health & safety-assignment 2

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  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    t 02

    Main elements of effective health and safety policy along with the organizationalarrangements necessary for its implementation

  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    Task 2

    P2.1 (a) Analyze existing organizational safety policy and the existing procedures.

    The safety policy of the XY !o"pany is as follo#s$

    %XY construction co &td is co""itted to pro"ote highest le'el of safety in all areas of its

    #orking #ith clear e"phasis on i"pro'ing the en'iron"ent. The safety and health of its

    e"ployees are of para"ount i"portance to the co"pany.

    XY construction co &td is co""itted to$

    esign construct operate and "aintain facilities as per the *est practices a'aila*le to

    ensure the safety of pu*lic e"ployees plant e+uip"ent and en'iron"ent.

    Pro'ide personal protecti'e e+uip"ents (PP,s) to its e"ployees.

    Analysis of the safety policy & existing procedures

    Analysis of the safety policy of XYZ co Ltd

    Policy has not *een re'ie#ed fro" year 2-- for a period of / long years

    The co"pany has not considered present situation therefore no i"pro'e"ents

    or changes ha'e *een "ade in the safety policy

    0t has "entioned that they are co""itted to pro"ote highest le'el of safety *ut

    has not "entioned specifically a*out any reduction of accidents or "ini"izing #ork

    en'iron"ent hazards

    as not "entioned nor considered the re+uire"ents of the national

    occupational safety and health legislations




  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    as not included anything a*out "onitoring regular occupational safety and

    health of the e"ployees and taking future actions accordingly

    3o inclusion of co""it"ent for continual health and safety i"pro'e"ent in

    the co"pany

    3o inclusion of specific responsi*ilities and roles of the indi'iduals in'ol'ed

    such as responsi*ilities of "anagers super'isors e"ployees etc.

    as not "entioned on anything on practical arrange"ents *y #hich the policy

    can *e i"ple"ented further

    e.g.$ safety training e"ergency procedures and "edical facilities

    Analysis of the safety and health situation of XYZ construction co Ltd

    Record keeping

    3one of the records #ere a'aila*le in health and safety inspections

    3o site safety inspection records #ere a'aila*le

    3o training records or e'idence a'aila*le

    3o a'aila*ility of a proper accident recording syste"

    0ndicating reporting is lax and late

    e.g.$ only the site accidents #ere recorded #hile sending the patient to the go'ern"ent


    3ot "aintaining the general register according to the factories ordinance#hich essential #hen it co"es to health and safety inspections of the co"pany

    The nu"*er of accidents and in4uries appear to *e 'ery high

    e.g.$ fro" the statistics of the year 2--5 it #as o*ser'ed that there #ere 225 accidents

    in the construction site


    3ot all accidents #ere in'estigated


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    0n'ol'e e"ployees in the safety co""ittee

    ,sta*lish pro*le" sol'ing and process i"pro'e"ent processes for the safety


    !o"prehensi'e safety and health audit

    ,rgono"ics progra"

    ,sta*lish safety and health planning process for continual i"pro'e"ent of the


    0nstitute a lockout:tag out progra" for the #orkers

    The pro'ision of e"ergency procedures first aid and fire safety

    9estructure incenti'e progra"s

    ,sta*lish good safety perfor"ance "easures

    efine the 'alue of safety and related processes for "anagers and for e"ployees

    ,sta*lish co""unications and trust a"ong the e"ployees

    azard pre'ention and control

    # Safety and health policy

    #$# %ntroduction to safety & health policy

    The "ain purpose of ha'ing a safety policy for a co"pany is to ensure the safety of the

    people #ho engaged in #ork or e"ploy"ent in the co"pany. The top "anage"ent of the

    co"pany shall prepare a #ritten state"ent of their general policy respect to the health and

    safety at #ork of the e"ployees and arrange"ent for "anaging safety and health in the #ork

    place. The safety and health policy shall *e included the rele'ant data #hich has *een

    collected fro" all the di'isions in the co"pany. The safety and health policy sho#s the

    co""it"ent of the co"pany to i"pro'e its health and safety perfor"ances and the

    e"ployees should *e infor"ed of the policy.

    0n de'eloping the safety and health policy state"ents it is 'ery i"portant to re'ie# the "ost

    co""on causes of accidents and if these hazards exist in the #ork place deal #ith those

    "atters in the state"ent.


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    #$ Areas "hich the safety and health policy should coer

    #$' (ain parts of a safety & health policy

    1. Policy

    2. 7rganization

    3. Arrange"ents



    o cs ou

  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    ,ssentially a ealth ; safety policy state"ent should consist of a*o'e three ele"ents. The

    "ain reason is to sho# that the co"pany is "anage"ent is co""itted to i"pro'e the health

    ; safety of e"ployees. The policy not only is #ritten do#n *ut also proper arrange"ents

    shall *e taken to achie'e the policy hazards and safety needs re+uired in the #ork place shall

    *e taken in to consideration and appropriate persons shall *e appointed to co"plete the

    re+uired arrange"ents in the policy ensuring that safety controls are put and retained in that

    #ork place. The detailed arrange"ents are not necessary to *e descri*ing in the policy *ut

    can refer out to so"e other supporting docu"ents including such detailed arrange"ents

    relating to the policy #hich has do *e kept up to date and su*4ect to internal control "easures.

    0n addition there are su* ele"ents that are also to *e included.

    #$'$# )olicy *A general statement of the intent+

    A policy can *e defined as a plan of action #hich gi'es guidance to future decisions. The

    policy state"ent indicates the co""it"ent le'el of the e"ployee to the co"pany. This policy

    "ust co"ply #ith the re+uire"ents of the national legislation. The co""it"ent shall *e

    clarified *y actions and pro'isions suita*le to the organization

  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    The policy shall *e accepted in e+ual i"portance to the other policy o*4ecti'es in

    #ork place.

    The policy should *e seen as consistent #ith the #ork place>s o*4ecti'es of operating

    in an efficient and possi*le "anner.

    The policy should *e dated and signed *y the senior executi'e of the #ork place. The policy

    shall also adduce the na"e and the designation of the person #ho is responsi*le of the o'erall

    i"ple"entation of the policy.

    #$'$ Organi,ation *people and their duties+

    This outlines the chain of co""and of health and safety "anage"ent in the #ork place. The

    organization for health and safety should reflect the structure of the organization and "ethod

    of #orking in the #ork place. 9esponsi*ility should *e gi'en at successi'e le'els of

    "anage"ent fro" the top to indi'idual super'isors. These responsi*ilities shall *e defined

    clearly and included in 4o* descriptions to pre'ent o'erlapping and o"ission.

    o# the policy can *e i"ple"ented and "onitored roles of the indi'iduals in'ol'ed

    accounta*ility and authority "ust *e set at each le'el in accordance #ith the organizational


    7ther organisational features should include$

    indi'idual 4o* descriptions of e"ployees ha'ing a safety content

    details of specific safety and health responsi*ilities

    role and function of safety co""ittee

    role and function of safety representati'es

    the co"petent person #ho assist #ith health and safety re+uire"ents

    health and safety o*4ecti'es

    "onitoring standards #ithin the #ork place

    "onitoring the effecti'eness of others in carrying their responsi*ilities

    A sa"ple organizational structure is illustrated *elo#


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    #$'$' Arrangement *systems and procedures+

    This part of the policy deals #ith the practical arrange"ents necessary to i"ple"ent the

    policy effecti'ely. 0t can *e di'ided in to t#o "ain types.

    -eneral=first aid fire safety #elfare etc.

    Specific!relating to plant processes

    7'erall arrange"ent features include the follo#ings$

    safety training

    safe syste"s of #ork

    en'iron"ental control

    procedures for storage transportation and handling

    safe place of #ork

    "achine:area guarding


    safe plant and e+uip"ent noise control

    radiation safety

    dust control

    use of toxic "aterials

    internal co""unication:participation

    utilisation of safety co""ittee and safety representati'es

    fire safety and pre'ention

    "edical facilities and #elfare

    "aintaining records

    reporting accidents and in'estigation

    e"ergency procedures

    "onitoring the #orkplace

    #$. The main elements of an effectie Occupational safety and health policy


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    The policy shall$

    rele'ant to the nature and scale of the organization

    0nclude co""it"ent to continual i"pro'e"ent (step *y step i"pro'e"ent)

    include a co""it"ent to at least co"ply #ith the health and safety legislation and

    #ith other re+uire"ents to #hich the organization su*scri*e

    *e docu"ented i"ple"ented and "aintained

    *e co""unicated to e'ery e"ployee #orking in the #ork place #ith the intent that

    e"ployees are "ade a#are of their indi'idual health and safety duties

    state that safety #ill take do"inance o'er application

    *e a'aila*le to people #ho are interested and pu*lic

    re'ie# regularly to "ake sure that the policy re"ains rele'ant and appropriate

    #$/ O01ecties

    The health and safety policy state"ent should state their "ain o*4ecti'es of the organization.

    These o*4ecti'es should *e "easura*le including the co""it"ents of pre'ention of in4ury

    and ill health and should co"ply #ith the re+uire"ents of the national la# and should *e

    consistent of steps for continual i"pro'e"ent.

    The organization shall take the legal re+uire"ents other re+uire"ents and health and safety

    risks #hen esta*lishing and re'ie#ing the o*4ecti'es.

    ,xa"ples of "ain o*4ecti'es

    1. ,le"ent of policy= To reduce accidents happening in the #ork site

    O01ectie #= To "ini"ize lost ti"e accidents and in4uries in the #ork site *y /-? in

    this year and @/? *y next year


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    Target#! To "ini"ize accidents and in4uries *y /?

    2. ,le"ent of policy= To co"ply #ith the re+uire"ents of national la#

    O01ectie ! To co"ply #ith the re+uire"ents of the sections of the factories

    ordinance and to co"ply #ith changes expected in the occupational

    safety and health in the next year.

    Target !# aking changes in the "achinery at the #orking site in co"pliance #ith

    the re+uire"ents of the factories ordinance

    2. Purchase ne# "achinery #hich are co"plied #ith the re+uire"ents of the

    factories ordinance

    (b) 0dentify roles of indi'iduals in'ol'ed

    #$2 Responsi0ilities of %ndiiduals

    0ndi'iduals are ha'ing a responsi*ility of carrying out their assigned duties. 0n order to

    achie'e effecti'e results of safety and health progra"s all the e"ployees in'ol'ed in the #ork

    place should *e 'ery #ell a#are of their duties and responsi*ilities.

    #$2$# )ro1ect directors

    Appro'e the safety *udget for safety related #ork and other e+uip"ent

    Periodically discuss and re'ie# the status of co"pliance #ith the factories ordinance

    #ith the top "anage"ent of the co"pany.

    ,nsure that "achinery and e+uip"ents are purchased "aintained and exa"ined #hile

    ensuring the co"pliance #ith the re+uire"ents of the national la#.


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    7'ersee the acti'ities of the co"pany through out the pro4ect #ork.

    #$2$ )ro1ect managers

    The "anagers of the co"pany ha'e responsi*ilities in their area of control.

    ,nsure that they carry out their #ork in accordance #ith the duties and

    responsi*ilities as descri*ed in the safety and health policy.

    ,nsure that the construction acti'ities are carried out according to the re+uire"ents of

    the national la#.

    nderstand and enforce the accident pre'ention policy and occupational health and

    safety legislation.

    They shall inspect "achinery e+uip"ent and structures regularly and to ensure that

    any defects disco'ered are re"edied right a#ay.

    ,nsure that the rele'ant health and safety procedures and policies ha'e *een


    ,nsure that the e"ployees are instructed #ell on ho# to use the "achinery and

    e+uip"ents safely.

    Pro'ide super'isory staff #ith proper #ell="aintained tools and e+uip"ent and

    special personal protecti'e e+uip"ent re+uired.

    Pro'ide ongoing health and safety education progra"s and first aid training courses


    ,nsure that ade+uate first=aid facilities are a'aila*le and #ell "aintained.

    ,nsure all the accidents are reported in co"pliance #ith the re+uire"ents of the


    0dentify all risks to health and safety and control the" effecti'ely.

    onitoring the effecti'eness of risk control "easures regularly.

    Ad'ice upon the health and safety policy #hen re+uested *y either the

    directors:partners or e"ployees.

    #$2$' Responsi0le Officer *management representatie on occupational health and


    sually a "e"*er of the top "anage"ent of the co"pany shall *e appointed *y the co"pany

    for occupational health and safety. The responsi*le officer is the person #ho is ha'ing the

    responsi*ility of o'erall health and safety of the co"pany and to pro'ide safe #ork place.


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    The responsi*le officer has to ensure ade+uate resources are pro'ided in order to "eet health

    and safety o*4ecti'es as #ell as to i"ple"ent strategies.

    ,nsure appropriate health and safety policies and procedures are de'eloped

    and i"ple"ented to ena*le the health and safety as #ell as to control risk of the #orkplace.

    ,nsure that "echanis"s are pro'ided so that in a case of proposals changes to

    the #ork place and other procedures the e"ployees and their representati'e can

    consult the responsi*le officer.

    ,nsure that appropriate steps are carried out in order to assess the safety

    perfor"ances of the "anagers and super'isors.

    ake sure that "echanis"s are pro'ided to "onitor and report the health andsafety of the #ork place regularly.

    ,nsure that the annual health and safety strategic plans are "ade and

    i"ple"ented to "eet the o*4ecti'es of health and safety.

    #$2$. Safety 3o!ordinators4Officers

    The occupational health and safety coordinator has a responsi*ility on coordinating the

    "anage"ent of the co"pany on *ehalf of the responsi*le officer.

    8afety coordinator shall ad'ice the "anage"ent and e"ployees on$

    pre'enting in4ury and illness to personnel in'ol'ed in #ork place and da"age to plant

    and e+uip"ent

    the legal re+uire"ents #hich affect safety health and #elfare

    use of protecti'e clothing and e+uip"ent

    potential hazards on ne# contracts *efore #ork starts and precautions re+uired to

    carry out their #ork

    changes in legislation

    9ecord and analyze infor"ation on in4uries illness and da"age and production loss.

    Assess accident trends and re'ie# o'erall safety perfor"ances.

    aintain contact #ith the top "anage"ent.

    Take part in #orkplace discussions and progra"s on in4ury health and #elfare

    da"age control.


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    Beep up=to=date #ith reco""ended codes of practice and ne# safety and health


    Ad"inister safety and health progra"s.

    Assist in accident in'estigations analysis and preparation of accident reports andsu""aries.

    Prepare inspection reports.

    ,nsure that correcti'e action has *een taken #hene'er deficiencies are identified.

    Assist #ith safety se"inars or training.

    #$2$/ Responsi0ilities of design engineers

    ,nsure the design and structural #ork in co"pliance #ith the factories ordinance.

    sing 'arious "ethodologies to *ring up creati'e ideas to co"parati'e research and


    aking a "odel of the design *efore actually proceeding #ith the real designing


    Ci'ing instructions on the design of the construction to the super'isors.

    !o""unication #ith other parties in'ol'ed and #ork as a tea".

    #$2$2 Responsi0ilities of supply engineers


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    Purchase goods "aterials e+uip"ents and "achinery in co"pliance #ith the

    factories ordinance.

    Purchase personal protecti'e e+uip"ents (PP,) necessary for different kinds of tasks.

    0nfor" site engineers a*out the a'aila*ility of existing safety e+uip"ents.

    #$2$5 Responsi0ilities of site engineers

    0dentify hazards in sites and find out the re+uire"ents in co"pliance #ith the

    factories ordinance.

    ,nsure that the construction acti'ities are carried out according to the national la#s.

    Pro'ide suita*le protecti'e e+uip"ents for the e"ployees #orking in the construction


    ,nsure that all "achinery in'ol'ed in the construction acti'ities are #ell exa"ined

    and "aintained according to national la#s.

    ake sure that the e"ployees are properly trained to perfor" specific tasks.

    !o""unication #ith other parties in'ol'ed and #ork as a tea".

    #$2 Superisors4 Line management


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    9esponsi*ilities of super'isors are as follo#s$

    Assign duties to e"ployees and super'ise the" #ith their #ork and

    co""unicate #ith e"ployees on ho# successfully has the #ork *een done.

    !orrect unsafe #orks practices and identify hazards *y carrying out regular

    inspections in the #ork place and take necessary steps to a'oid the" *efore dangerous

    occurrences take place and ensure that the e"ployees #ork in a harass"ent free


    7rganize his:her depart"ent and e"ployees 'isualize future i"pacts and


    ,nsure that ne# e"ployees recei'e training as #ell as detailed safety

    instructions *efore they are allo#ed to start #ork.

    9e'ie#ing the safety perfor"ance of each e"ployee fro" ti"e to ti"e.

    9e+uire a de"onstration of the #orking a*ilities fro" the e"ployees *efore

    they actually allo#ed #orking indi'idually to ensure their safety.

    ake sure that e"ployees o*tain so"e additional training in a case of not

    doing their 4o*s safely.

    De a#are of the hazards that exist for the short ter" te"porary and ne#ly

    hired e"ployee.

    8uper'ise the e"ployees #hen they are recei'ing 4o* safety training.

    9epresent the "anage"ent in the co"pany.

    !o=operate #ith "e"*ers of health and safety co""ittee

    Pro'ide an exa"ple for others *y al#ays directing and perfor"ing #ork in a

    safe "anner.

    Arrange for "edical treat"ent as re+uired including transportation to a doctor

    or hospital as necessary.


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    9eport all accidents i""ediately in'estigate all accidents fully and ad'ise

    "anage"ent on ho# to pre'ent si"ilar accidents in the future.

    old regular safety "eetings or discussions to re'ie# safety conditions and

    general safety policies. Acco"pany the go'ern"ent inspector during pro4ect inspections.

    #$2$6 Responsi0ilities of contractors

    All contractors including "ain contractor and su* contractors are responsi*le for the safety of

    the other e"ployees and "anaging the safety in the construction sites.

    The "ain contractor shall ensure that other contractors are co"plied #ith the relating

    regulations of the factories ordinance in addition to hi" *eing co"plied #ith the

    factories ordinance.

    0dentify hazards in construction sites and take necessary steps to pre'ent the" *efore

    e"ploying the e"ployees in #ork.

    !orrect hazards in case the contractor has the authority of doing so.

    0n a case #hen a hazard can>t *e corrected *y the contractor he shall find out

    i""ediately #ho has such authority to do so and infor" other contractors a*out this

    and if the hazard can>t *e corrected contractor shall re"o'e the e"ployees in case he

    is una*le to pro'ide their protection.

    !orrect any hazard i""ediately #hich has *een created *y e"ployees and a#areness

    of ne# hazards that can take place.

    0nstruct the e"ployees on ho# to protect their sel'es in dangerous occurrences and

    hazardous conditions.

    ,nsure that accidents industrial diseases and all such dangerous occurrences shall *e

    reported in accordance #ith the regulations of the factories ordinance.

    All "achinery including high risk "achinery shall *e "aintained exa"ined to

    co"ply #ith factories ordinance.


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    ,nsure that the e"ployees are a#are on health and safety la#s in the country and

    #ork accordingly.

    ,nsure that the e"ployees are a*le to perfor" their rele'ant tasks safely #ith

    ade+uate training.

    ,nsure that the records shall *e "aintained in co"pliance #ith the factories


    8ufficient pro'iding of *udget for safe #ork purposes.

    A co"petent person shall *e appointed in order to look after the co"pliance issues

    relating to factories ordinance.

    #$2$#7 Responsi0ilities Su0!contractors

    A su* contractor shall not co""ence #ork unless he$

    is pro'ided #ith a copy of health and safety "anage"ent plan

    has undertaken risk assess"ent in the #ork place #here the #ork should *e carried

    out and should send this letter to the "ain: principal contractor

    has ensured that they and their e"ployees ha'e undertaken induction in health

    and safety training as re+uired

    "aintains and keep up=to=date the safe #ork "ethod state"ent

    pro'ides the principal contractor #ith updated safe #ork "ethod state"ents and

    other infor"ation relating to hazardous su*stances

    #$2$## 8mployees

    ,"ployees in the co"pany ha'e the responsi*ility of protecting the"sel'es as #ell as the

    other fello# #orkers> health and safety at the sa"e ti"e. They are duties and responsi*ilities

    are as follo#s$

    !arry out #ork in such a "anner that #ould not create health and safety hazard to

    e"ployee or others.

    !o"ply #ith the re+uired safety "easures.

    Assist in the reduction and controlling of accident and illness producing conditions.

    9eport incidents near "isses in4uries or illnesses that takes place in the #ork place

    se the correct tools and e+uip"ent for the 4o*.


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    aintain the #orking tools and e+uip"ents in good condition.

    se the re+uired safety e+uip"ent and protecti'e clothing.

    0nfor" a*out the defects in #orkplace e+uip"ent.

    e'elop a personal concern for health and safety for yourself and for others

    especially for ne#co"ers and young people in the #orking place.

    8uggest #ays to eli"inate hazards in the #orking en'iron"ent.

    9ead understand and co"ply #ith #orkplace health and safety policy safe #ork

    practices and procedures.

    !o=operate #ith health and safety co""ittee "e"*ers and representati'es.

    #$2$# 9ealth and safety committee

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    To represent e"ployees on health and safety "atters the organization #ill facilitate the

    for"ation of #ork groups and election of health and safety representati'es. The

    responsi*ilities of these representati'es are to$

    0n'estigating health and safety co"plaints *efore representing the" to the


    9epresent e"ployees fro" their #ork group on "atters related to health and safety.

    iscuss any proposals or "atters that #ould affect the health and safety of the


    ake representations to the "anage"ent of health and safety "atters and report the"

    *ack to the e"ployees.

    Assist "anage"ent in identification of hazards risk assess"ent and i"ple"entation

    of hazard control "easures.

    P2.2 9eco""end training needs for the present situation *y analyzing the training #hich has

    already conducted and also analyzing the types of accidents happened in the site.

    Analysis of training gien and accidents occurred in XYZ co Ltd

    Types of accidents 3u"*er

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  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    0nduction training should *e gi'en to all the #orkers *ased on their acti'ities on

    the sites and ensure that they are a#are of the risks in the sites and they are in a

    position to #ork safely.

    ake proper arrange"ents to re'ie# the health and safety policy and "ake

    appropriate changes in the policy.

    ,nsure that all the acti'ities are perfor"ed according to the re+uire"ents of the

    factories ordinance.

    Take necessary arrange"ents and safety precautions to pre'ent sa"e accidents

    occurring se'eral ti"es and ensure the safety of the #orkers.


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    Training in health and safety

    $# :ackground of training

    ,"ployee education and training on ho# to conduct their #ork safely helps to "ini"ize the

    risk of exposure to hazardous conditions and is an essential ele"ent of any co"plete

    #orkplace health and safety progra". 7ther than ho# to do the 4o* safely the training "ust

    also ensure that #orkers understand the hazards of their 4o*. 0t "ust also pro'ide the" #ith

    infor"ation on ho# to protect the"sel'es and co=#orkers and a*out safety precautions they

    ha'e to follo# #hen #orking in the site.

    0n construction industry people are e"ployed in a dyna"ic and e'er changing en'iron"ent.

    As the #orkers "o'e fro" pro4ect to pro4ect the risk of hazard keep on changing fre+uently.

    Therefore instruction and training is re+uired to ensure that people can #ork safely in

    construction sites.

    ealth and safety training can *e classified as *elo#$

    As sho#n in the diagra" there are three types of training re+uired for office #orkers

    %nduction Training; Trainsne# #orkers to get to kno# the *asics such as fire

    e'acuation good housekeeping electricity and 6 safety and the safety and health



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    Skill Training! 8taff #ho has specific responsi*ilities under the safety and health policy

    can undertake the" in a co"petent "anner

    ,.g. "anual handling training 6 assess"ent office inspections and accident


    (anagement training !pro'ide a good o'er'ie# of the la# including guidance and need

    for risk assess"ent as #ell as for preparing safety "anage"ent progra""es

  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    e"ergency "anage"ent super'isory and reporting arrange"ent and other issues on the

    construction sites.

    0n site specific induction training

    The person should not *e allo#ed in the construction site *y the principal contractor

    #ithout ensuring that he has undertaken site specific induction training.

    3o person shall *e allo#ed in any part of the #ork place #here construction acti'ities

    are *eing perfor"ed unless it is confir"ed *y the principal contractor that the person

    has undertakes site specific induction training or acco"panied *y the principal

    contractor or any one else #ho has *een gi'en site specific induction for the #ork


    $$' Task specific induction training

    Task specific induction training pro'ides infor"ation to any person undertaking any kind of

    construction acti'ity on risk factors and control "easures related to that follo#ing task. 0t can

    *e 'aried depending on the type of construction acti'ities.

    $' Training need analysis

    The training need analysis "ust *e done to all the #orkers in'ol'ed in the #ork place

    including the top "anage"ent according to their role. Training e'aluation and all the records

    "ust *e a'aila*le and "aintained.

    $. 3ompetency 0ased training

    0n a case of follo#ing operations the co"petency *ased training is re+uired.

    !ranes and lifting "achinery operators

    Pressure 'essel operators

    ,rectors of scaffolding

    Dlasting operations

    $/ Safety notice 0oard


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    A notice *oard should *e displayed and e'ery appropriate in the #ork site. 7ccupational

    safety and health policy safety rules and regulations of the #ork place arning=!an *e used to represent a hazard

    le'el *et#een H!autionH and HangerH instead

    of the re+uired H!autionH tag pro'ided that

    they ha'e a signal #ord of HIarningH. 0t

    indicates a hazardous situation #hich could

    result death or serious in4ury if not a'oided.

    9eco""ended colours are orange or

    predo"inantly orange #ith lettering or sy"*ols

    in contrasting colours.

  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    P2.F escri*e the "ethods of recording health and safety inspections and data in the gi'en


    ' (ethods of recording health & safety inspections & data

    ata and records are the "ost con'incing proof in a #ork place that helps to plan and

    continue safety and health i"ple"entation procedures 9ecords "ust *e kept a'aila*le of all

    training progra"s and accidents that ha'e occurred. a'ing e"ployees sign log sheets

    indicating that they recei'ed training and date it. Accidents should *e in'estigated and causes

    of the accident recorded as #ell as all circu"stances surrounding it. a'e records of hazard

    that ha'e *een identified as #ell has hazards that has *een corrected. aterial 8afety ata

    8heets (88) for all "aterials need to *e kept in a central location and a'aila*le to all


    '$# Types of data

    Iork per"it syste"s

    Personal protecti'e e+uip"ent (PP,) registers

    ,"ergency preparedness and procedures (,"ergency "ock drills)

    9ecords of "aintenance "achinery ; periodic test records

    Accident and incident reports and records

    inutes of health and safety "eetings

    Training records

    '$#$# >ork permit systems


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    Iork per"it is a for"al #ritten authority for"al for e"ployees to carry out #ork and per"it

    issued *y authorised person. Iork per"it is necessary #hen high risk or strict control o'er

    the 4o* perfor" are needed. These are issued for energy control or isolation and also in entry

    to confined spaces. Decause those places are #here control "easures shall *e taken specially

    in order to pre'ent *eing exposed to hazardous conditions. T#o copies issued #ork per"it

    syste" shall *e gi'en trades person and the final copy "ust *e kept in a file.

    Iork per"it syste"s are needed in follo#ing operations$ in significant risk acti'ities

    #orking at heights repairs to electrical syste"s exca'ation and hot #ork.

  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    A #orker #ho is occupying in a li"ited area a "achine operator can use self inspections in

    order to ensure his o#n safety. 0nspections "ust *e recorded to ensure that area is hazard

    o*ser'ed and free to carry on #ork.

  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2



  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    Appendix D =safety signs= Iarning signs


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2



  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    Appendix != 8afety signs= !aution signs


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2



  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    Appendix =sa"ple fire protection checklist


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    @ire )rotection

    0s your local fire depart"ent fa"iliar #ith your facility its location and specific


    0f you ha'e a fire alar" syste" is it certified as re+uired and tested annuallyJ

    0f you ha'e interior standpipes and 'al'es are they inspected regularlyJ

    0f you ha'e outside pri'ate fire hydrants are they flushed at least once a year and on

    a routine pre'enti'e "aintenance scheduleJ

    Are fire doors and shutters in good operating conditionJ

    Are fire doors and shutters uno*structed and protected against o*structions

    including their counter#eightsJ

    Are fire doors and shutter fusi*le links in placeJAre auto"atic sprinkler syste" #ater control 'al'es air and #ater pressure checked

    periodically as re+uiredJ

    0s the "aintenance of auto"atic sprinkler syste"s assigned to responsi*le persons

    or to a sprinkler contractorJ

    Are sprinkler heads protected *y "etal guards if exposed to potential physical


    0s proper clearance "aintained *elo# sprinkler headsJ

    Are porta*le fire extinguishers pro'ided in ade+uate nu"*er and type and "ounted

    in readily accessi*le locationsJ

    Are fire extinguishers recharged regularly #ith this noted on the inspection tagJ

    Are e"ployees periodically instructed in the use of fire extinguishers and fire

    protection proceduresJ

    Are there other issuesJ

    Appendix ,=sa"ple "achine guarding checklist

    (achine -uarding

    0s there a training progra" to instruct e"ployees on safe "ethods of "achineoperationJ


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    0s there ade+uate super'ision to ensure that e"ployees are follo#ing safe "achine

    operating proceduresJ

    0s there a regular progra" of safety inspection of "achinery and e+uip"entJ

    0s all "achinery and e+uip"ent kept clean and properly "aintainedJ

    0s sufficient clearance pro'ided around and *et#een "achines to allo# for safe

    operations set up and ser'icing "aterial handling and #aste re"o'alJ

    0s e+uip"ent and "achinery securely placed and anchored to pre'ent tipping or

    other "o'e"ent that could result in personal in4uryJ

    0s there a po#er shut=off s#itch #ithin reach of the operatorKs position at each


    !an electric po#er to each "achine *e locked out for "aintenance repair or


    Are the noncurrent=carrying "etal parts of electrically operated "achines *ondedand groundedJ

    Are foot=operated s#itches guarded or arranged to pre'ent accidental actuation *y

    personnel or falling o*4ectsJ

    Are "anually operated 'al'es and s#itches controlling the operation of e+uip"ent

    and "achines clearly identified and readily accessi*leJ

    Are all e"ergency stop *uttons coloured redJ

    Are all pulleys and *elts #ithin @ feet (2.1FFE "eters) of the floor or #orking le'el

    properly guardedJ

    Are all "o'ing chains and gears properly guardedJ

    Are splash guards "ounted on "achines that use coolant to pre'ent the coolant fro"

    reaching e"ployeesJ

    Are "ethods pro'ided to protect the operator and other e"ployees in the "achine

    area fro" hazards created at the point of operation ingoing nip points rotating

    parts flying chips and sparksJ

    Are "achine guards secure and arranged so they do not cause a hazard #hile in useJ

    0f special hand tools are used for placing and re"o'ing "aterial do they protect the

    operatorKs handsJ

    Are re'ol'ing dru"s *arrels and containers guarded *y an enclosure that is

    interlocked #ith the dri'e "echanis" so that re'olution cannot occur unless the

    guard enclosure is in placeJ

    o ar*ors and "andrels ha'e fir" and secure *earings and are they free fro" playJ

    Are pro'isions "ade to pre'ent "achines fro" auto"atically starting #hen po#er is

    restored after a po#er failure or shutdo#nJ

    Are "achines constructed so as to *e free fro" excessi'e 'i*ration #hen the largest

    size tool is "ounted and run at full speedJ

    0f "achinery is cleaned #ith co"pressed air is air pressure controlled and PP, orother safeguards utilized to protect operators and other #orkers fro" eye and *ody


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2



    Are fan *lades protected #ith a guard ha'ing openings no larger than l:2 inch

    (1.2@-- centi"etres) #hen operating #ithin @ feet (2.1FFE "eters) of the floorJ

    Are sa#s used for ripping e+uipped #ith anti=kick*ack de'ices and spreadersJ

    Are radial ar" sa#s so arranged that the cutting head #ill gently return to the *ack

    of the ta*le #hen releasedJ

    Are there other issuesJ


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    Are e"ployee "edical records and records of e"ployee exposure to hazardous

    su*stances or har"ful physical agents up=to=date and in co"pliance #ith current

    78A standardsJ

    Are training records of e"ployees kept and accessi*le for re'ie# *y e"ployees as

    re+uired *y 78A standardsJ

    a'e arrange"ents *een "ade to retain records for the ti"e period re+uired for each

    specific type of recordJ (8o"e records "ust *e "aintained for at least - years.)

    Are operating per"its and records up=to=date for ite"s such as ele'ators air

    pressure tanks li+uefied petroleu" gas tanks etc.J

    Are there other issuesJ

    Accident4%ncident Report @orm

    ate of incident$ LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Ti"e$ LLLLLLLL A:P


    Appendix = 8a"ple

  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    3a"e of in4ured person$


    Phone 3u"*er(s)$

    ate of *irth$ LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ale LLLLLL .

    OAccessed - April 2-1-


    .8. epart"ent of &a*our (2-1-) N8afety incident report>

    OAccessed - April 2-1-


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    8afety 8yste"s ; 8olutions 0nc. (2---) N78A ; 8A co"pliance ; your co"pany

    safety policy (for !ontractors)>

    OAccessed -Q April 2-1-


    3ational Ag safety data*ase (2--2)Ne'eloping a 8afety and ealth Progra" to 9educe

    0n4uries and Accident &osses>

    OAccessed 1@ April 2-1-


    .8. epart"ent of &a*our(2-1-) N78A

    OAccessed 2 April 2-1-


    0nternational association of oil ; gas producers > #ork per"it syste"s>

  • 8/13/2019 Health & Safety-Assignment 2


    OAccessed 2E April 2-1-
