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Welcome to the April 2013 of our Sole Bay team churches magazine


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from Revd Joan Lyon, Team Vicar

Dear Friends As I write this, the sun, after a long absence, has reappeared in the Suffolk skies. The grey days had really begun to take their toll so I gave in and purchased a ‘Lite Box’. This is a large rectangle which is placed on a table or on your desk and when switched on, immediately offers simulated day-light. If you sit in front of this for 20-30 minutes a couple of times a day, it makes a real difference to your spirits and energy levels. It’s an easy enough way to lift this end-of-winter feeling and the darkness which can de-scend quite easily as we travel through the physical and spiritual gloom of Lent. So is that all that is needed, I wondered, for us to recharge our batteries? A good way to use a Lite Box is to sit down for half an hour and perhaps concentrate more deeply on our daily prayer while soaking up some simulated sunshine. Lite Boxes may work wonders but they don’t illuminate the many questions which face us in life and perhaps which surface during Lent. In the Genesis account of creation, God said: “Let there be light; and there was light”. The light which God created for our world is there for everybody. This light is uniquely revealed in Jesus. So how is this light spread, passed around, reflected? Can we reflect God’s glory to one another? One way of doing this is to look each other in the eye, to see the light of Christ in our faces, howev-er contorted that image may sometimes be. All of us, at times, find it easier to live in the darkness than take this risk. Easter offers us another opportunity to see the light which Jesus spread, to see it reflected in other people, to discover that the words which St. Paul wrote to the church in Corinth might just have relevance for us today: “And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.” On Easter Day, when we shout together: “Jesus is Risen; He is Risen indeed!”, can we see God’s light reflected in the faces of those around us? Can we be Lite Boxes for each other, not just at Easter but throughout the year? This Easter light is there for all of us. Happy Easter to you all. May God bless you in this joyful season. Joan

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A new 6 week course begins on Tuesday 30 April at 7.15pm in St. Margaret’s Church, Reydon Life! What is it like? Some say it’s a dream, others call it a joke. Some describe it as a maze - and for a lucky few, it’s just a bowl of cherries. Come and explore the meaning of life from a Christian angle in a 6 week course. ‘Start!’ is not a heavy course with long talks. It will be alive, fresh and open as we use video clips, activities, and your own experience to look at faith and the part God has to play in our lives. The course will consist of a series of eve-nings lasting no more than an hour and a half each, and running for six weeks. ‘Start!’ is designed for: - - Those who are just beginning to search for God for the first time in their life. - Those who had a faith some years ago, lost it and are now coming back to it. - Those who have discovered God and want to go deeper in their faith. - Those who would like a ‘refresher’ about what Christianity is about. The course will also form part of the prepa-ration for those wanting to be confirmed. The course is fun, may be mind-boggling and even life-changing. To register for a place on the course or for more information contact Revd Rich Hender-son on 01502 722192 or email [email protected]

Distinctive Worship

Sunday 14 April at 7pm

in St. Margaret’s Church Room, Reydon

worship, prayer, discussion,

coffee and cake

FAITH CONFIRMED Confirmation marks the point in the Christ- ian journey at which you affirm for yourself the faith into which you have been baptised and your intention to live a life of commit-ted discipleship. This affirmation is con-firmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the confirming bishop. The Church also asks God to give you power through the Holy Spirit to enable you to live in the way of Jesus. There will be a Deanery Confirmation Service on Wednesday 17th July at St. Peter & St. Paul’s Church, Wangford. The ‘Start!’ course (detailed opposite) will form part of the preparation for Confirmation. If you would like to be Confirmed, or want to know more about Confirmation, then please speak to the Team Clergy.

SUFFOLK SHOW Revd Rich along with some of the Sole Bay Youth Group are working on a presentation and activities based on the themes of Pente-cost and Summer. These will form part of the display in the Diocesan marquee at the Suffolk Show that will link all the seasons and church year together. If you have any photos that represent parish life during the summer, then please email or send them to Revd Rich with a caption for each.


For under 5s and their carers to come and play!

On the second Wednesday monthly 2 - 3pm St. Margaret’s Church Room

A friendly informal group to help young ones discover God’s love

and hear Bible stories in a fun lively way!

Call Rich 722192 or Pat 724932 to find out more

Join us on Wednesday 10 April


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EDITOR Glyn Williams 723829 / 07967 384704 [email protected]

CLERGY PUBLISHER Revd Rich Henderson 722192 [email protected]

from Glyn Williams, Editor CHRISTIAN GIVING AND HEART & SOLE’S MISSION In this deep recession, we are ironically having to be more obsessed with money than ever before, now out of absolute necessity rather than any ‘boomtime’ greed. Lack of money is challenging all areas of everyday life and none more so than the Church; topics of parish share and future clergy numbers are taking up much Synodical time. We as faithful Chris-tians have always been called to share our wealth; help the needy, even in a recession, many more are far worse off than ourselves; fund the mission of sharing the Gospel and of bringing Christ’s love to a fallen world. “We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God” Acts 14:15. Whilst I personally could not belong to a church with a fixed tithe, we must all consider deeply in our soul as to what we can actually afford to practically give to our Lord’s work and to sustain our Church; this is not someone else’s problem but our own as faithful Faith-filled Servants, right here, right now. “Give gen-erously to Him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you... in everything you put your hand to” Deut.15:10. If impoverished Suffolk churches are closing, how can we finance even greater mission to our vulnerable communities... One particular urgent financial need here in Sole Bay is for us to continue our team ministry with Heart and Sole (serving through these pages to spread the Good News both to our faith-ful congregations in all eight churches and to locals and tourists alike), we need your help. Advertising is significantly not covering the print costs currently despite our sales efforts. One copy each month of H & S costs us approximately 50p to print and buying the East Anglican diocesan publication about the same again. Could you afford to donate the same each month to fund your copy and perhaps another pound or two to help subsidise those picked up by neighbours and visitors, inquisitive as to what those of us so lucky to know Him can still smile about, even in a recession...? To help, place donations in separate envelopes marked ‘Heart and Sole’ (with cheques payable to ‘Sole Bay Team Ministry’) and add to your regular church giving. Please help support this vital work. Blessings, Glyn



Holy Trinity Church Blythburgh Malcolm and Meryl Doney 07812 566520 / 07976 574703 [email protected]

St. Margaret’s Church Reydon Michelle Williams 01502 723829 [email protected]

St. Andrew’s Church Sotherton Karen Flaxman 01986 873123 [email protected]

St. Lawrence’s Church South Cove Alison Evans 01502 675610 [email protected]

St. Edmund’s Church Southwold Revd Simon Pitcher 01502 725424 [email protected]

St. Mary’s Church Uggeshall Colin Hill 01502 578206 [email protected]

St. Andrew’s Church Walberswick Julia Josephs 01502 722828 [email protected]

St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church Wangford Gill Smith 01502 578620 [email protected]

“...others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession

of the Gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them

and with everyone else.” 2 Corinthians 9:13

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7 Second Sunday of Easter

0800 Reydon Eucharist (BCP)

0800 Southwold Eucharist (BCP)

0800 Uggeshall Eucharist (BCP)

0930 Blythburgh Eucharist (BCP)

0930 Reydon Family Worship

0930 Southwold Family Worship HC

1100 Walberswick Parish Eucharist

1100 Wangford Morning Worship

1100 Southwold Morning Prayer (BCP)

1600 Wrentham Deanery Taize Service

1800 Blythburgh Choral Evensong

1800 Uggeshall Evening Prayer (BCP)

14 Third Sunday of Easter

0800 Reydon Eucharist (BCP)

0800 Southwold Eucharist (BCP)

0900 Southwold Messy Church

0930 Blythburgh Eucharist (BCP)

0930 Reydon Parish Eucharist

0930 Sotherton Parish Eucharist

0930 Walberswick Parish Eucharist

1100 Southwold Parish Eucharist

1100 Wangford Parish Eucharist

1800 Southwold Evening Prayer (BCP)

1800 Uggeshall Evening Prayer (BCP)

1900 Reydon Holy Ground Contemporary Worship

21 Fourth Sunday of Easter

0800 Reydon Eucharist (BCP)

0800 Southwold Eucharist (BCP)

0930 Blythburgh Eucharist (BCP)

0930 Reydon Parish Eucharist

LECTIONARY Acts 5.27-32 Psalm 118.14-29 or Psalm 150 Revelation 1.4-8

LECTIONARY Acts 9.1-6 [7-20] Psalm 30 Revelation 5.11-14 John 21.1-19

LECTIONARY Acts 9.36-43 Psalm 23 Revelation 7.9-17 John 10.22-30

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21 Fourth Sunday of Lent (continued)

0930 Southwold Family Worship

1100 Southwold Parish Eucharist

1100 Walberswick Parish Eucharist

1100 Wangford Parish Eucharist

1500 South Cove Evening Prayer (BCP)

1800 Uggeshall Eucharist (BCP)

28 Fifth Sunday of Easter

0800 Reydon Eucharist (BCP)

0800 Southwold Eucharist (BCP)

0930 Blythburgh Parish Eucharist

0930 Reydon Parish Eucharist

0930 Southwold Family Worship

0930 Walberswick Parish Eucharist

1100 Southwold Parish Eucharist

1100 Wangford Parish Eucharist

1800 Reydon Choral Evensong

1800 Uggeshall Evening Prayer (BCP)

REGULAR MIDWEEK SERVICES Festival Days and Seasons may result in change

St Margaret's, Reydon

Eucharist Tuesday 1830 Third Tuesday – Healing Eucharist with Laying-On of Hands and Anointing Morning Prayer Wednesday 0845

St Edmund’s, Southwold

Eucharist (BCP) Thursday 1000 Second Thursday – Healing Eucharist with Anointing (CW – said) Evening Prayer Friday 1600

St Andrew’s, Walberswick

Evening Prayer Tuesday 1700

Eucharist (BCP) Wednesday 1000 First Wednesday – Healing Eucharist (CW – said)

St Peter and St Paul’s, Wangford

Time to Pray Wednesday 1200

LECTIONARY Acts 11.1-18 Psalm 148* Revelation 21.1-6 John 13.31-35

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DEANERY WORSHIP Waveney and Blyth Deanery invite you to a Deanery Taize service on Sunday 7 April at 4pm in St. Nicholas’ Church, Wrentham, to which everyone is welcome.

from Revd Joan on behalf of the Team Clergy GOOD PREPARATION FOR OUR WEDDING COUPLES Thirteen rather nervous couples gathered in Wangford Community Centre on Saturday 2 March for our Team Wedding Preparation Day not quite knowing what was ahead for them. They were certainly not there for a series of lectures on how to live happily ever after but were offered a series of exercises, first of all to work on as individuals and then to share with their partner. During the day we explored communication, family life, roles and responsibilities, encouraging cou-ples to talk to each other in ways that per-haps were a bit deeper than previously they had done. We also looked at the words of the wedding service, sharing why those words are there and what they signify. For the clergy the best part of the day came right at the beginning when everyone was asked to write out their own, individual rea-son for wanting to be married in church (...and were asked to be ruthlessly hon-est!). The answers were read out anony-mously and were heart-warming. A few quotes will tell you why:

Because of the spiritual blessing

Symbolism of confirming vows in a sacred

and holy place

Would like my marriage to be recognised

by the church – good basis to start married life

Family traditions – spent childhood here;

grandparents buried in churchyard

A religious ceremony offers the “official”

unity, under the eyes of God

To get married in the same place as the

rest of my family and demonstrate my com-mitment to my wife in front of my friends and family

I believe in the body of church and its

role within society – therefore I want to get married before the church, with God’s bless-ing

I want God to be central to our relation-

ship/marriage and so it’s important to me that God is at the centre of our marriage ser-vice

We want to bring our children up with

the values of the church. A wedding in a church is a solid foundation for this. We might be tempted to think that couples choose to be married in church because they want a pretty building. The answers the couples gave were about God and ex-pressed a depth of faith which left us, as clergy, feeling immensely privileged to be taking such an important part in their spe-cial day. The best part for some of the participants, according to the very positive evaluation sheets received at the end of the day, was the provision of the most delicious mini-pavlovas offered as dessert after a lovely lunch provided by our Lay Elders. A big thank you to them for their hospitality. At the end of the day everyone went home feeling that the time was well spent. One couple offered to come back and help next year, and one couple asked if they could attend again next year because they had enjoyed it so much. My thanks to everyone who attended and to all those who helped. We look forward to officiating at all these weddings in the coming year. Joan

SOLE BAY TEAM NEWS (continued)

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from Penny Buncombe, Secretary

SOLE BAY TEAM COUNCIL The latest meeting of the Team Council took place in early February. Revd Rich advised that funding for the Loft Project at the Millennium Hall in Southwold was now in place and the work will com-mence as soon as formalities have been com-pleted. He also reported on Youth and Chil-dren activities, including Not Sunday Not School, Experience Easter, the toddlers group, Holy Terrors, and the youth group which meets twice monthly. Bishop Clive is retiring and will be greatly missed. Team finances and 2013 budget were discussed in depth. Importantly the public-facing website is to be updated and is to be made much more user-friendly and will have significant new content. The Team Council AGM will be held on Thursday 18 April in St Edmund’s Hall, Southwold at 7.30pm and all parishioners are welcome to attend. This is not a formal meeting in the same way that PCC meetings are because the Team Council is not a gov-erning body, but rather an opportunity to hear about the life of the whole team. Penny

BACON, EGGS & BROTHERHOOD The next meeting of the Men's Breakfast group will be at The Randolph Hotel on Sat-urday 13 April at 7.45 for 8.00. Our speaker will be Rev Peter Trendall. A full English breakfast, kipper or smoked haddock is available for £10 or a continental style breakfast for £6. The breakfast meeting is open to all men. It is an informal occasion, and you will be welcome. Tickets are availa-ble from Joan Goldsmith at the Stella Peskett Hall or from Bill Wallond on 01502 722212. Please purchase your tickets by Thursday 11 April.

from Brita Haycraft MOTHERS’ DAY In Romania, Mothers’ Day is celebrated on International Women’s Day, on 8 March. As a feast, its roots go so deep in Romanian psyche that the majority of people forget – or simply do not know – this celebration was imported as such directly from Soviet Russia after 1947 (the year of the declara-tion of the Romanian Popular Republic). It became the communist regime’s flagship for women’s issues, and its propinquity to the traditional celebrations of 1 March meant that its official status could be underlined by the existing popular tradition. So the 8th of March became a day when women, espe-cially mothers, could be lavished with small gifts and flowers. Local authorities and busi-nesses around the country compete to bring special offers for women, from free coffees to discounts and even official pardons for minor motoring offences. No matter the Soviet overtones, Romanians took whole-heartedly to 8 March as Mothers’ and Wom-en’s Day and any attempt to change the date would probably be futile. Brita

from Alison Evans AMASANGO NEWS Nine Grade 7 students (equivalent to year 6 in our educational system) passed their exams and have graduated back into main-stream education in High School. This is an outstanding achievement and praise goes to them and their teachers. It really shows the wonderful opportunity Jane Bradshaw has given to the street children of Grahamstown for so very many years. A Matriculation Prize of £500 offered by a UK donor has been won by another of Jane’s success stories. Siyanda has now been able to start a Post-Matriculation course in Gra-hamstown. Well done to all the students! Jane will be retiring at the end of this month from her position as Principal so that she

SOLE BAY TEAM NEWS (continued)

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can put all her energies into fighting for, and speaking up, for all street children in South Africa, who are extrinsically marginalized for a variety of reasons, to be given the right to an education. She will still be involved with the affairs of Amansango Career School. Mama Jane and her successor, Linda, will be visiting Suffolk in the second week of July. We look forward to their visit to us and to hearing their news. ‘LOSING IT FOR LENT’. We shall have to wait until next month to hear how much was raised for the two charities supported by parishioners and friends at St. Margaret’s Church, including Amasango. We do hope those who took part in this ‘activity’ feel bet-ter for the pounds lost (in weight) and the pounds gained (in £s)! Thank you so much for all your efforts. Alison

Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh Church Lane IP19 9LP

from Meryl and Malcolm Doney Easter at Holy Trinity is always momentous. Meditation with poetry and music on Good Friday; the children building the Easter Gar-den, and rooting around for Easter Eggs like truffle hounds in the church yard; the greet-ing the resurrection with joy on Easter Day. Our warm thanks go to everyone who con-tributed to all our Easter services and events. Meryl and Malcolm

PCC UPDATE The PCC met on Friday 1 March with Revd Joan Lyon in the chair. Reports were re-ceived on finance, including draft accounts for 2012, and fabric. It was noted that our audio system had been checked and


a microphone replaced. The PCC were very pleased to note that the Faculty application for the installation of the Laurence Edwards sculpture had been agreed and went on to discuss arrangements for its dedication (see below). Christmas services were reviewed and arrangements for Holy Week and East-er were discussed. We also looked further ahead, setting dates for the Blessing of Ani-mals Service (Sunday 4 August) and Har-vest Festival (Sunday 22 September) – these services would be at 11am rather the usual 9.30am. Arrangements were in hand for compiling the Annual Report for 2012 and the APCM on 12 April. The next meet-ing will take place on Monday 29 April.

COMING SOON April 12 sees Holy Trinity’s Annual Parochi-al Church Meeting at 7pm in Blythburgh village hall, with plenty to report from an active year. Please support your Church Council over a glass of Fairtrade wine. On 13 April at 7.30pm, we welcome Capella Antiqua. This talented group of musicians conducted by Philip Thorby, specialise in early music and will be singing: Requiem for an Empress by Thomas Louis de Victo-ria, and Missa Paschalis by Heinrich Isaac. Tickets available on the door at £10.00.

FURTHER AHEAD Trinity Sunday on 26 May is our patronal day. We will be marking it in a particularly significant way this year, with a service of dedication for the newly-installed sculpture by local artist Laurence Edwards. This striking work of art first came to the church in 2012, as part of a Lenten exhibi-tion, and there was a public clamour for the church to keep it. The work’s owner has kindly offered it to the church on long-term loan. Team Rector Revd Simon Pitcher will dedi-cate the sculpture at a service held at 4pm on Trinity Sunday 3 June, after which there


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will be a celebratory cream tea. Everyone from the team is warmly invited and, on the day, Simon is leading a walk (via Walbers-wick) to Holy Trinity from Southwold in the ‘Whitsun Walk’ tradition, ending up at Holy Trinity in time for the service. We’ll announce more details in next month’s Heart & Sole.

St. Margaret’s, Reydon Wangford Road IP18 6PB

FROM THE REGISTERS Baptism 3 March Oscar Liam Stephen Julings

Funeral 27 February Patricia Simcox 6 March Anna Newman (at Gorleston Crematorium)

Burial of Ashes 8 March Anna Newman

from Michelle Williams Despite it being Lent, breakfast is clearly still very much on the menu. It is about the best way to start the day along with some sun-shine and preferably some good company too, all of which were evident in abundance as people flocked to enjoy a Big Brew Break-fast at St Margaret’s early in March. Held as part of Fairtrade Fortnight, it was heart-warming to see the church room filled to absolute capacity for two hours as people from all across the team gathered to enjoy breakfast. Requests were made of “same time next week then?” and although it won’t be weekly, the Reydon Fairtrade team is con-sidering whether the breakfasts can become a regular thing. They will be announced in Heart and Sole first, so watch this space.

Bacon and eggs however, is rather a temp-tation to those who are ‘Losing It In Lent’, sadly it doesn’t come under the ‘low calorie, good for you’ category that has become the ‘norm’ for many of us dieters. The results of our combined efforts are beginning to show though – waistbands aren’t as tight, tum-mies are diminishing and those of us with dogs have exhausted-looking animals as we continue to take them on very long, calorie-burning walks. Well done everyone and keep it up. Michelle

from Revd Rich Henderson CHURCHWARDEN PAT HENDRICKSON After three years serving as Churchwarden, Pat Hendrickson has decided to stand down at the APCM. Pat has been a wonderful member of the church leadership team and I am extremely grateful for all the energy and support she has given to the office of Churchwarden. Pat isn’t disappearing and will continue to be involved in many areas of church life.

ST. MARGARET’S APCM The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Sunday 21 April at 11am. At the APCM we have the following vacan-cies to fill: 1 Churchwarden 1 Deanery Synod Representative 4 places to be filled on the Parochial Church Council (for three years) Nomination forms for all posts will be available from 24 March. We will also select two charities to support during the coming year. Please speak to Revd. Rich or Peter Britten if you would like any more information.

PARISH NEWS (continued)

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CHURCHYARD CLEAN-UP & SPRING CLEAN On Saturday 20 April we are gathering to clean the Church and Church Room. We will also have various jobs in the Churchyard that will need doing, along with spreading stone on the car park, so something for everyone! We start around 9am in the morning and aim to be finished by lunchtime (with a break for a cup of coffee and a chat of course!). All contributions make a real differ-ence to keeping our church building and grounds looking and feeling cared for, and a place where people want to be. Rich

COFFEE AND CONVERSATION An opportunity to gather with friends old and new, join us on Wednesday 3 April, for coffee, cake and a chat from 10.30am -12noon in St. Margaret’s church room. For more information, speak to Elizabeth Toghill, Wynn Smyth or Revd Rich.

from Janet and John Reaney CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 2013 This year, Christian Aid Week will be from 12-18 May. We shall be short of collectors, so if you would like to join us or would like to know more about being a collector, please phone us on 726125. Many thanks. Janet & John

from the Courteney Family RON AND JOAN COURTENEY The family of the late W. Ron and Joan A. (ne e Miller) Courteney (1922-2011 and 1931-2012 respectively) will be travelling from around the world to attend the 9.30am Eucharist at St. Margaret’s, Reydon on Sun-day 28 April and for prayers at the grave side after the service. Any friends of Ron and Joan who would like to join the family for these prayers are most welcome. Joan was born in Reydon and attended Rey-don School and Sir John Leman High School,

Beccles, before going on to teacher training

college and becoming a geography teacher. Ron attended the City of Norwich School, worked for Westland Aircraft and then served in the Army during WWII, before completing his studies at Norwich Art School and then also joining the teaching profession. Ron and Joan met at Wymond-ham School and worked for many years in Norfolk before retiring to Reydon in the late 1980s where they were active members of the Southwold Photography Club for many years and Ron pursued his art. In the late 1990s Ron and Joan moved to New Zealand to be with their family, in particular their only grandchild, Klaudia. Ron and Joan are fondly remembered by friends and family. Steven Courteney

from Ruth Chapman GUIDE DOG ‘TUDOR’ On behalf of the Lowestoft Branch of the Guide Dogs Association, I would like to thank all those people who have been sav-ing used postage stamps who with the sup-port of this branch and St Margaret’s church I was able to sponsor the Guide Dog puppy ‘Tudor’ in memory of my late hus-band Peter from ‘Tudorland’. Tudor has now qualified and is in a working partner-ship with Michael Leader in Oxfordshire. Fundraising for Tudor will continue through the sales of used postage stamps, as from his birth to his retirement in 7-9 years’ time, he will cost £50,000. Last year the Lowestoft branch raised £500 from the sale of used stamps so can I please ask for this collection to continue... I can collect them, please ring 722639. Ruth

PARISH NEWS (continued)

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St. Andrew’s Church, Sotherton East of village off A145 NR34 8ES

from Karen Flaxman FROM THE REGISTERS Bans of marriage published between Lisa Beverly Leggett and Richard Lee Lark, both of St. Andrew’s Church Sotherton. This is for the first time of reading.

ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING St. Andrew’s APCM will take place on Mon-day 8 April at 7.30pm. This will be held by kind permission of Mrs P Flaxman at Red House Farm, Westhall. Karen

St. Lawrence’s Church, South Cove On B1127 NR34 7JD

from Alison Evans The builders are in and progressing well with the internal plastering and repairs to the chancel walls. Whilst the work is being carried out the church is closed for safety reasons. All decorating should be completed by 12 April. It must be bitterly cold for the men to be working with the stone and mate-rials this weather. (minus 3c today). We are grateful to Cooper and Denny for all that they are doing to make good and to improve the appearance of the east wall.

ST. LAWRENCE’S PCC AGM Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Tuesday16 April at The Five Bells, Wrentham. We meet at 1pm for lunch and chat prior to the meeting at 2 p.m, when last year’s annual accounts are pre-sented and events and activities for the coming year in the life of the church family are discussed. All are welcome to come and join us.

St. Edmund’s Church, Southwold Bartholomew Green IP18 6JA

FROM THE REGISTERS at St Edmund’s Funerals

12 March Elizabeth Whalley 15 March Henry Goffin

ST. EDMUND’S APCM Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place in St. Edmund’s Hall on the even-ing of Friday 26 April at 7.30pm. April is often the month in which the church community holds an annual meeting. This is an important meeting for the whole church body. It is the time when new mem-bers are elected to the PCC and church members are given the opportunity to ask questions about the church finances, the condition of the church fabric and any other relevant matters. The annual meeting is not a forum for making decisions or resolu-tions, but the PCC will take into account the views and opinions that are shared at the annual meeting. Reports are given at the APCM on the electoral roll, the activities of the PCC in the past year, the financial state-ments, the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church, and a report on the proceedings

PARISH NEWS (continued)

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of the Deanery Synod. Elections are held for members of the PCC, and the meeting ap-points sidespersons and the independent examiner of the accounts. Only members of the church electoral roll vote in the elections at the annual meeting. Immediately before the APCM is a separate parish or vestry meeting to elect the church wardens. Anyone who is on the parish elec-toral roll is eligible to vote at this meeting. The churchwardens roll is often associated with buildings and maintenance, but more than this, their work helps ensure the smooth running of the parish. The official guide on these matters says “The church warden cares for the parish priest, and for the congregation, and encourages members in their Christian faith. It is a role that in-cludes leadership, labour and love.” We can all give thanks to all our church wardens for their support of parish life in our shared responsibility of caring for one another. Newly elected church wardens take an oath and begin their year’s service before the Archdeacon at the annual visitation service for the Deanery. This year the Deanery Visit-ation service with Archdeacon Ian will be held in St Edmunds Southwold at 7.30 pm on Thursday 16th May. Everyone is welcome to attend. Refreshments in St Edmunds Hall to follow. Please do therefore come along to your annual meeting and find out more about the life of your parish church. Simon

St. Mary’s Church, Uggeshall Wangford Road NR34 8BD

from Colin Hill Wishing you a very Happy Easter from all of us at St. Mary’s! Colin

St. Andrew’s Church, Walberswick The Street IP18 6UZ

from Julia Josephs SPRING CLEANING It is very pleasant being the organist in St. Andrew’s as you face South and enjoy the beautiful view through the four windows. You can’t help noticing how extremely dirty those windows have become over the many years, even centuries, since they were last cleaned. Many Walberswick residents share the services of an excellent window cleaner from Little Glemham by the apt name of Luke. At my request he kindly inspected the job. He uses very modern equipment but, on this occasion, he said the cleaning would have to be done by hand. Excellent feedback and encouragement from mem-bers of the PCC even though one member hoped he would remove the cobwebs at the same time (guess he fears for his head dur-ing services). So will this be a return to the last century when I remember a certain day was set aside for as many parishioners as possible would spring clean our church? They still get volunteers to clean the beach and the common, so why not the church? Julia

ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING St Andrew's APCM will be held after the morning Eucharist service on Sunday 14 April, starting at 11am, preceded by re-freshments. Revd Simon will be Chairman.

COMMEMORATIVE FLOWERS April 7 Sandra Gordon in memory of Adam April 14 Maddy Dabbs in memory of Ron Proctor April 28 Joanna Saunders in memory of Robert

PARISH NEWS (continued)

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This is a lovely way to remember family and friends who are no longer with us. It is also an excellent way of supporting the flower fund. A donation of £20 is given towards the commemoration.

from Pru Ford-Crush BENJAMIN BRITTEN CONCERT The War Requiem will be sung at St. Edmundsbury Cathedral on Saturday 13 April at 8pm and also on Sunday 14 April at 4pm. Tickets available via 01284 758000 and online at www.theapex.co.uk. Come and celebrate the centenary of Benjamin Britten’s birth by hearing one of his greatest works. Some choristers from St. Andrew’s will be appearing along with other local singers, together with a full choir and orchestra. Pru

St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church, Wangford Church Street NR34 8RR

ST JOHN’S HOUSING TRUST At our morning service on 3 March, we were pleased to have Rachel Harris from St. John’s Housing Trust with us to talk about the many projects they have formed in Suffolk and Norfolk. Originally, just operating as a Night Shelter in Lowestoft, they now work among the under-privileged from 16 years of age upwards, offering help in many ways. Our support of the Trust is part of our Lent Theme “Don’t Give up, Give away.” Rachel left us with a carful of groceries, toiletries and clothing, which will be used in their various venues in Lowestoft. The collection boxes will be left in the Church and we hope people will continue to donate any of the above itemsin continued support of the Trust’s very important work in the community.

FORTHCOMING EVENTS Saturday 6 April – spring sale to be held at Southwold Conservative Hall from 9.30 a.m. Any donations of cakes, books, CDs, nearly new clothes, bric a brac and tombola prizes would be much appreciated. Call if you have anything to be collected on 578007 (Sue) or 578062 (Gill) Tuesday 9 April – coffee morning at the Community Centre from 10.45 a.m. Do come along for coffee, cake and a chat. 22/23 June – Wangford open gardens. More to follow.

THE WANGFORD CALENDAR We will be producing a calendar for 2014 using watercolour pictures by local artists, to include both Wangford scenes and other places in the Sole Bay Team area. Everyone who is interested in having their artwork included in the calendar is wel-come to submit a picture which should be of A4 landscape format. We shall also need one picture suitable for the cover in portrait format. Entries will need to be in by 31 May and will be selected for their suitability for a particular month. The calendar has proved to be a good fundraiser for Wangford and we appreciate any support from Sole Bay Team members.

KNITTING GROUP The Group continues to be very busy and we have completed another large blanket and several baby layettes. The Noah’s Ark project is well underway - we have several pairs of animals and the Ark is now under construction. The next meeting is at the Wangford Community Centre on Thursday, 21 March at 2.30 p.m. All are welcome.

PARISH NEWS (continued)

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Parish Priest: Fr Roger Spencer 723207

Regular Masses (times occasionally vary)

at Sacred Heart Church, Southwold 11.00am Sunday 9.00am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10.00am Saturday

at St. Edmund’s Church, Halesworth 9.00am Sunday 10.00am Friday Mass on Holy Days of Obligation Please phone the Presbytery for details.

UNITED REFORMED CHURCH, SOUTHWOLD Minister: Revd Charles Croll 01728 684052 Sunday Worship 10.30 am. Holy Communion on the first Sunday. Sunday Club for children of all ages from 10.15 am – contact Margaret 723135

SOUTHWOLD METHODIST CHURCH including Wenhaston, Peasenhall, Kelsale, Leiston and Knodishall

Minister: Revd Ian Gardner The Manse, 62 King George’s Avenue, Leiston IP16 4JG 01728 830733 07788131750 Email: [email protected]

Sunday Services 7 April 10.30am Revd Ian Gardner

14 April 10.30am Miss Thelma Waller

21 April 10.30am Revd D Moxon (Holy Communion)

28 April 10.30am Worship Group

from Revd Ian Gardner Dear Friends I hope you’ve had a good Lent as we’ve tried to journey with Jesus to Calvary and then celebrated with joy the resurrection on East-er Sunday. I believe this is a wonderful time as we celebrate God’s great love for us.

As I write this letter the weather seems more like Christmas than Easter but maybe that emphasises the totality of God’s love for us by linking his birth and his death. Only when we can start to recognize the magnitude of God’s great love for us can we begin to understand Jesus’ death for us on the cross of Calvary and his resurrection three days later. Something we can all cele-brate; as Cyril Alington (incidentally born in Ipswich) wrote in his lovely hymn (Hymns and Psalms 191): Good Christians all, rejoice and sing! Now is the triumph of our King! To all the world glad news we bring: Alleluia Glad news indeed of the Risen Christ with us, that we can indeed share and reminding us of the need to constantly review our mis-sion - how we share the Gospel news with others. Remember how Mary Magdalene met Jesus outside the tomb and was told to go and tell the disciples that the Lord had risen from the grave. This Eastertide, I encourage you to think again about the ways we tell others, in words and actions, of the Risen Lord who is with us at all times and also the way we receive the glad news. Someone, somewhere, may be hearing this news for the first time – may we help them to devote their lives to following Jesus. May you feel the resurrection power of the risen Christ with you as we journey on to-gether. Alleluia, Christ is risen. He is risen indeed, Alleluia. From your friend, Ian

WRENTHAM CHAPEL & CHRISTIAN AID Wrentham Chapel invites all Heart and Sole readers to our Super Soup Lunch on Friday 10 May 12noon - 2pm. There is no charge but we hope you will make a donation to Christian Aid. This is also an opportunity to visit our historic dissenters' chapel which is on the B1127, west of the A12.


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MOTHERS’ UNION At the AGM in February Betty Richardson, having given her report, asked if there was anyone who would take over her job as Treasurer, which she had done for many years. After the meeting Rene said she was prepared to try tackling it, and Betty said the Diocesan Treasurer was very helpful, so she would show Rene what she has been doing. The next Corporate Communion will be on 4 April at 10am in St. Edmund’s Church. The Lady Day Service will be on 8 April (instead of 25 March, which is in Easter Week) in the Cathedral, Bury St. Edmunds. There will be a Deanery coach going. At the April Branch Meeting, on Friday 12 April, Brian Jolley will be talking about Chris-tianity on the High Street. Ruth Clarke

TREFOIL GUILD In February we had a most enjoyable meet-ing when we were entertained by the Worlingham Drama Group with a light-hearted short play, written by members of the group. The next meeting of the Trefoil Guild will be on Wednesday 24th April and will be the AGM with a quiz on recognising members’ photos as a baby and then tea and cakes. This will be at 2.30pm in the Guide Centre, Cautley Road in Southwold. Ruth Clarke, Secretary

REYDON WI MARCH 2013 REPORT The President welcomed members and was most pleased to officially welcome two new mem-bers and three new dual members. Secretary Barbara Asplin gave a report from a most enjoyable Annual Federation meeting held at Trinity Park. Five members had travelled down and found the day very informa-tive. Our speaker for the afternoon was Mr Robert Yates from Brampton Willow, which is only about five miles away from us at Rey-don. He told us how like many other local

farms that when he finished cattle farming, he had had to find another way to use his meadows. People had thought him mad at the time to go into growing willow commer-cially, but he has gone on to prove the doubters wrong. Robert showed us pictures of some of his very innovative designs from gazebos to attractive fencing, both decora-tive and useful. Many thousands of people have seen his designs at Badminton Horse trials, which were in the shape of rolling waves at the water jump. The photographs showed how even with a half-tonne horse going over them, how strong the willow is. Mr Yates was warmly thanked for his talk by Betty Priestly. Our next meeting is on Wed 3 April and the speaker will be Miss Jacobs from the World Land Trust. New members will always be made welcome.

SUFFOLK WILDLIFE TRUST SOUTHWOLD LOCAL GROUP 'The Rise and Fall of Southwold Harbour' an illustrated talk by David Moyse Thursday 30 May at 7.30pm in St Edmund’s Hall, Southwold. Entrance £2.50 including home-made cake with your tea or coffee. There will be a raffle. Everyone is welcome.

SOUTHWOLD DECORATIVE AND FINE ARTS SOCIETY in their 25th anniversary year The 2013 season of lectures continues:

Tuesday 9 April The Charisma of Caravaggio Speaker: Fenella Billington

All lectures take place in St. Edmund’s Hall, Southwold at 2pm . Visitors and members’ guests are welcome. Voluntary donations to the Society would be gratefully received. Lecture details via Southwold DFAS Sec. Carolyn Greer-Walker on 730258 and online www.southwolddfas.onesuffolk.net

SOUTHWOLD CLASSICAL MUSIC SOCIETY Our next meeting will be on Tue 9 April at 7.30pm in St. Edmund’s Hall, Southwold.


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Southwold. At the end of the concert, there will be a chance to meet the choirs and have glass of wine or fruit juice. Parking will be available in the playground of the primary school for those coming from further afield. Jenny Whines, Social Sec., St. Barnabas Com.


(Southwold Librarian Charlotte Clark online with local library user Tony Seago)

Members of Reydon Parish Council and the team behind the Reydon Village website have been thrilled by the positive response to the website, which was officially launched less than a year ago. They are now working in conjunction with Southwold library to offer access to and guided tours of the website in order that it will reach an even wider audience. Parish Council chairman Barrie Remblance said “We are grateful to Charlotte and her team at Southwold library for their support. Anyone wishing to take a tour or use the website should just pop into the library where they can arrange a convenient time.” reydon.onesuffolk.net - the Reydon Village website - is currently receiving over 2,500 page views a month and contains news, events, photo galleries, local business and other information, useful for local residents and visitors alike. The website team would like anyone who has information or news for the site to get in touch via the website or email via [email protected]

COMMUNITY NEWS (continued)

In the first half Ros Fisher will give an illus-trated talk on the musical life of Hamburg, past and present, which will include refer-ences to Handel, Bach (C.P.E.), Telemann, Brahms and Mahler among others. After the interval, Roger Toke will play recordings by the American pianist, Murray Perahia. Visitors are always welcome, at a cost of £2.00, including refreshments. To find out more, please call Pauline Alder-man on 675660.

BLYTH VALLEY COMMUNITY RADIO broadcasting on 105.0fm across Sole Bay If you want to know what's going on locally listen in for regular ‘What's On’ Diary. Events and dedications continue throughout the day, so email the details via our website blythvalleycommunityradio.co.uk

ENJOYABLE BRIDGE Walberswick WI are holding an afternoon of a Progressive Chicago Bridge afternoon in the Village Hall on Tuesday 23 April at 2pm (please arrive in good time). Tables will be charged £30 to include the renowned Walberswick WI’s delicious tea, with prizes and a produce stall. Julia Josephs is in charge of the bridge and bookings should be made via Sue Pearson 723278 or Judith Hethering-ton 723403. Your support will be much ap-preciated.

SPRING CONCERT FOR ST. BARNABAS On Saturday 11 May at 3pm, we welcome once more the Southend Boys’ Choir and the Southend Girls’ Choir, who will be coming to sing for us in St. Edmund’s Church. These choirs are in ever increasing demand in the UK and internationally and we are very grateful for the support and loyalty they show to St. Barnabas. So please make a note of this in your diary. We would love to see you. There is no admis-sion charge but an opportunity to donate to the work of St. Barnabas, which continues to be the only care home for the elderly in

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SOUTHWOLD CONCERT SERIES Southwold’s St Edmund’s Church to echo with Medieval and Renaissance music on Saturday 25 May at 7:30pm in a thrilling concert by the brilliant Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments. Based in London, with an enviable international reputation as leading artists in their field, the Society per-forms a range of traditional and art music on unusual instruments. Their concert is entitled ‘The Ministry of Angels’, described as “traditional tunes, bawdy ballades, danc-es, songs and instrumental music in celebra-tion of these heavenly and occasionally dia-bolical beings.” Tickets are £12, available from Halcyon Meldrum on 01502 726161 or via the website ww.southwoldconcertseries.co.uk where you can find further information.

COMMUNITY NEWS (continued)

SOUTHWOLD RAILWAY TRUST SECOND SRT SHOW AND MODEL RAILWAY EXHIBITION Saturday 4 & Sunday 5 May St Edmund’s Hall in Cumberland Road, Southwold IP18 6JP 10.20-17.00 Saturday & 10.30-16.00 Sunday Admission: adults £3, under 15s £1.50 (3 and under go free). Wheelchair friendly. Refresh-ments and light lunches. Featuring 12+ layouts (Southwold Railway and others) in a wide range of gauges. Society and sales support. For more details, email [email protected]

RABBIT-RESISTANT FLOWERS Those green-fingered gurus at the Royal Hor-ticultural Society suggest the following amongst their list of plants which are rela-tively rabbit-resistant:

Agapanthus (African lily), Alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle), Alstroemeria (Peruvian lily), some Anemones,vAntirrhinum (snapdragon), Aquilegia (columbine), Aster Michaelmas Daisy, Astilbe, Colchicum (autumn crocus), Convallaria majalis (lily of the valley), Crocosmia, Cyclamen species (hardy cyclamen), Dahlia (dahlias), Eranthis hyemalis (winter aconite), Fritillaria (fritillaries), Galanthus nivalis (snowdrop), some Helleborus (hellebore), Hyacinthoides non-scripta (bluebell), Impatiens (busy Liz-zie), Muscari (grape hyacinth), Myosotis (forget-me-not), Narcissus (daffodil), Peta-sites fragrans (winter heliotrope), Primula vulgaris (primrose), Saxifraga × urbium (London pride), some Tagetes (marigold), Viola odorata (violet)

Depending on size, they may be feasible as graveside planting but please speak to your relevant parish church officials for permission and to a garden centre about suitability before purchasing. A full RHS-recommended list of soft-wooded plants, shrubs and trees for rabbit-frequented areas can be found online at apps.rhs.org.uk/advicesearch/profile.aspx?pid=209

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A POEM FOR EASTER As Heart and Sole will be published ready for Easter weekend, you may read this during or just after Easter. I hope therefore that you will have had a blessed Easter. In his book of poems entitled ‘Going Away. In ‘Poems of another World’, published in 1999, Paul Griffin included this poem entitled ‘Easter’.

Now the east wind backs and falters, and the wild swans northward fly, Now the grey sea heaves and shimmers un-derneath a lighter sky; Now the seaweed smell of beaches hints at summer in the air, And the joy of resurrection fills churches everywhere. Now the Easter town looks merry, and the daffodils abound, With the pastel of the cherry, and the green-ing of the ground; It is Golgotha, Gethsemene, the joyful place in bloom Where Mary met her Master in the garden of the tomb. Ring the changes in the belfry, sing the an-thems in the choir, Offer Christ our thanks for bringing us the mercy we desire; He has suffered, and is risen; he has died, and lives again; The Son is with the Father, and the Spirit is to reign. Give thanks for Easter glory, give praise to him who died, Who bore the endless story of our human sin and pride; Let the Church proclaim his message in the springing of the seed; Sing the anthem: “Christ is risen; Christ is risen, risen indeed”.

Revd Simon Pitcher

PROSE FOR SPRINGTIME Extracts of ‘Spring’ from The Land Vita Sackville-West

Sometimes in apple country you may see A ghostly orchard standing all in white, Aisles of white trees, white branches, in the green, On some still day when the year hangs be-tween winter and spring, and heaven is full of light, And rising from the ground pale clouds of smoke float through the trees and hang upon the air, trailing their wisps of blue like a swelled cloak from round the cheeks of breezes. But though fair to him who leans upon the gate to stare and muse "How delicate in spring they be, that mobled blossom and that wimpled tree," There is a purpose in the cloudy aisles that took no thought of beauty for its care. For here's the beauty of all country miles, Their rolling pattern and their space: There is a reason for each changing square, Here sleeping fallow, there a meadow mown, All to their use ranged different each year, The shaven grass, the gold, the brindled roan, not in some search for empty grace, But fine through service and intent sincere.

Nor shall you for your fields neglect your stock; Spring is the season when the young things thrive, having the kindly months before them. Lambs, already sturdy, strag-gle from the flock; frisk tails; tug grass-tufts; stare at children; prance; then panic-stricken scuttle for their dams. Calves learn to drink from buckets; foals Trot laxly in the meadow, with soft glance Inquisitive; barn, sty and shed teem with young innocence newly come alive. Round collie puppies, on the sunny step, Buffet each other with their duffer paws And pounce at flies....

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All telephone numbers preceded by 01502 unless stated

Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh Church Lane IP19 9LP Revd Joan Lyon (578171) and Revd Malcolm Doney (478229 Fri – Mon only) Churchwardens – Jenny Allen (478314), Thomas Lond-Caulk (478272) PCC Secretary – Roselyn Crane (478648); PCC Treasurer – Jenny Allen (478314) Church Bookings – Jenny Allen (478314); Organist – Patsy Murray (722022) Tower Correspondent – Peggy Meredith (478580)

Church of St. Margaret’s, Reydon Wangford Road IP18 6PB Revd Rich Henderson (722192) Churchwardens – Peter Britten (724617), Pat Hendrickson (724932) Churchwarden Emeritus – Raymond Harvey (722141) PCC Secretary – Sarah Britten (724617); PCC Treasurer – Sue Puddifoot (725496) Organist – Ruth Chapman (722639); Tower Captain – Michelle Williams (723829)

Church of St. Andrew’s, Sotherton East of village signed on A145 NR34 8ES Revd Joan Lyon (578171) Churchwardens – Gerard Walker (01986 874248), Stephen Flaxman (01986 873123) PCC Secretary – Karen Flaxman (01986 873123); PCC Treasurer – Jane Walker (01986 874248); Organist – Sue Taylor (578408)

Church of St. Lawrence’s, South Cove On B1127 NR34 7JD Revd Rich Henderson (722192) Churchwardens – Alison Evans (675610), Richard Wood (675442) PCC Secretary – Richard Wood (675442); PCC Treasurer – Alison Evans (675610)

Church of St. Edmund’s, Southwold Bartholomew Green IP18 6JA Revd Simon Pitcher (725424) Churchwardens – Joan Goldsmith (722422), Ian Denney ( 01986 875566) PCC Secretary – Ruth Clarke (01502 725116); PCC Treasurer – Michael Carter (724900) Director of Music – Victor Scott (723775); Tower Captain – Julia Johnson (723781)

Church of St. Mary’s, Uggeshall Wangford Road NR34 8BD Revd Joan Lyon (578171) Churchwardens – Giles Crisp (578251), Colin Hill (578206); PCC Secretary – Stella King (578771); PCC Treasurer – Giles Crisp (578251); Organist – Sue Taylor (578408)

Church of St. Andrew’s, Walberswick The Street IP18 6UZ Revd Simon Pitcher (725424) Churchwarden – Chrissie Reeves (723351); PCC Secretary – Julia Josephs (722828); PCC Treasurer – Kevin Murphy; Organist – Julia Josephs (722828)

Church of St. Peter and St. Paul’s, Wangford Church Street NR34 8RR Revd Joan Lyon (578171) Churchwarden – Sidi Scott (578711), Valerie Beckett (578987); PCC Secretary – Gill Smith (578620); PCC Treasurer – Ed Utting (578311); Organist – Sue Taylor (578408)

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