health & fitness at the sporting club san diego

& MAR/APR 2014 THE SPORTING CLUB | 8930 University Lane, San Diego, CA 92122 | Ph 858.552.8000 | at The Sporting Club FITNESS HEALTH

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The Sporting Club San Diego Newsletter March/April 2014


Page 1: Health & Fitness at The Sporting Club San Diego

&MAR/APR 2014

THE SPORTING CLUB | 8930 University Lane, San Diego, CA 92122 | Ph 858.552.8000 |

at The Sporting ClubFITNESS


Page 2: Health & Fitness at The Sporting Club San Diego

Pilates reformer sessions take mat-based Pilates to another level. Sporting

Club Pilates Director Lucy Garcia offers 5 ways Pilates Reformer sessions can

help improve your workout.

A Deeper Workout & More Definition - The springs on the reformer equip-

ment offer variable resistance, which increases strength and creates tone in

your arms and legs, upper back and shoulders. For instance, doing a plank

or push-up with the spring resistance requires more strength and builds more

definition in your muscles.

A More Comprehensive & Limitless Workout - Mat-based Pilates is based

on 34 original exercises created by Joseph Pilates yet on the reformer there

are limitless possibilities. There are literally over 1,000 variations, which result

in more diversity ranging from simple to complex multi-planar movements.

The sheer variety of reformer exercises also means that you can never

plateau and so it continues to enhance your body awareness, neuromus-

cular coordination, stamina, agility, athletic performance and balance. In

addition, the reformer corrects muscular imbalances and allows for a more

uniformly developed body.

A More Intense & Efficient Core Workout - The reformer is ultimately a more

intense and efficient core workout. Deep stabilizing muscles such as the

Transverse Abdominis, adductors, pelvic floor muscles, diaphragm, multifi-

dus and erector spinae (longissimus thoracis) are challenged against the

resistance of the spring and have to fire up to control the eccentric contrac-

tion which prevents you from falling off the equipment.

A More Customized Workout - There is more focus on biomechanics and

correct alignment that is specific to your needs. This helps prevent injuries

and a program can be designed to rehab a specific condition.

More Flow & Precision - There is more flow and precision required, as many

exercises force you to multi-task. Simultaneously, you recruit core muscles,

increase strength, challenge flexibility and remain balanced. Combined

with the extensive variety of exercises, the reformer provides a very fun,

stimulating yet fluid workout.



for being the winner of the iPad mini in our Member Referral Promotion. Thank you for your support!

Faisal Kanaan

Reasons to Upgrade Your Mat-Based Pilates Workout to Pilates Reformer

If you are new to Pilates, contact Lucy Garcia at lucy.garcia @thesportingclub.comfor a free 30 min complimentary session.


Page 3: Health & Fitness at The Sporting Club San Diego

Fuel Up at The Café by Randy Clark (Chef & Café Manager)



Introducing Clinic at The Spa by Tricia Sterling (Spa Director)

Structural Bodywork can offer several advantages over traditional Swedish massage. Although

Swedish massage helps with circulation and lymphatic flow, which we all need given our active

Sporting Club lifestyle, more specific tailored bodywork is also imperative on a regular basis.

Chronic pain from over used muscles will deteriorate your body's joints over time

creating more pain and discomfort. This pain can be decreased with specific

techniques we offer at The Spa.

To highlight some of these techniques and answer any questions you

may have about your pain and discomfort, we will be offering 30

minute demonstrations followed by 30 minutes of Q&A every Tuesday

night in March from 6:30pm to 7:30pm in the Annex. Our staff will

demonstrate techniques on specific areas of the body each week. For

example, neck/shoulders, low back/hips, and calves/feet, but we are

happy to answer any questions you may.

The Spa at The Sporting Club offers an integrated approach by combining soft

tissue manipulations and movement education to restore the body to its natural

state of alignment and balance. This is achieved by lengthening, restoring and reorga-

nizing the connective tissue matrix of the body. Incorporating techniques such as active

and passive joint range of motion, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release enables our

massage therapist to help clients achieve an optimal balanced and functional body.

We believe in a whole body approach at The Sporting Club.

This includes offering tasty and healthy food options that

coincide with your diet and workout regimens. Since calo-

ries equal energy, we focus on providing nutrient rich food

choices made fresh and in-house with great pride. We do

what we do in The Sporting Club Café because that’s what

our members and guests deserve.

We also make a point of seeking out the best of the best

local products like Anne’s Kombucha, Pacific Beach Peanut

Butter and Caffe Calabria coffee to offer. As a result, our

members benefit from good, quality foods while helping

support our surrounding community.

In addition to our regular menu, we offer fantastic daily

specials Monday through Thursday ranging from soups

with no cream or roux to Chicken Curry with Saffron Cous-

cous and Roasted Sweet Potatoes. All Café food items are

made fresh to order and can be pre-ordered to fit your busy

schedule. See you soon in the Café.

Page 4: Health & Fitness at The Sporting Club San Diego

One year ago member David Levi

made the same New Years resolution

so many people make: to lose weight.

One year and more than 120 pounds

later, he is confident that his perma-

nent resolution not only changed his

outlook on life but likely saved it. On

January 1st 2013 David underwent

gastric sleeve surgery, a non- revers-

ible surgical technique used on the

morbidly obese, which removed 85%

of his stomach. At the height of his

weight David was up to 353 pounds

and with a young family and a 1

year old daughter he knew he had

to make a change. He says he was

initially inspired by his brother who

had the same procedure a year ear-

lier with similar results. He admits that,

without having seen his brother go through the process, he probably wouldn't

have gone through with it himself. As a local small business owner of David Levi

and Sons Fine Jewelry, he recalls one of his biggest wake up calls was when one

of his clients asked him if the picture of his daughter on his desk was his grand

daughter. Not only had his obesity aged him physically, but it was also begin-

ning to take a toll on his body. Every day activities that most take for granted had

become very challenging and uncomfortable. Simple task like tying his shoes,

getting in his car and more important life activities like playing with his daughter

were not only hard but caused him pain. Now in his new body, he feels like he

has added so many years to his life and is looking forward to doing things that he

that his weight gain progressed. Like most, the every day stresses of raising a new

family and a managing a thriving business pulled his attention from his health

and fitness. He admits that he struggled with the same things so many people

do – portion control and emotional eating. “There were times I would eat some-

thing on the way home from work and then eat dinner with my family.” He admits

that he was what he calls a ‘secret eater’ and says now he is not able to “cheat”

like he did in the past. His outlook on food has also changed dramatically. One

of the side effects of gastric sleeve surgery is that, by removing a large portion

never thought he could do.

David always led an active life grow-

ing up, including an impressive

college volleyball career at NYU. At

6’7” he recalls always being referred

to as the “big kid” growing up. He

says he always carried extra weight

but it wasn't until after college along

with a decline of regular exercise

"Not only had his obesity aged him physically, but it was also beginning to take a toll on his body."

of the stomach, it also reduces the

production of the hunger-stimulating

hormone ghrelin, which is produced

mainly in the lining of the stomach.

Since his food choices are limited by

quantity he always makes sure to eat

nutritionally dense food and now views

food as fuel. He has fully committed

himself to the process and has well

exceeded the amount of weight that

we was projected to lose. He says that

he “feels like he is in high school again.”

Making this lifestyle change was import-

ant to him because he also wanted to

set a good example for his daughter as


“When you workout with a trainer you have someone who inspires you, and claps for you. You have someone who is looking out for you.”


David's Success Story


Page 5: Health & Fitness at The Sporting Club San Diego

he understands that her eating habits

are a reflection of his own.

David has worked with trainers off and

on prior to his surgery; however, he

never achieved the dramatic results

he was looking for because his diet

was so out of control. Workouts were

always a struggle because he had

to manage around his 350 lb frame,

making basic movements so much

more challenging. Now that he has

resumed regular exercise, he looks

forward to increasing his muscle mass

and enjoys challenging his new body

with every workout. He is convinced

that working with a trainer has played

a crucial roll in his success as it serves

as another area of support and helps

him to stay focused. “When you work-

out with a trainer you have someone

who inspires you, and claps for you.

You have someone who is looking out

for you.” He feels like he always pushes

himself much harder than he would

on his own, but in a way that is safe

and effective post surgery. He claims

the energy he has after his workouts

are “amazing!” and he is sleeping

better than ever (David was previously

diagnosed with sleep apnea).

Most people don't even recognize

David anymore which he takes as a

compliment. He says that he didn’t

have the weight loss surgery for aes-

thetic reasons and did it more for his

health, but admits that he likes the

fact that conversations with friends

and family are not centered on his de-

clining health. Now David is educat-

ing his friends about the procedure,

and has even inspired a few people

to have the surgery as well.

If you would like more information

about Gastric Sleeve weight loss sur-

gery or post surgery exercise support

please email Kris Machain at

[email protected]


Anne Apodaca Featured in Women’s Running!

Training with Justine Green by Tricia Moore

Training with Justine has been

fantastic. What makes Justine's

approach to fitness so interesting

is that she is a professional dancer

and dance teacher. She integrates

her background in dance to en-

hance her client's training sessions.

Justine will take a traditional exercise

like a push up and integrate more

of your body by adding a stretch,

twist or adding an unstable surface.

I like to run long distances and after

my marathon in October, I found

my hamstrings and glute/hip complex were not a strong as they could have

been. Justine has really worked hard to help me strengthen this part of my

body. She has integrated dynamic flexibility, unilateral strength work, and

some stretches she learned through dance. I am running with more balance,

strength, and speed than I was able to before.

Pick up the March issue of Women’s Running Magazine, and check out their

great feature on Sporting Club Fitness Model/Trainer Anne Apodaca.

For more health and fitness tips, follow us or like us: @thesportingclub or


Page 6: Health & Fitness at The Sporting Club San Diego

A fitness industry veteran with over 20 years of experience, Paul David has helped athletes, CEOs, moms, kids, firefighters and many others reach their fitness goals. Paul graduated from California State University Long Beach with a degree in Exercise Physiology and has received certifications from numerous nationally accredited fitness institutions.

A big believer in community involvement, Paul is an active Rotary Club member and serves on the Board of Directors for the Mount San Jacinto Community College Foundation. He has also helped organize several commu-nity runs ranging from 5k to 10k to raise money for local charities.

An avid outdoors-man, Paul enjoys leading backpacking and mountaineering trips to the Sierra Nevada when he's not at The Sporting Club. He is currently planning his first major expedition to Mt McKinley, Alaska.

1. Strength Train

With workout options entering the market daily promising magical results, it

can be hard to distinguish between truth and fiction. Here’s a tried and true

way to see results quickly - lift weights! From helping

increase strength, balance, flexibility, and combating

osteoporosis – to increasing metabolism and sculpting

your body. Weight-training gives you the BEST bang for

your buck and time.

2. Take Vitamin D

Although Vitamin D is getting more press lately, most of us are still not aware

of the importance of this nutrient. Our bodies typically get Vitamin D from

sun exposure, ideally between the hours of 10am - 2pm, but because of the

potential negative side effects of sun exposure during that part of the day,

supplementation can be a safer way to get Vitamin D. More and

more research has shown that Vitamin D can help

in the prevention of chronic diseases, fight infections

and boost your immune system. The Society of

Clinical Guidelines Committee recommends 1500

to 2000 IUs per day for adults.

3. Less is More. Interval Training

Short on time to get your workouts in? Here’s a simple but effective strategy:

Interval Training. Instead of long bouts of activity, get on your favorite piece of

cardio, or go for a run outside and follow this routine: warm-up for 5 minutes,

then go hard for 2 minutes, then recover for 2 minutes. Repeat this routine for

a total of 10 or 15 minutes, time permitting. You WILL see results.

4. Do Kettlebell Swings

If there’s one exercise that contributes to losing body fat, getting

lean, improving function and helping with sports performance,

it’s Kettlebell Swings. When done with precision, proper

technique and progressively increased in weight, you'll see re-

sults quickly. Ask one of our Coaches to help you with a tutorial.

Work up to 100 Swings in under 4 minutes, it’s the best use of your time!

5. Sleep IS The Magic Pill I’m always amazed at how little sleep most people get. Even though one

might push through and still get the job done, lack of sleep is one of the

main reasons behind a depressed immune

system. Being sleep deprived makes it harder

to metabolize glucose and our level of corti-

sol (Stress hormone) increases. On the other

hand, getting enough sleep allows growth

hormone to contribute to recovery and

building muscle and bone.


5 Ways to Improve Your Health Overnight! by Paul David (Fitness Manager)

Welcome back


Page 7: Health & Fitness at The Sporting Club San Diego

Lindsey Mueller is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist serving the San Diego market. Born and raised in San Diego, she earned her Nutrition degree by attending the Natural Healing Institute of Naturopathy, one of the top three largest and most respected clinical nutrition programs in the country. Her specialties are functional nutrition, Paleo nutrition, blood sugar regulation, food allergies/intolerances and digestive health. She is also a fitness enthusiast and has done several marathons up and down the coast of California. Lindsey can analyze your lab work, history, symptoms, and goals to make a sustainable plan that is individualized to your needs.

To schedule an appointment email Lindsey at [email protected]

Lindsey will also be offering a "Gastronomy of Beauty” Cooking Class with the chefs at Waters Fine Foods & Catering on April 3 from 6-8:30. Learn how about foods that will not only make you feel good but look good, and how to transform them into delectable dishes from culinary pros. For more class information or to sign up, please call 619-276-8803.*Sporting Club Members receive $10 off this class.


Breathing In Relaxation, Breathing Out Tension by Lindsey Mueller

Lindsey Mueller | Clinical Nutritionist

As a nutritionist, I encounter several people with stress

management issues ranging from Stage 1-3 Adrenal

Fatigue. Instead of reaching for heavy meds, I always

encourage trying these treatment options for balancing

cortisol levels, the stress hormone, first.

GOOD Nutrition – Eating whole, unprocessed foods and

focusing on high protein and fat meals will go a long way. Aim

to have a “BAB” (Big A** Breakfast), medium lunch, and light

dinner to get the most out of your calories.

Appropriate Exercise – Depending on your stress level, find

the appropriate amount and type of exercise for your body.

Overtraining syndrome can cause adrenal fatigue, so try

adjusting to a lighter routine to give your body time to recover

if you suspect this may be an issue.

Lifestyle Changes – Practice “reframing” and limiting relation-

ships that bring you down instead of build you up. Laughing,

being outdoors, or having a pet can do wonders to restore

your energy.

Sleep – For those who suffer from adrenal dysfunction, there

is something magical about the sleep hours between 7am

and 9am. Whenever possible, try taking advantage of the high

quality sleep you get between these hours. Also, try taking 20

minute or less naps whenever possible around 11am and 3pm.

Alternative Therapies – Mediation, deep breathing,

biofeedback, chiropractic care, massages, yoga, Tai-Chi,

and acupuncture are all great alternative therapies that

have been found to be effective against stress issues.

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Page 8: Health & Fitness at The Sporting Club San Diego


Workplace Wellness isn't just a buzz word – it’s an employee way of life. What does that mean to you and your staff? It’s simple:

• Wellness programs can help reduce absenteeism• Has shown to increase employee productivity• Keep the healthy people healthy• Improve the health of those that need it

We can help build an employee wellness program tailored to your budget and individual needs from special membership pricing, personal training, spa packages, nutrition programs and more. Now is the time to make the commitment of wellness to your employees. Who doesn’t welcome the gift of health?

For inquiries, please contact our Workplace Wellness Director Tiffany Hofstetter at 858.336.6150 or e-mail: [email protected]