heat illnesses and basic first aid. heat illnesses exercising in hot, humid environments can cause...

Heat Illnesses and Basic First Aid

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Post on 28-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Heat Illnesses and Basic First Aid. Heat Illnesses Exercising in hot, humid environments can cause various forms of heat illnesses Heat Rash Heat Syncope

Heat Illnesses and Basic First Aid

Page 2: Heat Illnesses and Basic First Aid. Heat Illnesses Exercising in hot, humid environments can cause various forms of heat illnesses Heat Rash Heat Syncope

Heat Illnesses

• Exercising in hot, humid environments can cause various forms of heat illnesses• Heat Rash• Heat Syncope• Heat Cramps• Heat Exhaustion• Heatstroke

Page 3: Heat Illnesses and Basic First Aid. Heat Illnesses Exercising in hot, humid environments can cause various forms of heat illnesses Heat Rash Heat Syncope

Heat Rash

• Occurs when skin is continually wet with unevaporated sweat• Shoulders under pads, behind knees, armpits, groins,

behind knees• Red, raised rash, tingling during sweating• Localized to areas covered with wet clothing• Change shirts often, towel off skin• Use of baby powder or Gold Bond

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Heat Syncope

• Rapid physical fatigue during prolonged exposure to heat• Dizziness, fainting, nausea• Lay athlete down in a cool environment and

replenish fluids• Gradually acclimatize to exercise in a hot, humid


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Heat Cramps

• Hard work in heat, sweating heavily, imbalance between water and electrolytes• Muscle twitching and cramps• Ingest large amounts of fluid, stretching, ice

massage of affected muscle• Acclimatize athlete properly, provide fluids,

replenish electrolytes (Gatorade)

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Heat Exhaustion

• Prolonged sweating leading to dehydration• Excessive thirst, dry tongue/mouth, fatigue,

weakness, incoordination, low urine output, elevated body temperature• Bed rest in cool room, replenish fluids, IV if

needed, increase fluid intake (6-8 L/day)• Supply adequate fluids, provide adequate rest

and opportunity for cooling

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• Life-threatening emergency• Strenuous physical exercise and increased environmental

heat stress• Abrupt onset• Headache, fatigue, flushed skin, lack of sweating, rapid

pulse, increased respiration, low blood pressure, diarrhea, vomiting• Call 911, immersion in ice water, air fan over body• Adapt activities to environment, proper hydration, proper


Page 8: Heat Illnesses and Basic First Aid. Heat Illnesses Exercising in hot, humid environments can cause various forms of heat illnesses Heat Rash Heat Syncope

Prevent Heat Illnesses

• Acclimatize athletes to heat• Educate coaches/athletes on prevention,

recognition, and treatment of heat illnesses• Educate on proper hydration (9-11 cups of

water/day)• Sleep 6 to 8 hours/day in cool environment• Monitor environmental conditions, make

adaptations if necessary (no pads/helmets)

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Preventing Heat Illnesses, cont.

• Provide adequate supply of water to maintain hydration• Give water breaks often (every 15-20 minutes)• Minimize amount of equipment and clothing

worn in hot, humid conditions• Allow athletes to practice in shaded areas

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Lightning Safety

• If thunder and/or lightning can be heard or seen• Stop activity immediately• Seek protective shelter• Indoor facility is recommended• Avoid standing under large trees and telephone poles• Avoid metal bleachers

• Allow 30 minutes to pass after the last sound of thunder or lightning strike before resuming play

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• Wear latex gloves• Place barrier between you and athlete• Apply direct pressure• Cover the wound with sterile gauze and press firmly

against wound• Elevate the injured area (if possible) to slow/stop

blood flow• Cleanse wound or apply triple antibiotic ointment• Cover with clean bandage

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• Remove athlete from activity• Help athlete off of the field

• Apply ice; Follow RICE principles• Rest• Ice• Compression• Elevation

• Seek evaluation from a medical professional

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Fractures and Dislocations

• Pain/tenderness• Difficulty moving injured part• Obvious deformity• Immediate swelling and discoloration

• Keep limb from moving• Keep athlete calm• Call for medical help

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ConcussionsBased on:NFHS “Concussion in Sports:What you need to know”

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What is a Concussion?

• Injury to the brain• No such thing as a “minor brain injury”• Must be taken seriously

• Bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body• Causes head to bounce around or twist in the

skull• Less than 10% of all concussions involve loss of


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More on Concussions…

• Problem with function, not structure• CT Scans and MRIs are normal with most

concussions• Studies show it usually takes 2 weeks or more for

brain cells to recover from an injury, and may take even longer• Occur in all sports• A suspected concussion is serious no matter

how/where it occurred

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4 Areas Affected

• The way the person feels• Headache or fatigue

• The way the person thinks• Memory and/or concentration

• Change in Emotions• Irritable or sad

• Problems with Sleep• Trouble falling asleep

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Signs of a Concussion

• Signs (seen by parent/coach)• Dazed or stunned• Confused• Forgets plays• Moves clumsily• Answers questions slowly• Loses consciousness• Behavior changes• Memory problems (events before or after injury)

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Symptoms of a Concussion

• Symptoms (felt by player)• May exhibit one or more of the following:• Headache• Nausea• Balance problems/Dizziness• Fuzzy vision• Feels sluggish• Light/noise sensitive• Concentration/memory problems• Confusion

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If a Potential Concussion Arises

• Any signs/symptoms of a concussion = Immediate removal from play• When in doubt, sit them out• Notify parent/guardian• Advised to contact primary care physician and/or

seek nearest emergency department on the day of the injury

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When to Call 911

• Indicate a medical emergency and activation of EMS• Player with a witnessed lost of consciousness of

any duration• Player exhibits these symptoms:• Decreased level of consciousness• Unusual drowsiness or inability to be awakened• Difficulty getting attention• Breathing irregularities• Severe or worsening headache• Persistent vomiting• Seizures

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• If a player with a suspected head injury is not sent for immediate medical attention:• Must be continuously observed until evaluated

by a health care professional• Never send a player to the bus or locker room

alone• Any worsening symptoms or signs indicate a

medical emergency

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Head’s Up 4-Step Action Plan

• Remove the participant from play• Ensure that the participant is evaluated by a

health care professional• Inform the participant’s parents or guardians

about the concussion and give them information on concussions• Keep the participant out of play the day of the

injury and until an appropriate health care professional says the player is symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play

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• Most players recover in 1-2 weeks• Others may have prolonged symptoms for

months• Prolonged Symptoms:• Headaches• Difficulty concentrating• Poor memory• Sleep problems

• Can affect performance in school

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Second Impact Syndrome

• A player that returns to activity before healing fully from the concussion is at risk for a repeat concussion• Slow recovery• Increase chance for long-term problems• Can result in severe swelling of the brain• Can be fatal

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Return to Play

• Work closely with health care provider or athletic trainer to return athlete to activity properly• Rest• Full return to school• Symptom-free• Receive clearance from medical professional• Gradual return to activity

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How to Rest?

• Rest at Home• Sleep Often• Limit brain “stimulation”

from:• Phone• Computer• Music• TV• Texting• Gaming

• Rest at School• Stay home or attend school

half days• Take naps or allow rest time• Extend time to complete

assignments• Allow time to visit school nurse

for treatment of headaches• Written instructions for

homework• Repeat and present new

information slowly• Share progress and difficulties

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Return to Play Protocol

• Step 1: Light Exercise• 5 to 10 minutes on an exercise bike or light jog• No weight lifting

• Step 2: Running in the gym or on the field without a helmet or other equipment• Step 3: Non-contact training drills in full uniform• Begin light weight training

• Step 4: Full contact practice or training• Step 5: Get back into the game!

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Return to Play, cont.

• Athlete must be symptom free before starting progression• Progression usually takes 1 week• Player progresses one step each day• Activity must be stopped immediately if signs/symptoms

of a concussion returns• If symptoms occur at any step, player must be re-

evaluated by a medical professional

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Role as a Coach

• Bring about a change in culture about the seriousness of this injury when talking with players, parents, and other coaches• No proven protection from a concussion• Can aim to reduce the risk

• Educate others on concussions• Fact sheet for parents and players