head and assistant head of school role … heads of...tu dublin city campus heads of school...

TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework [email protected] 31 January 2017 Head and Assistant Head of School Role Requirements; Pillar 1: Positioning the school for the future Pillar 2: Achieving results and success Pillar 3: Working and Dealing with people Pillar 4: Personal Attributes Competencies required for the role of Head of School; C1. Co – Creating A Vision and Positioning the School for the Future C2. Developing Partnerships and Programmes C3. Embracing the Need for and Managing Change* C4. Critical Evaluation, and Decision Making C5. Managing School Structures and Systems C6. Managing Resources and Finances* C7. Quality Orientation and Standard Setting C8. Providing Dynamic Leadership C9. Developmental Focus – Managing Human Capital C10. Relationship Building, Networking and Collaboration C11. Influential Communication C12. Passion, Commitment and Resilience C13. Resourcefulness and initiative

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Page 1: Head and Assistant Head of School Role … Heads of...TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework staffdevelopment@dit.ie 31 January 2017 Head and Assistant Head of

TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017

Head and Assistant Head of School Role Requirements;

Pillar 1: Positioning the school for the future

Pillar 2: Achieving results and success

Pillar 3: Working and Dealing with people

Pillar 4: Personal Attributes

Competencies required for the role of Head of School;

C1. Co – Creating A Vision and Positioning the School for the Future

C2. Developing Partnerships and Programmes

C3. Embracing the Need for and Managing Change*

C4. Critical Evaluation, and Decision Making

C5. Managing School Structures and Systems

C6. Managing Resources and Finances*

C7. Quality Orientation and Standard Setting

C8. Providing Dynamic Leadership

C9. Developmental Focus – Managing Human Capital

C10. Relationship Building, Networking and Collaboration

C11. Influential Communication

C12. Passion, Commitment and Resilience

C13. Resourcefulness and initiative

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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017

Heads of School Competency Framework

31 January 2017

Competency Framework – Head of School

Pillar 1: Positioning

the school for the


Pillar 2: Achieving

results and success

Pillar 3: Working

and Dealing with


Pillar 4: Personal


C1. Co – Creating A

Vision and Positioning

the School for the


C4. Critical Evaluation,

and Decision Making

C8.Providing Dynamic


C12. Passion,

Commitment and


C2. Developing

Partnerships and


C5. Managing School

Structures and


C9 Developmental

Focus – Managing

Human Capital

C13. Resourcefulness

and initiative

C3. Embracing the

Need for and

Managing Change*

C6. Managing

Resources and


C10. Relationship

Building, Networking

and Collaboration

C7 Quality

Orientation and

Standard Setting

C 11 Influential


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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017


C1. Co – Creates A Compelling Vision for the School / Positions the school for the Future

Works with colleagues to build a compelling future vision for the School Understands the Bigger Picture

Strategic Thinking / Strategic Planning

1 Works with colleagues and other key stakeholders to develop a compelling sense of current purpose

and a shared vision for the future that encompasses the full spectrum of the TU4Dublin contribution

2 Leads the shaping of strategy and policy development in the School so that it aligns with the vision

and is consistent with the strategies of the Institute and the landscape of higher education

3 Taking a longer term perspective on the development of the School within the wider development of


4 Develops a coherent Strategic Plan and roadmap for the development of the School within the DTU


5 Communicates the positive vision for the future in a manner that elicits buy- in & active

commitment from staff

6 Scans the external environment – academically and professionally to anticipate & influence trends

and developments and identify opportunities & risks

7 Identifies and keeps up to date on key drivers of change that affect the TU4Dubfin, [including

departmental, sectorial, commercial, national and international policies and economic, educational,

political and social trends]

8 Building a big picture understanding of the School within its wider environment

9 Connects the dots between seemingly disparate issues and generates innovative strategic insights

resulting in a revolutionary and compelling vision for the future

10 Actively seeks and exploits cross – School /external agency synergies to develop new opportunities

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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017

C2. Is Entrepreneurial in Developing Partnerships and Programmes

Takes an International Perspective

Develops Partnerships

Develops the Research Process & Agenda

Programme Design Benchmarking – Comparative Positioning Marketing

1 Actively stays current on international developments with higher education and in the wider

international economy - Constantly looking globally for new opportunities and ideas

2 Spots international opportunities before they become widely known and commits resources to

explore and exploit them

3 Thinks up new approaches and innovative strategies to position the discipline for future

international growth 4 Promote the values and culture of TU4Dublin in a global context as well as a national context.

5 Collaborates with higher education institutions internationally to create programmes and

research that result in knowledge generation and educational outcomes for global citizens

6 Learns from the best ideas and programmes internationally and adapts or Integrates elements

into own area - Benchmarks against other schools, ensuring relevance and currency of


7 Establishes effective industry liaison including work placements

8 Builds a vibrant research environment by being research active, interested in colleagues’

research and promoting school research

9 Is proactive in connecting to research networks

10 Shows an understanding of current and new pedagogies & curriculum design methods

11 Reacts quickly to market demands by proactively championing new programme development

12 Actively pursues the targeted growth of student numbers by ensuring effective programme

marketing activity [Ensures an effective online and digital marketing approach]

13 Acts as an enthusiastic and expert advocate for the School both Institutionally, in key markets

and in the wider environment

14 Encourages and effectively oversees coherent high quality design of all programmes across


C3. Leading and Steering Change

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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017

Sets the Change Context Plans and Manages Change Change Implementation – Learns from Change – Continuous Improvement / Innovation Mind-set

1 Understands the factors at play in the external environment and stays abreast of national and

sectoral changes

2 Embraces the need for change and encourages a proactive mind- set within the School in this


3 Demonstrates enthusiasm for new information, approaches and developments

4 Promotes a growth of understanding and enthusiasm for the TU4Dublin mission, vision and

values in a manner that encourages commitment

5 Takes a planful approach by mapping out large scale change in a disciplined and systematic

manner - Understands and applies models of change

6 Involves key stakeholders in the development of processes and action plans to ensure the final

approach reflects their insights and has their commitment

7 Promotes a participative approach to change - Builds a coalition for major change initiatives

8 Anchors change in core TU4Dublin values and leverages current and past strengths in support

of the required change

9 Implements change taking a solution-focused and creative approach to dealing with problems

10 Negotiates aspects of change in a resourceful and patient manner

11 Develops new insight into situations and applies innovative solutions to make organisational


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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017



C4. Critical Evaluation and Decision Making

Cognitive Complexity - Big Picture Appreciation

Systems Thinking Style Systematic Analysis and Problem Solving / Critical Evaluation and Information

Management Decision Making / Make tough decisions and follows through

1 Displays cognitive complexity by understanding and mastering multiple and interconnected

themes and issues

2 Integrates and synthesises diverse information and diverse issues into a coherent bigger-

picture understanding

3 Appreciates the wide range of factors at play in evaluating complex issues and scenarios

(identifies the potential knock-on impact or ripple effect of complex issues or decisions]

4 Rapidly assimilate information, discriminate between relevant and irrelevant elements and

identifies the core issues

5 Breaks complex issues or problems into more discrete parts through systematic questioning

and analysis

6 Promotes and applies an evidential approach to management and decision making

7 Practices enquiry and reflective discourse, seeking the views of others in a systematic and

probing manner

8 Integrates information and views from colleagues in order to make well informed and judicious


9 Is skilled in taking provisional or incremental position when working with ambiguity

10 Makes hard decisions in the best interest of the organisation and stands over such decisions

once made

11 Acts decisively when decisions need to be made quickly but still achieves a balanced approach

[Achieves the best balance of benefit in complex decisions]

12 Follows through on decisions made, taking responsibility where appropriate and holding others

to account.

C5. Manages Structures and Systems to Ensure Effective School Management

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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017

Administrative Coordination / Create Participative Process Resources – Workload Planning & Management of Scheduling Structuring for Execution - Work plan Implementation /Planning and Executing Follows Through to Ensure Outcomes Finance Management Manages HR Processes

1 Makes a constructive contribution to the College Management Structure 2 Develops and implements policies, procedures and processes that align with the strategic

direction and give structure to how the School is organised and managed 3 Convenes, chairs and facilitates forums and meetings that ensure active participation in the

organisation and running of the School 4 Ensures that appropriate structures, systems and core work processes are in place to deliver

quality programme results on time and in full compliance with institutional governance


5 Ensures that School objectives are met by translating overall strategy into meaningful objectives

that demonstrate a clear understanding of what is required and that others can relate to.

6 Effectively plans and steers projects, maximising available resources and setting realistic

timeframes to ensure quality outputs/services

7 Anticipates and recognises obstacles and proposes potential ways of overcoming these

(contingency plans).

8 Breaks work programmes down into constituent elements and delegates constituent tasks with

full specification [Who, what, when, parameters, limits of discretion and reporting back]

9 Implements a systematic process for monitoring and measuring progress to ensure delivery of


10 Demonstrates persistence, determination and commitment to achieving the objectives of the


11 Leads and sustains the development of an appropriate information architecture for the School [Is

it their role or more to know that it needs to be done and delegating fully?]

12 Drives and promotes the use of new technology to deliver better coordination, information

management and cost-effective services.

13 Encourages organisation-wide commitment to the full deployment and implementation of

systems and processes

14 Understands fully and then consistently and correctly implements personnel management policies

and procedures

15 Is systematic and thorough in managing and monitoring HPAL contracts and attendance issues.

C 6 Manages Resources Effectively

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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017

1 Models and matches demand and resources in a proactive manner to ensure effective and equitable workload management

2 Puts deliberate and sufficient time and attention into Manpower planning and talent

management [Deploying the right people in the right roles & making the best of what you have]

3 Maintains an effective oversight control of timetabling and master scheduling for the School

4 Makes tough decisions about resource allocation in a timely and objective manner

5 Over the longer term, ensures resources are aligned in support of the Institutional strategy and educational philosophy

6 Encourages collaboration, synergy and resource-sharing within and between faculties and

schools 7 Stays on top of School finances and budget planning /management and control – Is proficient

in budget planning and takes accountability for ensuring budget disciplines are adhered to 8 Develops and applies a sound working knowledge of School finance and resource

management methods and techniques including financial systems, processes and key metrics 9 Promotes efficiency orientation and best value for money as a core operating value and

practise 10 Is resourceful in actively progressing income generation, resources development and income


11 Ensures that best practice and compliance is implemented in all applicable Governance areas

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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017

C7: Quality Orientation and Standard Setting

Is a Quality Champion / Commitment to Excellence

Promotes a Quality Orientation

Takes a Systemic Approach to Quality Assurance

1 Is a consistent and visible champion of intellectual rigour in research and teaching

2 Strongly promotes a research agenda that emphasises high standards and thought leadership

3 Is an active and visible champion of the quality of learning experience provided within the


4 Ensures compliance with the legislative and legal factors that affect organisation policies,

procedures and working practices

5 Implements systems and processes to quality assure and improve the quality of teaching and

the student learning experience **

6 Advocates for the School to be a centre of excellence by promoting a culture of ongoing


7 Is a visible and active champion of service quality across all core activities

8 Is a role model for high standards in key activity areas [teaching and research]

9 Implement consistent quality enhancement/assurance processes across all programmes

10 Consults colleagues at all levels in the goal and standard setting process; ensuring that the

standards set are specific, measurable and realistic.

11 Provides visible and symbolic recognition and acknowledgement when standards are met and


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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017


C8. Providing Dynamic Leadership

Academic Excellence and Professional Credibility Provides Clear Direction / Builds a School Leadership Group Creates an Empowering and Positive School Climate Builds Mutual Trust Through Integrity

1. Is seen as a “thought leader and key influencer of opinion” within his /her professional

discipline - Has an academic & professional reputation that attracts others with high potential

2. Promotes and encourages pride in & a positive identity for the School

3. Pulls together a dynamic leadership group within the School that works effectively at both formal & informal levels in the structures

4. Show authority by providing a clear direction for the School while also managing

expectations in a judicious manner

5. Creates a positive & dynamic climate where people want to give of their very best

6. Creates platforms and opportunities to recognise and reinforce the value of the contribution made by staff and students.

7. Inspires commitment to the organisation's shared goals and values through visible

actions, leading by example in terms of consistency between messages and behaviour

8. Is even – handed, transparent and consistent in dealing with colleagues on difficult issues thereby creating an environment of mutual trust or Decentres from own agenda to promote the wider interests of the School / Remains impartial when working with others ensuring personal opinion does not influence professional judgement

9. Elicits trust in others by following through on commitments made.

10. Is looked-to for guidance on standards and norms of behaviour - Sets high standards for

University-wide integrity, including speaking out in instances where behaviours are inconsistent with the TU4Dublin mission

11. Makes explicit effort to incorporate equitable practices into policies and practices of the

organisation –

12. Challenges prejudice, biases and intolerance in the workplace.by promoting a culture that values fairness, inclusiveness and diversity

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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017

C9 Developmental Focus – Managing Human Capital

Talent Management Promotes Performance Excellence Actively Promotes Staff Development Promotes a Learning Organisation

1. Plans ahead to ensure that there is sufficient capability developing within TU4Dubtin to fill

key organisational roles

2. Uses a systematic process to identify and encourage the development of talent across the School

3. Sees the potential leaders within the organisation as corporate resources and provides

them with developmental opportunities that broaden their contribution and capability - Invests time and resources into the development of high-performing staff

4. Channels the interests and motivation of staff into areas of positive opportunity that are

beneficial to the individual and the School

5. Creates opportunities for individuals to flourish and grow their contribution within the School

6. Looks outwards to attract and recruit the best staff

7. Uses the PMDS to the full in order to develop staff expertise, align this with emerging

opportunities and reward good performance

8. Develops structures and policies that support staff to continuously-upgrade their capabilities and contribution

9. Promotes continuous professional development and Mentors colleagues to support their

development & motivation

10. Reviews own performance regularly and continuously seeks to master new knowledge/skills and address development areas in own performance or behaviour

11. Proactively drives and supports organisational learning to broaden and deepen the

expertise within the School - Champions and facilitates the development of highly innovative ideas

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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017

C 10. Relationship Building, Networking and Collaboration

Emotional Intelligence Student Facilitation Partnering, Collaboration and Networking Fostering teamwork and collaboration Intercultural Sensitivity

1. Establishes rapport through empathy, self-disclosure, sharing experiences and identifying

points in common - Has a sense of humour

2. Displays diplomacy, understanding, sensitivity and courtesy when interacting with others, even in sensitive or emotionally-charged situation

3. Treats others with respect and dignity while also showing an appreciation of

confidentiality and exercising discretion in this regard

4. Engages positively with students, showing a genuine interest and providing encouragement and support

5. Is skilful in building collaborative and productive working relationships within and external

to the School - Shows the ability to relate effectively with a diverse range of people, internal and external to TU4Dublin

6. Builds team capability over time by regular team reviews, conscious attention to group

dynamics and playing to the strengths of individual members

7. Creates a strong affinity with external stakeholders by establishing common purpose encouraging resource sharing and celebrating achievements – Is comfortable facilitating and supporting a distributed leadership ethos with external stakeholders

8. Builds engagement and constructive relationships with external organisations that breaks down barriers and enhances interdisciplinary and cross-functional collaboration

9. Relates well with others and acts as a credible ambassador for the TU4Dublin - Is skilful in building a constructive dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders and external interests

10. Develops effective networking and influencing strategies across a diverse range of key

stakeholders -.Balances give-and-take to ensure reciprocity and mutual benefit in networked relationships

11. Adapts style to accommodate to differences in intercultural style, expectations and

behaviour - Handles diversity issues in a positive manner

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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017

C11. Influential Communication

Personally Communicates Skilfully

Manages Communication Well

Makes a Persuasive & Influential Case Negotiates Skilfully

1. Is a fluent and succinct communicator who achieves the right level, content and tone with a wide diversity of audiences

2. Is a strongly facilitative listener who actively seeks and values the ideas and input of

colleagues – Promotes a culture of sharing ideas among colleagues

3. Builds systems and processes that make appropriate information widely and easily available

to those who need, or could benefit from it - Removes barriers and obstacles to the free flow

of information throughout the organisation

4. Skilfully channels communication with all those who need to be informed, working through

key people to ensure that messages are communicated in an influential manner

5. Appropriately uses a wide range of media and methods to communicate with groups and

individuals right across the TU4Dublin

6. Is proactive in relation to managing the external media. Positioning communication messages

to best effect and impact -

7. Presents persuasive arguments and uses information effectively to influence and persuade

others to achieve desired outcomes

8. Develops and uses subtle strategies to persuade others, particularly in sensitive or high

pressure, situations

9. Is skilful in lobbying, bridging views and building alliances to form effective coalitions of


10. Negotiates in a planned and structured manner that facilitates the finding of acceptable

solutions [Prepares negotiation, engages in a reciprocal manner, appreciates perspectives,

proposes “gives and gets, closes in a manner that does not store up negative relations for the


11. Facilitates agreements between parties by framing a bigger picture common goal - Thinks

"outside the box" to identify alternative solutions that meets the needs of all stakeholders

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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017


C12 Passion, Commitment and Resilience

Is Passionate about & Ambitious for the School Shows High Commitment and Determination Demonstrates Resilience

1. Is passionate about the development of the School

2. Builds a shared passion to transform higher education

3. Sets high standards and is ambitious for the development and reputation of the School

4. Shows a high degree of personal commitment to the leadership and management roles

5. Goes the extra mile to achieve positive outcomes for the School

6. Shows a high degree of persistence & tenacity in pursuing goals and overcoming obstacles

7. Maintains a consistent and effective level of performance when working under significant and

sustained pressure (e.g. when working in high stakes situations with many high profile


8. Faces up to and deals effectively with stressors on the job– Gets the support that he/she

needs to cope with the pressures and challenges of the role.

9. Bounces back from setbacks or disappointments and does not take criticism or negative

feedback unduly personally

10. Recognise own limitations and tracks demand levels and pressure points and knows when to

look for support or to readjust workload

11. Builds a breadth of internal and external relationships, networks and alliance and leverages

these to build and maintain support

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TU Dublin City Campus Heads of School Competency Framework

[email protected] 31 January 2017

C13. Resourcefulness and Initiative

Shows Strong Initiative – Spots and Seizes Opportunities Is Resourceful in Finding Solutions Is Open – minded Is Focussed

1. Is energetic and focussed in pursuing key objectives and goals

2. Makes the best use of his /her time to address the most important issues

3. Takes the initiative and makes things happen

4. Sees opportunities and acts on them to promote the interests of the School

5. Proactively identifies areas for improvement and develops practical suggestions for their


6. Is entrepreneurial - Identifies and secures new sources of funding and resourcing

7. Is innovative - Contributes number of ideas, including new and original approaches

8. Encourages the development of options and wider solutions to issues - Is creative and solution focussed in addressing issues and problems

9. Adopts an open-minded approach to issues and demonstrates a willingness to question

and put forward a new or independent point of view