healthcare quality

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Post on 07-Oct-2015




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external body to determine its
 performance compliance with agreed
" # 
     )   *( + ,  - CCHSA 
  %  '-  ' "
 #0   ANAES # 
  (  '+1 -  )  CBAHI:
Central Board for
It is a process of peer review by eperts to verify the compliance of practice with the
recognized standards
  2"'*  ! # ! 4/  5"' 
2. Core team& Admin'(hysician'N)rse
!. Core team& three #+% or fo)r #,% days
". Secialty team& one #!% or two #-% days
3" Each chapter is given e2)al weight"
4" 5es)lts has to be approved by the
Central 6oard before it is given to
the hospital"
provide hints to the hospital
regarding the accreditation stat)s "
 >  Intervie$
Scorin& 'ethod All CBAHI chaters have e(ual $ei&ht re&ardless of
standard contents. All standards $ithin a chater $ei&h e(ually. )ach standard is assi&ned *+) oint. Standard may contain one or more evidences of comliance. The *+) oint is divided e(ually ,et$een the evidence of Comliances. )ach evidences of comliance could ,e scored as
+' '' P' -'
;Accredited& greater than 37 percent with no
more than - chapters less than 97: and no chapter less than +7:"
;If the hospital scores $7<$4:= C6AHI will re<visit free within 47 days to perform a foc)s s)rvey on the  chapters failed= then ma1e the decision for accreditation" ;+ot Accredited& If the hosital scores less than /01
  .  !BF B  
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