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Heart and Mind Bible Curriculum Teaching Packet for Life of Jesus © 2008 This material is the property of Heart and Mind Bible Curriculum and may only be copied for classroom use.

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Heart and Mind Bible Curriculum

Teaching Packet forLife of Jesus

© 2008 This material is the property of Heart and Mind Bible Curriculum and may only be copied for classroom use.

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Scope and Sequence

Standards and Benchmarks Upon Which the HMBC is Based

Chart of Lesson Titles and Scriptures

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Five Biblical PrinciplesReligious education of children is first of all the responsibility of the parents (Deuteronomy 6:6,7 and Ephesians 6:4). They are not left to teach God’s truth in isolation, however. A school that includes religious education classes (i.e., Bible classes) provides a focused context in the daily-life activities of students by which they can develop

A comprehensive knowledge of God’s Word A deepened love for God’s Word A committed obedience to God’s Word An integrated application of God’s Word

Because the Bible has its own stated truth and objectives, it is different from any other subject. Five biblical principles form the framework of this curriculum. 1. God revealed His plan for the world in a progressive story of redemption.

To reveal His character To reveal the character of

people To receive the glory and

honor that HE alone brought salvation to the world

Therefore this curriculum follows the chronological story of the Bible, giving an overall picture of God’s working through history to bring salvation.

2. God raised up men and women who loved Him and obeyed His ways during the times and culture in which they lived.

Therefore this curriculum uses storytelling, incorporates appropriate cultural background, and highlights the spiritual condition of the characters as the story unfolds.

3. God used the land of Canaan in order to teach Abraham’s descendents

That they must obey Him That they must rely on Him

for provision That He will keep His word That He will judge the evil

and corrupt practices of nations on the earth

Therefore this curriculum includes basic geography of biblical lands and at the appropriate age-level includes the use of a Bible atlas.

4. God rewards those who memorize His Word by keeping them from evil.

Therefore this curriculum includes age-appropriate memory work that fits with what is being taught and is connected to real-life situations.

5. God delights to give spiritual insight to those who study His Word in order to do it.

By living in right relationship with God

By living in right relationship with others.

Therefore this curriculum shows the relevancy of the Scriptures to real-life situations and encourages spiritual growth. It also includes age-appropriate Bible study tools and allows for students to share what they know and believe with others.

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Sixth-Eighth Grade: Historical Survey of the Bible

Sixth and Seventh GradeStory Content: Covers a two-year cycle of the Old Testament History and connects the major characters of the Bible with the major events of the Bible. Adds to and gives a greater understanding of previously learned knowledge and makes new applications to middle school situations.Geography: Covers the land and cities brought to light in each unit.Memory Work: For OT 1 verses are coordinated with the content of the lessons, often using NT verses of explanation on the events. For OT 2 verses come primarily from the prophetic book that are being studied.

Eighth GradeStory Content: After a brief overview of the Intertestamental period, a New Testament History covers the Life of Jesus in one semester. The second semester covers the Book of Acts through the Destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D. Various letters are included in their historical context, as well the letters to the seven churches of Revelation. A special unit on teaching will equip the students to take a lesson they have learned from the Life of Jesus and teach it in a younger class (K-2 gd.).Geography: Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Decapolis, Perea, Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, Dead Sea, Nazareth, Cana, Jerusalem, Sychar, Capernaum, Jericho, Bethany, Mt. of Olives.Memory Work: from the Gospels, Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation.

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General Course Objectives for Survey of the Bible

1. God revealed His plan for the world in a progressive story of redemption.

To reveal His character To reveal the character of

people To receive the glory and

honor that HE alone brought salvation to the world

Therefore the students should know and understand•the chronology of the main characters •the progression of the main events

2. God raised up men and women who loved Him and obeyed His ways during the times and culture in which they lived.

Therefore the students should know the people, events, and time period by •Identifying notable accomplishments of the characters• Recognizing the timeless truth of the passage•Identifying significant details•Describing the main events

3. God used the land of Canaan in order to teach Abraham’s descendents

That they must obey Him That they must rely on Him

for provision That He will keep His word That He will judge the evil

and corrupt practices of nations on the earth

Therefore the students should understand the location in which the events took place by•Locating the cities, territories, and countries relevant to the time •Explaining the relevance of the geography to an event

4. God rewards those who memorize His Word by keeping them from evil.

Therefore the students should demonstrate Bible memory by•Establishing a consistent pattern of memorization•Recalling memorized verses after a period of time•Accurately recalling references with content•Relating verses to real-life situations

5. God delights to give spiritual insight to those who study His Word in order to do it.

By living in right relationship with God

By living in right relationship with others.

Therefore the students should study and apply biblical principles by

•Identifying areas of personal character growth•Sharing the truth of Scripture with someone else•Using appropriate study tools to find relevant information•Applying content to real-life situations

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Life of JesusScope and Sequence One Semester—First Nine Weeks

Weekly Objectives Lesson ScriptureWeek 1


Intro to classWorld Gets Broken Genesis 1-3Abraham-Moses Various; Genesis 12-DeuteronomyDavid-Prophets Hebrews 11Jesus-Jude Overview of Gospels; Epistles

Week 2


Revelation-Charts Overview of RevelationChartsIntertestamental Time notesJoseph and Mary Luke 1:26-56Responses Wksh Luke 2:1-40; Matthew 1

Week 3

Starting Ministry

Jesus at Age 12 Luke 2:41-52John’s Baptism Matthew 3:1-17Jesus’ Temptation Matthew 4:1-11Review DayTest

Week 4

Starting Ministry

First Followers/Cana Matthew 4:18-22Cleansing Temple John 2:1-11Nicodemus John 3Samaritan Woman John 4:1-42

Week 5

Early Galilean Ministry

Official’s Son John 4:43-45Demoniac/Leper/Paralytic Mark 1:21-28, 40-45; Mark 2:1-12Call of Matthew Matthew 9:9-13; Mark 2:13-17Sabbath Controversy John 5; Luke 6:1-1112 Disciples Matthew 10:2-4

Week 6

Galilean Ministry

Sermon on Mt. Matthew 5-7Sermon on Mt. Matthew 5-7Sermon on Mt. Matthew 5-7Review DayTest

Week 7

Later Galilean Ministry

Centurion’s Servant Luke 7:1-10Widow of Nain Luke 7:11-17Parables Matthew 13Parables Matthew 13

Week 8

Later Galilean Ministry

Day of Miracles Mark 4:35-5:20Jairus’ Daughter Mark 5:21-43Feeding 5,000 Mark 6:30-44; John 6:1-14Galilean Crisis John 6:22-71

Week 9 Review DayTestProject NotebookStart Power Point Project

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Life of Jesus—Second Nine Weeks

Week Lesson ScriptureWeek 10

Training the Twelve: Life of Peter

Phoenician Matt. 15:21-28/Mark 7:24-30Call of Peter (retrospt) Mark 1:16-20/Luke 5:1-11Walking on Water Matt. 14:24-33/Mark 6:47-52Peter’s Confession Matt. 16:13-20/Mark 8:27-30

Week 11

Trainging the Twelve: Follower of Jesus

Peter’s Ideas Matt. 16:21-28/Mark 8:31-38Transfiguration Matt. 17:1-8/Mark 9:2-8Tax $ in Fish Matt. 17:24-27Who’s Greatest? Matt. 18:1-5/Mark 9:33-37

Week 12

Training the Twelve: Follower of Jesus

Forgiveness Matt. 18:15-35Cost of Discipleship Matt. 8:19-22/Mark 9:57-62Teach us to Pray Luke 11:1-13ReviewTest

Week 13


Pharisees/Blind Man John 9:1-38Raising Lazarus! John 11:1-44Rich Young Ruler Matt. 19:16-30/Mark 10:17-31Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10Update Student Ntbk

Week 14


Mary’s Anointing Matt. 26:6-13/Mark 14:3-9Triumphal Entry Matt. 21:1-11/Mark 11:1-11Teaching in Temple Matt. 22Foretelling the End Matt. 24

Week 15


Last Supper Matt. 26:17-20/Mark 14:12-17Washing Feet John 13:1-20Upper Rm Discourse John 14-17Start PP ProjectWork on PP Project

Week 16


Gethsemane Matt. 26:36-46/Mk 14:32-42/Lk 22:39-40Peter’s Denial/Trial Matt. 26:47-27:26/Mark 15:15ffCrucifixion/DeathResurrection! Matt. 28/Mark 16/Luke 24Work on PP

Week 17


Appearances Matt. 28/Mark 16/Luke 24Peter Reinstated John 20:26-31Great Commission Matt. 28:9-20/Mark 16:15-18Ascension Acts 1:9-12Finish Student Ntbk

Week 18 ReviewTestPP PresentationPP PresentationMV Competition

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Memory Work

List of Verses

Memory Logs

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Objective Four: God rewards those who memorize His Word by keeping them from evil.Therefore the students should demonstrate Bible memory by•Establishing a consistent pattern of memorization•Recalling memorized verses after a period of time•Accurately recalling references with content•Relating verses to real-life situations

Method: The best program we have found for Bible Memory is Memlok. Ideally, each family would have their own, or each school computer would have a copy of the program. To learn about the program, you may contact Memlok directly at www.memlok.com. The Memory Logs are an adaptation of the Memlok program for a classroom that does not have access to a computerized version.

Assessment: Memory work should count 15-20% of the overall grade. It consists of Quoting the verse to a parent or adult Keep an accurate log of three reviews per week Taking a random memory quiz over verses learned that quarter. Using the

Memlok pictures, each week the picture side of the verses will be randomly mixed. Students will write the verse that matches the picture they have chosen.

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Memory Verse Log Sheet: LOJ (Q1)

Name: ____________________ Adult Listener: ___________________

Week Of: Verse: Put your initials and the date in the box when you complete a review.


Sept 10 John 1:1,14

Sept 17 Matthew 1:23Luke 2:52

Sept 24 Matthew 3:8Matthew 4:4

Oct 1 John 3:3John 3:36

Oct 8 John 1:12John 14:6

Oct 15 Matthew 6:1Matthew 7:21

Oct 22 John 10:27-28

Oct 29 John 10:29-30

Instructions:Each week you must complete three reviews of ALL the verses you have learned up to that point.

When you complete a review, put your initials and the date in one of the three boxes for that week.

Reviews should be done on different days. Reviews must be completed during the week they are assigned. Reviews usually are just reading over the verses and should not take

more than 5 minutes long at one time.When you have memorized the verse, quote it to an adult and have them initial the gray box. Memorize it well enough to write it out on a quiz in the future!

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Be ready to turn this log in with your Reading Sheet at the beginning of class on Thursdays. Logs turned in after the beginning of class on Thursdays will be counted as late.

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Memory Verses: LOJ (Q1)

Week Of: Verse:Sept 10 John 1:1,14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with

God, and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Sept 17 Matthew 1:23

Luke 2:52

"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel," which means, "God with us."Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

Sept 24 Matthew 3:8

Matthew 4:4

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.

It is written: "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Oct 1 John 3:3

John 3:36

No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him.

Oct 8 John 1:12

John 14:6

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him.I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Oct 15 Matthew 6:1

Matthew 7:21

Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

Oct 22 John 10:27-28 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all ; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are one.Oct 29 John 10:29-30

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Memory Verse Log Sheet: LOJ (Q2)

Name: ____________________ Adult Listener: ___________________

Week Of: Verse: Put your initials and the date in the box when you complete a review.


Nov 12 Luke 14:11Matthew 7:7

Nov 19 Luke 16:10Luke18:17

Nov 26 Matt 6:14,15

Dec 3 John 8:7Matthew 6:24

Dec 10 Luke 6:38John 13:14

Jan 2 John 14:2,3

Jan 7 Mark 8:34-36

Jan 14 John 11:25

Instructions:Each week you must complete three reviews of ALL the verses you have learned up to that point.

When you complete a review, put your initials and the date in one of the three boxes for that week.

Reviews should be done on different days. Reviews must be completed during the week they are assigned. Reviews usually are just reading over the verses and should not take

more than 5 minutes long at one time.When you have memorized the verse, quote it to an adult and have them initial the gray box. Memorize it well enough to write it out on a quiz in the future!

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Be ready to turn this log in with your Reading Sheet at the beginning of class on Thursdays. Logs turned in after the beginning of class on Thursdays will be counted as late.

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Memory Verses: LOJ (Q2)

Week Of: Verse:Nov 12 Luke 14:11

Matthew 7:7

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Nov 19 Luke 16:10


Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

Nov 26 Matt 6:14,15 If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Dec 3 John 8:7

Matthew 6:24

If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

Dec 10 Luke 6:38

John 13:14

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.

Jan 2 John 14:2,3 In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

Jan 7 Mark 8:34-36 If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?

Jan 14 John 11:25 I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.

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Bible Reading Sheets

Note: No reading sheet is assigned for the last week of each quarter.

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Objective Two: God raised up men and women who loved Him and obeyed His ways during the times and culture in which they lived.Therefore the students should know the people, events, and time period by •Identifying significant details•Describing the main eventsObjective Five: God delights to give spiritual insight to those who study His Word in order to do it.Therefore the students should study and apply biblical principles by•Identifying areas of personal character growth•Using appropriate study tools to find relevant information•Applying content to real-life situations

Method: Bible reading sheets constitute the homework assignments for the course. They are meant to engage the students with God’s Word outside of the classroom on a regular basis. They introduce the basic Bible study skills of observation, questioning, outlining, analyzing in a way that is simple and non-threatening to middle schoolers. Note: worksheets tend to start out “easy” each semester.

Assessment: Bible Reading Sheets should count 15-20% of the overall grade. It consists of reading the entire reading selection and completing the assignment on the back. The sheets are collected weekly and comments or notes made in response to what the student has found.

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Life of JesusMatthew-John

Week OneInclude Class Notes for: Scripture Read: The World Gets Broken Genesis 3God’s Great Nation Genesis 12God’s Great Law Exodus 20God’s Great King II Samuel 7

On the back, write two questions for each reading.

Week TwoInclude Class Notes for: Scripture Read: God Sends His Prophets Hebrews 11God Sends the Savior John 1:1-18Announcement of John’s Birth Luke 1:1-25Announced to Mary Luke 1:26-56

On the back, write two questions for each reading.

Memory VersesWeek One—John 1:1,14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Week Two—Matthew 1:23 "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel," which means, "God with us."

Luke 2:52 Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

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Week One Questions Write two questions for each reading in the space below: 1.








Week Two Questions Write two questions for each reading in the space below: 1.








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Life of JesusMatthew-John

Week Three

Include Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Jesus’ Birth Luke 2:1-40Jesus at Age 12 Luke2:41-52John’s Message: Baptism Matthew 3:1-17Jesus’ Temptation Matthew 4:1-11

On the back, write two questions for each reading.

Week FourInclude Class Notes for: Scripture Read: First Followers Matthew 4:18-22First Miracle: Wedding at Cana John 2:1-11Cleansing Temple John 2:12-25Nicodemus John 3:1-21

On the back, write two questions for each reading.

Memory VersesWeek Three—Matthew 3:8 Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.

Matthew 4:4It is written: "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Week Four—John 3:3 No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.

John 3:36

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Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him.

Week Three QuestionsWrite two factual questions from the reading. 1.








Week Four QuestionsAnswer the question with your opinion. Then write one factual question . 1. If you were one of the fishermen, what would you be thinking about Jesus?


1. If you were one of the disciples, what would you be thinking about Jesus now?


1. If you were one of the disciples, what would you be thinking about Jesus from this event?


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1. If you were Nicodemus, what would you be thinking about Jesus from your conversation?


Life of JesusMatthew-John

Week FiveInclude Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Samaritan Woman John 4:1-42Official's Son John 4:43-45Call of Matthew (12 Disciples) Matt. 9:9-13; 10:2-4Sabbath Controversies Luke 6:1-11

On the back, answer the question with your opinion. Then write one factual question and answer.

Week Six Include Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5Sermon on the Mount Matthew 6Sermon on the Mount Matthew 7Sermon on the Mount Luke 6:20-49

On the back, answer the questions.

Memory VersesWeek Five—John 1:12 (Salvation)To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

John 14:6 (Salvation)I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Week Six—Matthew 6:1

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Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

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Week Five QuestionsAnswer the first question with your opinion. Then write one factual question and answer. 1. If you were the Samaritan woman, what would you be thinking about Jesus?


1. If you were the official, what would you be thinking about Jesus?


1. If you were Matthew, what would you be thinking about Jesus?


1. If you were one of the Pharisees, what would you be thinking about Jesus?


Week Six QuestionsAnswer the first question with your opinion. Then write one factual question and answer. Match two of the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5:3-12 with two of the sections

headings found in the chapter.1.

2. List two things you are told NOT to do in chapter 6 and what you are told to



List two examples (stories/parables) given in ch. 7 and what the point is.1.


Summarize the verses from two of the sections in this reading:1.


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Life of JesusMatthew-John

Week SevenInclude Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Centurion’s Servant Luke 7:1-10Widow of Nain Luke 7:11-17Parables Matthew 13:1-30Parables Matthew 13:31-53

On the back, write two questions for each reading.

Week EightInclude Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Stilling the Storm/ Demoniac Healed

Mark 4:35-5:20

Jairus’ Daughter Raised Mark 5:21-43Feeding the 5,000 Mark 6:30-44; John 6:1-14Galilean Crisis John 6:22-71

On the back, write two questions for each reading.

Memory Verses:Week Seven—John10:27-28 (Security)My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.

Week Eight—John 10:29-30 (Security)My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all ; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are one.

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Week Seven Questions Write two questions for each reading in the space below: Write five things you learn about the centurion from the passage.

Write five things you learn about the woman from the passage.

List two parables given and state what the point is.1.


List two parables given and state what the point is.1.


Week Eight Questions Write two questions for each reading in the space below: Write what you think Jesus was trying to teach through these


Write five differences AND/OR similarities between Jairus and the sick woman.

List two facts from the passages that indicate this miracle was meant primarily to teach Jesus' disciples something.

List two things that were difficult for Jesus' listeners to understand.

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Life of JesusMatthew-John

Week Ten

Include Class Notes for: Scriptures Read: Healing the Phoenician Woman Matt. 15:21-28/Mark 7:24-30Call of Peter (retrospect) Mark 1:16-20/Luke 5:1-11Walking on Water Matt. 14:24-33/Mark 6:47-52Peter’s Confession Matt. 16:13-20/Mark 8:27-30

On the back, write two facts from the story that are unique to each Gospel account or answer the question given.

Week ElevenInclude Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Peter’s Ideas Matt. 16:21-28/Mark 8:31-38Transfiguration Matt. 17:1-8/Mark 9:2-8Tax Money in Fish Matt. 17:24-27Who’s the Greatest? Matt. 18:1-5/Mark 9:33-37

On the back, write two facts from the story that are unique to each Gospel account or answer the question given.

Memory VersesWeek Ten—Luke 14;11For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

Matthew 7:7Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Week Eleven—Luke 16:10 Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Luke 18:17

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Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

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Week Ten Observations and Questions Write two observations unique to the Gospel account or answer the question: Matthew: Mark:

What are two indications that these accounts happened at different times?

Matthew: Mark:

Matthew: Mark:

Week Eleven Observation and Questions Write two observations unique to the Gospel account or answer the question: Matthew: Mark:

Matthew: Mark:

What point was Jesus making through His question to Peter?

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Matthew: Mark:

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Life of JesusMatthew-John

Week Twelve

Include Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Forgiveness Matt. 18:15-35Cost of Discipleship Matt. 8:19-22/Luke 9:57-62Teach us to Pray Luke 11:1-13

On the back, write two facts from the story that are unique to each Gospel account, or answer the question given.

Week ThirteenInclude Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Woman Caught in Adultery John 8:1-11Pharisees and Blind Man John 9:1-38Raising Lazarus John 11:1-44Rich Young Ruler/Zacchaeus Matt. 19:16-30/ Luke 19:1-10

On the back, write two facts from the story that are unique to each Gospel account or answer the questions given.

Memory VersesWeek Twelve—Matthew 6:14-15 If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Week Thirteen—John 8:7If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.

Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

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Week Twelve Observation and Questions Write two observations unique to the Gospel account or answer the questions: According to the parable, why should Peter forgive his brother so many


Matthew: Mark:

What point was Jesus trying to teach His disciples through the parable?

Summarize the story in this passage:

Week Thirteen Observations and Questions Write two observations unique to the Gospel account or answer the question: What point do you think Jesus was trying to teach his disciples through


What point do you think Jesus was trying to teach his disciples through this?

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What point do you think Jesus was trying to teach his disciples through this?

Write two similarities between the characters in the last two passages:

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Life of JesusMatthew-John

Week FourteenInclude Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Mary’s Anointing Matt. 26:6-13/John 12:2-11Triumphal Entry Luke 19:24-44/John 12:12-19Teaching in the Temple Matt. 22Foretelling the End Matt. 24

On the back, write two facts from the story that are unique to each Gospel account or answer the questions given.

Week FifteenInclude Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Last Supper Matt. 26:17-20/Mark 14:12-17Washing Feet John 13:1-20Upper Room Discourse John 14

On the back, write two facts from the story that are unique to each Gospel account or answer the question given.

Memory VersesWeek Fourteen—Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

John 13:14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.

Week Fifteen—John 14:2,3 In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and

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prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

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Week Fourteen Observations and Questions Write two observations unique to the Gospel account or answer the question: Matthew: John:

Luke: John:

What are the main points of what Jesus was saying?

What are the main points of what Jesus was saying?

Week Fifteen Observations and Questions Write two observations unique to the Gospel account or answer the questions: Matthew: Mark:

What point was Jesus trying to teach His disciples through His actions?

What are the main points of what Jesus was saying?

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What are the main points of what Jesus was saying?

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Life of JesusMatthew-John

Week Sixteen

Include Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Gethsemane Matt. 26:36-46/Mark 14:32-42Peter’s Denial/Trial Matt. 26:47-27:26Crucifixion/Death Matt 26:33-56Resurrection Matt 26:57-28:14

On the back, write two facts from the story that are unique to each Gospel account or answer the question given.

Week SeventeenInclude Class Notes for: Scripture Read: Appearances to Disciples Luke 24:9-49/John 20:19-29Peter Reinstated John 21:1-25Great Commission See instructions on the backAscension Luke 24:50-53/Acts 1:1-11

On the back, write two facts from the story that are unique to each Gospel account or answer the question given.

Memory VersesWeek Sixteen—Mark 8:34-36If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?

Week Seventeen—John 11:35I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.

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Week Sixteen Observations and Questions Matthew: Mark:

Write three main events that happen:1.2.3.

Write three main events that happen:1.2.3.

Write three main events that happen:1.2.3.

Week Seventeen Observations and Questions Write two observations unique to the Gospel account or answer the question: Matthew: Mark:

Write three main events that happen:1.2.3.

The Great Commission Jesus’ command to his disciples before He ascends. From three of the Gospels, write the references for where the Great Commission would be found. (For Luke, read Acts 1:1-11 as well). In which Gospel is the Great Commission not found?

Luke authored both the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. List three details that he gives in Acts that he only summarizes in the Gospel.

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Reviews and Tests

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Objective Two: God raised up men and women who loved Him and obeyed His ways during the times and culture in which they lived.Therefore the students should know the people, events, and time period by •Identifying notable accomplishments of the characters• Recognizing the timeless truth of the passage•Identifying significant detailsObjective Three: God used the land of Canaan in order to teach Abraham’s descendants.Therefore the students should understand the location in which the events took place by•Locating the cities, territories, and countries relevant to the time •Explaining the relevance of the geography to an event

Method: After 2-3 weeks of instruction, a complete Review Day is done in class. About 15 min. is given for the students to mark the Review Sheet and ask questions. After that students either quiz each other or the class plays a Review Game. The Test content follows the Review Sheet closely. When the students know that the test is not trying to ‘trick” them, they gain confidence that they can do well if they study what they’ve been asked to learn. After the Test is taken the day following the Review, a word search or crossword puzzle is handed out for those students who finish early. The content of the puzzle is connected to the test content for further reinforcement of content.

Assessment: Tests collectively make up 45% of the overall grade. The goal of the test is mastery of content, so traditional matching, multiple choice, T/F, short answer and occasionally short essay questions are used.

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Review One: Preparation for Messiah and Beginnings

Story of the Bible List the three statements of pride that are in every person. Know the results that came from Adam and Eve’s choice. Know the events from Genesis 4-11 that show that the world is under God’s

judgment. State the objective of the Game of Life according to God’s Law. Name the main people in Genesis who chose God’s promise over money.

Intertestamental PeriodKnow the main events for each of the following:


Know how each of these time periods influenced the situation in the New Testament:

Babylon Persia Greece Maccabees Rome

Beginnings of Jesus’ Life and MinistryUnderstand the significance of the events of the following lessons:

Joseph and Mary get Gabriel’s Message Reactions to Jesus’ Birth Jesus in the Temple at Age 12 John Baptizes at the Jordan Jesus is Tempted in the Wilderness

State the following places: The city where Jesus was born. The city where Joseph and Mary lived. The country where Jesus was taken as a baby. The city where Herod built the temple.

Be able to answer one of the following essay questions:According to the lesson on John Baptizes in the Jordan, explain what baptism means, why Jesus was baptized, and when-why a person today should be baptized. ORAccording to the lesson on Jesus’ Temptation explain why it is difficult to resist temptation and how a person can resist it.

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Alexander the Great Antiochus IV Herod the Great Judas Maccabeus Matthias Pharisees

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Write your name on the back of the test.

Test One: Preparation for Messiah and Beginnings

Story of the BibleShort AnswerFrom our class notes, list the three statements of pride that are in every person:1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

Name two of the results that came from Adam and Eve’s choice:

4. __________________________________________

5. __________________________________________

List the three events from Genesis 4-11 that shows that the world is under God’s judgment:6. ___________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________

What is the objective of the Game of Life according to God’s rule book (Law)?9. ___________________________________________

Name the person in Genesis 12 who chose God’s promise over money.

10. __________________________________________

Intertestamental PeriodMatch the description on the left with the person from the list on the right.Some answers are used more than once.

______ 11. Refused to sacrifice a pig on the altar. A. Alexander the GreatB. Antiochus IVC. Judas MaccabeusD. MatthiasE. PhariseesF. SadduceesG. Herod the Great

______ 12. Was made king of the Jews by Rome.

______ 13. Mainly had power in the synagogues.

______ 14. Spread Hellenism to conquered countries.

______ 15. Set up the Abomination of Desolation.

______ 16. Led the Judeans to independence.

______ 17. Mainly had power in the Temple.

______ 18. Refused to compromise with Hellenism.

______ 19. Compromised with Hellenism.

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Match the phrase from the New Testament on the left, with the period during the intertestamental times that is associated with the content. Some answers will be used more than once.______ 20. “The centurion heard of Jesus…” (Lk. 7:3) A. Babylon

B. PersiaC. GreeceD. Maccabees E. Rome

______ 21. “It has taken 46 years to build this Temple.” (Jn. 2:20)22. “The sign was written in…Greek.” (Jn. 19:20)

______ 23. “There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus.” (Jn. 3:1)

______ 24. “The same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question.” (Mt. 22:23)

______ 25. “During the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came.” (Mt. 2:1)26. “Why are [your disciples] doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?” (Mk. 3:24)

______ 27. “Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach.” (Mk. 1:21)

Beginnings of Jesus’ Life and MinistryTrue or FalseAccording to the lessons we have studied, circle whether the statement is true or false. If a statement is false, write what would make it true.

T/F 28. One is not ready to receive Jesus until they acknowledge they are a sinner.

T/F 29. Baptism is a public demonstration of turning one’s life to God’s way.

T/F 30. How one handles money is a demonstration of repentance.

T/F 31. It was easier for Jesus to resist Satan because He was the Son of God.

T/F 32. Satan tempted Jesus with things He really wanted.

T/F 33. Jesus was baptized to demonstrate how good He was.

T/F 34. One cannot really stand against temptation without God’s Word.

T/F 35. If a person has a genuine need, it is not really a temptation to meet it.

T/F 36. It doesn’t really matter if a person gives in to temptation, since God will forgive them anyway.

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Match the truth on the left with the lesson on the right that best demonstrates it.

____ 37. Going into one’s teenage years, one can choose to be interested and learning about the things of God.

A. Joseph and Mary get Gabriel’s Message

B. Reactions to Jesus’ BirthC. Jesus in the TempleD. John at the Jordan E. Jesus in the Wilderness

____ 38. A person who has repented of sin should receive baptism.

____ 39. Following God may involve giving up one’s reputation and not giving into what others might think.

____ 40. Using and following God’s Word will keep one from temptation.

____ 41. When one hears of Jesus, they will either rejoice and worship Him or reject him.

PlacesShort Answer In the space provided, write the correct name for the following places.

_____________________ 42. The city where Jesus was born.

_____________________ 43. The city where Joseph and Mary lived.

_____________________ 44. The country where Jesus was taken as a baby.

_____________________ 45. The city where Herod built the temple.

Essay. (10 points) On the back, answer ONE of the following questions.

A friend of yours is considering whether or not they should be baptized. They don’t see why it’s such a big deal since they already believe in Jesus. From what we have studied, write a brief note to your friend and share what John’s baptism represented, who accepted and rejected it, and why Jesus was baptized. Conclude with a sentence of personal advice on what they should do.


Your friend shares with you one day that they are looking at things on the internet that they know is harming them spiritually. They feel bad about it, but seem to keep giving into the temptation. Share why it is difficult for them to resist this particular temptation and show from the example of Jesus how they can resist it.

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Review for Unit Two Test: Beginnings of Jesus’ Ministry

Know the order of the seven events from Jesus’ Starting Ministry. Know the order of the seven events from Jesus’ Early Galilean Ministry. Be able to recognize in which stories Jesus said the following quotes:

“It is written…” Jesus’ Temptation

“My time has not yet come.” Water to wine miracle

“Get these out of here!” Cleansing the Temple

“You must be born again.” Conversation with Nicodemus

“I who speak to you am he.” Conversation with Samaritan Woman

“Go your way. Your son lives.”

In Cana, healing the Official’s son

“Put out into the deep water.” Great Catch of Fish (Calling Fishermen)

“I am willing, be clean.” Healing the Leper

“Your sins are forgiven.” Healing the Paralytic

“Do you want to be healed?” Healing the man at pool of Bethesda

“Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath?”

Sabbath Controversies with Pharisees

List the 12 Disciples (52 MAB ST.)John son of ZebedeeJames son of ZebedeeJames son of AlphaeusJudas ThaddeusJudas IscariotPeterPhilipMatthewAndrewBartholomewSimon the ZealotThomas

Know where the events took placeCana First miracle: water to wine

Official asked for healing for sonCapernaum Miracles: demoniac healed in synagogue,

home of Peter, paralytic healed, Matthew leaves tax collector’s office

Jerusalem Cleanses the Temple, talks with Nicodemus, heals man at pool of Bethesda

Nazareth Jesus’ town where he grew up, rejected by people after claiming to fulfill Scripture

Sychar Talk with Samaritan woman

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Know the significance of the lessons we’ve covered. (The “Circle”/ “Cloud”) Understand WHY

o Jesus did miracleso The Pharisees hated Jesuso Jesus healed on the Sabbatho Jesus chose the 12 Disciples

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Test Two: Beginnings of Jesus’ Ministry

#1-14. Arrange the following two lists in order by numbering the events 1-7 in the order in which they occurred in the life of Jesus.

______ A1. Nicodemus _______ B1. Leper healed

______ A2. Temptation of Jesus _______ B2. Synagogue demoniac healed

______ A3. Cleansing the Temple _______ B3. Twelve disciples chosen

______ A4. Samaritan Woman _______ B4. Call of Matthew

______ A5. Official’s son healed _______ B5. Paralytic healed

______ A6. Jesus is Baptized _______ B6. Sabbath controversies

______ A7. Water Turned to Wine _______ B7. Great catch of fish

Match the following quotes of Jesus below to the lessons above in which they occurred. Put the letter and number in the correct blank. Example: A6 or B3, etc.

_____ 15. “Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath?”

_____ 16. “Do you want to be healed?”

_____ 17. “My time has not yet come.”

_____ 18. “I am willing; be clean.”

_____ 20. “Put out into the deep water.”

_____ 21. “Your sins are forgiven.”

_____ 22. “You must be born again.”

_____ 23. “Go your way. Your son lives.”

Match the following truths below to the lesson above from which they come. Put the letter and number in the correct blank. Example: A6 or B3, etc. (2 pts. Each)

______ 24. Jesus offers new life to whoever will embrace it.

______ 25. Genuine faith is not demanding a sign but taking God at His Word.

______ 26. One should keep their body pure for God’s purposes.

______ 27. Jesus is merciful to the inner needs of hurting people, not to

external formalities.

______ 28. God gives miracles in order to care for the broken-hearted.

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List Jesus' 12 Disciples:29. ______________________30. ______________________31. ______________________32. ______________________33. ______________________34. ______________________35. ______________________36. ______________________37. ______________________38. ______________________39. ______________________40. ______________________

Multiple Choice. In each statement, three answers are true and one is not. Circle the answer that is NOT true. 41. The Pharisees hated Jesus because

a. they thought he broke the Sabbath.b. they had not been baptized by John.c. Jesus healed people.d. Jesus claimed equality with God.

42. Jesus was tempteda. after 40 days of fasting.b. and resisted with a display of power.c. in the wilderness.d. and quoted God’s word.

43. Jesus chose his twelve disciplesa. after his first miracle.b. after a night in prayer.c. after the Pharisees started seeking his life.d. before teaching the beatitudes.

44. Jesus did miraclesa. to teach about God’s kingdom.b. to show God’s mercy on human suffering.c. to bear witness to his identity.d. to display his power as the Son of God.

45. Jesus showed that it is most important to be merciful on the Sabbath bya. healing the man by the pool of Bethesda.b. talking with Nicodemus one night.c. allowing his disciples to pick grain.d. healing a man with a withered hand.

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From what we have studied so far in the life of Jesus, list one event that happened in each of the following places. Capernaum 46. _________________________Nazareth 47. _________________________Jerusalem 48. _________________________Cana 49. _________________________Sychar 50. _________________________

Extra Credit: What was the other name of Bartholomew? ___________________

Did you write your name and how long you studied on the back of the test?

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Review for Unit Three Test: Later Galilean Ministry

Know the order of events for Jesus’ Later Galilean Ministry1. Sermon on the Mount: the Beatitudes2. Centurion’s Servant Healed/Widow of Nain’s Son Raised3. John’s Question4. Beelzebub Accusation5. Parables: sower, tares, mustard seed, leaven, treasure, pearl, dragnet6. Miracles: Stilling Storm, Demoniac, Jairus’ Daughter, Woman of Faith7. Feeding 5,0008. Galilean Crisis

Know the location of Jerusalem, Nazareth, Capernaum, Gerasenes, Sidon Know the regions of Judea, Samaria, Galilee, Decapolis, Perea, Phoenicia Know the beginning and endings of the 8 Beatitudes Match the Beatitudes with their meanings Understand the meanings of Jesus’ sayings about praying, fasting, giving and

money Recall the details of the miracles Jesus did in his later Galilean ministry Match the parables from Matthew 13 with their meanings Explain how the meaning of the parables were important to those who listened State the event that took place

o Before Jesus moved from Nazareth to Capernaumo Before Jesus chose His 12 discipleso Before Jesus started speaking in Parables

Understand the significance of the Beelzebub accusation and the Galilean Crisis.

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Jeopardy Review for Unit Three: Later Galilean MinistryGeneral

KnowledgeIn Order Parables Important



and Endings

Beatitudes: Meanings

But I say…

100 How old was Jairus’ daughter?

Beatitudes or parables

Starting small

Where Herod built his temple

Lake in northern Canaan

Blessed are the poor in spirit…

Craving good

Do not commit adultery

200 What was Jesus doing in the boat during the storm?

Widow of Nain or Woman of faith

Cost a person everything

Where a storm was stilled

River that descends through Canaan

Blessed are the pure in heart…

Strength under control

Do not commit murder

300 How long had the woman had the hemorrhage?

Stilling the storm or Demoniac healed

More valuable than anything

Where a demoniac was healed near the tombs

Salty Lake in southern Canaan

Blessed are the peacemakers

Humble; not thinking highly of oneself

Keep your oath

400 Jarus was what kind of official?

Parables or Galilean Crisis

Would become visible

Where Jesus was rejected after reading Scriptures

District surrounding the Sea of Galilee

Blessed are the meek…

Troubled by wicked things

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

500 The man whose servant was healed was what kind of official?

Demoniac healed or feeding 5000

Would have pretenders in it

Where a widow’s son was brought to life

District to the west of the Jordan River

Blessed are you when men persecute you…

Acting in kindness towards those in need

What did Jesus say to do when you pray?

600 Name of the demon inside the man at the tombs.

Feeding 5000 or Galilean crisis

Would have permeating effect

Where’s Jairus’ daughter was brought to life

District to the west of the Dead Sea.

Blessed are the merciful…

Undivided; unmixed

What did Jesus say Not to do when you fast?

700 How many pigs did the demons drive over the cliff?

Centurion’s servant or Jairus’ daughter

Pretenders would be taken out at the end

Where Jesus mainly lived during his Galilean min.

District to the east of the Dead Sea

Blessed are those who mourn…

Being ridiculed or mistreated for doing right

What did Jesus say to do when you fast?

800 What event led to Jesus speaking in parables?

Jairus’ daughter or woman of faith

Different responses to God’s word

Where a woman of faith touched Jesus’ hem

District to the east of the Jordan River

Blessed are those who hunger/thirst for righteousn.

Working to get along

What did Jesus say to do when you give?

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Test Three: Beginnings of Jesus’ Ministry

#1-8. Arrange the following two lists in order by numbering the events 1-8 in the order in which they occurred in the life of Jesus.______ Stilling the Storm

______ Beatitudes

______ Parables

______ Feeding the 5,000

______ Demoniac Healed

______ Galilean Crisis

______ Beelzebub Accusation

______ Widow’s son raised from death

Match the first part of the Beatitude on the left with the completion on the right. (One answer will be used twice.)

_____ 9. Blessed are the poor in spirit A. they shall receive mercy.

_____ 10. Blessed are those who mourn B. theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

_____ 11. Blessed are the meek C. they shall be satisfied.

_____ 12. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

D. they shall be called sons of God.

_____ 13. Blessed are the merciful E. they shall inherit the earth.

_____ 14. Blessed are the pure in heart F. they shall be comforted.

_____ 15. Blessed are the peacemakers G. they shall see God.

_____ 16. Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness

Match the definition on the left with the Beatitude on the right._____ 17. Undivided; unmixed. A. Poor in spirit

_____ 18. Strength under control. B. Those who mourn

_____ 19. Seeking to resolve disagreements.

C. The Meek

_____ 20. Not thinking highly of oneself. D. Those that hunger and thirst for righteousness

_____ 21. Craving good. E. The Merciful

_____ 22. Troubled by wicked things. F. The Pure in heart

_____ 23. Being put down for doing right. G. Those Persecuted for Righteousness

_____ 24. Acting in kindness to the needy.

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True/False ______ 25. T/F Jesus set aside the old way in order to tell his audience a new way.

______ 26. If a person doesn’t freely give money when prompted by God it is an indication that they are trying to serve two masters.

______ 27. A person who wants God to hear and answer them should go to him privately with their needs.

Fill in the following chart so that each column has a different parable title and the meanings are filled in.Parable: Meaning:Wheat and Tares 28.29. Starting small and grows. Becomes evident later.Yeast Dough 30.31. Was more valuable than anythingThe White Pearl 32.33. Wicked and righteous will be separated at judgment.

In the statements below, the underlined word makes the statement false. In the blank, write the word that makes the statement true.___________ 34. A centurion sent to ask Jesus to come and heal his son.___________ 35. Jesus raised a widow’s son in Capernaum.___________ 36. Jairus was a Roman official whose daughter was dying.___________ 37. Jairus’ daughter who died was 10 years old.___________ 38. A woman who touched Jesus’ robe had been sick 15 years.___________ 39. Jesus was panicking when the storm nearly drowned them.___________ 40. The demon was sent into 2,000 sheep nearby.___________ 41. After Jesus was rejected at Nazareth, he moved to Cana.___________ 42. The demon inside the man was named centurion.___________ 43. The Sabbath controversies led to Jesus teaching in parables.

Place the letters from the map in the correct blank to the left of the places below.(Extra Credit: Correctly place the cities of Jerusalem, Capernaum, Sychar, and Sidon on the map.)______ 44. Judea______ 45. Decapolis______ 46. Perea______ 47. Samaria______ 48. Galilee

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Short Essay: (4 pts.) “Lusting is as bad as committing adultery.” Tell in what way this statement is both true and false.

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Beatitudes Review

Match the first part of the beatitude on the left with the completion on the right. (One answer is used twice.)

_______1. Blessed are the poor in spirit A. they shall receive mercy._______2. Blessed are those who mourn B. theirs is the kingdom of

heaven._______3. Blessed are the meek C. they shall be satisfied._______4. Blessed are those that hunger

and thirst for righteousnessD. they shall be called sons of God.

_______5. Blessed are the merciful E. they shall inherit the earth._______6. Blessed are the pure in heart F. they shall be comforted_______7. Blessed are the peacemakers G. they shall see God._______8. Blessed are those who are

persecuted for the sake of righteousness

Match the definition on the left with the Beatitude on the right.

_______ 9. Undivided; unmixed A. Poor in Spirit_______10.

Strength under control B. Those who Mourn


Seeking to solve disagreements C. The Meek


Humble; not thinking highly of oneself

D. Those that Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness


Craving good E. The Merciful


Troubled by wicked things F. The Pure in Heart


Being put down for doing right G. The Peacemakers


Those who act in kindness towards those in need.

H. Those Who are Persecuted for Righteousness

T/F 17. Jesus set aside the old way in order to tell his audience a new way.

T/F 18. Telling someone they are an idiot is as bad as murdering them.

T/F 19. Lusting makes a person just as guilty as committing adultery.

T/F 20. A person cannot have making money as their life pursuit and serving God.

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Review for Unit Four Test: Training of the Twelve

Know the order of events for Training the Twelve Know the location of Jerusalem, Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi Know the regions of Judea, Samaria, Galilee, Decapolis, Perea, Phoenicia Know the truths from each of the lessons:

o A true follower of Jesus will do what Jesus tells him, even if it takes great faith.

o Even one’s friends who know the truth may be used by Satan as an instrument of temptation.

o No matter how good one’s plans may be, God expects His followers to listen and do what Jesus says.

o Although Jesus doesn’t need us to give to him, we need Him to provide for us, and He is in charge.

o In God’s kingdom, the greatest is the one who learns and serves others.o One must forgive as much as he has been forgiven.o Those who follow Jesus must count the cost.

Recall the details of Peter’s interactions with Jesus Recall the details of the Transfiguration Understand the meaning of the Temple Tax State what Jesus started teaching His disciples after Peter identified him as the

Christ Understand the parable Jesus gave on forgiveness and why he gave it

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Test Four: Training the Twelve

#1-7. Arrange the following list by numbering the events 1-7 in the order in which they occurred in the life of Jesus.______ Peter’s Confession/Ideas

______ Who’s the Greatest?

______ Tax Money in the Fish

______ Count the Cost

______ Peter Walks on Water

______ Parable on Forgiveness

______ Transfiguration

Match the truth on the left with the lesson that best demonstrates it._______8. A true follower of Jesus will do what Jesus tells

him, even if it takes great faith.A. Peter’s Confession/Ideas

_______9. Even one’s friends who know the truth may be used by Satan as an instrument of temptation.

B. Who’s the Greatest?

_______10. No matter how good one’s plans may be, God expects His followers to listen and do what Jesus says.

C. Tax Money in the Fish

_______11. Although Jesus doesn’t need us to give to him, we need Him to provide for us, and He is in charge.

D. Count the Cost

_______12. In God’s kingdom, the greatest is the one who learns and serves others.

E. Peter Walks on Water

_______13. One must forgive as much as he has been forgiven.

F. Parable of the Two Slaves

_______14. Those who follow Jesus must count the cost. G. Transfiguration

In the statements below, one word makes the statement false. Circle the word and in the blank write the word that makes the statement true.

_____________ _ 15. Peter first heard about Jesus from John the Baptist.

______________ 16. Peter left his wife in order to obey Jesus’ command to follow Him.

______________ 17. The disciples thought they saw a person walking on the water.

______________ 18. The disciples thought Jesus was one of the Prophets ._____________ _ 19. The disciples were watching when Jesus was praying.

_______________20. Moses and Malachi appeared with Jesus on the mountain.

_______________21. James suggested building three tabernacles.

_____________ _ 22. Jesus told Peter he would find a two-drachma coin in the fish.

_____________ _ 23. After Peter’s confession, Jesus told them about His Kingdom.

______________ 24. The temple tax was collected according to Jewish traditions.

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Put the letters from the map in the correct blank to the left of the cities below.

_____ 25. Caesarea Philippi_____ 26. Capernaum_____ 27. Decapolis_____ 28. Jerusalem_____ 29. Phonecia_____ 30. Perea

Essay question:It is no secret that two certain students do not get along with each other. Some say it’s because of personality differences, but they both know that several years ago they said and did some things that were very unkind. Each would rather be with their new friends than to be the first to give in and make things right.

From any one of the lessons we have studied in this unit, write what the lesson is about (details of the story), how you think it applies to this situation, and what you think these students could do in light of the truth.

Extra Credit: Write three sets containing at least four students that have interesting all common or all different attributes. (include the attribute!)

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Review for Unit Five Test: Judean/Perean Ministry& Last Week

Recall the eight divisions of the Life of Jesus1. Beginnings2. Starting Ministry3. Early Galilean Ministry4. Later Galilean Ministry5. Training the Twelve6. Judean and Perean Ministry7. Last Week8. Post-Resurrection Appearances

Match the truths with their appropriate lesson:1. Those who judge by the law are judged by the law as sinners.2. One should not harden themselves against the truth God reveals so they can see plain

spiritual realities.3. Jesus has defeated the Enemy of Death because He is the Resurrection and the Life.4. One should let go of anything they have in order to gain eternal life through Jesus.5. Nothing is too costly to give to Jesus.6. Because Jesus is the great King, he is to be worshipped and praised.7. Don’t think of yourself as great, even if you are in a position over others; instead serve

those less than yourself.8. Death to self means surrendering to God’s will even when it is not what we would want

naturally.9. The guilty one is saved from death by applying the shed blood of the Lamb.

Recall the events of the “Last Week”o Sunday: Triumphal Entry into Jerusalemo Monday: ________________________________________o Tuesday: ________________________________________o Wednesday: ______________________________________o Thursday: _________________________________________o Friday: ____________________________________________o Saturday: __________________________________________o Sunday: Resurrection

Recall the details and understand the meaning ofo The five elements of the Passover seder plate:o The matzah and affikomen:o The four cups:

State three possible alternative theories for the resurrection.1.2.3.

State three logical reasons to believe in the resurrection.1.2.3.

Map Work: Know the location of Jerusalem, Bethany and the regions of Judea, Samaria, Galilee, Decapolis, Perea

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Test Five: Judean and Perean Ministry/Final Week

Name the eight divisions of the Life of Jesus.1. __________________________

2. __________________________

3. __________________________

4. __________________________

5. __________________________

6. __________________________

7. __________________________

8. __________________________

Match the truth on the left with the lesson that best demonstrates it._______ 9. Because Jesus is the great King, he is to be

worshipped and praised.A. Woman Caught in Adultery

_______10. Don’t think of yourself as great, even if you are in a position over others; instead serve those less than yourself.

B. Pharisees and Blind Man

_______11. Those who judge by the law are judged by the law as sinners.

C. Raising Lazarus

_______12. One should let go of anything they have in order to gain eternal life through Jesus.

D. Rich Young Ruler/Zaccheus

_______13. The guilty one is saved from death by applying the shed blood of the Lamb.

E. Triumphal Entry

_______14. Jesus has defeated the Enemy of Death because He is the Resurrection and the Life.

F. Washing Disciples’ Feet

_______15. One should not harden themselves against the truth God reveals so they can see plain spiritual realities.

G. Passover

Write the events of the week of Jesus’ death and resurrection: 16. Sunday: _________________________________

17. Monday: _________________________________

18. Tuesday/Wednesday: _______________________________

19. Thursday: ________________________________

20. Friday: ___________________________________

21. Saturday: _________________________________

22. Sunday: __________________________________

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From the Passover, write what the following symbols represent to believers today:

23. Bitter herbs: ________________________________

24. Apple mixture (cheroseth): _______________________________

25. Lamb shank: ________________________________

26. Three pieces of unleavened bread: _________________________

27. The breaking of the affikomen (middle piece of bread): __________________________________________________________

28. The third cup was known as the cup of what? ___________________

29. What did Jesus say the third cup represented? __________________

30. What did the cup of Elijah represent? __________________________

List four events that happened surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection that were prophesied. (Extra credit for references.)31. _____________________________________________

32. _____________________________________________

33. _____________________________________________

34. _____________________________________________

Put the letters from the map in the correct blank to the left of the cities below.

_____ 35. Judea_____ 36. Perea

_____ 37. Decapolis_____ 38. Galilee

_____ 39. Jerusalem

_____ 40. Bethany

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Essay question:“Jesus could still be a great man and a prophet from God even if He did not rise from the dead.” Explain why this statement is not possible. Then give three logical reasons to believe in the reality of the resurrection.

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Power Points

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Objective One: God revealed His plan for the world in a progressive story of redemption.Therefore the students should know and understand•the chronology of the main characters •the progression of the main eventsObjective Five: God delights to give spiritual insight to those who study His Word in order to do it.Therefore the students should study and apply biblical principles by•Sharing the truth of Scripture with someone else•Using appropriate study tools to find relevant information

Method: The goal of the Student Notebook is to make a chronological compilation of all the notes, tests, handouts, reading sheets, and memory work that has been done during the semester. Using a 30-page pre-bound dossier (60 sheets) is ideal for ending up with a “book” at the end of the semester. The Table of Contents is set by the teacher, and is subject to adjustment based on the teacher’s preferences.With the Power Point project each lesson is summarized, illustrated, and animated. Verses are coordinated with specific lessons.Students share their work with parents at home and with the class.

Assessment: The projects account for 15-20% of the overall grade. No work is thrown away and notebooks are updated regularly. Grades for the notebooks are given half way through the semester (after nine weeks.) Power Point projects start after the first nine weeks and are turned in at the end of the semester.

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Life of Jesus

GradeName of School

Name of Teacher


Dates Due: November 9, 20-- January 25, 20--

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Table of Contents1. Cover Page2. Table of Contents Page 3. Map of Holy Land Under Herod4. Life of Jesus Timeline Handout5. Outline of Life of Jesus (front)6. Outline of Life of Jesus (back)7. Reading Sheet: Weeks 1-28. Eve is Deceived9. The World is Under Judgment10. The Game of Life notes11. Intertestament Times notes 12. Herod’s Temple/Jewish Sects handout13. The Pre-Existence of Christ14. Joseph and Mary Obey 15. Responses to Jesus’ Birth16. Age 12 in the Temple17. Jesus’ Baptism18. Jesus’ Temptation19. Reading Sheet: Weeks 3-420. Wedding at Cana21. Cleansing the Temple22. Nicodemus/Samaritan Woman23. Official’s Son Healed24. Call of Matthew25. Sabbath Controversies26. Choosing the 12 (52 MAB ST.)27. Reading Sheet Weeks 5-628. Beatitudes: definitions29. Beatitudes: notes30. Beatitudes: handout 31. Beatitudes: handout 32. Reading Sheet: Weeks 7-833. List of Parables (front)34. List of Miracles (back)35. Parables 36. Miracles Worksheet37. Feeding the 5,00038. Galilean Crisis39. Tests/Reviews 1-340. Table of Contents

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41. Reading Sheet: Weeks 10-1142. Call of Peter (retrospect)43. Peter Walks on Water44. Peter’s Confession45. Peter’s Ideas46. Transfiguration47. Tax Money in Fish 48. The Greatest49. Reading Sheet: Weeks 12-1350. Forgiveness51. Cost of Discipleship52. Prayer53. Woman Caught in Adultery54. Pharisees and Blind Man55. Raising Lazarus56. Rich Young Ruler57. Zaccheus58. Reading Sheet Weeks 14-1559. Map of Jerusalem Handout (front)60. Passion Week (back)61. Mary Anoints Jesus62. Passover Parade and Triumphal Entry notes63. Confrontation in the Temple worksheet 64. Jesus Washes Disciples’ Feet65. Passover Notes66. Reading Sheet: Weeks 16-1767. Gethsemane worksheet68. Crucifixion69. “He Paid for Me” Story70. Righteous Judge Story71. Prophecies Fulfilled Handout (front)72. Prophecies Fulfilled (back)73. Resurrection Theories (front)74. Resurrection Objections (back)75. Peter Reinstated76. Great Commission77. MV Log First Quarter78. MV Log Second Quarter79. Tests 4-580. Evaluation Page

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Life of Jesus Power Point Presentation

Using PowerPoint, you get to put together a visual representation of the Life of Jesus! The presentation should include the following:

Title slide with the course, school name, class, teacher, your name, due date

The eight divisions of the Life of Jesus, clearly distinguished The eight divisions clearly labeled Visual representation for the major events in each division (follow the

outline) The major events in each division clearly labeled A summary sentence for each event Memory Verses from the first quarter should be matched appropriately

with lessons Slides should number no less than 17 (two slides per division plus title

page) and no more than 51 (one slide per event plus title page) There should be slide transitions on all slides There should be animation on at least 8 slides A handout sheet of the slides should accompany the final project.

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Life of Jesus: BeginningsTitle Summary Sentence Memory Verse

IntertestamentEx: God moved the events of the empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome to prepare the world for the coming of His Son! OR Galatians 4:4 “In the fullness of time, God sent his son, born of a woman, born under the Law.”

Joseph and Mary Obey

Responses to Jesus’ Birth

Jesus, Age 12

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Life of Jesus: Starting Ministry Title Summary Sentence Memory Verse



First Miracle: Water to Wine

Cleansing the Temple


Samaritan Woman

Official’s Son Healed

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Life of Jesus: Early Galilean Ministry

Title Summary Sentence Memory Verse Synagogue Demoniac

Great Catch of Fish

Leper Healed

Paralytic Healed

Call of Matthew

Sabbath Controversies

Choosing the Twelve

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Life of Jesus: Later Galilean MinistryTitle Summary Sentence Memory Verse

Sermon on the Mount

Centurion’s Servant and Widow of Nain

Beelzebub Accusation


Four Miracles

Feeding the 5,000

Galilean Crisis

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Life of Jesus: Training the Twelve

Title Summary Sentence Memory Verse Peter Walks on Water

Peter’s Confession/Ideas


Tax Money in Fish

Who’s the Greatest?


Cost of Discipleship

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Life of Jesus: Judean and Perean Ministry

Title Summary Sentence Memory Verse

Woman Caught in Adultery

Man Born Blind

More Parables

Raising Lazarus

Rich Young Ruler


Mary Anoints Jesus

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Life of Jesus: Last Week

Title Summary Sentence Memory Verse

Triumphal Entry

Teaching in the Temple

Last Supper


Peter’s Denial



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Life of Jesus: Post-Resurrection

Title Summary Sentence Memory Verse

Resurrection Day

Appearing to Thomas

Peter Re-instated

Great Commission

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Grading Rubric for Power Point Presentation:Category 4 3 2 1

Divisions Has all 8 divisions Divisions easily


Has 5-7 divisions l Divisions change 9-

11 times

Has 2-4 divisions Divisions change

12-15 times

Has 0-1 division

No distinguishable divisions

Beginnings-Later Galilean Ministry

All 25 events labeled

Events show order

Missing 1-3 events Occasional event

out of order

Missing 4-6 events Occasional event is

in order

Missing more than 6 events

Events show no order

Training the Twelve- Post-Resurrection

All 25 events labeled

Events show order

Missing 1-3 events Occasional event

out of order

Missing 4-6 events Occasional event is

in order

Missing more than 6 events

Events show no order

Visualizing Content

Each event is visually represented

Connection of visuals to content is obvious

Missing up to five visuals

Connection of visuals to content occasionally obscure

Missing up to 10 visuals

Connection of visuals to content is occasionally obvious

Missing 11 or more visuals

Connection of visuals to content is obscure.

Truths Has 7-8 truths Worded clearly and


Has 5-6 truths Most are worded

clearly and accurately

Has 3-4 truths Most are worded

awkwardly or inaccurately

Has 0-2 truths Worded

awkwardly and inaccurately


Title Slide Slide transitions Spelling correct Font can be seen

without problem

Title Slide missing information

Most transitions 1-2 spelling errors Font occasionally

small/difficult to see

Title Slide missing most information

Few transitions 3-5 spelling errors Font occasionally

can be seen without problem

No title slide No transitions Over 5 spelling

errors Font small and

difficult to see.


Neat/organized Extra effects added Wording, pictures,

or humor shows originality

Neat/organized Most slides have

extra effects Often shows


Neat/organized Minimum effects (8)

added Occasionally shows


No organization No special

effects Wording,

pictures, or humor shows no originality

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Power Point Presentation Name:

The power points were graded uniformly accordingto the categories below. Content was weighted more heavily than creativity, so a plain-but-completepresentation potentially could have a higher gradethan a fancy-but-weak-on-content presentation.

Divisions: labeled and easily distinguishedContent (x2): all events labeled and in orderVisuals: shows connection to each visualSummaries: worded clearly/accuratelyTechnical: title slide, spelling, font visibleCreativity: neat/organized, extra effects,

wording, pictures, humor shows originality


Other comments:

Power Point Presentation Name:

The power points were graded uniformly accordingto the categories below. Content was weighted more heavily than creativity, so a plain-but-completepresentation potentially could have a higher gradethan a fancy-but-weak-on-content presentation.

Divisions: labeled and easily distinguishedContent (x2): all events labeled and in orderVisuals: shows connection to each visualSummaries: worded clearly/accuratelyTechnical: title slide, spelling, font visibleCreativity: neat/organized, extra effects,

wording, pictures, humor shows originality


Other comments:

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Grading Grid for Life of Jesus Power Point ProjectName: Divisions Part 1 Part 2 Visuals Truths Technical Creative TOTAL:

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