health profile 2011

Republic of the Philippines Department of Health CENTER FOR HEALTH DEVELOPMENT-CARAGA Pizarro Street cor. Narra Road, Butuan City FOREWORD This Regional Profile for Caraga Region is a compilation of updated basic information about the region itself and its prevailing Health Status. It is designed to provide health data users or individuals from various institutions, local or international, private or government with the important health data for planning for the improvement of the health of the Caraganons and or for reference for research and whatever endeavors that will contribute to the regional and or national welfare. Data for Vital Health Statistics are being presented by province and city for easy reference should a data user/health planner need to consider a particular area. Some regional consolidated data are presented in trends to facilitate easy data interpretation. Moreover, performances/ accomplishments that put CHD Caraga in the limelight are included. We acknowledge the efforts/assistance of the people from within our organization like the Program Managers and the DOH Representatives from Provincial Health Team Offices and from our partner agencies like LGU health workers at the barangay health stations, rural health units of various municipalities, main health centers and city health offices and provincial health offices. Also we acknowledge the valuable contribution of our counterpart personnel from NEDA, NSO and many other government agencies. Without them, this document could not have been materialized. ARIEL I. VALENCIA, MD, MPH, CESO III Director IV Table of Contents Foreword.....................................................................................i Table Contents...........................................................................ii CHD Vision and Mission............................................................1 CARAGA Profile.........................................................................2-8 A. Land Area Population B. Health Facilities and Human Resources...............9-15 Hospital Facilities C. Vital Health Indices...............................................16-35 Crude Birth Rate Contraceptive Prevalence Rate Crude Death Rate Leading Causes of Mortality and Morbidity Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) Leading Causes of Infant Mortality and Morbidity Underfive Mortality Leading Causes of Underfive Mortality and Morbidity Maternal Mortality Leading Causes of Maternal Mortality Malnutrition Rate Trend of Percentage of Fully Immunized Children Environmental Sanitation of Caraga CHD Caraga Progress Report on the Status of MDC Attainment, 2011 D. Health Facilities Enhancement Projects in Caraga ……………………..……………………...36-44 E. PHIC Enrollment Coverage thru NHTS ……………45 F. LGU Scorecard 2010 …………………………………46-53 G. CHD Caraga Personnel ……………………………..54

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CHD-Caraga Health Profile 2011


Page 1: Health Profile 2011

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health

CENTER FOR HEALTH DEVELOPMENT-CARAGA Pizarro Street cor. Narra Road, Butuan City

FOREWORD This Regional Profile for Caraga Region is a compilation of updated

basic information about the region itself and its prevailing Health

Status. It is designed to provide health data users or individuals from

various institutions, local or international, private or government

with the important health data for planning for the improvement of

the health of the Caraganons and or for reference for research

and whatever endeavors that will contribute to the regional and or

national welfare.

Data for Vital Health Statistics are being presented by province and

city for easy reference should a data user/health planner need to

consider a particular area. Some regional consolidated data are

presented in trends to facilitate easy data interpretation.

Moreover, performances/ accomplishments that put CHD Caraga

in the limelight are included.

We acknowledge the efforts/assistance of the people from within

our organization like the Program Managers and the DOH

Representatives from Provincial Health Team Offices and from our

partner agencies like LGU health workers at the barangay health

stations, rural health units of various municipalities, main health

centers and city health offices and provincial health offices. Also

we acknowledge the valuable contribution of our counterpart

personnel from NEDA, NSO and many other government agencies.

Without them, this document could not have been materialized.


Table of Contents Foreword.....................................................................................i

Table Contents...........................................................................ii

CHD Vision and Mission............................................................1

CARAGA Profile.........................................................................2-8

A. Land Area


B. Health Facilities and Human Resources...............9-15

Hospital Facilities

C. Vital Health Indices...............................................16-35

Crude Birth Rate

Contraceptive Prevalence Rate

Crude Death Rate

Leading Causes of Mortality and Morbidity

Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)

Leading Causes of Infant Mortality and Morbidity

Underfive Mortality

Leading Causes of Underfive Mortality and Morbidity

Maternal Mortality

Leading Causes of Maternal Mortality

Malnutrition Rate

Trend of Percentage of Fully Immunized Children

Environmental Sanitation of Caraga

CHD Caraga Progress Report on the Status of MDC

Attainment, 2011

D. Health Facilities Enhancement Projects in

Caraga ……………………..……………………...36-44

E. PHIC Enrollment Coverage thru NHTS ……………45

F. LGU Scorecard 2010 …………………………………46-53

G. CHD Caraga Personnel ……………………………..54

Page 2: Health Profile 2011

Center for Health Development

Caraga Region

Vision :

Champion in Accelerating Reforms for the

Attainment of a Guaranteed and Accessible

Healthcare Services

Mission :

Committed to provide a responsive and sustainable

quality healthcare services especially to the

marginalized sector in partnership

with all stakeholders

Thrusts : - Better Health Outcome

- More Responsive Health System

- Equitable Health Care Financing

Values : - Compassionate

- Accountable

- Responsive

- Achiever

- Grounded/God-fearing

- Available/Accessible



Caraga Administrative Region has come to exist thru Republic Act

No. 7901 which was signed into law by the then President Fidel V.

Ramos on February 25, 1995. Caraga Region is situated in the

Northeastern portion of the island of Mindanao. It is now composed

of 5 provinces, the 2 Agusan provinces – Norte and Sur, the 2

Surigao Provinces – Norte and Sur, and the newly created Province

of Dinagat Islands which creation was approved in 2006 and 6

cities which are: the chartered city of Butuan and the component

Cabadbaran (new), both in Agusan del Norte. Surigao City is the

component city of Surigao del Norte, Bislig City and the newly

created City of Tandag are component cities of Surigao del Sur

and Bayugan City, which is another newly created city is in Agusan

del Sur. There are a total of 67 municipalities and 1,310 officially

registered barangays distributed regionwide.

The history of Caraga Region can be traced back to the 15th

century when explorers discovered the existence of “Kalagans” –a

group of people believed to be of Visayan origin who occupied a

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5 10 1 5 20




Percent Distribution of Population By Age Group and Sex

Caraga Region 2011

specific area or district in this part of Mindanao Island. Kalagan is a

combination of 2 Visayan words – kalag which means soul or

people and an to mean land. The Kalagans have a long history of

being brave and fearless, thus, early chroniclers called this region

as the “Land of the Brave and Fierce People”.

A.Land Area, Population, Population Density, Income

Classification According to Caraga Development Plan for 2004 – 2010 published

by NEDA Reg. 13 in 2004, Caraga Region has a total land area of

20,710.9 km2 which is equivalent to 6.9% to the total land area of

the entire Philippines and 21.88% to the total land area of


The uneven distribution of the land area to the provinces and cities

greatly affects the economic and demographic factors including

health of the area. Having received the greatest portion, the

province of Agusan del Sur is being inhabited by most of the

indigenous peoples in the region, most commonly the three tribes

of Manobos, Higaonons, and the Banwaons, a number of them still

exist in the innermost barangays of forested area in the far

municipalities of this province. Though the other three remaining

provinces have also their share of indigenous peoples, yet, they are

only few compared to Agusan del Sur. The cities have smaller land

areas and therefore have higher population densities since it is in

these places where a lot of people prefer to stay for opportunities

like jobs, etc.

The 2010 Census conducted revealed that for that year the total

population of Caraga reached 2,429,224 with an observed growth

rate for 2000 – 2010 of 1.49%. With this land area and 2011

projected population that reached 2,466,200 (projected based on

2010 Census), the average population density is computed at 119

persons per square kilometer.

In 2011, an estimated 51% males and 49% females composed the

2,466,200 population of Caraga Region in a pyramidal distribution

that is more than 50% of the population belong to 25 years old

below, and as the age group advances, the population in both

sexes decreases almost equally. However, it can be noted that the

upper age groups have more females than males as there are

Page 4: Health Profile 2011

more males dying earlier than females – thus the ratio is reversed.

This phenomenon can be observed readily, starting age 50 and


Dependency Ratio is 79%. Dependent age groups - below 15 years

old and above 65 years old, composed approximately 44% of the

total population or for every 100 individuals belonging to labor

force there are 79 persons depending on them for support.

Population of Vulnerable Groups By Province & City, Caraga, 2011

Province/City <5 Children Pop WRA Pop Over 65 y.o. pop

Agusan Norte 45,580 84,408 13,505

Agusan Sur 90,085 166,824 26,692

Surigao Norte 41,496 76,795 12,287

Surigao Sur 63,635 117,843 18,855

Prov. Din. Is. 17,418 32,256 5,161

Butuan City 42,430 78,573 12,572

Surigao City 19,299 35,739 5,718

Bislig City 13,021 24,113 3,858


Region 332,934 616,551 98,648

The Province of Agusan del Norte has an estimated population of

337,632 or 14% of the regional population and is distributed in 166

barangays that are scattered in 10 municipalities and a city. A

population density of 92.82 persons per square kilometer is

computed for a total land area of 3,637.6 square kilometers. The

City of Cabadbaran is the newly created component city of this

province has the majority of the population, 19.1% while the

municipality of Kitcharao has the least with only 4.7% of the entire

population of the province.

The City of Butuan has an estimated population of 314,293 or 12.7%

of the region’s population distributed in 86 barangays covering a

total land area of 816.62 square kilometers which is equivalent to

2.79% of the region’s total land area. With this land area and

population, a density of 385 persons per square kilometer is

computed which is typical for a highly urbanized city. A

considerable percentage of population in this city comes from the

nearby provinces within and outside the region for various reasons

like seeking for jobs, schooling, etc. Most of these transient

Agusan del Norte Population Distribution

2011 (Based on 2010 Census)




No. of



(2010) 2011 Pop.

% Pop to


% Pop



Buenavista 2nd 25 1.04 56,723 18.6 2.3

Cabadbaran 31 2.33 70,854 19.1 2.9

Carmen 4th 8 1.34 20,046 5.8 0.8

Jabonga 3rd 15 1.52 24,195 6.8 1.0

Kitcharao 4th 11 0.86 17,526 4.7 0.7

Las Nieves 2nd 20 2.23 27,455 8.4 1.1

Magallanes 4th 8 0.77 21,646 7.1 0.9

Nasipit 3rd 19 1.28 41,184 11.5 1.7

Santiago 4th 8 1.57 21,284 7.0 0.9

Tubay 4th 13 1.46 20,724 6.0 0.8

RTR 5th 8 1.65 15,995 4.9 0.6


NORTE 3rd 166 1.53 337,632 100.0 13.7

BUTUAN CITY 1st 86 1.48 314,293


Page 5: Health Profile 2011

individuals live in slum areas, leading to congestion and

overcrowding, a factor to consider in the spread of some infectious

diseases like measles and others.

The Province of Agusan del Sur has 27% of the population or

667,294 that are unequally distributed in 314 barangays under 13

municipalities and 1 component city, the newly created city of

Bayugan. The province has the largest area in the region that

comprise 47.57% or 8,965.50 square kilometer and a population

density of 75 per km2 which shows that this province is still sparsely


Agusan del Sur Population Distribution

2011(Based on 2010 Census)

Municipalities Income


No. of





2011 Pop.

(based on



% Pop to


% Pop to


Bayugan City 1st 43 0.6 99,957 15.0 4.1

Esperanza 1st 48 3.45 38,775 5.8 1.6

Bunawan 1st 10 1.63 52,743 7.9 2.1

La Paz 1st 15 3.18 29,470 4.4 1.2

Loreto 1st 17 2.32 40,390 6.1 1.6

Prosperidad 1st 32 0.79 77,233 11.6 3.1

Rosario 2nd 11 2.93 39,402 5.9 1.6

San Francisco 1st 27 2.22 72,562 10.9 2.9

Sta. Josefa 3rd 11 2.37 33,509 5.0 1.4

San Luis 1st 25 1.02 25,413 3.8 1.0

Sibagat 1st 24 1.89 37,927 5.7 1.5

Talacogon 2nd 16 1.25 47,783 7.2 1.9

Trento 1st 16 1.11 40,906 6.1 1.7

Veruela 2nd 20 0.77 31,224 4.7 1.3

AGUSAN SUR 1st 314 1.61 667,294 100.0 27.05

Surigao del Norte Province has only 10.7% of the regional area or

2,017.10 square kilometers. It is composed of 20 municipalities and 1

component city, the City of Surigao and a total of 335 barangays

(281 barangays in the province and 54 barangays in Surigao City).

The 2011, estimated population of the entire province is 450,135 or

16.0% of the region’s population and 32.8% (142,957) of which is in

the city. The population density is computed at 223 persons per

square kilometer.

Surigao del Norte Population Distribution

2011(Based on 2010 Census)

Municipality Income


No. of

Brgys PGR (2010) 2011 Pop.

% to

Prov. % to Region

Alegria 5th 12 1.18 14,711 3.3 0.6

Bacuag 5th 9 0.79 13,315 3.0 0.5

Burgos 5th 6 2.92 4,176 0.9 0.2

Claver 2nd 14 3.75 24,591 5.5 1.0

Dapa 4th 29 1.87 23,931 5.3 1.0

Del Carmen 5th 20 2.37 17,542 3.9 0.7

General Luna 5th 19 1.97 15,310 3.4 0.6

Gigaquit 4th 13 1.52 19,070 4.2 0.8

Mainit 4th 21 2.29 25,824 5.7 1.0

Malimono 5th 14 1.19 18,735 4.2 0.8

Pilar 5th 15 1.49 9,569 2.1 0.4

Placer 4th 20 0.89 24,930 5.5 1.0

San Benito 5th 6 1.47 5,587 1.2 0.2

San Fracisco 5th 11 1.34 13,531 3.0 0.5

San Isidro 5th 12 1.42 7,072 1.6 0.3

Sta. Monica 5th 11 1.17 8,817 2.0 0.4

Sison 5th 12 1.25 11,519 2.6 0.5

Socorro 5th 14 1.25 20,558 4.6 0.8

Tagana-an 5th 14 1.81 15,644 3.5 0.6

Tubod 5th 9 1.41 12,746 2.8 0.5

Surigao City 2nd 54 1.72 142,957 31.8 5.8

SURIGAO DEL NORTE 2nd 335 1.68 450,135 100.0 18.3

Page 6: Health Profile 2011

The Province of Surigao del Sur has 567,822 or 22% of the

population. 96,452 of it, is in the component city of Bislig and this is

equivalent to 4% of the population of the entire region. This

province has 309 barangays, of which, 24 are in Bislig City. Tandag

is the newly created component city for this province and has a

population of 52,963. Surigao del Sur with Bislig City have a total

land area of 4,552.16 square kilometer or 24.15% of the regional

area, thus a population density of 125 persons per square kilometer

is computed.

Surigao del Sur Population Distribution

2011 (Based on 2010 Census)

Municipality Income


No. of




2011 Pop.

(based on



% to

Prov. % to Region

Barobo 3rd 21 2.36 44,693 7.9 1.8

Bayabas 5th 7 0.09 7,786 1.4 0.3

Cagwait 4th 11 0.17 18,931 3.3 0.8

Cantilan 2nd 17 1.3 30,624 5.4 1.2

Carmen 5th 8 0.74 10,363 1.8 0.4

Carrascal 4th 14 2.31 16,911 3.0 0.7

Cortes 4th 12 0.47 15,614 2.7 0.6

Hinatuan 2nd 24 0.69 38,998 6.9 1.6

Lanuza 4th 13 1.66 12,054 2.1 0.5

Lianga 2nd 13 1.46 29,327 5.2 1.2

Lingig 4th 18 1.76 32,099 5.7 1.3

Madrid 4th 14 0.57 14,973 2.6 0.6

Marihatag 3rd 12 0.9 18,087 3.2 0.7

San Agustin 4th 13 3.36 21,349 3.8 0.9

San Miguel 1st 18 2.67 37,256 6.6 1.5

Tagbina 2nd 25 0.22 34,889 6.1 1.4

Tago 2nd 24 1.35 34,453 6.1 1.4

Tandag City 1st 21 1.63 52,963 9.3 2.1

Bislig City 3rd 24 -0.13 96,452 17.0 3.9


SUR 1st 309 1.12 567,822 100.0 21.7

The Province of Dinagat Islands is composed of 7 municipalities and

100 barangays and has a total population of 129,024 or 5% of the

region’s population which are distributed in a total land area of

721.92 square kilometers or 3.83% of the regional land area. A

population density ratio of 178 persons per square kilometer is


Generally, Caraga region is just a small region compared to other

regions in the island of Mindanao with most of the areas are rural as

indicated by population density per province. In cities and bigger

municipalities, congestion of population can only be seen in the

poblacion barangays. It is from these areas where high prevalence

of cases of infectious diseases are reported which can be due to

limited living spaces and poor environmental sanitation especially

waste disposal.

Province of Dinagat Islands Population Distribution

2011 (Based on 2010 Census)

Municipality Income


No. of



(2010) 2011 Pop. % to Prov. % to Region

Basilisa 4th 27 2.49 34,724 26.9 1.4

Cagdianao 3rd 14 1.56 15,282 11.8 0.6

Dinagat 5th 12 2.61 13,120 10.2 0.5

Libjo 5th 16 0.56 17,665 13.7 0.7

Loreto 4th 10 0.19 8,937 6.9 0.4

San Jose 4th 12 1.97 31,646 24.5 1.3

Tubajon 5th 9 1.08 7,650 5.9 0.3

Prov. Of Dinagat

Islands 100 1.72 129,024 100 5.2

Page 7: Health Profile 2011

B. Health Facilities and Human Resources

To meet increasing demands for quality healthcare services and to

realize targets, the Public Health Facilities are capacitated not only

to handle deliveries but to provide other health services to the

clients including newborn screening, treat TB and many others. With

these services come along Phil Health Benefit Packages such as,

maternal, outpatient, etc. This is designed to really encourage

patients, especially the poor to come to the clinic and submit

themselves for appropriate healthcare without apprehension of the


In recent years, a lot of repair/renovation/upgrading of Rural

Health Units or Barangay Health Stations were being done if not

construction of a new building. Hundreds of millions of pesos were

being invested in the enhancement of health facilities to include

provision of equipment.

At present, Caraga has already a total of 717 barangay health

stations and this reduces the average BHS to population ratio to

only 1:3,440 from 1:3,898 in 2010. However, in Surigao City and

Agusan del Sur the ratio is still very high at 6,807 and 5,055


Important to healthcare service delivery are the corresponding

health manpower who are trained and skillful enough to perform

what is expected of them. However, quality of care can readily be

affected if these health personnel are overly tasked due to very

high personnel to popualtion ratio.

Of paramount importance to quality service provision to the public

is a complete set of health personnel in the rural health facility. In

the public health system, the standard ratio to population for

doctor and nurse is 1:20,000. For the public health dentist is 1:50,000.

For the rural health midwife,1:5,000. If these standard ratios are

observed, these health personnel are not overly worked and the

high quality of patient care can be assured. However in Caraga,

meeting these standard health manpower remains a challenge.

Only the province of Surigao del Norte perfectly meets these

requirements while in most areas these health personnel are heavily


Health Manpower to Population Ratio

Caraga Region


Area PH Physician PH Dentist PH Nurse RH Midwife

No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio

A D N 9 37,515 11 30,694 20 16,882 88 3,837

A D S 14 47,664 8 83,412 30 22,243 149 4,478

S D N 20 15,359 12 25,598 21 14,628 98 3,134

S D S 19 24,809 18 26,187 26 18,130 146 3,229

P D I 7 18,432 - - 4 32,256 37 3,487

BXU 4 78,573 3 104,764 49 6,414 49 6,414

SC 6 23,826 3 47,652 9 15,884 23 6,216

BiC 4 24,113 3 32,151 4 24,113 43 2,243

Caraga 83 29,713 58 42,521 173 14,255 601 4,103

Public Health Facilities Caraga Region


Prov/ City

Rural Health Unit/ Main Health Center Barangay Health Station

No. Birthing BEm



DOTS OPB No. Birthing

Ratio to Population

A D N 11 11 4 2 8 7 9 98 58 3,445

A D S 14 11 6 8 4 5 14 132 42 5,055

S D N 20 19 0 6 6 4 20 79 11 3,888

S D S 18 4 3 3 4 2 18 198 1 2,381

PDI 7 5 1 - 7 - 6 68 11 1,897

B X U 3 3 - - - - 3 83 19 3,787

S C 4 4 2 4 4 3 4 21 - 6,807

Bi C 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 38 - 2,538

Caraga 80 58 17 24 34 24 77 717 142 3,440

Page 8: Health Profile 2011

Hospital Facilities Caraga Region




Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Total

Hosp Pvt Gov’t Pvt Gov’t Pvt Gov’t Pvt Gov’t

A D N 4 4 - 1 - 1 4 6 10

A D S 5 4 1 1 - 1 6 6 12

S D N - 9 - - - - - 9 9

S D S 3 5 - 3 - - 3 8 11

PDI - 3 - - - - - 3 3

B X U 2 - 1 - 2 1 5 1 6

S C 2 - 2 - - 1 4 1 5

Bi C 2 - - 1 1 - 3 1 4

Caraga 18 25 4 6 3 4 25 35 60 It is for this reason that the DOH has provided manpower

augmentation to the municipalities thru Rural Health Team

Placement Program (RHTPP), Rural Health Midwife Placement

Program (RHMPP), Registered Nurses for Health Enhancement And

Local Service (RNHEALS) and Doctor to the Barrios (DTTB).

Hospital Facilities in Caraga

Caraga has a total of 60 licensed hospitals to cater higher level of

healthcare needs of the people in a community. Should the

preventive measures in the public health system fail, the latter

should be able to effectively perform its roles and responsibilities to

treat and rehabilitate the patient.

The Philippine standard for Bed to Population ratio is 1000 persons

for every bed. But in Caraga region, the average ratio is higher

than this standard resulting to overcrowding of patients so that

even on hallways beds can be seen. This scenario can be seen

mostly in government hospitals particularly those with higher

capability like the 2 Retained Hospitals: Caraga Regional Hospital

(CRH) in Surigao City, Adela Memorial Medical Center (ASTMMC) in

Tandag City. Also in DO Plaza Memorial Hospital and Butuan

Medical Center – both are owned and operated by LGU in Agusan

Sur and Butuan City respectively.

Health Manpower to Population Ratio

Caraga Region



Nutritionist RH Medtech San. Inspector


No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio

A D N 1 337,632 10 30,694 13 25,972 1,172 288

A D S 3 222,431 17 37,072 18 37,072 2,451 272

S D N 1 307,178 7 38,397 27 11,377 2,406 128

S D S 1 471,370 18 24,809 23 20,494 2,353 200

P D I 0 - 3 32,256 6 21,504 977 132

BXU 0 - 3 52,382 23 13,665 500 629

SC 1 142,957 3 47,652 4 35,739 458 312

BiC 0 - 3 32,151 5 19,290 380 254

Caraga 7 352,314 63 34,253 119 20,724 10,697 231

Hospital Bed to Population Ratio Caraga Region


Area No. of Hospitals No. of Hosp. Beds Total

Beds Bed to

Pop Ratio Govt Pvt Govt Prvt

A D N 6 4 195 70 255 1:1,324

A D S 6 6 200 55 255 1:2,617

S D N 9 - 170 - 170 1:1,807

S D S 8 3 241 28 250 1:1,885

PDI 3 - 50 - 50 1:2,580

B X U 1 5 100 290 377 1:834

S C 1 4 150 100 258 1:554

Bi C 1 3 50 110 110 1:877

Caraga 35 25 1,110 612 1722


Page 9: Health Profile 2011

2011 Retained Hospitals Performance

Retained Hospitals Performance StatisticsCaraga Region


Indicator: Access to Care C R H A S T M M C

• Authorized Bed Capacity 150 200

• Actual Implementing Beds 186 100

• Occupancy Rate (%) 138.7 102

• Total Admissions 18,639 11,266

• Daily Ave. of In-patients 208 102

• Total Outpatient Served 48,209 16,234

• Total ER Patients Served 23,178 3,234

• No. of Persons Given Diet Counseling 1,861 5,464

• Ambulance Calls/Conduct Patients 1,266 49

• Total Surgery 4,953 1,093

Retained Hospitals Performance StatisticsCaraga Region


Indicator: Effectiveness & Efficiency of Care C R H A S T M M C

• Ave. Length of Stay (ALOS) 4 3.3

• Normal Spontaneous Delivery (NSD) 4,267 2,051

• Caesarian Section Rate 561 311

• Total Discharges 18,638 11,183

oDischarged Recovered 17,208 3,601

oDischarged Improved 665 7,201

oDischarged Unimproved 85 9

oDischarged Dead 680 372

• Gross Death Rate (%) 3.7 3.3

• Net Death Rate (%) 2.0 1.38

• Maternal Death Rate (%) 0.2 0.19

• Infant Death Rate (%) 2.7 2.0

Leading Causes of MortalityCaraga Regional Hospital



M F Total

1 Hypertensive Cardiovascular Diseases 73 64 137

2 Septicemia 51 40 91

3 Pneumonia 42 19 61

4 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 30 27 57

5 Respiratory Tuberculosis 24 10 34

6 Diseases of the genito-urinary system 15 9 24

7 Accidents/Assault/Injuries,all forms 25 5 30

8 Diarrhoea& gastro-enteritis of presumed infectious origin 9 7 16

9 Diseases of the Digestive system 11 3 14

10 Diseases of the Liver 5 6 11

11 Diseases of the respiratory system 7 2 9

12 Obstetric Deaths 9 9

13 Malignant neoplasm of liver/intrahepatic bile ducts 4 1 5

14 Meningitis 2 2 4

15 Others 91 92 183

TOTAL 398 287 685

Leading Causes of MortalityAdela Serra-Ty Memorial Medical Center



M F Total

1 Hypertensive Cardiovascular Diseases 40 32 72

2 Pneumonia 29 23 52

3 Certain Condition originating in Perinatal period 30 18 48

4 Respiratory Tuberculosis 16 8 24

5 Disease of the Genitourinary System 12 6 18

6 Diabetes Mellitus 8 8 16

7 Disease of Digestive 6 5 11

8 Diarrhea 5 3 8

9 Transport Accident 7 1 8

10 Anemias 1 5 6

11 Septicaemia 2 4 6

12 Chronic Lower Respiratory 4 1 5

13 Assault 5 0 5

14 Meningitis 2 2 4

TOTAL 167 116 283

Page 10: Health Profile 2011

C. Vital Health Indices

Vital Health IndicesCaraga Region


Area PopLive





Deaths CDR (per



Infant Deaths

Under FiveMortality


M F Total No. IMR No. Rate No. Rate

ADN 337,632 7,565 22.4 507 367 874 2.6 27 3.6 37 4.9 6 0.79

ADS 667,294 15,946 23.9 1,064 545 1,609 2.4 140 8.8 175 11.0 13 0.81

SDN 307,178 5,949 19.4 721 543 1,264 4.1 46 7.7 80 13. 5 9 1.51

SDS 471,370 9,827 20.9 1,099 788 1,887 4.0 66 6.7 84 8.6 5 0.51

PDI 129,024 2,160 16.7 191 205 396 3.1 7 3.2 11 5.1 2 0.93

BXU 314,293 7,986 25.4 1,042 763 1,805 5.7 44 5.5 89 11.1 8 1.00

SC 142,957 2,863 20.0 536 361 897 6.3 35 12.2 47 16.4 2 0.70

BiC 96,452 1,952 20.2 280 167 447 4.6 7 3.6 11 5.6 0 0.00

Caraga 2,466,200 54,248 22.0 5,440 3,739 9,179 3.7 372 6.9 534 9.8 45 0.83

Leading Causes of MorbidityCaraga Regional Hospital



M F Total

1 Complications of pregnancy/delivery - 2059 2059

2 Diarrhea/acute gastro enteritis/amoebiasis 1061 938 1999

3 Pneumonias 902 645 1547

4 Diseases of the Genito-Urinary System 426 662 1088

5 Wounds/Injuries/fractures, specified or unspecified 509 104 613

6 Respiratory disorders originating in perinatal period 248 243 491

7 Respiratory Tuberculosis 280 175 455

8 Gastritis & Duodinitis 186 221 407

9 Hypertensive Cardiovascular diseases 290 401 691

10 Arthropod-borne viral and hemorrhagic fever 163 107 270

11 Other Viral Diseases 114 95 209

12 Disease of the Appendix 111 63 174

13 Diabetes Mellitus 70 102 172

14 Typhoid Fever 89 64 153

Leading Causes of MorbidityAdela Serra-Ty Memorial Medical Center



M F Total

1 Pneumonias 576 540 1116

2 Diarrhea & Amoebiasis 570 519 1089

3 Diseases of the Genito-Urinary System 228 333 561

4 Congenital Infection and Parasitic 205 222 427

5 Wounds/injuries specified or unspecified 188 55 243

6 Respiratory Tuberculosis 131 97 228

7 Hypertension, Essential or unspecied 70 112 182

8 Intra Uterine Hypoxia & Birth Asphyxia 73 74 147

9 Spontaneous Abortion - 133 133

10 Viral fever and viral hmeorrhagic fever 59 66 125

11 Diseases /Disorders of the Digestive Sys 76 47 123

12 Typhoid and para thyphoid fever 62 42 104

13 Bronchial Asthma 29 56 85

14 Disease of Appendex 48 25 73

15 Diabetes Mellitus 25 34 59



2010 (NOH)

CaragaCaraga Status

2001 2011

CBR 25.68/1000 pop 17.84 22.0 Increased by 23.32% from 2001 – 2011 Lower by 14.33% vs NOH 2010 target

CDR 3.2 3.72 Increased by 16.25% from 2001 – 2011

MMR90/100000 live

births161 83

Decreased by 48.45% from 2001 – 2011

More than attained the NOH 2010 target

IMR17/1000 live

births17.4 6.86

Decreased by 60.57% from 2001 – 2011

More than attained the NOH 2010 target

UFMR32/1000 live

births26 9.84

Decreased by 62.15% from 2001 – 2011

More than attained the NOH 2010 target

CPR 60% 47.3 52.5 Increased by 11% from 2001 – 2011

Attained 87.5% of the NOH 2010 target

FIC 95% 74.6 90.6 Increased by 21.5% from 2001 – 2011

Attained 95.37% of the NOH 2010 target

FBD 70% 16.5 70.0 Increased by 324% from 2001 – 2011

Attained 100% of the NOH 2010 target

Status of Important Health IndicatorCaraga Region Vs. National Target

Page 11: Health Profile 2011

Trend of Crude Birth Rates

Caraga Region

2001 - 2011(Rate per 1,000 pop.)

Area 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

AN 18.97 18.81 20.7 22.8 22.47 23.42 23.55 22 22.93 23.52 22.41

AS 17.91 17.46 18.7 20.6 20.37 19.64 21.9 22 17.53 22.32 23.91

SN 17.69 17.42 18.4 17.3 17.6 16.21 18.21 18 19.50 18.74 19.37

SS 17.55 17.26 17 17.1 16.48 15.43 18 17 20.04 19.80 20.85

PDI 11.68 16 15.07 16.13 16.74

BXU 16.02 15.49 16.3 17.1 20.07 16.4 14.71 17 21.20 25.08 25.41

SC 19.24 20.08 19.8 19.9 20.73 17.19 18.73 20 17.19 18.01 20.03

BC 18.43 15.41 18 18.6 18.58 17.05 16.44 19 16.25 17.10 20.24

Caraga 17.84 17.42 18.3 19.1 19.37 18.14 18.26 19 19.56 21.12 22.00

Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

Caraga Region registered a total live births of 54,248 in 2011 in a

nearly 52 males to 48 females ratio and the Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

is estimated to reach 22.0 per 1000 population. Among the

provinces, the province of Agusan del Sur contributed 29.40% or

15,946 of the total live births and consequently has the highest CBR

of 23.9 per 1000 population. The province of Dinagat Islands

contributed only 3.98% or 2160 live births so that the CBR is

registered at 16.7 per 1000 population. Among cities, Butuan City

contributed 7,986 live births or 14.72% and a CBR of 25.4/1000

population while Bislig City had the least with only 1,952 or 3.60% to

the total live births or a CBR of 20.2/1000 population.

The general trend of Crude Birth Rate (CBR) in the region is

increasing thru the years. It is observed in all areas except for

Agusan del Norte in which in 2011 a slight decrease of 4.7% (from

23.52 to 22.41 per 1000 population) was noted. However, Caraga’s

2011 CBR is 14.33% lower compared to the Philippines’ 2010 CBR

which is 25.68 per 1000 population.

The number of couples or women of reproductive age who chose

to avail of any birth control method of their choice whether natural

or artificial is a factor contributing to Caraga’s population growth.

The trend of Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) is somewhat

irregular since 2003, yet it is steadily increasing in the past 3 years

from 2009 – 2011. According to NDHS 2008 survey, TFR for Caraga

women is 4.3, this means that in their entire reproductive years,

these women can have 4 to 5 children.



2010 (NOH)

CaragaCaraga Status

2001 2011

SBA 70% 50.3 77.0 Increased by 53.1%

Attained 110% over NOH 2010 target

NHIP Enrolment

100% of Indigents

- 90% Attained 90% of the NOH 2010 target

HH w/

Access to Safe H2O

94% 70.6% 91.1% Increased by 29.0% from 2001 – 2011

Attained 97.0% of the NOH 2010 Target

HH w/ Sanitary


91% 72.2% 84.5% Increased by 17.30% from 2001 – 2011

Attained 92.86% of the NOH 2010 Target

TB: CDR 70%89%


Increased by 3% from 2005 – 2011

Attained 131% over NOH 2010 Target

TB: Cure Rate >85%90%


Increased by < 1% from 2005 – 2011

Attained 106% over NOH 2010 Target

Page 12: Health Profile 2011

Contraceptive Prevalence Rate

Comparing Caraga CPR with that of 60% NOH target for modern

natural and artificial FP methods for 2010, the province of Agusan

Sur and the cities of Butuan and Bislig have already reached it

while the rest are well on their way.

Comparing Caraga CPR with that of 60% NOH target for modern

natural and artificial FP methods for 2010, the province of Agusan

Sur and the cities of Butuan and Bislig have already reached it

while the rest are well on their way.

Crude Death Rate (CDR)

There were a total of 9,179 deaths in 2011. 59.26% of whom were

males and 48.74% females. With the projected population for this

year, a Crude Death Rate (CDR) of 3.7 per 1000 population can be

translated, that is for every 1000 population, 3 to 4 individuals died

in that year. Crude Birth Rates are higher in the cities than in the

provinces. The presence of hospitals in these cities where people

come to seek for the appropriate health care when they are sick

and giving a city address during their stay until they die can be a

factor to consider for these higher CDR. Several factors to consider

in interpreting crude death rates: population, the presence or

absence of hospitals in the area and their capabilities to manage

severe cases and the referral system. So that in Butuan City where

more hospitals with greater capabilities than in Surigao City, CDR

(5.7) is lower compared to latter’s 6.3. In Bislig City the CDR is the

lowest among cities since immediate referral of severe cases is

being done more often.

The provinces of Surigao del Norte and Surigao del Sur registered

an almost equal CDR of 4.1 and 4.0 respectively. Unavailability of

Family Planning ProgramCaraga Region


Area Pop. Elig.Pop.Total Current


ADN 337,632 41,613 19,670 47.3

ADS 667,294 82,244 50,846 61.8

SDN 307,178 37,860 14,029 37.1

SDS 471,370 58,096 26,665 45.9

PDI 129,024 15,902 8,028 50.5

BXU 314,293 38,737 23,817 61.5

SC 142,957 17,619 9,069 51.5

BiC 96,452 11,888 7,470 62.8

CARAGA 2,466,200 303,959 159,594 52.5

Trend of Contraceptive Prevalence Rate

Caraga Region

2003 - 2010







47.36 52.5








2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Page 13: Health Profile 2011

Ten – Year Trend of Crude Death Rates By Province & City

Caraga Region

2000 - 2010(per 1,000 pop.)

Area 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

AN 3.1 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.6 3.5 3.49 3.82 3.99 2.59

AS 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.2 1.9 2.1 1.9 2.24 2.27 2.24 2.41

SN 3.4 3.3 3.7 3.7 3.8 4.1 4 3.77 4.23 4.12 4.11

SS 3.6 3.8 4.3 4.7 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.47 3.65 3.46 4.00

PDI 3.1 3.8 3.76 2.51 3.07

BXU 3.9 4.8 3.7 5.1 5.1 5.1 3.8 4.72 5.24 2.21 5.74

SC 5.2 5.1 5.5 4.7 5.5 6 5.2 5.34 6.50 5.56 6.27

BC 3.4 3.6 4.1 4.7 4.6 4.7 4.4 4.35 4.39 3.66 4.63

Caraga 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.6 3.3 3.48 3.76 3.20 3.72

more hospitals which are capable of managing severe cases in

these provinces is a very factor that can be considered for this


Distribution of Deaths

By Province/City

Caraga Region 2011


Male Female Total Percent

Agusan del Norte 507 367 874 9.5

Agusan del Sur 1,064 545 1,609 17.5

Surigao del Norte 721 543 1,264 13.8

Surigao del Sur 1,099 788 1,887 20.6

Prov. of Dinagat Is. 191 205 396 4.3

Butuan City 1,042 763 1,805 19.7

Surigao City 536 361 897 9.8

Bislig City 280 167 447 4.9

Caraga Region 5,440 3,739 9,179 100























2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Ten – Year Trend of Crude Death RatesCaraga Region

2001 – 2011(Rate per 1000 pop.)



CY: 2011(Rate/100,000 pop.)

CY: 2010(Rate/100,000 pop)

5 yr. Average (2004-2008)

Rate/100,000 pop.

No. Rate No. Rate No. Rate

1. Hypert. Cardiovascular Dis. 2761 112 2668 105 3328 151

2. Pneumonias 963 39 670 26 884 40

3. Cancer (all types) 835 34 787 31 709 32

4. Diabetes 422 17 303 12 391 18

5. Accident all forms 345 14 650 25 695 32

6. Tuberculosis 319 13 329 13 530 24

7. Renal Diseases 316 13 279 11 342 16

8. Multi Organ Failure 303 12 299 12 239 11

9. COPD 265 11 250 10 177 8

10. Sepsis/Septicemia 243 10 203 8 210 10

Page 14: Health Profile 2011


11 11.5















1991 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2015



Current Level


Target by 2015 Probability of Attaining

the Targets

17.4 6.86 5.8 High

Infant Mortality Rate Trend Towards MDG Attainment,

Caraga Region, 1991-2015

The province of Agusan del Sur has the most population so that

though it ranked 2nd among provinces in terms of number of deaths

(1,609 or 17.5% of 9,179), the CDR is the lowest (2.4 per 1000 pop).

Greater number of deaths can be attributed to the incapability of

hospitals, geographical features of the area along with the many

indigenous people with poor health seeking behavior.

Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)

Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) trend in Caraga Region reflects that the

Department of Health through the CHD has been very effective

and efficient in implementing various activities planned for the

different public health programs specifically for the care of under

one year olds. So that for IMR the number of babies dying before

reaching their first birthday is dramatically reduced – from 17.4 per

1000 live births in 1991 to 6.86 per 1000 live births in 2011.

Though these declining trend is irregular, yet, the values are still

within the desired pace. Hence, the probability of attaining

the MDG targets which is 5.8 per 1000 live births for IMR

by 2015 is very high.

Intensification of the implementation of planned activities for the

care of newborns and infants for the succeeding years until 2015 is

on – going and LGUs and NGOs at all levels are actively involved

thru Public Private Partnership strategy. Expanded program on

immunization, new born screening, promotion of exclusive

breastfeeding until 6 months, micronutrient supplementation thru

Garantisadong Pambata, facility-based delivery, skilled birth

attendance, training of health personnel on Integrated

Management of Childhood Illnesses and prenatal care for

pregnant women are some of these programs that are designed to

sustainably bring down the infant mortality rate until the MDG

target be achieved or even more.

Page 15: Health Profile 2011



(Rate/1,000 LB)

CY: 2010

(Rate/1,000 LB)

5 yr. Average


Per 1,000 Livebirths

No. Rate No. Rate No. Rate

1. URTI/ARI w/ Bronc. 27,221 1004 31,587 587 22,855 457

2. Skin Dis. all form 5,546 204 7,853 146 3,239 65

3. Pneumonias 6,031 222 6,682 124 5,379 108

4. Diarrheas 4,404 162 4,001 74 4,806 96

5. Influenza 1,971 73 2,356 44 1,585 32

6. Malnutrition 411 15 408 8 414 8

7. Genitourinary Dis. 227 8 256 5 198 4

8. Accidents/Injuries 224 8 245 5 203 4

9. Abdominal Disorders 126 5 125 2 127 3

10. Anemia 107 4 118 2 95 2


Trend of U5MR Towards MDG Goal AttainmentCaraga Region

2000 - 2015




















2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2015



Current Level


Target by 2015 Probability of

Attaining the Targets

26/1000 Lb 9.84/1000 Lb 8.7/1000 Lb High

Underfive Mortality

Underfive mortality in Caraga is generally on the down trend. The

current (2011) rate 9.84 per 1000 live births is not very far from 8.7

per 1000 live births target for 2015. In 2010, MMR was its lowest at

8.19 so that 2015 target had been more than reached but due to

some factors like reporting system that is getting better resulting to

the minimization of underreporting of vital health indices, it

increased back to almost 10 but not more than the 2009 rate which

was 10.59. All health stakeholders are moving all opportunities,

plans are every now and then evaluated and necessary revisions

are being done in order to really achieve the target.

In 2011 the most increased of UFMR occurred in Surigao del Norte

and Butuan City. The leading causes like diarrhea, meningitis, RDS

and congenital anomalies had remarkably increased. Also

neonatal tetanus had increased from an average of 7 in the past

several years to 11 deaths, while the dreaded pneumonia along

with sepsis slightly decreased.

Page 16: Health Profile 2011

Ten-Year Trend of Underfive Mortality Ratio By Province & City

Caraga Region

2001 - 2011

(per 1000 live births)

Area 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

A D N 10.46 12.27 10.42 11.80 6.01 4.69 6.80 5.40 5.16 6.30 4.89

ADS 21.48 21.03 20.92 22.92 13.43 9.83 8.70 7.89 11.03 10.94 10.97

SDN 18.54 21.58 19.79 17.93 16.11 12.43 10.3 12.13 13.62 9.25 13.45

SDS 21.46 21.59 27.02 37.98 14.74 16.06 11.90 7.86 7.58 9.76 8.55

PDI 26.0 14.33 13.03 6.69 5.09

BXU 30.08 33.21 23.21 37.93 16.82 18.65 13.67 16.53 14.49 8.50 11.14

SC 27.09 16.13 25.90 23.75 21.49 17.77 13.73 13.57 19.52 17.83 16.42

BisC 16.25 20.76 17.25 52.97 13.81 10.14 9.00 9.00 8.63 5.55 5.64

Caraga 20.45 21.01 20.58 25.90 13.85 11.74 10.64 9.55 10.59 8.19 9.84

There is not much change in the order of the leading causes of

both mortality and morbidity for this age group. Most of these

causes if not all are preventable, hence activities included in child

care programs implemented in the communities should focus on

the preventive aspect more.

If efforts are intensified and unified, involving all sectors, especially

the individual families concerned and considering our present

health status of underfive children, there is a very high

probability of attaining the MDG target by 2015.



CY: 2011(Per 10,000 <5 pop)

CY: 2010(Per 10,000 <5 pop)

5 yr. Average (2005-2009)

Per 10,000 <5 pop

No. Rate No. Rate No. Rate

1. ARI/URTI & Bronchitis/Bronchiolitis52,741

9,720 56,250 15,760 49,232 9,846

3. Pneumonia10,066

1,855 9,442 2,645 10,690 2,138

4. Diarrheas/AGE8,533

1,573 7,790 2,183 9,276 1,855

2. Skin Diseases7,904

1,457 10,887 3,050 4,920 984

5. Influenza2,783

513 4,024 1,127 1,541 308

6. Malnutrition2,758

508 2,702 757 2,814 563

7. Accidents/Injuries, all forms1,490

275 1,586 444 1,393 279

8. Kidney Problems1,324

244 1,574 441 1,074 215

9. Bronchial Asthma1,036

191 1,258

352 813 163

10. Abdominal Disturbances893

164 1,001 280 784 157

Page 17: Health Profile 2011

Trend of Maternal Mortality Ratio Towards MDG Attainment

Caraga Region, 1991-2015(Rate per 100,000 livebirths)



Current Level(2011) Target by 2015

Probability of Attaining the Target

161/100,000 l.b. 83/100,000 l.b. 52/100,000 l.b. Very Low

Trend of Maternal Mortality Ratio

Caraga Region

2001 - 2010

(per 1000 live births)

Area 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

A D N 0.35 0.88 0.00 0.57 0.57 0.27 0.68 0.81 0.77 1.48 0.79

ADS 2.00 1.72 2.72 1.39 1.44 1.00 0.90 1.02 0.96 0.83 0.81

SDN 0.30 1.52 0.43 1.37 1.19 0.96 1.39 0.71 2.05 1.88 1.51

SDS 2.08 0.97 1.40 1.10 2.26 2.08 0.76 2.58 1.08 1.05 0.51

PDI 0.71 1.54 2.61 3.34 0.93

BXU 2.23 1.13 1.75 1.64 2.24 1.66 1.14 1.59 1.30 1.25 1.00

SC 0.86 2.02 1.22 0.79 1.50 2.22 0.81 1.10 0.71 0.39 0.70

BisC 0.47 2.74 1.70 1.09 1.64 1.19 1.13 2.65 0.54 0.00 0.00

Caraga 1.38 1.43 1.43 1.19 1.52 1.18 0.91 1.37 1.14 1.19 0.83

Trend of Deliveries By AttendanceCaraga Region

2001 - 2011

50.3 50.1 49.8 50.4 49.554

5863.3 69


49.7 49.9 50.249.6 47.9 46.9














2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


Weighed NORMAL






AD S 89,072 80,440 6,352 1,542 738 7,894 8.9%

BAYUGAN 12,547 10,607 1,421 357 162 1,778 14.2%

AD N 44,920 40,051 3,917 658 294 4,575 10.2%

BXU 45,194 42,298 1,912 505 340 2,417 5.4%

SD N 39,123 32,780 4,308 1,259 776 5,567 14.2%

SC 17,381 15,158 1,533 429 261 1,962 11.3%

PDI 13,191 10,837 2,009 260 85 2,269 17.2%

SD S 56,983 48,272 6,486 1,648 577 8,134 14.3%

BISLIG 12,756 11,242 1,085 253 176 1,338 10.5%

CARAGA 331,167 291,685 29,023 6,911 3,409 35,934 10.9%

Maternal Mortality

To reduce maternal mortality ratio in Caraga region by three –

quarters (3/4) from the base line of 161 in 1991 to only 52 per

100,000 live births in 2015 remains a great challenge for Caraga

Region’s Stakeholders.

To ensure realization of this target, strategies like intensification of

promotion and advocacy for expectant mothers to deliver only in

the health facilities like hospitals and birthing homes is encouraged

where they are to be attended by skilled health professionals who

can ensure safe delivery and teach on how to effectively deal with

postpartum blues. Most LGUs have passed resolution supporting this


These intensification efforts through the years resulted to the

constant decline of home delivery rate and the corresponding

increase of the deliveries in health facilities. In 2011 in Caraga

Region, at least 70% of deliveries occurred in the health facilities,

most of which were in the hospitals, while home delivery rate

dropped from almost 40% in 2010 to only 29% - a very remarkable

development. Births attended by skilled birth attendants increased

to 77% in 2011 – surpassing the 2010 NOH target of 70%. This

increasing trend has been observed since 2006.

With this strategy, a remarkable reduction by 30% of maternal

death was achieved – from 1.19 per 1000 live births in 2010 to 0.83

Page 18: Health Profile 2011

Malnutrition Rate Caraga vs. Philippines

2003 - 2008

Caraga Philippines

32 30.3











1998 2001 2003 2015

34.1 33.5
















1998 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

2015 target = 17.05%

per 1000 live births in 2011. This is a very good indicator that signals

that there is a possibility that the target of Caraga region for

maternal mortality reduction by 2015 – in remaining 4 years, can be


Trend of Malnutrition Rate in Caraga

The Trend of Malnutrition Rate in Caraga has been continuously

declining so that MDG target for reduction of malnutrition has

already been attained. To sustain worthy efforts is what needed.

2011 Operation Timbang Accomplishment

Trend of Deliveries By Place

Caraga Region

2001 - 2011


81.1 80 78.9 79.4 78.976.7

67.2 49.4



16.517.5 19.4 19.7 19.5 19.5















2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


Weighed NORMAL






AD S 89,072 80,440 6,352 1,542 738 7,894 8.9%

BAYUGAN 12,547 10,607 1,421 357 162 1,778 14.2%

AD N 44,920 40,051 3,917 658 294 4,575 10.2%

BXU 45,194 42,298 1,912 505 340 2,417 5.4%

SD N 39,123 32,780 4,308 1,259 776 5,567 14.2%

SC 17,381 15,158 1,533 429 261 1,962 11.3%

PDI 13,191 10,837 2,009 260 85 2,269 17.2%

SD S 56,983 48,272 6,486 1,648 577 8,134 14.3%

BISLIG 12,756 11,242 1,085 253 176 1,338 10.5%

CARAGA 331,167 291,685 29,023 6,911 3,409 35,934 10.9%

Page 19: Health Profile 2011

Percentage of Fully Immunized ChildrenCaraga Region

2007 – 2011

101 103







9293 94








85 82












84 89



81 80 91









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011








Trend of Percentage of Fully Immunized Children

Expanded Program on Immunization has done so much to

eliminate many immunizable infant diseases. For many years

already, Caraga has no more case on poliomyelitis and cases of

measles have been scanty. The dreaded pertussis (whooping

cough), deptheria and a lot other diseases are no more. However,

to completely eradicate these diseases, immunization of all infants -

the vulnerable group should be achieved.

Caraga region has been consistently performing very satisfactorily

in the past 5 years and this has been proven true by every Rapid

Coverage Assessment (RCA) done. Non achievement of 100% can

be attributed to over projection of population inconsistent to the

present population growth rate which in 2010, it is 1.49% against the

targeted 2.7% of the population.

Environmental Sanitation Status of Caraga, 2011

Environmental Health Status Annual ReportCaraga Region


Area No. of HH

% of HH

w/access to

safe H20 Supply


Level 1


Level 2


Level 3

Agusan Norte 59,067 99.2 42.4 31.5 25.3

Agusan Sur 106,484 87.0 35.9 37.6 13.5

Surigao Norte 60,988 95.6 16.9 47.8 30.9

Surigao Sur 92,258 84.5 25.5 31.3 27.8

Prov. Din. Is. 22,430 98.5 16.9 64.9 16.7

Butuan City 52,850 88.7 20.6 8.4 59.8

Surigao City 28,759 94.4 2.7 38.6 53.0

Bislig City 15,733 99.8 8.1 15.6 76.1

Caraga 438,569 91.1 25.9 34.0 31.1

Environmental Health Status Annual ReportCaraga Region


Area No. of HH% HH with

to Sanitary


% HH with


disposal of

solid waste

% HH with


Basic Sanitation


Agusan Norte 59,067 81.94 81.9 81.9

Agusan Sur 106,484 93.77 66.1 60.3

Surigao Norte 60,988 80.57 65.3 58.5

Surigao Sur 92,258 78.83 41.3 31.5

Prov. Din. Is. 22,430 82.51 50.8 54.1

Butuan City 52,850 84.66 67.7 84.7

Surigao City 28,759 76.24 62.9 68.8

Bislig City 15,733 95.94 19.0 2.8

Caraga 438,569 84.45 60.4 58.0

Environmental Health Status Annual Report

Caraga Region


AreaFood Establishments Food Handlers

No. Percent with



No.Percent w/ Health


Agusan Norte 4,794 51.4 3,828 89.4

Agusan Sur 6,292 43.5 6,192 55.8

Surigao Norte 3,340 79.3 3,199 100

Surigao Sur 5,884 80.2 7,560 71.0

Prov. Din. Is. 1,651 93.1 1,094 99.3

Butuan City 2528 95.6 22748 99.8

Surigao City 2,624 78.0 5,628 92.0

Bislig City 1090 94.8 1212 81.3

Caraga 28,203 69.5 51,461 92.9

Page 20: Health Profile 2011




Area 2010 2011 2012 TOTAL

ADN 43,505,000 23,000,000 106,500,000


ADS 27,790,000 37,000,000 75,000,000

SDN 20,000,000 88,500,000 107,500,000

PDI 0 17,500,000


SDS 5,000,000 21,000,000 62,000,000

CARAGA 96,295,000 187,000,000 499,126,000

11,000,000 EQUIPMENT


11,500,000 EQUIPMENT

35,000,000 EQUIPMENT

EQUIPMENT 11,500,000







Indicators 2015 Target Accomp.

MDG 1: Target 2: Prevalence of Underweight Children (%) Percent of Households with per capita energy less than

100% adequacy


10.86 (NNC)

MDG 4: Target 5: Under 5 Mortality Rate (per 1000 l.b.) Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 l.b.)


9.84 (FHSIS, 2011)6.86 (FHSIS, 2011)

MDG 5: Target 6: Maternal Mortality Ratio (per 1000 l.b.) Target 7: Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (%)



83 (FHSIS, 2011)

52.5 (FHSIS, 2011)

Status Report on MDG AttainmentCaraga Region, 2011

Indicators 2015 Target Accomp.

MDG 6: Target 8: HIV/AIDS Prevalence Rate (No. of Cases) < 1% < 1% (16) (RESU, 2011)

MDG 6: Target 9: Malaria Morbidity Rate Malaria Mortality Rate

TB Morbidity Rate (per 100,000 pop) TB Mortality Rate

15/100,000 0.05/100,000


1.65 (FHSIS, 2011)

0.0 (FHSIS, 2011)

134.6 (FHSIS, 2011)

13.0 (FHSIS, 2011)

MDG 7: Target 11: Households with access to Safe Water (%) Households with Sanitary Toilet (%)


91.1 (FHSIS, 2011)

84.5 (FHSIS, 2011)

MDG 8: Target 13: Botika ng Barangay

(No. of BnBs/No. of Brgys)- 897 (68%)

Page 21: Health Profile 2011

Health Facility Enhancement Program is designed to address

poor quality health services due to poor facilities not only in terms

of building but lack of equipment and manpower as well. To

address this issue, the Department of Health has spearheaded the

expansion/renovation/repair and or construction of many health

facilities nationwide.

In 2010, 10 health infrastructure projects with a total cost that

reached PhP96,295,000.00 were implemented.

In 2011, a total of 80 health infrastructure projects amounting to

PhP187,000,000.00 pesos were given to Caraga Region and were

distributed to all provinces and cities.

Barangay Health Station Scope of Work Budget

1 Brgy. Casiklan, Las Nieves Construction 1,000,000

2 Brgy. Jaguimitan, Nasipit Construction 1,000,000

3 Brgy. Manoligao, Carmen Construction 1,000,000

4 Brgy. Guiasan, Magallanes Construction 1,000,000

5 Brgy. San Antonio, RTR Construction 1,000,000

6 Brgy. Bunga, Jabonga Construction 1,000,000

7 Brgy. Hinimbangan, Kitcharao Construction 1,000,000


1 Las Nieves Community Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 3,000,000

2 Cabadbaran District Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 5,000,000

3 Jabonga Municipal Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 3,000,000

4 Kitcharao District Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 5,000,000

TOTAL 23,000,000

Health Facilities Enhancement Projects Agusan del Norte, Caraga Region


Most of these projects were expansion/renovation/repair of 21 rural

health units, 44 barangay health stations and 15 government

hospitals region wide.

All these are expected to become highly functional making the

quality of health services highly improved thus the desired MDG

targets are realized.

HFEP Agusan del Sur, Caraga Region 2011

Rural Health Unit/Main Health Centers/CHO Scope of Work Budget

1 RHU Esperanza Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,000,000

2 RHU Prosperidad Construction 1,500,000

3 RHU San Luis Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000

4 RHU Talacogon Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000

5 RHU Sibagat Construction 1,500,000

6 CHO Bayugan Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,000,000

7 RHU La Paz Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000

8 RHU Rosario Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000

9 RHU San Francisco Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,000,000


5 Bunawan District Hospital Construction 7,000,000

Barangay Health Unit

1 BHS San Joaquin, Prosperidad Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,000,000

2 BHS Mahayahay, San Luis Construction 1,000,000

3 BHS Sabang Gibong (Floating), Talacogon Construction 1,000,000

4 BHS Zillova, Talacogon Construction 1,000,000

5 BHS New Tubigon, Sibagat Construction 1,000,000

6 BHS Sta Irene, Bayuan Construction 1,000,000

7 BHS San Marcos, Bunawan Construction 1,000,000

8 BHS Nueva Era, Bunawan Construction 1,000,000

9 BHS Binucayan, Loreto Construction 1,000,000

10 BHS Comota, La Paz Construction 1,000,000

11 BHS Langasian, La Paz Construction 1,000,000

12 BHS Cabantao, Rosario Construction 1,000,000

13 BHS Sto. Tomas, Loreto Construction 1,000,000

14 BHS Bayugan3, Rosario Construction 1,000,000

15 BHS Lapinigan, San Francisco Construction 1,000,000

16 BHS Sta. Maria, Trento Construction 1,000,000

17 BHS Katipunan, Veruela Construction 1,000,000

18 BHS Sampaguita, Veruela Construction 1,000,000

TOTAL 37,000,000

Page 22: Health Profile 2011

HFEP Surigao del Norte, Caraga Region 2011

Hospitals Scope of Work Budget

1 Gigaquit Community Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 3,000,000

2 Malimono District Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 3,000,000

3 Mainit Medicare Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 5,000,000

4 Placer District Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 5,000,000

5 Socorro District Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 5,000,000

6 Pilar District Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 3,000,000

Rural Health Units

1 RHU Del Carmen Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,000,000

2 RHU Sta. Monica Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000

3 RHU Dapa Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000

4 RHU Claver Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000

5 RHU Mainit Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,000,000

6 RHU San Francisco Construction 1,000,000

7 RHU Tubod Construction 1,000,000

Barangay Health Stations

1 BHS Cabawa, Dapa Construction 1,000,000

2 BHS Caub, Del Carmen Construction 1,000,000

3 BHS Halian, Del Carmen Construction 1,000,000

4 BHS Suyangan, General Luna Construction 1,000,000

5 BHS Cagdianao, Claver Construction 1,000,000

6 BHS Capalayan, Surigao City Construction 1,000,000

GRAND TOTAL (SDN) 38,500,000

note: SDN Prov’l Hospital (Phase I) - 50,000,000 was also allocated with the breakdown of the

following below resulting to a total amount of 88,500,000 for SDN HFEP projects. Infra: 30,000,000

Equipment: 18,800,000

Transport Eqp’t: 1,200,000

HFEP Province of Dinagat Islands, Caraga Region 2011

Rural Health Units/City Health Office

1 RHU Cantilan Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000

2 RHU Carrascal Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000

3 RHU Barobo Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000

4 CHO Bislig Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000


5 Cortes Community Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 5,000,000

6 Marihatag District Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 5,000,000

7 Hinatuan District Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 3,000,000

Barangay Health Stations

1 BHS Diatagon Construction 1,000,000

2 BHS Gamut, Barobo Construction 1,000,000

TOTAL 21,000,000

Health Facilities Enhancement Projects Surigao del Sur, Caraga Region


Rural Health Unit/Main Health Centers Scope of Work Budget

1 RHU Dinagat Expansion/Repair/Renovation 1,500,000

Barangay Health Stations

1 BHS Montag, Basilisa Construction 1,000,000

2 BHS Benglen, Basilisa Construction 1,000,000

3 BHS Boa, Cagdianao Construction 1,000,000

4 BHS Tigbao, Cagdianao Construction 1,000,000

5 BHS Cabayawan, Dinagat Construction 1,000,000

6 BHS Bayanihan, Albor Construction 1,000,000

7 BHS Arellano, Albor Construction 1,000,000

8 BHS Busay, Loreto Construction 1,000,000

9 BHS Magsaysay, Loreto Construction 1,000,000

10 BHS Imelda, Tubajon Construction 1,000,000

11 BHS Malinao, Tubajon Construction 1,000,000


1 Loreto District Hospital Expansion/Repair/Renovation 5,000,000

TOTAL 17,500,000

Page 23: Health Profile 2011

2012 Health Facilities Enhancement Projects

A total of 70 infrastructure projects are programmed for 2012. 37 of

which are for RHUs, 30 are for hospitals, 3 for CHD. An estimated

total cost reaches to almost half a billion pesos, PhP499,126,000.00.

(PhP399,000,000 INFRA + Php100,126,000 Equipments)

The table shows a greater portion is allocated for either

construction, expansion/ repair of Agusan del Norte government

hospitals particularly the construction of Agusan del Norte

Provincial Hospital – PhP37,000,000 and

expansion/repair/renovation of Butuan Medical Center –

PhP10,000,000.00. And a total of 31,126,000 allocation for

equipment is distributed to Nasipit District Hospital, Cabadbaran

District Hospital , Kitcharao District Hospital, PNP hospital, Butuan

Medical Hospital, Agusan Provincial Hospital and CHD Regional

Water Laboratory.

Rural Health Unit/Main Health Centers Scope of Work Budget

1 RHU Esperanza Expan/Repair/Renov 2,200,000

2 RHU Talacogon Expan/Repair/Renov 1,700,000

3 RHU BunawaN Expan/Repair/Renov 2,700,000

4 RHU Loreto Expan/Repair/Renov 2,200,000

5 RHU Sta. Josefa Expan/Repair/Renov 2,700,000

6 RHU Trento Expan/Repair/Renov 2,700,000

7 RHU Veruala Expan/Repair/Renov 4,700,000

8 CHO Bayugan Expan/Repair/Renov 700,000


1 DO Plaza Memorial Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 29,700,000

2 Bayugan Community Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 7,700,000

3 Esperanza Community Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 700,000

4 Talacogon District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 8,700,000

5 Bunawan District Hospital Construction 14,700,000

6 Loreto District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 4,700,000

7 La Paz District Hospital Equipments 700,000

Total 86,500,000

Health Facilities Enhancement Projects Agusan del Sur, Caraga Region


Health Facilities Enhancement Projects

Surigao del Sur, Caraga Region


Rural Health Unit/Main Health Centers Scope of Work Budget

1 RHU Bayabas Expan/Repair/Renov 3,000,000

2 RHU Barobo Expan/Repair/Renov 3,000,000

3 CHO Bislig Expan/Repair/Renov 4,000,000

4 CHO Bislig2 Expan/Repair/Renov 3,000,000


1 Marihatag District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 13,000,000

2 Madrid District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 4,000,000

3 Cortes Community Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 9,000,000

4 Lianga District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 6,000,000

5 San Miguel District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 4,000,000

6 Hinatuan District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 6,000,000

7 Bislig District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 18,500,000

Total 73,500,00

Rural Health Unit/Main Health Centers Scope of Work Budget 1 RHU Ampayon Expan /Repair/ Renov 2,500,000 2 RHU Obrero Expan/Repair/Renov 2,500,000 3 RHU Libertad Expan/Repair/Renov 2,500,000 4 RHU Buenavista Expan/Repair/Renov 4,000,000 5 Main Health Center Butuan Expan /Repair/ Renov 7,000,000 6 Main Health Center Cabadbaran Expan /Repair/ Renov 4,000,000

Hospitals 1 Butuan Medical Center Hospital Expan /Repair/ Renov 10,000,000 2 Agusan Norte Provincial Hospital Construction 37,000,000 3 Las Nieves Community Hospital Expan /Repair/ Renov 2,000,000 4 PNP Hospital Construction 6,000,000

5 Cabadbaran District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 10,000,000 6 Jabonga Municipal Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 2,000,000 7 Kitchararo District Hospital Expan /Repair/ Renov 5,000,000

Total 106,500,000

Health Facilities Enhancement Projects Agusan del Norte, Caraga Region


CHD Cold Chain & Regional Water Laboratory refer to page 44 12,0000

Page 24: Health Profile 2011

Health Facilities Enhancement Projects

Surigao del Norte, Caraga Region


Rural Health Unit/Main Health Centers Scope of Work Budget

1 RHU Del Carmen Expan /Repair/ Renov 1,000,000

2 RHU Gen Luna Expan /Repair/ Renov 4,000,000

3 RHU Pilar Expan /Repair/ Renov 2,000,000

4 RHU San Benito Construction 2,000,000

5 RHU Socorro Expan /Repair/ Renov 2,000,000

6 RHU Alegria Expan /Repair/ Renov 2,000,000

7 RHU Bacuag Expan /Repair/ Renov 2,000,000

8 RHU Gigaquit Expan /Repair/ Renov 3,500,000

9 RHU Placer Expan /Repair/ Renov 2,500,000

10 RHU San Francisco Construction 1,000,000

11 RHU Sison Expan /Repair/ Renov 1,000,000

12 RHU Taganaan Expan /Repair/ Renov 2,000,000

13 MHC Washington Expan /Repair/ Renov 3,000,000

Barangay Health Stations

1 BHS Cabugo , Claver Expan /Repair/ Renov 1,000,000


1 Gigaquit Community Hospital Expan /Repair/ Renov 4,000,000

2 Malimono Community Hospital Expan /Repair/ Renov 5,000,000

3 Mainit Community Hospital Expan /Repair/ Renov 3,000,000

4 Surigao del Norte Provincial Hospital Construction 72,000,000

5 Siargao District Hospital Upgrading 7,000,000

6 Socorro District Hospital Upgrading 6,500,000

7 Del Carmen District Hospital Upgrading 8,000,000

8 Pilar District Hospital Upgradign 3,000,000

TOTAL 142,500,000

Surigao del Norte likewise receives more than a hundred million

pesos, from which more than PhP70,000,000.00 is allocated for the

construction of Surigao del Norte Provincial Hospital in its new


* w/ Dinagat (OPCEN) as reflected below gives a total amount of 59,000,000 for PDI

Rural Health Unit/Main Health Centers Scope of Work Budget

1 RHU Basilisa Expan/Repair/Renov 2,500,000

2 RHU Cagdianao Expan/Repair/Renov 2,500,000

3 RHU Albor, Libjo Expan/Repair/Renov 2,500,000

4 RHU Loreto Expan/Repair/Renov 2,500,000

5 RHU Tubajon Expan/Repair/Renov 4,000,000

6 RHU San Jose Construction 5,500,000


1 Loreto District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 7,500,000

2 Dinagat District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 9,000,000

3 Albor District Hospital Expan/Repair/Renov 16,000,000

Total 52,000,000

Health Facilities Enhancement Projects

Province of Dinagat Islands, Caraga Region


Name of Project Scope of Work Budget

1 Dinagat DOH - Sub - office (OPCEN) Construction 7,000,000

2 Siargao DOH - Sub - office (OPCEN) Construction 5,000,000

3 CHD Cold Chain Construction 5,000,000

4 Regional Water Laboratroy Construction 7,000,000

Total 24,126,000

Health Facilities Enhancement Projects DOH - CHD, Caraga Region


Page 25: Health Profile 2011

E. PHIC Enrolment Coverage Thru NHTS



Target NHTS

for PHIC


No. of

Enrolled % Enrolled


NORTE 67,516 30,904 24,690 80


SUR 105,244 65,754 55,915 85


DEL NORTE 60,988 34,111 28,808 85


ISLANDS 24,162 12,949 11,442 88

BUTUAN CITY 54,617 18,146 12,385



CITY 27,962 11,384 9,856 87

TOTAL 442,282 232,312 193,257


PhilHealth aimed at ensuring that all Filipinos gain access to

financial protection for their health care needs. It targets non-

PhilHealth members to register in the health insurance program.

PHIC avails of NHTS-PR to make registration more effective. NHTS-PR

is an information management system that identifies who and

where the poor are. It makes available to public and private social

protection stakeholders a socio-economic database of poor

households that can guide them in identifying qualified

beneficiaries for their programs. The system identifies poor

households through household assessments in areas with high

poverty incidence and where there are pockets of poverty.



LGU Scorecard

PHIC Enrollment Coverage Caraga Region


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Director IV OIC-ARD

Drug Treatment and Rehab

Ma. Flordelis M. Llesis

HRDU Ma. Wilma Joji O. Yu, MD, MPH

Lucita O. Tagudin, RN, MCH

PLANNING Meriedeth O. Pagaran, CE, MPH

HEPO Sunshine S. Alipayo, RN



Fernando L. Mina Jr.


Luzminda G. Pol, RN Ma. Antonietta A. Fernandez


Dennis Jose R. Malazarte



Health Facilities Section Glynna B. Andoy, MD, MPH

Sarah Jean L. Jumamoy, CE

Jocelyn P. Magdula, RN

Ma. Ferma K. Liwat

Daryl A. Estrella



Communicable Diseases Cluster

Casmerlita C. Yu, MD, MCH

Glenn H. Tiangha, MD, MPH

Arlene M. Serrano, RN

Jonathan Basadre, RMT

Non Communicable Diseases Cluster Governance

Delma O. Legaspi, RN Herodina T. Preston, RN, MPH

Dioscoro M. Navarro Jr., CE, SE Daylinda Alvizo, RN, MPH

Rowena O. Pabia Haydee R. Senaca, RN



Lutgarda U. Cabilogan, MPA

Jean P. Aganap

Ismael M. Morales, Jr.


Aileen S. Abasolo, CPA

Ruchel Cumon

Vito S. Genotiva, Jr.


Jenalyn C. Reveche

Cirilo Q. Arbiol

Sionny R. Apas

Niel H. Nituda, RMT

Merlie E. Cagadas


Lutgarda U. Cabilogan, MPA

Jean P. Aganap

Ismael M. Morales, Jr.


Aileen S. Abasolo, CPA

Ruchel Cumon

Vito S. Genotiva, Jr.


Jenalyn C. Reveche

Cirilo Q. Arbiol

Sionny R. Apas

Niel H. Nituda, RMT

Merlie E. Cagadas

Regional Epidemiology & Surveillance Unit (RESU) Gerna M. Manatad, MD, PHSAE

Cheryl Mary L. Plaza, RN

Sharon S. Coja, RN,RMT

Health Emergency Management Unit

Richard Maniago, RN

Health Infrastructure

Adreleo Jumamoy,CE

Dennis Jose R. Malazarte, CE

Zaldy Gumapac,CE

Food/Drug Regulation Section Fatima A. Lozada, RPh

Ms. Perla B. Alvizo, RPh

Eleonora Rey Jary M. Gaballo, RPh

Arnel Madula, RPh

Virginia K. Delani, RPh

Leslie T. Cimagala, RPh

Family Health Cluster

Grace M. Lim, MD Dionesia Ubanan, RND

Maria Carmela My A. Beltran, DDM

Ma. Jasmine M. Sarce, RN

Lourdes C. Plaza, RN

Emmi Marie J. Cabahug

Records Section

Lea Ludie T. Malicay

Andres Atregenio

Personnel Section Elpidia P. Bernaldez

Josefa C. Labandero

Cashier Section Elsie M. Bonocan

Sarah S. Pango

Eris W. Morallo


Jenalyn C. Reveche

Cirilo Q. Arbiol

Sionny R. Apas

Niel H. Nituda, RMT

Merlie E. Cagadas

Records Section

Lea Ludie T. Malicay

Andres Atregenio

Personnel Section

Elpidia P. Bernaldez

Josefa C. Labandero

Cashier Section

Elsie M. Bonocan

Sarah S. Pango

Eris W. Morallo

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