box91, CallBranOffice. \u25a0!-_.- .. ..- - ... . .- -....- -.-.-, it :.

IfDWARD TURNER lOF WEST BERKELEY—1Your father Is dying;please write. . ap2 3t* '

LADIES—IF YOU WISH TO HAVE XI.EGA Ifittingsuits, handsomely draped, made for $0,

please call at .MRS. Morris*.732y_ Geary, apl 8*

1RASTER EGGS, WITH NAMES. TO ORDERi1from 10c and upward at HOOY'ER & PRICE,N W.cur. Polk and Bush sts. .- ap3 -ItLOR A FEW DAYS—BY CALLINGOR SENDING1 postal to Room 19. 17 Fourth st, you can sell forcash glassware, crockery, pictures, etc. ap3 3t*IVILLIAMB. GALLAGHER HAS REMOVED"

his furniture business to 1211 Market st, nearNinth; cheap rent makes low prices. \u25a0 v ap2 tf


est and best lv the city. J. li3IITCHELL ACO., 230 Fourteenth st --ap2tf


HOWARD SCHOOL OF. WOOD CARVING, 808Mission st; classes for ladles and gentle-

men Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3'p. >i.Teachers practical wood carvers. apl 7t*

EARDEN'S CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE, LATEof 940 Market st. is now removed to 23 Grant

aye. aud willbe known Inthe future as the BerlinCloak and Suit House.

- . ap2 It

AT126 KEARNY.ROOM 9. YOU CAN BORROWmoney at low rates; private rooms for ladies;pledges for sale; lake elevator. ,au7tt

HARRY—WE HAVE A FEW FULL-DRESSsuits to hire at a reasonable price, made by

leading merchant tailors. ORIGINAL MISFITCLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupoutsts.

ADVICEFREE: DIVORCE A SPECIALTY; CANbe obtained Inone day, privately; legal every-

where; terms liberal; no charge unless successful;probate. Insolvency, collections, etc. T. ___<_____*,Attorneys' Association. 11 Kearnyst mrO tt

MILLINERY—MKS. J. HARRINGTON. Hiltmerly of 1017 Market St., has removed to 103

vim aye., bet. Geary and Post, where she willbepleased to see all her oldpatrons. ' mr3o linoi[lOREASTER NOVELTIES GO TO ROBERTS',J 101 Post, near Kearny: finest in the city.mr3o 8tL'IRST-CLASS CARPET BEATERS; CITYX Steam Carpet Beating and Renovating Works,24 and 20 Eighth st: largest works In the city;work guaranteed. Address A. W. MANNING,pro-prlctor; telephone 3250.


mro tf

DWAKD—YOUCAN REST EASY, FOR SHORTand fat men can be fitted lna merchant-tailor

made business or dress suit for $18 to $25: tailor'sprice $35 to $50. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHINGPARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts.

ADVICE FREE; DIVORCES A SPECIALTY:privately: 15 days; legal everywhere; nocharges unless successful :probate, collections, etc.;responsible attorneys: all courts; terms reasonable:established 10 yrs. G.W. HOWE, 3D Kearnyst.l9tt

CIOME AND SEE 100 PAIR OF MERCHANT-Sj tailor made trousers; latest spring styles; ourprices $4 to $5: a tailor's prices $8 to $12. OR-IGINALMISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Postand Dupont sts.

DENISTONJ. TURNER, 1225 PIERCE. PHOTOhorses, dogs Instantaneously at your home. 25 tf

DRUMMERS-GET YOUR SAMPLES PHOTO-graphed by Denlston ._ 'Turner, 1225 I'lerce,2stf

ANDREW— YOU CAN PURCHASE A MEK-chant-tallnr made spring style sack suit, very

nobby, tor $15; tailor's price, $30. ORIGINALMISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Du-punt sts.

C~A Rl'ETS CLEANED 3 CTS. PER YARD,1211J Market, telephone 3222, S. STRATTON.m 23 6m

A A.BITIII!,THE WELI.-KNOYVNJEWELER,. occupies now the renovated premises formerlyheld by A. Tuckey at 205 Montgomery. mr2o lmALL FLESHY PERSONS CAN BE REDUCED 5/V pounds weeklybyusing or.DUHOIS'Anti-obe-

sity Ten; warranted perfectly harmless and pleas-ant to take; fur sale by all druggists; price, $1 50per box. \u25a0 . mriw Bra

BE WISE AND WELL DRESSED IN OURNEWspring styles merchant-tailor made overcoats In

a variety of colors; our price $15; tailor's price$..0. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS,cur. Pust and Dupont sts.

THE BEST ON THE COAST— PIONEER1Carpet-heating Machines, 353 Tehama St. tele-phono 3010. J. SPAULDING _ CO. mrlOtf

TRY KELLY'S GUARANTEED CORN CURE; refunded. KELLY',chemist, lo2 Eddy.

L-INEST EYE-GLASSES, SPFXS 15c UP. 05rFourth st., next to bakery ;Sundays 728 MarketSt.. in Celebrated Ladies' Glove-store, one doorfrom men's bat-store. nir9 tf

EVERYBODY EATS PEERLESS HAMS,THEYare the best. South San Francisco Provision

Company, salesroom 218 and 220 Front st. mrl3 lm

M(HENNA'S RIDING-SCHOOL. 1537 MISSION,near twelfth; lessons given dally,Tuesday andThursday evenings from 7 to 9, by the well-known

Instructor, J. MiKF:N A;road horses forhire. 13 tfII YOU WISH TO INVEST MONEY TO GOODX advantage, purchase a merchant-tailor mad.Prince Albert suit for $25: tailor's price $55. OR-IGINALMISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Postand Dnpontsts.

HERE IS NICOLL* WHY, IN HIS NEW\u25a0' store. 1154 Market st. opposite Sixth. mr6 lm

VTICOLL MAKES STYLISH SUITS AT 1151\u25a0L . Market St. opposite Sixth. mr6 lin

UtAISTS CUT,FITTED,STITCHED. COLLARS;sleeves In; skirt cut. stitched, braid drapery,

belts put on; $3. 31HE- HICHAUX.116 McAllister.

I.KKFECT-FITTING TAILOR DRESS MADE INJ- 24 hours for $15, $20, $25; goods all round.MRS. M.DAVIS,234 Taylor St. mrl tt

DIVORCES- FEE AFTER DECREE, JNO. J.XJ COFFEY, attorney. 019 Montgomery st rel9 tt

CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED WITHOUTbeating: refitting carpets a specialty. CONKLIN

BROS.. 333 Golden Gate aye.: telephone 2126. 13 tr

HENRY H. DAVIS. ATTO-tNEY-AT-LAW, 423California st, RoomsIami 9; ADVICEFREEtf

DIVORCES, WILLS, ETC. FRANK KENNEDY,Attorney, 83 Murphy Building. 12 tf

'I'HE ONLY ABSOLUTE AND ACCREDITEDIcure for the opium, morphine, cocaine, chloral andopium-smoking habit Is DR. C. J. WEATHERBY'Santidote; In use 19 years, omce, 28 and 29 StAnn's building,San Francisco, Cal. fe9 tr

ON THE INSTALLMENTPLAN—DRESS GOODS,silks, sealskin and scaietto cloaks: also carp*.*.*

furniture, laco curtains, blankets, foidlng-beds, pic-tures and mirrors at M. FRIEDMANACO.'S, Hiami 230 Stockton st, cor. Post: open evenings. lit

PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT. _"_._ Folsoin st MRS. M.E ROGERS. Midwife.A3 12:a( IARPETS BEATEN ANDLAID,OoPERYD. P.-/MERRILL.453 Stevenson st ;telephone 3223. 6tn

YOU CAN BUY YOUR FURNITURE ON 1N-X stallinents; easy terms. BARE BROS., 322 and324 Hayes st, bet Franklin aud Oough. mr!stt

CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO HAVEJ your carpets cleaned aud relald. JONES' Per-

fect Carpet-cleaning works. 25 and 27 Eighth st:telephone 3424. . oc'Jtf

DRY GOODS ON INSTALLMENTS, WITHOUTInterest; dress goods, cloaks, furniture, carpets,

bedding, jewelry,pictures, mirrors, banging lamps,clocks, etc. ;carpets from 65c upward. J. NOONAN*CO.. 1021 and 1023 Mission st, bet Sixth andSeventh; open evenings. apl7 tt


W'indoyv SHADES manufactured to or-''der by WILLIAMMcPHUN. 1195 Market 21tt

i["WELL'S XL DAIRY BOTTLE MILK;PUREST2and best Inthe world; IQeper quart bottle.

1"WILDING BEDS. MIRRORED YYITHLARGEF'rencb plate, walnut, -cherry and antique oak. oa

Installments for cash prices: $25 toslso. M.FRIED*-lANA CO.. 228 and 2.0 Stockton St., cor. Post. 1tf


MISS AGNES 119 STOCKTON, NEARGeary: stylish suits from$3 50 up; cuttingand

fitti:g.t specialty; 75 cents: perfect ft aprtf

EllUl'ATlO-iAL.AI"_rSA7H-Clf~"_TlX~G^^^ PRIVATE LE_"-sons lhpublic school studies. Address X. Y. /..,

Box 158. Call Branch Office. apl 3t*pART DESIRES TEACHER IN 51AT11E--1 unities, writingand drawing. Address M.. Box91,Call Branch Offlce. apB 2t*PIANO FORTE ______!& ADDRESS HENRYA MARSH, 107 O'Farreil st. mr29 7tDBOF. DE FILIPPE'S SIMPLIFIEDPRACTICAL

J- method of French and Spanish. The Bancroft Co._• V. SHORT-HAND AND TYPE-WRITING IN-

O. stitute; $0 per month. Kearuy, cor. Clay: uoconnection withformer concern. mr3o lm

PROF. L. FRIEDRICH. TEACHER OF VIOLINJL and guitar. Residence 330 Fellst lnr29 7t*

-yKEE BOOKS. PHI:.. INSTRUCTION. BURGESSJ. Business College. 410 Kearny; day and ere, tl'jtt

SCHOOL OF CIVIL,MININGANDMECHANICALEngineering, Surveying, Architecture, Drawing,

Assaying. A.VANDEKNAILLEN.723Mark't 21tt

HEALD'S BUSIINESS COLLEGE, 21 POST ST*Double-entry book-keeping, penmanship, short-

band, type-writing, tclography, etc., ail included!:*business course under one lee of $75. je.ld.f

PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEGE. 320 POST St.Life scholarship. $75: clay ana evening. oc'2J.t \u25a0


R.THOMAS It.HILL, ;BHL*_>-'lug; Rice hours, 9to 5. ap24 c.d .

ALLNEWSPAPERS HADLONG ARTICLES IN*them stating that the Insane asylums are fullof

people who took gas ouly once for painless tooth ex*traction and went crazy Mysecret painless methodIs wonderrul. By itsuse any dental operation maybe done painlessly. Will forfeit $100 for any tooththat Icannot extract without sleep or gas, eventhough a dozen dentists have failed to extract ItAlloperations done better than elsewhere, since Ibave seven first prizes for beautiful Ulllngs. plateand crown work. There are 5 Leek dentists, omceopen till9:30 p. >_.; Sundays till3 i*. 11. DLLGEORGE YY. LEEK.

-O'FarreH st oc9 tt

COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION,800 MARKET/ st (Pbelan Building);gas specialists; positively

extract teeth without pain; only otlice that makesand gives the celebrated "Colton Gas"; 30.000 ref-erences; established 1863; alloperations lndentistryperformed. Pit CHARLES W. DECKER. fc7 tt

DR. A.LUDLUMHILL,1443 MARKET ST., BET.Tenth and Eleventh; no cbarge for extracting

when plates are made; old plates made over likenew; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c. mitt

IfULL SET, $7: EXTRACTING. POSITIVELY1 painless, 60 cents. DR. C. A. PERRY, 8 Masoust, formerly 841 ilarket st

-- . des_ttTAR. REA 923 MARKET, EXTRACTS TEETHXJ fur 50c; with gas tor $1; open evenings, sellerffl;7 A SET FOE: TF_BTH; WARRANTED AS

.WIgood as can be made; tilling $1. DR., 930 Market st. next Baldwin Theater.ocltt4 FULLSET OF TEETH FOR $7 FILLINGS AT

_"v lowest prices; work warranted DR.J. YV.KI.I•841 Market st, opp Baldwin. -.. annul

DX C. H. WILSON, DENTIST.I 925 MARKETst. bet Fifthand Sixth, imp. Mason., del, tt

:'.OFFICES TO \u25a0 LET. .'-.__'

CHEAP: OFFICE OF 3KOOMS TO LET SUITA-Me for doctor, dentist or lawyers. Inquire or

Landlady. 703 Market st, cor, of Third. inr3o tf .OFFICES! oil.FRONT ANDCALIFORNIA:COR.

California and Kearny, and Kearny, nr. Sacra-.mento. * YON BHKINA P.. 524 California st. 13 tf

-:'.' : \u25a0".'STABLES TO,LCI.

O LET-HOUSE AND STABLE: CENTRALLYlocated; house of 9 looms and bath, and stable of

over 20 stalls and - loft for 25 tons of hay andyard room for 20 trucks; entrance from two streets;rent cheap. DR. G. K. MUNI., 37 Post St., cor.Kearny: hours 11 to 3 and 7 to 8. mr'.'S OtFrSnYVe


BAR \u25a0-.- FIXTURES COUNTERS^ SHELVING,show-cases, sash-doors, etc.. at 225 I'ost st jjjjtt I

CHEAPEST PLACE FOR COUNTERS, SHELVES,show-cases: offices A stores fitted. 334 Geary. 2tt

SEVERAL NEW BAR-FIXTURES FOR SALE*,stores and offices fitted up at the Baldwin Car-

'penter-shop. 319 Sutter St.;showroom 618 Geary, tt

BAR, STORE FIXTURES.SHOW CASES. DESKS,doors, sash, bought and sold. \u25a0 Pioneer store, 23

and 27 Tenth st., formerly 1032 Marketst \u25a0 f22 U.-TiTITrTi -_r.i_i-|T_i„I*\u25a0-|_,il_i IWi-iHBlIIM._IIM.,li._!\u25a0__ \u25a0mil


:'. y -\u25a0' rooms ;to;lkt-conttnukd.OALJ VALENCIA-NICEROOMS; HOUSE NEW;-lUUprice low. \u0084 \u25a0

- . ._••.- v...- -:, apl3t*-.-

-41 £» FRANKLIN— UNFURNISHEDrooms; housekeeping privileges. - .- apl It*'.


CHEAPEST FURNISHEDIXJO housekeeping rooms with piano. apl lt*\u25a0

£49 STEVENSON, BET. SEVENTH .-. ANDo^x—t Eighth—Furnished housekeeping rooms. 44*

SUNNY' FURNISHED ROOM WITH' USE OFbath: board if desired. Address 1026 Vallelo

street. \u25a0 . - . \u25a0\u25a0\u0084. apl7t«

Qi>C LARKIN, NEAR GEARY-LARGE FUR-XJ^iOnlshed room, suitable for 2 gentlemen orman and wife: no objection to 2 ladles; gas, bath;housekeeping privilege. ap2 4t*

1 '-.ft OAK'COR-

GOGGH-ELEGANT. SUNNY,XOXJ bay-wind w suites; gentleman and wife orseveral gentlemen; cbeap rcul. * ap3 lit \u25a0

110 TURK-LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; ALSOXXO flat forhouiekeeplng, $20. ap3 3t* \u25a0

"I 'WY MCALLISTER, FLAT=' 3-NEYVLY-FUR-,x —v nlshed room: running water, hot and cold;

bath: 1or 2 gentlemen, or man and wife; use ofkitchen. ap3 7t*


OFFICES OK FURNISHEDrooms; suites or single; day ormonth. ap3 51*

4 HENRIETTA SQUARE—2 OK 3 NEATLYFUR--t nlsbed rooms fur gentlemen or light house-keeplng. *\u25a0 \u25a0

- . \u25a0 ap3 3t«')(lUSEVENTH -2 SUNNY UNFURNISHED_-Ut/ rooms; gas and bath. ap3 st*(iA'J. MINNA-FRONT ROOMS FOR 2 MEN;-1 _*_-* single beds, cheap. ap3 3t«'JO'! SIXTH -GOOD FURNISHED SUNNY___*.__J____jj?. $1 to->'- per week ;quiet house. 34t«

\u25a0VfEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT-IIable for light housekeeping. 1715 O'Farreilstreet \u25a0\u25a0.-.\u25a0. »p3 3t»ClO OCTAVIA-SUNNY FURNISHED HOUSE-OXO keeping rooms; bath; large bisement. ap3 4*


2 COMPLETELY FURNISHEDrooms Tor housekeeping. .. ap3 3t*


ELEGANTLY FURNISHEDInt-> rooms In the city; suites or single, or floorfur doctor family. ap3 3t*1(it'ELEVENTH— FURNISHED SUITE OFAIIUrooms for light housekeeping; parlies pro-viding their own gasoline stove; also a room traits.ble rur two gentlemen. ap3 2t*KillFULTON,BET. OCTAVIAAND LAGUNA—OXO 3 neatly furnished rooms: rent cheap. ap3 2*

9'IA EDDY-FURNISHED LOWER UOUSE-iii-XIkeeping: sunny; double and single rooms.3 2*

A] 7 STOCKTON- BOOH, SUITABLEtiliTor two; also housekeeping. ap3 st*

J.-1'_> HOWARD— ROOMS, $4 AND $5;XJrtO also double rooms. ap3 2t*

K7O HOWARD, NEAR SECOND-TO LET,0IO large comer room, furnished.

-ap3 3t*

01O MISSION—9 FURNISHED BOOMS FORXJXO bousekeeplng. \u25a0_ ap3 2t*/' HYDE,NEAR Mi-ALITsTER-FRONT BOOH,X) with use of kitchen, fur housekeeping; alsosingle room fur a lady. ap3 2t*

571 STEVENSON. NR. SEVENTH. UPSTAIRS*""Ut±Front room; private family; logout; $8. 3 3*

14-.(lMISSION—NICELY FURNISHED SUNNYX a OXI bay-window suite for housekeeping. ap3 tfo.l' NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY FRONT«iFv». room, withgrate. 233 Ritch St., near Thirdand Biyant. ap3 31*

4'l*7MINNA—2 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; FUR-_tO ILished for housekeeping: reasonable. 112 it*

1117 taytTor, bet. clay AND califor--1111 nia

—Sunny turuished front room: rent

$14; gentleman. . ap'J 51*1'Jl TAYLOR-NEAT SUNNY FURNISHEDXO-* rooms; cheap. -ap2 st*


1___.I_>_.Q bed rooms to let. a;.2 at*CO*7 O'FARRELL -PARLOR FLOOR; FUR--00 Inisbed; honsekeeplng; hot water: gas. ap2 tf


11(If.CLAY LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM;I'llgas; housekeeping rooms. I ap'J 3t*D"I9 SIXTH—NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OFOX.*- rooms for lighthousekeeping. als. .single. 23*


1991:OAK —SUNNY, FURNISHED FRONTaJa.'4 rooms; single and double: private famy.2 5*

1AOSIXTH— SUNNY, DOUBLE ROOM,A _L__ withstove. ap2 st*Qt\(i MISSION-THREE ROOMS FURNISHEDXJOXJ fur housekeeping. ap2 3t*9*_7 OCTAVIA-THREE FURNISHED HOUSE-__i> Ikeeping rooms: use of parlor. ap2 tfA7. SECOND-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, 2OBA.O 3gentlemen; private family. ap2 3t»

7QO VAN NF.SS AYE.-A HANDSOMELY FUR--1 Oxi nisheil corner suite of parlors; reut $40; alsosingle rooms. ap2 tf

(._.'-_ I--LLIS-FURNISIIED SUNNY ALCOVEXJXJO and single rooms. ap2 3t*,I'JfilTHIRD -$11; 2 SUNNY FURNISHEDXtlxj*rooms furhousekeeping: also others. a.6t*

'-_'_> MOSS. BET. SIXTH AND SEVENTH—00 sunny rooms; rent $14. Apply 125 seventhstreet ap2 31*

IQI11-!l 1-!SUTTER— 2 UNFURNISHED SUNNY1 I/Orooms Tor housekeeping cheap; bath. 17*7')/Y MONTGOMERY AYE.-2 SUNNY UNFUR-I—ti nlsded ova in private Tamlly.

'apl st*


NEATLY FURNISHED1-j.- t front room Inprivate family;$6. apl tt

'.19 MASON-NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM;Ql_j rent $3. mr3l ot*

991 H.UGHT-PARLOR FLOOR 4 ROOMS_._ 1mrulshed for housekeeping, bath, for 3 or 4adults; very desirable. mr3o 7t*1'J A7 STOCKTON-2 NICELY FURNISHEDXOXJIrooms; cheap. mr3o 7t*

71 C EDDY—NEWLY FURNISHED LARGElidroom, with 2closets; $10. * mr3o trQf;7 MISSION


00 I toe lighthousekeeping, inrSO 7t*


HYDE SUNNY "HALL ROOM* GAS;closet; $7. mr3o tf

01 «_> ELLIS—

NICELY. FURNISHED SUNNY010 rooms for gentlemen, or lighthousekeeping ;references. mr3o tt

1097 MISSION-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED-ILf_- Irooms; double, single and en suite; gasaud bath; aiso lighthousekeeping. 111 28 tf

199.. MISSION—2 OR 3 NICELY FURNISHED1_-._._) sunny rooms forhousekeeping. mrl2 tr1I-

JONES— S SUNNY ROO>le. NEWLY FUR-XIX)nlshed. from $6 to $10; bath: gas. mr26 tf9_l(l TAYLOR-A FURNISHED


a- XX)room and kitchen; private family;bum. 25 tf1 1 >_> LARKIN-FURNISHED SUNNY SUITES;XIOalso slugie and housekeeping: reasonable, tr

9(|A GOOD ROOMS AT LOW BATES—7IB HOW.-—-'-' ard Third: gas and water lveach room;reading-room and bath tree; linen changed dally;house open all ulght- best beds la tbe world. ttq1 9 SUTTER-FARLOR SUITE, 1ROOMS, TO_/I_j gentlemen, or housekeeping. mr2o tf

994 GEARY-PARLORS AND OTHER SUNNYt/_,_: rooms: unfurnished; housekeeping. mrl.ttCf' 11MLSSION-2 OB 3 ROOMS NEATLY FUK-XJXJIj nlshed: housekeeping. mrlO It


and kitchen ;$20; top floor. mr4 if

6 O'FARRELL -BEAUTIFUL SUNNY FRONTXJ room cheap tosteady roomer. fell tr

1 (l'"_i. HOWARD—HOUSEKEEPING AND BIN'XXJOXIgle rooms; also office rooms. ja9 tt.

YOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET ST.. BET.X Sixth and Seventh; 35c tosl per night; per week,$150 to $5; single and en suite: families. mrl trg_l____l^MgM^M____Sa__W__W________________B____g


SUNNY ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNIUR-nlslit-'l. withboard; private family;choice loca-

tion. 1. M.,Bux 2045. losionice. apt It*

SUMMER BOARDERS WANTED: $1 PER DAT;20 miles fromcity on seashore; fishing, hunting

and bathing suits free: fare $150. See owner at520 Mission st apl lmILEGANTLY FURNISHED ROfIMS . WITHI_ buard In a private family. luquire at, near McAllister. inr.iO trrpilE ELSMERE, 418 SUTTER—SING I.E ROOMSX and en suite, withline table, rrom $23 up; cable-cars pass the door fur all parts of the city.

THE GRATUM," 118 SIXTH ST.: ELEGANT1rooms: with or without board. mr22 lin

DIYON HOUSE, 1130 MARKET AND 23 TURKSt.—Handsomely furnished suites and single;sunny; transients solicited. inrlO lm

rpilE ORIEL, SELECT FAMILY HOTEL, MAI?Xket and Franklin ;combines ail the conveniencesand substantial comforts of a pleasant noma with-out exorbitant charges. MR. AND MRS. SAN-FORD.

- -feistt

rpUK MARIPOSA. 824 LAGUNA—FINE SUITES;X first-class board: terms moderate. no7tt

ARLINGTON BOUSE. 127 KEARNY—PLEAS-ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first class

Inevery respect; terms reasonable. JalOtt-


AMERICANEXCHANGE HOTEL, 319 AND 321 1Sansome st, San Francisco; board and room $1,

$1 25 and $1 50 per day; free coach. WM. MONT-'

GOMERY', proprietor. ]y2ltt -SINGLE ROOMS 150 A NIGHT. LINDELLHouse, cor.Sixth and Howard. aull tt

MONTGOMERY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEU 227and 229 Second St.—Single moals 25c; board aniroom per day. 75c to $1:by the week, $4 to $5;freecoach to and from the ap2l


It'llLET—IN OAKLAND,FURNISHED BOUSES1-rooms to family without childreu; $30. Inquire

1380 Tenth st.. cur. Cypress. ap2 4t*


LF-T-NKW 6-ROOM _li"_l__7-_YTH7-<_fß-"X nlshed complete; Central aye., near Station. In-nnire DAVIDSTERN A SON. 7*

. \u25a0 CIIILI>It_N~ItT)AKir-iD.\u25a0\u25a0-.""itriDOYv, HAVING NO CHILDREN, WOULD"

take entire charge of one at her home. . Apply1229 Dolores st . -\u25a0:-\u25a0--. .\u25a0 -.:. .. .*1ADY WOULD LIKECHILDREN TO BOARD,IJ or an Infant; would give them a mother's care;terms reasonable. Address K.E., Box 120, Callllranch Oflice. - _ap4 3t*

LADY WOULD LIKE'I 2 CHILDREN TOboard; mother's care given; terms $10 per

month. Address H. 11.. Box 112, Call Branch.a32*

EXPERIENCED LADYHAVINGA PLEASANTJ home, with sunny yard, desires a little child, not

under 2, to board and care for: references ex-changed. Address B. 8., Box 102, Call BranchOfflce. -._.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-.,_-. aplTt*

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'*. .' BTOKKS TO »: LET.. --...v:

STORE TO LET;FIXTURES FOX SALE? 1414Church st,near Duncan. * :

-ap4 7t

PART OF STORE TO LET. 104 O'FARRELLSt.. Inquire barber-shop. \u25a0:\u25a0•--..-

----- -ai_ lt*

019.**, 1133Vi.VALENCIA-STORE'AND *4

lui^O. rooms: good business location. ap3 cod 3t*ART OF STORE, WITH WINDOW, TO LET.420 Sutter st. . -.--\u25a0'\u25a0-.... ...... ap3 3t*

IfINE CORNER STORE: GOOD PLACE 'FORrdrug or grocery store. Bryant and Gilbert sts.,near Seventh. \u25a0 ---.\u25a0. .- ap2 3t*

STORE AND 4 ROOMS TO LET. 1640 MARKETSt., N.side. .\u25a0 .- \u25a0 : -.

-ap2 Bt*

\u25a0 dpi 7, LARGE STORE—

WITH OR. YVITHOUT«s> lll.rooms, and stable. 2112 Twenty-third.807*A I/» THIRD ST.


SUNNY11Urooms; very fine. EASTON, ELDRIDGE _CO.-

- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- .. .--\u25a0

-.-\u25a0 mr'2Btt

n.O LET—I4O9 VALENCIA. NEAR TYVENTY--1 fifth, new store, $25: 015 Sansume. near Jack-

son, 3-story building, $125. YON RHEIN ACO.,524 California st -. \u25a0-. \u25a0

- -'.\u25a0--• . mr'.'O tt<St<.l- .STORE AND 3 ROOMS; COR. EDDYST.C— O. and Bourbon place. .. .-

-...-.\u25a0. fe2B tt•

.n r.-i'i

—iii.ilfiTr.ii,._\u25a0; mm. ii_TW^^irffl^¥i,*rfT,_i-Bii,lin. jr.

COUNTRY;REAL ESTATE— D.l__>E_riTE - INVESTMENT; 75 ACRES OFgarden laud, near proposed terminus ofMlsslon-

st cable-road: every acre under vegetable cultiva-tion; to pay 6 percent on Investment Ap-plyto owner, R. T. WARD. 610 Clay .st. mr23 lmo

--j\VE11AYEACHOICE SELECTION OF COLONY»' lands subdivided Into 5. 10 and 20 acre tracts

at tbe uniform price of $15 per acre: oneasy in-stallments; send ror circulars. CALIFORNIALANDASSOCIATION.634 Market st.

- m.23 tt

SCHOOL LANDS, $1 50 TO $3 AN ACRE: ONvery easy terms; sold by the State in tracts to

suit; uo residence or improvement required; ailkinds of lands, in many different counties; sendslump for list Open Monday, Wednesday and Satur-day evenings. F. YY'. LAKE,0 Flood Building.13 tt

SCHOOL LANDS.- AGRICULTURAL AND TlM-ber. Public Laud Agency. .',07 Montg'y.H -I.29 tt


9090 TAYLOR.NEATTGTuK^YviTTirsTtIu^M-_JV__ XI and bath. $35; 2016 O'Farreil, 6 rooms,$20; 522 Fell, 8 rooms, $35 159 octavia, 8 rooms,$37 50: 905 Stcltier, llrooms. $55: 103 Leaven-worth, 9 rooms. $47 50; 22 Haight, 10 rooms, $55:1505 Golden Gate aye.. 8 rooms, $45; 239 Eleventh,10 rooms, $40; 00 Minna, 10 rooms, new. $15; Polk,bet Hayes and Fell, 10 rooms and bath, $100. ApplytoP. C. Moi.i.oY.138 Montgomery st. apt 3t


ENGLISH COTTAGE; 7 ROOMS: ON LINEOF1Omnibus Cable Railroad; view from rear wln-

dows unsurpassed. 1010 Broderick st. - apt 3t*pOTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS AND BATH. 1830VJ Bush st. '

\u25a0 . apl 3t*

HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS; 2301 POLK ST.; KENT$16- apl 2t«.VI.W FLATS—II39 VALENCIA, NR, 23D. 7-_' rooms and bath, $35: 220 San Jose 24th.14 rooms, batn, $.90; 832 Page. nr. Scott. 0 roomsand bath. $30; 2631 Mission, nr. 22d. 5 rooms andbath, $17 60: 190S Jessie, nr. 20th, 7 rooms, bath.$25: 310 iii.il310% Leavenworth, nr.Eddy,8 and 7rooms and bath each, $47 50 and $12 60; 416 Bart-lett. nr. 25th. brooms, bath, $25: NW. cur. 21stand Guerrero, 12 rooms and bath. $75: 625 ViValencia, nr. 10th, 5 rooms and bath, $20: 2038F'olsom. nr. 17th, 5 rooms and hath. $lb; 2102 V-Howard, nr. 17tb, 5rooms, $17 50; 225 17th. nr.Mission, 4 rooms, $13; 130 Clary, nr. 4th, base-ment, $8; 30 Park aye.. offBryant and Oth, 5 rooms,$20; 925 Army,near Dolores, 0 rooms, batb, stable,$27 50; NYV. Bush and Baker, new flat,0 rooms andbatb. $27 50. YON 11I1E1N ._ CO, 524 Californiastreet


_\u0084;\u25a0 o_«t It' SUNNY. BAY-YVINDOWED COTTAGE: 6_. L

__ rooms; basement; yard. Cor. Dolores andFifteenth sta. . ai.3 7t*_i_>*. BAY-WINDOW HOUSE. 6 BOOMSjOaj.OXI. and alcove; modern Improvements;

fine location; 4 lines cars Fillmore anilSutter.3 31*

L-NE SUNNY HOUSE, 7 ROOMS AND BATH.111. HOLTMEIER, Filbert and Taylor sta. ap3 Ht*/•ROOMS; BATH: LARGE YARD. 1810 JESSIE,LIkey Nineteenth and Jessie, bakery, ap3 3:*


(*t 1 LARKINST.— HOUSE OF 4 Rooms. Al'-I""''ply to C. S. BLAIR,237 First St., or lnevcningat 48 Minnie. ai>3 3t»CM) HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS. COR. GREENWICHVPO.and Kearny st». . ap2 4i*\u25a0YTTCE FURNISHED HOUSE, 10 BOOMS, BATH:-1' lullof roomers; good location; furniture new;lady going country; willsell at bargain; good borne:rent $25;wishes 10 sell as quick as possible. Call62 Tehama st, bet. First and Second. ap'.' St*


COSY COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS,"I"*'with or without stable. ap2 tf,i|<l NICE COTTAGE; 5 LARGE ROOMS*;

_. 10. bath; large sunny yard: large cellar. Ap-ply 711 Treat aye., bet 20th and 21si sty apl tt

-.9/1 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 327 '\u25a0_ CHEST-Q--\>. nut st apl if

Ij-OR RENT-SARATOGA HALL,814 GEARY.A ApplyJACOIt 1 [CHER, 011 premises. 17t»

UPPER PART OF HOUSE, 432 SEVENTH, 6IJ fine sunny rooms; rent $25. rur2o tfCflA REAR HOUSE 4 ROOMS. 1314 LARKIN•,Caiirornla. mr..O IfCjCC FINE SUNNY HOUSE 8ROOMS; BATH;*~o>l. front and rear garden. 1-121 steiner st,near Fills. _mrlB trVICE HOUSE

—6 ROOMS AND BATH; ALLis new Improvements. 1921 Mason st, near

Greenwich and Montgomery aye., rent $25. Mrs tf

SOT. BAY-WINDO" CORNER OF 8 ROOMS—O.and bath; cur.Eddy and Bourbon place. 23 if

-£••_> EJECTS BAD TENAN ; COLLECTIONUTO made. Coffey's Collect'n Co., 819 Montg'y. 9tf11 s2 GOLDEN GATE HOUSE, 10 SI -NY110 rooms. Apply 505 Kearny st. 1.18 tf


ANTED- FLAT OF 4 ROOMS ANDBATB. F.I's., P. O. Hox 1670. ap:i :«\u25a0

FLATS TO 1.1 1.

2937^4^C_-Ll_-oi-NIA, NEAB baker—Op 1O. Lower bin-window Hat; 4 rooms and lath.O'FARRELL A LANG. 11 Montgomery, npl3t(£9A AND $21 SO-NEW FLATS; 24 AND 98V

— "Diamond, near Castro and Seventeenth sts.;

modern, hay-windows, sunny, and very pleasant lo-cation, iivarreli. a LANG,11Montgomery.* 7Oil NEW FLATS, VERY COMPLETE. 5 AND 6—'

Ir on;: and bath each, rents from $27 to $35.NX cor. Eleventh and Foisom; 3 new flats. 4 and 5rooms and num. $13 and $22. on McClca court, offNinthst.: 1152 Stevenson, bet. Thirteenth and Her-man, 7 rooms and bath, complete, $28: new 4 and6 room flats, YValnut aye., at Sutter and Larkln.$2." and $23. Apply to P. C. JIOLLOY",138 Moilt-gouiery st. ap4 3tL'LAT-t)ROOMS; PART OF FURNITURE FOBa sale. SOI Turk st apt 3t*

UPPER TI.AT-7ROOMS: BATH; 2 PATENTwater-closets. 638 llalghtst. ap4 3t*

1(.e.'-. GOLDEN GATE AYJ-.-FURMSHI.D OR1XIO.) unfurnished; 4rooms and batb. ap4 4t*

UPPER FLAT,720 FELL, NEAR FILLMORE,Inorth Side; sun all around; 7 rooms, bath: all

modern improvements: store-room; large yard:bouse almost new; water free. ap:'"3l*CIO 4 KOOMS, 4 CLOSETS ANDHALL.HAK-<_-10. risen and Twenty-second. ap3 3t*I"s(i(l CALIFORNIA—FURNISHED FLAT COM-1..111.. pletefor housekeeping. ap3 3t*

EXTRA CONVENIENT FLAT;6 ROOMS. BATHand tine fixtures: parkview; 0 cable lines. 1316

Fell St, near Baker; no bills. ap'2 ot*

9 SUNNY FLATS: 6 AND 6 ROOMS AND BATH.-\u25a0 23 and 27 Birch aye., off Larklu, bet. Grove andFulton. ap2 7t*

BEAUTIFULMODERN 7-ROOM UPPER fLaT;bath; $35. 211 Webster, near Haleht apl 71*

IOilFOURTEENTH. BET. VALENCIA AND-IO'U Guerrero—New sunny flat;5 rooms and bath;latest Improvements; rent $20. 31 IfITLAIOF 5 ROOMS AN_T BATH; KENT $18.

1724 Stevenson st . -inr3o tf

1*.(.7 CALIFORNIA-FURNISHED BACK ANDXtJXJ Ifront rooms, with alcove, for light house-keeping; hath: $25; no children. mrSO tf1-IGARDEN—BAY-WINDOW FLAT;3 l":i"'Ms.iI2 hall,bath, gas, suuny side. mr_9 tr


IJ'JA POST, NEAR LEAY.IN-VORTII: NICELY10l furnished: 10 rooms: Torsale cheap, apltf

<3!l)7. UPPER BAT-WINDOW FLAT OF SIXtl, _..!. sunny rooms', bath, basement and yard rur-nlture forsale. 733 Mdma st ap4 31*L'URNISIIEI) FLAT; 6 ROOMS; BATH; UOM-Iplete for bousekeeplug. Applyat 1206.£.lacksnnSt.. near Jones: 10 t0.4. .\u25a0 apt 7t*\u25a0VEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE; 7 ROOMS AND-> bath: centrally located; 6 months Inuse: 1 per-manent gentlemen roomers willremain if desired;a bargain for those wishing to secure a home; own-ers wish to go Fast Apply at Call Branch, apl 3t*

ifURNITURR OF 9 BOOMS, CHEAP; HOUSE TO1 let. 441 Mlnnast. * apl 31*rjIHE FURNITURE OF 5 ROOMS FOR SALE,1also new family sewing machine cheap. -110Tehama st \u25a0 ap4 3t*

QAQMcAllister -elegant furnished

OXJO flat:0 rooms aud bath. apl 3t*

LOR BALK—WITIIPIANO $500: WITHOUTIpiano $3.0; 4 rurnished rooms: parlor. 2 bed-

rooms and kit'hen; coal Imonths ago $1050; a linoborne for some one; rent $20; as good as new. Ap-ply 10 Stockton place, between Post and Sutter;call after 1p. «.. and get cheap bargain. ap4 31*

7 GLEN PARK AYE..OFF TWELFTH. RET. MISIsion and Howard— House or 7 rooms and bath;furniture and carpets almost new; for sale: bigbar-gain forany one wishing to go tohousekeeping. Ap-plyon the premises. ap:i 31*

0Ift HOWARD- ITRNTTUREOFBROOMS010 sale :house tolet; rent $35. ap3 7t*


999 haight-f;ntire UPPER floor: 4—— —rooms and bath: very desirable for 2 or 3people; rent $35; no children.

'mr27 It

TO RENT— a COMPLETELY FUBNISHED1house of 7 rooms: owner's desire to retain two

rooms -i.l hoard fur three. 798 Van Ness ave.m'27 tf



- -ap4 7t*.

_.(.'_ BUSH, '"\u25a0 MASON—2 or 3 roomsGXJO complete lor housekeeping. ap4 21*AQ STEVENSON-2 LIGHT HOUBEKJ-EPINQ

U-IO rooms; rent low. apl lt*

89*1 BUSH—

DESIRABLE SINGLE AND—1double room for gentleman; private; refer-

ence. . -ap4 31*


LARGE, HANDSOMELY FUR-XX-Inisbed sunny double room; closet; $12. 4 3*CI7. LEAVENYVORTH -LARGE SUNNY FRONTOXO room; gas, bath; rent reasonable, apt 4t* \u25a0-

Fift9O'FAKItELL -SUNNY CORNER SUITE<-'_'— for rent reasonable. ap4 Ot*I'-.-J FOLSOM-.M-.ATI. FURNISHED SUNNYXJO— rooms forhousekeeping; bath and gas: ref-erences exchanged. ap-l 2t*_

7'J TEHAMA -LARGE FURNISHED FKONT-11»' room and kitchen: $11. ap4 ;[

Ol;" FURNISHED HOUSEKF.KPINO ROOM:<_ I> also front room aud kitchen. 435 Tehamastreet. ap* Bt<59| HYDE—UNFURNISHED FRONT. SUNNY<J—.1 rooms tor housekeeping; rent low. apl lt*


-ap4 tf

Kilt.POWELL, NEAR SUITER-SUNNY FUR*-QUO nlshed rooms, with bath: rea al.le.apl 7t»IAITHIRD-FURNISHED' FRONT . BOOM,-1-tIsuitable for 2gentlemen: $0 a week, apl It*19 ESSEX, RINCON BILL


_l— room; suit 2 gentlemen. apt 2t*

PLEASANT SUNNY ROOMS IN QUIETX family:rent reasonable. 420 O'Farreil. ap4 st*

'.'.d THIRD-FRONT ROOM AND KITCHEN,OPT neaily Uiri.islicd tor bousekeeplng. apt tf


-R_SUNNY DOUBLE ROOM; ALSOQ_.Q single room: very reasonable. apt 3t»


-X XXJ.i v.-tte tainilv. \u25a0-

--.-• --;' • ap4 11* -


-. .. ap4 st* .09 7. FIFTH— SUNNY, CLEAN FURNISHEDO--O housekeeping: also single. .---


'_>9(J LARKIN—SUNNY HAY-WINDOW SUITE,O—XJ with kitchen; no children. . ap4 IfCAMEDDY, NEAR HYDE-HALL BED-ROOM;OXIXJ rent low. \u25a0 1

-ap4 It*

-7/ POLK-!! UNFURNISHED ROOMS; GOODI< IOsard; rent $8. .--.:\u25a0 apl It*

8 TWELFTH. NEAR MARKET—IOR 2 BOOMS,with connecting kltcbe.i; turuished. .- 11*

•jqLEWIS, OFF JONES, NEAR SUTTER-2 UN-OXJ furnished rooms tor \u25a0 housekeeping, or frontparlor; furnished: bath and gas. - apl It* \u25a0

9(17. TURK-FURNISHED PARLORS; SUITA-_--\u25a0«." hie fordoctor; also, single and double rooms;rent reasonable. . -...- -.-.\u25a0-\u25a0-:\u25a0 .--:ap4 3; \u25a0 .007 O'FARRELL— OR 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSE-Oa2 Ikeeping; furnished or uiifuruished. apl 21*

1M9_l LARKIN,-NEAR SUTTER-81 OLEJ-xJAAruum, furnished: $5; gas; bath, apl 21*


—..._^_-_l_»'i.i„ a



JV. PLUMRE. REAL ESTATE, 1402 VALES*. cla st., cor. 25th and San Jose Railroad Depot ;warm belt of Mission. ror3o 3t SuWeFr

BABGAIN—92760; COTTAGE 5 ROOMS, GAS,i'atti, etc.; can be raised and storo put under-

neath; tine business location: 1405 Church st, be-tween 27th and Duucau. J. F.PLUMBE, 1102 Va-lencia st . . -\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0 mr£o 3t SuWeFrtj._ir.nn mist BE SOLD; 2-STORY HOUSE,*4^«I.JUU. 6 rooms, batb, etc.; stable, carriage-house, garden; nice home: 239 Chattanooga St., be-tween 23d and 21th: good neighborhood: lot2__

117:6: street-work done; terms easy. J.F.PLUMHE,1102 Valencia st uir_o3t SuWeFr<I_9'>i.M CHEAPHOL'SE; COT PAGE 4KOOMS,tJP-jO-lU. etc.; lot 21_114: one-third cash, bal-auce In4 years at 7 per cent; sunny side of Duncanst, between Dolores and Church. J. F.PLUMBE,1102 Valencia st. mr3o 3t SuWeFr

LOVELY COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS (LARGE)jandbasement (planked), bath, etc.: lot28x126;

only $3400: part cash; 737 Church St., bet 21st and22d': street work all done. J. F.PLUMBS, 1402Valencia st. mr3o 31 SuWeFr

]OOK AT CHEAPEST ANI) BEST LO-XJcated lots iv the Miss. IViblocks from twoHues of cars, Cogswell College and public schools:on Army st., finest sewered street In city*, every lotready forbeing built upon: size 25x100; price $550and upward, as to location. J. P. PLUMBE,1402Valencia st

-iur3o 3t SuWeFr

'J A LOTS".! CORTLAND AYE. AND BEU-«_U nal Heights School-house; $250 and $300each. J. F. PLUMUE,1402 Valencia. 30 31 si.v.. lr

•Hil £_..(. COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS ANDtjpl.lUlr. basement; good well and pump; lot25x100; West Park st. HollyPark; part cash ; lotalone worth $1000. J. F. PLUMBE. 1.08 Valenciastreet.

- - mrSO :'.t Saw •\u25a0! i


<£UIOXJ. rooms, bath and laundry; modern con-veniences; stone sidewalk; grand marine view;Valiejo St., near Van Ness aye.; easy terms If de-sired; look at tills bargain. Apply to COHN, JA-COBS ._ CO.. 315 Montgomery St.. Nevada block. 4 3

STENOGRAPHERS— READ "MACHINERY VS.O Brains" and "Shorthand and a Foreign Lan-guage," etc., In April"Phonographic World, outto-day: all news-dealers; 10 cents. ap'J WeFrSu 3t__ HIM 100x120: E. SIDE UNIVERSITY ST.,«3) _UU. bet. Dwight and Woolsey, UniversityHomestead Association. CHAS. c. FISHER, 508California ap.t 3tl>-)>),**. EACH; 25x100 FEET EACH;CHOICE'IT— O. lots on W. side of Edinburgst. bet. Italyaud Pram ayes., part Clock 40, Excelsior Home-stead Association. (HAS. C. FISHER, 508 Call-fumlast. ap3 3t

QiV'.nn 826x100 FEET: NW, COR. p;DlN-i_)_ii)UU,burgh st. and Italy aye.. ExcelsiorHomestead Association. CHAS. C. FISHER. 603California st ap*3 3t-_l7ni_ LOTS ON GOLDEN GATE AYE.,

«J) 1 lUU.near Lott St.; 25x100: street work alldope. WILSON ,v PARK,18 Pus' at apB'_ti3_onnn LAST LOT left ON BUCHANAN,

>UUU. near Waller; 27\93; graded. UIL-SON „CARR,18 Post St. n;.:t 21

*-.7(illl* A FINE 12-ROOM HOUSE ON JACK-tipIUlll.l.son st, near l-owell; rent $40; can bemade Into 3 Hals at small expense. WILSON ACARR. 18 Post st. ap2 3t

ONLY $1400-LOT, 40x50, ON PRIEST S!\,OFFWashington, above Jones.-, level; huevlew; foil

abstract WILSON-

0 ARK,IS Post st spa 81

•*">->\i\ A FINE '\u25a0' *'• 25x115; HENRY ST.,•_

— —OX), near 15iii and Market; part cash. Mr-

EWEN BROS.. 50 CallIo ia, Room 6. 23SllWFrtf

•Si/I7,11 CHEAPEST LOTS INTHE CITY:25x«JT"-1 OXJ. 110: level, on the grade, this side of Sil-ver aye within a few steps or Mission st, thogreat highway to and from the city,and on which acable-road Isabout to b. built. i;. W. POPE, 680Market st. ap3 ;;t


IMPROVED PROPERTY; MUSTIt bring 6 per cent net. S. DUCUS, 1808 MarketSt., near Jones. ap3 lino


$600—25* 120:E. side Cook St.,120 S. of Geary.$1600-50x100; N.side of Illilst, near Noe.$1500— 50_!14: S. side Cumberland st, near Noe.$2000-50x100; E. side I'atton St., 150 E. of

Mission.$950-25x120; E. side 4th aye., bet. California

and Lake sis. :Installments.$2000—88x106; liside Arlington, bet. Charles

and MeGBI.Good bouses, etc., cheap. ap.l St*

T__PROVED--s2_/000: COB. STH ST.; 2 STORES.1 and 4 fiats of 4. 5, 6and 6rooms; gas and water;lot 50x85; renting for$111; rents ran be Increased.$13,500— California St, nr. Fillmore; lot 25x120:bouse or 3 fiats or 0 aua 7 rooms and bath; nowrenting for $105.

$12,000— Bargain; cor. 'J. .1 st; 1block fromcable-cars; lot 40x80; building of 2 stores, 4rooms andbasemen; below, and 2 lists above, 5 rooms andbath each: gas and water: stable for2 horses: rent-ing for$100.• $8500— linySt., nr. Jones; house or 3 fiats < r Sand6 rooms and bath, and 2 flats inrear; lot 29..65:renting for $80.

$8250— 12th St., 3 doors from Foisom; 3-storyhouse or 14 rooms; lot 40_i*_. with Lin rear. 19x37,with barn; everything in good order; building canbe changed Into 3 fiats, which willrent for $80 permonth: go see this bargain and make an offer.

$.000— Fern aye., nr. Van Ness; bouse of 9 roomsand bath; rear bouse of 4 rooms; lot 26x60; rentingfor $65 per month: this Is a lineInvestment; is situ-ated only 59 ft. from cor. Van Ness; when theowner of be cor. of Van Ness and Feru ayes. buildsbe willwant tins property.

$8600— Mi. st, bet 23d and 2 lot Sox182:6; 2 houses of4 and 5 rooms; renting for $25per month

Bargain— Reaver st, bet. Noe and Castro; cottageof 4 large rooms, bath and basement; lot 25x115;must be sold this week ;want oiler. Vf. R. MAT-THEWS X CO., s'/_ Kearny st. Kuoms 1and 2.a2 3t

.6 Hiflftl,™* 60-VARA;137:6x137:6; N.lU.UUU. side Union st, bet. Van Ness aye,

and Franklin st.: a great bargain: will be worthdouble this price when Van Ness aye. is opened : goand see It S. MOSGROVE, 630 Market st. ap-_'3t

'%1 fl f\t\fi30x122:6; SPLENDID 8-KOOM«3" In verybest order and repair:sunny home In warm belt W. side Howard st, bet.17th and 18th; the lotalone worth nearly the priceasked for entire property. S. MOSGROVE, 630Market st ap2 3;

Qi'.nn CORNER lot IN Berkeley": boxtip'JXIXJ. 170; near University: beautiful views;$50 down. $10 amouth. PHELPS A RICHARDS.11 Montgomery St.. S. F. lel7 tf

•Sinn TARK LOTS, NEAR BOULEVARD;$6O-Iv/U. monthly Installments: no Interest; notaxes. JACOB HEYMAN.630 Market st jailtr


$800— SUNSET HEIGHTS; LOTS $20t^tOXJX) a month: noInterest: uo taxes. HUCK-IMiIIAM _ CO.. 415 Montgomery st. mr9 tr_V"(II0 IONLY FOB COTTAGE HOUSE AND«^.OUUI' lot; 0 rooms un Sanchez st., near 16thand .Market: big bargain; sure to advance. K. Vf.SKELTON. 410 Montgomery at. . ap2 tr_.<).- LOTS; N. SIDE HANCOCK (WIDE

t_. _J_IU. St. nr. Sanchez; 25x114: Mission warmbelt, near ISth st; cheapest lots on the marketE. W. BKELTON. 410 Montgomery st mrB tt-_MiUII LOTON STH ST. BETTER INVKBT-i_)t)UUU. ment than U. S. Bonds. Inquire.1. P.DAMERON,230 Montgomery St. ja'2'jtr

/IALLONDISENP.CHV A WURTS. 600 MARKETSj st., for lots InOakland and Berkeley on$10 pay-ments: engagements made for Sunday. mrB tf

fi.i>~n LOT 36x100, IN BERKELEY; SIDE-•JIziUU. walked; $25 cash, $5 monthly.

$500— Corner. 68x90: $50 cash, $10 monthly.$200— Lot 34x90; *20 cash. $5 monthly.(60— 25x100; cheap and steep; $10 cash.$375— Corner, 34x100: $8 monthly.CHARLES A.BAILEY,owner. 624 Market. m2s tf

• CASH,BALANCE INMONTHLY PAY-t^OSIXJ ments: new, handsome cottage or 5roomsand bath, brick foundation, 7-foot basement, patentsidewalk, double parlors, wooden mantel and tiling,with allmodern improvements; -_\u25a0 blocks fromcabio-car . ApplyL.LANDLER,22S1_ Montgorocry-21 tf

Iy.AKK LOTS; 5 EXTRA LARGELOTS. W.SIDE- 14tb are., bet.Iand J sts.; title Insured by Caii-rornla Title Insurance Company; price $3500, ofwhich $1500 can remain; lots opposite here 011 14thaye. are advertised to-day at $800 apiece, cas.i. Ap-ply to owner, who iscompelled to sell, Room 12, 43Sixth st mr _'1 ttL-OR SALE BY J. B. WUITCOMB, 302 MONT-X gomery st.

$3600-Lot 30x137:6 on Page St.. 162 feet E. ofDevlsadero; a bargain ofiered fur this week; titleperfect.

Investment on 2d st ;house rents for $50;lot worth more than the price asked. Room 14, 302Montgomery st. . apl 71

ClOllEACII-25X100 EACH; LOTS 2. 3. 1.5. 6,OOU 7, p. Block 56, City Land Association*.ocean view. CHAS. C. FISHEK, 508 California. 2 3*

IO-EACH: HANDSOME BUILDING"LOTS».. I*-0 in the City Extentlon Homestead: easyterms. CAR.NALL-pITy.iIUGH-UOPKINSCO. 29 lmffljKr.AA ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE,tgOOXIXJ. cheerful homo in perfect repair: 8rooms, bath, laundry; 2-story stable, garden, etc.;gas and water ;lot32x117:6 to 15-foot alley. Ap-ply 011 premise. 823 Dolores st., bet. Twenty-firstand Twenty-second. EMMA 1.. OERQLD. ii_'_"_ tr


DI!. ii;I.BOMB; 1274 FRUITV^A__f_VE7*4 minutes' walk rrom Frultvale -Station: mod-

ern cottage: lot 70.300: also Joining lot, 75x300,for sale on easy terms. Applyat house. . ap4 7t*pOUNTRY RESIDENCE; 1HOUR FROM CITY;Y. InFrulivale; 12 acres; 7 acres In finest fruitsInfullbearing; grandest view on earth: offered at$10,000 for1 week only. GREEN A SHORES, 18Montgomery st. ap_ 3t


Q7 sT|A^To___r_^ :~6~Ti____B AND BATIl",0IUUU. withallmodern Improvements; wind,mill and tank, chicken yard and house, stable, fruittrees, lawn and tlower garden; street improvementscomplete: cement sidewalks; only 2 blocks fromPark-street Station.

$3500— Clement aye.. bet. Park and Oak sts.;house of 7 rooms and bath; lot 50x145. _i_.*»

W. MATTHEWS _CQ..SV_ Kearnyst. ap2 3t

ATTRACTIVE LITTLEHOUSE, 6 ROOMS AND/_ bath, with large lot. lawn and cement walks.stable and chicken-yards, In most desirable part ofAlameda, cheap and on easy ter_i9; photographcan be seen at omce. J. S. LEDYARD,Room 5.12. Kearny St. \u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0 ap2 st**LAMEDA BARGAINS. $1700-LOT 25x145;-V cottage 4 looms and bath; $250 cash, balance

$25 monthly. (No. 415)$2000—Lot 100x125: 2-story bouse 6 looms;

_t..!.i. r..r 4 horses; carriage-bouse, etc. (No. 301)$2100— Lot 41x100: new cottage 4 rooms and

bath: $500 cash, balance $25 monthly. (No. 381)$3000— Lot 90x207:6: lV_-story house 7 rooms;

$500 cash, balance easy terms. (No. 358)$3760—L0t 50x10*1; new cottage 5 rooms and

bath: $500 cash, balance $50 monthly. (No. 390)•8600—Lot 50x159; new 2-story house 9rooms

and bath; -,_ cash: balance easy terms. (No. 370)$7800— 60x150: new 2-story house 10 rooms

and bath; stable, carriage-house, etc. . (No. 401)Land tor sale by the lot, block ur acre: houses to

let and money to loan. 11. P. MOREAL,ACO.,1420 Park St., Alameda, and 402 Montgomery st,S.P. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 mr--2 lm


__"Taa7TT<oivyTsu_ i.d1 7ms,iTnIUUU. bath; corner; 50x125, near University.JOSEPH .T. .SON. -125 Caiirornla st. apil IT

COI.N'TI'.Y BEAT. ESTATE. :AKOAIN-35 ACRES OF FINK LEVEL,"RICHland, within1mile of the town or Sonoma: 800

French prunes, 500 peach trees, 400 assorted fruittrees, mostly Bartlett pears: 10 seres Tokay grapes,4 acres or which are ln lull bearing: bouse of6rooms; barn, out-bouses and all running utensils;fine water; this is the cheapest piece of property.that has ever leen offered In this country; $9500.

.1. T. PETERS, 14 Montgomery st.'

npl St

•ftl \u25a0_(! PER YEAIT-TOREST, 2-ACRE CHICK-*u)XOXJ en ranch; 5-room bouse; barn: 4 cblcken-liutiics; plenty or linn for family use: 15 minutes'walk from poslotllce. Apply to GEO. C. YOUNG,Petaluma.

- . apl 7t-

"IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED PROPERTYA at Redwood City,San Mateo County. IApply toH.M. COVERT. 218 California st.

-"mr3o 7t

dp 1 7.(1 EACH: IN UNIVERSITY-HEIGHTS,tgIXOXJ the most charming townslte at ibe Stan-ford University: 1 mile from Menlo Park station;within walkingdistance or the University buildings;SOxiSO each: easy terms.


HOPKINS CO.- -v-- . mr29 lm -

j(B;UA \u25a0 PER ACIIE-FIRST-CLASS FRUIT AND<3*i__U. farming laud In Ihe Gordon Fruit Colony;'send for circulars. CAENALL-FITZHLUH-iiop-KINS COMPANY.

- -«, .» . tni-20 lm



e'JKfl BARBERSHOP; 3 CHAIRS; PAYING«(P-_UVr. business: departure cause of sale. Mo-LAUGHLIN._ CO., 26 Kearny st. ap4 7t«

Qf-^n SALOON; BARGAIN AT $1000. Me-.x^OOXJ. nil,IN _: CO..26 Kearuy st. a4It*OS-inn SALOON; KEPT BY OWNER OVER 2... 1\u25a0

"'-years; cheap at $700: make an offer.Mclaughlin _ CO., 26 Kearny st. ap3 at*


_ft STOCKED SALOON'; PRINCIPALOUUU. street. MCLAUGHLIN A CO., 26Kearny st. \u25a0

- . . \u25a0 api 41*liS',ll A RESTAURANT, ESTABLISHED 7<„ ( OXJ. years. MCLAUGHLIN.26 Kearny. 815*

'--•.'.n CIGAR-STORE; BEST LOCATION*:•jT'-'-'Vf. large stock: glass fixtures; large room larear; rent free; receipts positively over $10 perday. WO. 'PR 1 IP a co., 841 Market st. It*

•S'.7'". BAKERY AND COFFEE PARLORS; 3."'"'rooms; receipts $20 per day; best bar-

gain nd. WOODRUFF, 841 Market st It»<S>l f^nn GROCERY; A GRAND LOCATION«jpj OXIXI.and positively paying; no such oppor-tunity ever offered.. W. C. ALLEN,632 MarketIf

..-.•.n SALOON: FINE CORNER IN MlS-tiT-lUV- sion; low rent: cheap-, sold on accountor owner leaving State. ALLEN,632 Market. It*

Q'-.'.n CIGAR-STORE AND FACTORY;'Z^oO'i. prominent location InMission; lnvesti-gate at once. W. c. ALLE> A- i0..632*

*-fc -..(Ml CORNER GROCERY AND BAR;_.UUU. most prominent cable-road in city;es-

tablished 20 years: horse and wagon; closest inves-tigations,.! , i.W. C. ALLEN a CO., 632 Market*B'J*,n BRANCH BAKERY. VARIETY ANDiJpoOXJ. lodging-house: best bargain ever offered.ALLEN A CO.. li::--'Marketst It*_i..-.ft SALOON; MOST PROMINENT LOCA-

«3PUUU. tion south or Market st: low rent andlaying: owner leaving state, ALLEN,632Market*sjs-",(l GROCERY AND BAR: PROMINENTtJOUU. corner In the Western Addition: 3rooms;flue stock of goods on hand; going at a bargaiu. J.W. DONNELLY. 34 Kearny st .*________£..)-,> PINE SALOON: 2 It OMS AND«Jf__UU. stable: lullvalue Instock; good Ioca .ton;lowrent FRANKLIN * col, 7 Grant aye. It*pOR SALE-SALOON; BEST LOCATIONINTHEIcity; good fixtures; big stock or goods; mustsell, Inquire at this ottice, 710 Market st. ap2 3t*

__<tnn FOR SALE-NICE GROCEUY-STORE,t^iUUU. with3 handsomely furnished rooms; theonly -'.ore Inthe block; situated onone of the mostdensely populated small streets tn the cliv. FullInvestigation offered by WILLItM M. BRENNAN,920 Market st ap4 It*

BUSINESS CHANCE GROCERY AND BAR;Do-inggood business; good cause fur selling. For

particulars apply SW. cur. Broadway and Hyde. 8s_*j .'- SALOON; GOOD PROSPECT FOB 81N-t_ I

—.), gie man or man and wife; must be sold

to-day; sick. Intin- family. 642 Second st.betBranuan and Townseud. ap3 2.*

AKEKY FOR SALE—WHOLE OR ONE-HALFInterest. Address Box 101, Call Branch of-

fice- * . ai.*_ 7t*

ILK-RANCH FOX SALE-23 COWS AND 1horse and wagon; 15 cans trade: 2 .iwelllng-

buuses and all accommodations. Apply164] M.vslun st. ap2 7t*

BRANCH BAKERY AND NOTION-STORE: Es-tablished over 20 years; bakers' bills over $200

amonth; sold on account of sickness. Inquire 152First st. ap2 3t»Y'RCIT AND VEGETABLE STORE FOR SALEP cheap; owner going to Idaho: must be sold atonce. 1002 Valencia st ai'2 St*

VICE RESTAURANT FOR SALE; $151 LIN-Xvquire CallBranch Office. apa 3t*

Sinn COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE NEARO '-'"\u25a0 Palace Paths. 005V_ Montgomeryavenue. ap2 7t*|3;XA SALOON. APPLY 406 PACIFIC ST.ijOXJ. ap2 3t*OALOON FOB SALE CHEAP; RENT LOW. AI

-O ply615 Merchant st ap2 3t»I'INKSALOON: DOINGGOOD BUSINESS: GOODJ stuck and fixtures. 42» I'aeilic. apl 71*.MALL SHOE-STORE FOR SALE: CHEAP.O. illor address R.B.PAPST. 3005 Mission. 14t«figOCA SALOON WITH 7 FURNISHED ROOMS,0

—0 1. rent $30. 23 1 Pacific st apl 7t«

IJARTNER. WITH ABOUT $3000. IN ESTAB-. lished manufacturing business; no experience Address R.N.,Box 351. Call l'.raurh.--'il 7*


ONE CHANCE IN A«J5 IUUU. thousand for man to secure a sure pay-— busines*; manulacturing new patent art..-:.sells at sight: willtake part down, balance out ofprofit ot business: this is a sure fortune to an en-ergetic man. 961 Market st., Room 39. apii tf

SALOON FOR sale. INQUIRE WHOLESALEliquor-store 112 Taylor st apl7t*

GROCERY AND BAR. APPLY 421 UNIONST.,corner of Lafayette. inr3l7t*

VINE SALOON FOR SALE CHEAP, WITHA pool table. 500 Davis st. uir3l 7t»

BAKERY WAGON. 3 HORSES AND ROUTEfor sale. Apply617 Tost st niral 7t*

l-cl: SALE. Oil EXCHANGE FOR IMPROVEDJ. property In san Francisco. Oakland or Alameda,a paying mercantile and hardware, business: longestablished: must be sold on account of death orproprietor. Apply at 1735 Market st. mr3l tr

AWEEK'S NEWS FOB 5 CENTS— THE WEEKLY__\u25a0 Call,illwia:....:. read .- for mailing.


I41-itOOM HOUSE, SUITABLE i-'oi: iioari.JL __

Ing; good furniture: part cash, balance pay-ments. DONNELLY A- Co.. 31 Kearny st apl 2t«OA ROOMS: GOOD FURNITURE; CLEARS $75iW

-month: a bargain; $1050. J. W. DON-

NELLY,34 Kearuy St. _________IT ROOMS: TRANSIENT HOUSE; HAND-XO somely furnished; central; $500 cash, bal-

ance easy payments. J. W. DONNELLY, 34Kearny st. ap4 2i*00 ROOMS, FINELY FURNISHED; CLEARS—••-.over $100 a month; $1000 cash, balance pay-ments. DONNELLY, 31Kearny st apl 2t»


LODGING-HOUSE 9 ROOMS;-)\u25a0— \u25a0 1 account of sickness: cheap. ap4 3t*C; I1rf| FOP. SALE


•_ iIOSJ. bouse of 10 rooms on Bush st, betStockton and Powell ;splendidly laid out for privateboarders illevery particular. Call and get liiforma-tlon from WM. M.BRENNAN*. 920 Ma:..:-.... It*„.,_-,. 21 ROOMS; ALL ON 1 FLOOR: KENTC'Oou. only $10; best bargain in town. ApplyI.P. BARNARD,29 Kearny st. . It*

LODGING-HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS, ON 611 PINEst:a good bargain;callbet. 3and 6;no agents. 7*


•D-t-'UU. wanted; part cash If desired: a spleu-did-paylng lodging-house of 72 rooms, on best partof Market st, near the Ualdwlu Hotel: clearingabout $300 per month; this house is worth .1:001),but Is seillLg for above price on account of sicknessof owner. ApplyK.KENNY, 22 Kearny st It-_l7n_l A BARGAIN-IS REALLY WORTH01lUU. $2100: fine house or 24 rooms, nearlost and Kearny sts.; clearing $125 per mouth;always full of good-paying, respectable roomers;owner Is compelled to leave the city. ApplyK.KENNY,22 Kearny st. It

KAILROAD BOARDING-HOUSE: 36 KOOMS:J _ full and paying; within 4 blocks of 3 cableInt.-.; business can be doubled. 1668 Hayes St. cor.Lott »:._ 7t»Q.Q.UI, LODGING-HOUSE, 21 ROOMS; GOING•_ •.)\u25a0"». East 645 Mission st ap3 2t*_: I(.A LODGING-HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS; RENT

«g>J-UU. $23:a1l tall. 1408 Mission st. ap2 3t»

Oil fllWl LODGING-HOUSE, 25 ROOMS: BENTtjpIUUU.$60. HAAS A: CO.. 11 Kearnyst. '_ 7tCj I7,(1 LODGING-HOUSE—I3ROOMS NICELY<|P JLUU.furnished ;always rented; on Mission St.,near Fourth; call immediately. HAAS A CO., 11Kearny st mr3o 71*-.

Qfi.llMISSION —FURNISHED HOUSE OF 9Q-_IB rooms for salei good location. mr!6 tfli"OR SALE—LODGING-HOUSE 21 ROOMS COM-J pletely furnished. 429 Larkin st. felß tr

AWEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS-THE WEEKLYCall,In wrapper, ready for mailing.


I~?_-«-___a_r-_'_p_u___T___T^ «ii1. vest. apl 8t«

VURNTTURE OF 2 ROOMS; NO DEALERSL Call before 10 a. *_.. 017 Minna st. a;. 3t*

ELEGANT BRUSSELS CARPETS SEWED ANDlaid,60c per yard. SHIREK,1231 Stockton.l2 tf

9**. f\f\llVARUS OF NEW AND SECOND*__U.UUU Laud carpet.-;, from 10cents to 75 cent*per yard, at JONES' Auction House. 25 and 27Eighth st fe23 tt

BEDROOM SUITS OF 7 PIECES FOR $15.WILEYBROS.. 931 Mission st 14 tf

ALL PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES; ON IN.stallments. without Interest, you can furnish

your home as cheap as for cash elsewhere at HEN-KV'S large furulture and carpet wart rooms, 18 to24 EHlsst 24 tr

A i.COD CHANCE—YOUR HOUSE FURNISHEDcomplete with furniture, carpets, stoves, cur-

tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors, at cash prices,on easy Installments; small deposit M. FRIED-HAN A CO.'S, largest Installment bouse ou tbeCoast 223 and 230 Stockton st, cor. Post; openevenings: prompt attention paid to country orders.

Si.ING FURNITURE CO.—CARPETS ANDlurnlture. 1039 and 1041 Market St., Rosenthal

Pudding. au7 tf

ALLMY GOODS ARE DOWN TO BED-ROCKprices: parlor suits $25. ranges $6, new cham-

ber sets complete $15: reductions all round; cash orInstallments. T H.NELSON. 136 Fourth st 30

COUNTRY BUYERS WISHING SECOND-HANDSj furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, callatROSENTHAL'S, 110Fourth St.;satisfaction gnaran-teed or money refunded: goods shipped tree. n!4*-f



Stockton st. near Broadway. mrl'_ ttOS AAAYARDS OF NEW AND second"_-U.UUU baud carpets from 10c to 75c per yard,at H.L.JONES' Auction House, '_£ and 27 EighthSt., near Market. mr'_'_ tr .CARPETS— SMITH'S BRUSSELS. 650 A YARD;vv installment price elsewhere $1 a yard. -M.FRIEDMAN A CO.. 228-230 Stockton St.. cor. Post/'LOSING li-ESTATE; BRUSSELS SEWED,v. laid,6oc: 2-p1y,25c:011-clotb,l2V_c;cnrtaln-polea,85c: matting. It).:. NEWMAN BROS.. 117 Sinn __.


I,'INEBLA_TTll__t!_!n-!\_!_?n;_--^ )ER\u25a0I the saddle; trots In harness, single or douulc; 5years old; 15% hands high: weighs 1025 pounds: aperfect beauty. Apply 1129 Market St. apl 3t»rpo LET-2 SMALL BARNS WITH ALLNKCES-,I,!!r..'"1.1?

"',n|,lt,;rl .'»' 34 and 40 cows.MRS. K. LINDNER,.Mission road, bet. liveand Six

Mile houses: Inquire at Schmidt's cottage,-aidi 3t*

IUANTED-MATCHEDPAIR OF MARES NoTIIover 7years oldand sound ;I6V_ hands high-

brown or bays: Immediately. Pacific Coast HorseMarket. 1616 Mission at. - . ap;< t. -PERSONS HAVING HORSES, BUGGIES,J- wagons orharness they want disposed of wilifind It to their advantage to call at or address the_____

Coast Horse Market, 1616 Mission st; auc-tion sales every Wednesday and Saturday at 11a.m. WATKINSADUHIO, auctioneers. apl tfYEW LOT OF DRAUGHT AND DRIVINGXIhorses or every description. »12."> Howard, del 1 tt


OODS_Xt_<_ld__ND express WAGON;ALSOgood second-hand peddler's wagon for sale. A.

Vf. SANBORN ACO.. 24 Beale st. '-*\u25a0 ap3 tr \u25a0\u25a0


SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE AND RE-liaired. W. B.HlGlil.NS. 528 Hayes st. mrl tf \u25a0-:

fflj'-lf" NEW YORK OK HELPMATE; BRAND<_.->-- new;latest; best for $'.5; allkinds repaired;rented cheap. .1. L.HICKS. 667 Mission, mil It

-yy '\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' .\u25a0•-. financial; -—--y-.-y.*-i Win (if\l\TO LOAN- AT LOWEST MAR*

\u25a0 'JIOXIXI.XJXJtJ ket rates oncity and country realestate, any amounts. BCUULLER, 420 California. if


'•"'.coal business; old established: man candraw »125 to $150 per mo. M.LESS, 995 Market. *Q9nnn '• \u0084AY SALOON, MARKETST., DOING-_ —^'t'U. a large business; Las long lease; cheap

rent; a bargain. M.LESS. 995 Market st it*£\u25a0('",« CANDY, STATIONERY. SODA FOCN-

«. UUU. Uln and stand; 3 livingrooms;splendid business. M. LESS. 935 Market st. lt*

s *>ilWl SALOON NEAR MARKET ST.; DO-«B.-_IUU. ing a business of $1000 a month: has alarge stock and fixtures: cbeap reut and loug lease.M.LESS, 995 Marketst. It-•S_lC_n7l FIRST-CLASS SALOON ON THE»X*J.O"U. best part of Kearny St.;l.s handsomelyfitted up: nas office and car.'. -room; this Is an old.established and paying business, and will repay m-vestigation. Apply M. less, 995 Markets;. If*

ImTTvTi BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE AND l'RO-.*.''\u25a0''. duce; doing a good business: must liesold at once. M.LESS. 995 Market St. It*-_Tl.lin WOOD AND COAL YARD; OLD ES-

<_• lul'U. tablished business: 3 good horses: 3wagons; cheap rent; long lease: doing a very goodbusiness. -M.LESS. 995 Market ... It*

Q I1Iill SALOON* AND BOARDING-HOUSE:.«_. 1 lUU. finely furnished: on the city trout;doing a large business; well worth $2000; a greatbargain. MLLESS, 985 Market St. It*-

,",11 SALOON ANDLUNCHHOUSE INTHE«_ iOSJ. heart or the city, doing a business of$000 a month. M.LESS, -.5 Market si. lt*

*%..nn SALOON MEN', SEE THIS: SALOONSpUUU. ln good business location; has 9 fur-nished rooms aud doing good business. Apply M.LESS, 995 Market St. it*IfESTAURANT AND 9 WELL-FURNISHED11 rooms: established 35 years and positivelyclearing 950 a week; cheap at $2500; give me anyprice you choose; 1must sell,as Iam losing $1000monthly elsewhere; come quick. 204 Fourth, al 3t»

BIN THE WELL-KNOWN NEW YORKX)saloon; sickness eau-v 45 Second stap*2 4 031*

I>ARTNER DRESSMAKER'S ISTAB-lisbment: sell y_ or whole. L.i;.Valencia. 4 tit*

\l'ANTED -TO 1.1 V A PAYING GROCERY'\u2666 with bar: state lowest cash price. AddressP. P.. 803 Buchanan st ;no agents. ap4 lit*

BARBER-SHOP: 3 LIVING rooms, APPLYCall Branch Oflice. ___________

BOOK-KEEPER WITH A CAPITAL OF $3000wishes to buy an interest m a downtown paying

business, R. '».. Pox 3. this oilice. apl :tt*

SALOON —MUST HE SOLD: MAKE OFFER.Cigar-store. 2 111 Montgomery aye. ap4 It*

A\*ANTED—CAPITALIN A BUSINESS ESTER-IIprise; large profits; foilInve Ligation. Address

A. 11.. Box 16. this office. apl St*__1 (.AH A WELL-PAYING SALOON. WITH.. IiJUU. pooland billiard tables, in the best lo-

cation of the town. Apply 125 Seventh St. ap_ B_*

Q-.-- BAKERY, CANDY", TOBACCO ANDV. »> * O. notions; l_2b Howard st; 3rooms witb-tore; rent $15. ap47t*

I^lCELY FIT'IED-UP FRUIT STORE; GOODJ.- horse and wagon; tine location and low rent.Apply 521 Geary St. \u25a0 ap4 31*


RESTAURANT IN GOOD ORDER,with a large range and 50-gallon boiler: furniture

for sale: established for 17 years. 100 McAllisteretreet. . : apt 3t*"S_TaAA fobsale THE WHOLE Oil HALF«£*. ll'.'l'.Interest Ina paying restaurant and barIii-ns---. Per further particulars apply or address127 Berry st.. near Fourth. apl 3t*

S.LOON IN GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION—HASO 9 furnished rooms alloccupied and a profit-able business; oo reasonable offer refused; rent$25: '_ years' lease. 1114 Stockton St. ap4 3t*(CALOON FOR SALE CHEAP. 300 PACIFICO st., .\u25a0

-Battery. apl 31*

Qonnn SPLENDID INVESTMENT:A I'HOII-*Z'—X)X)XJ.oughly respectable, legitimate,money-making business; only requires one day's time eachweek: willpay $125 to$200 amonth; any one i:.nattend to It;requires no special qualifications; thegreatest bargain ever offer) 1; all assertions can andwinbe proven lv the entire satisfaction of any onemeaning business; do not fail to investigate this, asIIis an opportunity seldom offered. SHOAFF AROSS. 373 Market St. It(_; I'J7.fl SURE AND SAFEBDSINESS. CLEAR-Vl

'''\u25a0 • tag $125 amonth ; lull value Insight;

cracker-store" and route, having the exclusive agencyof one of the leading cracker companies: nice .tore,with In;:., rooms; cbeap re:.;: good stock a:..!fixtures; large wagon, worth #17- ;2 good horsesnnd harness, worth$375: this is an unprecedentedopportunity to secure a straight, legitimate, money--l__*~ \u25a0-. .slues \u25a0; Bold at a sacrifice only on account'ot.death ot near relative InEngland, which necessi-tates immediate departure: must thorough luvestiga-tion allowed. SHOAFF A ROSS, 873 Market st. It

*-.IfKin C,IY kro:*T SALOON AND I.ODG-j^iIUUU.Ing-house; 1..- is undoubtedly the

..bargain in the city more than the value In furni-ture, fixtures aud stock: everything is new and the

\ place is finely fitted up; large stock of the best. brands of wines and liquors, Imported and domesticcigars; saloon, card-room and living-room on firstfloor,and ten rooms uu second Hour, always filled. with good tenants; cheap rent ami good lease: do-iiiga Abebusiness; any one can run it and make bigmoney: this Is no humbug, but a straight, honest. bargain; best of reasons for selling. SHOAFF,Ross a- CH..573 Marketst. ItriOSELL OUT Vol BUSINESS GO TO 1.XBARNARD.29 Kearny st-.testablished 1859. It*"-_'-*Ml.n PARTNER WANTED-TO ASSIST IN*<_

—UUU.looking after the hired help, etc . In a

a firsv-ciass hotel of 120 rooms; fine location acrossthe bay; always full of first-class people; estab-

bed nearly 15 years: the present owner hascleared nearly $30,000 in the last live years; youwill find.aim oue of the best-known men m thaStale sum popular and respected by all no previousexperience required, but must be or steady habits(nobarj;this is a very desirable business. Applyli.KENNY, \u25a0_'.' Kearni st. It<ftt_nn PARTNER WANTED—TO TAKE OB-tjOXiXJ. ,;,-rs in tbe store and assist Inlooking sX-

.- ter ger.cral details lva plain cash business in thisell established 8 years: clearing at least from$200 to $300 ncr month: you can try lt for 2 weeks-before buying; do night nor Sunday work; no pre-vious experience necessary as your partner willteach jim the bl_s._e__. Apply' ii.KENNY, 22Kearny st. It.CCfin IIRST-CLASS CORNER SALOON FORtjOXJXJ. rale: selling on account of sickness ofowner: fine location, near Montgomery and Market:established 12 ears and always dene a large. business; the fixturesare handsome and cost at leastSltOii; come and look at this bargain. Apply K.KEN i. .2 Kearny st. It

_> I•)!](, PARTNER WANTED-TO ASSIST IN'_ I—UU. the office and look after things In gen-eral ina splendid-paying livery, boarding and salestable th the must desirable portion of the city: hasa fine stock of horses, buggies, saddles and generalstock; clears from $200 i.. $300 per month, whichwillbe fullyproven: owner does not require amanof experience, but-one who is willingand can be re-lied "ii. Apply K.KENNY.22 Kearny st. lt


CARPENTER«. IOKI.and lobbing shop, withplenty work andcontracts: keeps 2 to 8men; good central down-• town shop, stuck, tools and trade; clears to each$15 to *_0 per week: need not be first-iass me-chanic, but willingto work;rare chance. Sec GEO.STEWART. 1.5 Kearny st It

Q'.'.n COMMISSION BUSINESS; PARTNER__.. •><_»". wanted with well-known, active, wide-

awake young business man of good standing and\u25a0reputation; has tirst-ciass trade, clearing $150 permouth and rapidly growing; absolutely requires.„ more assistance; prefers partner tohiren help; goodman wanted more than money; cau give best orreferences: an exceedingly good business that willbear investigation. Geo, STEWART. 138 Kearny. 1<2;9nnn LEGITIMATEWHOLESALE MANU-•_—'"-• lecturing business; partner wanted Inlarge bouse, established and successfully running;go-dj manufactured are on orders from leading.. wholesale bouses, and have a reputation ln the cityand the Pacific Coast as being the best la the mar-ket; large stock; machinery formanufacturing onlarge scale, with trade clearing $350 to$400 permonth; and to supply and fillthe Increasing whole-Sale orders requires the assistance of an activeworkingpartner, for which a bargain seldom offered

s"w!llbe given; tborongh investigation and best ofreferences. GEO. STEWART, 135 Kearny st. It<v*.nn WOOD AMI COAL YARD; TRE-«fI OXIXJ. ni":.dons bargain; run by present owner

\u25a0 l7ye,i. has never beeu In the market: centrallylocated; right In business center of city; owns 2good -.--.dray, buildings, sheds; house 2 rooms:.stable; a very largestuck and one or th" Ik-it payingtrades in the city; more than value; must sell onaccount of illhealth and wishingto retire; is worth$1000. CEO. STEWART. 136 Kearny st It' ..9F.n COMMISSION BUSINESS: PARTNER.. _-»U. wanted witb *2.*,0 in an old and well-es-tablished bouse: clears $175 per month and can belargely increased; at present hiring help: dutieslight and pleasant; no night work: this is an oppor-tunity seldom offered; full Investigation desired.

'.-CAMERON A Mum:, 1020 Slarket St. ap3 3t»

<\u25a0>'.() BRANCH BAKERY,CONFECTIONERYV-o"- and soda fountain; full stock aDd flue.* fixtures-: receipts sls daily: livingrooms; rent $25.

M. L...liABON ACO., -\u25a0\u25a0:,:.. Marketjt/ap3 2t*

<3i'-_7P. BUSINESS;DOUBLE TEAM;,*& wagon and steady wholesale trade.' W. 1.. GLEASON A CO.. 805 Market st ai.n 2t>

-*t''.ftft'COFFEE, CANDY AND ICE-CREAM, \u25a0" XI. parlors, close to 2 theaters: must be soldat once: a bargain. .ENGLISH A CO., 23 Kearnv st.Room -___ ap:; 3t»<<";7"i WORTH $15.0 -RESTAURANT; RE-«P_- IO.ceipts average $20 aday; sold only onaccount or sickness there Isa bargain. BROWN A-..Co .305 Kearny st ap:* 2t*< |-ii GOOD. HOME FOB LADY—NOTION,-.-•v. candy, brancb bakery.- paper and rurniturc at 2 rooms and kitchen; rent $15._ HAAS A CO., llKearny st. ap2 7t

AliiFARTNK-R-LADY WITH GOOD Ill's]--.J J ness ability and a camtal of from $700 to $1000can find highly profitable Investment lna genteel.. -.;..-, withher own sex:big returns guaranteed;investigation will satisfy you as to results. Haas• A CO., 11 Kearnyst.

-mr3o 7t*


be sold: doinga goou. business ob a busy streetApplyHAKER A His/,Market St. ap3 4t*


profitable business. Address 425 or 223 Pacific»•*•""* mr2» 7t

YV"°-'D AND COAL YARD. 1156 FOLSOM. "Eighth. Applyon premises. 30 7:

I^ARGAJN-CANDY-STORE AND FURNITURE_' 2 rooms. 1006 ._ Valencia st. inr3o 7t»VOR -CORNER SALOON AND LODGING\u25a0A boose t cheap. Apply Call Branch. uir2B 7t»

G.OIVSALOON FOR SALE; REASON OWNER'has 'i. 308 Pacific st. ror30 7t»N.9 .n FK«'T. CANDYANDVARIETYSTORE.t_ -')!'. Apply601% Bash st inr29 7t»


VALUABLE CORNER saloon FOR SALE.ApplyI.C. JOHNSON. 770 Howard St. mr'i io,-

GOOD SALOON FOR SALE. APPLY 057 WASH-lugton st . \u25a0 ap3 Ht*

Ci9^n BARGAIN; GOOD BUTCHER BUSI-, _, -.UCf. ness In country; suitable for man andwire. Inquire Montgomery Market, 800 Market-. street. ap3 2t*'*fe 1I*. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. APPLY. ,'S>XIO. 1032 Howard St., bet. Sixth and Sev-.. \u25a0

ci* "* -, ap3 3t»

. V'-Jvll OR $400 TO INVEST AS PARTNER IN,-'"'XJ an established restaurant or grocery- bou<e north ofMarket St.; single man: no ageuts.*. _""-__LI.lE,Box 111. Callbranch omce. a|.:i 3t»

Cl!<lon ,,,'L r;§,°"I.. bi;si;*ESS; GOOD LOCA-V tlon; cheap. 717 Mission st. ap3 2t»

FOR SALE—RESTAURANT SITUATED AT Sir.troHeights, depot of Powell _t. steam cars 1n-?,".'.•.,." I"-

-™*1*3 "\u25a0«"- 1-* to 5 _*. __f^dM_.HEIMES.

__^ap3 7t»

•S'-innn . CORNER GROCERY AND BAR.«5.->UUU. paying from $250 to $-00 per monthnear; horse, wagon, harness, billiard-table and$2000 worth of stock, groceries, liquors, cigars andtobacco: best of reasons given for selling: or winchange for ranch property. ApplyCall Branch__? M . ap2_t"*i-;7r.O BARGAIN: FIRST-CLAbS FISH AND«_} Ioxj. oyster stand for sale; first-class cus-tomers. Stall 5. California Market. ap2 31*

lOR SALE-CIGAR-STAND, KEARNY ST.: EX-J- cellent location; owner sick; bargain. Princi-pals only need address K. R. C, Pox 90, CallBranch Office. . . . -

ap2 31*-<j> 7C(Y GROCERY AND BAR FOR SALElp *OX). Apply219 Fourth st. ap2 3t* *