health-physical activity


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Relation between health and physical activity


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Phisical activities Physical activity is defined as any bodily

movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure.

Physical inactivity has been identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality.

Regular moderate intensity physical activity – such as walking, cycling, or participating in sports – has significant benefits for health.

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Consequences of not living a healthy life

Sportive people with good sleeping habits and keep their body slim, look younger as to their

normal age. Their skin glows and their body look awesome.  

However, with people who are into vices, they are the total opposite.

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Effects of physical activity It has been reported that students of both sexes (girls and

boys ) who are obese were more time watching television and made less intense activities and shorter than normal students .

It has also been demonstrated in obese schoolchildren low resting energy expenditure and reduced physical activity indices, including sport and physical education .

Physical activity not only increases calorie consumption but also the basal metabolism , which may remain elevated after 30 minutes of moderate physical activity finish

A reduction of calories in the diet coupled with physical activity can lead to loss of body fat of 98%.

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By contrast , the abuse of physical activity without planning and monitoring can be destructive. From premature cellular aging , emotional and physical , weakened immune system

Regular physical activity is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular .

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It now seems clearly shown that while inactivity is a risk factor for the development of many chronic diseases , including cardiovascular highlights to represent one of the main causes of death, leading a physically active life produces many benefits , both physical and psychological health .

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According to studies , it appears that there is a relationship between physical activity and life expectancy , so that more physically active populations tend to live longer than inactive.The human body is designed to move and therefore requires a regular exercise to stay functional and avoid illness . Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by muscles that requires energy expenditure . Physical exercise is a type of physical activity is defined as any bodily movement planned , structured and repetitive made to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness . When physical activity level does not reach the minimum necessary to maintain a healthy , sedentary spoken .

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Definition It is not easy to define the term health because each person

has a perception and personal experience of it, depending on what each considered normal, socioeconomic status , religion , lifestyle and culture, which provides the pattern that defines how room or to be healthy

One motivation for physical exercise is the finding that the welfare state that approaches the individual concept of health as a basic component of quality of life.

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During our childhood and adolescence most of us maintains a level of physical activity more than enough through the game and various sports activities. But the

opportunities for physical activity decrease as we become adults . Furthermore , unlike previous generations , are

becoming less engaged , whether at work or in leisure time activities that involve any physical work. In any country of the world we call developed , physical activity indicators show really disappointing figures . According to various

statistics sedentary affects 40 to 60 % of the population, and only 1 in 5 individuals reach the minimum

recommended physical activity for health.

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Benefits Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality . Prevents and / or delays the development of hypertension. Improved profile of blood lipids (reduced HDL-cholesterol ) . Improved glucose regulation and reduces the risk of non- insulin-

dependent diabetes . Improves digestion and bowel regularity . Reduces the risk of certain cancers. Increases the utilization of body fat and improved weight control . Helps maintain and improve muscle strength and endurance ,

increase functional capacity to perform physical activities of daily living .

It helps maintain the structure and function of joints. and instead may be beneficial for osteoarthritis . The moderate -intensity physical activity , such as that recommended in order to obtain health benefits , does not produce joint damage

Help to reconcile and improve sleep quality . Improving the image and to share an activity with family and friends. It relieves tension and improves stress management.

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