health & lifesyle

Xavier High School Health & Lifestyle 10 D R e a m s To dream of a circus-like setting symbolizes desire for a thrilling life. It shows that the person likes to be put into exciting situations in real life. FUN FACTS: Babies don’t dream of themselves until the age of 3. Sleep paralysis is when a person is dreaming, but is still awake. It happens to 4 out of 10 adults. Nobody can snore and dream at the same time. The average person has about four dreams per night. A person can only see faces in dreams of people they already know . A person forgets 90% of their dreams. About 12% of people dream in only black and white. To see a teacher in a dream represents heading towards a new path in life. To be in a school environment at any time in a dream means that knowledge is about to be revealed. Having dreams of being an actor symbolizes that hard work will pay off and be well worth it in the end. Any time a doll, especially Barbie, is present in a dream it represents light-hearted fun. It takes the person back to a time when childhood life was simpler and carefree . 67% of Americans have experienced deja vu in their dreams. “I was in the Xavier parking lot spray painting cars and Mrs. Schutt showed up and yelled at me for vandalizing. I tried to run away, but the cops showed up and caught me.” Junior Brandon Didio “I had a dream once where I was with Charlie Sheen in the show Two and a Half Men . I thought that I was an actor on the show and it seemed like reality.” Senior Colin Reilly “When I was little I would always have dreams that I was Barbie and I married Ken.” Sophomore Molly Kimbro “I had a dream that I was at the circus, but I was actually part of the circus. I was by myself and I was in the lion den, but I wasn’t scared at all.” Freshman Jessica Fenske Wondering what a certain dream may mean is a constant question after waking up each morning. Certain types of dreams can be interpreted and the results may be surprising! Page design: Ansley O’Brien, Hannah Chute, and Molly Vipond Pictures: Molly Vipond, and iClipArt Information: www.dreammoods. zzzz... zzzz...

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Dreams and what they mean


Page 1: Health & Lifesyle

Xavier High SchoolHealth & Lifestyle10

D R e a m s

To dream of a circus-likesetting symbolizes desire for a

thrilling life. It shows that the person likes to be put into exciting situations in real life.


Babies don’t dream of themselves until the age of 3.Sleep paralysis is when a person is dreaming, but is still awake. It happens to 4 out of 10 adults.

Nobody can snore and dream at the same time.

The average person has about four dreams per night.

A person can only see faces in dreams of people

they already know.

A person forgets 90% of their dreams. About 12% of people dream in only black and


To see a teacher in a dream represents heading towards a new path in life. To be in a school environment at any time in a dream means that knowledge is about to be revealed.

Having dreams of being an

actor symbolizes that hard work will pay off and be

well worth it in the end.

Any time a doll, especially Barbie, is present in a dream it represents light-hearted fun. It takes the person back to a time when

childhood life was simpler and carefree.

67% of Americans have experienced deja vu in their dreams.

“I was in the Xavier parking lot spray painting cars and Mrs. Schutt showed up and yelled at me for vandalizing. I tried to run away, but

the cops showed up and caught me.”Junior Brandon Didio

“I had a dream once where I was with Charlie Sheen in the show Two and a Half Men. I thought that I was an actor on the show and

it seemed like reality.” Senior Colin Reilly

“When I was little I would always have dreams that I was Barbie and I married Ken.”

Sophomore Molly Kimbro

“I had a dream that I was at the circus, but I was actually part of the circus. I was by myself and I was in the lion

den, but I wasn’t scared at all.”Freshman Jessica Fenske

Wondering what a certain dream may mean is a constant question after waking up each morning. Certain types of dreams can be interpreted and the results may be surprising!

Page design: Ansley O’Brien, Hannah Chute, and Molly Vipond Pictures: Molly Vipond, and iClipArt Information: www.dreammoods.

