healing through reading

Healing Through Reading Healing Through Reading Healing Through Reading Healing Through Reading If one man could do it, another can! Dr Kunda Silimkhan M.D.

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Healing Through ReadingHealing Through ReadingHealing Through ReadingHealing Through Reading

If one man could do it, another can!

Dr Kunda Silimkhan M.D.

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Healing Through ReadingHealing Through ReadingHealing Through ReadingHealing Through Reading

If one man could do it, another can!

A Short Compilation

By Dr Kunda Silimkhan, M.D

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© Author


Version 2013

For more books see www.11freebooks .com

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To my parents and grandparents for being regular readers and story tellers

To my paternal grandmother, who is responsible for teaching me English before my mother tongue

If not for her, I would not be able to speed-read in English.

To Shri Digamber Bharne, our neighbour and family friend for lending our family all his precious

books on self development and yoga and introducing us to Life Positive magazine. I haven’t yet met

another person as generous with books as him.

To my sister for being the addictive book collector that she is. Her library is always spilling over into

my house. I read her books before she does.

To my brother, for introducing the works of Dr Bruce Lipton to me

To the staff of Central library for cheerfully welcoming me into their premises where I used to sit for

an hour every day for more than a year and glance through dozens of books before borrowing two.

All the books at this library are carefully selected. I am told that they have one of the best collections

in India. I keep visiting libraries wherever I go and I haven’t seen such variety elsewhere.

You will find a Shahir Ludhianvi in Urdu, an antique Portuguese book, a New Age healing book and a

book on tribal culture all under one roof. There are many times when I wish that the day had more

hours because there are so many books here which I want to read.

A final word of gratitude for people who provide their books free on the web.

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I was trained as an internist and practised clinical medicine for nearly twenty

years before moving to the field of lifestyle modification and health education.

Now, I have stepped out of clinical practice to devote myself totally to holistic


After a very intensive interactive session on self -healing, people come to me

and ask whether I can heal them.

To that my reply is, “Sorry I can’t.”

So, they get very annoyed with me and ask, “What is the use of all the talk?”

They have missed the bus.

My talk was on self -healing and the emphasis was strongly on taking


But strong cultural and psychological influences do not allow people to hear

what is said.

We move into wishful thinking….

‘How wonderful! If my diabetes could be healed, I will not have to take my

insulin shots ….and I can eat all I want’

‘I can live a carefree life, throwing all caution to the wind and you doctor heal

me because you said it is possible.’

{‘And don’t worry I will make myself sick again. I know how to.’}

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Well, it is not just about you, the patient. It is also true about me, a well-trained


I nearly killed myself with my asthma, feeling helpless and guilty at the same


But that is history. Now, I know better.

You and only you can make yourself well or sick.

The doctors can help a little with their knives or pills, if you are not going to

create the disease again.

The healers can facilitate your healing, a push here and a pull there but you

have to do the major work.

Moreover, in this lifetime, my life’s purpose is not to heal but to change

people’s perception about self-healing through my books.

There are healers in the world for those of you who like to give charge to others.

But I specifically wish to assert that self- healing is empowering. And reading

about the healing feats of others is the first step to achieving that goal.

Medicines, massage, operations, energy are all needed but not one is exclusive.

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Through this book, I want to answer the often unasked question, “Can I heal?”

with my reflections on a series of well-written books.

Since much has been written about religious books, I will restrict myself to non-

religious books.

You will have to read the books in their original form. I am just giving you

some glimpses so that you can pick the right book for your need. You may

follow your intuition.

One book will lead to another, facilitating your healing and self growth till you

come to the point when you can say, “Thank you illness. If not for you, I would

not be who I am today.”

I have a voracious appetite for books and for most years of my life I have read

‘ a book a day’ on topics ranging from quantum mechanics to things as esoteric

as The I -Ching and everything in between.

Each book I have read has turned something within me consciously or

subconsciously, whether I was aware of it or not. I really wish you too could

read the hundreds of books I have read.

But considering the fact that most people are busy, it may not be possible for

you to read all especially when you are in emotional or physical pain and in

need of healing.

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These notes will summarize some books for you. You could pick one depending

on your need at this time and then move on to another.

I have a peculiar habit. When I like book, I gather information about the


I like to understand the trials and tribulations they have faced in life and how

they dealt with them.

I like to read from people who are authentic, with all their frailties and a talent

to endure.

For me, they have to be ‘real’ people, living in the ‘apparently real’ world, so

that I can frequency-match with their messages. You may feel otherwise and

you have every right to feel so.

So, I now leave you to choose the book you want to pick up first.

Wish you an enlightening reading!

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 9

Introduction: .......................................................................................................................................... 14

Self Healing ........................................................................................................................................... 16

Morris Goodman ............................................................................................................................... 16

The Miracle Man ........................................................................................................................... 16

Louis Hay .......................................................................................................................................... 18

You Can Heal Your Life ............................................................................................................... 18

Mind -body Connection ........................................................................................................................ 20

Bruce Lipton ...................................................................................................................................... 20

The Biology of Belief-2005 .......................................................................................................... 20

Rupert Sheldrake ............................................................................................................................... 25

The Sense of Being Stared At ....................................................................................................... 25

Caroline Myss ................................................................................................................................... 26

The Anatomy of the Spirit 1996 and others .................................................................................. 26

Dr Candace Pert ................................................................................................................................ 28

Molecules of Emotion: The Science behind Mind-Body Medicine .............................................. 28

Your Body Is Your Subconscious Mind –audio-book .................................................................. 28

Pamela McDonald, N.P. .................................................................................................................... 30

The Perfect Gene Diet-2007 .......................................................................................................... 30

Wayne Dyer....................................................................................................................................... 31

Wishes Fulfilled ............................................................................................................................ 31

-Mastering the Art of Manifesting-2012 ....................................................................................... 31

Justice Blair ....................................................................................................................................... 33

A Different Kind of Health, ........................................................................................................... 33

Carlos Castaneda for Don Juan ......................................................................................................... 33

The Teachings of Don Juan: .......................................................................................................... 33

A Yaqui Way of Knowledge ......................................................................................................... 33

Matrix Energetics Study Group ......................................................................................................... 34

Using Frequencies and Numbers to Facilitate Health ................................................................... 34

A New Approach to Self-Exploration and Therapy ...................................................................... 34

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Stanislav Grof & Christina Grof ....................................................................................................... 35

Holotropic Breathwork ................................................................................................................. 35

LSD ....................................................................................................................................................... 37

Donald J. De Gracia, Ph.D. ............................................................................................................... 37

Psychedelic Drugs and the Awakening of Kundalini .................................................................... 37

Ram Dass(Richard Alpert) ................................................................................................................ 38

Miracle of Love ............................................................................................................................. 38

J P Bailey ........................................................................................................................................... 39

Emotional freedom technique for co-dependency recovery-2010 ................................................ 39

Grief Management ................................................................................................................................. 42

Elisabeth Kűbler-Ross ....................................................................................................................... 42

On Death and Dying ...................................................................................................................... 42

Ganga Stone ...................................................................................................................................... 43

Start the Conversation ................................................................................................................... 43

NDE -Near Death Experiences.............................................................................................................. 45

Anita Moorjani .................................................................................................................................. 45

Dying to be me and her videos ..................................................................................................... 45

George Ritchie ................................................................................................................................... 46

Return from Tomorrow (1978) ...................................................................................................... 46

Emily Williams Cook, Bruce Greyson and Ian Stevenson ................................................................ 47

Do Any Near-Death Experiences Provide Evidence for the Survival of Human Personality after

Death? Relevant Features and Illustrative Case Reports ............................................................... 47

Nancy Evans Bush ............................................................................................................................ 48

Dancing Past the Dark: Distressing �ear-Death Experiences ...................................................... 48

Kenneth Ring..................................................................................................................................... 49

Life at Death (1980) ...................................................................................................................... 49

Doreen Virtue, Ph.D .......................................................................................................................... 50

Saved By An Angel -2011............................................................................................................. 50

Sarah Kreutziger ................................................................................................................................. 51

Recollections of Death: A Medical Investigation (1982) .................................................................... 51

George Gallup Jr. .............................................................................................................................. 52

Adventures in Immortality (1982) ................................................................................................. 52

Michael E. Tymn ................................................................................................................................. 53

Induced After-Death Communication ............................................................................................... 53

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Raymond Moody ............................................................................................................................... 54

Life After Life ............................................................................................................................... 54

Michael Duff Newton ........................................................................................................................ 56

Journey of Souls -1994 .................................................................................................................. 56

Dr Michael Newton ........................................................................................................................... 57

Destiny of Souls ................................................................................................................................ 57

New Case Studies of Life Between Lives ............................................................................................. 57

Kevin Williams ................................................................................................................................. 59

Nothing Better Than Death ........................................................................................................... 59

Insights from Sixty-two Profound Near-Death Experiences ......................................................... 59

Henry Leo Bolduc ............................................................................................................................. 60

Journeys Within-1988 ................................................................................................................... 60

A True Story of Time Travel, Past Life Regression, and Channelling ......................................... 60

Doreen Virtue ,Ph.D. ......................................................................................................................... 63

Are You An Earth Angel? ............................................................................................................. 63

Rustom Davar .................................................................................................................................... 64

The Art of Happiness .................................................................................................................... 64

Dolores Cannon ................................................................................................................................. 65

Conversations with A Spirit .......................................................................................................... 65

Bruce Greyson ................................................................................................................................... 67

The Mystical Impact of Near-Death Experiences ......................................................................... 67

Bruce Greyson ................................................................................................................................... 68

Near-Death Experiences and the Physio-Kundalini Syndrome ..................................................... 68

OBE -Out Of Body Experiences ........................................................................................................... 71

Robert A. Monroe ............................................................................................................................. 71

Journeys Out Of the Body-1971, 1977 .......................................................................................... 71

Dr Bruce Goldberg ............................................................................................................................ 73

Past Lives, Future Lives, Revealed ............................................................................................... 73

Past Life Regression .............................................................................................................................. 75

Relationships ..................................................................................................................................... 76

Dr Blossom Furtado .......................................................................................................................... 76

Unlock The Past To Heal The Present .......................................................................................... 76

Dr Brian Weiss .................................................................................................................................. 77

Many Lives, Many Masters-1988 ................................................................................................. 77

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Kundalini And Aura ........................................................................................................................... 79

Sri Swami Sivananda ........................................................................................................................ 79

Kundalini Yoga ............................................................................................................................. 79

Barbara Brennen ................................................................................................................................ 80

Hands of Life 1987 ........................................................................................................................ 80

Lee Sanella ........................................................................................................................................ 83

Kundalini -Psychosis Or Trancendence?....................................................................................... 83

Dr Valerie Hunt ................................................................................................................................. 83

“The Promise of Bioenergy Fields Research” ............................................................................... 83

Dr. Masaru Emoto ............................................................................................................................. 85

The Hidden Messages In Water ..................................................................................................... 85

Patricia D. Williams .......................................................................................................................... 86

Chakra System and Ancient Wisdom Traditions Worldwide =2008 ........................................... 86

Alice A. Bailey .................................................................................................................................. 86

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire............................................................................................................. 86

Stephen LaBerge, Ph. D. and Howard Rheingold ............................................................................. 87

Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming .................................................................................... 87

Fred Alan Wolf .................................................................................................................................. 89

The Business of Is ness: A Look at the Parallel Universes .......................................................... 89

Interpretation of Quantum Physics ................................................................................................ 89

World View: ........................................................................................................................................... 92

Larry Hannigan ................................................................................................................................. 92

I Want The Earth Plus 5%-1971 .................................................................................................... 92

Jiddu Krishnamurti ............................................................................................................................ 92

The First and Last Freedom ........................................................................................................... 92

Upton Sinclair ................................................................................................................................... 93

Mental Radio-1929 ........................................................................................................................ 93

Michael Talbot .................................................................................................................................. 94

The Holographic Universe-1991 ................................................................................................... 94

Alfred Korzybski ............................................................................................................................... 96

Manhood of Humanity .................................................................................................................. 96

The Science and Art of Human Engineering- 1921 ...................................................................... 96

James F. Twyman ............................................................................................................................ 100

Love God and The Art Of French Cooking................................................................................. 100

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Erwin Schrodinger ........................................................................................................................... 103

What Is Life? ............................................................................................................................... 103

Edwin A. Abbot ............................................................................................................................... 105

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions ................................................................................ 105

Roger Penrose ................................................................................................................................. 106

The Emperor's New Mind ........................................................................................................... 106

Maurice Frydman-Translator .......................................................................................................... 108

I Am That .................................................................................................................................... 108

Dialogues of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj - 1973 ............................................................................ 108

Epilogue: ......................................................................................................................................... 111

Glossary:.......................................................................................................................................... 114

Appendix: ........................................................................................................................................ 117

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I am a crazy reader and if you have read any of my books you will realize that I

really dig at the roots.

I like to find out when a particular fact was first known and sometimes who has

opposite views.

If the criticism has any basis, I entertain and analyse it. Otherwise, I try to use

the material at hand and judge for myself from the results.

This book was partly written for my own self. Whenever I read a book, I make a

synopsis of it as I am reading and try to finish the book at one go. If the book I

read brings something new and important, I do three readings of the book which

takes three sittings.

First - cursory

Second -for in depth understanding

Third- for notes taking

I type out all the references which are not already included in my burgeoning

list of books so I look them up later.

So, all I had to do to write this book was transfer the points from my notes into


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The other reason I compiled these notes was for the benefit of people who ask

me about solutions to their specific problems. Time does not permit to answer in

detail and sometimes shortcuts could be misrepresenting the facts.

Since I have stopped prescribing chemicals, I prescribe books, at times pulling

out a sheet from my prescription pad.

People need time to unlearn old views and assimilate new ideas.

When they read about other people’s experiences, they almost pole vault

themselves to a new dimension.

There are healing stories all around me but professional ethics do not allow me

to share these stories. So, I have talked to many people about published stories

as those of Morris Goodman and Anita Moorjani.

The books given here are randomly chosen. Granted enough time, I could write

about many more books but numbers are less important. One book picked

intuitively can be a turning point towards health, healing or self growth in


Plus every book I have written so far will have subject-wise references for those

people who are keen readers.

I want to assert that these are not book reviews. I am no authority on book-

writing or on most of the subjects chosen here. I love to read and write and I

love to share good thoughts.

These books are my friends in rain and shine and I firmly believe that they

somehow hold the key to healing.

The science of healing is on the threshold of a major paradigm shift. I know it

as do all others who live in the ‘now’.

But most people are still living in the past. We need to get the critical numbers

for the shift.

What other better way than books to reach a large number of people?

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Self Healing

Let me start with self healing and the famous story of Morris Goodman.

Morris Goodman

The Miracle Man

Goodman was a top insurance agent from Virginia in his early thirties and lived

a high flying life till a near- fatal plane crash in 1981 left him with spinal injury

and paralysed.

While another person in his place would have emotionally succumbed to his

locked-in state, Goodman fought with all his ‘will’ to live and to recover


eight months later……

walk out of the hospital, unaided …… much to the consternation of his doctors,


“I never believed for a minute that it could not be done”

His message to himself:

Both before and after the crash

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“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!”

His Second Contribution:

Reject the negative expectation of people

{SNIOP-susceptible to negative influences of other people}

This is important for all patients who have received a bad prognosis and their


My notes:

When doctors told me after my healing, “Beware! your asthma will return”,

I chose a fine strategy to deal with their negative thoughts.

“Perhaps, but this time not in me….. maybe in you.”

I am sure the doctor would pray that asthma should not come to this world . So

both the doctor and I benefitted.

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Louis Hay

You Can Heal Your Life

First 1984

Hay House

About the author:

Louise Hay is a healer and author who healed herself of cancer. She has

developed many transformative workshops which are offered worldwide.

Both this book and her workbook by the same name are great reads.

What the book offers:

It is about response -ability

It is about the power of the present moment in the creation of both, disease and


It is about

The foursome foes of well being:

Resentment, Criticism, Guilt, and Fear

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And finally, an attitude –illness link

A list of attitudes matched with possible illnesses is appended.

The Great Message:

“The Only Thing We Are Ever Dealing With Is a Thought, and a Thought Can

Be Changed”

The compassion filled in this book is palpable.

It is a must-read for anyone on a healing journey.

My notes:

Being a follower of Rajyog, I was already using some techniques of self-

healing but reading Hay increased my confidence in the very techniques I was


I didn’t have to change my techniques but only use then with more conviction.

Ultimately, it is not the technique but the belief you have in it which matters.

My usual take is ‘If one person on Earth can do it, I also can!’

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Mind -body Connection

Bruce Lipton

The Biology of Belief-2005

Hay House

About the author:

Dr Lipton first discovered the ‘living cell’ as a young school student in a

paramecium under the school microscope and then there was no looking back.

He went on to become a cell biologist and medical school Professor, teaching

his students in an unconventional manner.

Unconventional, tangential but very true and genuine…that is what New Agers

are ….teaching new biology for the new generation.

True to his unconventional nature, Dr Lipton even took a sabbatical to pursue


Besides the science in this book , what caught my attention in this book was a

sixty-seven year old retired person joining the first year in medical college.

Retired people! Are you listening?

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What is Dr Lipton saying?

Dr Lipton was one of early few who dealt with new biology and


Epi-genetics moves away from conventional thinking in genetics in the sense

that it proposes that the cell’s life is controlled by the physical and energetic

environment around it and not by its genes.

[The human being is influenced by its environment or what I like to call

lifestyle and then you get lifestyle diseases.

Most modern diseases like diabetes and atherosclerosis are lifestyle or

epigenetic diseases.]

And we are lucky that Dr Lipton has included the mind in the environment. It

would have required some nerve for a hard -core stem cell researcher to talk of

mind in the laboratory.

Most scientists doubt that the mind exists independently of the brain …..even at

this point .

We can’t blame them because mind is not explicitly mentioned in their text


Dr Bohm, Dr Sheldrake , Dr Pribram, are names which are unfamiliar to most

medical scientists.

During his stem cell research, Dr Lipton became aware that contemporary

biology paid little attention the ‘cooperation’ factor ‘and dealt only with

‘competitiveness’ in growth perhaps a hangover from Darwinism.

We live in an environment of bacteria or even viruses in mutual cooperation.

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These bacteria or commensals as they are called are helpful to us. The rampant

use of antibiotics is detrimental to our survival because they kill

indiscriminately whereas our own immune cells act selectively.

The Bitter Truth:

Genes cannot turn themselves on or off . In other words, genes are not “self-

emergent.” or self regulatory .

“We are not victims of our genes, but masters of our fates”

Each cell is capable of independent existence ‘in a petridish’ and live on given

the right environmental conditions.

Regarding Cancer

Cancer cell moves away from community and thus behaviour erratically- like

miscreants in society.

My ;otes:

The upcoming debate of Darwinism versus Lamarckism is well highlighted in

this book.

Lamarck had suggested that evolution was based on dynamic interaction and

that is the general impression today, the gene-environment, gene –nutrient

interaction or more precisely the web of causation.

The presence of a microbe in the environment increases your chances of

contracting it but whether you will get the disease or not will depend on your

immune response and your belief system.

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You don’t respond to the virus with your white blood corpuscles as has been

traditionally taught but with your ‘entire you’…

It is sad that our medicine books are still carrying the old science in spite of

evidence to the contrary.

Loss of these commensal bacteria in the respiratory tree of young children

dosed heavily with antibiotics are reported to increase the incidence and

prevalence of asthma and very, very unfortunately, the increasing asthma


However, since a direct link is difficult to establish between antibiotics and

asthma deaths, the doctor cannot be sued in court.

The Messages:

“Just as single cells are controlled by their awareness of the environment

so too are we, trillion-celled human beings”

“For close to two decades I had been programming biology’s central dogma—

the belief that life is controlled by genes—into the minds of medical students”

“There is no doubt that human beings have a great capacity for sticking to false

beliefs with great passion and tenacity, and hyper-rational scientists are not


“We can choose to perceive the environment in different ways, unlike a single

cell whose awareness is more reflexive”

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“I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs

Environmental signals engage cytoplasmic processes that can alter

gene expression.”

“Leading-edge scientists are familiar with the concepts proposed herein, and

that’s a good thing. The problem is related to the fact that over 99 percent of

the rest of the population, the “lay audience,” is still operating from antiquated

and disempowering beliefs about being victims of their genes”

“You are controlled by perception not by genes.”

This book is a must read for all New-agers, all patients who want to get well.

Besides, I would recommend this book to each and every corporate worker,

who is either killing himself at forty with a competitive heart attack or

staggering along with a patched -up body.

Biology was not designed for competition. Completion through cooperation is

the key to survival, growth and expansion.

And lastly, to all my retiring friends “ it is never too late to learn.” You could

join school again.

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Rupert Sheldrake

The Sense of Being Stared At

About the author:

The author is a plant biologist who was studying electro-magnetic fields in


Dr Sheldrake was collaborating on some research at ICRISAT, Hyderabad ,


He is supposed to have met a sadhu.

What exchange happened between the two is not in public domain to the best of

my knowledge.

But following Dr Sheldrake’s research is rewarding because it talks of

morphogenetic fields around plants, the human equivalent of which is aura.

Dr Sheldrake’s experiments showed two minds could communicate over a

distance which may gives a basis of for distance healing.

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Caroline Myss

The Anatomy of the Spirit 1996 and others

This book is published in 28 languages and has sold 1.5 million copies.

About the author:

Caroline Myss is a New York Times best -selling author, Television host,

mystic healer and medical intuitive.

The Creation of Health:

With Dr Norman Shealy, Neurosurgeon.

Caroline developed the field of Energy Anatomy, where she correlates

specific emotional and physical stress patterns with specific diseases.

In the Anatomy of The Spirit,

Caroline identifies a syndrome which she calls ‘woundology’ which is now

accepted as a psychological condition.

People create illness by manipulation of their own world stepping aside from an

independent empowered state of health.

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In her third book, Why People Don't Heal And How They Can, she

investigates the underlying reasons why people sabotage their healing processes

.It deals with healing of the inner child .

Sacred Contracts:

This book reveals her interest in the language of symbols, myths, and


Researching into people’s beliefs and profiles, she has arrived at 12 archetypal

patterns that reflect mythic language .

Sacred contracts deals with agreements the soul has made prior to birth.

Issues like murder and astral travel are dealt with.

Other Books:

Invisible Acts of Power - 2004

Entering The Castle - 2007

Defy Gravity-2009 ----Mystical Phenomenon Of Healing That Transcends

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Dr Candace Pert

Molecules of Emotion: The Science behind Mind-Body Medicine

Your Body Is Your Subconscious Mind –audio-book

About the author:

Dr Candace Pert is a neurophysiologist.

At a very young age while doing her PhD, she conceived and discovered the

opiate receptor or her in her own words she perhaps ‘created’ it.

She was bypassed for the coveted Dr Alfred Lasker Award, a forerunner to the

Nobel Prize and that perhaps changed the events both for Dr Pert and the rest of

the world.

It is not easy to predict what would be the events if she would win the Nobel


Not many except the quiz masters and people in one particular field remember

the names of Nobel laureates in science. The peace and literature prize winners

are widely known.

But today, with her books and audios, Dr Pert has made history. So, whatever

happens, happens for the best.

So, if you are a scientist and being ignored find your niche in another field.

There may be another place for your karmic merits.

Dr Pert left the world on September 12, 2013 at the age of 67.

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What the books say:

The books give a scientific proof of the mind –body or emotion –body


There is an indirect validation of what the new-agers, Ayurvedic, Homeopathy

doctors and yogis have been telling us for decades.

The proof of the pudding lies in the eating but to eat the pudding we need an

endorsement . And that is what these books will do for you.

A scientist’s validation not only motivates you but also quietens the voices of

dissenting skeptics who try to de-motivate you.

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Pamela McDonald, ;.P.

The Perfect Gene Diet-2007

Hay House

About the author:

Pamela McDonald is a board-certified nurse-practitioner, author, and

international speaker who is working on the prevention of chronic illness,

especially heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Pamela is a graduate of

Andrew Weil, M.D.’s, Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of


About the book:

In this book, Pamela talks of apogenes and a designer diet.

In India, we cannot afford gene testing. So, I dowse or use my intuition.

But what is important is that this book tells us to treat every human being as an

individual and not a machine.

Some patients like those with hereditary hypercholesterolemia or genetic

obesity will definitely benefit from gene testing.

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Wayne Dyer

Wishes Fulfilled

-Mastering the Art of Manifesting-2012

Hay House

His video is also worth watching

About the author:

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the

field of self-development.

His other books I have read:

Your Erroneous Zones

The Sky Is The Limit

You See It When You Believe It

What the book says:

In this book Wayne Dyer talks about his five wishes and how they were


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There are healing stories about people , the right affirmations and about feeling

the manifestation in the body even before it has occurred.

My ;otes:

Though most of this is old stuff in New Age circles, I want to draw the reader’s

attention to one particular event, his lymphoma.

Dyer had a chronic lymphocytic leukaemia which healed miraculously.

Now, he has been talking about manifesting and creating.

So, did he create the leukaemia?

If so, why?

To prove to the world that he could heal?

or was it due to karmic issues and karma has to go away through the body?

Meaning you cannot wish it away.

If you are a long -term manifestor and find yourself with a problem, you are

reminded that sometimes things go wrong even for great people.

Their greatness lies in how they negotiate around the problem.

His other books:

Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages

There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem

Secrets for Success and Inner Peace

The Power of Intention, Inspiration

Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life

Excuses Begone!

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Justice Blair

A Different Kind of Health,

Full Circle Publishing, New Delhi, 1998

This book teaches about acceptance of illness when there is no reversal


Carlos Castaneda for Don Juan

The Teachings of Don Juan:

A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

This book describes the rigors a disciple has to go through before becoming a

healer and it gives you a glimpse of the ecstasy too.


Authenticity is a must for a seeker

Spiritual or energy healing is common to all cultures

Mine is not the only way

It teaches acceptance of others’ ways.

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Matrix Energetics Study Group

Using Frequencies and ;umbers to Facilitate Health

A ;ew Approach to Self-Exploration and Therapy

This book is a pointer to where new medicine is headed. It carries reports of

energy measurements done with the help of machines..

Machines are required to document healing for the sceptics. For the healee,

nothing is required. He knows exactly when the shift occurred in him. He also

gets the confidence from within that the disease will not occur again.

This is just the beginning of healing. We will not need any machines as we


Reading the book will make you understand energy healing better.

There are so many methods of healing because that is the way it should be.

Imagine a garden of …only roses or a jungle of only sandalwood. It is man who

creates monocultures …..Nature likes diversity.

If you have read some of my books, all of which were written well before I

discovered this one, it will be clear that some universal intelligence is giving the

same message to all authors

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This book presents a key story of recovery from Keratoconus, a genetic eye

condition of the cornea and nystagmus, a nervous system issue causing the eyes

to twitch and chronic migraines. (Kimberly Burnham)

I have reasons to believe that what is written in this book is true.

I have seen the magic of self-healing. If my patients and I managed to learn the

trick, so can anyone else.

I am a doctor who practiced for more than 20 years telling you that we doctors

don’t know much about healing.

All we have is the ‘faith advantage of the patient’ and hence our patients


If the patient does not want to get alright, the doctor can do nothing.

He may remove a tumour completely. But the patient manufactures it again in a

few weeks time.

Stanislav Grof & Christina Grof

Holotropic Breathwork

About the authors:

They are Psychotherapists and Healers who first worked with LSD and then

shifted to breath -work.

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What the book is about:

Holotropic brings together in an integrative manner, different schools of

psychotherapy like Freudian, Reichian and Jungian, supplemented with Eastern

concepts and new research.

Holotropic breath work is a western response to kundalini yoga and was used as

an alternative to LSD when the latter was banned in the west.

My ;otes:

This book is a very important read for those people who are doing some form of

yoga or even vipasana ..in large groups.

You will be able to relate to some of the material presented here and also get

some of your questions answered. So, read it before and after the session and

keep rigorous notes.

If you have worked with Bhastrika pranayam (called kriya or sudarshan kriya in

some schools), you will find it easy to follow this book.

I have discussed the complete physiological correlations of yoga in my

forthcoming book Scientific Yoga, and bits and parts in my other books.

If someone is trapped by LSD or MDMA (ecstasy), then holotropic breath work

may be their escape or exit route.

I don’t think anyone should have an objection to a LSD- dependent person

doing something like Bhastrika pranayam.

But what I strongly believe in is , that yoga should not be done by reading

books or watching television.

The ‘live –transmission’ is very important.

And in India, it is not very costly.

I was given one of the best training by great yogis for almost nothing…

(at an international workshop at SVYAASA and then at Vivekananda Kendra

Kanyakumari. Besides these two, I am lucky to get a lot of guidance for almost


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Instead of investing in gold, I have been investing in self growth which always

appreciates more than gold.

You can’t take the gold with you but your evolution accompanies you into next


Take a look at all the people in old age homes. Rich …with families but feeling


And you will be able to make an informed choice as to where you want to invest

your time and money.


Donald J. De Gracia, Ph.D.

Psychedelic Drugs and the Awakening of Kundalini

Back ground:

A television interview says that 50% of youth in Punjab are under the

influence/threat of drugs. The drug kingpins are top politicians across party

lines. Even our Olympians had recently come under the scanner.

The present generation Punjabis have risen through sheer toil. It is painful to see

their Genext wasting away precious human resource, themselves.

This book is a helpful tool for parents and helpers. It is a complete book on


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Ram Dass(Richard Alpert)

Miracle of Love

In this book, Alpert describes his encounter with “Neem Karoli Baba ‘ an

advanced yogi who takes a massive dose of LSD from Alpert with no effects .

He takes three pills of 300 micrograms each, amounting to a total of 900


The Lesson:

If children in Punjab and other metropolitan areas could be taught kundalini

yoga then they can handle ecstasy or LSD with ease.

The drug mafia will have to change their business-line.

Stanislav Grof has also worked extensively with LSD.

Another substance has hit the drug market is MDMA or ecstasy(XTC), taken as

a pill. The term "molly" or "mandy" colloquially refers to purified MDMA in

powder or crystalline form. MDMA decreases anxiety, induces euphoria can

induces euphoria and a sense of bonding. It has been therapeutically used in the

past to treat PTSD and anxiety associated with terminal cancer.

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J P Bailey

Emotional freedom technique for co-dependency recovery-2010

About the author:

J.P. Bailey has a Master’s degree in counselling psychology and is a mental

health recovery specialist.

Bailey had worked her own co-dependency issues so she talks out of


Though Bailey’s main concerns are victims of domestic violence and child

abuse but others are equally eligible. Another book in the same field is ‘Women

who love too much’ by Robin Norwood.

“The term ‘co-dependency’ is generally used to describe a pattern of attitudes,

behaviours or feelings acquired as the result of a close relationship with

someone who is addicted to alcohol or other drugs. It could also be caused by

loving a toxic person. This person could be mentally ill, have a personality

disorder, or be emotionally or physically abusive.”

This book is one of the finest work-book written for co-dependency.

My take:

In my personal experience with people, using EFT & combining it with

cognitive restructuring in a wonderful healing tool. You can work things on

your own but having a fellow traveller to share your insights is the ‘Perfect

Recipe’ for healing. The best part of healing is that it comes free or a nominal


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‘the best things in life come free…. air , natural water , mother’s love and self-


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Grief Management

Elisabeth Kűbler-Ross

On Death and Dying

About the author:

The author was a psychiatrist who worked for a long time with terminally ill

dying patients addressing their fears, concerns and expectations.

This book addresses the fear of death and attitudes Toward Death and Dying

It is one of the greatest experiential works dealing with the care of dying


It can bring solace to the family and care givers of terminally ill patients

It gives an account the various stages of death

Denial and Isolation




And finally ...... Hope .

These stages are not sequential. The grief, shame and guilt are intermingled at

the same time with anger and denial.

The grief process extends to the family. A five year old child losing his mother

is angry with her for deserting him, and blaming himself for the loss.

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Eye –opener for hospital staff:

“Slowly but surely he is beginning to be treated like a thing. He is no longer a


How often do we, as doctors take it for granted that the dying don’t have a

choice and we or the family can decide for them?

Ganga Stone

Start the Conversation

Warner books

This is a book about dealing with impending death. It should be on the shelves

of ICU counters for people to pick up , read, discuss and be comfortable talking

about death without feeling guilty.

I wish I had read a book like this when I joined medicine. I had to learn

everything by default.

I like the way the book flows.

Just a few pointers….

“Catch some death from me?”

“Listen, you caught it from your mother in the delivery room…..Your goose is

already cooked”

The English version of Jatasya hi dhruvor mrutyuhu…. Perfect for the modern


“Body is given on lease………

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Term expires anytime …at manufacturer’s discretion.”

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;DE -;ear Death Experiences

Near death experiences occur in people dying of any cause like vehicular

accidents, near-drowning, surgery and post-surgery, childbirth, allergic reaction,

falling out of an airplane, electrocution, heart attack, high fever, combat, rape

and other criminal attack.

Near death experiences happen to people of all countries and with any religious

affiliation what so ever or none.

Religious belief seems to have no impact on the likelihood of having an

experience, and suicide may produce radiant �DEs.

The most striking example of healing after a NDE is that of Anita Moorjani.

Anita Moorjani

Dying to be me and her videos

About the author:

Anita born in Singapore to Sindhi parents and grew up in Thailand, had cancer

ravaging her body for four long years. In spite of state- of- the -art therapy for

four years , she deteriorated enough to land in coma with multi-organ failure on

Feb 2nd

2006 .

The doctors had given up all hope on her while Anita was peacefully prancing

about in the ‘bliss zone’ during a NDE.

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Defying all expectations, Anita returned to a body to experience complete

healing through the medium of unconditional love.

The lesson:

When Anita was apparently dead to the world, she was alive to herself.

She could feel other people’s emotions but had total freedom from physical


Anita describes her fear of death and inability to let go which disappeared after

the NDE and her mission to spread the message of love.

Eye opener for doctors and staff:

She could hear, see, feel other people’ emotions and even read the minds of

doctors, nurses and attendants.

This is a sure warning sign for hospital staff to guard their thoughts for their

own sake if not for the sake of the patients.

As more NDErs report the thoughts of hospital staff, and some thoughts are

especially nasty, the TRP(or HRP) of the hospital will be compromised.

The Message:

“A sense that we’re all pure love. We’re not only connected to everyone else

and to God, but at a deeper level, we all are God.”

I hope some philanthropists come forward and distribute copies to cancer and

kidney wards.

George Ritchie

Return from Tomorrow (1978)

George Ritchie has narrated his dramatic wartime near-death experience.

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Emily Williams Cook, Bruce Greyson and Ian Stevenson

Do Any ;ear-Death Experiences Provide Evidence for the Survival of

Human Personality after Death? Relevant Features and Illustrative Case


Division of Personality Studies, Department of Psychiatric Medicine

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908

NDEs are primarily subjective experiences, with little or no verifiable content

reported. People are interested in NDEs because they tell us that consciousness

survives the death of physical body or in short we are more than the body or in

religious terms that we have a soul.

But what is the supporting evidence?

The survival hypothesis:

There are three features Of NDE which support survival.

• Enhanced mentation-lucid and clear as in waking state

• The experience of seeing the physical body from a different position in


• Paranormal perceptions –perceive things at a distance

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Near death experiences convince people that death is a transition to a different

life and not the end of life. The NDErs never say, ‘My soul was floating’ but ‘I

was floating’. So, I and my body are clearly delineated.

;ancy Evans Bush

Dancing Past the Dark: Distressing �ear-Death Experiences

This book is a little different from the rest of its genre because it reports

‘ hellish’ kind of near death experiences.

My take: Heaven or hell

When we quote that negative experiences are present in NDE, it could come

from vengeance point of view.

“You do wrong and you will be punished…. I am relieved or even glad.”

Or it may come from a compassionate presence.

“It may be true …. may be….. you may go through a painful or hellish kind of

experience of guilt and remorse at the time of death. At that time you and I will

be helpless do anything about it… So why not heal the wounds right now.

But of course, if you insist on persisting in yours ways it is okay with me …”

Now, put ‘I’ in place of ‘you’ and decide for yourself……

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Kenneth Ring

Life at Death (1980)

About the author:

A researcher on near death experiences

What the book says:

Kenneth Ring interviewed 102 survivors of near death as regards their religious

beliefs, faith and belief in after-life of heaven or hell.

He found no relationship between beliefs and the actual quantitative experience

however the interpretation of the experience was influence by their beliefs.

Most people who have had an encounter with death had a lessened or lost fear

of death, whereas 71% of the non-experiencers reported an increase or no

change in their fear level.

Dr Ring derived the “Weighted Core Experience Index” to compare experiences

and lend scientific credence to the research.


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Doreen Virtue, Ph.D

Saved By An Angel -2011

True Accounts of People Who Have Had Extraordinary Experiences with Angels . . .and

How YOU Can, Too

Hay House

Who is Doreen?

In her words “Ever since my life was saved by an angel during an armed

carjacking in 1995, I’ve devoted my time to researching and teaching these


She has a PhD in Psychology and is clairvoyant.

What the book says:

This is a book about angels or messengers who saved lives told through their



“I asked and it was given! In four years, I went from a place of utter despair to

being one of the happiest people on the planet, and I thank my angels daily as I

stand in such vast appreciation for all that is!”

My take:

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What angels are I do not know but caught in situations far beyond human

control you decide to ask for help and the help comes and you say ‘Godsend


You need and want to be alive and well.

You don’t need a damned rationalist’s proof or explanation for the event.

The rationalist was not there to save you from the near- fatality and he won’t be

there if another should occur in future.

The real scientists have done real experiments in precognition with reproducible


We know non- linear time in the 4th

dimensions moves both ways (see The

Doctor’s Theory of Everything for a quick recap).

What value are all the scientific explanations to someone who is dead?

Sarah Kreutziger

Recollections of Death: A Medical Investigation (1982)

What the book tells:

This book gives veridical or verifiable out of body experiences.

Veridical experiences are usually people travelling out of their body and

meeting other people in a different location.

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George Gallup Jr.

Adventures in Immortality (1982)

This is a kind of cross country poll on the widespread nature of mystical


Something which is so commonplace in our society is taboo because of cultural


All through medical college and for years after, I would not have the courage to

talk my Near Death experience. I admit that I have still haven’t told a single

allopathic doctor about it. Not because of fear but I don’t see how it will help.

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Michael E. Tymn

Induced After-Death Communication

What the book tells:

This book carries stories on After Death Communication.

IADC is an information processing technique developed by US clinical

psychologist Dr. Allan Botkin allows people to access and overcome grief and

to communicate telepathically with departed souls on the other side.

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Raymond Moody

Life After Life

About the author:

Dr Moody attended graduate school in philosophy at the University of Virginia

and received my Ph.D. in that subject in 1969.

After teaching philosophy for three years, he joined medical school to become a


About the book:

The book explores the phenomena of death as narrated by NDErs

It gives lucid accounts of near death experiences,

Near death experiences may happen in a wide variety of circumstances and a

doctor may or may not be present to certify the death.

Different stages of the experience are described.

If one has been through a near death experience and has not found a patient

listener, then this is the book for them.

They will get a sense of ‘I am not the only one, I am not alone in this


A near death experience takes away all fear of death

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There is a feeling of great comfort in death. So, when the next of kin of a

recently expired person reads this book, it brings them great solace.

Many times relatives suffer for months because their loved one had a painful


Knowing that the pain ends with ‘passing over’ brings great relief.

After death Communication is possible with the dead if you can keep your mind


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Michael Duff Newton

Journey of Souls -1994

About the author:

Dr Newton was a traditional hypnotherapist who turned past life regression


Michael Duff Newton who holds a doctorate in Counselling Psychology, is a

certified Master Hypnotherapist and a member of the American Counselling


About the book:

Is a recount of various people who had time -travelled into the past.

Though collected from various sources and times the experiences are rearranged

to gives a kind of an orderly portrayal of what possibly awaits us after death.

Since almost all the narrations are positive, it sounds like a travelogue or tourist

guide. Death is no longer a final destination but an adventurous journey.

You can’t wait to get there.

There is information on who may come to meet us what are likely

places we may be taken to etc.

It also tells us about our guides and the planning for the next birth.

So, we are born in different countries, religions, communities and even change

our sex.

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Dr Michael ;ewton

Destiny of Souls

New Case Studies of Life Between Lives

In this sequel, to Journey of souls Dr Newton gives a clear description of soul’s

journey between lives.

When a person dies, the soul rises out of its body. Younger souls are disoriented

and are received by their loved ones like mother or father and spirit guides.

Some souls see a brilliant light which is interpreted as God, Jesus or Buddha.

The soul are in non -linear time frame and can see past and future in the present.

Though a parent who had died years earlier could have reincarnated, a division

of soul’s energy into parallel worlds is possible, enabling them to come and

meet the departed soul.

The soul then meets the guide and joins his soul cluster. Souls who have gone

through a painful lifetime are cared for in places often referred to as "intensive

care units."

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This book also discusses Karma. Karma is not considered retributive justice by

the soul or as a penance for guilt but an opportunity for growth which the soul

takes on voluntarily.

The soul experiences the joy of homecoming to intimate soul mates

The different soul groups and school are described in detail.

The message:

“There is no hell for souls, except perhaps on except perhaps on Earth.”

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Kevin Williams

;othing Better Than Death

Insights from Sixty-two Profound ;ear-Death Experiences

About the author:

Williams is computer programmer by profession and an active member of

IANDS, the International Association for Near-Death Studies.

webmaster of www.near-death.com

What the book says:

This book is collection of cases from books usually self reported recording the

experiences of NDEers

There is an interesting story here about an accident victim coming alive after

being declared dead.

The book is spiced by intriguing questions like

What happens to those who commit suicide?

“ A suicide can leave a gigantic hole in a family - one that can never again be

filled. The emotional damage inflicted on families by suicide is often the real

tragedy. It has been said a suicide dies only once; but, those left behind die a

thousand deaths trying to understand why. “

There are positive as well as hellish accounts of para-suicides.

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Suicide, according to most religions is an unpardonable sin but this is not what

the NDErs reveal.

The hellish experience may come out of guilt and belief systems rather than

God’s punitive action. Spirits out there on the other side, (out there refers to

dimension and not place) are very compassionate so hell is temporary…….

some solace

Second aspect is about understanding creation through the study of NDEs as


“Our spirit is a fractal of God.”

[For more on fractals see ‘The Doctor’s Theory of Everything’]

Henry Leo Bolduc

Journeys Within-1988

A True Story of Time Travel, Past Life Regression, and Channelling

About the author:

Henry Bolduc is an antique dealer and past-life researcher who specialises in


What the book tells:

It begins with Bolduc’s own journey at being a hypnotherapist, his transcripts

of many regression tapes and his travel to Edgar Caycee foundation .

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During his journeys into past lives of friends, he explores ancient civilizations

like the Atlantis.

He analyses his own life as a crusader in the past and present life relationship


Anyone reading this book will never ever be a part of communal violence

seeing the futility of it all in the name of God

Besides he is fortunate to meet the eternals and finally progresses to read the

Akasic records.

Auras chakras, dreams, astral travel, meditation are all covered


“The most you can do is the best you can.”

“I could not change the world, I realized, but I could change myself and my


“You have no power to change one thing. Therefore, change what you can --

yourselves, and yourselves only.”

“Later, with other hypnotic experiments, I was to gain more insight into the

larger picture of lives; karma; the ways we change our scripts; and the uses

of forgiveness as one of the important healing processes.”

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Balance and counterbalance:

“Looking within, when you accept all that you have done, and hold nothing

against yourself, then your conscience does not condemn you.”

His other books:

Your Creative Voice

This book talks about the purpose of life taking responsibility and sharing.

“It is easy to sit back and do nothing. It is easy to sit back without sharing your

individuality. Both ancient and modern sources describe the fault, or sin, of

omission as a person who could have done something to help others but choose

not to do so.”

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Doreen Virtue ,Ph.D.

Are You An Earth Angel?

• Do you feel different from other people?

• Do you feel that you do not belong here and took the wrong train?

• Are you waiting to go home?

• Have many people told you that there is something different about you?

• While at a gathering, when other people are clamouring for attention or

entertainment you find your thoughts drawn to the contrast between

wasteful extravagance… and people living in squalor?

If so, you are perhaps an Earth Angel, which is another term for Light worker,

Indigo, Crystal born for the purpose of helping the world be a better place.

You will probably find answers, comfort, and guidance by remembering your

spiritual origin.

In here, different categories of angels are analysed.

Each person has a personal mission for growth but The Earth Angels have a

global mission added to their life.

Characteristics of an Earth Angel

They wish to help and heal others but have problems themselves

They are very sensitive abhor violence

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They get into co-dependent relationships and are perennial helpers.

They appear to be suffering

The soul feels like a traveller in a foreign country

• Earth angels can be identified by their auras , psychic or third eye

readings or even astrological charts.

• Earth angels may be connected to UFOs.

Quote from a reader:

“Since I found out, I have felt relieved. I no longer feel so strange, and I finally

have a sense of belonging.”

My notes:

If you feel you are an earth angel but are not sure ask very small children to

look around your head and tell you what they see…colours objects, people and

trust them.

Rustom Davar

The Art of Happiness

This is a small book on relaxation and meditation especially useful for


Mr Davar’s son during an intense meditation gets a message that

Suicide is worse than homicide because in suicide we break a contract that we

have agreed upon.

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Dolores Cannon

Conversations with A Spirit

About the author:

Cannon is an author and healer who could connect with spiritual entities.


About the book:

This book deals with Life after Death

1 We carry an imprint on our minds at birth .The mind is not a no tabula rasa at


2. She mentions about walk- ins. We can give our body to another soul if life

becomes unbearable.

3. She categorically states that suicide not acceptable. We have to put in all

efforts to adjust to circumstances

4 She tells the time of the entry of soul ….before, at or after birth

5 . She speculates that SIDS could be a failed astral travel

6. She believes that possessions by spirits are not possible

7. There is no pain at death

8. At NDEs, whatever mind conceives it sees

9. She mentions the Tapestry room

10. At death, the silver cord is severed by white light energy field no return.

11. Difficult lifetimes are challenges accepted by the soul

12. All matter is energy

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13. Invention is done up and caught by souls here

14. Purpose of life is to learn more.

15. Advanced souls have ten lives, others 170

16. Only God can create souls

17. Mentally retarded – change bad karma at good karma

Parents of special children are higher souls

My ;otes:

I have described this book in detail because though this book is tiny it has an

answer to the “Why me? of sufferers.

There were so many things I did not understand about myself.

People thought I was weird because I was not like them .I myself didn’t know

why my conscious thoughts and sub-conscious acts didn’t match. I could feel a

driving force but couldn’t make any logical sense.

I would take off on exotic astral flights and believed they were ‘fantasic’.

This book brought me home to my purpose. The worn out Central Library copy

bears testimony to the number of people who have read it.

Imagine the feeling of parents of a special child when I tell them, “You are not

being punished. Don’t let anyone pity you. You are higher souls.” And I tell

other people to respect them.

Only a seasoned actor can take a challenging role.

If you don’t believe me, ask Dolores Cannon

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Bruce Greyson

The Mystical Impact of ;ear-Death Experiences

December 2007–February 2008 • # 1 7 • Shift: At The Frontiers Of


About the author:

Bruce Greyson, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Division of

Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia Health System. He also serves

as the editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies.

What the book teaches you:

The four components of NDE

Cognitive features – Thoughts

Time distortion-non-linear time

Fast thinking

a life review or panoramic memory

a sense of revelation or sudden understanding.

Affective features

a sense of peace and well-being, joy,

a sense of cosmic unity

an encounter with a brilliant light with unconditional love

Paranormal features

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vivid physical sensations,

extrasensory perception,

precognitive visions,

a sense of being out of the physical body.

Transcendental features

travel to a mystical dimension,

an encounter with a mystical being or presence,

visible spirits of deceased or religious figures,

• and a border beyond which one cannot return to earthly existence

Lesson: NDE changes you

Bruce Greyson

;ear-Death Experiences and the Physio-Kundalini Syndrome

Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 32, No. 4, Winter 1993

What the paper says:

It describes the physiological correlates of a kundalini awakening.

Kundalini, though usually awakened gradually through continued and sustained

yogic practices under the guidance of an adept, at times can be awakened

through oxygen deprivation to the brain as in a near death experience.

Interestingly, the kundalini syndrome was first described not by a doctor, but a

physicist, Dr Isaac Bentov who called it the physio-kundalini syndrome.

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He speculated the syndrome was a sensory –motor phenomenon led by a

spreading wave of electrical depolarization along the cerebral cortex.

This is initiated by acoustic standing waves in the cerebral ventricles.

Lee Sanella further elaborated on this model.

Kundalini is the dormant life force or prana in reserve capacity in the

Mooladhara may rush to the brain as a last ditch effort for revival.

In other cases, like the classic case of Pandit Gopikrishna, an uninitiated painful

kundalini experience can be unnerving to the person.

Doctors unaware of kundalini will be in a dilemma and may treat such a person

as a psychotic and start psychotics.

(In future, the doctor may be sued for not taking a proper history and giving

wrong drugs).

This paper is filled with references.

My take:

There are overlapping features of a yogic kundalini awakening, a NDE,

holotropic breathwork or a LSD experience.

Some ancient yogis used to consume the juice of a plant called somrasa or do

the khechari mudra for an ecstatic asphyxiation.

It is true that many of the kundalini symptoms can be explained by the wave

spread but there are others that cannot be explained.

There is no physiological correlation to 4th or 5

th dimensional experience

beyond time and space.

Or what people are likely to call the ‘ no-where…no-body experience’

These responses are the effects of kundalini awakening and not its cause which

by all speculation …lies outside the physical body.

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When we are studying other people’s kundalini experience, we can resort to

reductionism and study a part of the phenomenon but when you are studying

your own kundalini experience ,you cannot distance yourself from the totality of

the experience because it is real to you.

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OBE -Out Of Body Experiences

Robert A. Monroe

Journeys Out Of the Body-1971, 1977

About the author:

Monroe had a long and distinguished career in the broadcasting industry, as a

writer, director of programs, and creator and producer of some four hundred

radio and TV network programs and eventually as owner and operator of a radio

network and cable TV system in Virginia.

Robert A Monroe has been a serious researcher and a pioneer in exploring out-

of-the body experiences in a laboratory setting.

My notes:

Once a person decides to be authentic and decides to speak out his or her truth

great avenues open up.

You might believe that you may lose your reputation and be laughed at but

what happens is quite contrary to that.

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There are many who are silently cruising the same path as you and you will

have fellow travellers joining you. That is what happened with Monroe. He was

invited to speak at the Smithsonian Institute.

[In India, it is a little different. We pride ourselves at following western science

but we take nearly a century to catch up with the western research. By the time

we complete the first lap, they have completed the second . We are close yet

very far.]

About the book:

Science has not researched OBEs because scientists believe that they cannot


Anyone who reports one is labelled weird or sick and needs to see a psychiatrist

About OBEs

They are universal phenomena

You can get an OBE while you sleep (or even while you meditate)

OBE is a life altering phenomenon. Knowing that you are not the body changes

your perception, perspective and premise.

You can go anywhere in any time, past, present, or future, via OBEs.

[For about non-linear tome see ‘The Doctor’s Theory of Everything]


If you or someone you know has an OBE ,don’t look at it as abnormal because

it really isn’t.

This book takes you to the travelogues of six regular OBErs. It also gives you

glimpses of the underground world and séances that are actively operative.

Indirectly, it tells us that more mainstream scientific activity is required in the

field to prevent people from operating undercover.

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His other books:

Far Journeys

Ultimate Journey

These books further explore uncharted territories.

Dr Bruce Goldberg

Past Lives, Future Lives, Revealed

About the author:

Dr. Bruce Goldberg holds a B.A. degree in biology and chemistry, is a doctor of

dental surgery, and has a M.S. degree in counselling psychology. He retired

from dentistry in1989 and has concentrated on his hypnotherapy practice in Los

Angeles. Dr. Goldberg was trained by the American Society of Clinical


Note: It is not people with nothing to do who get interested in past life therapy

as some people believe but those with a higher purpose and mission in life.

What the book tells:

The book talks about past lives through case histories but importantly Dr

Goldberg also explores future lives.

There is a story about a nymphomaniac, hysterical blindness, anorexia nervosa

and OCD.

The book also speaks of time-travellers or chrononauts who travel to the present

from the future.

Here, we are dealing with non –linear time. If you are not familiar with non-

linear time you are sure to outcast both the book and me.

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It will be impossible for anyone with a scientific mind to ignore the evidence

unless they are suffering from what I call the ‘geocentric syndrome.’

[Geocentric syndrome: in spite of evidence people denied that the earth

travelled around the Sun and Galileo had to recant his statement. Same thing is

happening with regression therapy now.]

His other books are also worth reading if you wish to explore the other


His other books:

Self Hypnosis

Custom Design Your Own Destiny

Soul Healing

Astral Voyages

Spirit Guide Contact Through Hypnosis

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Past Life Regression

Why am I so interested in past lives?

I am interested because I can clearly see people healing physically when their

past is healed ….whether the past belongs to this life or a previous life.

The same therapy can be used to explore your LBL script, your future life or an


I am aware that people strongly affiliated to some organized religions will never

accept past or future lives because that will shatter their faith. I myself did not

believe in reincarnation till I saw the scientific proof and had some glimpses of

my own past.

But that is no cause to worry.

Firstly, whatever your past may be, the treatment is always in the present.

One needs to let go off the past.

If you can forgive yourself, you can heal.

Secondly, there are millions of people who traditionally believe in

reincarnation. They even offer the ‘Shraaddha’ for their ancestors.

For these people, scientific evidence would be more meaningful.

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Stories appearing in these books would help them wipe out the negative psychic

impressions from their subconscious minds.

Eventually, as more scientific evidence accumulates, all people will start using



Dr Blossom Furtado

Unlock The Past To Heal The Present

Life Positive Magazine, Jan 2010 issue

About the author:

Dr Furtado is a past life regression and a life between life therapist who

conducts certification courses for therapists.

What the article says:

This is a story about a middle aged woman from India whose husband was

bedridden. She was considering divorce but at the same time was feeling guilty

about it.

She sought Dr Furtado’s help to sort out issues.

In her regression, she learnt that in three of her earlier lifetimes, she was with

the same soul and in all three of these she was sick and he was the caregiver.

She had chosen this lifetime as a mark of gratitude. Had she opted for a divorce

she would carry the karmic burden in her psyche to be fulfilled in another


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If she still wants to opt for a divorce, she may but she will first have to free her

mind of the guilt burden she carries.

Lesson: There is no one punishing us except ourselves.

Dr Brian Weiss

Many Lives, Many Masters-1988

About the author:

Dr Brian Weiss is traditional psychotherapist –hypnotist turned past life

regression therapist .

What the book says:

This is the first book of the series.

It is a story about a person called Catherine who worked in the same hospital as

Dr Weiss.

Dr Weiss was treating Catherine for eighteen long months with no significant

benefits so he decided to try hypnotherapy.

His goal was to regress Catherine to the past of this life, perhaps to early

childhood to discover traumatic experiences, make her relive and release them

in order to heal her many phobias.

But what happened was unprecedented in the doctor’s practice.

Catherine slipped into her past life thereby making history for the doctor and the

many that have followed him.

Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new


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In just a few months, her symptoms disappeared, leaving her happier and more

at peace than ever before.

If this was not enough, Dr Weiss received channelled information from the


Deeply secrets about his past about whom no-one but his kin might have been

aware of sweeping away the last remnants of scepticism that might have

persisted by the sheer resilience of dogmatism.

This book changed Dr Brian’s life. It changed my life and of others who have

reflected on the messages.

Dr Brian wrote this first book after much hesitation but then there is no looking



There was much research already published at the time of this book but Dr

Brian was unaware of it. This speaks a lot about the deficiencies of medical

education. We learn about the drug that that was discovered two years back and

before we graduate from medical school the drug may be banned but besides

drug research, the medical establishment seems to be interested in nothing.

I sometimes wonder about who is writing our medical books, doctors or drug


Indians universities are still far behind.

His other books

Through time into healing

Only love is real

One soul many bodies

These books contain stories of reversal of

Phobias, OCN, asthma, psoriasis, relationship issue exc.

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Kundalini And Aura

Sri Swami Sivananda

Kundalini Yoga

The Divine Life Society-1994 tenth Edition

About the author:

A practising yogi, was the inspiration behind The Divine Life Society and Bihar

School of Yoga. He was born in Tamilnadu, India and served as a practising

medical doctor in Malaya before being initiated into Sannyasa in 1924.

About the book

This book tells about the different methods of kundalini awakening

Besides other things, it contains ‘Practise Of Yoga To Prolong Life’

If you are looking for an anti-ageing formula, perhaps this is the free..st option.

Botox and plastics can wait.

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Barbara Brennen

Hands of Life 1987

About the author:

Barbara Brennen is a trained physicist cum psychotherapist, an ex NASA

scientist and a clairvoyant healer.

This is important especially for allopathy doctors to know. They consider

anyone who talks about auras, energy and healing as quacks.

Anything which is not there in Guyton, Harrison and Bailey has to be non-

existent…a kind of pathological blind-spot in the brain/mind.

This is one of the main reasons that as a field, allopathy is not developing much

in spite of the rising diseases.

The allopathy doctors believe that their job is to find treatments and not to stop


We need a critical mass to bring about a shift in attitudes.

About the book:

This book has great pictures of aura scans

There is a story about how taking blame for a miscarriage affected future

conception. Barbara could actually see abnormal cells in uterus. Patient was

advised to take off for a couple of months.

Scientifically this can be validated as antibodies will take time to disappear.

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Patient did not have to undergo a hysterectomy as was advised by her doctor.

She conceived and delivered the following year.

There is another story about a breast affliction, suspected to be malignant which

was seen as dark red field in the left breast by Barbara.

Patient could avoid a mastectomy since the colour of cancer is black.

There is an interesting account of a breach in the aural field left by a lumbar


This book promotes breast feeding

“Breast-feeding gives etheric energy to the child. There is a small chakra in

each nipple which supplies the baby with energy”

[ Anyone can learn to be clairvoyant. Dr Brian Weiss gives an exercise called

‘face’s to improve sense perception]

Message for a healer:

To be a healer is tough work.

“The healer may experience these tests as coming from the outside, but in

reality that is not true. The healer creates them to see if she/he is ready and able

to handle the energy, power, and clarity that she/he is developing in her/his own

energy system as she/he grows as a healer. This energy and power must be used

with integrity, honesty and love, for cause and effect (karma) are always at

work in every action”

More info about fields:

Dr. Samuel Williamson of New York University states that the SQUID offers

more information about the state of brain functioning than a normal EEG.

[For short notes on SQUID, RFI and aura testing, read about them in my various

books available at 11freebooks.com]

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Why I resonate with this book:

I read this book after I had finished writing 14 books & posting my first 8 books

on the web and I was almost shocked. So much of the information I had

received and written in my 14 odd books was here but in a more condensed

form. Obviously, there must be some universal connection.

But there were striking differences.

Barbara is a physicist by training and a healer by choice.

I am a physician by training and long practice and learnt healing by default and

physics by choice.

Barbara is clairvoyant. I am not. I use a RFI machine or sometimes dowsing to

understand energy fields.

I can focus and see the aural fields and have trained others too. I can also see

fields in the mirror but never get the intuition that ‘I know’. So, I have to always

check it out.

Barbara works with hands- on healing whereas I work with holonomics and

besides anecdotes and quotes, I use yogic techniques wherein I do not do

anything to the patient.

I connect with the Source, give instructions for the people to connect with the

Source and the higher centres work everything out.

There is no direct energy connection between Kunda and the people in front.

People take responsibility for their healing or not healing.

Every session which lasts about an hour is useful to me because it causes karmic

cleansing for me.

After reading this book, it felt good to know that all this aura stuff is scientific

and not a myth.

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I mention Barbara here because I want all the so called Indian scientists who

write verbose criticisms of the healing practices to open their minds.

There are quacks everywhere but throwing away the baby out along with the

bathwater does not make intelligent sense.

Lee Sanella

Kundalini -Psychosis Or Trancendence?

About the book:

A Fine Synopsis on Kundalini

There are references to the experiences of Carl Jung and Pandit Gopikrishna


Do Not Panic In Kundalini Awakening

Dr Valerie Hunt

“The Promise of Bioenergy Fields Research”

A video by Dr. Valerie V. Hunt.

About the author:

For 40 years, she has been a physiology researcher and University Professor.

She was the first to discover through research the relationship between changes

in bio-energy fields and human behaviour and experience.

She then studied the effects of Rolfing on aura.

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According to Dr Hunt there are five variables in successful healing

• the field of the disease

• the field of the person,

• the field of the therapist

• the field of the therapy

• the combined field of the therapist with the therapy being performed.

Dr. Valerie Hunt's work scientifically proves the existence of the human energy

fields as measured by a new biomedical device is called the AuraMeter™.

If Dr. Hunt's analysis is correct, we will be in a position to predict not only

how, but whether people can be healed. And the answer lies not in mysticism or

faith, but in a healing process that she refers to as the healing transaction. With

knowledge of this all-important aspect of healing, we will be able to predict who

can be healed, how, and by whom.

For example, Cancer people don't like red, yet need red frequencies to heal. If

therapists have too much red in their energy fields, cancer people will not

transact with them.

Dr Hunt believes that the type of disease can be reported by an aurameter but

not the exact tissues involved. For example, excess or deficiency of prana can

be reported.

Her biography is at her website at bioenergyfields.org

My ;otes:

I have done a few readings of aura and chakra with the RFI TM

and studied PIP

scans or GDV scans done by other people.

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At this time, we are just in the preliminary stages of quantifying scans. The

observation of clairvoyants can be very accurate because they make a dynamic

assessment of the subject.

Dr. Masaru Emoto

The Hidden Messages In Water

About the author:

Dr Masaru Emoto received his doctorate in India. Though his credentials are

questioned by many, his theories and ice pictures make sense.

What the book says:

According to Dr Emoto, water responds to thoughts, messages and different

kinds of music by forming certain types of ice crystals which are stereotypes.

Since most of our body is water, this has huge implications for our health.

His experiments have come against heavy criticism of mainstream scientists.

After reading the criticism , I did a lot of reading on water crystals .

He first discovered that different water formed different crystals.

Tap water was a disaster. Because of its high concentration of chlorine used to

sanitize it, tap water never formed a single crystal– similar to medicines in the

human bodies.

On the other hand, natural water – from springs, underground rivers, glaciers,

and the upper reaches of rivers – did form crystals

Masaru’s experiments are simple but require special equipment and a no-biased


Since I have no access to a freezer room or to the costly microscope, I requested

some scientists from one of India’s reputed institutes to replicate the


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I don’t think they have because there are no studies reported from India.

But my patients have reported feeling ‘good’ after positive thoughts and I think

that is more important than microscopic proof.

The experiment is about transferring a thought to water and if a scientist does

want the water to respond, it won’t. If Dr Emoto wants the water to respond, it


So this experiment is ‘observation changes the observation’ or an extension of

entanglement of the quantum physicists.

Patricia D. Williams

Chakra System and Ancient Wisdom Traditions Worldwide =2008

About the book:

She shows that the chakra system has counterparts in all ancient wisdom

traditions of the world.

Alice A. Bailey

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

First published in 1951,then 1979 by the Lucis Trust

This is an autobiography of Alice Bailey who worked with a Tibetan adept for

30 long year and gained liberation.

It is about matter, mind and consciousness and the ever puzzling kundalini.

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This book is for a person who wants to understand the microcosm and

macrocosm from a spiritual viewpoint.

While reading, remember that this work is a product of 30 years of dedication.

In evolution, there are no quick fixes.

Stephen LaBerge, Ph. D. and Howard Rheingold

Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming

Strange, marvellous, and even impossible things regularly happen in dreams,

but people usually forget them. Read this…

“When I woke up, I made a quick note of the dream and the piece that I played.

While practicing the next day, I sight-read the piece and played it nearly

perfectly. Two weeks (and few lucid dream performances) later, I performed

Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony with the orchestra. For the first time, nerves did

not hamper my playing, and the performance went extremely well. (J. S., Mt.

Prospect, Illinois)”

The chapter on “The Healing Dream” shows how lucid dreamers can achieve

more integrated, healthier personalities.

Lucid dreams can help those who have unresolved conflicts from past or present

relationships, or with deceased friends or family members. Also, in lucid

dreams, we can learn mental flexibility. Because nothing can harm us in

dreams, we can try to solve our problems in unusual or unheard of ways. This

helps us to increase our repertoire of possible behaviours in the waking world,

thereby decreasing the probability of getting stuck in situations we don’t know

how to cope with.

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“If fully lucid, you would realize that the entire dream world was your own

creation, and with this awareness might come an exhilarating feeling of

freedom. �othing external, no laws of society or physics, would constrain your

experience; you could do anything your mind could conceive.”

Which actually means that you could conceive anything you want, including

perfect health.

Lucid Dreams And Parallel Universes:

Lucid dreams are dreams where you are fully awake and aware that you are

dreaming. Moreover you have this uncanny ability to direct your dream as

though you are scripting a play ..moment to moment ,while on stage.

Lucid dreams are very vivid and colourful.

The interest in lucid dreams stems from the potential they have to build up

personal growth and promote health.

Lucid dreams differ from creative visualization in a very subtle way but there

significant overlaps.

In 1987, physicist Fred Alan Wolf , a lucid dreamer himself, speaking at the

annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Dreams held in Washington,

D. C., proposed the holographic model to explain this strange phenomenon.

A holographic film gives two images, one real and one virtual .The real is front

of the film and the virtual behind the film. The virtual image has diverging

waves giving a hazy picture while the real image has converging waves making

it very clear.

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According to Professor Wolf, all dreams are internal holograms .Ordinary

dreams are virtual images hence indistinct whereas lucid dreams are vivid

because they are real images generated by the brain. Seen at the focus of

convergence ,the viewer is literally living the scene ‘now and here’.

Interestingly, Vedanta says that the whole world is a dream.

The lucid dreamer voluntarily uses a process which happens involuntarily in the

phantom limb.

He creates……

Wolf suggests that we may visit any one track in the parallel universes. In the

universe, there are not just not two but multiple tracks. All the parallel universes

are within the super hologram.

Fred Alan Wolf

The Business of Is ness: A Look at the Parallel Universes

Interpretation of Quantum Physics

[Leaders, Spring 1990]

About the author:

The author is a theoretical physicist.

What the article says:

The parallel world hypothesis was first put forward by Hugh Everett, III, a

graduate student at Princeton University studying with John Archibald Wheeler.

(He was looking at the Schrodinger’s cat phenomenon)

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he postulated that if two alternative possibilities can interfere with each other,

then somehow those alternatives must both exist simultaneously.

As we know, earlier Bohr had proposed the ‘the observer effect’.

An observer observing an object interacts with the object at a quantum level.

Everett’s contention was that if the object splits into two possibilities, so does

the observer.

So, different permutations are possible.

Quantum physics is field of possibilities and no one has conflicts regarding it

but as soon as this is applied to the human system, we are left with a whole lot

of baffling contradictions.

Wolf proposes a parallel world model for schizophrenia and multiple

personality disorders.

My take:

The parallel world model came as a shock to the western scientific community.

If Everett had to be born during the middle -ages or if he did not have the

mathematical proof for his theories, he would be in trouble.

But in India, we have always known about parallel worlds save the few decades

when the British brain-washed the Indian Scientists.

Each of the parallel worlds is called a ‘loka’ or dimension and is not a

theoretical construct but a practical possibility.

A practicing yogi can travel to these other dimensions and can change things

there and see the effect here.

Let us not restrict this to Indians. All ancient civilizations were aware of it.

Going forward in science is actually going back to the ancient past.

I will give you a very day to day example for you to understand parallel worlds.

In my sister’s house there is a framed picture. If you look at it from far it looks

like a picture of colorful flowers scattered all over.

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Whenever a new guest enters, my brother in law will ask him to have a look at

the picture and see what he can find. After staring for five minutes, if he sees

nothing my brother in law will tell him to find a picture of Om in it.

Now, the guest will adjust his distance, visual accommodation etc. and soon he

will, blurt out, “I found it”

After the first discovery, it takes hardly a few seconds for him to re-find it.

The same is true of parallel worlds or what the yogis like to call the Samadhi

states. Once you have entered a parallel state either spontaneously or through

guidance of a Guru, it can become an everyday experience.

For example,

Someone calls one a snob. His immediate tendency in the 3D self is to react,

“I?” but if he can slip into the 4th

, 5th

or even 6th dimension, he will realize that

may be not now but at some point of time he has been a snob.

Seconds later he is back in the 3D feeling comfortable and unhurt.

Who would not want this empowerment?

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World View:

Larry Hannigan

I Want The Earth Plus 5%-1971

This book is about greed.

It is very relevant to our time, when we are swallowed by consumptive

consumerism which a kind of slow societal suicide.

On the other hand, we have blood sucking capitalism.

This book is not just about people. It is also about Earth Healing and financial

inclusion put very comically and satirically.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

The First and Last Freedom

About the author

Krishnamurti was a philosopher and inspiration to many.

What the book says:

This is a no-frills book for the modern day seeker in ultra modern language.

Every question of a seeker is perhaps here in this book.

Krishnamurti definitely lived ahead of his times.

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This book is different from J.K.’s other books in the sense that he is explicit in

his views. Otherwise he is known for the ‘in between the line’ stuff.

Upton Sinclair

Mental Radio-1929

Prefaced by Dr Albert Einstein

About the author:

A bureaucrat turned author conducting telepathic experiments on his clairvoyant

wife Mary Craig Kimbrough.

About the book:

Mrs. Sinclair had a marked degree of telepathic powers. The book explores


It tells us not dismiss but study the Power of the mind

It kind of provides a proof about the extension of mind outside the body

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Michael Talbot

The Holographic Universe-1991

About the author:

Michael Talbot is an American author who wrote fiction as well as non-fiction


His non-fiction work revolved around New Physics yet drawing heavily from

ancient mysticism. Dr Pribram’s and Prof Bohm’s influence is prominently

noticeable in this book.

These topics have also been touched by Professors Fritzof Capra, Amit

Goswami and a number of other writers.

In this particular work, Talbot deals mainly with his holographic model of


Talbot died young in 1992.

About the book:

In this book , Talbot relates to all of the world’s phenomena through the


This concept is not new and is called the super hologram but Talbot puts it well

with good references.

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If you don’t like to go through lengthy scientific papers but want a quick

summary then this is a good book.

If you want a simplified version of the Hologram, then you may read my book

‘The Doctor’s Theory of Everything’ and then return to this book.

The book is kind of an ‘Index Medicus’ on mind- body medicine.

At the social front, this book emphasises equality.

My ;otes:

Since I have been researching work on mind-body medicine, I was compiling

relevant papers for a long time but for a non-medical person to be interested in

healing is indeed worthy of praise.

My conscious or subconscious bias towards this book may stem from the

support it lends to my theory of Holonomic Therapy which I believe is the

therapy for future.

My study of atomic physics led me to study Vedanta and formulate a view of

reality which was different from what I was doctrined into.

It wasn’t easy breaking away from my long held belief systems in spite of my

multicultural upbringing.

Whenever, I speak about the mind-body connection and atomic physics, it

could be attributed to my beliefs and not to scientific conclusion.

But here is one westerner, digging deep into the files of contemporary research

and telling you something which my Indian ancestors had taken for granted.

He did not need any validation of beliefs as I perhaps do.

So, may be people could just sit up and listen (read).

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Alfred Korzybski

Manhood of Humanity

The Science and Art of Human Engineering- 1921

About the author: mathematician

About the book:

This is an intense book about life and human development but what intrigued

me most is that though this book was written in 1921, Dr Korzybski was

speaking a modern day language.

It is very unfortunate such great thoughts are almost not recognized during their

times and the world has to wait another hundred to rediscover them.

For example, read the following sentence,

"How blind our familiar assumptions make us! Among the animals, man, at

least, has long been wont to regard himself as a being quite apart from

and not as part of the cosmos round about him. From this he has detached

himself in thought, he has estranged and objectified the world, and lost

the sense that he is of it.”

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Imagine, in 1921, there was someone sitting and thinking holistically and

proposing a systemic approach.

I had this same feeling when I was reading the ‘Time Machine’.

Some people are ahead of time and they are scoffed at or ignored. So, they write

books that seem satires or science fictions for us but which are facts to them.

Are these people time travellers from the future?

There is quite a lot of math in this book. So you could e-title this book ‘the

mathematics of sociology and biology’.

“In the case of bacteria growing under ideal conditions in a culture, _i.e._ with

unlimited food supplied ,the increase in the number of bacteria per second is

proportional to the number of bacteria present at the beginning of that second.”

He speaks about the spiral energy, its use and misuse.

“At the same time, it will be obvious that if we teach humans false ideas, we

affect their time-binding capacities and energies very seriously, by affecting in a

wrong way the physico-chemical base.

“Every word has its energy and produces some physico-chemical effects in

the time-binding apparatus in accord with the idea which we associate with

the sound of the word.”

This idea is echoed in Dr Lipton’s book The Biology Of Belief’

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“The hen does not produce the egg, but the egg produces the hen and also

other eggs. Individual traits are not transmitted from the hen to the egg, but

they develop out of germinal factors which are carried along from _cell to cell,

and from generation to generation....”

“Adult characteristics are potential and not actual in the germ, and their actual

appearance depends upon many complicated reactions of the germinal units

with one another and with the environment.”

I actually gasped when I read these lines.

Lifestyle…….Hit at the nail ! Anything else is plain humbug.

Wound Healing:

It is a very strange story about how I reached this book. I had read ‘Ignited

minds’ and found the name of Dr Alexis Carrell and his book ‘Man the

Unknown’ mentioned.

I could not find a copy of the book in the Central Library at that time as they

were shifting to a new building.

I eventually did get to read the book through a friend by the generosity of a

counsellor priest but didn’t find anything inspiring in it.

But the name of Dr Carell was gnawing my psyche. It was unexplainable.

Then, as I was reading more on self healing , I read about Dr Carell’s

personally witnessing a miracle at Lourdes.

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So, I started collected more information on Dr Carell and I was thrilled to know

that he had done pioneering work on organ transplants.

But most basic, is what he had said about wounds as quoted by Korbyski.

“This application of mathematics to medicine is largely due to Dr. Alexis

Carrel of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. He noted that the

larger the wound-surface, the more rapidly it healed, and that the rate of

healing seemed to be proportional to the area.”

So, I landed up with the maths of wound –healing at Dr Korbyski’s doorstep.

Something I had discovered while dressing the bedsores of my diabetic patients

was coming alive.

If I debrided the skin neatly, sprayed insulin or phenytoin or some other drug as

was fashionable at the time at the edges, the wound converged upon itself in a

centripetal manner at an exponential rate.

Within 7-10 days a sore of 12” diameter…. wound be almost gone.

I kept asking myself, “What is it?”

Now, I had the mathematical answer.

Do we revamp our medical teaching?

They had always been saying, ‘Big surgeons take big incisions’.

I can’t stop at the clinical wound. The whole society is wounded .How long will

it be before its wounds are healed?

And then I get this flash!

‘Nothing to worry. Trim the edges with your books. Sprinkle the growth

stimulant of yoga or pranayam or other healing modalities and before long the

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whole society will have converged to health and well being at an exponential


That means…. we have to work at the edges.

Not on the sick, not on the completely healthy because they won’t listen but

somewhere in between….

James F. Twyman

Love God and The Art Of French Cooking


About the author:

James is a businessman, author, filmmaker and an apostle of peace.

What is the book about?

It is about


It’s about love and loss and starting life afresh

About giving

“We should never stop giving away the very thing we need most”.

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“God doesn’t keep lists of percentages and figures. He cares about our essence

and, of course, sharing that essence.”

This book is a about forgiving oneself

It’s about how we punish ourselves …. thinking and believing that it


• About feeling abundance

“For me, it isn’t about how much—it’s about the quality of my life.”

• and there is a lesson in it on eating meditation

• about the life force in food

• about relationships

• about trusting oneself

“Maybe the real message was to stop looking for perfection in someone else,

and to realize that you are perfect.”

All in all, a spiritual treat for a real person ready to face himself.

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The Messages:

“When you try to control the circumstances and the people around you, you’re

doing so out of fear.”

“Growing up in France, my mother always taught me to practice

simplicity and handle everything with love. That’s the secret, not

only to French cooking, but to everything in life.”

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Erwin Schrodinger

What Is Life?

First published 1944

About the author:

Dr Schrödinger is theoretical physicist famous for the Schrodinger’s cat


What the book says:

It is a collection of public lectures that address the connection between biology

and physics. A physicist talks about the cell, DNA, gene, an atom all at one go

The seed of quantum healing was laid here.

The lectures are based on the question

How can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial

boundary of a living organism, be accounted for by physics and chemistry?

The physical aspect of the living cell or understanding the physics of a cell

The life of a living cell centres around the chromosome which behaves as

an aperiodic crystal which means …. a not very predictable structure.

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Classical physics deals with periodic crystals which behave in predictable


{The chromosome kind of suffers or enjoys this quantum uncertainty}

My ;otes:

In my first genetic class, I was taught that the gene is both part and parcel of the


It didn’t make any anatomic or histological sense to me.

After I dug up more info on the gene, I understood that the physiology or

functioning of genes and its role as the ultimate cause of the chromosome.

but it still did not make sense.

There was this missing fudge factor which was corrected by New biology.

The simple explanation, given in the most simple language is that there is no

‘real gene’.

There is potential gene (with multiple possibilities) which is expressed as and

when required.

Though the processes are very complex, we are beginning to understand their

nature because we have moved away from Classical physics to atomic physics.

The next generation of diagnosticians or healers will not be doctors but

physicists because they ask the right questions.

Also read appendix of this book if you like physics or genetics.

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Edwin A. Abbot

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions

The Project Gutenberg EBook

About the author:

English scholar, theologian, and writer-1838-1926

About the book:

Here is Science and Sociology camouflaged in comedy.

This book humorously highlights the evil of racial and gender discrimination

and much.

If one wants to understand dimensions greater than the third , the easiest thing

would be to understand the two dimensions and move into the third before

moving into the fourth or fifth.

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Roger Penrose

The Emperor's ;ew Mind

About the author:

Prof Penrose is a Mathematician and won the 1988 Wolf Prize for physics

which he shared with Stephen Hawking for their joint contribution to our

understanding of the universe.

What the book says:

In The Emperor's New Mind, Prof Penrose tries to link physics and the mind but

admits that we lack an insight into physics perhaps hinting at the unifying link

which is often described as Unified field theory.

He draws distinction between the mind of a computer and that of humans.

This book is strictly for mathematicians and physicists who want to study the

mind. For others interested in the study of the mind, there are more direct

books. Everyone may not need the physicists to validate what they experience

as true ….especially when physics is dangling on the ‘uncertainty cord’.

If someone attends my class and positing himself as a scientist tries to teach

me about the mind, I ask, “Are you familiar with Prof David Bohm’s work ?

or Have you read Prof Roger Penrose’s The Emperor’s Mind?

If not, we will resume the discussion after you read them. We can have a more

meaningful discussion.”

If I were ever to find a person who would say, “Yes, I have understood Roger

Penrose’s ideas”, I would request him to allow me to learn with him.

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Even great scientists like Prof. Bohm and Prof .Penrose have understood the

limitation about understanding the mind through the mind.

But people who know little pretend to know much.

This book I must say has saved me a lot of wasteful arguments with people who

read little and talk a lot.

The Emperor’s Mind will occupy an entire season if they read it seriously.

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Maurice Frydman-Translator

I Am That

Dialogues of Sri ;isargadatta Maharaj - 1973

What this book says:

This book is not to be read but to be experienced.

While reading the Marathi version of this book many years back, I was offered

‘the experience’ from within. I was not ready then, so I politely refused.

For all those who are ready, this book will cause a shift in consciousness as they

are reading it.

Nisargadatta Maharaj or any self realized person is not someone ‘out there’ but

someone ‘in here’.

The book is written in an easy –to- follow, question -answer format.

My notes:

As a child, while reading stories about Mahabharata I read about Kunti who

asked Krishna to bless her with problems and I thought ‘crazy woman’.

Why would anyone want problems?

As one progresses in consciousness, one moves from being a victim to victor or

you could say recipient to co-creator to Creator.

All this is fine as long as you don’t lose ground but the Creator stage is a razor’s

edge. Many a yogi has fallen badly. The higher you have climbed, the more

impacted your fall.

One experience of a Nirvikalpa Samadhi is enough to teach you who you are.

But sanity lies in stepping down and keeping yourself at co-creator level or

even lower.

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This became more clear to me when I heard a talk of Sri Kripaluji Maharaj on

TV. He was talking about BHAKTI.

More contemplation and I understood that bhakti is not about religion.

It is about duality which you have yourself created.

But why would we not want to be the Creator?

The point is we are always the Creator but the duality we create brings the


The separation is essential to feeling love.

Even a hard-core advaitist (Non-Dualist) like Adi Shankaracharya turned back

and wrote the Narada Bhakti Sutra.

Being Creator brings in responsibility not just about your own life but about the

whole world. It is fine to create health and stuff like that but to be Creator is a

role few would agree to take.

How many of us would be ready to take on petitionary prayers at the wee hours

of dawn or be at the receiving end of angry worshippers cursing in anguish?

The question is…

I know ‘I am that’ but would I want to continue to know it?

Or let me just pretend to be ‘Kunda’ for now. Life is much easier this way.

The minute we utter the sentence “I am that” our 3D brain lends

semantics to it and we are thinking of ‘that ‘ and ‘this ,thus drawing a line

of separation.

‘I am That’ is okay to the mind which is ripened but for others which are not,

kutcha in Muktabai’s terms, probably the duality is more relevant.

If we would stop at ‘ I am’, then the ‘ this’ and ‘that’ is transcended but we at

once slip into the ‘I am’ and ‘You are’ divide.

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Ever wonder why I is written in upper case even at the end of the sentence?

Because I includes myself, you and everything else.

It is not an egocentric whim of the first English linguist.

A lot of thought must have gone into it.

Is there a single person in this world who can honestly say that he does not

believe that he is the epi- centre of the universe?

And that is the truth both from the point of spirituality and atomic physics.

The world began with first observation.

Getting back to Kunti,

Four decades and multiple trials and setbacks, I now realize the power of


They keep you grounded to finish the task you came to execute in the world.

Now, I bow down to Kunti in all humility . Self –realization is just not about

who you are but also about who you choose to be and Kunti chose wisely.

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What I have attempted to do in this collection is logically prove with

references that-…

• Belief is central to both wellness and illness.

• Each person reading this book will have to change his own beliefs and

that of his doctor if he wishes to heal.

• If someone believes he cannot heal himself, he is right about it and the

converse is also true.

• Body and mind are connected in some way and are interconvertible.

• There is something more than the conscious aspect of the mind which is

revealed to us …..in dreams ,especially the lucid ones and in NDEs,

OBEs, or Past Life Regression. This aspect survives brain death and is

independent of brain function. It also does not follow linear time.

• A NDE is a soul-state or an all powerful phenomena where you get a

chance or choice to renew your body , stay status –co or die.

• The healing in a NDE is instant save the few how it takes for cells to

replicate. But all people will not get NDEs.

• The other phenomena that come closest to NDE are Kundalini

syndromes, OBEs and PLRT. With fine-tuning, we can arrive at the right

mix and match.

• The mind is reflected as an energy form in the aura and chakra which in

future will be used to make diagnosis.

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• All people who are dealing with mind- body, energy healing or self

healing are not dumb individuals as generally believed but evolved souls

and may even be time-travellers.

They are not commercially motivated but have a soul agenda to do so.

• At the present, people are not ready to heal themselves so they will have

to depend on contemporary medicine.

• Before long, people are going to be tired of their illnesses and will get out

of their regression and take charge of their own selves.

• At that time, no medicines will work because people will not want them

to work

• The whole process may take a long time or take a quantum leap. It is

difficult to predict.

• We now know that genes are not structural entities but dynamic

possibilities. We have a lot of unused genetic material at our disposal. We

could switch them over.

• If anyone thinks that we can use a 3D mind to change a body structure, he

is ill-informed.

• We need to travel to higher dimensions or parallel worlds to make

amendments to our physical constitution.

• There has to be a reason why we chose a particular illness in the first

place and we need enough reason now to get rid of the illness.

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• The minute people discover past life, healing etc… family, social,

political, economic and environment health will automatically improve.

I suggest you read some of these books or listen to the videos. If you have

money to spare, don’t waste it on partying. Gift some books to hospitals and


If you have had a NDE or healing, write a blogspot.

Even if no one reads, it will remain in the Akasic records and act on the

collective mind.

Most doctors, nurses and even psychologists read very little about physics NDE

or kundalini.

Your writing will change the trend from a subconscious level.

It is said that you cannot step into the same river twice. You now is different

from the one who started reading the book on page one. I myself had continuous

shifts from page 1 to 105.

If a star fish can re-grow its amputated arm, our job is not to call it only a

starfish but ask it how? After all, deep down, the intelligence in the starfish and

the intelligence us is not similar or same but ‘One’.

That is the premise of Holonomic therapy. You start with ‘it can be done’ and

then learn how to.

Happy healing!

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;DE- Near Death Experience

ADC- After Death Communication

LBL: Life Between Lives

IADC -Induced After Death Communication

OBE-Out of body Experience

PLRT-Past life regression therapy

SQUID-Superconducting Quantum Interference Device

It consists of two superconductors separated by thin insulating layers to form two parallel

Josephson junctions.

The device may be configured as a magnetometer to detect incredibly small magnetic fields-

small enough to measure the magnetic fields in living organisms

PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

OCD/OC;-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder/neurosis

Shraadha-offering to relatives who have passed on

Kutcha: not baked or unripe

Muktabai- Maharashtrian Saint , Sant Jnyaneswar’s sister

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Healing Stories:

I have personally witnessed healing in the following diseases with minimal

naturopathic and counselling support.

Nasal Allergy



Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

SLE- systemic lupus erythematosus

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Frozen Shoulder


Skin Allergy

Early Type 2 Diabetes

Ulcerative Colitis

Coronary Blocks

Nasal Polyps


Hypertensio n


Cervical Spondylitis


BPPV- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo


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Supraventricular Tachycardia

Paronychia or whitlow

Trigger finger

Other well known authors/books


Dr Carl Simonton ,Dr Larry Dossey , Dr Bernie Seigel , Norman Cousins

Dr Dean Ornish, Dr Deepak Chopra, Dr Dharma Singh

Soul search/co-creation:

Eckhart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Ken Keyes, Justice Blair, John Assaraf

Science : mind- body-consciousness:

Prof David Bohm , Prof Fritzof Capra, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, Prof Amit


Dr Normn Shealy, Dr Judith Orlof, Dr Shafica Karagulla, Dr Robert Sapolsky


Dr Fabrizio Mancini, Robert Wilson, Edgar Caycee


Hathyog Pradipika, Patanjali yog sutra, Sat chakra nirupana, Yog samhita

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Reflections on What is Life?

Frankly speaking, I do not know where Dr Schrodinger’s thoughts end and mine


I, like everyone else, do not read with my visual cortex but with the whole I

with all my conditionings.

Everything about the subject I have known before comes alive when I am

looking at the text in front. Since my brain functions holistically, I cannot really

separate physics from the prices of onions at the Friday market.


The human body is made up of atoms, so many that they reach comic


Are these atoms governed by the laws of physics?

Or does biology gives the atoms a veto power over the laws of physics?

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The human brain which determines a lot of things for us, has an innumerable

number of atoms compared to a single cell organism, the amoeba.

And this structural complexity in the human brain is equally matched with

ingenuous complexity of human thought….. the ability for abstraction.

Now, just think! This system of brain and mind is so sensitive as to respond to

the impact of a single atom outside of it.

Then, what keeps the system in order?

We will need

An order within…..that is atoms behaving themselves.

An order without. … the environment and our perception of it behaving itself.

But physical laws rest on atomic statistics and are therefore only


How does one atom behave and how do many atoms behave together?

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A single atom behaves in a random fashion but a large group of atoms give us

statistical predictability.

Even so, the life of a single radioactive atom is as unpredictable as a healthy

sparrow in Schrodinger’s terms.

All atoms, by nature will follow the second law of thermodynamics… the heat

motion leading ultimately to entropy and disorder….

So, heat opposes order.

Only with the co-operation of an enormously large number of atoms we can

hope to achieve some semblance of order.

Now, if biology was left to statistics, life would be a disaster. There would be

no biometrics and I would have problems recognizing my face in the mirror

every day.

Fortunately, it is not and neither is physics. The coin in the vault retains the face

engraved on it centuries ago(Schrodinger).

Small mercy?

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The Hereditary Mechanism:

‘The Classical Physicist's expectation, far from being trivial, is wrong!’

Even a single cell organism has a ‘cosmical’ number of single atoms of every

kind yet there is consistency in its function.

So, the biological laws veto the physical laws?

And the paradox is that these biological events are supposed to be determined

by a hypothetical entity, the gene which is a function of the chromosomes.

Now, the chromosome itself is not an orderly structure in its resting state but a

tangled mess of organic material called chromatin except when something

decides that it should now align itself …..at the mitotic phase into neat patterns

of observable structures called chromosomes.

Size and permanence of gene, a hypothetical structure:

The gene is tiny from the perspective of cosmology, about 300 A and is only

about 100 or 150 atomic distances with a maximum of a few million atoms too

few to alter the statistics of random motion.

But these are not ordinary atoms, they are special atoms that they could be

called governing atoms and they can communicate to each and every other

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atom of the body in a secret ‘Morse’-like code altering the physiological

processes on a nanosecond to nanosecond basis.

And the gene is not permanent. We have small continuous variations of genes,

the phenotype of which if charted in the progeny, would give a bell shaped

statistical curve. But none of these variations are inherited.

Except a few of these variations which are discontinuous what you could call

the quantum leap or mutations which determine the new inheritable trait-

(deVries). The variation is not big but for some reasons is significant.

“We believe a gene –or perhaps the whole chromosome fibre -to be an

aperiodic solid.”


We know that groups of atoms are more predictable than an individual atom,

groups of molecules are more predictable than a group of atoms and these

molecules arranged in a lattice structure behave like a periodic crystal with

significant stability and predictability.

However, biology and chromosomes are different. A few atoms and if you like

may be even some subatomic molecules determine the whole structure and

function of the human being (This is seen in type 2 diabetes, see more later).

The rule of statistics in not applicable to a whole lot of human atoms as in the

physical system .These extra special atoms which are not permanent but being

continuously replaced, have some kind of a determinacy effect.

You don’t change your face every day though the atoms are changing. Yet one

fine morning you get up to find yourself having diabetes at the ripe age of

seventy and someone tries to tell you that it is because of a hypothetical entity

called the gene. And the buck stops there.

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Most biologists, save the New biologists and almost all doctors take it for

granted that the gene cannot be changed. But I think in ‘physics’. So, I start with

the premise that the gene is impermanent but relatively stable.

My next question is what imparts stability to this otherwise periodically

changing aperiodic structure?

How does biology beat physics?

In terms of martial arts, you have to know both the strengths and weaknesses of

the opponent if you are going to defeat him.

If I could know what keeps physics in the body from following rules and if I

could make friends with that one dynamic controlling process, I could reverse

any configuration of the gene or even the chromosome and hence its phenotypic


Now, I am not saying this knowledge should be used to bring instability in the

gene but it has to be used to take the gene to another level of instability (Much

as I would like ,I cannot emphatically say greater level of stability), giving the

man a phenotypic advantage.

Each new structure may reflect the Ilya Prirogine’s dissipative structure.

What is the practical implication of this thought?

I will take the example of type 2 diabetes. I believe strongly that it holds good

for all diseases. Every day many people are reverting to health but number is so

small that it becomes politically, economically and unfortunately even

statistically irrelevant or insignificant.

But to the individual who has healed or not, it is significant.

Beginning with the premise that reversal is possible, how to arrive at that

capacity is the basis of enquiry.

(First you have to believe that door-darshan is possible and then invent the

television. I am also reflecting on the set-less doordarshan of Mahabharata’s

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Sanjay. I will probably have to come back again to this world to witness the

grand event.)

Consensus Reality:

As a health educator & holistic practitioner what do I need?

I need a group of people …large enough to build a consensus reality.

How large, I really don’t know because biology says I cannot know.

In biology, 2+2 is never four.

Let me make it even more relevant to you, the reader.

Let us say that Shri Ratan Tata , the inspiration behind The Tata group reads a

book on New Biology and decides to give this hypothesis a try.

And then he could invite Hrithik Roshan or Anil Kapoor to call the shots.

Why these two?

Both are constantly reinventing themselves. I have read that Anil Kapoor does it

with mantras but I do not know Hrithik‘s secret.

My niece, his ardent friend has been following his pics and tells me that his face

is changing.

Now, have a very sane and upright celebrity, and request him to work with all

the employees of the Tata Group and their families for the duration of one film.

All that he has to do is change the belief system of the staff to ‘biology can be


Thousands of people making a shift over one year and reverting to health will

change the medical profile of India in five years.

Well, I am not taking any project to Shri Tata but someone else may.

Now, having brought you to ground zero, I will take you to the secret agent of

the biological cell which breaks through the safe of physical laws.

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The foundation of all laws of physics,‘like it or not’ is ‘statistics’ which is

actually a boon to the healer or healee.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, which extended as GSL

(Generalised Second Law) speaks of entropy .Or we move from order to

disorder. But I like to think of it as from one order to another order.

By rule, if the living organism was following physical laws …

it would be no better than a robot minus its chip …..

which over time would have to entropize, if I am allowed the term

and ultimately go to death or disarray.

[The atoms in ‘the passing over ‘of man as in physical death are intact at time


But the living cell is different. It is living and dying at a different scale.

What makes the living cell live (apart from exist)?

It swims against the current of thermodynamics. It not only defies entropy but

actually thrives on negative entropy or negentropy. (I have written about

negentropy in The Doctor’s Theory of Everything ). Negentropy is not just a

function of the living cell but that of the whole living Universe.

The whole concept as I understand it, is larger than life itself. It is difficult for

me to put it across in this small book.

Drawing negative entropy from I don’t know where, the cell continuous. Two

negatives here make a positive.

So, we have come at the end of the circle questioning the very assumption we

began with that all physical laws are based on statistics.

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Biology operates from order to order and so does cosmology and we should

thank the designer or if don’t believe in designer just the intelligent design for


The order to disorder is a middle order construct which is needed for

technological application.

So both in the microcosm and macrocosm we have the same secret ‘Interpol’

which Schrodinger calls the (singular) Consciousness.

Other e-books by the author:

Concepts in Metaphysical Fitness-Flex your spiritual muscle

How I Healed Myself –My Journey through Asthma

Demystifying the Chakras- An easy guide to self-healing

Know my Secret- Study less, Score more

Reflections on the Bhagwad-Geeta –musings of a scientific mind

Reversing diabetes -The Diabetes Educator’s Training Manual

Understanding Past Lives and the Soul’s journey

Obesity Workbook- A step by step manual to help you lose weight holistically

Goodbye Anger

The Doctor’s Theory of Everything-an Insight into Self-healing

FAQs on Health & Well-being with their Honest Answers, Part1

Holonomic Therapy- The Future of Healing

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