health & safety plan · • our health and safety plan is an outline on how families, students,...

North Dakota K-12 SMART RESTART Health & Safety Plan 2020-2021 Approved by the Light of Christ Catholic Schools Board of Directors August 5, 2020 Version 2.0 - 8/5/20

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Page 1: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address

North Dakota K-12


Health &

Safety Plan 2020-2021

Approved by the Light of Christ Catholic Schools

Board of Directors

August 5, 2020

Version 2.0 - 8/5/20

Page 2: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address

Light of Christ Catholic School families,

Thank you for your patience, perseverance and prayers as we adapted and adjusted these past months to

our new normal. As part of that new normal, the goal for Light of Christ Catholic Schools is to start the 2020-

21 school year in-person on August 19. To start out successful and remain open, we must begin the school

year in a manner that gives us the best opportunity to deliver education in-person. This will require a strong

partnership among parents, students, teachers, administrators, staff and our entire community.

The current challenges of today will require preventive practices and behaviors. The health and safety of our

students, families, employees and community continues to be our top priority. We are confident that

together, we can accomplish a safe start to the school year.

This plan represents the hours of discussion, research, studying various scenarios and ultimately coming up

with specific details on how our team has evaluated the process that will deliver the best chance of success

for our students and faculty to remain in the classroom. The following pages provide specific details on the

Light of Christ Catholic Schools Health & Safety Plan, in the Red/Orange, Yellow and Blue/Green phases.

If the health and safety of our workforce is compromised, we will have additional challenges that we have

not yet faced.

These precautions are basic steps to remain open and continue in-person learning:

1. Hand washing/sanitizing personal surfaces

2. Social distancing

3. Remaining home with symptoms

4. Masks/shields when social distancing is not possible

5. Temperature checks

6. Limit visitors and require a health screen questionnaire and masks

7. Working closely with families to ensure all steps are enforced

We realize there may be additional questions and there are strong opinions on how to proceed. To keep our

schools conducting in-person learning, we ask that you remain open to the precautions outlined and

support our schools, administrators and staff.

Thank you for taking the time to review the Light of Christ Catholic Schools Health and Safety Plan.


Gerald T. Vetter


Page 3: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address


• Light of Christ Catholic Schools will provide learning to all students, regardless of the levels of

concern for COVID-19.

• Light of Christ Catholic Schools will play an important role in providing a safe environment for our

students and staff to learn.

• Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials

and the community can work together to address and work through the daily and weekly challenges

that we will face and overcome.

• Light of Christ Catholic Schools will work closely with the local and state Department of Health and

will make decisions based on their guidance.

• Our administration and leadership, in partnership with our Board of Directors will re-evaluate the

plan, as necessary, adapt and ultimately ensure that the needs of our students, staff and families are


Light of Christ Catholic Schools 2020-2021 COVID Response Team

The Light of Christ Catholic Schools COVID Response Team was identified to assist in the development and

implementation of our Health & Safety Plan and return to learning plan. This team will continue to meet and

respond to issues that will arise throughout the school year. The plan will remain fluid and flexible as we

address each scenario.

President – Gerald Vetter

Enrollment Coordinator/Assistant to President – Shannon Indovina (COVID Team Coordinator)

Academic Advancement Coordinator – Tracy Friesen

Communications – Lisa Koch

Human Resources – Randy George

Facilities – John Richter and Dennis Ell

Technology – Tavis Freidt

Principals – SMCHS-Reed Ruggles, St. Mary’s Academy-Mike Bichler, Cathedral-Michele Lind, Saint Anne-

Jess Pathroff, St. Mary’s Grade School-Valerie Kuntz

Medical – Claudia Nagel

Director of Food Service – John Herold

Activities Director – Bruce Schumacher

Kids Club Director – Gail Anderson

Additional consultation and input from community members, parents, staff and Board of Directors

was solicited to develop and review Light of Christ Catholic Schools plan.

Light of Christ Catholic Schools COVID-19 Coordinator – Shannon Indovina, 701-595-0229

Coordinator will be responsible for the health and safety preparedness and response planning. Coordinator

will be available to the NDDoH 24 hours a day/7 days a week to respond to phone calls from public health.

The Coordinator will assist public health in identifying and notifying close contacts in the school setting. The

coordinator will also report cases of COVID-19 in the schools to health officials and the State

Superintendent’s office.

Page 4: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address

Phases of Concern

The following phases will be used to define the school and community risk level associated with COVID-19.

These phases align with the color-coded guidance in the ND Smart Restart Plan. The risk level is evaluated

by the NDDoH and the Light of Christ Catholic Schools COVID Response Team. The Department of Health

also takes into account the county statistics of rate of positive cases, hospitalization and mortality rate to

determine when, and if, there is movement to another phase.

Blue/Green Phase

Defined as new normal. Maintain standard precautions.

Yellow Phase

Heightened exposure risk. Transmission is controlled.

Orange/Red Phase

Significant transmission and high risk of exposure.

Instructional Models The instructional model will be guided by the current phase of concern and by the risk level in the

community, as defined by the phases above.

Traditional Learning

All instruction is delivered in-person, with some building and group modifications. Teachers and students

maintain a daily schedule. Preventative practices outlined by the district will be enforced to ensure staff and

student safety.

Blended Learning

Majority of students report to school for in-person learning. Those who are ill, immune-compromised or

have a family member, within the primary residence, who is immune-compromised, and those determined

to have to isolate or quarantine due to close contact, exposure or a positive COVID-19 test, or evaluated on

an individual case basis will utilize a distance learning platform.

Distance Learning

All instruction is delivered off school property through the use of the district distance learning plan

developed and updated for the 2020-21 school year.

Page 5: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address

Health and Safety Guidance

Light of Christ Catholic Schools is committed to providing a healthy and safe work environment for all who

enter our schools. The following guidelines outline the district’s plan to respond to COVID-19.

ND Health and Safety Resources

ND K-12 Smart Restart Guide – RESOURCE

ND Department of Public Instruction – RESOURCE

ND Department of Health – RESOURCE

COVID-19 Exclusion Guidance-Decision Tree for Symptomatic Individual in Child Care Programs -


Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic – Re-Opening Decisions (Source - RESOURCE

Best Intentions

Despite taking every precaution outlined in our plan, there is no guarantee that our schools will not be

without risk to COVID-19. The virus can be transmitted in all locations. We ask that families partner with us

to reduce the risk both in and out of school. Although these actions will not prevent any student or staff

member from coming in contact with COVID-19, our desire is to diminish the risk.

Light of Christ Catholic Schools in conjunction with Bismarck Burleigh Public Health requires the use of face

masks when 6-foot social distancing cannot be maintained. Although masks are required, Light of Christ

Catholic Schools will continue to work with Bismarck Burleigh Public Health to determine appropriate

protocols for our various settings.

Protect Yourself and Others

Wash hands often

• Wash with soap and water for 20 seconds after using the restroom, blowing your nose, sneezing or


• If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer provided in all classrooms and common


• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with hands.

• Students and staff are encouraged to wash their hands frequently throughout the day.

Avoid close contact

• Maintain social distance from others, particularly those who are considered high risk.

• Adjustments to use of common areas, PE, music and lunch/cafeteria areas may be altered to increase

physical distancing. Outdoor areas will be considered as alternatives.

• The sharing of materials will be eliminated.

• Visitors will be restricted and screened.

Cover coughs and sneezes

• Cough and sneeze into elbows when possible, otherwise use a tissue to cover nose and mouth.

• Throw tissues away following use and wash hands or use hand sanitizer.

Page 6: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address

Clean and disinfect

• School staff and students should clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

• Students will have individual/personal school supplies.

• No classroom community materials allowed.

• Custodial staff will clean classrooms daily.

• Each school will have a fogging machine to disinfect surfaces and will be used weekly or as needed,

at the discretion of the maintenance staff.

Cover your mouth and nose with a mask/shield when around others

• Educators will be required to instruct students on how to properly wear face masks/shields and when

to use them when in close contact.

• Proper Use of Face Masks

Blue/Green Phase

Guidelines for facial coverings for staff, students and visitors

• All students and staff are required to wear a mask when entering a building and standing in line for

temperature checking until they reach an area when physical distancing is possible.

• Staff – face masks are required when social distancing is not possible.

• Elementary (PreK-Grade 5) – face masks are required when social distancing is not possible.

• Academy (Grade 6-8) – face masks are required when social distancing is not possible.

• SMCHS (Grade 9-12) – face masks are required when social distancing is not possible.

• All visitors to LOC buildings will be required to wear face masks.

• Any student or staff may wear a face mask or shield at any time.

Yellow Phase

Guidelines for facial coverings for staff, students and visitors

• All students and staff are required to wear a mask when entering a building and standing in line for

temperature checking until they reach an area when physical distancing is possible.

• Staff – face masks are required when social distancing is not possible.

• Elementary (PreK-Grade 5) – face masks are required when social distancing is not possible.

• Academy (Grade 6-8) – face masks are required when social distancing is not possible.

• SMCHS (Grade 9-12) – face masks are required when social distancing is not possible.

• All visitors to LOC buildings will be required to wear face masks.

• Any student or staff may wear a face mask or shield at any time.

Page 7: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address

Monitor your health daily

• Be alert for symptoms. Monitor for fever, cough, shortness of breath and/or loss of taste and smell.

• Staff and students must stay home when sick.

• Temperature checks will be conducted at all buildings for students and staff. Random temperature

checks throughout the day may occur.

• Do not give your student fever-reducing medicine and send them to school.

• Students with symptoms throughout the day will be isolated and guardians will be contacted to pick

up immediately.

Page 8: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address

Operational Guidance – by Level

Blue/Green Phase Priorities

• Ensure all students and staff who are ill and have COVID-19 symptoms stay home.

• Accommodations will be made to reduce school and community spread.

• Distance learning platform will be available to those who are ill, immune-compromised or have a

family member, within the primary residence, who is immune-compromised, those determined to

have to isolate or quarantine due to close contact, exposure, or a positive COVID-19 test, or

evaluated on an individual case basis.

Districtwide Practices

• Protocols for classroom/learning space occupancy that promotes physical distancing.

• Protocols for social distancing will also focus on cafeterias, common areas and congregate settings.

• Signs will be visible to promote physical distancing and maximum capacity in common area.

• Lunch release times may be staggered or require masks through lines with congestion.

• Buildings will be thoroughly cleaned daily particularly in high traffic/high touch and shared areas,

and fogging will be available at all schools. All cleaning will be in accordance with CDC guidelines.

• Additional handwashing opportunities throughout the day.

• Hand sanitizer will be available in all rooms and common areas.

• Implement a hand sanitizer routine upon entering and exiting all rooms by students and staff.


• School events, gatherings and programs may be limited, changed or cancelled, due to promoting

physical distance and not inter-mixing grade levels.

• Office spaces may have additional safety measures, i.e. plexiglass barriers and/or masks.


• Classrooms will be arranged to promote physical distancing.

• Technology devices will be issued to students (one to one) – Grades 1-12.

• Students will need to have individual/personal school supplies.

• Community shared classroom materials will not be allowed.

• Staff and students working together and unable to physical distance will require facial coverings.

• Phy-Ed will play non-contact sports only and outside when possible.

Common Areas

• Lunchtimes may be staggered to promote physical distancing and alternative areas to eat will be

available, i.e. gym, cafeteria, outside, etc.

• Masks will be required for grades 6-12 when in lunch lines and spaces where physical distancing is

not available.

• Elementary grades will stay within class levels, as much as possible.

Extracurricular and Activities

• Guidance and directives from the NDHSAA and Light of Christ Schools will direct these activities.


• Plans for ongoing communication will include Thursday district email updates and other email

updates as necessary. Information will also be posted on the Light of Christ website and social

Page 9: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address

media. FACTS documents will be available to all enrolled families and when rapid communication is

necessary, text alerts will go to all families and staff.

Yellow Phase Priorities

• Ensure all students and staff who are ill and have COVID-19 symptoms stay home.

• Physical distancing and face coverings will be required.

• Distance learning platform will be available to those who are ill, immune-compromised or have a

family member, within the primary residence, who is immune-compromised, those determined to

have to isolate or quarantine due to close contact, exposure, or a positive COVID-19 test, or

evaluated on an individual case basis.

Districtwide Practices

• Protocols for classroom/learning space occupancy that promotes physical distancing.

• COVID-19 cases of students and staff may require targeted closures (class, grade, and department).

Other schools and facilities may remain open and continue in-person learning.

• Protocols for physical distancing will also focus on cafeterias, common areas and congregate


• Signs will be visible to promote physical distancing and maximum capacity in common area.

• Personal space cleaning routine for all students will include sanitizing spray and/or wipes.

• Lunch release times may be staggered or require masks through lines with congestion.

• Buildings will be thoroughly cleaned daily particularly in high traffic/high touch and shared areas,

and fogging will be available at all schools. All cleaning will be in accordance with CDC guidelines.

• Additional handwashing opportunities throughout the day.

• Hand sanitizer will be available in all rooms and common areas.

• Implement a hand sanitizer routine upon entering and exiting all rooms by students and staff.

• Technology support for those distance learning will be implemented.

• Alternate schedules may be implemented for grades 6-12.


• School events, gatherings and programs may be limited, changed or cancelled, due to promoting

physical distance and not inter-mixing grade levels.

• Office spaces may have additional safety measures, i.e. plexiglass barriers and/or masks.

• Visitors may be restricted further or not allowed.


• Blended learning may be implemented.

• Due to staff shortages, lessons may have to be streamed into additional spaces.

• Classrooms will be arranged to promote physical distancing.

• Technology devices will be issued to students (one to one)

• Community classroom materials will not be allowed.

• Students need to have individual/personal school supplies.

• Staff and students working together and unable to physical distance will require facial coverings.

• PhyEd will play non-contact sports only and outside when possible.

Common Areas

• Lunchtimes may be staggered to promote physical distancing and alternative areas to eat will be

available, i.e. gym, cafeteria, outside, etc.

Page 10: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address

• Masks will be required for grades 6-12 when in lunch lines and spaces where physical distancing is

not available.

• Elementary grades will stay within class levels, as much as possible.

• Schedules may be altered to promote physical distancing in common areas.

Extracurricular and Activities

• Guidance and directives from the NDHSAA and Light of Christ Schools will direct these activities.


• Plans for ongoing communication will include Thursday district email updates and other email

updates as necessary. Information will also be posted on the Light of Christ website and social

media. FACTS documents will be available to all enrolled families and when rapid communication is

necessary text alerts will go to all families and staff.

• Technology support and resources for parents.

• Share additional information on the reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Orange/Red Phase Priorities

• Reduce community spread of COVID-19 by closing schools and moving to the distance learning plan

for the district.

Districtwide Practices

• Distance learning/online instruction will be used district wide in all grade levels (PreK-Grade 12).

• Instruction will focus on core materials.

• Attendance will be taken daily and grades standards will remain in place.

• Technology devices will be distributed to those in need.

• Technology support for those distance learning will be implemented.


• Closed to general public. Staff may utilize the buildings for instruction or to acquire teaching



• All students will participate in the distance learning plan at home.

• Students will be expected to fully participate in all activities.

• If ill, students/families will be required to notify the school office and/or teacher.

Extracurricular and Activities

• Guidance and directives from the NDHSAA and Light of Christ Schools will direct these activities.

• Athletic and other activities will likely be suspended or cancelled.


• Communication concerning academic expectations will be shared with students and families.

• Technology support and resources for parents.

• Share additional information on the reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Page 11: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address

Parent Responsibilities

Prior to each school day, parents are asked to review this daily checklist with their child prior

to attending school. Use this checklist for symptoms EVEN IF the child has NOT had contact

with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

Has your child had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?

Yes____ No____

Does your child have a new or worsening shortness of breath?

Yes____ No____

Does your child have new or worsening cough?

Yes____ No____

Does your child have a fever of 100.4 or greater?

Yes____ No____

Does your child have chills?

Yes____ No____

Does your child have a sore throat?

Yes____ No____

Does your child have a new loss of taste or smell?

Yes____ No____

If you answer YES to any of the questions, DO NOT send your child to school.

Contact your healthcare provider and your child’s school to inform them

of your child’s absence.

If you are able to answer NO to ALL questions, please send your child to


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Page 12: Health & Safety Plan · • Our Health and Safety Plan is an outline on how families, students, staff, administration, state officials and the community can work together to address